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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (July 8, 1915)
PAGE 2. PLATTSMOUTH SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL. THURSDAY, JULY 8. 1913. UNION MEETING OF YOUNG PEO PLES' SOCITIES The Attendance Ouite Large and Great Interest Manifested in the Deliberations. A VERY PLEASANT FAMILY REUNION LAST MONDA From Wednesday's Pally. A very pleasant family reunion was held Monday at the home of E. ( Hill in honor of his sister, Mrs. A. ! Smith and family, of Evanston, I linois. The mother, Mrs. Thomas Hill of Lincoln, and sister, Mrs. V. V. Glenn and family, of Wymore, wer present. The Smith family motored through from Chicago last week, tak ing their departure early Tuesday morninjr for their home. SELECTION OF TEACHERS FOR ENSUING TERM From Wednesdays Daily. The union meeting of the Young People's societies of the city at the Christian church Sunday proved a great success. The weather was rather damn and cool, and the meet ing was held inside, instead of on the lawn. The church was tastefully dec orated with flag?, which mcde a good pettintr for the sneakers, whose themes were all mors or less of a patriotic nature. Philip Rhin, who is president of the Y. I. S. C. E. of the Christian church, was leader, and E. H. Wes- cott presided at the piano and the music was assuredly good. A number of appropriate hvmns were had at the opening of the meeting, followed by ji .nofifil iinmhtp liv I)on C. York. ine iMneiy aim ine. Th flnHsmniith board r,f edn.-a The invocation was by P. F. Rihn, tjon held their regular monthly meet i r . 11 m. 1 1 i f I . . ... aner wmen iouowcu uie auuioa ui i ,nf, act pverin? and took ud some n r" - - verv nressintr matters in regard to Perpetuity of Our Country. He the preparing of the school buildings ppoke of the rise and fall of nations, and grounds for the coming year. One th causes for their springing into ex- of lhe cn5ef matter.s taken up by the istence, their growth, their decline, h,oard was that of having a concrete their fall, saying in brtef, that the retaining wall constructed along the country was safe as long as the peo- south sUte of the grounds of the Cen pie were alert to the principles oi traj aI1j njh school buildings, which Board of Education Meets to Take Up Matters of Importance and Resolve to Improve School Grounds. right and justice, with a school house on every hilltop. The essential thing Was "right thinking," which would impel right living. Not hard times nnd hard work were the enemies of a nation, but riches and idleness. will do away with what for the past few years has been quite an annoy ance to the schools and the residents of that section of the city, as the dirt has constantly been crumbling off and falling on the sidewalk, making it C. E. hitaker followed, and spoke muddy and disagreeable in stormy of the relation of this country, which weather and also presenting a most should be at peace with all nations, j unattractive appearance In his discourse he found it to the The assignment of teachers of the point to ue a portion of the address city schools has also been given out of President Wilson when he address-1 by Superintendent W. G. Brooks as ed the foreign-born Americans a short follows: High School A. O. Egenbergger, history and athletics; Lucille Gass, English; Ruth Moore, science; Estclle Baird, German and Latin; Margaret Anna lime since, and in using this portion of the speech he also paid a high compliment to the president, in what he said that in after years the words which he had spoken wouid teem with Gibberson, normal training; significance and of truth, which would I Daniel, mathematics. be a watchword to the generations! Central Ruildintr I )pn;irt mental. ret unborn. . I Elmer Frans. arithmetic .and. history: rwu Yi7es made a very impres- Anna Heisel, grammar, writing and sive prayer for the president of the spelling; Mae Morgan, reading, art, United States, in which he asked that music. High school music; Pearl Divine guidance be given him that he j Staats, geography, physiology, spell mm-ht direct the affairs of this gov- ing; Teresa Hemple, sixth grade; ernment in the channels of peace and Goldie Noble, fifth and sixth grades; prosperity. Clara Weyrich. fifth grade: Verna At Peace With all Peoples" was Cole, fourth grade; Clairie 15ook- the theme which Clarence Stenner mever. third and fourth trades: spoke to end