The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, July 15, 1915, Page PAGE 6, Image 6

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THURSDAY, JULY 15, 1915.
Murray Department
Prepared in the Interest of the People of Murray and Surrounding Vicinity Especially for the Journal Readers
I . J 1 V I i J I
- X V 1 1 V7U JL.W IV II t . . . 1 . .4 ' H ' j Mi. v aVTl lit
alow. Keep to the riht."
street CAUTION and CORRECTNESS in financial dealings
in physical well being, in moral and mental attitudes, are splendid at
tributes. This bank goes slow. It keeps to the right. It fills EVERY
FUNCTION of BANKING with caution and corre:tncss. Do YOUR
tanking with us and benefit by our caution.
Four per cent interest on time deiwsks.
Our deposits are protected by the State Guaranty Law.
Jim Earhart was attending the
carnival in Plattsmouth Wednesday
Adam Hild was visiting with Mur
ray friends and relatives Tuesday of
this week.
George Everett, from near Union,
was a Murray visitor on Wednesday
of this week.
J. W. Holmes was looking after
some business matters in Omaha Mon
day of this week.
Bert Root was look in;; after some
business matters in Plattsmouth
Wednesday evening.
Rich Smith, from near Union, was
buying hops in and rear Murray dur
ing the past week.
Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Ramge were
visiting and trading with Plattsmouth
friends last Saturday.
Fred Ramge of Plattsmouth has
been visiting and assisting his son
with the farm work this week.
Miss Margie Walker was visiting
with Plattsmouth friends Tuesday
evening and Wednesday morning.
Wm. Oliver of Plattsmouth was
here several days during the past
week, visiting and assisting his sons
on the farm east of Murray.
Bill March has established a gen
uine basket factory in Murray, and
has been making some line baskets.
He moved here from Plattsmouth.
We are now prepared to furnish
you with Power Washing Machines
and Engines at the right price. Call
and see us. Murray Hardware Com
pany. The heavy rams south of here
washed out a great deal of the M. P.
tracks Wednesday morning, and all
trains were delayed several hours. The
C o'clock train did not pass here un
til 3 o'clock in the afternoon, some
nine hours late.
That's a good slogan for LIFE'S
as for the passing moment in the
Mrs. Addie Stokes is spending the
week with her daughter, Mrs. Copcn
haver, near Union.
Mrs. Minnie Woods and children
spent the day Mcnday at the home of
Mrs. Gapcn, north of Murray.
Mis. Clara Young is spending the
week at the home of her brother, Hex
Young, and wife, near M3-nard.
There were quite a numler of
Murray people attending the car
nival at Plattsmouth Tuesday and
Wednesday evening.
Mrs. Anna White ami son, Fran
cis, spent a portion of the past week
at the home of her sister, Mrs. Lloyd
Gapen, north of Murray.
J. R. C. Gregory, from west of
Murray, drove his cattle in Wednes
day afternoon, send were loaded out
here for the South Omaha market.
He had sixty hesid of them, and were
in good condition.
The Harvard expedition that has
been wot king over near old King hill
for the past few weeks, have pulled
up stakes and gone to White Cloud,
Kansas, where they will work for
some time. They have completed
their research in this locality for the
Dr. Gilmore v ent out to the home
of Adam Schafer on Wednesday of
this week and lifted the smallpox
quarantine that has been over him
for the past few weeks. We con
gratulate Mr. Srhafer upon his being
out once more, and hope that such a
seige may never come his way again.
William Tuls, sr., experienced a
slight runaway this week. His team
was down near the depot when they
became frightened and got away from
the old gentleman and came up Main
street at a pretty rapid speed. They
ran as far as the Oldham corner,
where they were stopped with but lit
tle damage.
War is causing -men to die,
and in time will cause a .short
age of men.
