The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, July 19, 1915, Page PAGE 2, Image 2

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    PAGE 2.
MONDAY, JULY 19. 1915.
From Saturday's Daily.
C. S. Wortman of Claremore, Okla
homa, who has been visiting in the
vicinity of South Bend, in this county,
for a few weeks, during his stay in
this city yesterday took advantage of
the occasion to call on a number of his
friends whom he had known while he
made his home in this city during his
term as county superintendent of
schools. Since removing to Okla
homa Mr. Wortman has given up
school work to take up the practice
of law, and in the new commonwealth
has made nuite a sucofs ot his pro
fession and Las ha.niied a an.-:'.', deal
of litigation i't the courts of Rogers
county and the Ok'ahonuv- supreme
court. In spsakin of his county, Mr.
Wortman stated that a greater part
of the land tboco had been divided
among the members of the Cherokee
tribe of Indians and their former
slaves by the federal government, but
the Indians have sold a great deal of
their land to settlers from other
states at prices from $10 to $50 per
acre, and the changes in ownership
have furnished a great deal of I usi
ness for the attorneys. Each Indian
and ex-slave received, an eighiy-acre
tract of land as their share when the
tribal apportionment was made by
Uncle Sam. Mr. Wortm:in still takes
an active interest in political ailnirs
and has become ;uite prominent i;i
democratic politics i.i the south and
was a repiesentat ve i the Oklahoma
legislature from his county and was
one of the leading figures in that
body. His success will be most
pleasing to his old friends in this
From Friday's Daily.
As one of the features of the har
vest sale which is being held at the
Wescott store this week, a special of
fer to the farmers of Cass or Sarphy
counties, or Mills county, Iowa, who
will bring the best sample of wheat
of Ahe 141 crop from his farm to the
Wescott ' storeo n or before noon
July 31st.: This wheat will be graded
by a committee of competent judges
anil the sample grading the highest
will be awarded a fine suit of clothes
which will be selected to fit the winner
and from his choice. This will be a
fine opportunity for some of our
farmers to secure a prize as a result
of their efforts in the farming line,
and there will doubtless be many of
the residents of the county who will
enter in the contest.
Card of Thanks.
From Saturday's Dauy.
We wi.-h to express our most heart
felt thinks to our neighbors and
friends for their kindness and assist
ance and "words of sympathy, also for
the beautiful floral offerings and the
music rendered by the choir at the
funeral of our beloved husband and
Mrs. Z. T. Brown and Children.
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Trimpe.
Following is the program to be
given at the silver medal contest of
the W. C. T. U. at the home of M. S
Briggs on Tuesday evening:
Piano Solo Francis Whelan
Contestants No. 1
Violin Duet
....Grace Beeson, Robert Kroehler
Contestants No. 2
Vocal Solo Mrs. R. B. Hayes
Contestants No. 3
Piano and Violin Duet
Francis and Geieieve Whelan
Contestants No. 4
Vocal Solo. ... i .Mrs. Charles Jelinek
Contestants No. 5
Piano Solo Miss Una Crook
Contestants No. 6
Vocal Solo Miss Leona Hudson
Contestants No. 7
Reading Miss Grove
Presentation of Medal.
Piano Solo Mrs. Arthur Troop
For Infants and Children
In Use For Over 30 Years
Always bears
the .
Signature of
The announcements have been re
ceived here of the marriage in Omaha,
at the home of the bride's parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Charles II. Mack, of
Miss Minnie Mack and Dr. Frank Jen
sen, of Newman Grove, Neb. The
newly weddd couple will be at home
after August Its at Newman Grove,
where Dr. Jensen is engaged in the
practice of his profession. The wed
ding was a very quiet one, o'Ai'ng to
the recent death of the father of Dr.
Jensen, and was attended by only the
immediate family. Dr. Jensen is quite
well known in this city, where he has
visited a number of times with rela
tives. He was married here several
years ago to Miss Clara Batton, who
passed away some two years ago at
their home in Newman Grove.
There will be a splendid opportunity
for some man, woman, boy or girl to
attend the Panama-Pacific exposition
at San Francisco this year offered by
the Mid-West Amusement company
of this city, who are ready now to
make the oflicial announcement of the
offer to the public. There will be the
fullest opportunity afforded the pub
lic to get in the contest and capture
one of the fine prizes offered to the
ones securing the largest number of
The proposition is that caudidates
for the prizes, the first of which is
two round-trip tickets to the exposi
tion at San Francisco, as well as the
one at San Diego, and a trip to Uni
versal City, including berths and
meals on the trains enroute, shall dis
pose of the largest number of coupon
books of tickets good for admission
to either the Air Dome, Gem or Grand
theaters; each book will contain
eleven tickets and will be sold for $1.