in his address he said there were two things which were re united to effect this end, one was to observe that portion of the Lord's prayer which aks forgiveness only as we give, and that we obey that in junction to love each other as our own selves. If all people would obey these there would be universal peace. Postmaster D. C. Morgan followed with the topic of the promotion by the church of national ideals. He said he could in the time only touch on one, which was peace, and discuss ed it at some length. In answer to the question asked her by a drunken loafer, "What doe.; a woman know about war?" said "What does not a woman know about war when she is a mother who has reared an innocent babe from the cradle, seen him grow to boyhood, then to manhood, only to be called away and returned in a short time a corpse, who has put her very life into the boy, who has now grown to man hood, if she did not know about war who would?" . R. Lryan offered a prayer for the peace of the warring nations and that our own beloved country should always be the advocate for peace. . Mrs. Minnie Rihn spoke to the question, "Watching Over the Souls of From Wednesdays Daily. Elizabeth Kerr, second and third grades; Amelia Martens, "C" and first grades. Columbian Building Nettie Hawks- worth, principal, fifth and sixth grades; Vesta Douglass, fourth ami fifth grades; Alpha Peterson, second and third grades; Hazel Dovey, "C" and first grades. East Fourth Ward Delia Tartsch. principal, third and fourth grades; Anna Rys, "C", first and second grades. First Ward Margaret Wohlfarth. East Second Ward Christina Han sen, -C , first and second grades. West Second Ward Marie Svoboda "C", first and second grades. Mercerville Rose Prohaska, "C", first, second, third and fourth grades Ellen Windham, art supervisor. Marie Kaufmann, penmanship su pervisor. SEARCHING FOR INDIAN RELICS IN CASS COUNTY Harvard University . Aepresentatives Here for Purpose of Researches for Indian Villages Buried. From Wednesday's Dally. There has been a great deal of in terest created in scientific circles ovc the finding in Cass county of many buried Indian villages, as well as th tools and implements used by the ancient people who settled this sec tion of the west, and numerou parties have conducted investigation along these lines with the result o securing much valuable informatioi as to the earlv tribes of Indians who made their homes along the Missour Valley. Saturday Prof. Sterns of llarvun university, together with a party of assistants, arrived to undertake the work of searching out a few of these buried villages in the hope that some thing of greater value to the store of knowledge of the early inhabitants might be elarned. The party went to Nehawka from here and will put in several days there in investigating the traces that have been found o the Indian tribes that formerly roam ed over the locality. There has been several mounds discovered there which have turned out to have been the marks of ancient Indian villages, and several stone implements and vessels have been unearthed that are prized very highly by the scientific world as representative of a race long vanished. The party from Harvard will also visit in the vicinty of Rock Bluffs, where the hills are rich with old relics of the long ago. Dr. i,. J I. tiiimore ot .Murray lias become quite interested in the 'matter of securing data on the early resi dents of Nebraska and has made several important finds near Rock Bluffs which will be further looked into by the scientific research party. On one of the hills near that place large mound has been located which as yet has not been explored, and this will be opened by the Harvard party that will be there Wednesday to start in on their work. The recult of the visit of the east ern party here will be watched with interest and their work will probably Jesuit in uncovering many interesting facts in relation to the Indians who inhabited this section of the state. TWO SFEGIAL TRAINS OF SHRiNERS PASS THROUGH HERE OUTING OF RETAIL MER CHANTS AT CARTER LAKE AUGUST 2-8 Our Associates." The strong point she made was that in order to do this we must keep our lives right. George L. Farley followed with a treatise of the watchman, his duties, his qualifications, and the watchman who was waiting for the king should be busy all the time, and not with folded, idle hands. The meeting was closed by the con gregation singing "America," pronouncing of the benediction Rev. V. M. Druliner. Eczema spreads rapidly; itching al most drives you mad. . For quick relief, Doan's Ointment is well rec ommended. 