"War is causing a shortage of
Dye, so the manufacturers are
claiming. These Dyes are
used in the blue overalls you
wear and in a short time you
will be unable to get blue
overalls. We have bought
heavy on the famous "IDEAL
BRAN D" the best ever
made, for men and boys 50c
to $1.00. Men and boys' bed
tick stripe overalls in all
Mark White was a Plattsmouth vis
itor Tuesday evening.
Homer Shrader has sold his prop
erty in . Plattsmouth.
Murray was well represented at the
circus in Nebraska City Tuesday.
Mrs. Albert Leonard has been num
bered with the sick for the past few
Mr. and Mrs. Harmon Beck and
family took in the circus at Nebraska
City Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Puis, Sr., and
daughter, Miss Laura, were Platts
mouth visitors Tuesday.
Miss Carlson of Omaha has been
visiting at the Brendel homes in Mur
ray for the past few days.
.Mr. and .Mrs. M. G. Churchill and
daughter, Clara, were Plattsmouth
isitors Sunday afternoon.
II. G. Todd and James Lough ridge
verj visiting for a few hours with
county scat friends Tuesday evening.
George Nickels. S. O. Pitman and
Albeit Young were Omaha visitors
Tuesday. They drove up in the auto.
Mr. im:I Mrs. Harry Creamer and
Mrs. Anna White and son attended
the circus in Nebraska City Tuesday.
Miss Beulah Sans was visiting 4t
the home of her sister, Mr. anil Mrs.
Glen Eoedfcker, a few days this week.
Oliver Lloyd has moved his saw
mill from the I-ee Allison place to
his home on the Dr. Hall farm, east
of Murray.
Mr. and Mrs. S. G. Latta and son,
James, and Mr. and Mrs. (. V. Vir
gin went to Nebraska City Tuesday
to attend the circus.
Lev Brown ' and Chas. Philpot
shipped five cars of cattle to the
South Omaha market from this sta
tion Monday evening.
Dave Allen, who is making his
home at the home of P. A. Hall, in
Rock Bluffs, has been suffering with
a severe case or ivy poisoning ior me
past few days.
Mrs. A. L. Baker and daughter,
M'isa Opha, departed Tuesday' for a
few weeks' visit with friends and
relatives at the old home of Mrs.
Baler in Sheridan, Indiana.
George Nickels is now working the
automobile business for all there is
in it, and he says he will have a num
ber of those little Pul'unan cars in
Murray within the next few weeks.
Joe I.loyd of Lincoln has been in
Murray for the past few days vis
iting with old friends and relatives.
Joe looks about the same as always,
and pays he is enjoying good health.
Henry Creamer shipped a car of
his cattle Monday evening to the
South Omaha market. Mr. Creamer
went to the city, and was present
at the tin.e the cattle were on the
market Tuesday.
Dr. Brendel was over between
Weeping Water and Avoca Wednes
day of this week, releasing a num
ber of smallpox cases from the quar
antine. The doctor reports all cases
getting " along nicely.
Mrs. J. W. Johnson and daughters,
Misses Beulah and Nellie, are in Mur
ray this week, visiting with their
brother and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. W.
S. Smith. Mis. Johnson and daugh
ters reside at Ong, Nebraska.
A. V. Kennedy, who has been sick
for the past numler of months, has
been .slowly gaining in health for the
past few weeks, and while he is still
very weak, his many friends will be
pleased to know that he is gaining.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Sporer enter
tained Mr. and Mrs. Alvia IiOiig and
Mrs. Homer Miller last Sunday.
There is no doubt but that they had
a pleasant time, and were treated
to an excellent dinner at the usual
Henry Creamer lost one of his
finest steers on Monday afternoon,
while being driven to Murray, en
route to the South Omaha market.
The weather was very warm, and the
animal was overheated. It was quite
a loss for him.
There is still a great shortage of
residence properties in Murray. A
large number of new homes have
gone up during the past few years,
but there is still a shortage in the
rental properties. Wm. Gray, the new
elevator man, is still without a per
manent home in Murray.
