The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, July 19, 1915, Page PAGE 5, Image 5
MONDAY, JULY 19, 1913. PLATTSMOCTn SOU -WEEKLY JOURNAL. page r. i i e Mfffi mm Novelized by Marvin Dana, author of "Within the Law." from the sue- cessful Daniel Copyright, 1913. by th CHAPTER VU. In the Toils. 11 S Wnliiwrifiht and his friend. Dr. ZJV Forbes, sat wniting: in tlie I house of which the titular head was Mr. Wjilter Blount of Laramie. Wyo.. Andrew entered tle drawing room, wearing his de ferential aspect f the old family re tainer, somewhat inclined to garrulity. "Mr. Blount ham bee-u informed of your call, sirs." he said. "He will Pee yon, sirs, at once. He bowed again. I hope, sirs, you won't ir.iiul if 1 go on with a few bits of my work here, ns it's so late." "Oh. certainly not." Wninwrlcht said. Indifferently. Next came tbe entrance of Walter, who halted just within tbe doorway, and looted from one to the other of his guests, in obvious per jexity between the two es to which aibiht be Mr. Waiiiwrigut. That ceoi tlenian, standing up and smiling, went forward with Lis hand outstretched. "I am Mr. Wainwright," he said, as Le shook hands with his host, "and I inust e'l you that l'iu XEfcly glad to meet ycu again I" The emphasis on the last word was significant. Then, Le turned toward tV physician: "This is Lr. Forbes, a particular friend of mine, who was good enough to accom pany me. He is the superintendent of the I'owhattan asylnm for tle insane." The three men were sea: id near one another. I called," Wainwright explained simply, "in order to deliver in person the thanks you Mere at such pains to escape last niirht." "Walter beamed pleasantly. "Oh. that's all right," he exclaimed, breezily. "Of course. I knew you to night the minute I caught tight of your face, though the name didn't explain anything to me whi n your card was brought. I only did what any one would. It's not worth mentioning." "My dear sir," Wainwrigbt returned earnestly. "I mnst insist on mention ing it- Why. but for you I should surely have been shot. You struck up that fellow's Laud just in lime." "Awfully glad I happened along as I did." Wnltqr said genially. "Have they 'aught the man?" he inquired In terestedly after Andrew Lad served lights to the smokers. Wuinwrirht shook his head. "No, I'm sorry to say, they hare rot," he replied with disgust In his voi'-. "The scoundrel really made a onderf ill getaway. And that reminds n:e. Mr. IMount how did you contrive to disappear so soon?" Why, the fact is" he said with an assumption of yreat canclor. "I'm a strnrjger in New York, and I knew, of course, there'd le a biir hullabaloo about a thing like this, an 1 I hate no toriety police courts and so on, you understand newspapers too. So when 1 saw the fellow that attacked you had skipped I had the idea that I'd do the same thing, though for a different rea son. I just mixed in tbe crowd a min ute and then slipped around the corner into the next block and came home." He chuckled complacently mid then e!dd, in order to change the topic, 15ut how'd you manage to find meV" "Well, now." Wainwrigbt answered, "that's a bit old loo. An anonymous persou -alled uie up on the telephone at my pla-e last night after I got back, said he'd been among those present at my little adventure, had seen my res cuer and had cuessed afterward that I might like to know who it was. and be gave me your name and address." Walter perceived that Andrew was bow occupied in rearranging some niagnztnes on the large trble. and he recalled the memorandum prepared for bis guidance. Yes, the Oreat White Way! That must Ik introduced next. He sioke mechanically. Fuuny." he corimented. "You see, I know so few people in New York." Ir. Forbes peered with curiosity at tbe young man. "You're a strnr.ger here, you say, Mr. mount?" "Y'es." was the answer, very cheer fully gfvfti. for now tbe thief saw bis war t.