MONDAY, AUGUST 9; 1915. PLATTssroirrk sesii-tTexsxt JoxfeNAXi. PAGE S. II II I II 111 "Tlis Wisdom of This World Is ' Foolishness With God," Said St. Paul. Unbelief and Ignorance of God Abound 1 ing Darkness cf This World Palpa ble God's People Walking In the Light Knowledge of God's Word Costly Time, Attention, Thought and Loss of Worldly Influence the Price. Illuminating Power of Scripture. Simple, Harmonious and Reasonable Are the Teachings of the Word. Syracuse. N. Y Aus. 8.r-ra Btor Russell preached here today on the text. "Sanctify tlieui tMrouh Thy Truth; Thy Word is Truth." (Job a 17:17.) He soke us luiiows: Toda r we find thnt the great ma jnrity of iKopie think very little iilMut the Wordof PASTOR. CUSSELL) God. so that sis a matter of fact our great colleges teach nothing iertainiua to the I'ible. Years aso it was quite custoiuarv that the Bible should hare a prominent place in the schools, and the pupils were till under religions In fluences; for uearly every college was under the control of some denomina tion. This gavt? them a sectarian Lias, however; and t wbalever extent they were sectarian they were not free to study Truth. P.ut the world 5n Its wisdom has lecu leaving everything pertaining to the Bible. Today our college bred men are the greatest opixments of the Word of ;od. The great majority of those graduated from our colleges within the past thirty years are total unbelievers In the Bible as 'iods Inspired Word. Many of them are ministers, who select their texts from the Bible and who re tain a certain respect for it. Their parents venerated it, and so the son still cherish it as they would an old friend. They regard it as they would a pair of old shoes that their great grandfather had used not that the shoes would have any intrinsic value, but that they were great-grandfather's shoes. Then the liibie is n convenient place from which to pet texts. They know, too. that a great rnany ieople are not college-bred and still reverence the Old I look. They like to condescend to the extent of showing taat they do not altogether ignore the sentiments of the common people. If cross-examined carefully, prob ably ninety-five of every hundred of these would say, "I do not believe the Bible Is the Word or God." Although many muiisters do U"t so express them selves in the pulpit, they do ;,o in pri Tate. As an instance of clerical un belief in the teachings of Scripture, take the case of I'ev. Ir. Aked. This well'kuown clergyman moved some years aso to the l'a'-iHc Ctust. and be came president of the Church Federa tion In Han Francisco. Iioth orally and In print this gentleman expressed .hi utter uultelief iu the prehuman exist ence of our Ixrd Jesus his lelief be ing that our Lord was merely uu ordi nary man. a Cue man. This view was published broadcast. ' The next day somebody came out in the Pan Francisco paper and said that with such sentiments Ir. Aked should resipn bis position us president of the Church Federsitior, that cer tainly nobody would 1 desirable In that position who did not believe that Jesus had more than human natnre who thus discarded the I'ible.. The day following. Dr. Aked resigned, say ing that he did not wish to offend any body, etc. The Church Federation of ministers met. and re-elected him on the hash; of his profession that he did not believe that Jesus Christ had either a prehuman existence or a su jerior birth! As far ns 1 know. Dr. Aked is still president of the Church Federation; and those xniu&ters that re-elected him, seventy-eight out of a tiundred, were willing to come out in Ijublic and say so. Why True Religion Is Discounted. The poiat to which I r.m callins at tention is this: The colleges and the ministers have abandone the Word of God. The preachers like to select a text from it, Just as they might on other occasions juote from Shake speare. So far es we may Judge, this Is the general sentiment .amongst them. Are they then sanctified by the Truth, the Word of God? If they de clare that God has given a message to the world or to the Church, where do they find It, if not in the I'-ibleS The majority of the preac-liers do not Telieve in personal inspiration, except in the sense In which some eople may le said to have a sort of Intuition for music, etc., and so might be called In spired that artist was inspired when painting that pi'-ture or composing that tune. Rutsas for any belief in snch Inspiration as the Bible teaches that "holy men of God spake c.s they were moved by the Holy Spirit," not know ing what they were saying I doubt that five per cent, of the ministers thus believe the Bible to Ik; t'u- Word of God. (2 reter 1 21 ;T Feter 1 A0-V2.) iWith the religious teachers and preach ers in this condition of u:aleHf. is it Any wonder that true religion is at a L M'- itsccrcnt with the people? It would be strange if matters were different. Jesus said. When the Son of Man cometh, shall He find faith upon the earth?" You are witnesses with m? that He has come and has found very little faith. 