The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, August 19, 1915, Page PAGE 3, Image 3

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I :
Jl Kcvclizcd by
Marvin Dana, author
s0M? of "Within the Law." Mlk
U'W from the sue- C '
I - cessful play by - '
V.j Daniel D. Carter
lEK r
I ' -&& q
CpyrlHt, 1913. by the
The Gossips Awako. I
T"" ERHIE was frightened for Way- j
Dlaiid. and as slit? thought of the
long lide still before theni the
wrung her L;iuds. "Oh. what
Ehall 1 do? What shall 1 do?" she
Instantly smitten into shame, into
manlier mood, he said: "Don't worry
about uie. I "leas don't, i can ride.
I ui .reeling better. lou must not j
weaken. I 'lease forgive my sH'iab j
complaints. I'm done! You'll never j
hear it again. Come! Let us go on. 1
can ride." ;
"If we can reach Miller's ranch" j
I can ride to your ranch!' lie declar-' j
ed. und rose with sticli new found reso-' I
lutiou that she stared at hiui In won- j
der. '
lie was able to smile. "I've had my I
little cry ins spell. I've relieved my I
heart of its load. I didn't mean to !
agonize you. It was on?y a slump."
He iut his hand to his head. "1 must
be n comical figure."
His sudden reversal to cheer was a
little alarming to tier, but nt length
she perceived that he had in truth mas
tered his depression, and. trinsins up
the horses, she saddled tiiem and help
ed him to mount. "If you get tired or
feel worse tell me. and we'll go into
camp." she urged as they were about
to start.
"You keep polnrr Till 1 srlvc the sign."
be rep'itl. and his voire was so firm
and clear that her own sanny smile
came back. "I don't know whnt to
make of you." she said. '1 reckon you
must be a poet."
It dark when they roa'heJ the
Tillage, but Way laud declared his abil
ity to go on. although his wounded
head was throbbing with fever and he
was clinging to the pontine' of Lis sad
dle: so Uerrie rode on.
Mrs. Ab-Farlaue. hearing the horses
on the bridge, was at the door and
received her daughter witL wondering
question, while the stable bauds, (juicl;
to detect an injured man. hurried to
lift Norcross down from his saddle.
"What's the matter?" repeated Mrs..
"He feli and struck his head on a
stone." Iierca hastily explained. "Take
the horses, boys! Mother and I will
look out for Mr. Norcross.
The men obeyed her and fell bat k.
but they were consumed with curios
ity, and tbetr glances irritated the girl.
"Slip the packs at once." the insisted.
With instant sympathy her mother
came to her aid in sup:on.iPS the
wounded, weary youth indoors, unil u:
he stretched out on the couth in tte
sitting room he remarked with a faint.
Ironic smile. "This beats any bed cf
balsam boughs."
"Where's your father?" asked Mrs.
WcFarlaue of her daughter.
"lie's over on the I'tarmigan. I've
a powerful lot to tell you, mother, but
iiot now; we must look after Way land.
He's nearly done up. and so am I."
Mrs. McKarlane winced a little ct
her daughter's use of .oivmss' Erst
name, but she said nothing turther at J
the moment, although she watched
l'errie closely w hile she took off Way
laud's shoes and stn kini:s jmic! rubbed
his icy feet- "Get him something Lj
as quick as you can!" she -ir,ra!idef-.
and Mrs. McFarlaue obeyed v.iihont
Gradually the tremor passed cut of
his limbs and a delicious sense of
warmth, of safety, stole over him. cud
he closed his eyes iu the comfort of
her presence and care. "IUgorous bus'-'
ness this life of the pioneer." he sal:
with mocking inflection. "I thiu)i !
prefer a place In the lumber trust."
"Ion't talk." she saiL Then, w ith a
rush of tender remorse: "Why diJut
you tell me to stop? I didn't realize
that you were so tired. We could have
stopped at the Springs."
"1 didn't know how tired I was till I
pot here. Gee." he snld lioyishly. "that
doorknob at the buck of my bead Is
redhot! Y'ou're good to me," he added
She hated to have him resume that
tone of self depreciation, and. kneeling
to him. she kissed his i-hk nnrj laid
her head besiiie hi- You're Si.ivu hu."
she insisted. -.NoiMxIy eon Id le brav
er, but you should have lold me you
were exhausted. You fooled me with
ymr cheerful answers."
