The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, July 12, 1915, Image 1

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    Plattsmouth Will Celebrate Every Saturday Afternoon During the Summer Months
Neb State Historical Soc j
NO. 7.
Mrs. William Meade Shootr, Herself,
but Cause of Rash Art Un
known to Any Person.
From Friday's Dally.
This afternoon about 2:30 the news
was received in this city of the sui
cide of Mrs. Wililam Meade at her
home, about half a mile northwest of
Union. The tragedy occurred shortly
after 2 o'clock, and as far as can be
learned there was no apparent cause
for the rash act. She had pone up-
rtairs after the noonday meal, leaving
her stepdaughter in the kitchen wash
ing the dishes, while the husband and
a son were in the garden a short dis
tance from the house, when the report
of a shotgun caused them to rush into
the houc-.e and up stairs, to find Mrs.
Meade dead from wounds in the head
which had been caused by the shot
gun. The dead woman had removed
one of her shoes and stockings and
used her toe to pull the trigger of
the gun which inflicted the fatal
Near the body was a nole to her
husband saying: "Do what you want
to with my body. I will be happy
anywhere." There was no explana
tion given why she had decided to end
her life and she was apparently in
good health prior to the shooting, and
no reason can be discovered for her
despondency and rashness in taking
her life.
She was about SO j'ears of age and
her parents reside in Missouri. Be
sides the husband, to whom she has
been married for a few years, three
stepchildren survive her, all of whom
were at the home .at the time the
tiagdy occurred.
The news came as a great shock in
the community where the Meade fam
ily reside on the McNamee farm, just
northwest of Union, and as soon as
possible the authorities in this city
were notified of the shooting.
The work of preparing the fine
stock of the Falter & Thierolf store in
readiness to start in on the big dis
solution sale is now going on and in a
few days things will be in readiness
to start. The change in ownership of
the store is made in the best of feel
ing by both of the membeis of the
firm, who still retain the same warm
feeling of friendship for each other as
when they first embarked in business,
but as Mr. Falter desired to seek a
larger field for business, he decided
to dispose of his interests to Mr.
Thierolf, who will continue the same
policies and methods as Li vogue
there in the past. It is with regret
that the members dissolve partner
ship, but each feels that they are
adopting the best policy to allow
them to follow their desires in the
business line.
From Friday's Dallv.
The county court house in this city
which for for many years has been
lighted very ioorlv with old-fashion
ed gas lights, will soon be fitted out J
wun eieciric ugnis in me seven vcuus
in the building, as well as in the three
corridors, which when it is necessary
to use the building at night furnish
ed a very poor means of getting
around in the building. The work of
putting in the electric lights at the
court house will be in charge of Ben
Windham, who has secured the con
tract and work will be started as soon
as possible. It is expected to extend
the light wires to the clock tower so
that if it i3 desired the dial of the
clock can be illuminated and the work
can be done very very cheaply. Mr.
Windham has had considerable experi
ence in this line and should-be able to
give a good job for the county.
From Friday's Dally.
August Swanson, who for the past
month has been suffering a great deal
from the effects of inflammatory
rheumatism, is feeling a little better,
although he is still compelled to get
around with the aid of crutches, as
both of his feet are affected with the
malady, as well as the right hand, and
Gus has been having a very painful
time. For two weeks he was unable
to leave his bed, but is now able to be
out on the street a little, but still
suffers a good deal of pain.
From FrldaV rali.
Yesterday afternoon C. F. Vallery,
the hustling road overseer of the
First district, was in the city for a
few hours looking after some matters
pertaining to the work in his district.
Mr. Vallery, in his precinct, has some
thing over 100 miles of road to look
after and has managed to keep them
in good shape, although the continued
rain has made it rather difficult to get
out and work the roads, but in spite
of that fact, Coon has been able to
keep the roads up in excellent form.
Plattsmouth precinct is a large one
and extending on three sides of the
city itself makes it necessary to
travel over a great deal of territory
in getting from one part of the pre
cinct to the other. There are not
many road supervisors in the county
more faithful in serving his people
than Mr. Vallery, and his work is ap
parent in the looks of the roads.