2 Peter 3:3-9. The Wise Shall Understand." Away back in the time of the Prophet Daniel. God declared that iu the Time cf the End He would grant a special blessing upon Bible studeuts. (Daniel 12:1-10.) And here we are, down in the Time of the End! Many are run ning to' and fro in automobiles, elec tric trams, steam railroads, etc. Knowl edge is Increasing everywhere. But the worldly-wise do not understand; for these things of God's Word are hidden from the wise and prudent, and revealed unto babes those not too wise in matters pertaining to this world. (Matt. 11:23.) These accept the Word of God and are guided by it. To these, therefore, has come a great blessing. Our I-ord also sioke about the end of the Gospel Age. His. parable of The Ten Virgins refers not to the world, but to the Church the wise and the foolish iu the -Church of Christ. (Mat thew 23:1-13.) In the end of the Age nil the virgin?-, all justified lHievers. were ready to meet Him. But the Bridegroom tarried, and for a while all the virgins slumbered and slept. Then came the Message. "Behold the Bridegroom" He is here! All the ir glns awakened. The wise virgins had oil in their vessels. They trimmed their lamps (PsaLm llf:103i: they saw the Truth, and were prepared to follow the Bridegroom In to the Marriage of the Lamb. But the foolish virgins did not have the light. When they asked the wise virgins for oil, the wise virgins declar ed that they could not spare it. The oil represents the Holy Spirit aud the enlightenment which it brings. The foolish Tirgius go to buy when they give time for study and investigation time taken from business, pleasure and worldly affairs, that they may obtain the oil which God is pleased that His people should have. Those who do not find time for investigation do not wish to have the oil. the light. Although they are true Christians, yet they are n t willing to pay the price and get the oil. Whoever is now rejoicing in the light of Present Truth will testify that it cost hi in something something of worldly influence, time, attention, thought to have the oil and the light, to make ready to go in to the Marriage. How well the Master understood the present situation! God wished the light to cost something. To some of oideu time tur Lord said, "Sit down and count the cost how much the light will cost you what discipleship will cost. After having put your hand to the plow, do not look longingly lack to the things of the world. God ts not pleased with such service. Whoever prefers the world, the flesh and - the Devil may stay with them. Imrfng the Millennial Age the Ixrd will deal with that class, and will give them mercy, blessings. But now He is call-, iii- for a special class that delight to do the Father's will, that do not need to 1 urged. pushed and whipped. They must have the spirit of the Master, of whom it is written: I de light to do Thy will, O My God. Thy Law is written in My heart. The Church Calied, Not Compelled. Should any of this class come under a measure of difficulty, and teinjo- rarily lcome weak in the doing of the Lord's will. He will give them the necessary cxerienecs. if their hearts are right. He will awaken them from their lethargy. Just as in the parable all the foolish virgins were awakened. God Is not seeking to deceive ieople or to force them into the Kingdom. Dnrinir this Gospel Age He lias merely sent forth His Message to gather out those who wished to respond. God has been taking out a people for nis name using no force, no compulsion, merely His Word. We heard the call. sieaking peace through Jesus Christ. Our hearts res'tonded. and we came back into harmony with God. The Word informed us that through the death of nis Sou God had made all arrangements for covering our sins; and that lie was willing to receive us Just ns if we had not been sinners willing to take us into His family and make us His heirs, joint heirs with Jesus Christ our Lord. But all this was merely the voice, the promise, of God. There was nothing to Insist upon our becoming children of OM; and If we were received into His family li was because we willing ly, intentionally, gave ourselves to Him. All through the Gospel Age the Word of God has gone forth. If lie had sent force. He could quickly have gathered all that He desired. After a few mira cles people would have waked up and said. "What will hapren to us If we do not get right with God? That class r.