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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (July 12, 1915)
MOIfDAT, JULY 12, 1915. PAGE 2. PLATTSMOUTII SEMI-WEESLT JOURNAL. ARE IMPORTANT GASES IN THE DISTRICT COURT Matters That Involve Large Sum of Money and Perhaps Long Litigation. From Saturday's Dally. In the district court a suit has been filed entitled James L. Wiles vs. Sollie C. Keckler, Hula P. Keckler and Ralph L. Keckler. In his petition plaintiff alleges that he recovered at the June term of the district court a judgment against Sollie C. Keckler in the sum of ?6,334.44, which remains unpaid and unsatisfied at the present time. He further states that the de fendant, S. C. Keckler is insolvent and that the defendants, Sollie C. Keckler and Hulda P. Keckler, on March 17, 1915, made and executed a deed trans ferring some land to Ralph L. Keck ler, with the intent to avoid payment of the judgment and the petition asks that the deed made to Ralph L. Keck ler be declared null and void and set aside and that the land be sold to satisfy the judgment held by plain tiff. C. A. Rawls appears as at torney for plaintiff. A suit entitled George E. Dovey, administrator of the estate of Ed ward G. Dovey, deceased, vs. Frank E. Schlater, administrator of the estate of Jane A. Dovey, deceased, has also been filed and the petition is a very large one, covering some thirty-two pages. In this the plain tiff sets forth that the judgment in the county court in which the share of Jar.e A. Dovey in the estate of Edward G. Dovey was fixed at $54,-297-64, is unjust and that the lower court did not have the jurisdiction to pass on the case as presented. The case involves the matter of the in terest that Mrs. Jane A. Dovey held in the estate of her husband, who died in England in 1881, and which estate was in charge of George E. Dovey as administrator, from 1881 to the pres ent time. On the death of Mrs. Dovey the heirs of her estate, through their administrator, filed in the county court a demand for a report on the estate of Edward G. Dovey to de termine the interest held in the estate by Mrs. Dovey,' and the finding of the frour.ty court" tt'as State.! above, and for this the plaintiff is appealing to the district court. A PUBLIC NUISANCE THAT SHOULD BE RE MOVED AT ONCE The old frame house on Washing ton avenue, near the German Home, which in years past has been the rendevous of many floating characters and is a nuisance in general, is now rapidly approaching a state where it really should be torn down as a pub lie nuisance and an eyesore to every one traveling up and down the ave nue. Several times the Plattsmouth Tuin-Verein, whose property adjoins the old house, have sought to pur cha..e it, but were unable to secure a title and the old hack has stood as a black mark against that section of the city, as it is . really only fit for kindling wood. Surely there should be some legal method by which the old shell could be condemned and torn down, as it is almost certain that the persons who owned the house in the past will not care to expend the sum necessary to put it in repair, and there is something over $200 in un paid taxe3 on the property, which must be settled before the property could be transferred. If there is any way in which the old house could be gotten rid of surely it ought to be taken up by the city and cleared away and the lot made into a small park if it cannot be sold to some of the resi dents in that section. There is really only a fraction of a lot to the place and the only persons who could use the land to any advantage would be the German Turn-Verein. HOLLY ORCHESTRA PLAYED AT UrilON LAST NIGHT Frm Saturday tvanr. .The- Holly orchestra last evening played in our neighboring town of Union at the Becker hall at a social dance which was largely attended, and the members of the orchestra, who made the trip via automobile, re port the road a bring very goo4 considering the wet weather. The or chestra will also play at Union during the Old Settlers' Reunion next month. ARM FRACTURED WHILE EN GAGED IN CRANKING AUTO From Saturday's Pally. Yesterday afternoon while Frank Blotzer, jr., was engaged in cranking his automobile at his home, west of this city, he was so unfortunate as to have his right foroarm fractured. "The accident was caused