The friends of Mrs. Emma Pease
will be pleased to learn that she is
doing nicely following a very severe
operation on Tuesday at the Lord
Lister hospital in Omaha, and every
prospect is for her speedy recovery if
the present favorable conditions con
tinue. During the absence of Mrs.
Pease at the hospital her sister, Miss
Bertha Bonge, will look after the mil-
inery store in this city until such
time as Mrs. Pease can again be able
to take up her work.
From Friday's Dally.
Last evening the members of
Plattsmouth aerie No. 365, Fraternal
Order of Eagles, held a most pleasant
meeting at their lodge rooms in the
Coates' block, which was attended by
a large number of the membership,
and it was one of the most interesting
as well as pleasing that has been held
for some time. William Hinrichsen
and James Rebal, who were the dele
gates to the state convention at
South Omaha, were called upon and
gave an outline of the work of the
meeting, which was very much ap
preciated by the lodge members and
gave them a clear insight into the
working of the state body of the
Eagles. In selecting a delegate to the
national convention, which meets at
Seattle, Washington, on August 1 and
2, Chief of Police William Barclay
wa3 selected as the official represent
ative of this aerie. The lodge also
received a new candidate into the
order, who was equipped as a full
fledged Eagle. Following the busi
ness session of the order a very de
clicious feast was served to the mem
bers, which was a most pleasant feat
ure of the occasion and one which was
fully appreciated by all those in at
tendance at the meeting.
For Sale.
1914 Bull Tractor, in good condi
tion, $250.00. O. A. Davis, Murray,
Nebraska. 7-12-4tw
All Our Energetic and Up-to-Date
Business Men Join in the Lauda
ble Movement.
From Friday's Dallv.
The light question which has been
troubling the city for the past year
seems to be reaching a solution if the
electrolier proposition is put through
as the lighting committee of the
council and the - Nebraska Lighting
company have about reached an
agreeable settlement as to rates
figured on the use of the electroliers
which the business men of the city
are attempting to have placed on the
streets to furnish the light for il
luminating Main and Sixth streets.
The agreements as to the amounts
each property owner is willing to con
tribute to the installing of the stand
ards for the electroliers are now be
ing circulated and are generally being
subscribed to by the business men,
who realize that this method of light
ing the streets will be found much
more satisfactory and add a great
deal more to the appearance of the
city in general. These standards, as
figured, will cost for each front on
Main street $20, and this is not con
sidered a high figure, as it includes
all wiring and lamps for the original
cost and will leave them all ready for
the city, which will furnish the cur
rent and maintain the lights there
This is the best opportunity that
has been presented to secure a sys
tem of this kind for use on the prin
cipal streets of the city and should
rot be passed by for the small sum
that will be required from each, prop
erty owner. The city itself is not in
a position to have these installed on
Main street, but is willing to furnish
the current, as well as maintain the
lamps after they are put in, and the
chance is one that cannot be passed
by, as it may not be possible again
to have this opportunity offered to
get them.
As has been said before, the
electroliers are the only modern
means of lighting and are in use in
every up-to-date city in the state
where the public-spirited citizens have
subscribed the necessary amounts to
have the electroliers placed in posi
tion. With three of these electroliers
in a block a wonderful transformation
in the appearance of Main street
would be secured that would add 100
per cent to the general appearance of
the town. If it is possible it is hoped
to extend the service up both North
and South Sixth street, as well as up
High School Hill, where a single light
electrolier will be used.
From Friday's Dally.
The body of the late Henderson
Burke, who passed away on Sunday
at Hillyard, Washington, arrived in
this city last evening on No. 14 over
the Burlington and the funeral serv
ices were held this afternoon from the
Liberty United Brethren church, south
of this city, and the interment made
in the Horning cemetery near-by. The
services were conducted by Rev. J. M.
Eades, rector of the church, and were
attended by quite a number of the old
friends of the family and of the de
ceased young man.
