The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, June 24, 1915, Page PAGE 7, Image 7

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    THURSDAY, JUNE 24, 1913.
A Comedy of Youth Founded by lr. Maimers on His.
Great Play of the Same Title Illustrations
From Photographs of the Play
Copyright. 1613. try Dodd. Md Co
After Many Days.
FRANK O'COXNTMi stood on the
quay lliat morning in July and
watcuel tlx trrpat ship !owly
swinging in through the beads,
and his heart Lent fast as Le waitxtl
impatiently while they moored her.
Ilis little cue had come back to blm.
Amid the thrones swarming down
the gangways he suddenly saw hi
daughter, and he pave a little gasp of
surprised pleasure.
They reached O'CcnnpIl's apartment.
It Lad been made brilliant for Teg's
return. There vun Rowers every
where. ITis heart Lounded r he saw Teg's
face brighten a she ran from one ob
ject to another and commented on
"It's the grand furniture we have
now, father!"
"Do ye like it. Teg?"
"That I d-. And it's the b-?nntifu1
picture of VA ward Fitzgerald ye have
on the wall there!"
"Ye mind how 1 used to rade ye hi
lifer .
"I clo indade. It's riany's the tear
I've sbed over him an' Robert Hairnet. '
"Then ye've not forgotten V
Forgotten what?"
All ye learned as a child, an we
talked of since ye grew to a f irl?"
-"I have not. Did ye think 1 wonH?"
"No. Teg. I didn't Still. I was won
dherin' "What would I be doin forgettin the
things ye taught tieT
"An what have ye been cloin all
these long days without ineY"
lie raised the littered sheets of his
manuscript and showed them to her.
She looked over her shoulder and
"From 'Ructshof to 'Agricultural
Organization. The History cf a Gen
eration of English Misrule, by Frank
Owen O'ConneiL"
u She looked, up proudly at her father.
"It looks wondherful. father."
"I'll rade it to you in the long even
In's now we're together again."
"Do, father."
"An vre won't separate ary more.
Peg. will we?"
"We wouldn't have thi3 time but for
you. father."
"What made ye come back so sud-flen-Iike?"
"I only promised to stay a month."
"Didn't they want ye any longer?"
"In one way they did an' in another
they didn't It's a long history that's
what it is. Let us sit down here as we
used to in the early days an' I'll tell
ye the whole o the fcappeniu's since 1
left ye.'
She softened some things and omit
ted others Ethel entirely. That epl
ode should be locked forever lu Teg's
Jerry she touched on lightly.
"There's one thing. Teg. that must
part us some day when it comes to
j-ou." he finally said.
" What's that, fat her 7"
'.'.ore. Peg."
She lowered her eyes and said noth
"Has it come? Una it. Teg:"
She buried her fare on his breast,
aiii, though no sound came, tie knew
hy the trembling ol tier tittle body that
she was crying.
So it had come into her life.
The child he had tent away a month
agi had come back to niui traiisforui
id in that little time into a wiman.
The cry of youtti and the call of life
tad reached her heart.
After awhile he stod up.
"Ve'd betther be goiu' to bed. Teg."
"All rizht, father."
She vent to the door. Then Ehe
"Ve're glad I'm home, father?"
I!e pressed her closely to blm.
"I'll never lave ye again." she whis
pered. All through that night Teg lay awake,
searching through the past aad trying
to pierce through the future.
Toward morning he slept, and in a
whirling dream i-he saw a bo-Jy toit-
K 4
" lov you.
Feg." wd S-r Gerald.
li.g down a stream S!iV trcti D-0 out
tit-r hand to gi.ii it wtii-u the eyes
lut-t tiers.'and the eyes were those ot a
If LLj vJJ
By J.HartleyiManners
dead man and the man wts Jerryl
She woke trembling with fear, ani
she turned on the light and huddled
Into a chair and sat chattering with,
terror nntil she heard her father mov
ing In his room. She went to the door
and asked him to let ber go in to him.
lie opened the door and saw his little
Teg. wild eyed, pale and terror strick
en, standing on the threshold. The
look in her eyes terrified him.
"What is it. Teg. me darlln'? What
Is it?"