The candidates will be credited with
1,000 votes on each book sold, and in
order to give ' everyone an . equal
chance in the game the contest will
not be opened until Wednesday night.
Coupon books can be obtained by the
candidates Wednesday afternoon after
5 o'clock and the battle will then be
The second prize in the contest
will be a handsome diamond ring and
the third prize a handsome LaVallire.
The contest is open to all and the
particulars of this rare offer can be
learned by looking over the ad in an
other part of this paper.
In this issue will be found a coupon
which will be counted as 100 votes for
your favorite candidate, and they
should be cut out of the Journal and
presented for voting not later than
August 1st. The coupons will appear
for three days in the Evening Jour
nal. Remember to cut them out and
assist your friends.
The open air union meeting at the
park last evening was attended by
quite a large number, despite the
threatening and uncertainty of the
weather, and those in attendance felt
well repaid for their presence in the
excellent sermon delivered by Rev. F
M. Druliner, pastor of the Methodist
church, which was one of exceptional
force and strength and made a very
deep impression upon his hearers. The
music for the service was furnished
by a choir from the different churches
and added much to the excellence of
the services. With each succeeding
meeting the interest of the public
continues to grow and a feling of bet
ter understanding reached between
the members of the different churches
of the city.
Traveling Man's Experience.
"In the summer of 1888 I had . a
very severe attack of cholera morbus.
Two physicians worked over me from
4 a. m. to 6 p. m. without giving me
any relief and then told me they did
not expect me to live; that I had best
telegraph for my family. Instead of
doing so, I gave the hotel porter fifty
cemts and told him to buy me a bottle
of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and
Diarrhoea Remedy, and take no sub
stitute. I took a double dose accord
ing to, the directions and went to
sleep after the second dose. At 5
o'clock the next morning I was called
by my order and took, a train for my
next stopping point, a well man but
feeling shaky from the severity
of the attack." writes H. W. Ireland,
Louisville, - Ky. Obtainable every
Local News
Hon. W. H. Puis of Murray, with
his family, motored up Saturday and
spent a few hours here taking in the
Hans Tarns departed this morning
for McCook, Neb., where he will look
after some carpenter wcik for th
Burlington railroad.
Jas. Miller, the Nehawka contract
or, was here today for a few hours
looking after some matters of busi
ness and calling on friends-.
Miss Florence Kichardson came in
Saturday evening from Omaha for an
over Sunday visit at Mynard at the
home of her parents in that place.
J. E. Johnson, trainmaster of the
Omaha division of the Burlington
was in the city today for a few hours
looking after some company business
Joseph Warga and wife and Fred
Ohm, sr., and wife were over Sunday
visitors in Lincoln and Havelock yes
terday, going there on the early Bur
lington train.
T. P. Leonard returned to Omaha
this morning, after having visited
over Sunday here with his parents.
Mr. and Mrs. V. V. Leonard, in this
Mrs. William Hunter was among
those going to Omaha this morning
where she will visit for a few hours
looking after some matters of busi
Charles Poisall came in from his
home at Lincoln Saturday evening and
will visit here for a short time at the
home of his sister, Mrs. Peter Herold
and family.
Bert Piatt was an over Sunday
visitor with his parents at Silver City
Iowa, yesterday, going to that city
on the early Burlington train yester
day morning.
John F. Gorder, the implement
dealer, was among those going to
Omaha this morning, where he wil
spend the day looking after some
matters of business.
August Swanson was among the
passengers this morning for Omoha
where he is taking treatment for
rheumatism, from which he has been
a sufferer for a few weeks past.
Guy Crook departed this morning
for Lincoln, where he expects to en
gage in the insurance business in that
city with his brother, who is one of
the leading insurance agents there.
William Wegner, one of the prom
inent retired farmers of Louisville
was in the city today for a few hours
looking after some matters at the
court house.
A. L. Todd and wife and son, Ches
ter, and Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Meisinger
and little daughter were among the
visitors in the metropolis yesterday
for the day, going to that city on the
early Burlington train.
Prof. Frank Jean of the Peru nor
mal school, was an over Sunday visit
or at the home of his parents, Mr.
and Mrs. C. L. Jean, southwest of this
city, coming in Saturday evening on
No. 2.