- carry out the required instruc tion. "And I cs n't say that I like your town very much. Of course there are pim thing right enough. I'll admit th:it lie til cienth 1 spsat along ibe tJre-'t Wltite War passe 1 off lively i enough. Bnt. you know, n man soon gets enougij of that,. WLea dad and play by a D. Carter " 1 J '-v.. - . . -. ifeM "s3 1 M- K. Fly company. mother came on east to meet sis c, who's just got back from Europe, 1 took this place so we could all be to get her .for awhile. Dad's been josh ing me about getting homesick." he added, with a shamefaced grin that acknowledged some Justice in the charge. "He says I won't be able to stick It out for a year, but I think I will maybe just for a stunt." "Where is your home, may I ask?" Wainwright Inquired. "My home town is Lirainie. Wyo. Of course I'll have to admit that it's a dinky little place, but I like it at that Y'ou see, everybody's your friend out there." Andrew had gone to a win dow at the far end of the room a fact duly observed by his pupil. "Y"es: ev erybody's your friend out there." he related, with a hint of emotion in his voice, "but here it's so hard to get ac quaintedthat is. with the right sort." "If I can ! of service to you in any way" Wainwright suggested. "Oh. I don't mean to butt in," Wal ter declared modestly. Wainwright smiled in friendly fash ion. "I'm glad you did last night." be said emphatically. "Oh. that! Rut. say. have you got any idea why this particular man tried to kill you or who he was or any thing?" "Nothing definite.' Vainwnght re plied. "I dare say it was just some one with a grievance. You may hap pen to know. Mr. Blount, that I was for some years district attorney here. During my term of service I was com pelled to send a good many men to prison, first and last, and some even to the electric chair." Asthelani words were spoken Andrew, who had been surreptitiously watching the speaker, turned his face instinctively to hide from view the distortion of hate that transformed it. "Y"es," Wainwright continued, unwitting the feeling arous ed in one of his hearers; "a good many criminals have come to hate me." "Gee." Walter ejaculated, "it gives me a chill just to think of it!" "Ob. you'd soon get used to it!" Wainwright returned indifferently. Walter shook his head violently. "Yes." he agreed. "I suppose it's all in tbe day's work: but. just the same, the idea of receiving threatening let ters and all that sort of dope" Wainwright Interrupted. "My secre tcry usually destroys them at once." "There Is one notable exception." Dr. Forbes observed in his characteristical ly precise manner of speech as he re folded his hands carefully and smiled a wintry smile. "I refer to tbe white card episode." The. white card episode?" Walter re leated. Wainwright's face lost its rather bored aspect. "Ah. the white card!" he said thought fully. "Yes. that Is something differ ent. And tt? white card is siill com ing coming from some very mysteri ous person, a sort of genius in his way." He rut a hand into the breast pocket of his coat and drew forth a bit of white cardboard, which he ex tended toward his host. "This is one I received yesterday." Walter, who had examined the card curiously, looked up in disappointment as be returned It to its recipient. "Why, there's nothing on It," be com plained. "What's the idea? Is it from somebody you sent up?" "It carries a message In spite of its being blank," Wainwright said somber ly. "As to your question, no. it is not from some one I sent vp. I've never seen tbe man that sent me this and tbe others like it, and promises to send me more, of different colors." Wainwright then proceeded to de scribe the Allen murder, tbe sentence and the threatening developments thereafter. ! Walter'a desire for details concern big tbe curious situation outlined by Wainwright was thwarted by the en trance of Mr. and Mrs. Blount, pursu ant to Andrew's privately conveyed In structions to them. Husband and wife were in eTening dress. He sprang up. as his guests rose, and introduced the twain as his father and mother. I'm right glad to meet any friend of my son's." the husband affirmed, i "He prored himself my friend last 'night." "Wainwright cauckied. said. Blount ' ra fas; JO "Yes. be happened to be right on the Job. dldnt he?" Mrs. Blount, who did not approve of being left out of any conversation In her neighborhood, interposed hospi tably, as she arranged her ample form in a chair near the guests. . "Now, do sit down." she urged, and beamed on first the one visitor and then the other. She felt a triumphant pride in her iosition here as hostess in metropolitan society and wished that, tbe members of the Mothers" club of Laramie, Wyo.. might see her now, entertaining thus intimately two