The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, July 05, 1915, Page PAGE 3, Image 3

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    MONDAY, JULY 5, 1915.
I till Ml
"Stand Fast In tiiB LiDsrty
Wherewith Christ Hatli
Mad3 Ycu Frss."
Hypocritical Slaves of Mammon and
Custom Ignorant Slave3 of Fear and
Superstition He!p!es.s Slaves of Sin
and Weakness "The Liberty cf the
Sons of God" Slaves In the Pulpits.
Slaves In the Pews Slaves to
Wealth Slaves to Poverty Slaves
to Sinful Passions and Appetites.
Only One Way to Liberty.
New York City.
July 4. Pastor
Russell, last ulrrlit
at the New York
City Temple. W.
t'C'.rd St.. u e a r
UroaJwsiy.tot'k for
his texr.'-Tlie ro:i
ttire also shall be
delivered froiu the
bondage (f eorru"
tl 'ii into the p!uri
ous liberty of the
sons of itd." (Ro
pastor. gussEtP
mans S 21.1 He de
clared that Lis text, cue of the graini
est I'roiuises for humanity, docs not re
late to true Christian, hut to mankind
in general. Trie Christ h its are al
ready set free, so far as tucir hearts,
their minds, arc concerned. Saintly
Christians, be averred, are n rari'y to
day, as they have always been sin e
the Master declared, "rear not. little
flo;k; it is the Father's pixl p'eisure
to give you the Kingdom." l.uke ii:."-.
Not until these shall he perfected ly
the glorious thai :re of the Chief Resur
rection will the tiire come for deliver
In? the groaiihi? creation from i;s
bondage. In othor words, the world's
blessing tarries until the completion of
the saintly company pathered iut tf
very nation and denomination .Itirirv.!
the past nineteen centuries, and called
in the Ril.Ie "The 'Imrch cf the First
borns." "The Very Fleet." "The Imib"s
Wife." "The F.o-ly of Christ." ft'-.
Jehovah is a God of order. All Ills
god purposes will he fulfilled in a
most orderly mauner. Six great days
of a thousand years each have already
passed over us. according the Scrip
tures, and have leon jieriods of dark
ness under a retell of Sin and Death.
Iurin? this time OoJ has allowed our
ra'-e lo exieriuieiit with sin and to
note its Litter results to experiment
also in endeavors to recover frojn sin
and its ionalty. death, with its con
constants of sickness and sorrow. The
long schooling of six thousand years
is not to le in tain. The lesson that
"the wages of sin is death"' is not to
he Mankind is not to le left to
destruction, hut i- to 1 recovered.
Faith's billions, l.ving as unconscious
in death as the brute, are nevertheless
subjects of Divine interes", sympathy
and provision. Jn Hie Seventh Thousand-Year
Iay. earth's great Sabbath,
assistance will come to our race.
Broad Foundation For Hum.n Salvation
According to the Iivine Program.
Christ will then I o the gres t King over
ail the earth, and the great antitypica!
I'riest. to uplift all the willing ami
obedient. lie wi'.H le the Antityie of
Melchiscdee, v ho was a priest upon
his throne. Jf the Divine lurpoe h:td
merely been that the Lord Jesus Christ
should do this wjrk tlonev there would
have leen no need of His coming into
the world nineteen centuries ago to
die; for He could have accomplished
the entire work nt one tine. Now, at
the beginning of the seventh thousand
years. lie could have died for man's
sins, thus redeeming all from the curse
that came throuirh Adam; and then,
risen from the dead and glorified with
the Father's power. He could at once
have begun His gnat woik of setting
free the prisoners of Sin and Heath.
Rut the Heavenly Father had a bet
ter Plan. He had purposed the select
ing of the saintly few fruu amongst
men, to be ass:.-iuied wi.h our Iord
Jesus in His Kingship ami His priest
ly otliee. God has laid n broad foun
dation for u great w-.rk for humanity,
in providing not only the necessary
kind's and priests for tlu Millennial
Kingdom, but also valu ible cxpori
ences for nuudzind through the ujrti
of Sin and Heath and thr nigh human
endeavor to overcome thee. By now
all should be satisfied tint life ever
lasting must come as a gi.'t from God
A Race of Slaves.