by the crank fly ing back and allowing the arm of Mr. Blotzer to strike the radiator of the car, with the result that it was frac tured in a painful manner. The in jured young man was brought to this city, where the arm was set and the patient made as comfortable as pos sible, but it will be several weeks be fore the arm is in condition where it can be used. FINGER CHOPPED OFF IN SPLITTING KINDLING From Saturday uany. Yesterday afternoon Herman Weisse was engaged in splitting some kindling with a hatchet at his home and ho was unfortunate enough to get the middle finger of his left hand in the road of the descending hatchet, with the result that the upper part of the finger was almost completely severed, hanging only by a small piece of the skin. The injured mem ber was dressed by Dr. Cook and the Datient made as comfortable as could be expected under the circumstances, but in the future he will see that his hands are not in the dange zone when he starts in chopping kindling. JESSE N. ELLIOTT HAS RETURNED HOME FROM THE OMAHA HOSPITAL From Saturday's tally. Jesse N. Elliott, who for several weeks past has been at St. Joseph's hospital in Omaha recovering from the effects of a broken leg received in an accident on a farm near Cedar Creek, has return d to his home near that place and i recovering there from the effects of his injury, al though the leg is far from well and it will be several months before he gains the use of it. The break in the bone of his leg was a very severe one and quite difficult to set, but it is hoped that in a few weeks it will knit together sufficiently to allow him to get around a little, but the injury will be a long time in healing. DEATH OF W. B, REED OF COUN CIL BLUFFS, IOWA From Saturday's Dally. A message was received here this afternoon by Mrs. P. E. Ruffner an nouncing the death of her brother-in-law, W. B. Reed, which occurred at the hospital in Council Bluffs this noon, where he has been for a few weeks past suffering from diabetes, and despite all that could be done he gradually grew worse until death came to his relief. Mr. Reed was about 60 years of age and was for years one of the leading residents of Council Bluffs and for two terms; served as county treasurer, as well as secretary of the Commercial club of that city. A few. years ago he re moved with his iamily to Omaha, where he made hi.j home up to the time of his last il'ness, when it was his desire to be taken back to the Iowa city, where he had for so long made his home, and under the care of his physicians pass hi3 last hours, and this was done in accordance with his wishes. The funeral will be held in Council Bluffs and the burial made there in the family lot. UNCLAIMED LETTER LIST. -J From Saturday's Ia.ily. The following is the list of letters that remain unclaimed at the post office in Plattsmouth at the- close of business July 5, 1915, and if not call ed for by July 19th,. will be sent to the dead letter offie: Mr. H. M. Earl. Mr. J. W. Jones. Mr. Marvin O'Brien. L. B. Wesselmac. D. C. MORGAN, Postmaster. Subscribe for the Journal. A VERY PRETTY MOV ING PICTURE SHOW OF HOME TALENT From Saturday's Dally. This afternoon a very pretty mov ing picture drama was staged in this city by the Superior Film Co. of Des Moines, Iowa, and the participants in the feature were composed entirely of local talent. The play is entitled "The Man at the Throttle," and through the course ' of the play a charming love story was woven" that will make it most interesting to the lovers of a drama of this kind, and an automobile accident is staged as one of the features of the play and it took place on Main street this aft ernoon at 1:30. The role of the gen eral superintendent of the railroad, "Bernard Powers," was taken by C. C. Parmele, while Miss Nora Rosen- crans appeared as "Helen Powers, his daughter. As "Jack Manning, the lover of Helen, Byron Arries ap peared, while his rival, "Jim Hilton," was taken by Charles Dovey. The role of chief of police was filled by Chief William Barclay. A part of the play was taken in the Burlington railway yards, where a most thrilling scene was staged and where the hero rescued the girl he loved. The big play required some 2,000 feet of film and a3 soon as fully arranged will be shown here at the local theaters, Messrs. Schlaes and Peterson