distinguished geutkmen of New York city. Wainwright remarked, as be seated himself in a chair facing his hostess "I fear we are detaining you." "Not a bit. you ain't." Mrs. Blount asserted, with forcefulnesj. "Father and Lucene and I were just going out to have dinner at soim restaurant, and we ain't in any hurry at all." Mr. Blount re-enforced his wife's statement. "No, siree, we ain't in any rush. We've got a taxi waiting." the west erner went on as he cieiied a cigar case. "Let Jt wait. I say. Mother end I don't come to New York often, and. when we do come why. darn the ex pense! Eh? Ain't that right, mother?" Dr. Forbes made an effort to sus tain a share in the conversation by ad dressing Biount. "You come from the cattle couutry. I hear." "It used to be a real cattle coun try," was the answer, "but nowadays it's all sheep. It's good business, too, all right, though the smell of those critters is something awful. The last few years have been wonderful. I tell you. sir. Why. I can remember when II cents for wool was considered a very good price. But two years ago we got . That's som price for raw wool. lelieve me. But of course no one knows what this new tariff" Walter Interrupted the speaker with an admirable imitation of the pert son's rude manner toward the father. . "Now. dad. for heaven's sake, don't you get started ui the t.-iriC." "No. John." Mrs. Bloimt tittered. "1 wish I had a dollar for every hour I've had to listen to that stuff." She turn ed her eyes on Walter. "I wish, my dear," she said In tones expressive of deepest maternat pride, "that you'd go and ask Lucene to please hurry." Walter stooj up obediently. "Yes. mother." he said, "if you will excuse me to our guests." And be hurried from the room. IMount took advantage of the refer ence to the daughter of the house to enter again into the conversational arena. "i'es, Mr. Wainwright, and you. doc tor, we're just naturally some proud f that girl of ours. Y'ou might think four yars in France would spoil a girl. So it might some of them. I guess. But not our girl! Why, Bucene is just crazy to get borne again out to Laramie. Wyo." "I don't know, fnthrr." the wife said doubtfully. "I'm afraid she'll never be really satisfied here in her own country any more." "I guess that's right," said Walter, who had re-entered in time to hear his mother's remark. Blount waved an arm in vehement denial. Then the visitors stood up quickly, looking toward the d rwny. Lucene had paused there, and her b!ue eyes, :iow darkly lustrous, vnere fixed on Wainwright in a gaze that penetrat ed to his soul. '(To Be Continued.) . MURDOCH. J (Special Correspondence.) "Z-l-x-T-'' i i i i . . A 4 . Ask Mary Otte how the new Ford runs. Charles Schafer was a Lincoln visitor Tuesday.- Miss E. V. Everett of Lincoln was home over Sunday. A. J. Tetters and I. D. Utt spent Sunday in Louisville. Miss Jessie Rush of Omaha spent Monday with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Moore of Ashland spent last wek with Dr. I. D. Jones and family. The 18-year-old blind and deaf dog of W. O. Gillespie was chloroformed Sunday by Hay Baldwin. Mr. and Mrs. W. I. Weddle and Mrs. W. O. Gillespie took Sunday dinner with Mr. and Mrs. John Schrvin. The Amgwert sisters, Lily and Rose, returned Sunday evening from Council Bluffs, where they have been visiting the past week. A number of our people attended the base ball game at Greenwood Sunday, Lincoln and Grenwood play ing, Greenwood winning by a score of 5 to 4. M. Tritsch, refracting optician, at Gering & Co.'s Wednesday and Sat urday evenings. Examination free. Diarrhoea Quickly Cured. "About two years ago I had a severe attack of diarrhoea which lasted for over a week," writes W. C. Jones, Buford, N. D. "I became so weak that I could not stand upright. A drugrgist reoemmended Chamber lain's Colic. Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. The first dose relieved me and within two days I was as well as ever." Obtainable everywhere. ALVO HEWS ITEMS J. V. Cochran of De Witt spent Friday with Miss Marie Prouty, leav ing on No. 14 for Omaha. Miss Blanche Moore accompanied Miss Margaret Riser to her home at Council Bluffs, Iowa, and will spend several days with her there. William Sutton was in Lincoln Fri day to view the Liberty Bell. John Murtey was in Lincoln Friday on business. Mrs. J. A. Shaffer was in Lincoln Friday. Ed Evans visited relatives and friends in Lincoln Sunday and Mon day. Alfred Stroemer and J. A. Shaffer autoed to Lincoln Tuesday. Ed Stone and William Kitzel autoed to Lincoln Monday. Ed Casey was doing business in Lincoln Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. John Murtey were in Lincoln Tuesday. Will Sutton was in Lincoln Sun day. The infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Earle Bennett died early Wednesday morning1 of pneumonia. Mrs. Sam Cashner was a passenger to Lincoln last Thursday on No. 14. Sam Cashner went to Omaha Wed nesday on No. 14. Mr. Ellis, the "Knight Light" man of University Place, was in town on business Wednesday. Mrs. A. N. Myers and children re turned last Thursday from a visit with relatives at Cresco. William Casey and Dale Boyles were in Lincoln Sunday. Miss Crabtree of Eagle made ap plication for the position as primary teacher. Thomas Stout and Dale Boyles were in Lincoln Monday on business. Thomas Stout was in Havelock on business Monday evening. Mrs. Nervia Knott and son, Irvin, returned from a visit in Lincoln Tues day on No. 18. Miss Blanche Moore returned from Council Bluffs, Iowa, where she visit ed Miss Margaret Reiser th2 past ten days. Earl Cole of Havelock was iii town ond business Wednesday evening. The Misses Delia Sutton and Emma Jordan attended the Holiness camp meeting at Lincoln last week. L. Lauritson is getting his new store in readiness for Saturday, the opening day. Mr. Lauritson will handle general merchandise and ex tends a cordial invitation to all to come in and get acquainted. Carl Johnson and Thomas Barry were in Lincoln on business Wednes day. Mrs. Morgan Curyea returned from Lincoln Wednesday. George Curyea was in Lincoln Wed nesday on business. William Timblin and family were shopping in Lincoln Wednesday. Mrs. Arzilla Foreman and little daughter came in Wednesday to at tend the funeral of her nephew. Mr. and Mrs. L. Lauritson were in Omaha Monday buying goods. S. C. Boyles and C. R. Jordan were in Omaha last Wednesday on busi ness. George Kamm and Harlev Wolf were Omaha visitors Monday. Mrs. T. W. Barry passed away at 7:30 a. m. Sunday, July 11th, after a lingering illness. She leaves her hus band, Thomas Vi. Barry, who arrived Tuesday evening from Duke, Texas, and two daughters, Mrs. Carl John son and little Auastaria Barry, and two sons, Leo Barry of Idaho and Emile Barry of Texas. The funeral will be held as soon as the two sons can get here. G. P. Kahler was in Lincoln Mon day on business. Noel Foreman returned from Lin coln Wednesday on No. 14. Born To Mr. and Mrs. Walter Franks, July 10, a daughter. Mrs. Rhoda O. Curtis and daugh ter, Mrs. Sally Waldchlager, and her three little sons left on No. 14 Wed nesday for their home at Hannibal, Missouri, after spending the past two weeks with the former's brother. Rev. E. L. Uptegrove and family. William Uptegrove accompanied them as far as Omaha. The new store building just erect ed by C. R. Jordan is a fine improve ment to the town. It will be occupied by L. Lauritson. The P. J. Linch gar age is another fine improvement, and R. W. Stewart is beginning the erec tion of a pump house. 4 I- EAGLE. J Beacon. V Miss Abbie Judkins returned home the latter part of last week from a visit with friends at Tobias, Neb. Mrs. J. T. Lyell and children left Thursday for an extended visit with relatives at Palmyra and Monroe City, Missouri. T. W. Berry of Duke, Texas, is visiting relatives in this vicinity, ar riving Tuesday evening. Mr. Berry is agent for the Santa Fe railway at Duke. Jack Lyell left Tuesday on an ex tended business trip to Texas, Arkan sas, Oklahoma and Missouri. We understand that be will return home some time in August. Mrs. A. H. Vanlandingham went to Plattsmouth last Friday afternoon for a short visit with her daughter, Mrs. Eugene Setz, returning home Sunday evening. T. R. Crabtree is still on the sick list. We are glad to report that his condition is somewhat improved as it was considered rather grave the first speedy recovery. J. H. Sack, who resides on a farm northwest of town, was kicked on the hip by a horse last Thursday. He was taken on the noon train Saturday to Lincoln by Dr. Longacre and remained there to receive treatment. Bert Price leaves Monday for