H. IC Fly company.
He accepted her loving praise, her
clasping arms, as a part of the rescue
from the darkness and pain of the
long ride, careless of what it might
bring to him in the future. He ate his
toast and drank Lis coffee and permit
ted the women to lead him to las room,
an J then being alone he crept into hi
ted and fell instantly asleep
'-lierrie and her mother went back to
tlie sitting room, and Mrs. McKarlane
closed the door behind them. "Now
tell tne all about il." she said in the
b.-ize of one not to be deniej.
.The story went along very smoothly
till the girl c;mie to the sco:id nigh:
in Vamp beside tlse lake. There her
W' l
isUi. r
r I'fj're splendid, she insisted. "io
fced could Le braver.
faltered. .:ti 1 the rel'oc'ivo !'!,
l.i the mother's eyes i" ;eiie ! as sin
' 'rued that her daughter had shared
'. r tc-nt Willi the yoimg n.fii "It w:.
. e ;::ly thing to do. mother.'' lierrie
.-;'V;'!y said. "it was a:ul v. et
. '.'t-'hls. and yvu know tie i.-n't ver
: . -i::g. and Lis teeth were cliat tering
via- S' chi.'ltil I kniw it soi:ud.
; ";:'igt down here, but up there in lh-
:ofs i!i the storm what I (!:i eeineil
:i.-v',t rnd isatiiral You know what t
do:i t ymtv"
' z'rf. 1 understand. I don't blame
-ciil.r if others should hear !
'Tint they won't. N one knows of
: :r being alone there except Tony and
"Ate you sine? Doesn't Mrs fielder
"I i!n"t think so not yet."
Mr MeT5i-at:"" iervusiies irrew
"A vv i. u you liiiun l pi'at oil llis tipw
if tiie Heideiis lind ul you were Jiiene
with Mr. Norcross they'll m;.Le mueii
ol' it. It will gie tiieia a chance at
your fa'Jier." Uir tuind turned upon
anuthei point. "Wheii diJ Mr. .or-
cross get his fall?"
"Jii the way back." Here Menie
hesitated again. "I dou't li.e to tell
you. mother, but he didn't tail; C'hif
jumped hnii iiud tried to kill tiini."
'1 he mother doubted her ears. ""C'liiT
did? Uow did be happen lo meet
you '!"
Uerrie was iuick to answer. "I don't
Luow how be lound out we were o:i
the trail. 1 suppose the old latiy
phoned him. Anyhow, while we were
camped for noon estei day" hei face
L'amed again at thought or that tender,
beautiful moment when they we;e
resting on the grass "while we were
at our lunch he came tearing down i!i.
hill on that big bay lior.-e of hi.- an 1
took a tiying jump at Waylaud. As
Warl.uid went down fie struck Ins
head on a sb'uc. I thought he was
tftad. and I wji paralyzed for a e
ond. Then I tlew ait 'iiiT and j;wt
about choked the life out or" l itn. I'd
liiive ended him right there it be hadu t
let go"
Mrs. Mcrarl.ine. looking upon her
daughter in amazement, saw on her
face the shadow of the deadly rage
which had burned iu her heart as she
clinched young Itelden's throat.
"What then? What happened then?"
"He let go. you bet." Her smile
came back.
"When did this take place?"
"Yesterday about . Of course YTay
land couldn't ride, he was so dizzy and
kind o confused, and so I went into
camp right there at timber line. Along
about sunset Nash came riding up from
this side and insisted on staying to
help me, so I let him."
Mrs. Md'arlanes tense attitude re
laxed. "Nash is not the kind that tat
tles. I'm glad he turned up."
"And this morning 1 saddled and
came down."
"Iid Nash go on?"
"Yes. Daddy was waiting for him.
so I let him go along."
"It's nil sad business." groaned Mrs.
McKarlane. "and I can see you're keep
ing something back. How did Cliff
happen to know just where you were,
and what started you back . without
your father?"
Kor the first time K.errie showed
signs of weakness and distress. "Why.
you see. Alec Helden and Mr. Moore
were over there to look at some tim
ber, and old Marm Ileldon and that
Moore girl went along. 1 suppose they
sent word to CliiT. and I presume that
Moore girl put him on our trad. Least
wise that's tiie way I figure it out.
That's the worst f the whole busi
ness." She admitted this with dark
ened brow. "Mrs. Leiden's tongue is
liiii'g in the middle ami loose at botn
ends and that Moore girl is spiteful
mean." She could not keep the eon
tempt out of her voice.
"Oh. 1 wish you hadn't gone!" ex
claimed the worried mother.
