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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Aug. 9, 1915)
i f MONDAY, ur.FST i, 913 PLATT6M0UTTI SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL. PAGE 5. ? -i i f i' r : : - Novelized by Marvin Dana, author of "Within the Law," if from the sue r.cessful play by V. Daniel D. Carter 1 lvv ( w ? WW: I JU -ipiiil 6 & j -fMH '( CpyrlaK. X Vy tK CHAPTER XIII. An Admission. I MARSHALL, the detirc. at tempted a dircrsktind re pliod t Andrew: "You can hardly ect me to place much confidence in ; state ment of a jrson who is a ti stran ger to me." be olgccted. j "Of course, sir. it a true it I am practically a stranger to y An drew admitted without-the ngu of a note in Lis monotone to jrj warn in:; of the supremely audacio speech to follow. "You're known me since 31 r. TT aimcri'ikt tohl ym icho ira a few minute ayo. Hut I hare hen you for s long time, ." Tlie detective c'ared wit round eyes at this amazing man. wj dared flaunt the helplessness of thtaw In Its very face. "Oh. you hare, hare you!' j "Yes. came the placid jiswer. "You were an obscure detecti! when yon recovered those bond:? b the Fourth National hank casq Your present excellent position ixeally owin to that besides the mal you received at the time and the 1 $10,010 reward paid to y But tbroucu it all you said notbinjtf the anonymous note yon received 4-isinjr you of the facts in the case aniTinsr you explicit direction) as to w to capture Ivnver Jones.? i Marshall sat spellbound. J "Then it was you who sent ie let terr Andrew tmwed. J 'I simply mentioned it. sir.'e con tinued sedately. iu order to sbv you that when 1 yive information mo tives are by no means'lfish. 11 nicht. sir." The butleri voice was still that of the excellent irvaut trained to a becoming Iiumilf.i Hut before he h?d reached the do be was arristei by the voii-e of the l4'- ive. "One minute. Why did y( double cross Denver Jones, and wit made you pick me for that f ourtmational capture?" j -Well, you see. sir." the Matr Mind explained blandly. "Jones battue mis fortune to offend me. Deskl, sir, I knew that on account of youBuccess in this case you would be pmoted to a bih place in the detective;ervice, and as I was then situated icas not well for me to have skillfuLneu La hi'h places. Good night, sir."; Marshall was at pains prfjitly to seek Wainwrijrht. whom he find on the point of retiring, and t make known the information he uncreceiv ed from, Andrew concerning ie pro jetied burglarj-. It was agrl lte tween them that the detectivcshould maintain a strict secret watt over the whole establishment thmghout the nizht. with the twofold olect of being ready for any move on te part of the sender of the black cardind of foiling the expected effort of te rob ber against the jewels in the sfe. Wainwright was to hold hinself In rcmliness for a summons at an time, but chose net to &hare direct.lyln the watch. Jt seemed certain to brti men that the Master Mind would beiware t of their conference. Undou jtdly he had intended that bis announrment of the visit from a thief shot! I be passed on to Wainwright. i,s thad Leon. Yet the exact reasons ti hi bis course defied analysis. Meanwhile Luceue was in dei air because of the desjerate situution which she was confronted. -A Judge must have taken into "0isl titli ust ra- Hon her youth and inexperience, her feeling of devoted gratitude and r er- once for the man who gcidej Iher choice, and the judgment cr ust ittive bc-n lenient, though it might: fin( ier guilty. But she had no mercy tout rd herself. She had come to know (he truth at Inst the truth she had vcifed to the Master Mind that it Li impjsl- b!e to build happiness on lies. ySue Lad lived a lie. for the hocdwinliug of the man who loved her, who 'had honored her above all women, who jad given Into her keeping his honor by making her his wife. Thus she bad foully Itetrayed his faith. Whatever the penalty for truth at the outset, .he truth should have been told. She n derstood ipw. Her conscience Lad warned her. She had stifled conscietce ct tho? dictation of the man whom she esteemed for his goodness to her, Aa )rew. Now realization of her passive guilt was fully hers. But tie ruin hnd rv y M. K. Fly company been wrought. It was too late to undo the evil accomplished by her treachery. There was nowhere .any Loin? of re demption. See Lad sinned; she must do iK'iiance with a life of agonized mourning