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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (July 19, 1915)
MONDAY, JULY 19, 1915. tAGE. 4. plAttsmouto SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL. Cbe plattsmouth journal Publlchtd 8ml-Wekly at Plattmouth, N b r. Xnterod at the Poatofflce t I'Uttsmouth. Nebraska, as second-clasa mall mattr. R. A. BATES, Publisher Subscription Prloei St. 4- THOUGHT FOR TODAY. Let us be of good cheer, re- ! membering that the misfortunes j i hardest to bear are those which I never come. Lowell. ! 4iII V V i VW :o: Very frequently charity is a curse to the community. :o : The farmers begin to look on the bright side of hope. :o:- Some men are extravagant, while others are kept poor by a sym pathetic nature. :o: Certainly our city council cannot be accused of being neutral. It is always kicking or being kicked. :o: Omaha boasts of a charming widow who has brought up seventeen chil dren and three husbands. :o: Uncle Sam's crop of wheat is now officially estimated at a billion bush els. Some bread basket, eh? :o: The thirty-year war, however, was not the longest, as some old married men would be willing to testify to. :o: There being exceptions to all rules, s-ome lawsuits to break the will are ended before the estate is exhausted. :o: When a man is seen closely study ing columns of figures in the paper, it is not so apt to be the expenditures of the government as the averages of the base ball teams. -:o:- The business men do not get much benefit out of a carnival down cn the bottoms. The streets are almost de serted after the carnival opens up at night: Some businesses suffer in this way. :o: Some people do not seem to care whether they have weeds around their property or not. An able-bodied resi dent is not a good citizen that will let weeds collect around him and go to seed. :o: The American people arc determin ed to support President Wilson's for rign policies, but they do become a little impatient over being compelled to change their minds so often re garding Mexico. :o : While it is safer for people to travel to Europe under the American flag, and they may thus avoid getting this country in trouble, many tourists couldn't do it because it would look as if they were "afraid." :o: President Wilson has given up his trip to the exposition, but state legis lators from all over the country, at a sacrifice of their private interests, have gone there at the taxpayers' ex pense to see that public interests are looked out for. :o: It is very ridiculous for the coun try paper to tell about the farmer painting his barn, but it is enterpris ing journalism for a metropolitan newspaper to tell the color with which the summer resorter decorates her reception room for a card party. :o: . A machine that will de tect a lie is the latest. Prof. Hugo M'J isterberg, the renowned Harvard psychologist, has just had finished by Harvard students in hi3 laboratory a series of more than one hundred experiments which prove conclusively by means of a little instrument known as a sphygmometer, that any person who tells a lie can be unfailingly detect ed in the falsehood. SO Per Year In Advano Growth of Wealth and Debt. The Buieau of the Census has brought together into two volumes all the statistics pertaining to wealth, debt and taxation that have been is sued in various bulletins the past year. The bureau estimates the total wealth of the United States in 1912, exclus ive of Alaska and insular possessions, at $187,729,000,000, showing an in crease of 75 per cent in eight years. It is frankly an estimate, but the bu reau believes that it is as accurate as the previous estimate in 1904. The great increase in railway valuation, however, raises the suspicion that part of the growth is represented by a change in the basis of valuation for purposes of taxation. But however much guess-.vork there may be in the estimate of the wealth of the coun try, the figures on the growth in pub lie indebtedness ere indisputable. The ret public indebtedness in 1913 reached the total of $4,850,461,000. The federal debt was $1,028,564,000, or $10.50 per capita. The combined debts of all the states amounted to but $345,942,000, or $3.57 per capita. The debt of all the counties amounted to but $345,i)42,000, or $4.33 per cap ita. The municipal indebtedness amounted to $2,844,883,000, or $54.27 per capita. It will be observed that the municipal indebtedness was much more than half the total. The per capita figures, except those on the national debt, have little mean ing. Some states have no indebted ness at all. Some counties are sim ilarly blest, or, in some instances, curst. The per capita figures on mu nicipal indebtedness are especially misleading, for the inhabitants of ru ral districts bear no part of it. In some cities the per capita debt is very high, being $178.3$ in New York. In St. Louis it is only $27.75. The in crease in municipal indebted ness throughout the entire coun try between 1002 and 1913 was 114 per cent. There has been a vast increase in revenues, due to higher valuations and increased tax rates, but the expenditures of over 2,500 population in 1913 being more than $138,000,000. During the same year the states ran behind over $15,000, 000. The national deficit for the year just closed is reported to have been over $35,000,000. There is probably little more extravagance now than at former times, but governmental activ ities have been greatly extended. One of the gravest problems of thf future will be the financing of the public business in an equitable man ner. :o: It is quite apparent that 1915 is not to be a repetition of 