From Friday's Dally. .
A very pleasant social time is be
ing prepared by McConihie post No.
45, Grand Army of the Republic, in
honor of the ladies of the Woman's
Relief Corps, which will be held at
the home of Comrade T. W. Glenn,
on West Pearl street, on Saturday
afternoon. The deightful event will
start at 5:30 o'clock and will be a
feast of good things to eat provided
by the boys in blue for the ladies.
The event is being looked forward to
with the greatest of pleasure.
From Frldav's Dally.
This afternoon Mrs. F. J. Hennings
and Mrs. Henry Horn departed on a
visit of a few weeks in the northern
part of the state with relatives and
friends. They first go to Scribner,
where they will visit at the home of
Mrs. Hennings' sister, Mrs. Claus
Ploehn, for a short time, and then
go to Randolph to visit with Mrs
Volk, a sister of Mrs. Horn, and also
at Creighton, where George W. Horn,
a son of Mr. and Mrs. Horn resides
George P. Horn, Br., who has been
visiting at Creighton for several
weeks, will accompany the ladies
From Friday's Dally.
The Ladies Aid society of the M.
E. church held their regular meeting
yesterday afternoon and were enter
tained in a most delightful manner by
Mrs. Rebecca Kennedy and her daugh
ter, Miss Ella, at their home on Ninth
and Locust streets. The early hours
of the afternoon were devoted to the
usual business session, after which the
ladies enjoyed a very pleasant social
time, interspersed with various other
amusements. Some of the ladies
brought their fancy work and spent
the hours in a very industrious man
ner, that of plying the busy needle.
At an appropriate time delicious re
freshments were served, which were
thoroughly relished by the large num
ber in attendance. At the usual hour
the ladies, after thankirigMrs. Ken
nedy and her daughter, Miss Ella, for
tehir kind hospitality, departed for
their homes, declaring the hostesses
to be excellent entertainers.
From Friday's Dally.
A letter has been received in this
city from Mrs. Charles Carroll, a sis
ter of Guy Woods, the unfortunate
young man who was killed near the
Burlington depot in this city on Wed
nesday evening, June 30th. In this
letter the lady desires to thank all
those who were so kind to the brother
in his last hours and expresses the
iieartfelt feeling of gratitude felt by
the family. She also states that the
young man was the youngest of their
family and his loss is felt most keen
ly by all of them. The mother, three
brothers and the one sister are left to
mourn his loss. All but the sister re
side at Springfield, Ohio.
From Friday's Dally.
Yesterday afternoon Samuel H.
Wright and Miss Mary Lipasky came
down on the 2:41 Missouri Pacific
flyer and were conveyed at once to
the court house, where they inquired
their way to the office where marriage
licenses are secured, and were granted
one of the documents that meant so
much to their happiness, and then
requested Judge Beeson to pronounce
the words that would make for their
future a state of bliss, and the judge
done this in his usual pleasing man
ner. The young people departed on
the 4:03 Missouri Pacific for their
home in Omaha, convinced that they
were going to have a big surprise on
their friends.
Jeff Solsburg of near Cedar Creek
was among those coming in to at
tend the base ball game yesterday
Dr. T. J. Todd and wife of Kearney,
Neb., arrived here yesterday morning
for a short visit with relatives and
friends in this city.
Notwithstanding the Early Hour
Hundreds Were at the Depot
This Morning.
From Friday's Dally.
This morning shortly after the
scheduled time of 4:15, the Liberty
Bell, which from the tower of In
dependence hall, on July 4, 1775, first
proclaimed the fact that this was a
free and independent nation, passed
through this city on its way from
Philadelphia to San Francisco, where
it will be the object of admiration
from the visitors to the exposition
Although the hour was one very in
convenient to most everyone, there
was a large crowd of several hun
dred people present when the train
arrived, and while it did not stop here
it was slowed down so that a splendid
view of the bell could be secured.