for the bliss she Lad lost. TLere w-as left to her only the ability to spare her husband in some measure. That she must do. though ber heart break. It was just five minutes before the hour of 2 when Andrew, in his cupola room, extinguished his light, vliicb had shone from the tower windows like a beacon, Creegan. lurking within the shadows of clustered shrubberies a hundred yards from the mansion, heaved a sigh of relief. Then, as the calm of the place remained unbroken, he began stealthily to make bis way toward the massive bulk of the house. Marshall Lad established himself in a window seat of the library, from which he had an extensive view of his eurroundings. Farther down the room toward the rear, the air-ore. In which was the safe, showed its draperies of portieres :;lons the line of the opposite wall. Facing nina. a little further toward the front, was the wide doorway into ttye LalL through which was to be seen a part of the stairway. The softly burning hall light cast its illumination over the stairs and hall itself, and shone through the doorway into the library, though the radianc-e here was dimmed so that objects were only barely visi ble in shadowy wise. From time to time the detective had undertaken a cautious round of the bouse to, make sure that nothing if a nefarious sort was anywhere uiuler way. But as the appointed hour of Andrew's promised burglary approached he held his po sition immovably iu the window seat, where the drawn hangings hid him well while permitting his espionage. Then a faint sound from the stairway caught his ear. and he peered forth in anxious expectancy. Presently a soft noise near at hand caught the attentive ear of the detec tive. A gentle creaking sound followed and Marshall was speedily aware, out of his professional experience, that the window further down the room was be ing skilfully opened. Then, after an interval of silence, a pencil of light, the beam of an electric torch, shone from between the hang ings of the rear window. The light moved slowly to and fro. taking its survey of the room -with a leisurely thoroughness that again provoked Mar shall to appreciation of the marauder's adept methods. Then, at last, the radiance rested for a secc::d time on the alcove, and there continued for an appreciable period. The light vanished. There was no sound, but Marshall know that the thief was stealing on silent feet through the shadows of the room, that he had come to the safe, that be was ready to yes. n glow of light became faintly visible within the recess. The detective prepared for action by fulling a blackjack from his pocket. He parted the curtains, and would have Issued from his retreat, when again his attention was held by a wisp of sound. He waited, iu tense silence, his eyes roving, for he was uncertain as to the direction whence the noise had issued. Then his glance caught sight of a form moving slowly on the stairway. In the first instant he per ceived with a start of astonishment, that the new intruder on the scene was a woman, in the next, as the face was Hfled o that U fwlOe tight of the hall lamp fell full ou it. he recogutized Mrs. Wainwright. and his earlier feel ing of surprise was lost in total dis may. For the woman's manner was plain proof of guilt of what guilt the spying man could hazard no guess, but guiit none the less. Her gait was not merely slow, it was stealthy, with the awk ward stealthiness f c-ce wholly un accustomed, and the gaze that daVted here and there so hurriedly was fur tive, laden with fear of discovery. These evidences were re-enforced by the shudder that now and again shook her visibly. Marshall was anpn.lled by this latest development in the mys tery that beset the man be sought to serve. The 6oft gleam In the alcove I ccame discernible to her. At first glimpse of It Rhe halted, and a smothered gasp of terror broke from her lips. She stood rigid, looking straight before lier with dilated eyes. Then, at last, she swayed a little, tensed swiftly and went for ward again. When she was come to the alcove she pushed the drajerles apart and resolutely stepped within. The portieres c.osed behind ber. Mar shall crushed back an oath of amaze ment Yet for a brief season the detective was held Inactive by stark bewilder ment. Then, to his astonished ears came a hushed sound of wlusering from beyond the .curtains of the alcove. It was incredible, monstrous, that this should be. Nevertheless, the