-ill Ik? dealt with by and by. Messiah's Kingdom will manifest the J'owcr and the Wisdom of God. The Truth a Satisfying Portion. Coming liack to our text, we see that the Lord sent forth His Word, to ac complish a certain mission, nis Word Is Truth not truth on every subject, hut on the most important -ones. Of these Important subjects the principal one is that which God purposes to teach all His intelligent creatures oltedience to Himself. All other educa tion will prove to Ik? valueless, perhaps injurious, uuless associated with obe dience to God. The world is becoming very much dis contented. People are unhappy; they craie more money and less work. No body is satisfied except true Christians. The majority of professed Christians are under the delusions of. the present time. But. the true Christian has that which Js satisfactory. Having given his ail to the Lord, he has received the blessed thnt all things shall work' together for good to them that love God. to the called according to His purposes. Therefore he is con tent to t the Heavenly Father shape his affairs." Should he get out of work, God knows how to provide employ ment. He could feed Elijah by the brook, the ravens bringing the Prophet the necessary food. 1 Kings 17:5. G. One cannot fellowship with the world, and at the same time be great in the Lord. We prefer to le amongst those to whom the Master will say "Well done, good and faithful servant thou hast leen faithful over a few things; 1 will make thee ruler over many things. Enter thou into the joy of thy I.ord." The knowledge that God is for us and loves us is a satisfying portion to heart and mind. Havin left the world to follow Jesus and dai ly seeking to walk in His steps, the Church class are loved of the Father. They are the ones whom He has called. The Hidden Mystery. , In the beginning God created the Lord Jesus, the Logos. (Colossiaus 1:13; Revelation 3:14.) Thee the Logos as nis active Agent, made the differ eut orders of spirit beings, ami finally man. (John 1:1-3.) After man had fallen into sin. God said, "We will let him "have his experience with death and its concomitauts. In due time I will send a great Bedeemer. to ransom Adam and all his posterity. During the Seventh Thousand-Year Day of man's existence this Redeemer will take charge of humanity. Meautime 1 will have nothing to do with them until they are restored to erfection." But while God was thus resting from His earthly creation. He considered it a good time to bring in a New Crea tion. The; first of this New Creation was the One who redeemed mankind. He passed through His experiences and testings eighteen hundred and more years ago. But this was not all of the Divine Plan. As the Apostle says. there was a secret which God had kept hidden from liefore the foundation of the world His Purjwe to have not merely a great Bedeemer for mankind, but a ieople taken out from amongst humanity to l the Church of the First-loms. These were to constitute the New Creation, of which the Be deemer would lcco!!ie the Head. This work of gathering the Church class has been progressing for nearly nineteen centuries. All who have leeu lK'gotten of the Holy Spirit are nietu Urs of the New Creation, to whom old things have passed away. a:d all things have become new. (2 Corin thians 3:17.) From the very- moment of their spirit-beget-ting, the light of the Truth begins to enlighten the minds of these New Creatures. They legin to see something of the lengths and breadths, the heights and depths. of God's character. It is a revelation. The Word of God is illuminating: the Holy Spirit has great illuminating power, and gradually flit more and more with the light of the knowledge of the glory of God. Sanctified by the Truth. Of tliis class God says, "Gather My saints