1816 Eighteen-hundred-and-froze-to-death. The ex pected never happens. :o : We believe that summer has at last arrived, and that the corn crop will come to the front in "great shape. Nearly two months of rains every other day ought to be plenty for at least a couple of weeks. :o; Assassination is not a short cut to any kind of justice. The crank who shot Mr. Morgan discovered this as thoroughly a3 has the other crank who shot the Austrian archduke and thus precipitated the greatest war in history. :o: The many friend.? (and they are legion, loo) are after Dr. P. L. Hall to run for governor. If he will con sent to the use of his 'name for the position, that's all he need do, as his friends are so numerous throughout the state there would be no question as to Dr. Hall's nomination and elec tion. He is tlvj ideal candidate. And ail others had just as well stand from under. New moon and still no let-up on the rain proposition. :o: Straw hats are becoming so cheap that even the horses can wear them :o: The Missouri river is still at its old tricks of shocking some of its best friends. :o: A great victory in Europe now usually consists in recapturing the trench lost the day before. :o: We cannot see how Plattsmouth could possible improve more than it has done so far this season. :o: - Responsibility isn't such a burden but what most men are willing to as sume it for a cash consideration. :o: Mexico City gets along fully as well when there is no president hang ing around her as when there is. : :o: When the war ends, as it must sometime, the German socialists can point with pride to their great victory. :o: A St. Louis sign writer has dis covered that pro and con are ab breviations of producer and consumer. :o: Only men who wear sixes can find their size of white shoes in the show windows. That's how they underesti mate. -:o: With all the dangerous cranks run ning around loose, it is to be hoped tflat President Wilson will abandon the habit of answering the door bell in person. :o: Speaking again of the downfall of civilization, not enough sixteen-year-old chickens are spanked by their mothers and fathers for staying out late at nights. The young people of this nation are learning too much too soon. :o:- WIIEN WILL THE WAR END? Very frequently the question is asked, "How long will the war last?" If one is to judge from the state ments and acts of the leaders engaged in it, and they should be able to form an opinioii if any can, it is to last for a long time. There have been many contracts made for war sup plies which contemplate deliveries for two or three years, and one for a large amount, continuing for five years. That would indicate that the purpose is to carry on war for a long lime. On all fronts there seems to be a checkmate. Sometimes one side gains a little and sometimes the other, but the contest is practically in the same position it was six months ago. The difficulty is that in this trench warfare, the defense, whichever side it is, has an enormous advantage. An advance must be a frontal attack against a fortified position, and ac cording to the books on tactics, to be successful the attacking body must greatly outnumber the defenders. Small attacks, mining trenches and rushes may be successful in limited areas where there is no superiority of force in the attacking party, but these things have no very great in fluence in determining the close of the war. The armies on both sides re main intact. All attacks must be of this kind. There can be no more surprises, no more outflanking, for the aeroplanes will instantly detect the movement of any large bodies of troops. It there fore seems that the war must be a sort of siege affair, in which the armies always can retreat and always can be supplied. There will never be another army shut up as Bazaine was when Napoleon III invaded Germany. It must always be a frontal attack on trenches. With modern tools, the largest army can intrench itself in ten or twelve hours, and under favor able circumstances in two or three. There were 300 miles of two lines of trenches built, extending from the sea to Swityerland, with connecting ap proaches, in a very short time and all done under fire. With slight inden tures, those lines stand today, just as they were nearly a year ago. None of these things indicate an early closing of the war. World-Herald. THE FARM WIFE. A plea for the farm wife was made at a bankers-farmers conference held in Chicago recently. An appeal was made to the bankers that they take the wife into consideration in the making of farm loans, and to fully ex plain to her the effect of notes and mortgages that she is required to sign and the liability that she takes upon herself. It was said in the majority of instances the wife attached her name to whatever papers were placed before her, not knowing whether she was signing a death warrant or an agreement for divorce. And the point was made that if the farm wife could be taken into the confidence of the business end of the household and given instructions as to the whys and wherefors of the various transac tions pertaining to the business of the farm, there would be fewer fail ures and fewer farm mortgages fore closed. And in the event that the re sponsibility of managing the farm should be thrown upon the wife on account of the death or disability of the husband, her knowledge of the business would enable her to provide for herself and family. There have been many complaints filed in behalf of the farm wife. Many of these complaints have been met and remedi ed, but there are others remaining to be worked out. And it is large ly due to the curable disad