truth was palpable. There was no outcry, no shriek for help from the woman, no flight by a safety seeking housebreaker. Instead there was only whispering, this secret conference in the dead of .night between the thief and the mistress of the mansion. Suddenly another idea flashed in his brain, impelled him to immediate endeavor: Was it neces sary, after all. that- Wainwright him self should ever know the whole hate ful truth? Perhaps, even, there might be some explanation of the wife's guilt that fell short of infamy. Firm of purpose at last. Marshall crept slowly across the room to the al cove. Now be could hear the two with in more plainly, and he listened eager iy. buf the words were unintelligible. Convinced that longer effort at eaves droping would avail naught, the de tective, with Lis weapon ready, put forth a cautious hand and parted the draperies. Notwithstanding all his painstaking, something Itetrayed this new presence to the keen senses of the burglar. As the iortieres moved slowly apart under Marshall's careful fingers there came a sudden flash of light full In his face. Blindly he sprang forward and found himself in grapple with the thief. A scream came from the woman. The torch fell to the floor, to be crushed a momeut later under the fc:t of the men. The woman shrank in a corner, half swooning. The men writhed and tottered to and fro, scutfig over the thick pile of velvet. Tlie weapon of the detective gave him an advantage. One fierce blow struck the back of Cree gan's head, and the man lurched heav ily to the floor. Marshall, after an instant's panting pause, got out bis'own torch and turn ed its light on the scene. He saw Ihs woman crouching miserably against the wall. On the floor the thief was moaning faintly. Then the detective's eyes caught sight of another object on the floor. He leiit and picked it nn a sheaf of bi'.Ls of large denomination Here was more mystery. But there was no time now to bother with it! He thrust the bills into his coat jtocket. Marshall stepped to the main electric switch and flooded the whole room with radiance. Once again I.ucene sti fled a cry as the brilliant Illumination bliuded ber. The stricken burglar stir red and groaned, and then unclosed LU eyes and lay blinking dazedly for a few seconds. But soon he sat up. very clumsily, and put a w avering hand to his head. He brought away the fing ers all bloody, and regarded the stains with disgust. "He'll do well enough now." Mar shall stated, as he looked up and met the alarmed gaze of tbe woman. , Creegan. following the direction of the detective's glance, turned his head weakly and perceived the girl, where she stood against the wall. His coarse face twisted into a grin. "Hello, Maggier he mumbled. "Say. the bull jiear croaked me." "But you will be able to go in a min nte." Lucene urged, wringing her hands in desperation.. "Oh, please! You must! Mr. Marshall will give you the money. He picked it up." "I'll take you along when I go." Creegan snarled. "What do you mean?" she gasped. But Marshall interrupted roughly. "Here, you!" he snapped at Creegan. "You get a hustle on yourself." lie seized the burglar by the collar and jerked tjm to his feet, "Go on and get out of here! Didn't you hear what the lady said?" "Gimme back that roll she give me!" he commanded surlily. "You stand a fat chance of getting that." Marshall exclaimed with a sneer. Then, as the thief moved a little: "None of that side stepping, either!" "Oh. I ain't trying to beat It," Cree gan declared. "I don't have to. Marshall rested wordless, stupefied by the colossal impudence of this crim inal, caught in the very act of bur glary. Then the woman darted to him: "Oh. Mr. Marshall, please let him go!" she besought him frantically. "Give him the money and let him go! Oh, you must!" The detective, however, could no longer accept this way out of the tan gle of events. Ills first instinct of de sire to shield the woman for her hus band's sake, if not for her own. was overcome by the responsibility involv ed by such a coarse. "It is Impossible." he said. "Oh. if you only knew!" she breathed. ' Marshal! remained unshaken . "Madnni." be said coldly, "1 am In your husband's employ." She twisted his argument in her own favor: "But it would be doing him the great est possible kindness to let this man go." She made a despairing gesture. "Oh. I know juet how strange it must seem to you. but it's true it's true!" Marshall found