together unto Me, those who have made a Covenant with Me by sacrifice." (l'salm 30:3.) He does not say Those who have made a covenant to enter some church system, although some may have made a covenant with God and ignorantly with some church system also. Many people like to count themselves In amongst God's eople. yet they have never entered into a covenant with nim. Apparently they think that they will receive the same reward as will those who have entered into such a covenant; but they are mistaken. No oue will receive the Prize of the IHgh Calling except those who have entered the race In the pro- er wav and have run according to the prescriled rules. Whoever makes this Covenant of Sacrifice Is walking in the Master's footsteps. Our Lord made it at the age of thirty years. At Jordan lie gave nimself, a perfect man. His time. His will everything to do the Fa ther's will, whatever that might be. The Father indicated His acceptance by iK'gctting our Lord with the Holy Spirit and by giving Him the enlight enment that goes with it. Whoever would be His footstep follower must also covenant to give his time, his In fluence, his money everything to the Iord. Then the Ixrd says, "I will place in your care those things which you have given Me. If you demon strate your faithfulness as steward of these little things. I will know that you can be trusted with the greater things of the Kingdom. If you Try to withhold what you have consecrated, you have not the spirit for which I am looking. I am seeking those who love Me and desire to serve Me. From first to last the Bible is in har mony with itself. This is God's Mes sage. This is His way of reaching His Elect, whom He desires to take out of the world. For nineteen centuries the Church has beeii engaged in call ing men apart from the world that they might gain Divine favor and joint-heir-ship with Jesus in His Kingdom. "Sanctify them through Thy Truth; Thy Word Is Truth." The world does not have this Mcssair- : therefore itn truth cannot sanctify. Mankind are seeking otherwise, and are -ucttins more or less confused and further away from God through their studies. It Is a remarkable fact that we seldom find any one well versed in the sciences who has any faith in God or in the Bible. Men have only the truth that the rrophct Moses discounted. (Tie brews 11:20.) This is the world's por tion today. But the Science which will sanctify toward God. the Science in which we are in harmony with God. In which we are now happy and will be dnring the Time of Trouble, is ours. Faithful Is He who has called us. who will also sanctify us. according to the riches of His grace in Christ Jesus our Lord. 1 Thessalonians 5:23, 24. !"I"M-'I I I M-M-I-I 1 -M-M"!- UNION. Ledger. 4- j. --1t.'-'--ti.?..'-t 1 ' 1 I 1 l "i "" 'iii,mimmim Miss Lena King of Edgar, Neb., has been visiting her cousin, L. J. Hall and family, and departed for home on Tuesday. Mrs. Mary Allison of Plattsmouth was heir. Inst Friday and Saturday to visit with her mother and other rela relatives. Miss Myrtle Snell of Benson, a cou sin of Mrs. L. G. Tcdd, returned home yesterday, after makiior several days' visit with the Todd family in this vil lage. Mrs. Lyda True, Mrs. Rachel Pell and Mrs. Frank Hughson left Satur day morning for Walthill to make an extended visit with relatives in that vicinity. Reuben Stine was "tied up" at home several days with rheumatism of the kind that hurts, but is now getting along very well and will be on hand for the reunion. Miss Hattie Taylor went to Lincoln last Saturday to join a party of friends on a trip to Colorado to enjoy a few weeks outing in the city of Manitou and other places of interest in that state. Mrs. Athaliah Delaney arrived home Thursday night from her ten months' trip east and south, having visited her son Hallie and family in Florida, and spent some time with relatives in Pennsylvania and West Virginia. She had a very pleasant time, but says that Union still looks like home for her. Mrs. Tillie Hargus departed on the Wednesday evening train for a pleas ure trip of about six weeks, stopping first at Edgewater, Colo., to visit her sister-in-law, Mrs. John Carper. From there Mrs. Hargus will go to Cali fornia and enjoy the exposition at San Francisco, also a visit to other places on the coast. William Mueller and family, who were residents of this village for three years, moved last week to their new home in Springfield, where Mr. Muel ler recently bought an elevator. Their removal from here is regretted by all who knew them, as Mr. Mueller was one of our wide-awake business men and the family had the warm friend ship of this whole community. 