Pick- rell, Neb., to take over the manage ment of a general merchandise store at that place. We are sorry to see Bert leave Eagle, as he has proven a most obliging young man during his residence here and as clerk for W. P. Yoho. We wish him success in his new location. We are glad to report that Mrs. Frank Knadle, who underwent a serious operation at St. Elizabeth's hospital in Lincoln, is greatly im proved and has been removed to the Herman Francke home in that city. She expects to be able to return to her home at Mandamon, Iowa, in a few days. Mrs. Knadle is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Kettlehut, sr., of this city. Wall Paper. Gering & Co. T UNION. Ledger. Walter Fetty and family moved to Manley this week, where Mr. Fetty will be in the employ of the Missouri Pacific. Mrs. Myron Lynde departed on Monday for Plainview, Texas, to make about three weeks' visit with her daughter, Mrs. Frank Fricburg- house and family. Mrs. E. A. Fletcher of Oakdalc, Neb., departed for home Wednesday evening, after spending a few weeks here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Klaurens. Mrs. Earl Ticketi arrived Sunday evening from Oklahoma and is mak jng a visit with relatives and many friends in this town and the vicinity where she was born. Miss Mary Foster was here from Lincoln for a Sunday visit with her parents. Miss Foster is state man ager of the Teachers' Insurance Co., with headquarters in Lincoln. Mrs. Earl Pickett of Oklahoma and Mrs. John Ervin left yesterday for Wausa, Neb., to make a visit with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Lynn. Mr. Erwin accompanied them to Omaha. Mrs. Charles Pittman, who was visiting her brother, Chas. Garrison and family, left Monday for her home in Kimberly, Idaho, being accom panied as far as Omaha by Mr. and Mrs. Garrison. Mrs. E. A. Kirkpatrick of Ne hawka changed cars here Saturday, going to Omaha, and in so doing she left in the waiting room at the depot her handbag, containing $15 cash and $75 worth of jewelry, and soon after the train left the depot "boys"' found the property, returning to the owner when she passed through here again Monday. Edward Warne of Kokomo, Indiana, spent a couple of days here last week visiting Ed Young and other friends in this vicinity, which was his home twenty-three years ago, when his father, T. M. Warne, was owner of the Factoryville mill. At that time "little Eddie" Warne was about waist high to the Ledger editor, and as this was his first visit since moving away, he observed a great many changes in the town and people. He left last Fri day evening for his Indiana home. vr r LOUISVILLE. Courier. ! Mr. Bomgardner was called to Val ley Monday to visit his son, who is seriously ill. Mr. and Mrs. Taylor Wilson visited with relatives at University Place over Sunday. James Terryberry was over at Arion, Iowa, Wednesday. He reports thousands of acres of wheat uncut and standing four inches deep in water. Mrs. B. D. Barker was taken to a hospital at Omaha last Saturday to be treated for blood poison. She is said to be in a very critical condition and little hopes are entertained for her recovery. Mrs. George Frater of North Platte, Neb., is here this week visiting old friends. She is on her way home from the annual reunion of her family in Oklahoma, where she also attended the wedding of a niece. Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Towner and two children, of Greeley, Neb., and their daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Mangold, of Gretna, arrived Tuesday for a visit with Mrs. Towner's brother, W. F. Diers and family. J. M. Cox, formerly of this place, but now of Valparaiso, Neb., is here visiting his daughter-in-law, Mrs. Joe Cox, and his many friends. Mr. Cox is now about 87 years old, and con sidering his advanced age, he is re markable and is enjoying fairly good health. M. N. Drake and son, Charles, will leave in about ten days for Portland, Oregon, where they will visit Mr. Drake's father, who is close to 90 yeas of age. They expect to be absent about five weeks and will visit the San Francisco and San Diego expositions. W. A. Cleghorn has received a let ter from his sister, Mrs. A. L. Eck stein, who with her husband and two children are living in Brooklyn, where Mr. Eckstein is in the insurance business. Mrs. Eckstein writes that they are pleased with their home in the east and that the children are do ing well in school. Her daughter, Barbara, aged 13, stood second in grading in a school of 700. Paints and Oils. Gering & Co. 4- 4 WEEPING WATER. J Republican. J 4- H4-fr4-4-l"!