"It can't be helped now, aud it hasn't
done me any real harm. It's all in the
day's work anyhow. I've always gone
with daddy before, raid this trip isn't
going to spoil me. The boys all know
me. and they will treat me fair."
"Yes. but Mr. Norcress is an outsid
or. a city man. They will all turns
evil of him on that account."
"1 know. That's what troubles me
No one will know how line and con
siderate he was. Mother. I've never
known any one like him. lies a poet:
I don't care w hat people say of me it
only they will be just lo him. They've
g't to treat him right." she added
"Did lie speak to you are you en
Her head drooped. "Not really cn
gaged, mother, but he tuld me how
much he liked me. aud it's ail rigtii.
mother. 1 know it is. Km not hue
enough for him. but Km going to try
to change my ways so be won't be
ashamed of me."
Mrs. Mcl'arlane's face cleared. ' Lie
surely is a fine young fellow and can
lie trusted to do the rigLt thing. Welt,
we miht as well go to bed. We can t
settle anything till your father gets
hoine." she said.
Way land rose nest morning free from
dizziness and almost free from pain,
and when he came out of his room his
expression was cheerful. "I feel as it
I'd slept a week, and Km hungry. I
don't know why 1 .should be. but i am.'
Mr. McKarlane met him with some
thing very intimate, something almost
maternal iu her look, but her words
were as few and as restrained as ever
He divined that she had been talking
with Uerrie i;ml that a fairly clear tin
derstanding of the situation had been
reached. That this understanding in
volved him closoJy he was aware, but
nothing in his in:: nner ncknow ledged It.
She did not ask any questions. Ie
lieving that sooner or later t he whole
story must come out. The fact that
Siona Moore and Mrs. Itelden knew
that Uerrie had started bark on Thurs
day with young Norcross made It easy
for the villagers to discover that she
had not reached the ranch till Satur
day. "What could Joe have been think
ing of to allow them to go?" she said
"Mr. Nash's presence in the camp must
be made known, but then there is Clif
ford's assault upon Mr. Norcross. Can
that be kept secret too?" And so while
the young people chatted the troubled
mother waited in fear, knowing that
in a day or two the countryside would
le aflame with accusation.
A long day's rest, a second, night's
sleep, set Way land on his feet. He
came to breakfast quite gay. "Ilarring
the hickory nut on the bat k of my
head." he explained. "Km feeling fine,
almost ready for another expedition.
I may make a ranger yet."
lierrie, though equally gay. was not
so sure of his ability to return to
work. "I reckon you'd better go easy
till daddy gets back, but if you feel
like it we'll ride up to the postottice
this afternoon."
"I want to start right iu to learn to
throw that hitch, and I'm going to
practice with an ax till 1 can strike
twice in the same place. This trip
was an eye opener. Ureat man I'd be
iu a windfall, wouldn't 1?"
He was inrsuadcd to remaiiijyery
quiet for another day, and part of it
was sieut iu conversation with Mrs.
M Kiirlaue. w hom he liked very much,
and an hour or more iu writing a long
letter w herein he announced to his fa
ther his intention of going into the
forest service. "I've got to build up
u constitution," he said, "and I don't
know of a betler place to do it in. He
sides, I'm beginning to be interested
in the scheme. I like the supervisor.
Km living iu his house at the present
time, and I'm feeling contented and
happy, sb don't worry about me."
He was indeed quite comfortable,
save when be realized that Mrs. Mc was taking altogether too
much for granted in their relationship.
It was delightful to bo so w atched over, !
so waited upon, so instructed. "Iiut -w
here is it all leading me?" he cou-1
tinued to ask himself, and still that
wall of reserve troubled and saddened
Bevrare cf Cbtrrsnts tcr Catarrfc
Thut Contain Mercury
as niPrrGry v. tll snn-ly ilt-troT t!if tens- ff smell
ULti ct'Uti.lTl-! y ii,-raii'e tue v.U..l- tvsiem w Urn
Kiiifrm ;t t.r.r-b ttif i..uiv..s suriaocs. Sail,
i.,-:;. k's should i fr br lnd c. on presvrh'
;i..t:s fr uj rt'iu:abj' f..-i.. ia:j.-. i.s ti:t- Ui.itii.'.
r!-"y v,:: Uf N leu t'".ti I. l it- .n: j .u c-;:u 1 -tit
iy 0-ii. i T'iiji Mi. Ui. U .l.s;,m. c'ur
ii:;- ui'.fui-'.Ui tl l y V. J. Hu n- v v c... 'I'.iit-iJ... is.
c-::tai!'s i f i.ii n'iir;.-. :.;! i tui:. n litr'ially.
ii.-th: ii:-'-ty u.;-:i tV '! ;.n'! n"K-oii.- t:ir-fu-
.r xiif jrt.-ui. In l'i;y:'u JJ.ill s t'uturrli
lurf I.- sti- y..:. f t p-Mi'itf. it !-j t.ikf(t
Int. ri::.l'T s.n.j i'V:ii- in T 'lfi... l,y i . J.