She crept In and looked np Into his
face with her startling eyes, and she
grasped him with both of her small
hands and in a voice doll and hopeless
cried despairingly:
"I dreamt he was dead deadl An
I couldn't rache him. An' he went on
past me down the stream with his
face upturned." iTbe grasp loosened,
and 'just as she slipped from him
O'Cocnell caught her in his strong
arms and placed her gently on the sofa,
and she fell asleep.
Those first days following Peg's re
turn found father and child nearer
each otlier than they had been since
that famous trip through Ireland when
Le lectured from the back of his his
torical cart.
She became O'Connell's amanuensis.
During the day she would go from
library to library in New York verify
ing data for her father's monumental
One evening some few weeks after
her return she was in her room pre
paring to begin her night's work with
her father when she heard the bell
ring. That was unusuaL Their call
ers were few. She heard the outer
door open, then the sound of a distant
voice mingling with her father's.
Then came a knock at her door.
"There's somebody outside here to
see ye. reg, said her father.
"Who is it, father?"
"A perfect sthranger to me. Ee
quick now."
She heard ber father's footsteps go
into the little sitting room and then
the hum of voices.
Uer father was talking. She opened
the door and walked in. A tall, bronz
ed man came forward to greet her.
Her heart almost storped- She trem
bled violently. The nest moment Jer
ry had clasped her band in both of
"flow are yon. Peg?"
lie smiled down at her as he nsed
to in Regal Villa, and behind the smile
there was a grave look in his dark
eyes and the old tone of tenderness in
his voice.
"IJow are you. Peg?" he repeated.
"I'm fine. Mr. Jerry," she replied In
a daze. Then she looked at O'Connell.
and she hurried on to say:
"This Is my father. Sir Gerald
"We'd Inth rod need ourselves al
ready," said O'Connell good naturedly.
eying the unexpected visitor ail the
while. "And what might ye be doin'
In New York?" he asked.
"1 have never seen America. I take
n Englishman's interest in what we
once owned"
"An lost through mlsgovernment.
"Well, We'll say misunderstanding.
"As they'll one day lose Ireland."
"I hope not- The two countries un
derstand each other better every day."
The bell rang again. Teg started to
go. but O'Connell stopped ber.
'It's McGinnis. This Is his night to
call and tell me the politics of the
town. I'll take him into the next
room. Peg. until yer visitor Is gone."
"Oh. please." 6aid Jerry hurriedly
and taking a step toward the door, "al
low me to call some other time!"
"Stay where ye are!" cried O'Con
nell. hurrying out as the bell rang
"i want to ask ye somethln. Sir
Gerald." she. began.
"Jerry!" he correct ed-
" Please forgive me for what I said
to ye that day. It was wrong of me
u say it. Yet it was just what ye
might have expected from me. But
ye'd been so line to me a little no
bodyall that wondherful month that
It's hurt me ever since, an 1 didn't
dare write to ye. It would have look
ed like presumption from me. Bot
now that ye've come here ye've found
me out, an' 1 want to ask yer pardon,
an' 1 want to ask ye not to be angry
with me."
"1 couldn't be angry with you, reg.
e paused, and as be looked at her
the reserve of the held In, 6elf contain
ed man was broken. He bent over
ber and Eaid softly:
"Peg. 1 love your
The room swam around her.
Was all her misery to end?
Did this man come back from the
mists ot memory because be loved ber?
She tried to t-icak, but nothing came
from her parched lips and tightened
Then she became conscious that he
was speaking again, and he listened
to him with all her senses, with all her
heart and from her soul.
"! knew you wouin never write to
me. and somehow 1 wondered Just how
much you cared for me if at all. So
1 came here. 1 love you. Teg. 1
want you to be my wife. I want to
care for you and tend yo'u and make
you hapfry. 1 love you!"
Her heart leaped and strained.
"Do you love me?" she whispered
and ber voice trembled and broke.
"I do. Indeed 1 do. Be my wife."
.- "But you have a title." she pleaded
"Share It with me," he replied.
,:"Ye'd be so ashamed o' inc."
: "No, Peg; I'd be proud of you. 1
!ove you."
: Peg broke down and sobbed.
"1 love yon. too. Mlsther Jerry."
In a moment she was In his arms.