-I' I-I-2-I-I- Mrs. Scown of Marion, Iowa, came in today (Thursday) for a visit with her mother, Mrs. G. II. Moulton. Leslie Wiles was on the South Omaha market Tuedaywitb. a car load of fat cattle' that average 1,00 pounds and sold for $9.20. The home of Mr. and Mrs. I. W. Tecgarden was made happy Wednes day, July 14th, when the stork left there a fine young daughter, Kathryn Marie. Mrs. Fred Miller, who has been staying with her parents. Dr. and Mrs. A. C. Welch, for several months. while recuperating her health, left for her home at Lincoln Monday even ing. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Patton and two little boys, of Grand Junction, Colo., came in Sunday evening for a visit at the home of Mrs. Patton's uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Byron Baker. Miss Vera Baldwin returned Tues day morning from Wauneta, Chase county, where she had visited at the George Colbert home. Miss Baldwin reports the crops around Wauneta as being very good. Charley Philpot and his son-in-law, Lee Brow, were on the South Oma ha market Tuesday with 96 head of fat cattle that averaged 1,414 pounds per head and sold for $9.70, bringing the neat sum of $12,856.97. Two cars of fat hogs are still on the farm to be marketed. The smallpox as near as we can learn, is about over with. No new cases have been reported since our last issue. At present there are only three quarantine cards up in town and most of those in the country have been taken down. Mrs. A. C. Welch returned Satur day from her two weeks' visit in the western part of the state. She re ports crops along the Republican val ley as badly damaged by hail and rain. Farther out in the state where crops have not been hailed they are looking good. Benefited by Chamberlains Linimnet. "Last winter 1 used Chamberlain's Liniment for rheumatic pains, stiff ness and soreness of the knees, and can conscientiously say that I never used anything that did me so much good." Edward Craft, Elba, N. Y. Obtainable everywhere. Ubifo Diapond- DEHORR PENCIL f08 SJLE BY Plattsmouth Cycle Co.- Every pencil will dehorn 50 calves from 10 days to 10 months old for 1.00. Call" and get one. A forfeit of $5.00 for any calf it fails to dehorn. NOTICE OP SA1.K. Ia the DlMtrirt Court of the County f Cans, Arbranka. In Re-Guardianship of Norman E. Dickson, Minor. To All I'ersons Interested: You are hereby notified that uniir and by virtue of a licence issued on July 6, 115, by Honoratle James T. Jiegley, Judge of the Iiistnct Court, of the County of Casa. Nebi'Hf-ka, the un dersigned puardian Bill, at the hour of 10 o'clock a. in., on ti e 3d day of .August, A. L. 1915, f.c-11 at public Mil: at the south front door of the Couit House, I'lattsuioulh, Cass County, Ne braska, to the lii:hest bidder tor cash, the undivided one-ejphtnt h iiitt-r'it of Norman 1Z. Jiickson. minor, in iho folIowiiiR- real estate to-wit: Lots seven 7i, eiaht h) and r irii . In block thirty-six (3; the south tia I f of lot twelve (12). In bio. k forl tuo 42); lota four (4) and .'.). bio k fifty-five (&u); lot one 1 . two ci, three CO, four H and live tf), Iti block fifty-seven (07); bt nine 'J) and part of lot ten 1 0 1 , in block tittv seven (57): lots three ( l , four (4. rive and six fii. in block fifiv- eiKht (58); north hair of lots eleven (11) and twelve (12). m block one Jiundred ofrty-nine 14U. and loi ten Km, eleven (111 and twelve (U'l. in block fifty-six .'pG), all In the City of J'lattsnioutli; also all of nt. three' ( :; t and four (4), in block thirty-seven (37), and an undivided one-half in terest in lots five 5 .