50c at all stores. The outing of the Nebraska Retail ers at Carter Lake, Omaha, August 2 to 8, is being looked forward to with much pleasure by the merchants th roughout the state. This occasion will be six days of good fellowship, rest and recreation for the retail dealers in all lines of trad?. There ...Ml 1 . i will oe sectional meetings every morning to talk over the different and I 'nes f trade and business problems. ky I Arrangements will be made by a large majority ot the merchants? to be in attendance at the lake during the week and take part in the meet ings, its well as to bring their fam ilies and enjoy the week's outing by the pretty little lake. CASTOR I A For Twfanti and Chil&rea. Tts Kind Yon Hars Always Bcugfit For Sale. Medium weight roadster for sale Worth the money. Sam G. Smith Garage. 6-14-tf-d&w Bars th Signature of Office supplies at the Journal of fice. From WerfnesJa y's l'allv. Sunday afternoon two special trains were sent north over the Missouri Pa- ific containing members of the Nobles of the Mystic Shrine bound or their conclave at Seattle, Wash ington, to which the eyes of all Shriners are now turned throughout the United States. The trains carried members of the Kan -as and Missouri delegations and were filled by an en thusiastic bunch of the members of the Shrine. The special of the Kan sas delegation was decorated with all the emblems, as well as a number of scenes from the experiences of the Shriners and was most noticeable. The locomotive was equipped with a siren whistle which awoke the echoes as the train sped through the city on into Omaha, from where it will be transferred to the Northwestern ant: Northern Pacific to be sent to cSat tie. urn (Crystal White) .?Zf S Make your preserves with '-TV I t . -r- . .i t il n I J I rvaro. . i o retain tne iuh navor . I r .1 . r i t . f ui me iresn irulC3 maKe your preserving yrw$ of one part Kara lCViju U'hitet and t'iree Darts sugar. Mukea a rirk. heavv bvtuq without 51 I l!io cloyina itrHtneM of a heavy nll- TZi J sugar syrup. Prevent jams and jellies ing gioen in our PnacrUng Booklet- free I all furmiHasJor alt hinft of pmtto- on KaueaL CORN rRODUCTS REFINftiG CO. r. O. Bos 1S1 New Trk City Dept.PX. tits A GOOD MAN ODES TO HIS LONG REST Frank W. lirown. Than Whom No Iletter Citizen Ever Lived, Has Passed to His Reward. THE CHRISTAL STAR SKATING RINK NOW RUNNING FULL BLAST The Crystal Star skating rink will hold sessions of skating Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday evenings, from 8 until 10 o'clock. Price for skates will be 15 cents. Ample seat ing capacity will be provided for visitors. Friday afternoon from 3 until 4 o'clock a session will be held for those that wish to learn to skate. Ample attendants will beo n hand to assist in learning. No charges for this session. Saturday alternoon will irvr children under 10 years of a 2 the price will be 10 cents. Care will The following account of the death of a grand, good man, whose friends ; are legion all over Nebraska, is taken from the Lincoln Star of Wednesday: I i Postmaster Francis W. Brown, i twice mayor of Lincoln and widely j known in democratic politics of Ne- j braska, died at 9:25 this morning at, the Lincoln hotel after an illness of several weeks' duration of a com-1 plication of diseases. In the death of Mr. Brown, Lincoln lost one who has' been prominently identified with the! development of Lincoln from the early; days. Mr. Brown took charge of the post office last November and continued in ' active charge until four weeks ago, when he was forced to take to his j bed. His condition gradually grewj worse until hope for his recovery was abandoned yesterday. Mr. Brown was! Gl years of age. ; Mrs. Brown and Frank W. Brown, ; jr., of Kearney, were at .Mr. IJrown s bedside when death came. Francis Wyatt Brown was born in Booneville, Mo., June Id", 1854, where his father was engaged in the mer cantile and banking business for many- years. The family later moved to Jacksonville, 111., and while living there Mr. Brown returned to Boone ville and attended Kemper military academy He was later a student at Illinois college, at which time he made the acquaintance of W. J. Bryan, who was then a student at the college ' This acquaintance soon