It was the first time any one h'H!
touched her tenderly besides her fa
Jerry stroked her hair and locked
Into her eyes and smiled down m hei
lovingly as he asked:
"What win your father say?"
She looked happily up at him an. I
"Do you know one of tho first thing
me father taught me when I w;is juv.
a little child 7"
"It was from Tom Moore. Oti there
nothin half so sweet In lilt as nv'
young dream.' "
When O'Connell came Into the room
later be realized that the great sum
mons bad come to bis little cirl.
The thought c-ame to him thru r.t
was about to give to England Lb
daughter in marriage! Well. h:sd h
not taken from the Kuirlish one of Le
fairest daughters as bis wife?
And a silent prayer went up trot:
his heart that happiness .vuuid nbiJ
with his Peg and her Jerry and that
their romance would last longer thar
had Angela's and his.
. i
AND now the memtnt has come tc
take leave of the people I hav
L lived with for so long. Vet.
though 1 say "Adieu r 1 feel It
Is only a temporary leave taking
Their lives are so linked with mine
that some day In the future I may be
tempted to draw back the curtain and
6how the passage of years in their
various b'ves.
Some day with O'Connell we will
visit Peg in her English home and see
the marvels time ntid lov have
wrought upon her. Rat to these who
knew her in the old Cays she is still
the same Peg o" My Heart resolute,
loyal, unflinching, mingling the laugh
with the tear, truth and honesty her
We will also visit Mr3. Chichester
and hear of her little grandchild, born
in Berlin, where her daughter, EtbeL
met and married an attache at the
embassy end has formed a saion.
It will be a grateful task to revive
old memories of those who formed the
foreground of the life story of one
whose radiant presence shall always
live in my memory, whose steadfast
ness and courage endeared ber to all.
whose influence on those w ho met her
and watched her and listened to her
was farreaching, since she epitomized
in her small body all that makes wo
man lovable and man supreme honor,
faith and love!
Adieu. Peg o' My Oeart!
Customer near Flattsmouth, Neb.,
is unable to finish payments on piano
contract. We will turn piano over to
first satisfactory party who will pay
balance, either cash or five dollars per
month. Write Schmoller & Mueller
Piano Company, Omaha, Neb.
Our property in Murray for sale or
rent. J. L. Young, Coleridge, Neb.
FOR SALE Fawn and White Indian
Runner duck eggs, white egg strain,
$1.00 rer 13, $5.00 per 100. Inquire
of A. O. Ramge, Route 1, Platts
mouth, Neb. 4-o-tf-wkly
Advance Notice of Public Sale.
I will sell at Public Sale, Tuesday,
September 21, about 40 head of pure
bred Duroc-Jersey hogs, including
open gilts, boars and several sows
with litters by their sides. Also my
head boar, Echo's Model Wonder
(sired by Echo Brimson Wonder,
Grand Champion Nebraska State Fair
Will have Rhode Island Red cock
lels for sale after September 1st, price
$1. 00 a head. W. B. FORTER.
Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Tropst returned
from Long Pine yesterday, where they
have been visiting for the past week.
Mrs. Propst has a sister living on a
ranch close to town, and they have not
had the chance to visit before in eight
years, nr.d it is needless to say that
it was a pleasure to both to have such
a splendid visit. R. L. reports every
thing looking fine, and everybody
seems to have plenty of money.
B. F. Wiles and wife came in this
morning from their farm home, south
of this city, and were passengers on
the early Burlintgon train for Omaha
to visit for the day, looking after
some matters of business.
The Journal does job work.
'i-H-i-:-:-: v-i-i-h- I
Jerry Hartman has a very pretty
little house up on the avenue.
It is reported that Dr. Hamp ran
away with someone else's frow.
The old woman at the "foot of the
lot" was warned to leave last Tues
day. Our old friend, Doty, helped us over
the river not long since most man
fully. The Rev. Mr. Steinhart pi cached in
the M. E. church during Mr. Black
burn's absence.
Monday morning broke in cool and
quiet at last. The great hot wave has
passed over, and we may hoxe for
some livable weather.
The livery men offer to furnish a
team apiece to put our streets in re
pair, if the council will only set them
to wcrk and fix the crossings.
