The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, August 09, 1915, Page PAGE 4, Image 4

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PA(JE. 4.
Cbe plattsmoutb journal
Published Semi-Weekly at Platte mouth, N e b r.
Entered at the Po6tofflce at Plattsmoutb, Nebraska, as secood-cliss mall matter.
R. A. BATES, Publisher
v Subeor Ipt Ion Prloei S1.50 PerYear In Advenoe
Unfaithfulness in the keeping
of an appointment is an act of J
clear dishonesty. You may as
well borrow a person's money
as his time. Horace Mann. J
-:o :-
Remember Yankee
show next Monday.
Robinson's big
Between "victory at any price" and
"peace at any price," give us peace.
After all, it remains that the great
majoi ity of the American people want
:o r
Old Sol still smiles upon us, and
may it so continue for several days,
at least.
: :o:
Occasionally you find a horse that
is a good "mud runner." So it is
with some men.
A fashion note says that blue veils
preserve the complexion. Also, they
cover it up; so what's the use of pre
serving it? ' .
Belgium was crushed, but poor Po
land has simply been obliterated, and
deserves the sympathy of the world.
Oh, cruel war!
Some men are wearing wrist
watches, and probably before long it
will be customary to have embroidered
edging on the bottoms of trousers.
The history of Europe may lead
some to believe that the discovery of
America may well be confused with
the discovery of Heaven made in Holy
It is hoped, when our government
orders thirty new submarines, that
one little detail won't be overlooked,
and that is that they shall come up as
well as they can dive.
:o: -
The popular idea of cultured town
is now that has a Carnegie library, to
which the public is rushing to borrow
the latest love stories. Soon Platts
mouth will be right in the swim.
We all put up with too many dan
gers for fear of offending somebody.
Everybody, it seems, knew that the
steamer Eastland was dangerous, ex
cepting the innocent excursionsists.
Officers who fail to do their sworn
duty are no exceptions, although they
should be jailed for not being. .The
Eastland disaster seems to be the di
rect result of American inefficiency.
A new war weapon is the strike. It
is being claimed by some, and denied
by others, that the striking of work
men in some of the plants in the Unit
ed States where war munitions are be
ing made is being fomented by sym
pathizers with governments which are
getting the munitions. The Reming
ton Arms company strike is said to
be of this class of labor disturbances.
Naturally the men working in these
plants, seeing their employers making
immense profits by selling munitions
a r prices far above the normal price,
demand that they shdre in some of
the profits.. It- doesn't require the
interference of any agencies rep
resenting foreign governments to
show that kind of discontent. Un
doubtedly immense prices are being
paid for munitions prices that are
many times what the goods are really
worth and it w'ould seem the part of
t;rrption of the manufacturer to
make concessions with labor, and give
them more money for working on war
There is a strangely familiar argu
ment set forth in the British note to
the United States hist published. It
is an argument very similar to that
which Germany in her recent
notes to'the United States.
Great Britain, like Germany, seeks
to excuse her violation of American
rights as a neutral by asserting:
First That her enemy is carrying
on the war in an unfair way and that
retaliatory measures are necessary
even though neutrtl rights are in-
Germany mentioned among the un
fair measures of her enemy the Brit
ish attempt to starve the men, women
and children of Germany. Great
Britain now mentions among the un
fair measures of her enemy the Ger
man treatment of Belgium," the use
of poisonous gases and the sinking of
the Lusitania. So each excuses its
invasion of American rights on the
seas by saying it is necessary in or
der that the enemy may be punished
for its barbarous warfare.
As the United States has already
denied to Germany its consent to
have American rights thus trampled
upon, so it rr.Jst now deny its con
sent to Great Britain.
The second branch of the argument
presented by. Great Britain has also
teen made familiar to us in the Ger
man notes, namely, that changed
conditions of warfare and new
methods of fighting justify new treat
ment of neutrals and a disregard of
their rights.
In the case of Germany, that na
tion asserted its right to torpedo
enemy vessels without notice and
without first ensuring the safety of
passengers for the stated reason that
a submarine could not always take
those precautions and that old rules
must be modified.