ripened into a NEW TIES EVERY WEEK See that Knee! Here's a H. V. I), style with the big wide open knee objection removed. More comfortable to wear no rubbing of rough trousers on your bare knee. Al so keeps out the dirt and dust. Altogether a more satisfactory garment with all the other cool features retained, and the price the same only $1.00. C. E. Wescott's Sons Everybody's Store who were present at that convention I took hold of the affairs of the office be taken as much as possible that no friendship, which has been particular one is hurt, although l win not De re- y ciose throughout all the years, Mr, sponsible should such occur. Bryan having studied law in the office R. L. PROPST, Manager. 0f Mr. Brown's older brother, later lemoved to Chicago and then to Ne braska about the same time that Mr. Brown did. Mr. Brown came to Nebraska in the early eighties, when he located at Omaha, as vice president of the Henry & Coatsworth Lumber company, who at that time had a yard in Lincoln. Several years later he moved here, making this his permanent home in But few carnival organizations is 1892. He has been engaged in the is complete as is the S. W. Brundage lumber business in this city ever Shows which are to open a week's en- since. THE GREATEST CARNI VAL COMPANY OF THE PRESENT TIMES. gagement in Plattsmouth, beginning Monday, July 12th. Mr. Brundage has spared neither quality or ex pense in making his attractions among the very best on the road, and udging from the praise which has been given the shows wherever they have exhibitetl, he has accomplished his purpose. In Leon W. Marshall's famous Happy Days in Dixieland," Mr. Brundage presents an attraction which has been declared one of the finest touring the country with a ear- nival organization. Mr. Marshall is in 1912, Mr. Brown was a prominent figure, and it was related by those indisposed condition at that time, he THE GEORGE W. GAR RISON ESTATE IS IN COURT AGAIN The (eorge W. Garrison estate, which has been the subject of more or less 'litigation in the past was again brought in the limelight in the district court, when the case of Mrs Nancy J. Garrison vs. Alonza Gar- risen, et al., was brought to trial be fore Judge Begley. This case is one involving the land belonging to the late George W. Garrison and which was deeded to his three children in 180U. The land is quite valuable and the interest in the suit is very keen. The deeds made by Mr. Garrison in IS'.)'.) were not recorded until after his death, when they were placed on rec ord, and now the widow seeks to have them placed back in the estate For division among the different heirs. Matthew Geiing appears in the cae for Mrs. Garrison, while Attorney C. A. Rawls is the representative of the defendants. in Mr. brown was elected as exciseman, serving on the board with . H. Weir as mayor, and was then re-elected during the F. A. Graham administration. He was elected mayor in 1005 and re-eletced in 1907, defeat ing A. H. Hutton both times During the campaign of 15)08 he was particularly active in behalf of Mr. Bryan and was the member of the resolutions committee from Ne braska at the democratic convention which nominated Mr. Bryan, and as such rhaped the platform according to Mr. Bryan's wishes. Although not a one ot the prominent minstrel leaders delegate to the Baltimore convention of the south and is touring the north for the first time. Thirty-five high- class minstrel performers are mem bers of this one attraction. "The Miracle," the show beautiful, is an attraction whtcn will prove pleasing, especially to the women and chiitiren. it is one ot tne most ex pensive carnival productions ever staged and has been a sensation wher ever the shows have played. The famous painting, "The Shadow of the Cross," which has raised so much comment at the various expositions, is a part of this exhibition. The racing motordome, upon which prominent motorcycle racers speed, is one of the most sensational attrac tions offered. It is claimed to be. the largest on the road, and many thrills and daring "stunts" are promised Plattsmouth speed fans. The other Bruntlage attractions are right up to the minute and in the entire show Plattsmouth residents are promised the most complete carnival company which has ever visited the city. that much of the credit for Mr. Wil son's nomination was due to the quiet efforts of Mr. Brown to handle the situation Perhaps no one has ever served