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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (July 5, 1915)
Plattsmouth Will Celebrate Every Saturday Afternoon During the Summer Months b Neb State Historical Soc VOL. XXXIV. PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA, MONDAY, JULY 1913. NO. THE LOCATION OF THE NEW PUB LIC LIBRARY A Sightly Place Which Would Add Greatly to Apperance of Principal Street and Remove a Nuisance. From Friday's Dally. Plattsmouth, July 2, 1915. To the Editor Plattsmouth Daily Journal : Dear Sir: Ihere has been and is still considerable discussion as to proper location of the proposed city library. I have no location for sale and I am not talking any particular location. I gave that up tome days r.go, but I am going to quote, as near as I can recall, the remarks of a gen tleman, a non-resident, made to me in the presence of a member of the li brary board. He was speaking of how beautiful pur city looked from the train as it came up the grade on the other side of the river, saying how he could look up Main street and with its new curbing and guttering, he could not help but call the attention of the gentleman that was with him to its improved appearance. This led up to the "burning question," the lo cation of the city library. After be ing informed of the different locations, most of which he was familiar with, he said: 'Who erected the sign fcelow the track advertising your city? What did it cost? How many believe it that read it? Up in Wyoming is the town of Upton, a town of a few unpainted shacks; it has a sign reading, 'Upton, the best city on earth.' How many that read that sign believe it? Just as many as believe your sign. Why? Because they cannot see it; but you say, 'Oh, it is not here; come with me to some of our back streets and we will show you what we have in beauti ful public buildings." People cannot get off the train to do that, but suppose they look up Main street (which is going to look beautiful from the train when it is completed) and they could see instead of a livery barn and a lot of drays, delivery wagons and buggies, a beauti ful city library? You would not need your sign on the bottom. Strangers going west would not have to wait to get to your city to see it was pros perous. They could see it for miles over in Iowa. It would be like a city set on a hill. It could not be hid. If your city, for the sake of a few thousand dollars, passes up this op portunity for putting a public building where it not only will beautify your city, but will do more to advertise it as a prosperous, growing community than all the signs you could erect from here to Chicago, it will be a mis take. It is an opportunity to get rid of something which is unfortunately located so that it is objectionable to everyone that patronizes your prin cipal hotel, and a sore eye to your principle business street, I believe that not only the present, but the coming generation will say it was a blunder." Yours truly, William Baird. GUY WOODS, KILLED BY CARS, TAKEN TO HIS OLD HOME From Friday's Dally. The body of Guy Woods, the young man who was killed here Wednesday evening by falling beneath Burlington train No. 79, was taken east yester day afternoon on No. 2 and will be conveyed to his old home at Spring field Ohio, for burial. The family of the young man, while in humble cir cumstances, were able to have the body sent back there to rest among the scenes he had known the best and be laid away by those united to him by ties of blood. This case was one that attracted universal pity and re gret from a large majority of the residents of the city, as the young man was not a hardened tramp, but was merely trying to get to Nebraska as best he could and chose the very dangerous method of beating his way on freight trains. A. J. Jackson of Omaha was here today for a few hours, coming down with the body of the late Mrs. D. II. Wheeler. UNDERGOES SLIGHT OPERA TION FOR THROAT TROUBLE Prom Friday' Dally. The little son of Mr. and Mrs Charles L. Freese of Seotts Bluffs, Nebraska, while here with his mother on a visit with W. H. Freese and wife, was compelled to undergo slight operation for an affliction of the throat from which he had been suffering for some months past, and accordingly was taken to Omaha, where the tonsils were removed and the little fellow feels greatly relieved as a result and this morning was able to start home to the west. His grand father, W. H. Freese, accompanied them as far as Omaha. "THE HOUSE OF BOND AGE" NOT WHAT IT IS CRACKED UP TO BE Fmm Fridays Dariv. The pictures, "The House of Bond age, which were advertised as a photo drama sensation, were shown at the Gem last evening, instead of the Air Dome, on account of the rain, and drew a packed house, which was about equally pleased and disappoint ed in the films, which from a stand point of photography and settings were not near as good as had been anticipated, and the story