The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, July 26, 1915, Page PAGE 4, Image 4

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    PAGE. 4
MONDAY, JULY 26, 1915.
Cbz plattsmouth journal
Published 8ml-Wokly at Plattamouth. N b r.
Intrexi at the PostolHce at PUttsmouth. Nebraska, as second-class mall matter.
R. A. BATES, Publisher
Bubcorlptlon Prloei S1.50 Per Year In Advanoe
.. I believe that the mind can be
profaned by the habit of attend- I
I ing to trival things, so that our -l
thoughts shall be tinned with
trivality. Henry D. Thoreau. !
In time of peace prepare for war."
Most things arc not as bad as re
ported. :o :
When a man howls for justice, he
means that he wants to be the judge.
. :u:
New hemes are still going "P
Plattsmouth On with the building
It ii said one Plattsmouth woman
is so ugly that her husband backs in
to the houoC. -
Therc is a tone of finality in the
latest note to Germany, which went
forward yesterday.
- :o:
Kaiser Wilhelm" Is -to be presented
with a bible. He will find justification
in it. Everybody does.
If Warsaw escapes capture at the
hands of the German allies it will be
little short of a miracle.
When they make farm life as at
ti active in the field as cn the screens
we'll all want to go back.
. :
If the censors keep on cutting down
the films kiss it won't be much longer
than a Mexican presidential term.
Sometimes the American people
take as fondly to a public man who
is half cracked as they do to the
Liberty Dell.
It is presumed by some that n at
mospheric effect of the European war
is responsible for both the rain and
the hailstorm.
Making a motor car go faster is
not as painful an operation as jabbing
a horse with spurs. Humane impulse
gains something.
:o :
Many prayers for peace arc being
offered in the churches, but no one has
as yet been heard praying for the
health of an European king.
Gossip continues to be unreliable, of
course. It i.s said of a Tlattsmouth
man that he has deeded all his prop
erty to his wife, although he has never
been married.
Dr. Dcmbu'g may write a book
about America and Americans. Dr.
Dernhurg did enough while he was
here to make our good will almost
crack under the strain.
In announcing the new American
submarines will be of the "sea-going"
variety, the naval department may
not intend any slur upon the earlier
vessels of submerrable type.
It is said the European war will
cause a shortage in the supply of ele
phants. By this time several of the
rations would probably like to dis
pose of some of them they have on
their hand3.
One sees the beauties of the com-liiU-i'-)!
form of government in Lin
coln. Tne mayor wants to have every
thing his ow.i way, but every other
member of the con. mission won't have
it that way. They believv four heads
are better than five, whr the fifth
one is a sheep's head.
It is embarrassing to speak of the
wrangle in the city commission, for
reasons which every reader of this
paper will well understand. Mayor
Bryan is availing himself of every
opportunity to prove that he is just
what this paper before election guess
ed he would be as mayor, a disturber
ami assumed dictator.
It is one of the unfortunate
peculiarities of Mayor Bryan that his
temperament is such that no one with
any self-respect can work with him.
He is dictatorial and domineering,
egotistical and headstrong. He is
exemplifying as mayor the same
characteristics that made something
of a joke of bis activities as a member
of the park board for several years.
Nobody takes C. W. Bryan half as
seriously as he does himself, but re
lying upon his election to the mayor
alty as evidence of his popularity and
strength, he has sought by every
means in his power to disrupt the
work of the city for his own ends. His
colleagues have simply been driven to
desperation, and it was only as a last
resort that they determined, it seems,
to sit down upon him and upon his
dictatorial methods.
It was rather surprising that
among those who gathered at the
council chamber to watch the wrangle
that some knew was coming were
several men who had actively
espoused hi: cause in the mayoralty
election. They were on hand to part
company with him, and frankly told
him so. Mf ny others of the mayor's
strongest backers who have parted
company with him were not present
to tell him so.
Anyone who knows what the three
commissioners have been who reject
ed the mayor's crazy quilt recom
mendations will not blame them. It
was a case with them either to sit-down-on-Charley
or resign. At least
one of them had seriously contemplat
ed resigning. He could not speak of
the experience that had overtaken
him without emotion.