The train which is conveying the
bell westward is composed of a bag
gage car and two Pullman coaches,
as well as the flat car on which Old
Liberty rests in a stout and sub
stantial frame-work which holds it
securely and prevents any movement
of the bell that might cause it to
crack more. The side of the bell
where the crack is visible was not
set so that it could be seen when the
train passed through here and was
missed by a greater part of the
This wonderful old bell was cast
in England in 1753 and brought to
this country later, where it was
placed in the hall that was, in 1776,
the scene of the signing of the
Declaration of Independence, and the
bell rang on notable occasions, the
greatest of which was the signing of
the Declaration of Independence. The
bell first cracked, it i3 claimed, when
it was tolling for the death of Chief
Justice John Marshall, eighty years
ago, and since that time has been
carefully taken care of to preserve for
the future this wonderful relic.
The bell is placed in the center of
a special flat car and is railed in and
a guard is on hand to watch over it
day and night during the trip west
ward. Officials of the city of Phila
delphia and newspaper men are ac
companying the bell westward. The
appearance of the bell here this
morning was greeted by cheers and
handclapping that lasted until the
train disappeared in the distance. The
bell was on exhibition in Omaha this
morning from the time of the arrival
of the train until it departed at 11
o'clock on its journey across Ne
From Friday's Dally.
The library belonging to the late
Daniel H. Wheeler of Omaha, one of
the pioneer citizens of Plattsmouth
and Cass county, has been presented
by his sons, Myron E. Wheeler and
W. H. Wheeler, to the city library of
Plattsmouth to be used for the benefit
of the patrons of the library. .The
death of Mrs. WTieeler last Friday
made necessary the breaking up of
the old home, and the two sons decid
ed to send this valuable collection,
amounting to some 2,500 volumes, to
this city, where their parents had
spent so many happy years, and yes
terday they were received and will be
placed on the shelves as soon as the
room can be secured. Years ago, in
the early seventies, when the matter
of a public reading room was first
proposed, Mr. and Mrs. WTieeler were
among the first to become interested
and assisted in the work of getting
a suitable place for the public to se
cure books that might be desired, and
they have always been interested in
the success of the library after it
reached a stage where it was of great
service to the citizens.
Walter Schneider and wife were
here yesterday for a few hours visit
ing with friends, driving in from their
home at Cedar Creek
In speaking of the work of J. II
McMaken and his force of workers in
handling the transfer of the wagons
of the Brundage company from the
Missouri Pacific depot to the carnival
grounds, the officials of the carnival
company state that the transferring
was the best that they have had on
their trip out this season, both in the
splendid horses used in the work of
moving the heavy wagons, as well as
in the handling of the teams that
easily made the transfer of the
wagons, which is no small task.
The following taken from the Oma
ha Bee of yesterday tells of the ad
vancement of a young man of Ne
braska in the medical world and will
be most interesting to those in this
county who know him:
One Nebraska boy is now serving
in the British army medical service
somewhere in England or France.
This is Dr. Phil M. Dale of Chicago,
who up to three years ago was a Ne
braska boy. Dr. Dale's mother and
brothers and sisters live at Green
wood, Neb. Young Dale up to a few
years ago attended the medical school
at the University of Nebraska at Lin
coln. From there he went to Chicago,
where he completed his medical
course at Rush Medical college in
1912. He then served as interneship
at the Cook County hospital for some
time, after which he practiced for
nearly two years in Chicago.
. A few weeks ago Dr. Murphy of
Chicago, on request of the British
government for a corps of nurses and
doctors for army service, appointed
the Nebraska lad as one of thirty-two
surgeons, who together with seventy
nurses sailed from New York some
three weeks ago. The first word the
home folks have received from him is
that he landed safely at Falmouth,
England. Whether Dr. Dale will be
assigned to hospital service in Eng
land or to field service in the trenches
in France he did not know when he
wrote home.
Young Dr. Dale is a brother of E.
E. Dale, who is supervising the gar
den club work in Omaha this sum
The usual daily rainstorm visited
the city last night and early this
morning, after allowing one day free
from rain, and it certainly was some
rain, as the main storm, which broke
here about 2 o'clock this morning,
raged with great fury for quite a
while and almost two inches of rain
fall was registered at the Burlington
station. The great downpour brought
down much flood water from the hills,
but did no damage, as the sewer and
the street carried it off in fine shape.
