The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, July 08, 1915, Page PAGE 4, Image 4

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    PAGE 4.
Cbe plattsmoutb journal
Published 8 m l-W eekly at Plattsmouth. N b r.
Kxitered at the Posloffice at PUttsmouth. Nebraska, as Becond-clas mall matter.
R. A. BATES, Publisher
ubaorlptlon Prloei $1.50 Par Year In Advanoa
Some rich men leave awfully poor
Retrocpection is the best part of a
Joe Stecher, the champion wrestler
of the world!
No longer forward or behind
J I look in hope or fear; !
But, grateful, take the good I !
l find, -J-
The best of now and here.
Whit tier.
:o :
Wheat harvest is now on between
The Fourth is over thanks to the
good Lord.
It is bad enough to have to work
without being bothered by bores.
In building a new house those who
plan and pay for it do the most work.
Nearly everybody who could get the
price went to Omaha on the Fourth.
The United States seems determin
ed that Huerta shall not enter Mexico.
For a little while a woman may
trust one man, but she suspects all
'Don't try to entertain all the fool
notions; the soeial reason isn't long
We have had a double Fourth this
year and it is time to cease shooting
Speaking of a place on the sun, as
the kaiser did, it is no location for a
mushroom farm.
:o :
Well admit that Flattsmouth was
the deadest town of its size in the
state on the Fourth.
V hiskers leing a delusion and a
snare, nature should have arranged it
so the bald spot would appear on a
man's chin and work north.
The attempted assassination of J.
Fierpont Morgan last Saturday did
not create very much excitement ex
cept among the monied men on Wall
street. The common people have no
use for such men, anyway.
If the election were this fall what
a walkaway it would be for Woodrow
Wilson! But a great deal can hap
pen in a year. And this is because,
in times of great stress, parties are
forgotten, and that all are just
It is gratifying, or is it, to to hear
that the stomach dancers at the
Panama exposition are playing to
poor business. It seems that the peo
ple have come to desire higher things,
rnd are paying more attention to the
educational exhibits.
Next to war, the most abnoxious
thing in the world is th girl who gig
gles in a theater while other people
are trying to hear what is being said
on the stage. Sometimes it seems
these fluffy-duffy things who wear the
finest clothes and have the finest
homes have the very worst manners.
It didn't speak very well for Platts
mouth to allow the shooting of fire
crackers on Sunday, when Monday
was designated as the day to celebrate
the Fourth. , Mayor Richcy should
have issued a proclamation prohobit
ing the use of explosives on Sunday,
and then the chief of police would
have been armed with authority to
make arrests. The little boys were
not so much to blame as grown men
who indulged in the work. Such pro
ceedings on Sunday was certainly out-
rageous. !
A rural reader of the World-Herald
writes: "I cannot understand how
it is possible that 95 per cent of busi
ness is done with credit," and then
asks: "What is the use of having
any money at all?" If he will sit
down and think over his own affairs
he will find that he, himself, is do
ing business exactly in that way. If
he takes a load of wheat to an ele
vator, he gets a piece of paper, not
money. That is credit. He deposits
it in the bank. That is credit. If
he owes a merchant he gives him a
check on the bank. That is credit.
That same thing occurs when he sell
his hogs, his cattle or any other farm
product, except it may be when he
sells a few eggs or some pounds of
butter. The product of a good farm
amounts to several thousand dollars.
Uoes the farmer ever nandie any
great amount of real money? Nearly
the whole thing is done with credit.
When he sold his wheat, and was
given a check on the bank, he got a
credit there and then paid the
merchant with more credit. No
money at all was used. In that case
100 per cent of the business, instead
of 95 per cent, was done with credit.
In the city no business is done with
the actual transfer of money except
in the retail trade, and a very large
part of that is done without money,
Among a large class, the grocer gives
credit for thirty days and at the end
of the month the bill is paid. In
many cases the workingman gives his
wife the weekly check that he receives
and she takes it to the grocer, who
hands over to her what remains over
in money and that is all the money
that is used. In most cases the sal
Snobbery is usually clad in the gar
ments of gentility.
Everybody likes to celebrate, but
getting over it is the trouble.
Mr. Bryan is making no indignant
denials of that one-term story.
One of the most uncivilired sights
is that of a girl riding a bicycle?
:o :
It is well for most of us that the
Fourth of July comes but once a year.
And now some fellow wants to kill
Vice President Marshall. What for?
:i i :
Hurrah for the Nebraska boy! You
can't sometimes always tell what's in
a Nebraska kid.