that it required all his strength of will to withstand her supplication. "You mean, without your husband's knowledge?" "Oh. yes. yes!" was the instant an swer. "He must uevtr know never; I can't tell you why I can't. I can't! If I only could! But I swear to you. on my honor as a woman, that my bus- 1 jr " "You mean, without your husband'c knowledge?" band's happiness, his career, his houoi even, everything, depends on your do bug as I ask you. Please oh. please!" Nevertheless Marshall had the coin age to denjvuer prayer. "It is impossible." "Why. I'm his wife, and I love him It's for his sake that 1 beg of you b let this man go." Sheniade a sligh gesture toward Creegan. "He'll go i you will let him. Yes. he'll go. an never come-back again." She glance: for an instant into the brutal face, a she added her quest iou confidently "You will go. won't you? Tell him!" "Sure thing!" was the harsh answer The thiefs small eyes, bloodshot now were leering. "Sure. I'll go fast cuougb If -you'll go with me. Maggie." , Lucene seemed not to hear the vih utterance. Certainly she gave it noap parent heed, only persisted in her will! petitioning. "Don't you see, Mr. Marshall, no om will ever know not a living soul ever !" - The Toice of Creegan sounded. "Say," he cried to the defective, "arc you such a bonehead you can't see that me and the lady was goin' away to gether?" Marshall made a threatening movement. Creegan spoke again, reck less of the menace, "Aw. cut it out. cull. Just bsk the lady." Marshall looked down into the face of the trembling woman. But the denial for which he longed did not burst from her lips. . Instead, she stood in mute abasement. "Did you hear what the man .said?" Marshall asked. "Yes." came the muffled syllable, "Of course he lies?" There was a pause, pregnant of a hateful possibility. And then, at last there came from the girl 1 lie word that was the seal of her degradation: "No." It. was hardly a breath o sound. (To Bo Continued.) For Sale. An extra good milk ccw. For par ticulars 'phone or address Charles Contryman, at Murray. 8-9-lwk-w Rooms for Kent. With or without board, two blocks from the High school. Call cn Mrs. S. Rams2y. S-9-7twkly FOR SALE. i One section, 640 acres, wheat land in Franklin County, Washington. This land is rolling, but not rough. Located 100 miles southwest of Spokane, miles north of Kahlotus, on two railroads. .Soil volanic ash, 2 feet to 6 feet in depth. It was broken in 1906, and a crop of wheat grown in 1907 netted the owner $3,900.00 after all expenses were deducted. It was plowed in 1912, and has lain fallow since. There is 215 acres in wheat this year, of which owner is to re ceive one-fourth free in warehouse at Kahlotus. The land is fence with a post and wire fence. There is a first mortgage of $5,000.00 due in Novem ber, 1916, at 7 per cent per annum. Will sell for $22.50 per acre on lib eral terms, purchaser to assume mortgage. For further information write owner. W. C. SAMPSON, Owner. Care S, A. A. C, Spokane, Washington. 6-17-2mos-wkly For a Sprained Ankle. If you will get a bottle of Chamber lain's Liniment and observe the direc tions given therewith faithfully, you will recover in much less time than is usually-required. Obtainable every where Paints and Oils. - Gering & Co. Local News From Friday's DaU y. Mrs. Hans Goos and children, who have been here visiting with relatives and friends, departed this morning for their home at Plainview, Neb. W. T. Richardson, the Mynard mer chant, was among those visiting in the city today for a few hours, look ing after some matters of business. Mrs. Robert Knight, who has been here visiting at the Dilihay heme, near this city since Wednesday, de parted this morning for her hom in Iowa. Miss Blanche Horning was among those going to Omaha this morning, where she was called to visit for the day, looking after some matters of business. W. F. Gillespie of Mynard was here yesterday afternoon, en route from Omaha to his home, he having been called to Omaha on some matters of business. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Delatour of Ogallala, Neb., are in the city for a phort visit at the home of Mr. and Mrs. O. K. Reed. Mrs. Delatour is a sister of Mr. Reed. L. H. Puis and little son of Murray came up from their home yesterday in the large touring car of Mr. Puis and spent a few hours here looking after some matters of business. Mrs. Emmons Ptak and son, Theo dore, departed last evening for Min neapolis, Minnesota, where they will visit at the T. O. Schroder home for a short time before returning home to this city. J. D. Shrader of Murray and Bert L. Philpot of Weeping Water were in the city yesterday afternoon for a few hours looking after some matters in regard to the handling of a num ber of Maxwell automobiles here. Mrs. G. Wl Rhoden, Mrs. Glen Rhoden and Mrs. J. R. C. Gregory motored in this morning from their farm home and were passengers on the early Burlington train for Omaha, where they will spend the day. Glen Boedeker, cashier of the Mur ray State bank, motored up yesterday from his home and spent several hours here looking after some matters of business. Mr. Boedeker was accom panied by his wife and his sister, Mrs. Ida Hutchman. Frank Herold, who is engaged in traveling for a large wholesale bouse in Kansas City, came in last evening to make a visit of a few hours with relatives and friends, and departed this afternoon for Lincoln to visit his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Herold. From Saturday's Dally. John Kraegcr was in today from his farm home to spend a short time looking after some trading and calling on his many friends. Glen Boedeker of the Murray bank was here last evening for a few liours looking after some matters of busi ness in this city. George P. Barton of Union was in the city yesterday for a few hours looking after some matters of busi ness at the court house. Mrs. A. Dove Asch of near Murray was in the city for a few liours today looking after some matters of busi ness at the court house. Jacob". Bengen of near Mynard motored in today to spend a short time looking after some matters of business with the merchants. Adam Meisinger of near Cedar "Creek was in the city today for a few hours attending to some tradinj; and visiting with his many friends. Dr. G. H. Gilmore of Murray was in the city yesterday afternoon for a few hours, motoring up from his home to attend to some matters of busi ness. Adam Hild, one of Cass county's energetic farmers, was in the city to day visiting with relatives and friends and looking after some matters of business. G. W. Shrader came up this morn ing from his home cast of Murray and spent a few hours here attending to some trading with the merchants and taking in the free entertainment. Andrew Campbell and wife and daughter, Frances, and son, Oscar, were in the city today for a few hours looking after some matters of Kmsiness and visiting with their friends. Misses Janet and Mable Gr&isman of Alliance, who were here visiting with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. H. T. Batton, departed this afternoon for Newman Grove, Neb., for a short visit. Miss Jennie Batton accom panied them as far as Omaha ol. their joaxney. IX THE DISTRICT COl'BT OF CASS COrXTV, F.BHASKA, Charles C. Parmele, Plaintiff, x vs. C. H. Kleeman, et al., Defendants. To C. H. Kleeman. first real name unknown: Mrs. C. H. Kleeman, first real name unknown: the unknown heirs, devisees, legatees, personal represent atives and a!l persons interested in tie estate of C. II. Kleeman. first real name unknown: and the unknown heirs, de visees, . legatees, personal represent atives and all other persons interested in the estate of Mrs. C. H. Kleeman, first real name unknown, defendants: You are herebv notified that on July 29th. A. IX 1815," plaintiiT filed his suit in 'the District Court of Cass County, Nebraska, to quiet the title to the fol lowing described lands in Plattsmouth, Cass County, Nebraska, to-wit: . Lot Five. 5, in Clock Thirty-three 133). In the City o Plattsmouth. Cass County, Nebraska. The object and prayer of which suit are to have expunged from the record and declared null and void one certain deed pretending to convey to the de fendant, C. II. Kleeman, said lot, dated August 18th, 1811, and filed for record August 26th, 1912, and recorded in Book 51, at page 3X, of the deed records of Cass County, Nebraska: and to en join you and each of you from having or claiming any right, title or interest In or to said real estate, and forever quieting the title thereto in the plain tiff, and for equitable relief. You are required to answer said peti tion on or before Monday, September 20th, A. D. 1915. Dated this 3rd day of August, A. D. 1915. CHAKLES C. PAIiMELE, Plaintiff. C. A. KAW'LS, Attorney for Plaintiff. 