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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (July 15, 1915)
THURSDAY, JULY 15, 1S15. PLATTSMOUTH SMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL. PAGE 2. he coin COHMISSIOHERS PROCEEDINGS Plattsmouth, Neb., July 7, 1P15. Board met pursuant to adjourn ment. Present, Julius A. Pitz, C. E. Heebner and Henry Snake, County Commissioners, and Frank J. Liher shal. County Clerk. Minutes of the previous sessions read and approved, when the following" business was transacted in regular form: Owing to the variation in charge made by the different newspapers of the county for publishing notices of Board of Equalization, the Board greed to pay the sum of $1.00 to each newspaper for publishing of said notices. Application of Farmers' State Bank cf Avoca to become a county depositor- received and same was so designated by the County Board. An agreement made and entered into by and between Winfiold Scott r.nd Board of County Commissioners for making copies of plats of towns and villages on file in county register of deed's office. County Judge filed report of fees earned and collected second quarter, f;0!.r,5. County Clerk filed report of fees earned and collected second quarter, 1915, S250.00. County Register of Deeds filed re port of fees collected second quarter lin, $51.90. Clejk of District Court filed report of fees collected second cuarter 1915, 027.20. County Treasurer was instructed to transfer $500 from the (Jeneral fund to the Soldiers' Relief fur d. The following claims were allowed on the General fund of the County: Dr. J. F. Brendel, coroner, in quest Jno. Doc, real name unknown, killed at Swallow Hill $ 15.13 E. Man speaker, hack for jury, inquest Jno. Doe, real name unknown, killed at Swallow Hill 3.00 C. D. Quinton, sheriff, inquest Jno. Doe, real name un known, killed at Swallow Hill 2.00 Asbury Jack?, jury, inquest Jno. Doe, real name un known, killed at Swallow Hill 1.50 L. W. Egenberge:.-, same;.... 1.50 John Hatt, jr., same 1.50 Win. Egenberger, same 1.50 J. C. York, same 1.50 Harry Smith, same 1.50 A. N. Young, witness, inquest Jno. Doe, real name un known, killed at Swallow Hill , 1.00 F. H. Brisbol, same 1.00 M. J. Morran. same 1.00 J. H. Thrashsr, bailiff's certifi cate 2.00 C. W. Baylor & Co.. coal and wood to Collins and Worden 4. B. C. Marquardt & Co., mdse. to Mrs. Ccttinirham 10.00 Streight & Streight, burial of unknown man killed at Swallow Hill 54.70 James Robertson, salary and fees, second quarter 205.25 Klopp & Bartlett Co., sup plies, claim No. 8 SO. 88 D. C. Morgan, postal supplies 5.00 Midland Chemical Co., Anti- Germine to jtil 25.00 Plattsmouth Water Co., vater to jail and court house .... 5.22 Dr. G. II. Gilmore, insane case Amanda E. Cook 8.00 J. E. Douglass, insane case Amanda E. Cook 3.00 James Robertson, insane care Amanda E. Cook 5.75 C. D. Quinton, insar.s c.r:e Amanda E. Cook 20.30 Mrs. Julia Dwyer, witness in- sar.? ci-.o Amanda E. Cook 2.00 A. W. White, md?e. Mrs. Har ness and Mcpherson 15.45 F. H. Nickels, mdse. Frank Matzke 9.70 H. J. Crocker, assigned C. D. Quinton, guarding body of dead man 2.00 Fred Patterson, work in sur veyor's office 00. 00 Dr. J. F. Brendel, salary first quarter, County Physicians' District No. 2 .9.83 Warga & Schuldice, repairs to court house roof 7.10 Allen J. Beeson, court costs, case Edna Denson 3.C3 Allen J. Beeson, court costs, case Martha A. Haddon ... 4.50 John Bauer & Son, repairs to county .95 J. W. Amick, wood to Mrs. Winchell 3.00 Hatt & Son, mdse. to Lam berts 20.00 Mrs. A. L. Marshall, care of Max Barger, second quar ter, 1915 13.00 Dr. B. F. Brendel, quarantine smallpox patients through out county 137.00 Fetzer Shoe Co., shoes to paupers 7.50 C. D. Quinton, salary for June 145.83 Douglas County Hospital, care and medical attention Otto Sikes 7.10 Philip Thierolf, trip with sheriff to Pender 7.0 Plattsmouth Ice and Cold Storage Co., ice to county.. G.GO C. D. Quinton, boarding coun ty prisoners, June, 1915. . . . 