vantages of the farm that the boys and girls leave the farm and that the farm wife 6o frequently becomes a drudge and loses interest in all save the treadwheel that wears her life away. Among the disadvantages that might be remedied to a very great extent, is the loneliness, the isolation, the lack of social and educational ad vantages, the lack of amusements and recreation, the long hours of labor, and the lack of modern conveniences about the home. Too often the lot of the farm wife is made unnecessarily hard because the head of the family views her as a hired domestic, working for her board and keep, rather than his co partner and the mother of his chil dren. The family head is very ready to purchase modern machinery that will lessen his work or that will in crease the production of his farm, but he refuses to provide modern do mestic machinery that would lighten the labor in his home or make his home a more pleasant place of abode. In many instances the head of the family gives more care and attention to the barn lot than he does to his front dooryard. He will remain up all night doctoring a sick calf, but will let his wife wear out the nightly vigil with the crying child while he dreams away the hours without miss ing a single snore. He will buy more land to raise more corn to feed more hogs to buy more land, but he will let his wife to her chickens and her cows to clothe herself and children and pro vide spending money for the entire family. In such instances there is an entire lack of appreciation of the real needs of the farm wife, and under such conditions the farm is the most desolate, disconsolate spot in all the world. :o : Financial circumstances alter a great many legal cases. :o : Individuals should show prudence in traveling, but their government's duty is to protect their legal rights, and no more. :o: When Prof. Munstienberg gets his lie detecter perfected, The Hague should compel every diplomatist to wear one. People who cros3 the streets should reflect on the annoyance caused some motorists to slow down to less than forty miles an hour. :o: The Hagenback-Wallace circus and menagerie showed at Blair last Satur day and sold 20,000 admission tickets. Blair is about half the size of Platts mouth, which demonstrates that big crowds can be had at small towns as well as the large ones. The managers say this crowd is unprecedented even in cities of 10,000 population.' A machine has been invested to re cord lies, but very few women about this town need it. The average mar ried woman always knows when her husband is lying, even if he thinks she doesn't. :o:- A coat of tan is a healthy color, but even in the sulty season one should wear something more. Whic suggestion is made to the girls who show through,' lest they become more so. :o: With two expositions, an earth quake and a volcano, California': tourist trade should be larger this year than usual. And tourists are an important factor in making the Gold en West golden. :o: Why not become an Apostle for the Abolition of Pain on Earth? The talk about it would please a great many people and it would take at least as long to realize it as to bring about permanent peace. :o: Women are doing all kinds of work in Europe, and probably they would also in this country if they weren't too polite to take away the jobs from the men. :o: Phil Kohl stands about as mucl chance of being nominated for gov ernor as the man in the moon. Why not all proposed candidate stand aside ana give it to ur. t'. iiau oy me unanimous consent of the democracy of Nebraska? Dr. Hall is a man in . -w-v T -W T T 11 I ll the fullest sense of the term and when he says he will do a thing he will do it. That's the kind of a man for gov ernor. :o: The Brundagc Carnival company has come and gone, and we can say without the fear of successful contra diction, that it was one of the cleanest combinations that ever visited Platts mouth. It was entirely up-to-date and the people connected with the shows were all first-class ladies and gentlemen. Order was maintained throughout and we can truthfully rec ommend them wherever they go. :o: NEBRASKA IS "SANE." For many years the eastern papers have been declaring that Nebraska was fanatical, radical and wanting sanity. Several of them lately have come to the conclusion that Nebraska is sane. Among them is tne ftew York World, which says: "The world is richer for Prof Bruner's labors as an entomologist, and to accord him the passing honor of being received formally at the Panama-Pacific exposition as Ne braska's most distinguished citizen is the best proof of the state's entire sanity." When the wild rush for concentrat ing wealth in a few hands absorbed the thought and energies of the east, Nebraska protested and was de nounced as fanatical and insane, but the state pursued the even tenor of its way, advocating those political principles which the whole country has since been forced to adopt to save its civilization from collapsing and at the same time has produced more em inent men in ratio to its population than any other state. In science, trange as it may seem to the ordin iry man, it has been a leader. The w ork of Prof. Bruner and Prof. Bes- sey is equal to that of any other scientists anywhere. Besides that Nebraska has without doubt produced the greatest orator of modern times. The wisdom and justice of the com mittee's choice of Prof. Bruner as Ne braska's most distinguished citizen is acknowledged all over the United States. The World says: That its choice fell upon Frof Lawrence Bruner of the University of Nebraska, the state entomologist, ;hows that it measured distinction in