The three men who have found it
necessary to differ with the mayor
are the three older members of the
commission. They have had years of
experience in the conduct of the city's
affairs. No one will question either
their ability or their thorough in
tegrity. They have ben repeatedly re
elected to municipal office, because
the great majority of the people have
been pleased and satisfied with their
work and had confidence in their char
acter. It is not surprising that they
arc not disposed to forego the wisdom
of their years and experience to
humor the vanity of one who has had
but two or three months' experience
in the conduct of city affairs.
Fortunately it is within the power
of the people of Lincoln to determine,
if they wish, whether they want a
one-man government in the city or
would prefer to have the governing
done by the entire commission they
have elected. If the mayor and his
friends desire it there can be a
referendum or recall or any other old
kind of proceeding for a test of pop
ular sentiment. Doubtless the three
old commissioners would welcome the
test in any form, if only to get out
of the pickle in which the recent
election placed them, but the test can
be had whether they would welcome it
or not.
Lincoln ha3 for several years been
a well governed city. There has been
no graft even suspected by intelligent
men. That the government has been
as progressive as the funds provided
would permit is evidenced by the al
most incalculable improvement made
in all its public works. Few cities
have as much to show in substantial
improvement during the past two
years, in proportion to the money
spent, as Lincoln. This work of im
provement has been done by the men
who now find it impossible to agree
with the mayor. They profess to see
that his so-called "program" would
entail expense which the city could
not meet under its present revenue
possibilities, and he would have much
hardihood who would suggest that
they, with their experience, arc not
better qualified to judge of that than
is any man who has not been engaged
in the work.
What Mayor Bryan has been in the
democratic politics of the state he is
now trying to be in our municipal
government, a disturbing influence
with which no agreement that does
not place him in supreme command is
tolerated. After two years of peace
in the city hall, this approximate ap
proach to the conditions now prevail
ing in Europe and Mexico is bound to
prove exhilarating, if not altogether
pleasing. Lincoln Star.
The crop prospects the country
over seem to be excellent, indicating
that this is a great country, even if
there are spots occasionally which
don't seem to be up to the standard
The Canadian government proposes
to use their soldier reserve to assist
in caring for the harvest which is on
now or soon will be. This is the
proper' caper, besides it will give the
boys fine exercise and good muscular
The citizens of Lincoln are very
much dissatisfied with even the tem
porary appointment of A. S. Tibbctts
is postmaster of Lincoln. "The peo
ple be d d!" They don't have a thing
to ray about it. The "ring" is the
power behind the throne.
England wants to recruit soldiers
in the United States. She will be
waiting for some time before getting
permission. Every recruiting officer
attempting such a thing should be
given their papers straight back to
England. Such cheek!
Out of seven new residences con
tracted for recently, the lumber for
five of which was bought in Omaha
and two of our own lumber dealers.
Now, there must be some cause for
this. This certainly elocs not look
right, to say the least, with two lum
ber yards in town.
Mayor William H. Thompson of
Chicago is willing to accept the re
publican nomination for president. So
is the governor of New York. And
New York has more votes than Il
linois. There are several others. But
altogether they arc not able to down
Wood row Wilson, the pride of the
American people.
There is being considerable work
done upon the streets, but many of
our people believe that it is not being
divided fairly. They believe favorit
ism is not the proper way to admin
ister a city government one taxpayer
ought to be as good as another, as
long as the expense comes out of the
general street fund.
The penalty for deliberately setting
fire to a forest is a fine reaching $5,-
000 and imprisonment not exceeding
two years. The presumption is that
no forest fire is ever maliciously or
premeditatcdly started, but lately
there have been arrests of men so
charged. But carelessness, in view of
all experience and in spite of repeat
ed warnings, is in itself a crime, the
more so because the damage cannot
be repaired and prevention is the only
There was a time when the voters
thought politicians were honest in
their convictions. But that was many
years ago, when Abraham Lincoln and
Stephen A. Douglas were expounding
truths to the voters. Now it is to ad
vocate anything to catch the voters,
but the voters today are soon to catch
onto political questions, and sec the
difference between a lie and the truth.
The people are getting too smart for
the professional politician who is af
ter office simply for the graft there
is in it and that is all.
There is nothing precisely stratigic
in giving up Warsaw.
The knockers must go before any
thing can be done that will benefit
England, having consumed one
Canadian regiment almost utterly, is
asking for more.
Superintendent Baird certainly hit
the right chord at the Commercial
club meeting Thursday night.
. :o:
If we could afford to be a philan
thropist we would see that there was
ice water in all the public drinking
The wheat crop could be harvest
ed with submarines in sections. Per
haps it would be costly, but then it's
worth it.