Hon. John Chapman of the Nonpa
reil, Council Bluffs, U. S. marshal
western district of Iowa, and brother
of our Sam Chapman, is down to help
the boys hunt the festive prairie
chick kik-kik.
A friend asks if Bro. Windham was
on the road to heaven when he
climbed that big peak? Yes, he always
is, we hope, and being a good moral
young man he don't have so far to
climb as rome of the rc.-t, maybe.
Jones tells us that Dan Johnson of
Weeping Water has one of the best
green colts that he (Jones) ever drew
a line over. Dan got it of a faimer.
perfectly untrained, and it showed a
three-minute gait the first time it was
ever put in a sulky.
Thirty Ohio editors, under charge of
Mr. Randall, went west yesterday.
They stopped here half an hour
tr.J were visited by the newspaper
men of this place and other citizens
pietty generally. It was the best we
could do on so short a stop.
Hatt and Pott were standing on
the bridge across Mair! street back to
the rail; a prominent lawyer sighted
across and states that there is not
one-sixteenth of an inch difference in
their rotundity, and Pott's theory is
that "bowels beats brains any day, if
jou have enough of 'em."
Judge Haines sends the Herald a
polite note, in which he thinks our r?
maiks last week about his being sick,
might be construed to mean that he
had imbibed too freely. We certainly
had no such intention; never saw th-j
judge drunk in our life. It was a joke
of the bovs about how he got sick.
The first engine ever wholly built in
Nebraska was finished at the B. & M.
shops in Plattsmouth lately, under
the direction of Master Mechanic
Hawksworth. She is called "The
Plattsmouth," and handles a heavy
freight train like an old stager. Hur
rah for the trans-Missouri manufac
tories. John Henry, a German, who had
been clerking in thu Platte Valley
House and otherwise employed about
town, was fatally sunstruck on Satur
day last. At noon he was in town;
at night he was dead. Deceased board
ed, or lived with Mr. Goos, and had
been making hay the clay before. The
funeral took place on Sunday.
We stated last week, among notices
of changes going en in our midst,
that Mr. White would remove his
store to the Fitzgerald block and his
old store building would be sold. Mr.
White having changed his plans, we
now announce that he has moved tem
porarily to Stadelmann's old stand
while his own is undergoing repairs,
when he will take up his quarters
there again.
If you want to really know just
about how many people there are in
and about Plattsmouth just start a
first-class circus. Yesterday the town
was full of people, of course they are
excusable, we know how it is ourself.
Now, we would never go to the circus
in the world, if it wasn't for our chil
dren; they want to see the animals
and we must go, you know, we
wouldn't deprive the poor children of
this pleasure for ths world.
C. J. Horning brought in a load of
corn and received credit on his sub
scription for the same.
Timothy Clark, ey-courity commis
sioner, made the Herald a pleasant
call the other clay and lightened up
cur load by a greenback or two.
Frank E. White of this place was
elected grand high priest of the Grand
Chapter of this state. Of the ap
pointed officers, the G. M. of the first
veil is H. E. Palmer, also of Plattsmouth.
Mrs. Mona Livingston, a red Irish
lady who boards with the doctor, has
a large increase in her family. No
less than eitrht, and the doctor thinks
they aie good for 25 apiece. Mona
must Le a pretty valuable boarder.
Miss Anna Gyger is enjoying the
delightful climate of San Bernardino,
California, where the orange groves
are filled to overflowing with ripe
fruit and the ladies are carrying para
sols. Several degrees difference in
the atmosphere from Nebraska.
Cass county's luxurious place of
entertainment for her law-breakers
must be nearly even full these times.
One man for attempted poisoning of
his wife; another for murder; a third
for assaulting his wife, and four for
stealing. Eight in that building of
magnificent distances.
A living curiosity was to be seen
on our streets Saturday, in the shape
of an old-time tramp with a ball and
chain attached to his ankle, and a card
ou his '.jack with wire, with the in
scription, "A cauton to thieves and
tramps." They couldn't drive him
out of town, so they proposed to warn
certain other parties that are hang
ing around that they will receive the
i-aae attention if they fail to make
themselves scarce.