3G.00 Lincoln Phone Co., rents and tolls 35.4 C. D. Quinton, jailer fees, June, 1915 45.00 E. J. Richey, material to poor farm 15.50 G. P. Eastwood, hardware to poor farm 19. CO Hans Johnson, mdse. to Mrs. Fowler 12.00 Allen J. Beeson, certificate marriage license to State uoaru ot iieaitn Allen J. Beeson, court costs case Stella Persinger F. G. Fricke & Co., mdse. to W R. Bryan, salary and ex penses county assessor, 1915 Stella Persinger, care of de- Wm. Richards, care of Wm. Everett, June Plattsmouth Journal, printing Louisville Weekly Courier, no tice Board of Equalization The Union Ledger, notices for County The Nehawka News, notice of Board of Equalization Mrs. Dora Fleischman, care of blind man, second quarter 1915' " Frank J. Libershal, salary and expense W. A. Tulene, digging grave for John Doe Hans Sievers, salary and laundry and extra work... John Bauer & Son, auto livery Arno Bushnell, work, in asses sor's office Nebraska Lighting Co., gas and electricity to county... Geo. Oberle,' jr., auto hire to Commissioners E. A. Wurl, mdse. to Monroe, Theodore Starkjohn, posts to farm J. H. Tarns, salary for June Weeping Water Republican, notice of Board of Equaliza tion, 8th grade commence ment 5.50 W. K. Fox, stams, etc 18.83 The Eagle Beacon, notice of Board of Equalization, 8th grade commencement : 1 James Robertson, Mollie A. Bcrcrer vs. Cass County.... 23.50 C. D. Quinton, sheriff, Mollie A. Berger vs. Cass County 8.75 Nelson Berger, witness, Mollie A. Bererer vs. Cass County 4.00 H. P. Strum, same 4.00 G. W. Cheney, same 3.70 E. E. Hadley, same 3.70 Robert Kirkpatrick, same... Geo. McReynolds, same C. D. St. John, same 3.70 3.70 4.00 Mr. Watkins, same 3.70 C E. Heebner, same "4.40 Auerust Ost. same 3.70 C. R. Jordan, same 5.50 A. G. Cole, salary and expense for June 103.03 Alice Tuey, clerk hire county attomev and superintendent 35.00 A. B. Smith, labor and ma terial to court house 15.90 Gertrude Morgan, work in county superintendent's of fice 6.50 C. E. Heebner, salary and mileage 46.40 Eda Marquardt, slary and ex pense June, 1915 144.45 Julius A. Pitz, salary and mileage 32.10 The following claims were allowed on the Road fund: T. Adams, material for Road District No. 16 $104.40 G. W. Harshman, road work, Road District No. 13 216.10 Aug. Krecklow, road work, Road District No. 8 175.60 J. H. Foreman, road work. Road District No. 6 152.65 B. B. Leffler, road work, Road District No. 9 ... 95.60 E. T. Tool, material for Road District No. 7 .161.35 Fred Clark, road work, Road District No. 11 61.20 Walter Byers, road work. Road District No. 27 4.95 Walter J. Clouse, road work. Road District No. 4 144.45 Wm. Rush, road work, Road District No. 7 338.50 B. H. Root, road work, Road District No. 16 78.75 J. C. Lomeyer, road work, Road District No. 5 61.70 Jacob Frohlich, road work, Road District No. 16 4.20 II. S. Irons, road work, Road District No. 14 ........... 22.80 E. J. Richey, sewer pipe for Road District No. 1 J. M. Hoover, road work, 5.25 Road District No. 3 v.. 20.40 Jacob Umland, road work, Road District No. 16 Tom Smith, road work, Road District No. 10 Joseph Seacat, road work, Road District No. 14 J. Adams, material for Road District No. 16 John H. Busche, road work, 31.20 73.80 75.20 Road District No. 2 94.45 Frank Glaubitz, grading, Road District No. 8 127.00 Nebraska & Iowa Steel Tank Co., culvert, Road District No. 9 Nebraska & Iowa Steel Tank Co., culvert, Road District 76.29 No. 10 16.39 Nebraska & Iowa Steel Tank Co., culvert, Road District No. 14 Nebraska & Iowa Steel Tank Co., culvert, Road District No. 7 Nebraska & Iowa Steel Tank 49. 8G 51.29 3.85 Co., culvert, Road District No. 16 23.81 17.80 G. E. Young, road work, Road District No. 12 9G.80 610.46 Nebraska & Iowa Steel Tank Co., culvert, Road District 25.00 No. 2 72.10 Nebraska & Iowa Steel Tank 8.00 Co., culvert, Road District No. 10 28.60 51.64 G. E. Young, road work, Road District No. 9 .. 