of the play, while perhaps it presented a moral for the world to follow, was not all acceptable to a majority of the audi ence. Mr. Kaufman, the author of the book, has' chosen to present it in as forceful a manner as possible, and the producing company that has brought out the pictures has followed the story very closely, save in the closing scene, where they allow the victim of the white slaver some relief from the consequences of her forced acceptance of the "easiest way." These pictures have been witnessed by many thousands in the country, but they have still to accomplish the pur pose which it is claimed they are placed out for the stamping out of white slavery. THE BRUNDAGE CAR NIVAL COMPANY IS ONE OF THE BEST From Friday DI1'. M. T. Clark of the Brundage Car nival company is here today looking over the situation and trying to locate his carnival here for the week of July 12th. The Brundage shows are at Nebraska City this week and have made a most favorable impression on the citizens there with their clean and high-class attractions, and the utmost satisfaction is expressed by the citi zens there over the shows of the Brundage company, as well as the clever people who compose the mem bership of the organization. A great many have expressed their favor of a carnival here, and if one comes the Brundage company should certainly be able to fill the bill with their fif teen fine attractions. PLEASANT SURPRISE AT THE JULIUS HALL HOME From Friday's Dally. A most delightful surprise party was given on Wednesday afternoon at the pleasant home of Mr. and Mrs. Julius M. Hall, on Orchard Hill, in honor of their daughter, Mrs. Myrtle McKenzie, of Havelock, who is here for a short visit. The event had been arranged by Mrs. Hall without the knowledge of Mrs. McKenzie and she wa3 completely taken by surprise when the young lady friends came in to visit a few hours with her, and the occasion was one of the 'rarest enjoy ment to the guest of honor and the friends. The afternoon was spent in sewing, as well as a number of de lightful musical numbers. At a suit able hour very dainty and delicious refreshments were served that were thoroughly enjoyed by the jolly party. Mrs. Hall was assisted in entertaining by Mrs. M. E. White of Omaha. Wall Paper. Gering & Co. THE "CALF CASE" nnr n-rrn nnrnr EXCITEMENT Much Merriment Derived by Spectators as the Case Proceeded. the From FrldaVn raJl The case of James Terryberry vs Earl Wiles and M. which involves the C. Walker, and possession oi a yearling calf, was placed on trial yes terday afternoon before Judge Bee- son, in county court, and owing to the large number of witnesses and friends and neighbors of the parties interested who were on hand to hear the case the trial was held in the dis trict court room before a jury com posed of George Horn and M. L. Friedrich. The interest over the case was most intense and several times the auditors were moved by the re plies of the witnesses on the stand, to break out in laughter and hand- clapping, and demonstrations of their approval of the remarks of those who were on the stand. Judge Beeson finally quelled the outbreak by threatening to clear the court room if the dignity of the law was in any way marred by the conduct of the audience. There were a large number of witnesses present and the case oc- cupied all the afternoon yesterday, as well as this morning, and quite a lit- tie feeling has been aroused over some of the charges and statements made during the trial of the case. Matthew Gering appears for the de tense, while Mr. ferrybcrry is rep- resented by Attorney A. L. Tidd. The calf which has been the cause of so much litigation and trouble, was replevmed about a week ago from M. C. Walker by James Terryberry, who claimed ownership of the animal. Mr. Walker had purchased the claf from Earl Wiles a short time before, and his appearance in the action is merely that of having had possession of the calf. Mr. Terryberry and his sons identified the animal as one which I they had in their possession for sev eral months, while Mr.Wlies con tends that the calf picked by the Ter- ryberrys is one which he raised on his farm and disposed of to Mr. Walker, u.m uwn JC u ..u M,U.eUge ui w.e Terryberry calf. When the calf was claimed by Mr. Terryberry from Mr. Walker. Wiles gave to Walker the price of the purchase money and has J . 