of the Mid-West Amusement Co. secured this production at quite a cost and with a view of giving the people here something new and novel in the mov ing picture line. BIG CARNIVAL COMPANY AR RIVES AT NOON TOMORROW From Saturday's Daily. The big S. W. Brundage Carnica company, with its great array of fine attractions, will arrive in the city to morrow about noon, coming in their special train of some nineteen cars over the Misouri Pacific from Auburn where they are showing this week and the big shows will be unloaded and set up on the grounds near the ball park. The unloading of the shows will be a great sight and well worth seeing and they will be gotten in posi tion for the opening on Monday at the carnival grounds. A big week is anticipated and the company will do their utmost ' to live up to their reputation as one of the best and cleanest show companies in the busi ness. WET WEATHER CON TINUES TO FRET THE FARMERS AND OTHERS From Saturday's Dally. The wet weather jinix seems to stick right with the residents of this section of the west and the downpour is the heaviest that has occurred for years in this state. Another very soaking and heavy rain fell here at an early hour this morning and added its efforts to the many preceding rains that has held back the crops and also delayed harvesting on ac count of the amount of moisture which prevails. The older residents of the community report that not for years has so much wet and chilly weather been had in this county at this time of year, and usually there is a cry for rain during July and August from the farmers, but thi year there ha3 been no need of such complaint and now a large number are wondering just when the cold and wet weather will end, to be followed by the famous old Nebraska corn weather, with plenty of heat and sun shine. The continued bad weather has also raised havoc with the plans for the Saturday entertainments in this city, as the days set aside for the public amusement are usually the worst of the whole week and certainly is discouraging to the committee that has been working on the plans for the different events. Diarrhoea Quickly Cured. adoui two years ago l had a severe attack of diarrhoea which lasted for over a week," writes W. C. Jones, Buford, N. D. -"I became so weak that I could not stand upright. A druggist reoemmended Chamber lain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. The first dose relieved me and within two days I was as well as tver." Obtainable everywhere. Paints and Oils. Gering & Co. THE STORK LEAVES A FINE " BOY AT THE HIRZ HOME From Saturday's Do.n. . Tms morning at the iarm nome or Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Hirz, near this city, a fine new son and heir made his appearance and was' welcomed by the delighted and happy parents in a royal manner. The mother and little one are both doing nicely and the proud father is just as happy as it is possible for anyone to be. The event will be most pleasing news to the friends of this estimable family, and the young son and heir receive their heartiest best wishes for a long and happy life. A FINE BALLOON ASCENSION AT THE NOON HOUR TODAY From Saturday PHr The first balloon ascension, given as a part of the Saturday program of amusement and entertainment,, as planned by the citizens and Com mercial club, . occurred this noon, when Mr. Jameson, the aeronaut from the Twin City Amusement company. made a most successful ascension The start was made from the lot on Washington avenue and the aeronaut was able to ascend several hundred feet before it was necessary to cut loose, and he landed on the farm of Tom Stokes, just this side of the river. The wind from the northwest made it hard to ascend as high as was desired, but the danger of landing in the Missouri river made it necessary to have the drop made much quicker than was intended. While going up Mr. Jameson performed on the bar of the parachute in a thrilling man ner. The second ascention will be made this afternoon at 5 o'clock from the lot on Washington avenue. HENRY ROBINSON IS QUITE SERIOUSLY INJURED TODAY ; . . -. j EVm Sutnriliv'll Tl!lV. Henry Robinson, who is employed as a driver for the firm of H. M Soennichsen, this noon met with a rather serious, injury when he was preparing to unhitch his team at the home of Mr. Soennichsen. He