In the case of Great Britain the
right is now asserted to interfere
with and if need be terminate our
trade with neutral countries like
Holland, Norway, Denmark and
Sweden, because those countries are
contiguous to Germany and are' en
gaged in buying from and selling to
her. This right to blockade neutral
countries Great Britain claims as a
substitute for the old recognized right
of a direct blockade of an enemy's
ports, saying that a close blockade
of German ports is impossible be
cause of submarines and other new
forms of warfare.
To this argument America must
make the same reply that it made to
Germany, namely: You must not do
an act which destroys our right as
neutrals simply because new methods
of warfare have brought you face to
face with new difficulties.
The American right as a. neutral
country to trade with other neutral
countries is supreme;. That trade may
be of benefit to Germany, and it no
doubt would be, but that fact does
not justify an interference with it.
The attempt of .Sir Edward Grey
in the last two notes to justify an
interference with trade between our
country and other neutral countries
of Europe on the plea that such trade
is like the illicit trade which sudden
ly sprung up during the civil war
between European ports and confed
erate ports by way of the West Indies
and, Mexico, is weak. The north then
maintained a real, close-in blockade
of confederate ports. To avoid this
blockade goods were being sent to
Mexico and thence across the border
into the confederate states. In those
cases what is knovn as "continuous
passage was assorted and proven.
The neutral country did not in those
cases import the joods. The good3
merely passed through it" on their
way to the confederate states. In the
present case the situation is different
' 'i
All the neutral countries in . normal
times have a large export and import
trade with the United States. " Their
merchants, importers and exporter
buy from and sell to our exporters
and importers. They have-this right
and we have this right in war time
as well as in peace time. If the goods
bought and sold actually "enter into
the commerce" of the respective
neutral countries the trade is pro
tected by international law regardless
of whether it hurts or helps either
belligerent. Only when there is proof
of "continuous passage" has a bel
ligerent any right - to interfere and
that could occur only in rare cases
The time has now arrived for .the
United States to assert against Great
Britian the rights of a neutral coun
try as strongly and firmly as they
have been already asserted against
Germany. World-Herald.
Now is the time to drag the roads,
before another rain.
Haiti has had almost enough revolu
tions to wear out its cyclometer.
A sharp-pointed tongue can stab
any good reputation to death in a
Sometimes the saying that truth is
mighty and will prevail seems like
The law is disposed to regard every
man as innocent until his guilt is
proven, but the people aren't anything
like that.
The baby crop in Cass county this
year is better than last, but you know
there is nothing surer than a large
crop of babies.
Remember the merchant who ad
vertises. He has something to interest
you, of course, and that's the reason
he wants you to know it.
:o :
The trouble in - Europe illustrates
the truth that it is a very costly bar
gain when the common people hire
kings to do their thinking for them.
A Los Angeles paper diffuses the
intelligence .that 50 per cent of the
farmers wear garters. Jerry Simpson
evidently lived in a transition
Henry Ford, the automobile man,
says people should only eat when they
feel like it, and then not as much as
they want. Do not worry, Henry, the
majority of the people will eat all they
want as long as they have the price.
Dr. Surface, the state geologist of
Pennsylvania, says that a snake which
takes its tail in its mouth and rolls
never existed,, and that he will give
$100 for a specimen. That's hardly
enough for the man who trained the
seals to beat the drum.
Miss Jane Addams is a wise one in
her generation. She" went to Europe
as a peace advocate, inspected every
thing carefully, and on returning says
in effect: "Well, there isn't going to
be any peace until somebody is thor
oughly thrashed, I can tell you that."
' :o:
So many mean wheezes have ap
peared about gunpowder and face
powder that we are momentarily ex
pecting the one out of the green-backed
almanac of 18(57 to the effect that
"one faces the powder and the other
powders the face!" Tce-he.
No one seems to know what has be
come of Jack Johnson; certainly no
one gives a tinker's darn, and it is
hoped that Harry Thaw will seek some
secluded spot and keep out of sight.
Billy Sunday will also be ready to fol
low suit after his Omaha graft.
We have sent what might be con
strued an ultimatum to Germany; we
are preparing to send one, or some
thing like it, to Great Britain, and
we are preparing to drop down into
Mexico to do- some cleaning up down
there. If everything keeps headed the
way it is, it begins to look like we are
going to have some little world war
of our own.