In estimating preparedness for war
it must not be forgotten that this
country is headquarters for the Mis
souri mule.
When a man wants to assume the
authority of dictator in a community,
the people should sit down on him
pretty hard.
:o: .
Covetousness of territory provoked
all the wars of Europe. Everybody
seems to have wearied before getting
to the tenth commandment.
An exacting Plattsmouth hiu-band
thinks his wife ought to make her
own clothes; let it be fancied what
his opinion would be if she proposed
to make his.
On general principles "Tippeiary"
is a hotter war song than "There'll
Be a Hot Time in the Old Town
Tonight." It ill becomes us to criti
cise the aptness of the British ballad.
Attorney General Kced refuses to
consent to .the enforcement of the
public warehouse law. Why? What's
the use of laws if they are not en
forced? we wouid like to ask our
astute attorney general.
It was natural when the confidence
in future punishment for the wicked
began to wane that the punishment
in penal institutions should be shaken
Harold Bell ' Wright's novels are
advertised in the same way that
Ford's automobiles arc. Now, guess.
In both cases it proves immensely
An original letter written by Rob
ert Burns has sold for $150. If Rob
ert had foreseen that, he would have
written a bushel of them for the bene
fit of his descendants.
:o :
A farmer asked us the other day
if there was an agency here in Platts
mouth for the Ford car. And we had
to tell him we did not know. And we
didn't. And you know the reason why.
Every town of any importance has
electroliers, and many towns of less
than 1,000 population have them. And
here we have a city of over 5,000
population that is without these up-to-date
lights. The business men want
them, and have subscribed liberally to
get them. The citizens want them,
and while we are progressive in every
other way, let us be so on the light
:o :
The light question seems to be the
all-absorbing question since the meet
ing of the Commercial club Thursday
night. And it seems to us that the
Commercial club is exceeding its
jurisdiction in matters of this kind.
The members of the city council are
ejected from the various wards of the
city to look after the interests of the
city, and they are the legal power to
act in such matters. It has been too
much the case of the club endeavoring
to predominate over the power of the
city council, when it should be the all
prevailing power and nothing pertain
ing to the interests of the city could
possibly be legal unless endorsed and
acted upon by the council.-
Give us the electroliers or no light
at all on Main street.
There is some complaints registered
against the city for not having the
weeds cut in some of the streets.
Religious revivals and hard times
always come together, history says
So one may figure in a way how long
Billy Sunday will last,
The size limit on parcel post has
again been increased, but it is not
possible to send an automobile or a
piano through the mails yet.
We want the farmers to come to
the office and see us when they come
to town, and we have a twofold
cbject in extending this invitation.
We want to keep in touch with each
and every one of you and we want
you to tell us the news of your re
spective neighborhoods for publica
tion in the paper. Every one of you
has an item or two of which others
want to learn, and if each of you
hands in the news when you come to
town you will all know everything of
importance throughout the wohle
community. Come and sec us
Nothing in recent years has been
such a good commentary on the power
of the press as the decreasing number
of accidents due to Fourth of July
celebrations. About six years ago
several powerful newspapers and
magazines took up the cudgels
against sane Independence day cele
brations. The campaign for a sane
Fourth has in a pleculiar and special
way been a newspaper campaign.
Smaller papers followed the lead of
the originators until the press of the
country was lined up for a sane
Fourth. The result of the agitation
can be plainly seen in the statistics
since IIHV.). In that year there were
'Jir deaths and over .r,000 injuries due
to the Fourth of July accidents
Since that time there has been a
steady decrease until this year, it is
estimated, there were but IS deaths
and 800 accidents.
Tommv Allen "got in," but is not
yet confirmed.
Senator Hitchcock will have his i,ay
when the senate meets.
That the appointments do not give
general satisfaction to the demo
cratic party of the state goes without
Despite its well known aversion to
entangled alliances, this country con
Unties to go in for matrimony quite
It is a sorrowful, a distressing fact
that the long list of divorced couples
does not include all who wish they
had not tied up.
The last note to Ihr German gov
ernment ot trie united oiates i hc
cepted by diplomats as a strong and
emphatic pronouncement.
Isn't it strange how all the good,
paying offices are controlled by one
family? But after the next election
they won't be; not in Nebraska.
Sunspots need not think they can
escape responsibilty. They are to
blame either for the rain in America
or the drouth in Europe or both.