Farm loans? What are farm loans
wanted for, with the farmers' money
already filling the banks?
California has those earthquakes
in the wrong part of the state for
world's fair exhibition purposes.
German voters asked for peace,
but were suppressed. They'll ask
again, lhe Uerman character is per
T. R. talked too much and too fast
and too soon, which shows that the
much-abused judicial temperament
has certain advantages. Prof. Taft
of Yale has added something to his
popularity without any sacrifice of
patriotism, by dignified behavior
amidst the tumult and the shouting.
The increase in pensions for per
sons in the public service is so great
that in some of the eastern states
there is a general protest arising. It
is said that there has been an in
crease in the number of persons re-
The June bride is no more this
Cheer up, the corn is not very much
The Sunday school picnic is never
a complete success unless the supply
ceiving such pensions during the last 0f ice cream is sufficient for all the
five years of over 100 per cent and kidlets to get sick.
there is a demand to call a halt. It
is asserted that the adoption of this Tommy Allen was in the city yes-
system has not resulted in any better I terday attending to some court mat
service from such employes than be- ters. Tommy is not as promiscuous
fore pensions were given. Whether as he used to be when he came to
the public should be taxed to grant Plattsmouth. He has lost his grip on
pensions to those in the service of many of his former friends in Cass
the state or municipalities is a ques- county. But no one realizes this fact
tion long in dispute. On one side it any more than he does.
is claimed that it has a tendency to :()
elicit better service and on the other Don't try to put down a wind-jam
it is said that we are all in the serv- ming politician. Let him spout. If
ice of the state, for the state could he is vanquished by another, maybe a
not exist without the laborer, the worse wind-jammer, will immediately
merchant and the professional man, appear on the horizon to take his I
and if one class is entitled to pen- place. So let the old wind-iammer re-
sions, then all have an equal claim. main, for he has done all the harm he
In most cases where pensions have can do, anyway.
1 11 1 I
ueen proviueu, ine employe con-j :o:
tributes a portion to the fund, but the The war in Europe ought to teach
remainder is paid by taxation. Many this country the lesson of economy.
corporations grant pensions to em- While the subject with the countries
ployes after certain years of service, at war is a forced one over there
That is not a philanthropic donation where every cent that can be spared
at all, for if they did not grant such js thrown into the war chests, the ex-
pensions they would have to pay ample set should not be missed over
u:l l : r . 1 r ! .
mallei Maiuiie mr me s-ame graue 01 mis way. w hiie we are called a na-
service. A system that would require tion of spendthrifts every individual
aii employes to contribute a certain jn this country should, if not already
sum per month of their wages to doing it, commence laying by a smnll
establish a pension fund, would be amount from the wage check or the Trr
i . v .
A- - N
. "1
a L?t &a v." i j .i ru i j r;
4 ; .'
,V.fW ,,'. .pi. ,- r r' .
Fcr Infants and Children.
MMTMaMfTJtMiiMWiaaiiM aajaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaJia
Ths Kind You Have
Always Bough!
Boars tlio
P;oir.c!cs Di j?:tior: ClicnfJ
r.?ss an! vr.-r
Opiuui.!3rph.iac iicriral.
- - - -
It :. ' j t-r -
Aperfert Remedy for Ccrtsflp
ti.-n . Sour Stowacii Diarrfai
RgssgdLoss or Sleep-
liiz Centalk Compact;
Iprthe hoodf A
Af if.
For Over
Thirty Years
Exact Copy of Wrapper,
"T' ' " ' " ' ' "" ' "
The Journal is always hustling for
you and yours. Hut what are you do
ing for it? The Journal is always
aHed man deposits his pay check in scheming, and planning, and laboring
a bank, and pay3 the grocer, the de- for a better community, for a more
partment store, his telephone, electric prosperous community. Do you ever
light and water bills with a check. No exert yourself to give the Journal a
money at all is used. The street car boost? The Journal is always push-
company handles more actual money ing you and your people to the front,
than any other concern in the city. A giving you a good word before your
ride must be paid for in money. If neighbors and the public, assisting
the writer of the letter referred to you to build up a reputation which
will think over these things he will will be of inestimable value to you
readily see how business can be done throughout the years of your life
. . . : l. r a. - ? 1 nr I . . . .