During Messiah's thousand year Reign
the groaning creation will be deliver
ed from bondage into full liberty, prop
er to sons of God. Behold what ter
rible lKndages are upon mankind:
Look at their ignorance, their super
stition. their fears, their weaknesses,
mental, moral, physical. mkI the sum
of these disabilities death. Consider
the hundreds of millions alive today
that need assistance, and the thou
sands of millions unconscious, in the
tomb. Their awakening from death
will not le the fulfilment of this
prophecy of resurrection. It will mean
much more the uplifting of mind and
body to all that was lost 3n Adam and
rebfined at Calvary.
This does not signify tniversal sal-v.-tion.
except in that the Bible prom
ises that "as ail in Admit die. even so
all in Christ shall le made alive, ev
ery man in his wn order" lass. (1
Corinthians 1.1:22. 23.) Th giving to
i! marfclne! the fuTi' opportunities o
the Millennial Kingdom will fulfil
God's promise. Those who shall in
telligently refuse God's gift of ever
lasting life, by refusing His reasonable
requirements, will die the Second
Death. But those who at the conclu
sion of the Millennial Age shall have
profited by The Messiah's Kingdom
will be received into God's family and
will be granted all the liberties and
privileges proper to the pons of Gd.
Revelation 21:4; 22:3.
Although we should understand what
God has promised of Restitution to hu
man perfection for the groaning crea
tion in general, it is still more impor
tant that Christians recognize the
share of liberty which has already
come to them. tGalatians 3:1.) Do not
misunderstand me to refer to the great
mass. Catholic and Protestant, noted
In the statistics as 4iKt.KX.n0 Chris
tians. Alas, no! That great mass is
deceived. According to Bible stand
ards and their own confessions, they
have neither lot nor part in the Church
which is the Body of Christ.
This great mass 1-i well represented
in the nations of Europe warring for
commercialism, the one to obtain, and
the other to hold, the key of over and
access to the world's wealth. Saints
there undoubtedly are in all the war
ring nations; but they are so few that
they have virtually no inib.iencc. but
are fort ed by the others into the st rug
pie. The mass of these nominal Chris
tians neither know Christ iHi-onally
nor give c itlence of liav'ng conic into
God's family through the begetting of
the Holy Spirit. As truly as the hea
then of other lands, they are "without
Gd and having no hope." There is a
hope for them; but they know it not.
Responsibility of Clergy and Laity.
Vhe:e lies the responsibility for pres
ent conditions that the millions of Eu
rope are lichting like devils, each army
deceived into thinking that it is the
Lord's army. fight'ug for God and
righteousness? A'e believe that the re
sMiisi)(i!ity lies close, to the d'or of the
churches of all denominations, and es
pecialiy close to the door of the reli
gious teachers, who assume great re
spoiisibility in calling themselves the
clergy, and setting themselves alov
their fellows, styled the laity.
These hnnistcrs of the civilized world,
more than a quarter of a million in
number, represent a highly favored
eh:s of humanny. The majority f
tiiem have much above the average of
education, and far alove the average
of time for study and thought. How
are they using these wonderful oppor
tunities and privileges, and the in
faience, which goes with their posi
tions and which is accentuated by the
superstition of the masses?
I freely acknowledge that they are
not responsible lo me; as it is written.
"To his own Master each servant
stands or falls." Jt is quite proper,
however, that we remember the Mas
ter's words. "Out of thine own mouth
will 1 judge Hue, thou wicked and
slothful servant." (Luke R:22.t What
a fearful retribution apparently awaits
those professed ministers of God and
of Christ who. instead of using their
great opportunities for cmanciiNii ing
the people from the slavery of igno
rance, sujterstitioii and error, are using
them to promote lut-rual bondage!
Moral Cowards Everywhere.
The clergy neglect their opportunities
for educating the people to a projter
tmception of the rights of man. They
have fostered the fallacy that the king
doms of the world are kingdoms of
God, and that serving the king is serv
ing the Lord. They have not taught
the people the broad patriotism that
"the earth is the Lord's and the ful
ness thereof." which He hath given to
the children of men; and that national
barriers of selfishness and national ag
gressiveness are contrary to the rights
of man. The clergy of each country,
supported by the governments, have in
turn upheld these governments; and if
they have not told the people that the
voice of the emperor or the king is the
voice of God. they have certainly not
disabused them of that idea, which the
clergy of past general ions inculcated.
Now that the war has come, and the
misdirected people are blindly lighting
for their errors and misconceptions,
what is the attitude of the clergy?