1, . U 1 I 1 1 J I contested the case. Both sides have had a number of witnesses who have r i .1 1 r j i . : .c "BU""eu lue .utmuut-u it as the one that they both claimed I and the issues are so conflicting that the jury will have some job in passing on the case. EXTENSION OF SEWER ON WASHINGTON AVENUE From Friday's Dally. The extension of the sewer on Washington avenue, which will be shortly taken up by the contractors, the Concrete Construction company, and will make one of the biggest im- provements that has been undertaken in recent years and incidentally will add greatly to the increase of prop- erty values in that locality of the city, and several lots adjoining the old creek there will increase greatly in value and should result in a number of nice little cottages being trected there as soon as the sewer work is completed. Already there are several who figure on putting in a. number of new homes there. WILL HAVE CHARGE OF THE AIR DOME TUESDAY NIGHT JULY 15 TT'i.,- n.n. I The degree team of the Woodman Circle grove of this city, under the di-1 rection of their effneent captain, Mrs. M. E. Manspeakar, have secured the Air Dome for the night of July 15th and will have full charge of the per- formance on that evening. The pro- ceeds of this entertainment will be de-1 voted to the purchase of new uni forms for the team and the worthy cause is deserving of the public patronage. - j rm m mmm SHOP EMPLOYE IS INJURED From Friday's Dallv. Yesterday morning Harry Craig, who is employed in the Burlington shops, was unlucky enough to have a large sliver of steel run into his right forearm to the depth of severa inches, and it lodged near the bone and the injury necessitated the taking of sevral stitches to close the wound after the steel was extricated, and as a result Harry will be off duty for a few days and will also be compelled to retire from the nrst sack on the Red Sox baseball team for the time being, i DEATH OF MRS- DANIEL II, WHEEL ER OF OMAHA Pioneer Lady of Plattsmouth Passes Away at Her Home in Omaha Thursday Evening, July 1. This afternoon the body of Mrs. Daniel H. Wheeler arrived here on No. 24 over the Burlington and was la d to rest in beautiful Oak Hill cemetery beside that of her husband. who had preceded her to the Great Beyond several years ago. There were quite a number of the old friends present at the station to pay their tribute of respect to this most estimable lady, who had spent so many years in this city, and who. with her husband, had been among the pioneers of Cass county and the city Df Plattsmouth. Mrs. Wheeler passed away Thursday evening at 9:30 at her home, 559 South Twenty-eitrhth ave- nue, jn Omaha, after a short illness. ghe was 79 years of age at the time Df her death. Two sons, Myron E. Wheeler of Lincoln, and William H. Wheeler of Omaha, are left to mourn the death of this grand and noble lady. It was with the keenest of regret that the old friends here learned of the death of Mrs. Wheeler, who dur ing her lifetime always retained in " her heart a warm spot for the old friends in Plattsmouth, and each year made a yisit h?re to spend a day and the husband, at the time of his death geveral g was broujrht here to be laid to his last long rest. Mr. and Mrs. Wheeler came to Nebraska in lg57f and located at Plattsmouth, here they reskJed ta the ,ate eighties, when they removed to Oma ha, where Mr. Wheeler engaged in business up to the time of his death. During the many years' residence of Major and Mrs. D. H. Wheeler in this city they were very active in the life of the city and Mrs. Wheeler was one of the leaders in the social cir cles of the city and was one of the first members of the Episcopal church in this city, and up to the time of her departure for Omaha was one of the active workers in the church. The funeral services of this estimable lady were held this morning from the late home in Omaha at 11 o'clock, and the body taken direct to the Burling ton station to be brought here for burial. One brother, Eugene B Lewis, formerly a resident of this city, but of late years a resident of Omaha, together with the two sons, are left to mourn the death of Mrs. Wheeler. POISONED THROUGH THE EATIIiG OF CANNED GOODS George Schanz, one of the residents of the south part of the city, is con fined to his home suffering from an attack of potamine poisoning which . to " nea gooas, ana as a result ne was quite sick for several hours and it was necessary to summon medical assist- ance. He is reported as doing nicely today, however, and every hope is held for his speedy recovery, which will be pleasant news to his many friends. Frank Grauf of near Murray was here today looking after some trading with the merchants. ANOTHER IMPORT- ANT QUESTION UP FOR SOLUTION To Be Up to Date Plattsmouth Must Have Better Street Lights and Be Up With Towns of Like Size. From Friday's Dally. At different times in the past the question of better lighting of the business streets has been agitated by the Commercial club and the business men of the city and the means of se curing it has led to the discussion of placing electroliers on the streets for the purpose of furnishing the light for illuminating the business section of the city. The firm of Warga & Schuldice placed one of the five-light electroli ers in front of their place of business and this has clearly demonstrated just what can be secured from these kind of lights, and it has given the utmost satisfaction. The cost of maintaining the electroliers in place of the present system of arc lights would