Attorney T. F. Wiles and family of
Omaha came down Saturday evening
on No. 2 and visited here over Sunday
at the home of Mr. Wiles' parents,
Captain and Mrs. Isaac Wiles.
John G. Wunderlich and family,
who were here Thursday and Friday,
departed Saturday in their car for
their home at Nehawka, after a most
enjoyable visit here with tehir daugh
ter, Mrs. C. A. Rosencrans.
S. J. Reams, the Cedar Creek
tonsorial artist, was in the city for a
few hours today, and while here was
a pleasant caller at the Journal office
before returning to his home.
Henry Heebner, the genial man
ager of the Duff grain elevator at
Cedar Creek, was in the city today
for a few hours, en route home from
Nehawka and Murray, where he visit
ed with relatives over Sunday.
The Daughters of the American
Revolution will give a musical at the
home of Dr. and Mrs. J. B. Martin
Tuesday evening, July 20. A program
of old samgs and some new songs will
be given. Refreshments served. A
silver offering will be taken. Pro
gram begins at 8:30.
Ice Cream Social With Program
At the home of W. T. Richardson,
Mynard, on Saturday evening,' July
. i
Plattner Firm Will Move io Tha
Cily From Denver. .
Lincoln Considering Proposition of
Buying Capital Beach Slayer Sitz
man's Request For Pardon Is De
nied Colonel Presson Returns.
Lincoln. July 19. The IJncoln Com
Hercial club is happy because the city
has secured the location of the Piatt
ner implement manufactory, which
was formerly located In Denver.
Subscriptions to Its stock in the
amount of 40.0oo were secured in
few hour's work and land will be
bought and the building erected at
once. It will tal;e about ten acres of
land to accommodate the six buildings
the largest or which will be 50x200
feet. The company will employ 150
men to start with.
May Buy Capital Beach.
Lincoln is considering the propo
sition of buying Capital beach, tfie
pleasure resort about a mile west of
the city and attaching it to its park
system. The owners will sell and it
Is expected that the place can be
bought for about 5100,000. It com
prises about 600 acres of land, about
600 of it being in an artifical lake.
Arrange For Institute.
D. II. Weber, superintendent of pub
11c instruction In Richardson county
has started preliminary arrangements
for the teachers" institute for 19l;
one year hence, so that the best In
Btructors may be obtained. Dean E.
I. Rouse of Peru and Superintendent
E. M. Cline of Nebraska City are en
Colonel Presson Returns.
Colonel J. H. Presson of Omaha
record clerk in the office of Governor
Morehead, has returned from a two
weeks' vacation spent in Mankato
Minn., and Eeattle. Kan. The colonel
says he never saw as cold a Fourth of
July as he experienced in Mankato
while on hts vacation.
Lumber Firm Sells.
The R. M. Tidbell Lumber company,
One of the largest and oldest In Lin
coln, has been sold to the W. F.
Hoppe lumber company and the two
consolidated. Mr. Tidbell will retire
from active business life.
Sitzman'. Request Denied, .
The board of pardons denied the ap
plication of Sitzman of Cass county
for a pardon. Sitzman was given a
life sentence for the murder of a man
near Plattsmouth in 1909.
Ditches Will Carry
Not Bring Water.
TJncoIn. July 19. According
State Knidneer Johnson, the western
pprt of the state, which has usually
suffered by sandstorms and where the
roads have been hard to travel be
cause of their sandy condition, is now
facing an entirely opposite condition.
Farmers west of Islington are pre-
poiins: to organize a drainage district.
according to the state engineer, in a
locality which heretofore depended
upon irrigation ditches to water the
land. Now drainage ditches are nec-
essiry to run the surplus water off
A state-aid bridge will soon be built
across the Ivoud river a mile east of
St. Paul. The bridge will be of steel.
alout 70ft feet long aod will cost In
the neighborhood of $50,000.
Many Attractions For Tractor Meet.
Fremont, Neb., July 19. A fish
bake, a military parade, headed by
Governor Morehead and his staff; a
hand concert by the Fourth Regiment
band, which will be here this week: a
wrestling match by Joe Stecher and
an opponent to be chosen, are some
of the features for the third annual
meet of the National Power Farming
demonstration to be held Aug. 9 to 14.
Farmer It Killed by Bolt of Lightning.
Craig. Neb.. July 19. Alfred Swan-
Fon. a farmer living three miles west
of herp, was struck and instantly
killed by a bolt of lightning during
the storm. He was standing in the
barn with his two sons when the light
ning struck him. Both boys were
quite severely burned, but the barn
was not damaged at all. Swanson was
about fifty years of age.