Charles Viall made his appearance
en the streets of Plattsmouth last
Monday, but was not allowed liberty
to perambulate them very long before
the sheriff quietly arrested him, on
the charge cf an attempt to poison his
wife last August. It seems that a
t ister of Mrs. Yiall's, Mrs. Michel, saw
Viall put a powder into a bottle of
liquor, and suspecting him of some
foul play, told his wife, warning her
not to drink any of it. Viall after
wards attempted to pursuade his wife
to drink some, which she refused to
do. During the trial of Viall at Lin
coln, for the murder of William Arm
strong, this bottle and contents were
given to Prof. Aughey to analyze, but
he had not found time to do so until
very recently, when it was found to
be full of poison, which fact he com
municated to Sheriff Hyers, who had
just written to Kansas to ascertain
the whereabouts of Viall, when he
made his appearance here. The trial
will be postponed a few days until
Mrs. Miekel can be summoned from
One section, 04.0 acres, wheat land
in Franklin County, Washington.
This k.nd is rolling, but not rough.
Located 100 miles southwest of
Spokane. 'J1 2 mi'es north of Kahlotus,
on two railroads. Soil volanic ash, 2
feet to feet in depth. It was broken
in 1 and a crop of wheat grown in
1907 netted the owner $3,900.00 after
all expenses were deducted. It was
plowed in 1912, and has lain fallow
since. There is 215 acres in wheat
this year, of which owner is to re
ceive one-fourth free in warehouse at
Kahlotus. The land is fence with a
post and wire fence. There is a first
mortgage of $5,000.00 due in Novem
ber, 1910, at 7 per cent per annum.
Will sell for 522.50 per acre on lib
eral terms, purchaser to assume
For further information write
owner. W. C. SAMPSON,
Care S. A. A. C,
Spokane, Washington.
Farmers who ship cream direct may
leave their cream at our store. We
will deliver your cream to the depot
and return your empty cans, without
extra charge.
Wedding stationery at the Journal
Arc You Using Forest
Rose Flour?
If 'Not, Try a Sack Today
Every Sack Guaranteed
MtTK'K or iti:Ki:ii:irs su.n
lu the DiMlrlrt I onrt in nnri I 'or ('
4 on it ly. N,lirk.
Anna Amelia .Monrop,
John Frederick Stnll. .ft. al,
J ef eridantM.
Notice is hereby priven that under
and by virtue of a decree f the l;s
Irivt Court in anil for Cass County. "-hra.-ka,
entered in the alove eniiiled
cause on the tilth day of May A. !..
IkITj., and an wnier entered in fid
our. !! the T-iid day of Hay,
the i.nd i' ifned sole referee will on
tie Til. iljv of July, A. 1 .. J'Jl5. at 10
o'eiock a. m., at the south front door
of the court house in the City of I'latls
ino itSi Cass County. Nebraska. s;-U f.t
e-.ii.i'e at ction to the behest rcsp-Misi-Me
bidder for cash the following de
scribed real est.ite, to-wit: The east
half of the northwest ninit-r
.NV' and the east half IK'il of the
southwest uarter SV:4 of Hert. n
( z ). Township twelve !-, Ilange thir
teen. ( 1 ) ; lot four in -tectloij
thiriv-six ";, Town.-hiv thirteen
lluait' thirteen ;:, nod all of lot
three (St. in Section six (6), Township
twelve Ihinire fourteen (14), l-
ing west of th5 riht of way of the H.
iV- Jil. railroad, end all that part or taid
lot three ( .". lyiii ewt ot" the -.aid
riirht of wav. wl:ich lies north of said
Wridtre i r culvert immediately north
of rvnl.ow 1'ohit, all in Cas C-uiity,
.N.-t.i k.i.
iSaid sale will he held open for one
hoe r.
lj.itd at rhittsinouth, this :)rl dnv
of June. A. 1.. lain
.M. AKClfnn, Keferee
A. L. TIII, Attorn -y for l"lai:iiff.
I Till-: I1ITKICT C Ot ICT ok Tin:
till M l !' . MOIIIMSkA.
Notice of Suit to luie Title.
George W. Snyder, Claintiff,
Mrs. Louis YVeirshen'.-tein. first real
name unknown, et. ah,
I efrndants.