be very little more, if any, and there is no doubt that it would be found to be vastly more satisfactory in making Main street appear well lighted and to the stranger visiting I club and the tennis sharks of the com- very limited power against such tie here it would make a much better J munity are getting ready for the big mendoui odds, and the "Grim Reap- appearance. By placing three lights in e block on both sides of the street there would be plenty of light and make the principal street of the city ook like it was representative of the progress of the people who are mak- ing their homes here and are engaged in business in Plattsmouth. The cost of installing the electroliers would not be great and a large number of busi- ness men have in the past indicated their willingness to assist in the move'mentfby contributing to the plac-j ing of the posts for the lamps if the city would supply the current to light them. I This system of street lighting has I become almost universal in most of I the progressive towns of the state, where the arc street lights have been relegated to the scrap heap, and in all cases they have been found more satisfactory in furnishing light, as I well as in adding to the appearance J of the town. It would not be neces-I sary to maintain all the lights on the I electroliers burning all night, as they could be turned out after midnight with the expection of the center light! on the stand, which would shed I enough light for anyone to see with. I The cost of the posts installed would be in the neighborhood of $75 each, which is not very expensive, and the satisfaction in the better lighting of the main street of the city would more than repay the cost. The matters is one filled with much interest to every citizen and sohuld be investigated very thoroughly. DEPART FOR MURPHY, IDAHO, TO VISIT WITH RELATIVES From Friday's Dally. Mrs. F. K. Guthmann and daughter, Miss Minnie, and little Robert, de parted yesterday afternoon on No. S3 for the west, where they will enjoy an extended visit at Murphy, Idaho, at the home of Charles F. Guthmann finH wif nnrf nlsn witVi Mr. n rr TTrs H. R. Neitzel. They will visit other .:-0 ;t-c va UVUlbO 111 h-1 L.JW ... bill. 11V11 bll II Vl 1 . before returning home. Card of Thanks. We desire to take thi3 method of expressing our most heartfelt ap preciation of the kindness shown us Ktt nnr friena nnrl npio-Tlhors during the illness and -for the sympathy v ju r Koi wife, daughter and sister, and assure these loving friends that their acts of kindness will ever be remembered as long as life shall last. '. Henry Hirz, jr. Mr. and Mrs. George Meisinger. George Meisinger, jr. John R. Meisinger. Henry Meisinger. t Fred Meisinger. Mrs. George Kraeger. M. Tritsch, refracting optician, at Gering &; Co.'s Wednesday and Sat urday evenings. Examination free. superintendent brooks de- parts FOR NEW YORK CITY Last evening Superintendent W. G. Brooks of the city schools departed for New York City, where he expects to enter Columbia university to take up the summer course for superin tendents which that university has arranged and which is among the best that has been inaugurated by any of the American schools. Mr. Brooks for the past two years has attended this summer school preparing himself for the work which he has taken up, and the work at the university has been of great benefit to the superin tendent in his conduct of the schools of this city. The work there will de mand the presence of Mr. Brooks un til August 15th, when he returns to start on the work of preparing for the opening of the city schools here. PREPARING FOR THE ANNUAL TENNIS TOURNAMENT The city tennis tournament of the Plattsmouth Tennis club will be held j on the courts in this city from July 1 19th to 24th, and the members of the I event of the year in tennis. The matches will be held in the afternoons and evenings during the tournament, and there is certain to be a large number in attendance to witness the different matches. Every tennis play I er in the city is privileged to enter the tournament and there will likely j be a large number of entries made for the events. The first prize in I singles will be the trophy cup donated I by. Mr. ,J. W. Crabill last year. ... This cup becomes the property of the I player winning it for three years in I succession. A list of the other prizes will be announced later. Instead of having a challenge round this year the holders of the titles, Rev. F. M. Druliner, in the singles, and Rev. H. G. McClusky and Ray Travis in the doubles, will be required to play through the tournament. During the semi-finals and final matches addi - tional seats will be provided at the courts for all those who wish to wit- ness these matches. This will be one of the big sporting events of the year and of more than usual interest, as the last two seasons have developed a great deal of tennis talent in this city and county. GARDEN PARTY IN HONOR OF LITTLE