( iirit. y .i. las- ii'kj- ! : " .
?: 1 ! I't .:rt Ir! '. ?. f-r -t:i.
On the fourth morning the phone
ran.;, and the si;i:avkiug voice of Mrs.
Leiden came over the v. ire "I wanted
to know if Uerrie and her feller got
home all right ':"
"Yes. they arrived s:.l'e!y."
The old woman chuckled. "Last I
see of CliiT he was h. t on their trail
looked like he expected to take a hand in
thaf c:;; edition. Did he overtake 'em?"
"1 don't lii-cr very will. Where are
you V"
"I'm at the Scott ram h. We're com
Lug rounl "the horn' today."
"Where is the supervisor?"
"He headed across yesterday. Say.
Cli:T v;: mad as a hornet when ht
started. I'd like to know what hap
pened" Mrs. McKarlane hung up the receiver.
The old woman's ir:.-?y chin ;;!,. was ii,
tol.-ral-le. let in siicn ii:g the phone
M;. MvKarlane was jerfectly aware
t lint she was not sileie hig the gossip;
on the contrary, cho was ceitain that
the I'.eidei.s would leave a trail of
poi.-onous comment from the l'tarna
g:::i to Hear Tooth. It was all sweet
material for them.
Uerrie wanted to know who was
speaking, and Mrs. McKarlane replied,
"Mrs. Ueiden wanted to know- if you
got through ail right.."
"She said some'hi'.ig else, something
to heat you up." p rd-ed the girl,
who perceived her mother's agitation.
"What did she say something about
me and C'.itT?'
The mother did n t answer, for Way
laud o.p red the room nt the moment,
but. Uerrie knew that tradm-irs were
already busy with her affairs, -j. don't
care anything about old lady Ueidcri."
ii- said later, "but Inhale to Lave that
.Moore j.;i:l telling iks about iue.'"
;Ti lie r.r.ntiTined.i
Wail Paper Clearance Sale; 27, and
40 per cent reduction. Goring & C.
An Obliging Newspaper.
The Roumanian excellent news
paper, "Ronmnul." maikd us the fol
lowing letter, already translated into
Erjrlii h: "I live here, with n:y whole
family, and we are all very well
rikased with's .American Elixir
f.f Litter V.'ine. My stomach was in
such a bad condition that it would not
I fep anything- I was using your
Elixir for ten days and then felt per
fect'y well. Now, whenever we do not
feel right, we take at once Triner's
E!:::ir of Litter Wine. With best re
rranls. Ceo. Lurtz, Ilaydenville. O."
Mar.y thar.ks to "Komanul." Tiiner's
American Elixir of Bitter Wine is a
well known preparation u-ed for re
lief in diseases of the stomach and tho
bowel?, especially In constipation and
iu; complications and in weakness.
Price ?1.00. At druz stores. Joseph
Trincr, Manufacturer, 1313-1331) S.
Ashland Ave., Chicago.
Feor.le working in moi-t places
rhouLl always keep on hand Triner's
Liniment to rub the body with as soon
as any stiffness or paints are notice.!.
P: ice 25c er f0e, postpaid Hoc or f.Oe.
Sujcrinor t'rorn Stcmach Troublt
From "U'eunesday's Pally.
I'or the past few days Uncle Jesse
TvTcVt y has been decidedly under the
weather at the Perkins House, where
he is living. He seems to be suffer
ing from an attack of stomach trouble
isml for a day was confined to his
i com, but is now up and around, al
though still far from well, but it is to
be hoped that he will show improve
ment in a faw days and be among his
firenris, who have missed him very
A Possr Grean Separator
T remen d ously
increased ds-
ttrt TjUiaaa ana iow-
Zr er selliri'r cost
enable the
m anufacturers
to xnake this
big reduction
in price of the
Separator you
ought to use,
the wonderful
It skima while you milk. Saves time,
drudgery and cream. Holds world's record
for close skimming. Maintains hieh. even
speed, without vibration. Runs itself at
cost of 2 cents per hour. Reliable, sure
start encrine and separator built into rigid,
compact iramc Call and see it today
John W. Falter
AGENT -Pialtsmouth,
B V-J(-J Scoarttdr
n y F CamDmetl
Local Eews
Prom Tuooav'i Daliv.