Fnder the pay or toe protection of the
governments, are they not all support
ing the governments from which they
receive their pay? Are they not intent
upou encouraging the ambitions of
these governments and stirring up the
jeople to war? !. they not approve
the legend on the belts of the German
soldiers, "God with us"? Do they not
follow the lead of the Archbishop of
Canterbury, in England, in encourag
ing the thought that all who enlist are
fiigniilng iii a holy war for God? The
Archbishop is credited in the press
with urging the boys and the girls of
Great I '.rit a in to marry early and bring
up large families, that there may be
more such Christian soldiers to battle
for church and state.
Policy and hypocrisy are written all
over the affairs of the world falsely
called Christendom Christ's Kingdom.
These are not Christ's Kingdom, nor
are these Christ's ministers, if we shall
judge by the Savior's statement, "II is
servants ye are to whom ye render
service" whether God or Mammon.
The clergy of lands not directly in
volved in the war are praying, and
urging the people to pray, to God to
stop the war; but we hear no sugges
tion, from any quarter, of proper
preaching and teaching to show the
people the brotherhood of the human
family and the sin of murder, whether
committed by commands of kings, em
perors, or otherwise. Where is the
courage? Where is the moral stamina?
It is lacking. Why? Because true
Christianity is lacking.
Christ's true followers are courageous.
Jesus refers to them all as overcomers.
not sycophants; as lovers of joace, win
contend not with carnal weapons. His
followers must necessarily, neverthe
less, be true heroes, copies of their
Master, not afraid to speak the truth
and not afraid to die for their courage.
What a power a quarter of a milliou
professed ministers of Christ might le
if they truly took their stand on His
side, lifted up their voices, and even
now confessed how seriously they have
misled the people in respect to earthly
things, us well as regards the things of
the hereafter!
Hypocrisy the Greatest of Sins.
Judged by their utterances, the great
mass of those professing to be minis
ters of Christ are hypocrites. In pri
vate conversation,' if cross-examined,
they confess that they do not believe
the Bible, and declare that no educat
ed person could lelieve it to be a Di
vine revelation. Asked whether they
believe hi a future life, they answer
that they have some hopes of a future
life, but that these are built, not upon
the Bible declaration of a resurrection
of the dead, but upon the Platonic phi
losophy that nobody is dead. Asked
whether they believe iu eternal tor
ture, they reply. Certainly not! Indi
rectly, however, they have given the
inference that they believe it: and
surolv thev have not done anything to
take from the people that nightmare
invenfed during the Dark Ages, when
for twelve hundred years the few Bi
bles there were ere relegated to the
cloister and the closet, and the world
was taught by self-styled apostolic
bishops, who claimed the same author
ity of inspiration as the Twelve Apos
tles whom Jesus named as His only
There were murderers, thieves and
drunkards in Jesus' day. as there are
today; yet the Master denounced a
still greater sinners the religious hypo
elites of His time who made void
God's Word, substituting for it human
tradition deceiving and misleading the
people "blind leaders of the blind.'
Were He to speak forth today. His
strongest condemnation would be ex
pressed against the clergy, who seem
intent upon keeping the people in dark
ness respecting the true teachings of
the Bible teaching them evolution ami
unhejief if they are educated, or de
lusions of the Dark Ages if they are
uneducated. Policy seems to take thf
place of honesty. The Apostle speak.
of such as having their consciences
seared toughened, hardened.
As a result, nearly all ministers wi'l
say. "We do not believe in the doctrine
of eternal torture. We would not think
of torturing anybody ourselves; we d-
not know any human being so dprav
ed that he would wish to torture his
fellow-creature everlastingly. We do
not believe that any god would do so.
We doubt whether any devil would
long take pleasure in sudi sufferings."
Asked why they support e-revds which
so- teach, und why.Iuy give such in
ference to the public, some reply, "it
is required of ns by our denominations.
We would much prefer to tell the truth
alut the Love of Gtwl and His ar
rangement for the blessing uf the non
elect during the Time's of Restitution.
(Acts o:l! 21.1 But we are bound hand
and foot. Our supjort and our honor
ani"i:gt men depeiel on our adherence
to this doctrine. If we could see a
way out of the dilTiculty, we would le
glad to be liberated."
Others answer that they give their
consciences no concern, that their de
nomination takes the responsibility for
its creed and for its tea hers. Oth
ers answer that they are Higher Crit
ics and Hvolut ionists, who believe
that they must not tell the people their
he-art sentiments; but that they hope
that sn public sentiment will out
grow the influence of the Bible, and
th.n then they will le called upon to
teach a Christ less and. if necessary, a
Godless morality.