as mayor of Lincoln who accomplished as much in the way of municipal im provement and ever left office with as many friends as he did. He was the founder of Antelope park and it was through his efforts that such a sub stantial start was made, and he prob ably placed the park above all other of his accomplishments in his affec tion. In lyOG he was the democratic nom inee for congress, running against E. M. Pollard, who defeated him in the Nebraska district after a sharp battle. He has been a figure at democratic conventions for years, and it is said that no one has ever wielded the in fluence before the legislature that he has. This influence was founded large ly on the knowledge that all had that F. W. Brown would not be for any thing that he did not believe was for the benefit of the people of Nebraska. He was called upon innumerable times to wield his influence toward the pass age of constructive legislation. When Mr. Wilson was elected as president, it was said that Mr. Brown would be given some high position of trust. A number of offices were sug gested to him, and had it not been for his desire to stay in Lincoln, he would probably have been appointed to some diplomatic position under this admin istration. When he expressed his de sire to be postmaster at Lincoln, he had allied with him the Bryan influ ence, which finally resulted in his tak ing over the office on the 16th of No vember. 1914. In spite of his rather with his old-time business acumen, and up to the time cf his last- illness was active in planning and carrying out the work at the postoffice. Probably no man in Nebraska hail more personal friends than Mr. Brown. His efforts to do something for his friends was his main charac teristic, and much of the time that he might have spent in his own selfish pursuits was given to an effort for his friends. For a number of years Mr. Brown has been mentioned as the democratic candidate for both governor and Unit ed States senator, but he has always said that he could not afford to run for either office. He was married December 22, lfc0, to Jennie Bennett of Omaha. Two sons were born to the union, one of whom died February 2, 1899; the other, F. W. Brown, jr., is at present editor of the Kearney Morning Times at Kearney, Neb. Three sisters and one brother, Mrs. William Beitler, of Philadelphia, Mrs. James Smith, of Berlin, 111., and Mrs. Franklin Hous ton, of Kansas City, Mo., and W. A. Brown of Memphis, Tenn., are those surviving. Mr. Brown came from a family notable both in Virginia and Kentucky, many members of which have held high rank in the way of public office in the states of Maryland, Virginia, Mississippi and Kentucky. He was a member of the Elks' club. The family home is located at Twentieth and Washington streets, but Mr. and Mrs. Brown have made their home at the Lincoln hotel for some time. For croup or sore throat, use Dr. Thomas' Eclectic Oil. Two 6izes, 25c and 50c. At all drug stores. C. F. West of Portland, Maine, president of the Plattsmouth Water company, arrived in the city this morning to inspect the plant here and look over some contemplated improve ments that will be made at the pump ing station. Btntf of oblo. Titr 0f To!f. I.iimn Omnt. . hrank J. hfiu r umkr oatb tbut li tit neol'tf r-artiirr of tht Una of K. J- ('ln-iipy A do lnir tiuliii'KM in the ( Itr of Toledo. County and Ftate for-atl. and tlint auiil ttrm will ny tbe um of ONE Hf.VDKKD IxrUIAKS fur rarb and prrrr ras of t'ntarrh that ranuot bu cored bf the use of tlall'a Catarrh Cure FBAXK J. CHE.nET. Picnrn to before me and mibscrlbed In my presence, tbla 6th day of December. A. D., ISbl Seal. A. W. fiLEASON. Notary lub!ic. Hall's Catarrh Cure ! taken Internally and eta dirf-t'iy uioa the blued and icjctis sur faces of tbe ajetecu. Send for tetlmoulal fc-ee. F. J. CHENEY CO, Toledo, O. Sold by all Pru(rlta. 75c. Take Hall a Family PUU for constipation. j LIKE REED6 IN THE WHIRL OF A CYCLONE PRICES COME TUMBLING DOWN! I 2 REMEMBER THE OPENING DAY WEDNESDAY, JULY 14th LUT0lft!l Beginning Wednesday, July 14th, at 9 a. m. Don't spend one dollar for Clothing or Furnishings before the great opening day. The T. K. Kelly Sales System, of New York City, Chicago and Minneapolis, are now in charge of the entire store. Not one article but what will get the march ing order during this Gigantic Dissolution Sale for TEN DAYS ONLY. Look for our large Sale Bill that will soon be out. PcA