Oscar Gapen was in the city today
for a few hours looking after some
trading1 and braving: the rainstorm.
P. A. Meisinper and family spent
Sunday in this city with his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Conrad Meisinjtrer.
T.Irs. T. E. Line of Omaha arrived
here today for a short visit at the
home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C.
Tyler, in this city.
Adam Meisingrer of near Cedar
Creek was here today for a short time
looking: after some matters of busi
ness with the merchants.
Col. J. B. Seybolt of Murray was
anions' those g-oinjr to Omaha this aft
e:noon to visit for a few hours, look
ing1 after busines matters.
C. F. Valit-ry, road overseer of dis
trict No. 1, was in the city yesterday
for a triort time looking after some
matters in rejrard to his road work.
W. M. Richards of near South Bend
was in the city today for a few hours, down to meet his wife, who is
returning home from Peru, Neb.,
where she has been visiting for a few
days. Major Isaac Hall left this morning
for an extended visit with relatives
and friends in Scotts Bluffs county,
Nebraska, and while there will look
after the putting up of the hay on
their ranch near M mature.
Mrs. David Ruebush of Macomb,
Illinois, who has been here visiting
her niece. Mrs. James McKinney and
family, departed this morning for
Omaha to visit her sister, Mrs. Mary
Jones. Mrs. McKinney accompanied
her to Omaha.
Mrs. Den Bagnail of Lincoln and
sister, Miss Lorene Johnson, of Oma
ha, were in the city yesterday for a
few hours visiting at the home of
their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. J.
W. Johnson, and departed yesterday
afternoon for their home.
R. L. Ponsler, manager of tm? Ne
braska Lighting company, was a pas
senger this afternoon for Omaha,
v. here he goes to meet a sister, who is
en route from her home at lola, Kan
sas, to South Dakota, and will visit
in the metropolis with her brother for
a few hours.
Mrs. Andrew Campbell and son,
O.-car, and father, J. W. Wood, drove
up this morning from their farm home
eurt of Murray and departed on the
early Burlington train for Randolph,
Neb., where they will visit at the
home of Mrs. Campbell's daughter,
Mrs. W. P. Hutchison and family.
From Wednesday's Pallv.
C. A. Troop was a visitor in Omaha
today for a few hours locking afte
! ome matters on the live; stock ex
P. A. Mei singer was among those
braving the wet weather and muddy
roads to drive in today to look after
some trading with the merchants.
Edward Leach, from near Murray,
wa here for a few hours yesterday
attending to some matters at the
court house in which he was interest
ed. William Rothman departed this
morning for Burnham. Neb., where he
will take up employment and expects
to be there for the next six months at
William Childers returned home 'ast
evening from the western part of thj
state, where hs had been spending the
past few months with relatives and
Calvin Atwood came up this morn
ing from Kansas City and departed
for Cedar Creek to look after some
matters at the stone quarry there for
a few hours.
Mrs. W. R. Bryan departed this aft
ernoon for Fort Collins, Colorado,
where she will spend two or three
weeks visiting with her daughters in
and near that city.
Frank Downing departed yesterday
afterncon for his home at So. Joseph,
Missouri, after a visit here at the
home of his wife's parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Chris Wohlfarth.
Cameron Cathey and Morris Lloyd
of near Murray, drove in this morn
ing from their country homes and
were passengers for Omaha, where
they will spend the day.
Mrs. N. P. Schultz and two daugh
ters, Nellie and .Alice, departed this
afternoon for Omaha, from where
Nellie will go to Missouri Valley,
Iowa, for a visit with her aunt.
County Commissioners C. E. Heeb
ner and Julius A. Pitz were passeng
ers this morning for Omaha, where
they will visit for a few hours, look
ing after some mattsis for the
Mrs. William Holly and daughter,
Miss Elizabeth, departed yesterday af
ternoon for Lincoln, where they will
visit for a short time at the home of
Mrs. Holly's sister, Mrs. John Buttery
and family.
Thomsen, Dentist, Gcnd Bids.
