PAGE 8. THURSDAY, AUGUST 12, 1915. FUNERAL OF MRS. J. HIGKSON OF SOUTH CUD CZZZ 3 $1.50 $1.50 OMAHA HERE TODAY PLATTSMOUTH SEMI-WEEKLY JO URN AC PI LY 3 AY l?J3E2 : i 3 J o)k X III IH WWHBI ,!" J. 1 AUGUST'lStE PLATTSMOUTH- L wir y f Ik 55 NEHAWKA This game will be good, as the Nehawka ball team has been strengthened and will be in shape to "take on" the Sox. gimme Called m Don't fail to attend and root for your favorites and be assured off seeing a good game. ALL UNDERWEAR.! This includes our entire stock of Underwear for Men, Women and Children and will last for THKKK DAYS ONLY Thursday, Friday and Saturday, AUGUSA 12th, 13th and 14th Our stock consists of Men' Union Suits and Separate Garments, Ladies' Union Suits and Separate Garments and Children's Union Suits and Vests. D Our Grocery Department offers you the following SPECIALS f cans extra fancy Hawaiian Pineapples for .... .$1.00 Full quart Sweet Gherkin, per quart ..... .2", 6 bottles Armour'o Gra pe .Juice for . . ojr, California Iiipe Olives, per can. ..... .15 H. M. SOENNICHSEN. 1 Call Phones 53 and 54. THE DAYLIGHT STORE This morning the body of Mrs. T. J Hickson, a former resident of this city, was brought here from her late home at South Omaha and the inter ment made in Oak Hill cemetery, west of this city. Mrs. Hickson died Tues day at South Omaha, where she had been making her home for some time past, after a short illness, and the funeral services were held there yes terday afternoon. A number of the relatives, including Mr. and Mrs. C. E Snell of South Omaha, Fred Krayball and wife, Mrs. Lena Terry, Mrs. Caro line Botts and Mr. and Mrs. John Botts of Maysville, Missouri, accom panied the body here to attend the last sad rites. Mrs. Hickson was 59 years of age and was married to Mr. T. J. Hick son at St. Joseph, Missouri, thirty peven years ago, and the family later moved to this city, where they resided for a number of years, and afterwards removed to Havelock, where they re- ' sided up to a few years ago. Mr. j Hickson died at Havelock some four years ago, and since then the widow j has made her home at South Omah.i for the greater part of the time. The death of this estimable lady was much regretted by the many old friends and they shared with the bereaved family the grief of her passing. SUDDEN DEATH OF AN AUBURN YOUNG LADY WELL KNOWN HERE The sad news was received here last evening of the death at her home in Auburn of Miss Auberta Mutz, one of the prominent young ladies of that city, and well known throughout this section of Cass county, where a large number of her relatives reside. Miss Mutz was in this city last Saturday for the day, while she and her sister were guests at the county home of Mr. and Mrs. Major A. Hall, and thej were accompanied home to Auburn that day by Elizabeth and Isaac Hall and Dewey Zuckweiler of this city, and Miss Olga Mihford of Murray. These young people returned home Tuesday afternoon and were greatly shocked last evening to learn that their young friend was no more. It seems that some time Tuesday afternoon Miss Mutz picked a pimple on her chin with a pin, as it had been annoying her a little, and a few hours later she was unconscious and steadily grew worse until death it was clear io be seen was only a short time off, and yesterday afternoon she passed away at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Mutz. The Mutz family is one of the oldest in Cass county and the death of this charming young lady will be deeply regretted by all those who are acquainted with thij estimable family. Death is supposed to have been caused by blood poison ing. Having made arrangments to dispose of all our Sum mer Stock of Trimmed Ifatri, to make room for New Fall Coods, we will for 10 DAYS ONLY ending Saturday, August 14th, sell any of our Trimmed Sum mer Hats on display at the very low (T "I CTf lriee of ) X mVJ DON'T MISS THIS OPPORTUNITY! $2.50 Special bers at. Values in Early Fall Num- $2.50 Little Outing Hats and Tarns 75c to $1.50 Only Dependable n g oo ds! Marked in Plain Figures! 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Treadling at Christian Church. Howard Beaty of Ashland will preach at the Christian church next Sunday, August 15th, both morning and eveninsr. and all the members of the church anJ congregation are in vited to com and hear hhn. The sub ject of his sermon at the morning service will be, '"Growing," and at the evening service, "ihe Oie.itest 1'rob- lem of the Twentieth Century." 