8--4wks LEGiL NOTICE. In the District Court ml Cass County, IVebraaka. Alice Wells. Plaintiff, vs. Mable A. Higgins, et al.. Defendants. To Mabel A. Higgins, Mabel Agnes Higgins, Margaret Mason, and the Unknown Heirs and Devisees of Kate Lynch, Deceased: You will take notice thit on July 8th, 1515, the plaintiff herein, Alice Wells, filed her petition in the District Court of Cass County, Nebraska, against you and others for the purpose of foreclosing a Tax. Sale Certificate is sued by the County Treasurer of Cass County, Nebraska, to one A. L. Tidd. on sale of lots 8. 9, 10, 11 and 12, in block 173, Plattsmouth, Nebraska, at public tax sale on November 6th, 1911, for de linquent tax, costs and charges against said lots - for the year 1910, which Certificate has been assigned to plaintiff. Plaintiff claims a lien against said lota by virtue of said Tax Sale Certifi cate in the sum of $16.14. with interest at 15 per cent per annum from Novem ber Cth, 1911, and tlie further sum of $68.45 for subsequent taxes paid for the years 1911. 1912. 1913 and 1914. with interest thereon at 15 per cent per an num from June 10th, 1915, and attor ney's fees of 10 per cent of amount found due plaintiff, and prays that same be decreed a first lien on said premises and that 6aid defendants be loreclosed of a.11 right, title and in terest in and to said premises and said premises be ordered EOld and out of the proceeds of such sale that plaintiff be paid the amount decreed to be due her on said lien with costs of suit. You are required to answer said petition on or before the 23d day of August, 1915, or the allegations con tained in said petition will be taken as true and decree rendered as prayed for therein. ALICE WELLS, riaintifr. By JOHN M. LEYDA. Her Attorney. 7-12-4wks JkOTICE TO rOJiTHACTOHS. Bids will be received at the office of the County Clerk In Plattsmouth. Ne braska, up till noon on Saturday, Aug ust 7, 1915, for building all wood and steel bridges, concrete arch and box culverts and other concrete work, such as wings and abutments, for the year 1915. Also for the construction of one. 4-ftx4-ft. concrete box culvert on Rock Bluffs road about two and one-half miles south of Plattsmouth. Plans and specifications now on file fn the office of the County Clerk at Plattsmouth. Nebraska. Separate bids may be filed for bridge work and for concrete arch and box culvert work. All bids to be opened on Tuesday, August 10th. 1915. at 10 o'clock a. m. The Board ,of County Commissioners reserve the right to reject any or all bids. A certified check of $500.00 must ac company each bid. FRANK J. LIBEP.SHAL. (Seal) County Clerk. 7-12-4wks NOTICE TO CREDITORS. In the County Court of the County of Cass, Nebraska. In Re Estate of Francis Kushinsky, Deceased. To All Persons Interested: You are hereby notified that hear ing upon claims agafnst said estate will be had at the office of the County Judge, Court House, Plattsmouth, Ne braska, on the 8th day of September, A. D. 1915, and on the 8th day of March, A. D. 1916, at 10 o'clock a. m. on each of said days. All claims not filed before said hour on said last day of hearing will be forever barred. By the Court, ALLEN J. BEESON, County Judge. W. A. ROBERTSON, Atorney. 8-9-4twkly Recommends Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea 'Remedy. "I never hesitate to recommend Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy," writes Sol Wil liams, merchant, Jesse, Tenn. "I sell more of it than of any other prepara tion of like character. I have used it myself and found it gave me more relief than anything else I have ever tried for the same purpose." Obtain able everywhere. For Sale. One good, all purpose work horse, coming 6 years old, weight 1,300 pounds; also one good young horse coming three years old. Both horses are in the best of condition and are a bargain. James Mrasek. JJJJJ JJJJJ j.jjjJ,i J. W. A. ROBERTSON, J Lawyer. Coates' Block, J East of Riley Hotel. 4 Second Floor. H-H- STATEMENT OF THE CONDITION or THE PLATTSMOUTH LOAN AND BUILDING ASSOCIATION. Of PJattsmoutb, Nebraska, on the 30th day of June, 1!15. Ckbtificatk No. 