After the Example of Judas.
Such bartering of the honor of the
Almighty for honor of men and an
e-asv living is its dillicult to unelerstand
as that of Judas, who sold Jesus for
thirty pieces of silver. .So soared are
the consciences of the-se educated men
that they seem not to realize that blas
phemy is the most serious of sins;
and that directly or indirectly giving
the inference that the God f all grae
the Father of mercies, is roasting !'-.
out of everv of humanity is the
worst blasphemy that could be con-e-octeel.
How much allowance Joel
makes for these blasphemers we know
not, lint we feH that theirs is a terri
ble josition. Won Ul that some word
of mine might assist in awakening
their ceuisciences; ami that even yet
nobility ami manhood, not to say saint
ship, might gain the victory!
And does not the pew share this re
sponsibility? Has it no meaning to in
telligent men and women that they
have subscribed to a creed that blas
l hemes G oil's holy name, totally mis
represents His character, and throws
an utterly false light on the Bible? Is
it sufficient ihat these should say, "We
no longer believe these creeels"? Do
not their names en the rolls, their pres
ence at church services. anJ their vuz?
tribution to the upkeep of these creeds
and their clerical defenders constitute
a responsibility in the sight of God
and in the esteem of all honest men
and women? How long shall intelli
gent eople halt between creeels of hy
pocrisy and one of honesty? How long
will they Jiow down before creed idols
more horrible than any worshiped by
the heathen?
While mankind is celebrating today
the birth of this great nation which
stands for liberty, freedom, emancipa
tion from the thralldoin or church and
state, let us personally make fresh res
olutions that we will stand fast in the
liberty wherewith Christ makes fre'e.
and be Ilis servants, loyal, failhful
nnto death, hoping to receive "the
Crown of Life, which f adeth not away."
Mr. J. W. Conn and Miss Donnelly
were married on the 17th inst. Ly the
Rev. J. T. Baird. Co(a)n these things
be, and overcome us like a summer
cloud ?
Report says Dan Johnson of Weep
ing: Water was severely injured by a
blow from a loaded can in the hands
of a man who sloped for Colorado
just after. Dan is still alive and full
of fun as usual, though.
A match pame of hase ball. Rock
EiufTs aerainst Plattsmouth tor vice
versa) will be played next Thursday,
near the railroad spring south e,f
town. Whichever wins will Le con
sidered champions for this season.
Mr. Hicks, who runs a boarding
house on Second street, was pretty
baeily stabbed on Friday morning: last,
by a m;;n named McDonell, one of
Tom Murphy's men. McD. was drunk
ur.d Hicks told him to leave, in fact,
put him out once, when he returned
j ml en a second attempt to remove
him he turned cn Hicks and stabbed
him with a common pocketknife in the
thigh anJ temple. Dr. G. II. Black
cji-f.j;Sed the wounds, which were quite
At the annual conclave of Mount
Zion Commandery No. , Knights
Templar, held at this place on Good
Friday last, the following oflicers were
elected for the ensuing Masonic year:
Sir R. R. Livingston Eminent
Kir J. N. Wise Generalissimo.
Kir S. M. Chapman Captain gen
eral. Sir J.
Yallery, Jr. Master
Sir D. II. Wheeler Recorder.
Sir Robert Eallance Senior war
den. Sir F. E. White Junior warden.
Sir M. I. Cutler Standard-bearer.
Sir E. B. Lewis Sword-bearer.
Alonzo Cunningham warder.
Sir J. W. Shannon Captain of the
guai d.
Si- Rasmus Petersen First guard.
Sir O. Frost Second fruard.
Sir J. C. Cummins Third pruard.
Weeping Water Notes Mr. Wol
cott's youngest child is a boy.
About twenty applied for certi
ficates at the teachers' examination
last week.
Measures are being taken to estab
lish a public library here. We need
erne very much.
R. T. Maxwell has moved into the
Quinton house.
Alf. Marshall occupies a portion of
Dave Jones' house.
D. W. Johnson has moved into Mr.
Crippin's house.
There is to be a new bridge put
across the run at InfrersoH's. It can't
be done teo soon, as the old briJge is
not very safe.
"Ten Nights in a Rar Room" was a
histrionic as well as financial suc
cess. The house was crowded and the
i eceipts were about $"0.