120.39 1.00 W. B. Banning, material for 42.05 1.95 Sullivan-Mead Lumber Col., lumber, Road District No. 4 33.00 1.00 Yates' Lumber & Coal Co., lumber, Road District No. 8 3.43 The following claims were allowed IS. 00 on the Road Dragging fund: ' H. S. Irons, road Dragging 209.96 District No. 14 $ 3.38 Arthur Adams, Road Drag- 5.00 ging District No. 16 6.00 Wm. Umland, jr., Road Drag- 80.50 ging District No. 16 4.50 G. W. Harshman, jr.. Road 1.50 Dragging District No. 13.. 3.20 Wm. Rush, Road Dragging 70.00 District No. 7 35.75 James Niday, Road Dragging 14.84 District No. 11 4.00 Chas. Gadby, Road Dragging 2.00 District No. C 6.00 Walter Sans, Road Dragging 20.00 District No. 27 13.50 L. D. Lemon, Road Dragging 7.20 District No. 5 ... , 9.00 97.50 The following claims were allowed on the Commissioners' Road fund: J. D. Wall, grading, Road Dis trict No. 16, Commissioners' District No. 3 (H. Snoke) . .$126.00 J. D. Adams & Co., grader for Commissioners' District No. 3 (H. Snoke) 750.00 The following claims were allowed on the Bridge fund: W. B. Banning, bridge ma terial $ 32.05 Geo. W. Voss Co., bridge ma terial 13.55 E. T. Tool, bridge material ... 1.00 Sullivan-Mead Lumber Co., bridge material 179.30 J. Adams, bridge material... 11.10 J. H. Foreman, bridge work.. 91.15 John H. Busche, bridge work 7.45 Yates Lumber & Coal Co., bridge work 16.65 On motion Board adjourned to meet Thursday, July 8, 1915. Plattsmouth, Neb., July 8, 1915. Board met pursuant to adjourn ment, with all members present, when the following business was transacted in regular form: Claims allowed on General fund: J. H. Thrasher, bailiff's certifi cate S 6.00 N. Cummings, hauling rub bish from court house . 1.50 Midland Chemical Co., mdse. to county farm 31.50 A. J. Seaman, refund tax on tax sale certificate No. 3258 and subsequent tax.. 51.08 Claim allowed on the Dragging fund: A. W. Propst, Dragging Dis trict No. 1 $ 24.75 Plans and specifications for bridges, arches and culverts, prepared by the State Engineer, were adopted and County Clerk instructed to call for bids for all wood and steel bridges. concrete arch and box culverts, and other concrete work, such as wings and abutments for the year 1915. Also for one 4x4 concrete box culvert to be constructed on Rock Bluffs road about two and one-half miles south of Plattsmouth, Nebraska. Plans and specifications now on file in the office of County Clerk at Plattsmouth, Nebraska. Separate bids may be filed for bridge work and concrete arch and box culverts. All bids to be filed on or before noon of Saturday, August 7, 1915. All bids to be opened on Tuesday, August 10, 1915, at 10 o'clock a. m. The Board of County Commissioners reserve the right to reject any or all bids. A certified check of $500 must accom pany each bid. In the matter of a petition for a Treasurer's Semi - State General Fund State School Fund State University Fund State Special Fund State Noimal Fund State Redemption Fund State Aid Bridge Fund State Motor Vehicle Fees State School Land Principal State School Ind Interest State School Land Lease County General Fund County Bridge Fund County Soldiers' Relief Fund County Road, First Com. District County Road, Second Com. District County Road, Third Com. District County Road Drag District Road Fund District School Fund District School Bond Fund Louisville Precinct County Jail Teachers' School Fund Individual Redemption . . . City of Plattsmouth City of Weeping Water . . Village of Louisville Village of Greenwood Village of South Bend Village of Elm wood Village of Eagle , Village of Union Village of Avoca Village of Murdock Village of Alvo , Free High School Miscellaneous Motor .Vehicles Interest on deposit Taxe9 Under; Protest J Inheritance Tax !. Fee Account .. j. Special Taxes ......... !. Permanent Road ! Advertising ! . Outstanding Warrants None. !. M. trttsch, public road on section line running east and west between section three (3) and four (4)' and Tiine (9) and ten (10), Township eleven (11) North, Range eleven (11) East of the 6th P. M., in the County of Cass, Ne braska, to connect with the roads running east and west from the place commencing and terminating of said proposed road, the Board voted unanimously to refuse said petition. An agreement