'M ASSETS: First morttraife loans !77.C K' Loans on stuck or bass book secu rity u Kfal estate, o Bice, none: other !..': Kal estate sold on contract i,h:. Cash I.wr Vi I W lirxiuctit Interest, dues arid fines "in -j Taxes ad vmiced for stockholder ( ;a ' Total LIABILITIES: Kumiintr stock and dividends l':Lid-up stock and dividends. ... Reserve fund Undivided iit-otiis .tl7.4:T 73 .Xa 7 111' (11 5.VJ 'l .477 73 Other liabilities, matured swick ... . ii-7 Total RECEIPTS AND EXPENDITURES for tlie year ending June 30. Illli RECEIPTS Cash 011 Imndlast report ? l.PIn 43 mi 1 ui HS ( IH Hues (running stock) ;...: I'uid-up st'xrk 17.mni Mortgage payments i4.j'K Stock loiin payments l.4- Heal estate sales .. ..' Iin Interest I3.i 7., Fines " Kents "V Uj Memtiersliip and transfer fees .' 1 itlier receipts in detail Ji Taxes repaid..-; 4'.'; Total . !s.liii 74 EXPENDITURES Mortgage loans - t t' 31.". .'Hill illi VII .".71 ,-4 !:i X'S ,'.Hi7 Vi nn mi CO (Ml : Slock loans Withdrawals running slock and itividend.-i I. Withdrawals paid-up stock II. Withdrawals dividend on paid u stock I Salaries .. I. Other expenses Kal estate account fash on hand .- I. Taxes advanced for sun-kholders. Total 1 ... State ok Nebraska, i . CAs CorsTT, ( I.T. M- Patterson. Secretary of the aliove named Association, do oiemui.i m umi i lie iiin'uiuu nitu-urri.i. of the condition of said ass4-iat ion. is 1 1 ne and correct to tne iesi 01 my Knowieoire ana oem-i l.iM. I'ATTIKIillN, WITIMJ. Knlnu-rllM.d mid imrn Ii. Iiefore me I his 31 si day of July. Itflo. Vkhsa H kit. ISKALI Notary l ui'iic Approved: TI. A. Hirra 1 ohs.M. Lktpa IMrectjra fc.. I", litz 1 Statement of the Condition THE LIVINGSTON LOAN AND BUILDING ASSOCIATION Of Plattsmouth. Neb., on the 30 day of June, 1!M5. ASSETS First mortgage loans Ixtanson st-ork or pa4 hook securii Real estate sold on contract Cash Ieliiiuent. Interest, fines, etc (H (I y a. 3 i. I.MI 7rt ;. 44 11 Taxes paid and advanced... Otherassets. rent account an id re' pairs.... Total ;.. .fll3.MI LTABILJTIF.S. Running slock and dividends .. Reserve fund Undivided prorils Other liabilitie-lills payable... Total ltl.(OI Ml , . . 4.i i j: U'.snO mt ....flS."s.-j.-.l 11 Eckiit( ani ExrE.vnrrrHEs ron the Yeah Ending .Iuxe 3ti. li'lS. I! EC EI ITS. Cash on hand last rejnirt ."WW sr Ilues (running stock) 41.:hi ini Mortgage payments Stock loan payment i.sii Sr Iteal estate contracts l'.tki mi Interest linvi :c Fines .M Membership and transfer fees 14s n Total $ Ku.07a.iH : EXPENDITURES Mortgage loans i iXUZX ( Stock loans 4.13 IU Withdrawals running stock and di vidends 27.W7 34 Salaries . IM I .' other expenses !'3 44 Cash on hand C.'.nii t'Z Insurance and Taxes paid and ad vanced. 4.'! ' .' Rent and Repair 10 Total i so.076 ft STATE OF NEBRASKA K . CASS t;ul'N'J"Y I. C. fi. Fricke. secretary of the iIkt named ansociat ion. do solemnly swexr that the foregoing st ateuiem of t he coiidii ion of said as sociation, is true and correct to the liest of 1117 knowledge and belief. C. G. FRICKE. Approved: Secretary. P. B.SMITH. I C. A. MARSHALL. Directors. 11. M. SOENMCHSEN. Sulscriled and sworn to before Die this Ist day of July IHli. A.LTIDH. Iseal) Notary l'ublir My commission expires Oct. . I'.ni KttTIC'K 4K M IT TO qi IT TITI.r'.. la the Dixtrlrt (ourl ul the Couaiy of ( bm, rl)riika. Amelia Vallery tftrelght. IMaintift". A. L Small, first real name unknown, et al., Defendants. To the Defendantx: A. 1.. Htriall. Hr-.t real name unknown; 1". M. Small ntM real name unknown; J. C Small, tirst real name unknown; .lam- U. Small. . L.. Small. lirFt real name unknown; W. M. Small, first real name unknown; May Catlin, Iiaisy Miller, nee Wiiglit. Harry T. Miller, Berdie Jackson. n-e Wriprht: James S. Burns, tlm known as Jamen S. Humes, and tlie unknown heirs, legatees and devisees x.f Alice 11. Newton, deceased, also known as A lie! Newton, deceased. You are hereby notified that on Jnic 30th. A. I). 1915. plaintiff filed her ruif in the District Court of the County r.f Cass, Nebraska, to quiet tltU to tin following described land, to-wit; L.ot three 3. in Hlock nineteen (191, In the City of I'lat tsmout h. Cass County, Nebraska Because of her adverse possession by lierself and her grantors for more than ten years prior to the eomBiencenienr of said suit, and to enjoin each and all of you from having or claiming an'c right, title, lien or interest, either legal or equitable, in or to said land or anv part thereof and for general equitabl relief. This notice is made pursuant In the order of the Court. You are required to answer said peti tion on or before Monday, the 13th day of September, A. L. 1915. or your de fault will be dulv entered therein. AMELIA VALLEl.Y STHKIllllT. Plaintiff. .V. A. ROBERTSON, Attorney. 8--4wks-t.-kly Sell your property by an ad in The Journal. j