was just ready to Stop for the noon hour and had driven his team up to the residence of his employer to put them up when the ,horses started to run and Mr. Robinson, after throwing the brake on the wagon, started to jump, and as he did this the brake was sud denly released and flew back, striking Mr. Robinson and injuring him in a most painful manner, and as he hung from the handle of the brake he was dragged quite a distance before the team was stopped, and he was bruised and injuried quite painfully, which, in addition to the wound inflicted by the handle of the brake, will lay him up for aome time., He was taken to the office of a surgeon and the injuries dressed and he will be compelled to take an enforced rest for a lew weeks. ESTATES FOR SET TLEMENT IN THE PROBATE COURT from Katurdav'a Dally. In the county court a number of petitions in proabte matters have been filed before Judge Beeson. Mrs, Gertrude Carper has filed a petition in the court asking that the estate of her husband, Anderson L. Carper, be probated and, further stating that the estate consists of personal property of the value of $6,000. The petitioner asks that she ta appointed as ad ministrator of said estate. The heirs are the petitioner and three minor children. Attorney C. A. Rawls ap pears as attorney oi the estate. In the estate of Ernest Huebner, deceased, a petition has been filed by I Mrs, Minna Huebnerr the widow, ask- in that the estate of the deceased, who died on June 10, 1915u be admit ted to probate and asking for the ap pointment of R. C- Wensel as ad ministrator. William A. Robertson is the attorney for the petitioner. Beauty . More Than Skin Deep. A beautiful woman always has good, digestion. If your digestion is aulty, Chamberlain's Tablets wui ao you good. Obtainable everywaere. THE RED SOX DO UP ANOTHER OM AHA BALL DUNCII Red Sox Have a Hard Time Getting an Omaha Team Down Here Who -Can Hold Them Level. In a rather wicrd contest yesterday afternoon the Red Sox succeeded in their assaults on the Krajacek team of Omaha, and secured the long end of the 13 to 2 score, the locals playing a fast and furious game throughout, and at no time did the visitors .have . i look-m, ana wnat, cnances came their way were spoiled by rank errors on their part. The members of the Hose aggregation started the swat fest in the opening inning and suc ceeded in accumulating two runs to their credit. Beal, who headed the batting list of the Sox, was retired on a short grounder to third base, which resulted in his boing thrown out at first; Parriott was passed to the initial sack by Kaufmann, and on the drive of Herold to second reach ed the third station; Mason struck out; Pitman hit to short and was safe on an error, while Parriott and Her old both registered at the plate; Greko hit safely over second base, but Pitman ended the show by being tagged at the third sack. In the second inning the locals again took kindly to the slants of Kaufmann, the hurler for the visitors who was decidedly up in the air, and annexed three more runs to their credit. L. Smith opened the inning by a safety to center field; Parker struck out; Craig was given a pass to first and was followed by Beal who with a timely poke to left field advanced the runners, but Smith per ished at the home station by being tagged by Gallagher; Parriott se cured a timely hit to right field that brought both Craig and Beal home Herold slammed one to the first sack and on an error was safe; Mason made a line drive along third base that brought in Parriott; Herold was put out at home, ending the inning. In the third inning tho visitors took on a lease of life, when through the combination of a walk and an error they were able to secure a lonely tally, but the; Sort came right back' in their half and touched up the boys from the metropolis for five more runs. Pitman started the doings by placing one to short which was allow ed to go through for a safety on an error; Greko followed with a safety through third; L. Smith was whiffed by Kaufmann; Parker shoved the pill on the nose for a single to right field, on which Pitman scored; Craig hit to third and was safe on the juggling of the ball by Brodbeck; Beal slammed one to second which was dropped by the demoralized second sacker, and Greko scored; Parriott drove a hot one to first, on