Image provided by: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries, Lincoln, NE
About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (July 22, 1915)
i THURSDAY, JULY -22, 1S15. PLATTS MOUTH SEMI-WEEK LY JOURNAL. PAGE 3. W 1-1 H I k KH&$ W , V H Big Reduction in Ouadnlem! yj MHt House i A good substitute for Linoleum 6 feet pllg - .-jggEl pfSf t;j'f75)SEtS j wide. A great bargain for eS"d Extraordinary Values in Ladies White Waists, new and up-to-date styles. $2.00 VALUES AT $1.19 Beginning Saturday, July 24th, and Continuing to July 31st, of Choice Seasonable Goods at Prices Which Will Certainly Move Them Colored Wash Goods! All 12 I -2c and 10c quality for 7c All 1 5c, 1 8c and 20c quality for 1 0c All 25c, 28c anl 30c quality for . . 1 5c 35c quality crepes for 25c 50c and 59c crepes and voiles for .... 35c One dollar Ratine for 50c All go at this Clearance Sale as priced above. Closing Out Our Prices Cut to the Core! LADIES' COLORED PARASOLS $1.00 and $1.25 values 79c $1.50 values 93c $1.75 and $2.00 values 1.19 $2.25 and $2.50 values $1 .48 $3.50 values 2.4S $4.00 values 2.98 iimmerrarasols Prices Cut to the Core! CHILD RENS PARASOLS Reduced as Follows: 25c Now 1 9c 50c Now 35c 65c and 75c Now 50c $1.00 Now 75c $1.25 Nov 98c iuslin Underwear! Gowns 48c 75c Skirts for 48c 65c and 75c Ladies Drawers 48c $1.00 Brassiers 50c 50c Brassiers 35c All the above are made by one of the best underwear manufacturers in the country. y For this sale we offer a lot of different sized Rugs,, made from Carpet Ends of $1 r25 Axmister and Palisade Velvets, and are bargains 9x9 $ 6.85 One 6-9x9-8 $ .UU . $ 10.60 One 9x1 U II .ZD $ 5.75 One 9-5x6-9 $ 7.50 "... $ 11.85 One 9x12 $ 10.85 O ne One 9x10-9 . One 6-9x 8-6 ne 9x11-9 . O lis m Mm Great Bargains in the Following: 9x12 Wool Fibre Rugs, sold for $10.00, at $ 9x12 Brussels Rugs, sold for $14.70, at $ 9x12 Saxonville Rugs, sold at $20.00, at $ 9x12 Manor Rugs, sold for $14.50, at $ 9x12 Napper Rugs, sold for $19.00, at $ 9x12 Berkshire Rugs, sold or $16.00, at $ 7.20 11.75 15.85 1 1.60 15.20 12.80 OVERALLS. Splendid bargains in Men's Blue Denim Bib Overalls at 59c You must see them to appreciate the quality. CHAMBRAY WOOL SHIRTS. 50c quality for 39c. Well made, good cloth, with attached col lars. Men's Socks, brown mixed, 6 pairs for 27c - Vacuum and Carpet Sweepers We offer the balance of our stock of Vacuum and Carpet Sweepers, combined, the Domestic and Elgin, the best made, were $8.75, this sale $7.15 A Lot of Odds and Ends in Window Shades, onfly two or three of a kind, at 19c for n mm 9 ! JL f 1B the plain ones ana zvc ror ine Tigurea. mii nave gooa quality spring rollers SILKOUNES Special Prices on Curtain ii u 0 n R All -over Silkoline 10c Scn'ms and Lace Curtains pi