terms of service. The names of other men within the four boundaries of Ne braska may be better known, but the question remains whether their wide reputation rests upon more solid foundation." "Service to mankind" is the final test greatness. It is what made Wash of ington, Jefferson and Lincoln great, and their names a precious inherit ance to all Americans. Prof. Bruner rendered valuable service. World-Herald. i 4 - Children Cry &mmm The Kind Yotr Ilavo Always x iUl J, and lias been made under his per 4yt7, 1 nal supervision since its infancy. r, 46CCSc6ZZ Allow no one io deceive von in thi. All Counterfeits, Imitations and 'STust-as-good. " are but Experiments that triile with and endanger the health of Infants and Children Experience against Experiment What is CASTORIA Casforia is a. harmless snbstituto for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. It contains neither Opium, JUorphino nor other Narcotic Mihstanec.' Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. For more than thirty years it has been in constant use for tho relief of Constipation, Flatulency, "Wind Colic, all Teething Troubles and liarrhcca. It regulates the Stomach and Bowels, assimilates the Food, giving- healthy and natural Sleep. Tho Children's Panacea Tho Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the In Use For Over 30 Years The Kind You Have Always Bought THE Ot MTAUR COM Russia may have to draft generals and ministers of war in a little while. :o:- People would be much happier in general if the average person were as particular with kin as with strangers. :o: Looping the loop as a physical sensation went quite out of fashion when joy riding at sixty miles an hour came in. There is nothing but worry until a farmer gets his crops in the bank, and then he has to look out for lightning rod agents :o : The political primaries next year will be held in April. The successful candidates will enjoy a long run for their money. :o: By the looks of the contribution box cn a summer Sunday, many people seem to regard it as a kind of jitney ride to heaven. :o: Roosevelt is cruising in the Gulf of Mexico and has had no opportunity to talk; that's the reason we hear no more from him. :o: Some of these days someone will stand up and ask what has become of the old-fashioned man who was proud of our civilization. :o:- On July 8th John D. Rockefeller celebrated his 7Cth birthday. This fact will doubtless be used by many to demonstrate that it pays to work. :o: Those Mexicans who have shown their contempt of President's Wil son's recent open letter have the dis cretion to keep on the other side of the Rio Grande. :o: Mr. Bryan wants newspaper articles signed, but it is hoped that he won't nsist on having the man with the corncob pipe append his name to the woman's column he has produced with so much effect. :o: Harry K. Thaw is not insane, so a jury of twelve men 6ay, and he is now a free man. There should be no pun ishment for killing such men as White. A libertine is the worst speci men of humanity, and many a young girl has been sent straight to h 1 through their manipulations. :o: Tom Allen wants the district at torneyship and is working like a trooper for the appointment. He isn't qualified for the position, but then you must remember he is Mr. Bryan's brother-in-law. He generally finds a place for his relatives, and has near- y all of them provided for. for Fletcher's &&&& Eongbt, and wliicli lias been xias uoriio me signature oi Signature of V, YORK ITV. God bless the farmer who drags the roads. :o: Speaking about overcoming habit, it is the easiest thing in summer to get out of the habit of going to church. :o: One of our readers wants to know "how can I keep my hubby at home?" Lock up all his clothes so he can't find them. There are wives in this town who have tried this, and know whereof they speak. ... :o; We cannot but feel sorry for the young man we see with a cigarette in his mouth. He may not thank us for our sympathy, but if he continues the draft of the poisonous fumes the day will come when he will re gret ever having fallen into this nerve-racking habit. At. first glance it looks like it is perfectly harmless, but the habit grows on the man until it becomes apparently indepensible to his happiness and peace of mind. Then this habit gets another that is more vicious and deadly the habit of using cocaine, opium or morphine. When these deadly drugs once get hold on a young man's system his case becomes absolutely hopeless. 'He looses his will power, all self esteem is gone, health lost and he drives him self down to a premature grave. Boys, resolve now to leave the cigar ette alone. :o: ONE WEAK SPOT Many Plattsmouth People Have a Weak Part and Too Often It's the Back. Many people have a weak spot. Too often it's a bad back. Twinges follow every sudden twist. Dull aching keeps up, day and night. Backache is often from weak kid neys. In such case a kidney medicine is needed. Doan's Kidney Pills are for weak kidneys. For backache and urinary ills. Plattsmouth people recommend the remedy. Mrs. F. S. Brinkman, Eleventh and Pearl streets, Plattsmouth, says: "For several years I was bothered by my kidneys and my back often pained in tensely. Headaches and dizzy spells bothered me and my sight became so badly affected that I couldn't read. I got a box of Doan's Kidney Pills at Gering &' Co.'s Drug Stofe and in a short time they helped me in every way. I am never . without Doan's Kidney Pills on hand." Price 50c, at all dealers. Don't simply ask for a kidney remedy get Doan's Kidney Pills the same that Mrs. Brinkman had. Foster-Milburn Co., Props., Buffalo, N. Y.