-it,d six (;. in Mock thirty-eipht C!Si. m Yoiirur At Hays Addition to the City of l'laits mouth: and also lots fifteen (l.".. six teen li) and seventeen (17. in Loner's Kirst Addition to the 'ijc... of Mynarii, all in Cass County, Ne braska. Said sale will remain open for oni? lionr. Hated this 6th day of Julv, A. l. 1915. K. J. i:icm;Y, Guardian of Norman i:. ijickson. Minor. AV. A. iiOBKKTSON. Attorney 7 - K - S ki m;u kl. mu m In the IMslrfrl Court f Can County. Nrbrmka. Alice Wells, I'luiiitiff, vs. Mable A. H 1(7(7 ins. et l. IWendants. To Mabel A. Jiiiicins. Mabel ARiie HisKins, Marc a ret Ma -on, and th I'nknown Heirs and Ieltce of Kalo 1-yiicli. iJcceased; You will take notice that on July Mh, 191"., the plaintiff herein. Alice Wells, filed lier petition in the istrkt Court of Cass County, Nebiiiska. against you and others for the put pose of foreclosing a Tax Sale " i I iti ate is sued by the County Treasurer of Cass County, Nebraska, to one A. K Tidd, on sale of lots . S. 10, 11 and U. in block 17H, IMattsnioulh. Nebraska, at public tax sale on November tilh. 1!1I, for de linquent tax. costs and ch-jipes aKaitrt said lots for the year JUKI, whuli Certificate lias been -a; t-iKiicd to plaintiff. . ' l'laintlff claims a Men arniust said lots by virtue of. said Tax s.-le Certifi cate in the sum of with interest at 15 per cent per annum from Novem ber fitli, lStll, and the further sum of $K.45 for subsequent taxes paid for the years 1S11, mil', i:il3 and 1H. with interest thereon at 15 per cent per an num from June loth, 1!K.. and attor ney's fees of 10 per cent of amount found due plaintiff, and praya that same be decreed a first lien on said premises and that said defendants bi jorecloscd of all riclit. title and In terest in and to said premises and said premises be ordered sold and out of th proceeds of such sale that plaintiff t paid the amount decreed to be due her on said lien with costs of suit. Y'ou are required to answer said petition on or before the L'.'ld day of August, IS 15, or the allegations con tained in said petition will he taken aw true and decree rendered as prayed for therein. AMCR WF.LI.S, Plaint iff. By JOHN M. LKY1., Her Attorney. 7-i:-twks !otici: to ( (TmcTon. Bids will be received at the offlc of the County Clerk in fla 1 1 smout u, Ne braska, up till imon on Saturday. Aug ust 7, 1S15, for building all wood and steel bridges, concrete arch and box culverts and other concrete work, such as wings and abutments, for the year ifi r. Also for the construction of one. 4-ltx4-ft. concrete box culvert on I:oi k Bluffs road about two and one-half miles south of J'iattsmout h. IMans and specifications now on file in the otii e of the County Clerk at I'lattsmout h, Nebraska. Separate bills may be filt-d for brids work and for concrete arch a nil box culvert wot k. All bids to be opened on Tuesday, Aucust 10th. lir., t 10 o'clock a. m. The Board of County Commissioners reserve the right to reject any or all bids. A certified check of fCO'i.oo must ac company each bid. FRANK J. LIBKHPHAU (Seal) Countv cieik 7-l-4wka ivoiici:. In lor Comity Court f the Count? of Ca, .Nebraska. In I-Kstate of Ernest Huebner, Deceased. To All .Persons Interested: Y'ou are hereby notified that on Julv 6, 1S15, Minna Huebner tiled a petition in this Court alleging the death teMate of Krnest Huebner. a resident and inhabitant of this County, on June 1 , 1915. and lequestiiifr tiist an instru ment presented as the last will and testament of said deceased, by whieh he has devised and bequeathed all of his property to bis widow, lie admitted to probate and II. C. Wenzel be ap pointed as administrator C. T. A. In the place of Ceorge Keiter, Jr.. nomin ated as executor thereof. A heariiiK will had on said petl t ion at the office of the County Judge, Court House, I'lattsmout . Cass Coun ty, Nebraska, on the I'nd day of Aug ust. A. I. 1915, at nine o'clock a. m . before which hour all objections there to, if any, must be filed. By tho Court. ALLEN J. I'.HKSON. Countv Judge. W. A. ROBERTSON". Attorney. 7-S-3wks Wall Paper. Gering & Co. Taints and Oils. Gering & Co. Misses Edna Peterson and Vcrna Hatt returned home Saturday evening on No. 2 from a trip of several weeks duration on the Pacific coast and the northwest, including: a most delightful visit at the Panama-Pacific exposi tion. C. T. Edwards and family of Elm wood motored over from their home Saturday and visited for the day at the home of Mrs. Edwards' sisUr, Mrs. W. II. Rainey and family. Remember the musical at the home of Dr. and Mrs. J. B. Martin on Tues day evening, July 20th. 1 Many 'old songs and some new ones will be given, lou win enjoy mem. Ligiit refreshments served- A sliver offering will be received. Wall Paper. Gering & Co. Paints and Oils. Gering & Co.