Great Britain, in the several notes
to the government of the United
States, published recently, sweeps
aside the established international
laws relating to maritime warfare,
and sets up a new code of laws of its
own making, carefully adapted to con
serve the interests of Britain in the
present exigency, and wholly regard
less of the rights of neutral nations.
Circumstances, it says, in effect, alter
laws as well as cases, and the circum
stances now pressing upon it justify
the abrogation of all laws that are
not to its advantage and the substitu
tion of other laws that are,sauvely
contending "that the measures we
have announced are not only reason
able and necessary in themselves, but
constitute no more than an adaptation
of the old principles of blockade to the
peculiar circumstances with which we
are confronted." -
The right of a belligerent to block
ade the ports of an enemy ha'Tong
been recognized. It may, if it can do
so effectively, blockade the entire
coast of the enemy. It may capture
and condemn all vessels of whatever
nationality attempting to break
through such blockade, no matter
what the nature of their cargoes. It
may stop neutral vessels on the high
seas, search lor contraband destined
for the enemy, and if.such contraband
is found, it may confiscate it. But
never yet has a belligerent been given
the right, nor claimed the right, to
blockade a neutral port for the pur
pose of preventing merchandise from
reaching the enemy. This is the right
which Great Britain now claims, and
which, against the protest of the Unit
ed States, it has enforced since the
issuance of the order in council last
March. It contends now that "the
spirit and principles of the essence
of the rules of war" permit an in
definite extension of the blockade to
as much of the earth or the waters
thereof as it can guard; that the pur
pose of the blockade being to prohibit
commercial intercourse with the
enemy, it matters not how nor where
that prohibition is made effective.
The acceptance of such a principle
would put an intolerable restraint up
on the commerce of neutrals. Its
application in this instance has al
ready done so. It would immediately
Involve neutral nations in the dire
consequences or war and maKe tne
whole world to suffer for the sins of
the few, for all nations are assumed
to be neutral except those actually
engaged in conflict. It would
demoralize maritime trade whenever
a war broke out between nations capa
ble of applying a principle so
monstrous. If the right of blockade
could be extended this far, it could be
further attenuated until neutral ports
of exit would be put under guard, and
no shipments permitted without the
supervision of the blockading authori
ties. If vessels of the United States
can be legally prevented from, enter
ing the ports of other neutral coun
tries, it requires no great imagination
to see the prohibition extended to ves
sels going out of its own ports. The
violation of sovereignty in the one
case differs only in degree from the
The citations of American decisions
in connection with captures of British
vessels during thecivil war are not
relevant, for those were captures of
contraband goods, mainly munitions of
war, which were clearly proved, al
though consigned to neutral ports, to
have been destined to the enemy. The
United States does not question the
right of Great Britain to do likewise,
nor has it done so. There is a vast
difference between this, however, and
the claim set up by Sir Edward Grey.
The. laws and principles applied to
contraband are not the laws and prin
ciples pertaining to blockade, and they
should be clearlydistinguished.
The British order in council of
March 15 constituted, as our protest
of March 30 disclosed, "a practical as
sertion of unlimited belligerent rights
over neutral commerce," and "an al
most unqualified denial of the sover
eign rights of the nations now at
peace." The note recently printed is
an emphatic affirmation of the right
to issue and enforce that order. It
is an assumption of power to which
the United States cannot and must
not bow. St. Louis Globe-Democrat.
The corn crop is virtually saved
from frost.
If it doesn't rain, look for a big
crowd Monday.
More new homes contracted for in
the past few days. -
A hermit has one distinctive recom
pense he knows no Ford stories.
It is far better to wear a straw hat
in America than a crown in Europe.
Everything is small about a wom
an's hat this year except the bill.
The matrimonial papers might be
suppressed under the anti-lottery law.
The man who thinks Plattsmouth
isn't on the boom should take a trip
over the city.
Appeals to Mexico only stir the
bandits to renewed activity, and they
fight harder. Hang the leaders and
they will soon stop.
If we are really to. return to safe
and sane footwear this winter, as
promised, make the men's souls at
least a half an inch thick.
Germany seems perfectly willing to
cease blowing up Americans if we
will help her locate the ships carry
ing munitions of war.
War may bring rain, but it is a
wonder that it doesn't . again bring
divine wrath to the extent of forty
days and forty nights.