8-12-2td Don C. Rhoden of Murray was in the city for a short time last evening, bringing up several friends from that place. For any itching skin trouble, piles, eczema, salt rheum, hives, itch, scald head, herpes, scabies, Doan's Oint- Vis Medicatrix Naturae. Physicians of all nations and ages always relied on "vis medicatrix naturae" or the curative power of na ture. VV'e all know that nature cures many diseases, but it is dangerous to rely entirely upon her. It is our duty to aid nature as much as possible. The best help is, as a rule, to clean out the body and to strengthen it. This is best done with Triner's Ameri can Elixir of Bitter Wine, which overcomes constipation without weak ening the intestines. This is a great advantage. Triner's American Elixir of Bitter Wine has a very good effect on the stomach and the bowels as stimulant and invigorator. Price $1.00. At drug stores. Jos. Triner, Manufacturer, 1333-1339 S. Ashland Ave., Chicago. When your body becomes exhaust ed by hard work or exercise, rub it well with Triner's Liniment. It re lieves pains in the muscles and joints. Price 25 or 50c, postpaid, 35c or COc. j . i i i i i i . HERE WE ABE AGAIN. That famous HALF-AXD- J HALF will be on tap at Lou - Russell's Main Street Bar all this week. If jou want a dandy J J drink give it a trial. -I i i Ernest Stenner was among those going to Omaha this afternoon to at tend to some matters for his green house in thi3 city. You can purchase some beautiful Firthday Cards and Greetings at the Journal office. emnants Sale For Sale Cheap. Fairly good bed room suite, a range, lawn mower, a number of fruit jars, a garden rake and hoe. Will sell alto gether very cheap. Going to move to smaller quarters and don't want to move them. Will sell very cheap if taken right away. Call on Col. Bates, Journal Office. tf Cut price on every item. We have gone through our stock and selected every remnant and short end throughout the store for the Bargain Counter. Remnants Silks. Remnants Dress Goods. Remnants Ginghams. Remnants Curtain Scrims. Remnants Outing Flannel. Remnants Wash Goods. Remnants Calco. Remnants Linings. Remnants Muslin. Remnants Tickings. Zuckvelier & Lutz KK-I- -I-H-H- K-K HALF AND HALF. 4- J The beverage of the epicurian l- and a delicoius brew that all J will enjoy, will be on tap at the I Russell bar all this week. Come $ -l- in and try this splendid health- f giving drink. J A "MONEY" the mint makes it and under the terms of the CONTINENTAL MORTGAGE COMPANY you can se cure it at 6 per cent for any legal purpose on approved real estate. Terms easy; tell us your wants and we will co-operate with you. PETTY & COMPANY, 513 Denham Building, Denver, Colo. $5.89 9X12 8 Wool Fiber Great Bargain SPECIAL PAY DAY ment is highly recommended, box at all stores. 30c a P. H. Meisinger drove in this morn ing from his farm home near Cedar Creek and spent a few hours looking atfer some trading with the merchants. J. W. Peters departed this after noon for Weeping Water to attend to some business matters for a short time. Beware of Ointments for Catantj That Contain Mercury merrary will surely destroy the senne of tmell uil completely derantc the whole aystem wbeq eulerlug it through the mucous surfaces, ftuch, articles should never be ased except oo prescrip tions from reputable phTsiclans, as the damag tne.T win ao is ten rold to toe gooa you can pos plbly derWe from them. Hall's Catarrh Cur, manufactured by F. J. Cheney & Co.. Toledo, C contains no mercury, and is taken Internally, acting directly nxm the blood and mucous sur faces of the Hystera. In buying Hall's Catarrh Cure be sure you get the genuine. It la taken Internully and made in Toledo. Ohio, by . 1. Chiney & Co. Testimonials free. Sold by Draggista. Price, 75c. per bottle. Take HaU'a Family rills or constipation. i Thursday-Friday- Saturday Look! -AT OUR- $1.00 WINDOW Wc have just what you want for that dining room or kitchen floor QUODRILOEUM 6 FEET WIDE Special 39c Some of those New Tarns in white and black and all white DRESSES! c 1 59c Auto Caps, checks and plain ones. $1.00 each Middy Blouses at $1.00 Come in and look over our beautiful line of dresses at prices which are sure to please your purse and styles which will please your fancy. Fine Neckwear! We have it and lots of it. Just received a beautiful line of Col lars and Cuffs. Ties in the wide stripes and dott; LZSm t Rag Rugs! ASSORTED PATTERNS 27X54 at a special price of 2 Rugs, Carpets, Mattings and Linoleums VPblts!!XH t frT&M.-.-- ..L-W-"-'