Mrs. Alvin Long, Mrs. John Ed
munds and Mrs. Wm. Sporer enter
tained a number of lady friends at
the home of Mrs. Long on Wednes
day afternoon of this week in honor
of Mrs. Homer Miller of Plainview,
Mrs. Minnie Woods of Lincoln and
Mrs. Stokes of Calgary, Canada. The
afternoon was most pleasantly spent
in the usual manner, and at the cus
tomary hour the ladies were treated
to an excellent luncheon.
If any of the readers of the
Journal know of any social
event or item of interest iu
tbis vicinity, and will mail
same to this ollice. it will ap
pear under this beading. We
want all news Items Editor
From Tuesday's Dally.
The following dispatch from Mur
ray to the World-Herald, under date
of yesterday, tells of the work of the
scientists in their search for traces
of the early Indian tribes of Ne
braska :
The Harvard archeological party,
under the direction of Dr. Fred H.
Steins, has moved its camp from the
mound district south of Nehawka to
the bluffs along the Missouri river
east of Murray. At the '"buried vil
lage," where Dr. Sterns spent most
of last summer, lie has found numer
ous new kou.-e sites in the valley ex
posed by the heavy rains this season.
Potsherds and ash pits give evidence
that this valley was thickly populate 1
its entire length. As the party i
pushed for time no excavations will
be made in those ravine dwellings
this season.
Dr. Sterns and party are now en
gaged in exploring a house ruin, of
the rectangular variety in the Rock
Bluffs cemetery, one of the highest
points along the Missouri river, one
mile south of the old town of Rock
The rectangular earth lodge, in Dr.
Sterns' opinion, is pre-Pawnee and
differs-from the latter widely jn con
struction and the character of article ;
destruction. As this house was lo
left in the house at the time of its
rated far from any water supply ?t
is his beliew that these pre-historic
dwellers inhabited this country when
they were furnished with water from
springs originating in glacial drift.
(Too Iite for Last Week.)
I.-.abell Schrader was a Plattsmouth
visitor Sunday.
Dwver Todd went to Plattsmouth
Sunday accompanied by friends.
Henrietta Creamer visited Platts
mouth Sunday afternoon and evening
Vera Hatchett went to Plattsmouth
Wednesday on the early morning
Ed Creamer visited a Plattsmouth
friend Sunday evening.. The Murray
boys are interested in Plattsmouth,
Wti think.
Roy Clint made another of his reg
ular trips to PiatLsmouth Sunday
evening. He visits the northwest part
of town quite regular. Isn't the
movies now, we think.
Dr. G. H. Gilmore accompanied
Robert Kirkpatrick to Omaha Monday
evening, where he was placed in the
hospital for examination and treat
ment for n few days. Mr. Kirk
patrick has been suffering from stom
ach trouble for some time, and of late
his condition has been quite serious.
United Presbyterian Church News.
After an absence of several weeks,
Mr. Latta was present at Sabbath
school and took up again his work as
teacher of the men's class.
Mr. and Mrs. Edmunds and Mrs.
Eliza Young were entertained at the
manse last Thursday evening, July 8.
There were thirty present at the
Rock Bluffs services Sabbath after
noon. The Place to Buy Lumber.
There never was a season so favor
able for building and making im
provements around your farm home
as this one has been, and the activity
around the Murray lumber yard is an
evidence of this fact. More of all
grades of lumber is being sold this
spring than for many seasons. The
demand for good goods and the fact
that it can always be found at this
lumber yard at the right prices are
the causes for the increased business.
Mr. Kikendall is after the lumber
business of this locality, not only from
the fact that it is duo him, but be
cause he is ready and willing to meet
all competition on the numerous
grades of lumber.
Re-cleaned Amber cane $1.00 bu.,
white kaffir $1.15, German miller
$1.50, cow peas, $2.50, feterita $1.50,
alfalfa $8.50, rape 12 Vic lb., shallu
10c, fall turnips 50c postpaid, pure
Sudan grass 20c. Seamless 20c.