Beyond the Alps lies Italy, but
whether or not it will be there when
the l(Jl6 graduates are ready to orate,
depends somewhat on the progress of
the war in Europe.
Boys shouldn't, be too anxious to
grow up. Kemember, boys, that you
have three months' summer vacation,
while most grown-up people don't
have but two, and some of them none
at all.
Let us gently urge on Henry Ford
that what the world cries out for is
not only a tractor plow, but a folding
automobile that can be leaned against
the house, instead of obstructing the
street, parked or unparked.
If times seem hard, why make mat
ters worse by constantly grumbling
about the condition of things? You
know as well as we do that times have
been a great deal worse, and you did
not complain half as much. Hush it
up and go to work and help make
them better.
The automobile accidents of the
season have been many. It would
seem that "all records are going to be
broken." The loss of life has been
great, and it seems that the dangers
of automobile traffic are just becom
ing known. Certainly the fact is be
ing emphasized that there should be
i T . 1 nnninn mn
chines than ever before.
:o :
A message from Robert Lansing,
secretary of state, to Senator Hitch
cock, announces' the release of James
Eel!, the Nebraska newspaper man,
whose paper, the Mexican City Her
ald, was suppressed, and Bell, to
gether with his assistants, placed in
jail. The Herald will resume pub
lication. Bell formerly lived in Lin
coln, and his father is a resident of
Franklin, Neb.
. :o:
It has not been many months since
republican politicians were branding
President Wilson as a coward because
he was doing his best to keep this
country out of the' war. Now these
same republicans are pouring hot shot
into him because he dared assert to
both England and Germany that this
country's commerce must not be inter
fered with. They seem to be knock
ers on the administration for no other
than political reasons, and it matters
not. on which side they knock on. j
jfet Centra ts 15 Flta3, Brack
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Al.OUll'Li '
FimflaUrai IbeTcudaiilEula
rronoles BitoSafiJ
Opiuaiilorpliiiic liariuuai.
J'inpnir.iiit -Jjit'tutntattSi&i.
till? y
- ' ' -rktT,r
Exact Co-ry of Wrarwr.
The United States will not attempt
to stop the massacre of Armenians
until it gets through with Mexico.
The statement that "American
surgery has opened the eyes of the
French" should not be taken literally.
x :o:
Why go away from home to get
married, when you can have the job
done in Plattsmouth as efficiently and
cheaply as in any town in the state?
Trade at home!
Statesmen should quit chewing the
rag about international complications
r.nd make a law against the manu
facture of automobiles that go faster
than thirty ifJiles an hour.
. M V
V1 jacSiJuTeSignatareol ;
We are on Top in the Paint
Hotel Riley Block,
Amazing Yields in IVostorn Uc-
braska and Eastern ' Colorado
Many a farm in the above locality will pay for itself with this vpar'a
yield. The advance in values of these land9 is due to the SDlendid cron.
of the last few years including the
purposes. The history of land values and the demand for our crop3
should tell ycu that at no future time can you get hold of these lands as
you can today.
If you are not in a position to
acres of Mondell lands in Wyoming.
stock country this year these lands
wheat per acre.
The general healthy condition of
their owners ought to tell you to quit
ra a
mm u luj jii
For Infants and Children.
Mothers Know That
Genuine Castona
Beara the
For Over
Thirty Years
The migratory game bird law will
be enforced. i
The automobile victims still count.
Three more were killed in the auto
mobile races at Des Moines, Iowa,
Many people can't look forward to
a good rest until they get their sum
mer vacation over and are back at
work again.
Foster's weather service predicts
several severe storms during this
month. Also considerable warm
weather and a frost in the northern
sections about the 20th. Let 'er come,
we are prepared for the worst.
Our stock is the most ex
tensive in the city and
includes every require
ment in the -paint line.
Pure paints, oils, turpen
tine, putty, enamel, var
nish and stains we have
in an abundance at prices
that make our customers
3 happy.
Plattsmouth, Neb.
recognition of those lands for dairy
buy outright, then homestead 320
While this is called a dairy and
are yielding 20 to 40 bushela of
Nebraska farms and the success of
paying rent and make the move.
iouoweit to yourself or your son. So send for my
booklet describing this territorv. The Burlingtou pats you. .
S. B. HOWARD, Immigration Ant,
1004 Farnam Street, OMAHA, Nebraska