To the defendant' Mi s. l-miis Wrt -.-henstein.
tirst real name unknown:
ti e unknown heirs ate? tit i.ees of Mrs.
Louis Wefrshenvtehi, hist real name
unknown, deceased: the unknown de
visees anil legatees of Theobald Vailery,
deceased, also known as Theobohl Vai
lery, deceased: tbe unknown devisees
and leKatees of James M Wil.-s de
ceased; the unknown devisees and lepr of Catharine Adams, nee Vailery
deceased; Minnie Adams and iliram
lou are each hereby notified thft on
Mav Ci'th, A. !., 19K,. plaintiff lihd hi
suit in the iMstrkt i.Niurt of Use County
of Cass, Nebraska, to uict title to the
following described lands to-wit:
The norlhest quarter i.Mi'i I of sec
tion t W'enty-eiirht (I'M and the south
east fourth t.-SK1)! of the northwest
luarter (N'U"U i of said section twen-tv-eisht
CIS, all in township twelve
ill') North, ran pre thirteen i;: east of
the t.tli 1". M., in the County of Cass,
Nebraska of his adverse possession by
himself and his K'antors for more than
ten years prior to tie commencement
of said suit and to enjoin each and all
of you from havinir or claiming: anv
rijiht. title, lein or ir.terest either letral
or C'liiitable, in or to said lands or anv
part thereof, tnd to re'juire you to set
forth your riirht title, lein or interest
therein, if any, either lesal or equit
able, and to have same adiudpid
inferior to the title of plaintiiT. and
for general equitable relief. This no
tice in made pursuant to the order of
the Court.
Vou are required to answer said pe
tition on or before Monday. July lit,
A. U.. isn.r., or jour default wili be duly
entered therein.
V A KnI'.hRTSo:;, Attorney.
Nellie "Wiley and ilernard th Wiley,
defend. nits, will take notice that on
: he Hth day of June. 1!!.", William
l Ni k lev. plaintiff herein, tiled his
Amended Petition in the Iijstrict Court
of Cass County. Nebraska, airain-t saiil
defendants, and Alma I . Ash et. ah,
the object and prayer of which are to
set uside upon the grounds of abveii-e
of consideration and fraud, a certain
deed purporting1 to be made on Match
Jnd, iyl, by one Charles Kdward
Wiley to said Ne'.lie Wiley, anil the
quietinir of the title to an undivided
one-sixth of the lands involved in said
action, in plaintiiT against said deed
and all other elaims ii" jmy of said
Nellie Wiley and Ilernard G. Wiley.
Vou and each of yon are rc'iuired to
answer said amended petition on or be
fore the ind thi v "f Aiu-iiyt, 1H1.;..
laled this 17th d iv ol" .lone. l'.ilT,.
Vi'lLhhhM U MCaLKS.
Hy I . . DWYEI:, His Attorney.
tl-17-t w-
In County Court.
Cass County, ss.
In the Matter of the Estate of John
M. Meisinjrer, Sr., Deceased:
Notice is hereby given to the credit
ors of said deecased that hearings will
be had upon claims filed acrainst said
estate, before me, County Judge of
Cass County, Nebraska, at the County
Court room in Plattsmouth, in said
County, on the 21th day of June, 1915,
and on the 29th day of December,
1915, at 1 o'clock p. m., each day for
examination, adjustment and allow
ance. All claims must be filed in said
court on or before said last hcur of
Witness my hand and seal of said
County Court, at Plattsmouth, Ne
braska, this 22nd day of May, 1915.
County Judge.
New Is the Time to Get Kid of Those
L'gly Spots.
There's no longer the slightest need
of f cling ashamed of your freckles, aj;
the prescription othine double
strength is guaranteed to remove
these homely spots.
Simply get an ounce of othine
double strergth from any druggist
and apply a little of it night and
morning and you should soon see that
even the worst freckles havi begun
to disappear, while the lighter ones
have vanished entirely. It is seldom
that more than an ounce is ncedei to
completely clear the skin and gain a
beautiful eclar completion.
Be sure to ask for the doublu
strength othine as this is sold under
guarantee of money bc-t if it fails to
remove freckles. .