To Boost Nebraska at Exposition.
Omajia. July 13. To boost Nebraska
nd the Omaha trade territory, Man
ager Parrish of the bureau of public-
ty left for San Francisco and other
California points. Efforts will be
made to induce visitors to the expo
sition to return by way of Nebraska,
with a stop-off at Omaha.
Falrbury Man Dies From Injuries.
Falrbury, Neb., July 19. Jaccn
Lan. Falrbury caroenter, who sus
tained serious injuries by being struck
by a Sells-Floto circus traia locono
tive. die A at his home after two weeks'
Tecumter Boy KIHea? at Falls City.
Tecusseh, Neb.. July 19. Harvey
Ward,' tha eight-year-old son of John
M. Ward of Tecumseh. was run over
New tie
every week
separate and distinct clothing and furnishing
bargains are listed in our 4th Big Harvest Sale
ad. You evidently have read them judging from
the way they have been selling, but here are a
few extras that we could not get on the big bill.
Men's Genuine Mohair coat and
pants for torrid days
Men's Lineen pants. light and cool
and easily laundered
One line men's fine high grade
worsted and cassimere pants
Men's summer gowns.
Don't forget our Daily Program of Specials
see Hale bill. Also tlie prize offered for the best wheat and the father of the
largest number of boys. Our automobile friends are finding some very inter
esting price cards in our store. You'll find everything here just as advertised.
Watch our ads for new features.
C. E.
TTTTT I 1 4 i i i i i 4
Mrs. D. C. West left Monday morn
ing for a visit at Del Norte, Colo.
Mrs. Robert Dore was a passenger
to Lincoln Sunday to see her brother,
who is in the hospital there.
Mrs. Earl Kirkpatrick came in
Wednesday night from Ceburne, Tex.,
to visit at the home of E. A. Kirk
patrick. '
Mrs. Charles Chri.swisser and chil
dren came home from Plattsmouth
Saturday, having spent a few days
with relatives. " "
" Mrs. John Hatt and children from
Plattsmouth came in Wednesday to
The Sale With a
Grow Larger Crouds Saturday
than any day since opening!
Men and women came here to buy they went away satisfied with their pur
chases, confident of having the same quality of goods that have characterized this
store since it's beginning.
Great Bargains in Furnishing Goods
short sleeve, ankle length ecru ribbed union suite, closed crotch QJjp
style; value '$1.25. Sale price
Torosknit union suits; value $1.00. 75c
Sale price
L5c Silk Sox, in white or black. 35 C
Sale price two pairs for
Men's suits from America's best makers; won
derful bargains, selliDg fast for
$7.95, $9.95, $13.95, $18.95 and $21.95
Boy's suits, made to withstand the hard knocks
of school wear, every suit with the Ederlieimer-Steiu label. Bargain prices
$2.95, $3.95 and $4.95
One lot men's fine soft shirts with
either military or flat collars. . . .
Men's sport shirts in plain shades
with blazer stripes on collar and
Men's leather
Wescott's Sons
visit a few days with her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. W. Newman.
Mr. and Mrs. Hilborn returned
lo their home in Lincoln Saturday
after a short visit 'with their sister-in-law,
Mrs. Raymond Pollard, who is
still confined to her bed.
Walter Swartz, who has helped for
some time here at the depot, has re
signed his position and left Monday
afternoon for Plattsmouth, where he
will help his father for a while at
Malcolm Pollard returned from
Rochester, Minnesota, Wednesday
morning for a two weeks stay, after
which he will return. Mr. Pollard
is suffering from cancer. The doctors
are positive of a complete cure.
J. B. Davidson and family were in
town Friday visiting the former's
niece, Mrs. Herbert Opp. Mr. David
37th year
A new lot of men's pure tub silk (t Q 0 C
shirts in handsome new stripes, .nJi till
worth $5.for V.UU
faced gauntlets.
son was a professor at Ames last year
and they are now on their way to
Sacramento, where he will be an in
structor in the college Ihere this year.
Beauty More Than Skin Deep.
A beautiful woman always has
good digestion. If your digestion is
faulty, Chamberlain's Tablets will do
you good. Obtainable everywhere.
R. C. Winehammer of Peoria, Il
linois, was a visitor here yesterday
with relatives at the J. H. Becker and
Frank Brinkman home. Mr. Wine
hammer is a traveling representative
of the Acme Harvester company of
Peoria, and is traveling through the
west looking after his company's in
terests. Subscribe for The Journal.
by aa auto in Falls City and killed.