It was the heaviest rain so far this
season and the bottoms east of the
Burlington were flooded to quite an
extent by the flood water from the
subway and sewers. The Brundage
Carnival company, which is setting up
in the base ball park, was delayed
greatly by the heavy rain, which
covered the road leading to the park
with a coating of mud and water. The
transmission line of the McKinley
Lighting company, west of this city,
was put out of business by the storm
and service here today is supplied by
the Red Oak, Iowa, line of the Ne
braska Lighting Co.
Mrs. Guy Barton and son, Fred, of
Brunswick, Neb., are here enjoying a
few weeks' visit at the home Mrs.
Burton's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred
Kunsmann, and while here they will
also visit with relatives at Murray
and vicinity.
M. Tritsch, refracting optician, at
Gering & Co.'s Wednesday and Sat
urday evenings. Examination free.
The Rain Last Night Interfered in
the Show Today, but Espected
to Open Tonight.
The S. W. Brundage Carnival com
pany, which is to be with us this
week, with their splendid aggrega
tion of high-class attractions, arrived
yesterday noon in their special train
over the Misouri Pacific from Auburn,
where they spent last week, and at
once commenced the task of unload
ing the equipment of their fine or
ganization. The Brundage company
is composed of ladies and gentlemen
and can be depended upon to live up
to their motto of complying with the
pure show laws. The company have
located their shows on the Red Sox
base ball park and here the big show
will be inaugurated this evening for
their initial performance, despite the
fact that the heavy rain interfered
greatly with the work of moving the
heavy wagons onto the grounds.
This is undoubtedly one of the best
companies that has visited this city
for some time and have a large num
ber of shows that will please the
amusement-loving public of the city.
These shows include the great planta
tion show of Charles Marshall, "Hap
py Days: in Dixie," as well as an ex
pensive motordome, "The Miracle," a
big Ferris wheel, and other pleasing
and attractive shows that offer good,
clean attractions for the pleasure of
the pub?.ic. The management of the
Brundage company are courteous and
pleasant gentlemen in every sense of
the word and wherever the company
has shown they have received many
words of praise for their flne atlrac-
tions and clean handling of the car
nival that has placed their company
on a high plane among attractions of
this kind.
The splendid white band of this ex
cellent company gave a short concert -
this morning on Main street, which
was very much enjoyed by those for
tunate enough to hear it, and made a
most pleasing impression, as it was
in keeping with the line of high-class
attractions of the company.
Wall Paper. Gering & Co.
The second of the Saturday enter
tainments for the benefit of the resi
dents of the city and county was held
in this city Saturday and the pro
gram provided by the entertainment
committee of the Commercial club
was most successful in furnishing a
most pleasant afternoon for those
who visited the city. The brighten
ing skies of the day brought in a
arge number from the country and
everyone had a most delightful time.
The balloon ascensions staged by Mr.
Jameson of the Twin City Amusement
company, were both very successful
and the daring work of the aeronaut
made the events very thrilling and
the balloon ascended to the height of
some 3,500 feet before the daring
aeronaut cut loose with his para
chutes in his descent. In the after
noon ascension the parachute landed
on Wintersteen Hill, after a thrilling
flight. The band concert on the street
served to make a pleasing feature of
the day and the program was one of
the most pleasing that could be se
lected and was composed of high-
class standard music, as well as the
popular music of the day. ' These will
be given each Saturday afternoon
during the summer.
Mr. and Mrs. G. W. WTard of Pitts-
bug, Kansas, is making an extended
visit in this city with his brother,
Robert Ward, and family. This is the
first time the brothers have seen each
other for twenty-six years and they
are sure enjoying a very pleasant
visit together. Mr. Ward of Kansas
thinks C'ur little city, with its many
hills and trees, a most beautiful one.
Wall Paper. Gering & Co.