which Parker register ed at home, and when an error was made on the hit of Herold to third, both Craig and Beal came home, but Herold was tagged at the second sta tion. The .visitors, taking advantage of the fact that the locals were kidding a little with them, brought in their second and last score in the seventh frame of the battle. In the eighth inning the represent atives of the crimson hose registered up three more runs just for practice and were assisted by the Krajacek's in a number of costly errors. Craig opened with a clean hit to left field; Edge nnflfPMW Your U V Way i E)nLyTDR g The Store will- be closed all day Tuesday, July 14th, to mark the SALE PRICE on everything. Nothing will be neglected to make your shopping pleasant and easy. LOOK FOR OUR LARGE PAGE AD ON PAGE THREE, and don't fail to come as we here give you our word you wont be disappointed. vls , . Manhattan Skirts Read Our 4th Big Harvest Sale Announcement on pages this C. E. Wescott's Sons Everybody's Beal hit to third and was safe on the error of Brodbeck; Parriott then bunted and was safe on a wild heave of Brodbeck to first, on which Craig scored. Herold was out on a foul to Gallagher, which the catcher nailed after a hard run, and Beal came in on the throw in. Mason struck out and Pitman cleared the bases by a hit to center that brought in Pariott, but he died at first, as Greko struck out. The offiical tabulated score is as follows : RED SOX. AB.H. O. A.E. Beal, cf . . 5 1 2 0 0 Parriott, 3d 4 1 0 11 Herold, c 4 1 11 1 1 Mason, If 5 1 0 0 0 Pitman, 2d 5 1 1 2 0 Greko, p ... 5 2 0 4 0 Smith, rf.... 4 2 0 0 0 Parker, ss 4 1 2 2 1 Craig, 1st 5 1 11 0 0 Total ....... . .39 11 27 10 3 "KRAJACEKS. AB. H. O. A. E. Bloemer. rf 4 0 1 0 0 Greise,. ss. , . . . ..... 4 0 0 o o 0 2 1 2 0 1 0 0 0 Abhoud. cf... 3 1 2 7 2 1 Brodbeck, 3d 4 Nejepensky, 1st 4 0 Kreji, If 3 0 Roncka, 2d 4 2 Gallagher, c 2 0 10 Kaufmann, p 3 2 0 Total .31 4 24 6 9 FINE DANCE AT GERMAN HOME LAST SATURDAY EVENING The dance given Saturday evening at the German Home in this city was one most enjoyable in every way to the large crowd attending and a most pleasant time was enjoyed until a late hour in dancing to the sweet strains furnished by the Plattsmouth orchestra under the leadership of Tom Svoboda. The occasion was one filled with much pleasure and was free from all disorder or anything that might detract from the pleasure of the evening. Wall Paper. Gering & Co. 4 and 5 of issue Store Benefited by Chamberlain's Liniment. "Last' winter I used Chamberlain'3 Liniment for rheumatic pains, stiff ness and soreness of the knees, and can conscientiously say that I never used anything that did me so much good." Edward Craft, Elba, N. Y. Obtainable everywhere. MRS. JACOB MEISING ER CELEBRATES HER 62ND BIRTHDAY Yesterday was the sixty-second birthday anniversary of Mrs. Jacob Meisinger of this city and in honor of the event this estimable lady was given a most pleasant surprise by her relatives. The party arrived in the city shortly before noon in the fine automobile of Otto Sprieck, and were well supplied with many baskets of delicious viands which served to pro vide a most sumptuous repast, and the jolly party spent several hours most delightfully with Mr. and Mrs. Meisinger. Those comprising the party of surprisers were: C. J. Mei singer and family, Otto Sprieck and family and John Meisinger, jr., and family. This pleasant reminder of the birthday of Mrs. Meisinger was a most delightful one and enjoyed by everybody to the utmost. Traveling Man's Experience. "In the summer of 1888 I had a very severe attack of cholera morbus. Two physicians worked over me from 4 a. m. to 6 p. m. without giving me any relief and then told me they did not expect me to live; that I had best teleirraDh for my family. Instead of doing so, I gave the hotel porter fifty cents and told him to buy me a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, and take no sub stitute. I took a double dose accord- in to the directions and went to sleep after the second dose. At 5 o'clock the next morning I was called bv my order and took a train for my next stopping point, a well man but feeling rather shaky from the severity of the attack," writes H. Wr Ireland, Louisville, Ky. Obtainable every where. Doors Open WEDNESDAY 144h Sic (sen Hatt ALE