t-niy ,j jr ecu i, oi money anu w uut wnat are you doing; Are you
per cent with credit. That leaves reciprocating in any way ? Do you
the actual money mostly in the banks, ever suggest to your neighbors or
and the use of it is a base for further your friends that it is a good paper,
credits. World-Herald. a loval naner. and that it should ri
:o: j ceive their support? The Journal de
The grown-up method of celebrat-1 votes many hours and many pages in
the nation's birthday is to run as advertising the natural advantages of
far away from the small boys as pos- the community of your community
sible. But some men seemed to in- I and in seeking to enhance the welfare
dulge in shooting firecrackers on Sun- j of your community and of yourself,
day with as much vim as any of the But what of you? Do you ever seek
small boys. Shame! to advertise the Journal, or to swell
:o: its subscription list, or to increase its
People long ago stopped trying to general usefulness to the community ?
keep pace with Thomas A. Edison and The Journal is working six days of
his remarkablo list of inventions. The the week for the community and for
wizard of the mysterious force known you, and yours. But do you ever de-
as electricity has been turning out vote a minute of your time to its
new discoveries at the rate of one material welfare? Have you ever
every two weeks since he became of done so? The duty of the Journal is
age. He has more patents than were to supply you with the legitimate
ever issued to any other one in- news of the town and community,
dividual. New come another inven- The Journal goes much farther. Its
tion which promises to take its place labors in behalf of the community
with the phonograph, the incandescent are endless and without end, and it
globe and the kinetoscope as Edison's will continue to advocate the cause
big achievements. He calls it a tele- of community progress as long as it
scribe. The instrument makes it pos- is a paper. You are an important
sible for a telephonic conversation to part of the community, therefore its
be recorded on a wax record. The labors are in your behalf. But are
record may be used over and over you doing one single thing to requite
again to disclose the words of the the Journal for all of its toil and ex
persons talking. It will record con- pense in your behalf? You take the
versations over 3,000 miles of wire as Journal, you say. True, and you get
easily as over three miles. Mr. Edi- more than value received each issue
son enthusiastically declares that in the news items alone. The fund of
the world will soon recognize the information which the Journal hands
telescribe as a great commercial as- you each publication day for a cent
set. It makes the telephone more or two would cost you many dollars
useful, the phonograph more valua- if you went out to gather it up your-
ble and both more necessary." The self. But this is not a kick, nor is it
world has seer, enough of Mr. Edison a roast. It is just a little food for
and his works to believe what he pre- j thought in a few of your idle
diets. 1 moments.
sound economic propisition, to annual results from the farm for the
which no objection could be right- time is coming in this country when
fully made. It has been advocated by it will be needed.
aoie writers on economics, dui pen-i :o:-
sioning a part of the workers and
leaving the majority without such
help is certainly based on no sound
principles. No one objects to pen
sions in the
Many republicans and democrats
alike do not believe that party line-
will be drawn very tight next year if
President Wilson is a candidate for
army or navy service, ,C-election, and it is generally sun-
If you must have some kind of a
fad, be a cheerruptimist.
No woman who doubts her husband
just a little cares to have him buy an
After four cie.-nerate efTt
re I
a carnival company in here, we have
for the men so engaged not only of- IXJSO(j that he will le. Champ Clark, at last suceeded.
fer their services but their lives for
the good of their country. Some have
defended these pensions by saying
that all that it amounts to is an in
direct raise of wages, and the answer
made is that if wages are to be raised
who was his nrinciral onnonent for! :o:
the nomination three years ago, say,; If the allies continue buying up our
That the president should be re-nom- cattle vegetarianism may have a fair
inated by acclamation by the demo- trial in this country
crats. and the people who know him
to be the man of the hour, or everv I
it should be done directly and not by nourf for that matter, wiil vole fo
- World-Herald.
If there are many Mormon million
aires lawyers who make a specialty of
will contests would flock to Utah.
him irrespective of party, and will
ee that he is re-elected.
The sun's rays make sunny chi!-
uren. it ongntens ineir eves anu
Through some strange oversight of
the legislature, Kansas people still j
possess the right to smoke.
If Uncle Sam would put the word
"intervention"' i.'i one syllable it might
have more effect on Mexico.
William II. Taft now never says -a
thing that doesn't please the public;
and it's the same old fickle public.
Mrs. Pankhorst wants to help make
ammunition. Lloyd George might let
her try her hand on a few biscuits.
:o :-
broadens their smiles and puts the
Col. House had as much to say to joy of life into their little souls. It
President Wilson as John Lind; and strengthens their minds and develops
in both cases it will take memoirs I their physique and lays the founda-
to find what it was. tion for a career of honor and useful-
o: ness in the school of life. Let the
Knock and it shall be opened un- Kuiuies uasK in the sun. let its rays
to you. But that would surnrise the descend upon them, in alter
knocker, whose greatest hope is al- yean, their souls may radiate the joys j
wavs to be disannointod. of life to those who follow in their
;o: footsteps. For the sun is our most
' I I 1 A J" 1 1
Everv mvstPrious rrimP committed earnei uocior, our proiounuest i
during the last five years will now be preacher, and the greatest builder and
charged to Holt, the man who at- rejuvinator of the human race. And
temnted to kill .1 Piprrmnt Mnrran. hour in tht" KUn is mrC POtCllt
.Q. than an eternity in the shadows.