In Mr. Odell's school report in last
week's Herald, among the name of
the eighteen whose average scholar
ship was 80 or above, we search in
vain for the names of those boys who
take considerable outdoor exercise
during scheiol hours; while Annie
Hunter, who stood highest in scholar
ship is one of the most regular and
punctual scholars in school, and all
of the eighteen who passed examina
tion are comparatively regular in at
tendance, from which it may be infer
red that scholarship and regularity of
attendance go hand-in-hand. Then
why should we not have a regulation
requiring regularity of attendance up
on school duties?
Our schools close next Wednesday.
The Red Ribbon club meets next
Tuesday evening. Lucile.
From Friday' Dai'y.
George W'inscott of this city
brought into the Journal office toelay
two small branches taken from an ap
ple tree in his yard that certainly
looks as though there was every pros
pect for a mighty good apply crop, as
each of the branches are laden down
with the apples that are of goed size
and in excellent shape, and in a few
weeks will begin te ripen. There was
some fourteen on one of the blanches
and sixteen on the other.
FOR SALE Fawn and White Indian
Runner duck eggs, white egg strain,
$1.00 per 13, $o.OO per 100. Inquire
of A. O. Ramge, Route 1, Platts
mouth, Neb. 4-5-tf-wkly
Regular 75c vaiues m Initial Sta
tionery at the Journal office for EOc.
i t
Frank A. Davis left Wednesday
morning for a visit to the Pacific
coast and the exposition.
Mr. and Mrs. AV. II. Lyman left
last Thursday fcr a visit with their
ehildrsn, which will take them to
Spearfish. S. I.. Holyoke, Colo., and
western Nebraska.
Harold and Leslie Dunn left Satur
day for Wyoming to bring to the
Omaha market several cars of horses
that their uncle, Burt Dunn, is buy
ing for their father, William Dunn.
II. J. Philips left Tuesday for Red
field, S. D., to visit his only daughter.
We hope Mr. Philips visit will be
more pleasant than the cue recently
made to Elwood. when his son elied.
Miss Daisy Johnson went to Lincoln
Monday and accompanied her sister,
Edith, heme Tuesday. The latter had
undergone an operation at a hospital
in Lincoln since her school work was
The stork paid a visit to our town
Sunday vnd rt the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Ncls Sogard was left a fine
daughter. At the home of Mr. and
Mrs. J. W. Dorsey the wise old bird
left a sen, Patrick McGuire.
Jack Philpot's two cars of cattle
that he shipped to Omaha last week,
averaged 1,554 pounds and sold for 9
per hundred, netting Mr Philpot $4,
140.S0 for thirty head of cattle, or a
fraction over ?1SS.12 2-3 per head.
Mrs. E. E. Day, who was in Omaha
having her eyes treated by Dr. Gif
forel, returned home Wednesday even
ing and friends will be glad to know
that the doctor gives her much en
couragement as to her chances ef re
covery. Mrs. Elizabeth Turner and little
daughter, of Schenectady, N. Y-, who
have been visiting her parents, Mr.
r.r.d Mrs. R. E. Countryman, left for
their home Wednesday morning. They
were accompanied as far as Omaha
bv Mr. Countryman.
J Courier.
Gilbert Polk is here from St. Louis
visiting his parents, Dr. and Mrs.
Will Kreeklow was over from
Chalco Sunday visiting with his fath
er, V. F. Kreeklow.
Mrs. C. E. Noyes returned home
Monday from a trip to California with
he- mother, Mrs. J. V. Glover, of Gor
don, Neb.
Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Petersen of
Funk, Nebraska, are here this week,
having been called on account of the
illness of Mr. Petersen's sister, Mrs.
B. D. Barker.
Mrs. C. A. Richey and daughter,
Katherine, who are making an extend
ed stay in California this summer,
were the guests of Mrs. M. Peterson,
at Long Beach, this week.
Stanley Wo ds of Calgary, Canada,
is here this week visiting with his
sister, Mrs. Taylor Wilson. He is on
his way to Addis, Miss., and stopped
ff here for a few days' visit.
While at Stanton last week the
writer met Gottlieb Sprieck, a former
citizen of Cass county, and found the
old gentleman enjoying good health.
He sent his best regards to his old-
time friends in this vicinity.