Plenty of time for hay and grain
crop. Write us about it. Johnson
Bros, Nebraska City. 7-13-ltwkly
Regular 75c values in Initial Sta
tionery at the Journal office for 50c.
This afternoon Mrs. Frank L. Rho
den, who for several weeks past has
been at the Immanuel hospital in Oma
ha, recovering from a very severe op
eration, was enabled to return home
and it is unnecessary to state that the
return of this lady was the occasion
of a great deal cf pleasure to her fam
ily and friends throughout the county.
Mr. Rhoden and Mrs. Georgia Cream
er, a sister of Mrs. Rhoden, accompan
ied her home, and the journey from
this city to the home south of Murray
was made via automobile. Mrs. Rho
den while not fully recovered is feel
ing much better and in the restfulness
of her home will doubtless soon be
able to be un and around as suual.
Miss May Vallery, who is at the
Immanuel hospital in Omaha recover
ing from a very severe operation, is
leportcd as doing nicely, and the at
tending physicians have th3 greatest
of hopes that she will fully recover.
The operation was one of great
severity 'and was in reality a series
of four operations in one and the
patient has suffered very much from
the effects of what she has undergone,
but has stood up nicely under the
ordeal. That she has such bright
hopes will be most pleasing to the
friends of this estimable lady through
out this section of the county.
Don't speed!
When in doubt stop!
Don't crowul other cars.
Watch the side streets carefully.
Don't load your car over capacity,
Don't run too close to the car in
Use common sense and watch other
Don't pass a car or vehicle on the
right side.
On country roads, don't go too close
to the ditch.
Always stop at railroad tracks and
look both ways.
Don't be afraid to go into low speec
in tight places.
On country roads don't pass other
cars at high speed.
Don't stop on a hill or incline close
behind the car in front.
Don't run into thoroughfares from
sidestreets at high speed.
When you start, always turn to see
what is coming behind you.
Don't keep your headlights on in
city streets, unless dimmed.
If a car is trying to pass you from
the rear give it plenty of room.
Cut your corners square, so that
another ear can have room to pass.
Drive carefully on wet streets, es
pccially streets paved with asphalt.
In turning a corner, with another
car on your right turning the same
corner, swing wide.
Don't Speed! Don't Speed! Don't
To Be Mail Carrier.
The position of mail carrier from
the U. S. postollice to the Missouri
Pacific depot and return, which has
been filled for the past year by Andy
Harwich, will, on the lfith be turned
over to E. M. Godwin, who was the
successful bidder for the position, out
of some twelve bids which were of
fered to the government.
One section, 610 acres, wheat land
in Franklin County, Washington.
This land is rolling, but not rough
Located 100 ' miles southwest of
Snokane. 2Vi miles north of Kahlotus,
on two railroads. Soil volanic ash, 2
feet to C feet in depth. It was broken
in 190G, and a crop of wheat grown in
1907 netted the owner $3,900.00 after
all expenses were deducted. It was
plowed in 1912, and has Lain fallow
since. There is 215 acres in wheat
this year, of which owner is to re
ceive one-fourth free in warehouse at
Kahlotus. The land is fence with a
post and wire fence. There is a first
mortgage of $5,000.00 due in Novem
ber, 191C, at 7 per cent per annum.
Will sell for $22.50 per acre on lib
eral terms, purchaser to assume
For further information write
owner. W. C. SAMPSON, Owner.
Care S. A. A. C,
Spokane, Washington.
Don't forsret the dance at Coates'
hall Friday to be given by the Cos
mopolitan club. A cool hall with lots
of ventilation. Come and enjoy yourself.
Murray Hardware and
Implement Company
We have now taken charge of the Baker & Nickels hard-
ware stock, that was purchased by us a few days ago, and
we are ready to meet all the old and r.ew friends of the
store in this section of Cass county. We have also bought
the Puis & Gansemer line of hardware, and that will be
moved to our store in the near future. We want you
to call and see us, we want your hardware business, and
we are going to make a desperate effort to got it, and if
good goods at the right price is what you are looking
for we will take our chances upon securing your future
patronage in our line. This combined with the very best
treatment that we know how to deal out to you, will always
be our motto.