The clergyman who contends that :o:
Judgment Day began in heaven in Gossip mills grind only chab. 1 heir i
1844, advances a theory that cannot output is worthless, and worse than
be positively disapproved, at present, worthless. It is in many cases
-0- damnable. In many instances gossip
The fact, as announced by a gov- of a scandalous or slanderous char-
pmmpnt. huroim that 4nf) OOO imats acter is the fruit of idleness. In some
were killed last year for food, may cases it is the offspring of malice.
show how it was that the supply of More often it is given legs and wings i
lamb and veal held out. t' booze and finds its greatest as-
I : 4l ,.1 .... 1 tf
When the Erundage Carnival com- is hard indeed for a man to recover
. . .. . - ,
pany comes to town next Monday from the evil ctlects ot senseless gos-
there will be several of our business sip. It is near impossible for a worn-:
men who will start in kicking them- an. The gossip mill, once that it has
selves because they opposed their oc- caught in its knives the character
cupying Main street. When they see of a man or a woman, shreds off that
what a nice, neat outfit it is, with which is most valuable in life, and
everything up-to-date, and bright and even after life has ended true char
clean, they will see wherein they have acter. None is too pure, no life is too
made a crand mistake. well known to the world, no cause is
J 1- 1 . i l 1 .' 1 1 U.. r-. .-w ! o 1
Q I lull IIOIJ LO UC IllM-ll UJ .-viuiiuoi
Thr location nf the new library has monger's tongue. It is easier to lend
not yet been settled, and it perhaps no responsive ear to scandal, far bct-
wiil not be as long as there is a j ter to rebuke the scandal monger witn
squabble over the matter. It would j expressions of disbelief, and with al
seem that every person wants it right promise to relate the tale and tales-
At first, eugenics said all that it
wanted was persuasion. Now it asks
for prohibition. All lids begin the
same way.
When women have thoroughly di
gested C'f political bosses, perhaps
they'll like it, and what will new
revolutionaries do then?
Diplomacy consists largely in talk
ing a good deal without saying any
thing, from which one might infer
the world is full of diplomats.
"Judge not lest ye be judged," is
one of the blessed sayings of the
If our rural friends want to sec a
carnival that is the true thing they
don't vant to fail to come to town
any day next week and they will have ! bible. It calls to mind a thought that
the pleasure of viewing the best, we heard expressed the other day, "A
neatest and finest bunch of shows j critic is one who is the most down on
they have ever seen.
what he is the least up on.
For Interior Painting
If difM.
H.g jfff JiZrttiXiur-S P ft T fl
we have a line of special
ly prepared paint that
we urge you to use, as it
is exceptional. Our flat
white will Jnot turn yel
low it:s all in the mak
ing. You've been con
templating buying from
us for a long time why
not start today? Satis
faction and economy are
synonymous with us.
Hotel Riley Block, Plattsmouth. NcE.
Successor t BAILKY MACH
Ths largest and best equipped dental office- in Ore ah a. Experts In
charge of all work. Lady attendant. Moderate) Prices. Porcelain
filling s just like tooth. Instrunenta carefully sterlllaed after using-.
i'- iTglIf?ra Erin OR. DAVTAM rl Ahiik tl
mi m ------ - ' -- wnm waw Mawa WliinilN f
where he wants it. But everyone can't
have their way about it, and it is just
as well for the library board to select
the place, and let the people find
fault afterward, when it will do no
good. Stop all monkey business and
let's all pull together for the library.
man to the person affected. It would J
give the false witness some cause to
halt in his wild, reckless career. The
character assassin would be less ac
tive if he knew that there was sure to
be an aftermath a day of reckoning
and strict accountability.
pSa FISTULA Pay After You Are Cured
U 81 a. mild system of treatment, that cures Piles. Fistula and other
Rectal Diseases ia a short time, without a surgical operation. No Chloroform
Ether or other general anasthetic used. A cure guaranteed in every case ac
cepted for treatment, and no money to be paid until cured. Write for bock on
Rectal diseases, with testimonials of prominent people who have been' permanently
DR. TARRY Beo Building Omaha,