Points About
The following facts about Plattsmouth are jiublMif-d
in phamphlet form and used for publicity purposes by the
Commercial Club.
They are reprinted here for the benefit of the Journal
readers. The phamphlets may be had for mailing pur
poses by any person who may apply to either U. 1J. Wind
ham or A. L. Tidd of the Publicity Committee:
Has 5,000 population.
Is situated on the great Missouri
River in the richest agricultural and
fruit growing districts in the United
Work on reopening the Missouri River
for navigation between Sioux City,
Omaha and Kansas City has been
Is on main line of C, B. & Q. R. R.,
and on main line of Mo. Pac. R. R.
from St. Louis.
Thirty minutes' ride from Omaha, the
state metropolis
Fifty-five miles from Lincoln, state
Thirty trains pass through Platts
mouth daily.
Has gas works and electric light
Paved business streets.
Ten miles cement walks.
Court house costing $90,000.
A three-story grade school building
and one-story High school building.
Seven ward school houses.
Thirty teachers and over 1,000 pupils
enrolled in the public schools.
Ten church edifices and Catholic
Opera house costing $30,000.
Three hotel buildings, one costing
Masonic State Home, buildings cost
ing over $100,000.
One of the best flouring mills in the
Olson Photograph Company is the
largest Kodak finishing plant in the
middle west.
Five cigar factories. One pop factory.
One broom factory.
One modern laundry.
One beautiful city park.
Railroad bridge across Missouri River,
cost $800,000.
Great C, B. & Q. railroad shops, esti
mated investment $2,000,000, nor
mal pay roll COO employees. Month
ly pay roll about 540,000.
Over 100 brick business houses.
About 50 palatial homes and a city of
substantial home-like cottages.
Splendid telephone system.
Thirty fraternal societies.
Two loan and building associations.
Three banks two state and one
One local insurance company.
Daily and semi-weekly newspapers.
Brass band free weekly concerts dur
ing season.
Plattsmouth Roller Mills.
Commercial club.
Real estate exchange.
Taxes 1914 on full assessment about
12 per cent.
The C, B. & Q. R. R. has recently
A-' i
You Need These Tires
Strength, safety, resiliency, long-wearing qualities you
get each feature when you buy the famous, anti-skid,
United States
Chain Tread" Tires
Keep a tire record and prove "Chain Tread" superiority. We
supply record blanks free.
SAM G. SMITH, Plattsmouth, Neb.
Smmsmk to BAILKY BtACM
Th larrMt and boss aqmlpped dantal offlo In Om&fca. Experts la
hargv all wvrk. Ldy attendant,: Mad era t Prteaa. Porcelain
ftlliat st Ilka toetk. Jtotriufeants carefully sterilised after using.
established an electric lighting
plant in their shops and exprnded a
large sum of money in cement work,
doubled their yard trackage.
Recent Achiewments.
M. E. Smith shirt and jerail factory,
capacity fifty employees, which will
be increased to two hundred ul! fait
as help can be had.
Two concrete and cement works.
The Olson Photo Machine Company.
Western Machine and Iron Woiks.
Government building and improve
ments, SSO.OOO.
A ?20,000 wagon bridre across the
Platte River, just finished, putting
Plattsmouth on the great Overland
Automobile Highway from Omaha
to Kansas City.
Six blocks of brick paving.
Modern Woodman building jint com
pleted. Large sums being spent in putting in
modern fronts and otherwise im
proving many of the business
Substantial improvements going on in
the residence district.
Location of government rifle range
just north of the city on S00 acres
of land purchased by the govern
ment, and contiact has been let for
The C, B. & (.. shops have expended
over $25,000 on improvements dur
ing the past year.
Over ?100,00i improvements in Piatt. -mouth
during year of 1914-1.".
New Modern brick steam laundry
Burlington station enlarged and re
rnodclttd. Permanent base ball park established.
New $ir,000 county jail.
Substantial improvements planned at
Nebraska Masonic Home.
Many new modern residences con
structed ' during the past year, an 1
many now in proees of cm-truc-tion.
Elks Home, a $l.r,,000 building.
A new $8,000 garage and skating rink
just completed.
City purchased grounds and fitted up
new city hall.
New $15,000 Carnegie library building
in process of construction.
New $15,000 artificial ice plant.
New sewerage construction on the
About two miles curbing arid gutter
ing. Substantial improvements at Misr.ouii
Pacific station.
Two moving picture shows.
One Air Dome.
Seven blocks of alley paving under