FRANCES STEWART The city park was the scene of much merriment and frolic yesterday afternoon when Mrs. E. P. Stewart entertained a number of little girls at a delightful afternoon garden party in honor of the seventh birthday an- niversary of her little daughter, Fran- ces. Some very happy moments were passed, as the little girls indulged in the various games and amusements which had been planned by the hostess for the entertainment of her little guests, one of the amusements being i I a peanut hunt, which afforded much pleasure lor the little guests. At an appointed nour a loveiy Dirtnaay i luncheon was spread and served to J the little guests, which was most thorouehlv relished bv all. Mrs. Stewart was assisted in entertaining and servinir bv Mrs. Charles Jelinek and Mrs. C. H. Cobb, mother of Mrs. Stewart. Miss Jessie Robertson was present and took a number of pie- mres oi me nappy cniiuren. iitue Frances received many pretty gifts, f m fisti"f ?f links for her bracelet, which will be constant reminders of this happy occasion. Those in a tendance were: Jennie TT' 11 TT-I I'll 1-1 . . I winonam, r.aitn uinton, r ae nai- sieao, neien w escort, iieien eeeson, j. j xt t tir a a. tt -i I Mildred Hall, Thelma Kro-hler. oyivia XMODie ana rae lODD. For Sale. Medium weight roadster for sale Worth the money. Sam G. Smith I Garage. C-14-tf-d&w J DEATl 0F po itiriiT niTi7rn HiLHI UlllZ-ill,1 AT EIMOOD Spurred by a Rooster, Blood Poison Sets in. Which Terminates in the Death of a Good Man. The following taken from the Elm- wood Leader-Echo gives the par ticulars of the death of one of the prominent residents of that city, the news of whose passing has caused much grief to his many friends throughout the county: It is indeed with much sorrow that we chronicle the death of our esteem ed fellow townsman, business man and citizen, Clark G. Shreve. Only a couple of weeks ago was he about as usual attending to his restaurant and short order business, and when he had the misfortune to gtt spurred on the hand by a rooster while attending to his flock of chickens, little did any body realize that this would force him to his death in the agonizing pains of lockjaw. But such was the fate of this good man; medical skill and the kindly ministrations of a trained nurse and loved ones could but cum fort and relieve according to their er" took possession of their precious j charge Sunday afternoon at about the hour of 3 o'clock. The now widowed wife and the children who were born and raised here, have the sincere sympathies of a host oi warm menus. juay tneir hearts be comforted by a recollection of the many good qualities as they knew them, represented in their fam- ily head, and the proper Fpirit and J conception of life be strengthened within them by happily reminding his I pleasant ways. j Clark G. Shreve was born near Au- burn. Debalb countv. Indiana. Feb- J ruary. 22, 18G1, and died June 27, 1915, aged 54 years, 4 months and 5 days. He was left an orphan at the age cf 6 years, his mother having died when he was 2 years old and his father when he was ft. He was then taken to Ohio and cared for by friends until he grew to manhood. In the vear 18S5 he was united in mar- riage to Miss Emma Fouch at Shreve, I Ohio. They moved to Nebraska in the year 1886 and have lived in and near Elmwood ever since. To this I union were born five children, two boys and three girls, one daughter, Virgie, dying in infancy. He united with the Christian church in the year 1889. There is left to mourn his de parture the wife and four children, Guy, Bessie, Crete and Elmer, four brothers and one sister. None of the brothers or sister were present at the funeral. Funeral services were held Tuesday afternoon from the Christian church. and although a torrential shower pre- vailed at the time, there was a large crowd present to listen to the words of Dr. P. Van Fleet of the M. E. church, whose impromptu sermon was highly befitting and well received, By reason of the temporary vacancy in the Christian pastorial charge, and the inability of Elder J. H. Bicknell, former Christian minister here, and who was especially well thought of by deceased, to preside on account of the storm, Dr. Van Fleet very willingly . . i i . . . e . . ana graciously consented to pencrm me umce oi omuauiig ntriKJiu.. numerous anu ucuumui ui ings spoke in their silence of love an J esteem, of the highest regard in which one could be held in the minds of his countrymen and kinship Interment was made in the ooauti f ul Elmwood cemetery ANOTHER MAN INJURED AT THE BURLINGTON SHOPS This morning H. W. Cave, who is 4TT1lnvH in th Ruriinrton steel car sllo Btrupk in the head with a u ,,-oa .i-; t ' I LUIIWil Willi V IllUU UC VlUifc V A. mH it neressarv for him to seek the aid of a surgeon and have the injury 'dressed and severel stitches were required to close the in- jury, and Mr. Cave will be compelled to take a few "days' layoff until the injury heals up.