One dark red steel calf. Finder
notify this office or call 'Phone 2922.
alt. mi:n m thi-i; n;i.-
the we. 11. M. t-hlacs and J. C
Jr., do associate ourselves
for the purpose of lonninR
totret her
and becoming a cuipoianou in no
state of Nebraska, for the purpose of
tran'actinsr within the state of Ne
Ir.iska, ami within any one of the
states ol the t'niled States of America,
the business hereinafter described.
First. The name of the corporation
i.i and Fhall be. Till: M1UWLST
ami si:mi;nt company.
Second. The principal office and
i.:ai-t! of business of the l ompany
shall be located in tie City of
Plattsmouth, in the Coui.ty f
Cass, and State of Nebraska, but the
iomnun mav create and locate sub
ordinate ollices for the transaction of
iH business anv where within tee lnu-
of the stales where It is
transact business.
Tliird. The nature of tie- bus ifics
be transacted by said corpora ! i"ti
-hull be to ipuicbl ase, bii'-e, own. s li,
operate, manage and conduct .jtuie
show enterprises) including the pur
chase, lens.ntr or selling1 ol uu iitid all
nc.-es.sarv- estate a lid bin id iii;s f
the currying- on and opera t i K
enterprise and amusements, m
tate where the company has u
to transact its business.
Plinth The a ul lot l.-d c;
si; -11
a ri v
t We n IV
lied lll-
.o-h. and
stoi k of the Compativ shall b.
thousand itJft.'Heii Hollars d:
in two bundled shares of tl e j
of cne-liiiinln d ilU'M do! lain
..hull be lion-asscssa bi'. The
a. name" al e lien-after su b-cn bi d
are si an-hubb i s and th- number of
shares refpei t i vel y owned. by each 1m
set opposite to ilis name.
j.-jlt.., The Midwest A m iis.-meii t
Company shall comm. -nee it?. . is t t. e
'inm the tirst day ol M.inb, A. le,
l!il."", and continue during a p.-rmd of
ten vears.
Si.vtli. The business nrTairs
property and concerns of Hi-
ai.all be managed bv a Itoatd
tors composed of not lc-s iiuti
.11. ire than five member.-, all
shall respectively be stockbo1
Seventh. Tl e stock ho-ders si
. StoiU,
on i pa ii -
f I ! I 'l -
I wo nor
f w hoi u
all iia v e.
i ke pi li
nt With
power, from time to time, to t:
lenlial ny-iaw
l in
I hee a rt icl s.
or lh
laws of the stale
(if Nebraska. The first V.oanl of Iiirec
tors shall consist of two mem hers, and
shall hold their olliies until t:eir suc
cessors arc elected and i n ;i i i ti I in the
mariner provided by the he-laws.
Ninth. A majority of all liin-ctors
shall constitute a quorum.
Tenth. The Hoard of Iiinct irs may
he increased or decreased in number to
not less than two nor more man ti e
members by a vote of the stockholders
of the Company at such time and in
such manner as the by-laws may pre
set"! be.
Klevet'th. The Hoard of Iiirictors
have power to lease, sell, transfer niei
convey any of the rights. piivile-,
franchises or property behmi: i r.u ti the
Company, for such consideration ami
on such terms and conui! ioii as the
Hoard of Pircctors may d"term-ne to be
for the best interests of the Company,
object, however, to the re-1 1 id i "lis
of tiie statutes of the state of Nebraska,
and the statutes of anv state w here t he.
Company may be authorized to tran
sa t business
The Hoard of J ireetors may from
time to time borrow imuirv and iz i e
notes and other evidences of mdebte.l
tiess therefor, and from time to tim
provide for trivin? security for sudi
indebtedness if desired and ib emc e x
pedient by tl-e Hoard to do so, but iti
no event shall said Company ininr in
debtedness in any greater amount than
iw:-thirds of the aureate of iis cap
iat stock, provided, however, that the
po . er conferred by these aithb-s Khali
not, nor shall any of them. b- exer
cised hy the Hoard of iMreetors. ex
cept by n vote of two-thirds of the
wl file number of directors.
Twelfth. The officers of said cor
poration shall be a president; vice
president: and secretary-1 re. "isijrer.
The officers herein named mav hold any
two of the oihoes herein created at the
same time, and shall be chosen by the
Hoard of lireclors and shall hold their
office for a period of one- year or until
th-'ir successors shall be elected and
qua lified.