4 LOUISVILLE. Courier. 4 Born Monday, August 2, to Mr. and Mrs. B. G. Metzger, a girl. The Commercial club prize contest was a grand success. More than fifty- eight thousand tickets were issued. Rev. T. Hartman went to Bancroft, Neb., Saturday1 to hold a Mission fes tival at the German Lutheran church He returned home Monday. Mrs. Andrew Stohlman and son Martin, went to Port Huron, Mich., Sunday to see her brother, Ed Win ters, who is ill and not expected to re cover. She was accompanied by her sister, Mrs. Alfred Goeglin, of Wil liamsburg, Iowa. An operetta, "Cinderella in Flower- land," will be given August 20 or 21 under the direction of Mrs. Mae Mor gan of Plattsmouth. This is under the auspices of the Woman's club, and all the children in town are invited to participate. C. A. Richey came down from Oma ha Tuesday with his local manager, V. M. Haddon, to attend to business matters of the sand company. Mrs. Richey and daughter, Miss Katherine, have returned home from a two months' trip to the California exposi tion. George Jackman of Oklahoma City, Okla., 'visited his cousin, J. M. Jack man and family Wednesday. Mr. Jackman was on his way home from the California expositions. This is his first trip to Louisville since his visit here over thirty years ago, but he remembered a great many of the old names and places. We are glad to report that H. E. Pankonin, who is at the Methodist hospital in Omaha, where he recently underwent an operation for kidney and bladder trouble, is getting along as well as could be expected. He is in the best of spirits and has sent word to his old-time friends te come out to the hospital when they are in the city. Harvey Koop was taken to the Methodist hospital in Omaha Wednes day morning to undergo an operation for appendicitis". He had just recover ed from an operation for the same trouble, but the appendix had not been removed and as he suffered another attack recently, it was thought best to delay the operation no longer. His many friends hope to hear a favorable report soon. Painta and Oila. Gering & Co. EAGLE. Beacon. J, A I I i A i" We are glad to report that Travis Crabtree is improving and that he will again be able to be out in a few days. Mrs. J. T. Lydell and children re turned home Tuesday afternoon from an extended visit with relatives in Missouri. Mrs. Jesse Westlake went to Ne hawka Monday afternoon for a short visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Heebner. Samuel Vaughn left Tuesday morn ing for Vermont, Illinois, to attend to business matters there. He expects to be gone a month or six weeks. The Misses Barbara and Ruth Robotham came down from University Place Tuesday night to attend the pic nic and visit their sister, Mrs. Mamie Hudson. The Misses Alvina and Louise Blomenkamp came down from Hast ings, Neb., Tuesday to attend the pic nic and visit the home of their broth er, F. W. Blomenkamp and family. Alvin Reiter and family, who just recently arrived here 'from Bogard, Mo., to make their home, have moved into the house on George Oberle's farm, two miles northeast of town. Mrs. H. W. Wetenkamp underwent a seroius operation at the Lincoln sanitarium last Wednesday morning. At the time of going to press 6he was reported to be getting along nicely, although it will be several days before she will bea ble to return home. Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Wachter, who reside southeast of town, are re joicing over the arrival of twins a six and one-half -pound boy and a seven and one-half-pound girl which arrived at their home Sunday, Aug ust 1st. The mother and little ones are reported to be getting along nicely. " """"" "" i i ' 4 J WEEPING WATER. - Republican. 4 4 i..I.I-I,T..;..I..T..I..I,f.;-4 Miss Marie Dietrich of Kansas City, Mo., arrived Monday for a two weeks' visit with her aunt, Mrs. George Hitchman and family. Ed Lewis, who works on the farm for Wallace Philpot,. received a badly sprained ankle Monday when a hay rack he was driving overturned with him. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Ranney left Fri day for a month's visit to the Pacific coast country and the expositions. Their trips will be via Seattle and possibly Canada. Mrs. William Noble and little son of Elgin, 111., have been visiting her cousin, Mrs. A. C. Welch, since last Thursday. The ladies wen: to Lin coin Tuesday for a couple of days' visit. Mrs. Abe Woodward, who has been visiting at the S. W. Orton home and among old friends the last two weeks, left Monday for Red Oak, Iowa, where she makes her home with her son. Mrs. Henry Treat of Omaha and Miss Flora Wolcott of Talraage, O., arrived Thursday afternoon of this week for a three days' visit at the home of their aunt, Mrs. H. B. Wol cott. The ladies are sisters. Miss Wolcott is registrar of Oberlin col lege. Dr. Neeley of Elmwood and Dr Brendel of Avoca, membeis of the pension board, met at the Er. Butler office Wednesday morning. They ad journed to meet next month, by "which time it is expected someone will be appointed to fill the vacancy of the deceased member, Dr. M. M. Butler. Frank Marshall left Monday for Hinsdale, Montana, where he will be married August 12th to Miss Eda Leonard at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. R. Leonard. Mr. Marshall will return with his bride about the last of the month. They will go to keeping house on the farm of his father, E. F. Marshall, a mile east of Wabash, where the home is being put in readiness. Mrs. Mary Pool was brought home Saturday afternoon from the hospital at Lincoln where she underwent a series of operations. It is hoped by the many friends that she wEl soon be granted a full recovery from the trouble and from the effects of the operation. She was accompanied home by Mrs. R. J. Pool and by a trained nurse. Albert Pool of Wabash was here to meet them. John Marquett and wife, who have been visiting at the home of Mrs. Marquett's parents, south of this city. for a short time, departed this morn ing for Davenport, Neb., to visit for a time, and where Mr. Marquett will look after some threshing. Wall Paper. Gering & Co, Nebraska Hilary Academy (INCORPORATED) YOUR BOY must be educated and developed. If he is not doing well in school, is discouraged, wants to do more and better work, the NEBRASKA MILITARY ACADEMY is a school close at home where you can send him and be sure he gets what you want him to have. This SCHOOL understands BOYS and deals with them individually. Prepares for college and business. For informa tion, talk to our patrons, visit the school, phone or write for catalog. Address COL. B. D. HAYWARD, President LINCOLN. NEBRASKA ELMWOOD. Leader-Echo. Misses Catherine and Bessie Vos3 of St. Joseph, Mo., are guests at the home of their cousin, Mrs. A. II. Weichel. Mrs. J. B. Miller and children of Chicago, who were visiting her sister, Mrs. M. L. Baird, returned to her home at Chicago last week. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Vogt are re joicing because of a fine baby boy which was born on Tuesday. They have the congartulations of their friends. Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Cobb returned on Monday from their two weeks va cation trip in Minnesota. They spent most of the time in boating and fish ing. H. Dettman arrived Saturday from Imperial, Neb., to look after his property here and to make a short visit with his daughter, Mrs. E. J. Jeary and family. Noel Tyson departed on Tuesday for a visit with his sister, Mrs. F. W. Robb, in Montana. He will also take in Glacier National park and other points of interest. Mrs. William Mueller and children, Clara, William, jr., and Stanley, were here for a few days visiting friends. The Mueller family has moved from Union to Springfield, where Mr. Muel ler will continue in the elevator busi ness. L. B. Cunningham gathered twenty bushels of apricots from his eight trees of that splendid fruit. The ap ricots were of uniform size and splen did quality, and goes to show that this fruit can be profitably and success fully produced in Cass county if pro perly attended to . The first of the week a deal was made whereby the H. Dettman build ing occupied by the Shreve restaurant, was purchased by Ed Gustin. The consideration is not made known, but in the deal Mr. Dettman takes Mr. Gustin's large Lion touring car. This is one of the best store buildings in Elmwood and Gustin has a good piece of property. The building will con tinue to be occupied by the Shreve restaurant. Despondency Due to Indigestion. "About three months ago when I was suffering from indigestion