Andy Schoeman, wife r.nd son,
Freddie, Mrs. Amelia Schoeman and
Mrs. Rentschler of Atchison, Kas.,
drove over to Papillion Sunday and
visited at the home of Mrs. Schoe-'s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry
The Murphy quarries are installing
a 50-horse-power electric motor to
run their crusher. Other improve
ments will be made, including addi
tional motors and electric appliances
which will simplify the work of mar
keting their product.
A 4-
j News. v
Dor McBride of South Omaha is
visiting old friends here this week.
Mrs. Conrad, who has been visiting
here since the funeral of Mrs. Cun
ningham, returned to her home in
Skeedy, Oklahoma, Monday morning.
About twenty-five members of the
A. O. U. W. lodge autoed to Platts
mouth, where they met the grand
master workman and were entertain
ed by that order last Friday evening.
The Booster club was entertained at-
the country home of Jacob Wessel
Saturday evening. A large number
were present and an excellent time is
repotted by those who attended.
Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Rutledge, who
had been visiting with their son, the
editor, for two weeks, left last Sat
urday by the Ford auto route for
various points in Iowa and Minnesota
last Saturday.
Guy Snyder, who was taken to
Omaha about two months ago and
operated on for appendicitis, returned
home Saturday afternoon, and we are
pleased to mention he is getting along
The heavy rain last Wednesday
evening, accompanied by a strong
wind, blew over the tent studio of P.
L. Glavind, spoiling his camera and
everything which he had there. It
was a heavy loss and it will no doubt
be some time before he will have the
loss replaced.
Last Friday evening Miss Gladys
West entertained about fifty friends
at the Auditorium, the amusement be
ing dancing. The music, which was
from Nebraska City, was greatly en
joyed and a fine time was had by
those present.
One of the hardest rains ever wit
nessed in Nehawka occurred Wednes
day afterneon. At about 4:30 it be
gan and the rain fell in sheets, com
ing down so hard at times one could
not see a bleick. To make things
worse a wind sprang up and trees
were blown down and branches laying
all over. In all it rained between
four ar.d five inches and the creek was
about out of its banks. Considerable
damage was done to all the crops,
especially the early wheat. Small
chickens were drown, but no serious
damage is reported.
A Ledger. v-
A f--- .--- AAAAA AAA AA
v . wwi vwvv
Miss Mae Clinkenbeard of Des
Moines, Iowa, arrived Monday for a
visit with her sister, Mrs. Myron
Lj-nde, and other relatives here.
C. H. Dysart was laid up for re
pair Monday with an attack of
trouble, but nothing very serious,
and he was able to appear at the
itore again Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. John F. Hoback, re
siding northeast of town, are rejoic
ing over a new addition to the family
circle, a handsenne daughter, born
Friday morning, June 25.
Mrs. Myron Lynde departed on
the Tuesday morning train for Blue
Springs, Neb., being called to that
place by the serious illness of her
sister, Mrs. W. S. Lynde.
Mrs. Maude Stewart of Walthill
made a few- days visit here with her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Chil-
dester, and left for La Platte on Mon
day to visit her brother, Joe Chil
dester and family.
Misses Catherine Wilcox and Fran
ces Howell of Omaha, and Misses
Edith Dovey and Jeanette Patterson
cf Plattsmouth made a visit here
Wednesday, the guests of Mrs. J. M.
Mrs. S. M. Cox of Lincoln, who re
sided here a number of years ago,
came in Wednesday for a few days'
visit among relatives and old-time
friends in and near this village, all
cf whom are pleased to meet her.
The news was received here last
Sunday morning of the death of Mrs
Jennie Ball, mother of Mrs. H. W.
Rupe, which occurred at the Rupe
home in Auburn, where Mrs. Ball,
had made her home since Mr. and
Mrs. Rupe moved from here several
months ago.
Walter Mead thinks he holds a
championship title as lightweight ani
mal fighter. A short time ago a pair
of wolves ventured within his ter
ritory and showed fight, and while one
of them was making his get-away
Walter downed the other and danced
a tango upon it until its bark was
anchored in the harbor of eternal
silence. His only weapons were his
hands and feet.
J. F. Hoover had a car of hogs on
the Nebraska City market Tuesday,
and two cars of cattle on Thursday's
South Omaha market.
Mrs. R. D. Bailey arrived from
Crete last week and will spend the
summer here. Her son, Rex, -will
spend the summer at Madison, Wis
Attorney Howard Saxton and fam
ily of Pender, Thurston county, ar
rived Wednesday on a visit with Mr.