Thirteenth. The Hoard of Idrec
tors shall be elected by the st oek m
of the company at their regular annual
meeting, and the manner ot hoi.tmtr
the nu-i-lini? of the stockhold, rs tor
the election of its Hoard of lure, lots
and the method of conduct inir the busi
ness of the cnrpiatio!l shall be as pro
vided by the by-laws adopted by ii
stockholders. Fourteenth. The highest amount of
indebtedness to which said ci rpora t hm
shall at any time si:b.iei Itself shall
not he m.-re thn two-thirds of the af;
KTeirate of its capital stock.
We, the u ndei s in tied, hereby siirrce to
take and pav for the tii.mber of shares
of the capital stock of Tor Midwist
Amusement Company which are
.-et opposite our names respect m l -,
subject to the provisions of these Ar
ticles of Incorporation.
IN W1TNP.SS WHKUKi ! We have
lit reuneo et our hands this Mh day of
February, A. I ., IMS.
Name. Hosidence No. 'if
U M. Shlaes. Plattsmouth, N' hr f,i
.I.C. Petersen. Jr., Plattsmouth, Nebr. u'i
ST TK t ) P N KP. HAS K A,
n this S t ti day of February. A.
I !!:. oeiore me ine u nuers i ii neii. i
tary Public, duly
li lei
qualified for and residing: within
i-a Id
county, personally appeared the above
named II. M. Shlaes, and J. C. Petersen.
Jr., each of whom are personally known
to me to be the identical persons who-.,
names are athxed to the above Arti
cles of Incorporation as parties then to.
and each for himself a K no v 1 ! u
instrument and the execu! io-i thereof
to be his voluntary act and need.
In witness whereof 1 have hereunto
set my hand and Notarial seal the iu v
and year last above written
S-al Notary Public
My commission cxpiica August
I Ol XTV ( OtltT
Slate of Nebraska,
County o( Cass, ss.
Ill the matter of the Kstate t.f Pav id
Stcttlcr, I"eceas-d: :
All persons interested in said e tte
are hereby notified that on i h.- ; i,. .;.
of June, A. 1 .. 1HK., S C. P.ovlcs filed
a petition in said County Co.irt. . rav
in if that Lis final mini in is 1 1 i urn ac
count tiled herein be settled and allow
ed, that he tie discha rired from his
trust h.n administrator, and that the
real estate and re: blue of t hi personal
property lie ass tuned to ti pcr-ori
entitled thereto by law. That a h anni;
will t.e had upon said report and peti
tion bi f ore sa id court in tin-court bouse
at Plattsmouth. in said mnnty, on ii.e
;'illi day of June. HilT., and mat if yon
fail to appear before sai-1 court on s id
2th day of June, at PI o'clock A. M..
and contest said petition, the court
iriHV irranl the prayer of said petition,
aril make such other and further or
ders, allowance's and decrees, as to thu
c-jurt may seem, pioper. and lo the end
that alt matters pertaining t ' said es
tate may be finally elt!cd and deler
m i ned.
AVitriess my hand and the M-a! of i e
Countv Court of Faid County this Ind
day of. June, A. It., T.'io.
ALLIEN .1. HKr.Si i.V.
County Ju'U;e.
OTI ll Tit CHKItritiKS.
In County Court. I
State of Nebraska,
("as.-- Countv. ss.
In the mailer of the estate of John
Kit zpat rick, deceased:
Notice f ti hereby pi-ii to th credi
tors of said del eased tbt l.i arinir
v ill be had upon claims tiled a;:.imd
snid estate, before me. O.t.ati Jmie
.if Cass County, Nebraska, at the Coun
ty Court room in PlattsmouMi, in said
county, on the day of Jul v. 1 : 1 .", .
ind on the 7th ilav January. P.ilii. at 10
o'ebM k A., each dav f-.r the examina
tion, adjustment and allowance
All claims must tie hied in Faid
County Court on or bcl'ori; hour of
Witness to v land and seal of pa d
County Court, at Plattsmouth N' bias
Va, this 1st dav of .lm-. p.i i r,
6-3--4W County Jui)i,.
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