was made and enter ed into by and between Ben Windham and the Board of County Commis sioners for the wiring of seven vaults, three corridors and two dials on clock in tower. In the matter of the petition for the vacation of public road commenc ing at the northwest corner of the northeast of southwest a of Sec tion 4, Township 10, Range 11, Cass County, Nebraslca, thence running east along the north line of said northeast J,i southwest V of said Section 4, to half section line, thence running in a northeasterly direction to a point where said road intersects the prolongation of the public road running north and south between Sec tions 3 and 4, in said Township 10, Range 11, in and through the north east ,4 of said Section 4, the Board voted unanimously to refuse said petition. j In the matters of an application of A. J. Seaman asking for a refund of taxes paid on tax sale certificate No. 3258 and subsequent taxes paid upon lots 31 to 40, in the Village of Louis ville, the Board, on motion, voted to refund the amount of principal pay ments, which amount in the aggregate to $51.08. . ..... On motion Board adjourned to meet August 3, 1915. FRANK J. LIBERSHAL, County Clerk. COUNCILMAN EGB HARRIS . HAS PAINFUL ACCIDENT From Wefinesflay'B TaTly. This morning Councilman Robert Harris met with a most painful ac cident while at his work in the Bur lington shops. As he was engaged in his duties he passed by a steel car that was undergoing repairs, and just as he passed a corner iron fell from the car and nailed Bob on the head, cutting quite a gash that necessitated the use of several stitches to clcose, and Mr. Harris will be forced to take a lay-off until the injury heals, which will be several days at least. Call at the Journal office and see the 75c Initial Stationery 4 that you can cow boy for 50c CASS From January 7th, , Transferred raianee i. f mm I It hir Jan 7, 1015 j T, , 4,537.20 9.02 982.75 724.07 810.58; 4.28.' 183.51' 161.35;. 207.74 ... 54.98 ... 10,292.58: 838. 90: 311.09!.., 1,008.31 . . , 559.44'. .. 2.053.25'... 2,472.59 0,000.00 i j 7,155.39 ! 3:.288.G1 j 3,214.30 ! 1,304.15 500.00 2,138.13 . 034.01! 170.78 . 4,983.721 750.57'. 392.02'. 92.12;. 1.51!. 559.42 . 201.72 . 415.04'. 39.75'. 109.34 . 174.54'. 50.00 979.10, 3,440. 540. 91j. I. 33.84 3,008.19: $ 84,201.34 $ 18,272. 77. Deputy W. NO FREE ENTERTAIN MENT BY THE CITY NEXT SATURDAY From Wednesday's Dally. Owing to th3 fact that the S. WT. Brundage shows, with their fine at tractions, will be with us all this j week, it has been decided that there will be no special features put on Sat urday afternoon for the entertain ment of the public, as the manage ment of the shows here have such an excellent list of shows that can satisfy the most exacting lover of high-class amusements. The Com mercial club have arranged with the Journal that their announcements of the features for Saturdays can be found in the upper right-hand corner of the weekly last page, and through this means the visitors from the coun try can keep posted as to the at tractions that will be furnished by the club here to amuse the public during the summer months. -There will be something doing each week and the residents of the city and county should keep themselves posted as to what will be offered for their pleasure by the people of Plattsmouth. The unusual opportunity of having the splendid carnival company here this week will be a treat that will be ap preciated by ths residents of the county in general. G. A. R. COMRADES ENTERTIN THE WOM AN'S RELIEF CORPS From Tuesday's Dally. In the past the ladies of the Wom an's Relief Corps have often enter tained the members of the G. A. R. post at social gatherings, and a few meetings ago it was decided by the Grand Army boys that they would return the compliment, and it was decided that the event would be held at the home of Comrade Thomas W. Glenn, and accordingly last Saturday afternoon the ladies of the Corps to the number of fifty, and some .twenty of the G. A. R. members assembled there to join in the happy occasion. The boys had provided a sumptuous luncheon and this dainty feast was served in a charming manner by the daughters of the old soldiers. After the luncheon had been disposed of the company were entertained with two readings by Miss Bernice Newell and Mrs. A. J. Beeson, which were COUNTY Annual Statement 1915, to June 30th, 1915. Transferred Transferred Receipts to General Fund to Other Funds ..