which caused headache and dizzy spells and made me feel tired and despondent, I began taking Chamberlain's Tablets," writes Mrs. Geo. Hon, Macedon, N. Y. "This medicine proved to be the very thing I needed, as one day's treatment relieved me greatly. I used two bot tles of Chamberlain's Tablets and they rid me of this trouble." Obtain able everywhere. N. H. Isbell, wife and son, Walter, departed this morning for Omaha, where they will visit for the day with relatives and friends. The Journal office is the place to get your Drinking Cups for your pic nic five in a package at 5 cents. Just the thing for picnics, outings and automobile trips. Beware of Ointments for Catarrh That Contain Mercury mrni7 wfll unrely de-strnj- tbi term of nilj and compli-trl? dt-rmice tbe whole svnu-iu when filtering It tbroiiKb tbe muroua fnin'uctt. Su rticlin ulinulii wver lw um-d exempt .n pnwrlj uus from reputable physician, ua the daniugt tlK-.T will do Is ten fold to the (rood vun can now Blhljr derive trom them. Hull' Utitiirru Cur, manufactured by F. J. Corner & Co.. Toledo CJ contains no niereurj. and 1 taken Interiiullyl acting directly cnon the Mood and mucous aur facea of the njHXom. In bn.vinjr Hall's Catarrh Cure be aure you pet the eenutue. It I taken internally ami made In Toledo. Ohl.. I. I- r Cheney & Co. Tcstimoniala free. , Sold by Dr?:rcM. Price. Tr.c. per bottle. Take Ilall'H Tamlly ruin for constipation. Special!: In Table Linens we are showing several new patterns of quality, that usually sells at per yard $1.50, for a sjiecial we offer this cloth at per yard, $1.25. -We make no wast in cutting Linen! luckweiler -Cx- Lut; v. Local News Genuine Fletcher' Castoria this week only at 19c Gering & Co., the Spot Cash Family Druggists. Phone 36. Miss Laura Meisinger departed Sat urday afternoon for Elmwood for a few days' visit with relatives and friends in that city and vicinty. J. F. Wolff of Cedar Creek was among the base ball enthusiasts in this city Sunday, attending the game played with Glenwood. Robert Sherwood, sr., who is en gaged in business in Nebraska City, came up yesterday morning and visit ed here with his sons, Herbert and George, for the day. P. A. Meisinger and wife came in yesterday from their farm home for a visit with Mr. and Mrs. Conrad Mei singer, and the party enjoyed a fine automobile trip for several hours. With the largest crowd here Satur day and the many followers of the circus in town yesterday, things were very quiet and little trouble was given that necessitated the services of the police. Mrs. George II. Falter and children, John, Philip and Susanna, were pas sengers this morning for Omaha, where they will visit for a few days at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Chaun cey Smith. Miss Emma Grauf returned home this afternoon from Crofton, Neb., where she has been visiting with her sister for some time. Her father, Frank Grauf, met her in Omaha and accompanied her home. Mrs. T. B. Bates departed this aft ernoon for Omaha and will accompany her little niece, Octa French, back to her home at Minneapolis, and Mrs. Bates will be a visitor there for a few weeks with her sister, Mrs. Guy French. Misses Alma and Esther Larson, who have been spending the past few weeks in Colorado Springs and other points in Colorado, returned home Saturday feeling very much delighted with the bracing atmosphere of the mountain country. Mr. and Mrs. Howard McDaniel of White Sulphur Springs, Montana, who have been here for a short time visit ing at the J. E. Tuey home, departed this morning for a short visit in Iowa with relatives and will then return home. F. A. Rennie came in Saturday evening from Madrid, Neb., where he has charge of a large ranch near that place, and will join his wife here in a visit at the home of his mother, Mrs. G. W. Rennie. Mr. Rennie will return to Madrid this evening. L. H. Puis, wife and children came up this morning from their home to visit for a few hours, and Mr. Puis was a passenger for Omaha on the early Burlington train to spend a short time, and thefamily will attend the circus. , Mrs. Bennett Hector of Chicago, who has been visiting for a few days at the W. HI Heil home in Eight Mile Grove came in yesterday in company with Mr. Heil and Miss Lizzie Heil and the ladies departed for Chicago on the early Burlington train, where Miss Heil will enjoy a short visit. Wall Taper. Gering & Co. I -4