Saxton's parents, Mr. and Mrs. D
Mrs. William Minford is suffering
from what is reported to be blood
poisoning in one of her eyes. She and
Mr. Minford went to Lincoln Tuesday
to consult a specialist.
Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Vallier and
children of Ashland Fpent Saturday
and Sunday visiting at the home of
Mrs. Vallier's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
J. F. Rose, of this place.
, Harvey Maddox of Kansas City vis
ited in Elmwood on Monday and join-
II4" ww"!
State i t OUn. CltT if Toledo. T.nm Cotinty. fc
frank J. Cheney make uatb tnut b U aentar
riartiifn f tii tiria of F. J. Ciiem-y Jk C., t
ii? Liuim- in tlu City of Tolrdo. e utility and
State afort-aaid. aud ilint aaid firm lll I 7
tlie uiu of liNC nt"XrKEI ItOlXAKS tor
each and every caae of Oitarrb that cannot In
cured Dj tbe ute of HiUi Cjitanrh Cure
Pworn tn before me and rmliwrrbed lo my
presence, this (jib da of I'eoemtx-r. A. D., ibsti.
Seal. A. W. GXEASON.
X.iiarj I'uLllc.
Hall's Catarrb Cn'e la taken Internally and
trm d.reotly uhii the ul"l and murnua aur
lu-ea of the avntem. Send ftir tet iiuotilala,
F. J. e-H EXE Y A CO.. Toledo, 0.
Sold ly til iJruppUta. 7V-.
Take Hull's FactiUr Fills for ronstlpitkia.
ed his wife and children, who had
been visiting here for some time. On
Tueselay they left for Auburn, where
they will attend the wedding of De
loros Maddox, a niece.
Mrs. .Leo Horton, while attending
the funeral of C. G. Shreve, was sud
denly taken with a stroke of apoplexy.
Medual aid was summoned and ihe
was 'removed to the W. D. Skeen
home, where she wan made as com
fortable as possible, after which she
was removed to her home. At last
report her conditoins was reported to
be rather serius.
Harry Waltz has a fine bunch of
cattle that have become infected with
blackleg. He has lost three or four
head of young cattle. He says that
it is the fattest that usually take the
disease first and when they once get
it there seems to be nothing that can
Le done for them. Mr. Waltz has had
the rest of his cattle vaccinated and
it is hoped that they will not contract
the disease.
Mrs. II. S. Hartley or Quaker
City, Ohio, with her little son, and
Mrs. G. W. Baltzley and daughter, of
Lincoln, departed Wednesday evening
for the latter's home in the capital
city, after a very pleasant visit with
their many friends here. Mrs. Hart
ley and Mrs. Baltzley are better
known to Elmwood people as the
Misses Mattie and Gertie Palister,
who were teachers in the Elmwood
public schools at the time their father
was the Christian minister here about
sixteen years ago.
Friends and Neighbors in Platts
mouth Will Show You a Way.
Ces at the root of the trouble.
Rubbing an aching back may re
lieve it,
But won't cure it if the kidneys are
You must reach the root of it the
Doan's Kidney Pills go right at it;
Reach the cause; attack the pain.
Are recommended by many Platts
mouth people.
B. Brooks, Main street, Platts
mouth, says: "I had a severe attack
of kidney complaint, brought on by a
bad cold. At times the pain extended
from my back and hips into my
shoulders. I couldn't get about and
was laid up for two weeks. My head
ached for hours at a time and I had
dizzy spells, during which my sight
blurred. Two boxes of Doan's Kid
ney Pills, procured at Gering & Co.'s
Drug Store, restored my health."
Price 50c at all dealers. Don't
simply ask for a kidney remedy get
Doan's Kidney Pills the same that
Mr. Brooks had. Foster-Milburn Co.,
Props, Buffalo, N. Y.
IVBiifc Footwear!
Nothing so dainty noth
ing so stylish nothing so
comfortable for a woman to
wear on her feet during the
Summer months as a pair
of our White Colonials or
Pumps. YouU surely want
a pair of White Shoes this
Every woman will!
White Canvas "Mary Janes"
low heel with ankle strap,
$1.75 and $2.00
White Canvas Pump
medium low heel,
White Canvas Oxford or
Pump rubber sole and heel
$1.75 to $3.50
We've some cracken good
bargains in Children's Ox
fords. Come in and see!