John Deere Gang Plows
Will be the next thing on the list for you Mr. Farmer.
Let us talk to you when you are ready. We also carry the
John Deere Wagon, the article that is needed on the farm
the year round. Come in and let us talk to you.
Hurray Hardware and implemeni Company
From .Tupsdny s iai:v.
Yesterday afternoon at 5 o'clock,
at the Holy Angels Catholic church in
Chicago, occurred the marriage of
Miss Clara Ruehland of that city and
Mr. Albert J. Schuldice of Platts
mouth. The solemn and impressive
service of the Catholic church was
performed by Rev. Father O'Shay,
lector of the church. The ceremony
was attended by only the relatives of
the bride and a few intimate friends
Following the wedding the bride and
groom were entertained at a dinner
at the home of a sister of the bride
They will spend a week or ten days in
the Windy City before departing for
this city, where the groom has a
handsome new home on North
Seventh street awaiting the coming of
his helpmate. ,
Both of the contracting parties are
well known in this city, as the bride
spent her childhood days here and
removed some fifteen years ago to
Omaha with her parents and later
moved to Chicago, where she has
made her home for a number of
years and is held in the deepest af
fection by a large circle of warm
friends. The groom is a son of Mr.
Albert H. Schuldice of this city, and
was born and reared here and is a
young man of great industry and is
held in very high esteem by all who
know him. He has been employed in
the Burlington shops in this city for
a number of years and is held very
highly by his associates there. Mr.
and Mrs. Schuldice, on their return
here, will receive the best wishes of
their many friends for a long and
happy married life and one free
from care and sorrow.
Letter files at the Journal office.
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always BougM
Bears th
Signature of
are still endeavoring to carry everything that you need
today or will need tomorrow in the line of Dry Goods
and Groceries. We want you business and realizing
that by keeping the lines of goods that you will nted
today or in the future, is one chance in our favor of se
curing your business. We are buying goods to suit you,
not ourselves, and if you will only let us know what you
want we will be in a better position to please you, should
we not have the article in stock. .
Let us know your wants and we believe that we will be
able to prove to you that we are a money saving, station
in Murray for you. When those wants are in our line
we want to talk to you.
Puis & Gansemer,
From Wednesday's Dally.
Last evening August Petoreit, who
is employed on the farm of Frank
Steppat, west of this city, created
considerable excitement by his ex
hibition of horsemanship that resulted
in his being taken in by Chief of Po
lice Barclay for his own safety, as
well as that of the public. The man
started his horse up North Fourth
street about 7 o'clock on the dead run
and turned on the corner of Vine
street at breakneck speed and c6n
tinued on down Vine street until he
reached the postoffice, where the
horses tumbled and fell, throwing him
off with much force onto the pave
ment. This, however, did not daunt
the man, for as soon as he recovered
from the effects of the fall he started
out Chicago avenue at the same rate
of speed and came near running over
a lady who was crossing the avenue
at Marble street, and he was swaying
from side to side in the saddle, being
greatly under the influence of liquor.
While he was carrying on his wild ex
hibition on the avenue the chief of
police overhauled him and he was
broukht back to the city and placed in
the jail to rest up from his spree, and
this morning was fined $5 and costs,
as well as receiving a severe lecture
on the folly of his conduct. The fine
and costs were paid and the man al
lowed to go, but he will probably be
more careful in the future, and it is
really a wonder that he was not
killed or badly injured in his wild
Time to Pay Up.
Owing to the fact that we have dis
solved partnership, all our business
matters must be settled up as soon
as possible, and in order to complete
matters we must have our book ac
counts settled up just as soon as pos
sible If you are indebted to the firm
please call and settle same now.
Baker & Nickles.
To feel strong, have good appetite
and digestion, sleep soundly and enjoy
life, use Burdock Blood Bitters, the
family system tonic. Price $1.00.