Let U3 return to the old gaslights,
and be done with it. That s about
what the opponents of the electroliers
want a return to the antedelevian
days. :
Dallas, Texas, has offered 5100,000
for the national democratic convention
in 1016. Omaha wants to hustle if
she expects to do anything in this
:o :
Wall Paper. Geiing & Co.
Benefited by Chamberlains Liiiimnel.
"Last winter 1 used Chamberlain's
Liniment for rheumatic pains, stifT-
r j 1 l
ness ana soreness oi vne jviic-e.-,
can conscientiously say that I never
used anything that did me so much
good." Edward Craft, Elba, N. Y.
Obtainable everywhere. .
Children Cry
3v 5 I
The Kind You Have Always
m use lor over lu years,
AH Counterfeits, imitations and Just-as-grood ' are but
i:perixiieiits that trillo with and endanger the health of
Infants and Children Experience against Experiment.
Cnsforia is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare
goric, Drops and Soothing- Syrups. It is pleasant. It
contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other 3arcoto
Kishstance. Its ajro is its guarantee. It destroys "Worm
and allays Feverish ness. For more than thirty years it
Las been in constant use for the relief of Constipation,
Flatulency, "Wind Colic, all Teething1 Troubles and
Diurrhcca. It regulates the Stomach and Bowels,
:issimii;ites the Food, giving-healthy and natural Sleep.
The Children's Fauaeea The Mother's Friend.'
Bears the
In Use For Over 30 Years
The Kind You Have Always Bought
T M F. G r. N T A ( COM PANV, N fr w VOWK CITV,
i4MZiimsl rfi fi iVfTli KwMawHwtnr . . , , ., M unnit wot ii...,
An outing this summer is also a
Oil prospects in Cass county look
Durlington crop experts say the
wheat yield will fully equal that of
last year, if not more so.
Attorney General Reed docs not de
clare the warehouse law void and yet
he refuses to enforce it. Funny,
isn't it?
Some of these dinky straw hats the
men arc buying this year need only
a few artificial flowers on them to
make them look like the real thing.
When the matter is sifted down to
the proper point, we can't see for the
life of us where Senator Hitchcock
comes in for any satisfaction.
It is a fine thing for the man who
ran control the fcdral patronage to
the extent of getting his entire fam
ily well provided for. Hut this kind
of thing is not going to last long.
A write in the Atlanta Monhtly
says the nose is more expressive than
the eye. We 'don't know so much
about that. A red nose expresses a
whole lot but then, so does a black
:o :
Even if war should come and the
business of the country should become
paralyzed, the stock brokers would
manage to make mov.ey out of it.
And thoy are the principal advocates J
of war.
L 11 II H
Hotel Riley Block,
for Fletcher's
v-yi ill
Iionglit, and ivhicli lias been
lias borno tue signature or
lias boon made under his per
supervision since its Infancy.
'-te Allow no one to deceive you in this.
Signature of
It is reported that the sea gulls are
disclosing the presence of German
submarines. Could not the allies
train the English sparrows to some
thing useful, too?
While the average man can't con
sistently approve of war, yet it is
noticed that after a quarrelsome man
is whipped several times he becomes
more reasonable and quiet.
:o :
At the present almost all the mole
skins used in the United States come
to us from Europe, though the skin of
the mole found in this country is far
superior to the foreign product.
Why did Tom Allen tell numerous
friends that he was not a candidate
for district attorney, and after they
became applicants come out for it
himself? Double dealing with a
vengeance, eh?
Every day more clearly demon
strates that the civil service law
should be obolished. And the quick
er it is done, the better for the coun
try. Let it be as of old, "To the vic
tors belong the spoils!''
Wall Paper. Gering & Co.
Diarrhoea Quickly Cured.
"About two years ago I had a
severe attack of diarrhoea which
lasted for over a week," writes W. C.
Jones, Buford, N. D. "I became bo
weak that I could not stand upright.
A druggist reoemmended Chamber
lain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea
Remedy. The first dose relieved me
and within two days I was as well as
ever." Obtainable everywhere.
iiile Enamel
3 in a bathroom or kitchen
makes a wonderful im
provement in its appear
ance. We have the best
made in every shade, in
cluding white, of course.
Comes in many sized cans
with full directions on
each. Easy to apply,
costs little, lasts long.
Plattsmouth, Neb.