$ 20,700.42 . .j 2.02:. .j 5,341.04. .j 3,997.22. .1 4,530.10'. 1.00;. 1.007.32!. S .1. 36.90... 91.20 .. 27,785.52 '., 21,303.74 .. .34'.. 2,670.00 .. 2,070.00 . . 2,070.00 .. 0,000. 00 ; I 500.00; 9,723.20'. , 00,902.13 . 2,902.01!., .84'., 22.61 .. 12,591.23,.. 3,490.08 . . 13,726.52 . , 1,073.40'. . 083.28'.. 275.971. , 3,440.75 514.29 93.81! 291.91! 82.79' 30.91! ' "V.o '.ooJ. 1,405.50;. 1,708.72! 1,718.72' 1,405.50' I 733.17! 733.17! 123.59; ! 296.58: I 22.50' I 979.16! ! .! 290.58 . 979.10;. 20.70 i. 20.70' $210,803.10;$ 2,472.59 $ 12,731 .99 $220,727.99 $ K. FOX, County Treasurer State of Ohio. Citr tit Toledo. l.n-a cnty. Krank 3. (Imier mtkn oath tliut be in aenl partner or tm tirm or r . J. Ufiwr & i in? buaiu-tt in tlie City ot TulJo. Cttunty and tat? afuremtid. and tlint Kind tirai will y the sum of NK Hl.MlUKIl 1'ifLXAHS 1.T eah and every can of Catarrh that caniiot be cured Xij tlie uxe of Hall's Catarrh Cure FRANK J. CIIE.SEY. Sworn to before rue and Rulmcrlbed In my prraence, tliia iith ilaj tit tieeemtx-r, A. D., ISsti. Seal. A. W. GLKASOV. Notary Public. Hall'n Catarrh Cn"e I taken Internally and cts directly UKn the Mood and mucous nur ture of tlie fcjHtt'nj. Send fur testimonial, " F. J. CHENEY & CO.. Toledo. O. Bold by all Drupplsta. 7rc. C Take Hall's Family I'Ula for conttlpatloa. given in a pleasing manner by these talented ladies in their usual finished manner, and .their offering was re ceived with much pleasure by the company. A few of the old-time war songs were sung by the boys in blue, assisted by the ladies, which furnish ed much pleasure to all the jolly party present. After the close of the pleasant entertainment the ladies departed homeward, voting the boys in blue royal entertainers. For Sale. A house with modern improve ments, on easy terms. Also some vacant lots. Windham Investment and Loan Co. if. j.M.,'--o. c - V. '5 Ve' W . t : KEEP A TIRE RECORD fvX ' You Need These Tires Strength, safety, resiliency, long-wearing qualities you get each feature when you buy the famous, anti-skid, popular-priced United States , "Chain Tread" Tires Keep a tire record and proie "Chain Tread" superiority. We supply record blanks free. SAM G. SMITH, Plattsmouth, Neb. Disbursements Total Balances Overdrawn 29,597. it . 10.05 . 5,941.10 . 4,390.04'. 4,971 .88 . 4.30 . 1,184.80 . . 5.7i 208.11'. 90. t9 . 21,529.30 . 27,257.42'.., 510.10 . , 989.74 . , 2,500. 9 . . 1,040.42 1.59 382.03 331.25 308.80 .98 05.97 5.07! 30.53 55.29 13,021 .33 945.28 0.03 3,202.27 2.23i.70 2,210.42 1.150.20 0.373.51 30,709.35 581.75 .83 1.700.29 7,755 . 30 17.83 1,0:58.43 08 . 50 302.23 222.57 1.51 459.42 211. 71 14" 11.005.08' 00.100.(4 5,594.(2 .01 400.45; 5.519. 8 3,043.03 18,050. '7 1,701.47' 713.07! 145.52; 014.29 . 295.88! 495.84'. 39.75'. 171.00'. 170.02 . 3,440.75!. 81.13 34.83 004.50 ! 2,000.00 1,090.69 78. 20: -I 0.02$ 83.104.70 CHARLES E. PECK AND MISS ALICE M'ALLEN MARRIED AT UNION From Wednesday' rallv. Today at Union occurred the mar riage of Mr. Charlos E. Peck of Elm wood and Miss Alice McAllen of Rox ton, Texas, and the ceremony was a very quiet oi.e, witnessed by only a few friends of the contracting parties. The groom is quite well known in the section of the county where he has made his home for years, and they will be greatly pleased to' learn that he has secured such a charming help mate as Miss McAllen to share with him hi3 lot in life. County Treasurer W. K. Fox de parted this morning for Monticello, Arkansas, going on the early morning Missouri Pacific, and will visit there for a short time with his wife and son at their home, Hollywood farm, near Monticello. Marshall. Dentist, Cnates Block. - f - 'r"' - - --- - V,