The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, June 17, 1915, Page PAGE 7, Image 7

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    THURSDAY. JUNE 17 19 15.
f 1 .i-
A. Comedy of Youth Founded by Mr. Manncrs on His
Great Play of the Same Title Illustrations
From. Photographs of the Pixy
Copyright. 1913. by Dodd. Mead Compter
Ma; tut w y
' orsix." :
g tus voic
Alaric. Pag and Mr.
said .Marie To I'cz. and
voice dropped to the ca-
notc of rs wnvr.
"ceu--in. (1 yuu know. I ;in.
coin? to do sonnet him? now I've neve!
done before?"
IIi pnuse-d to let the full force of
what w:is To cotno have its real value.
'YVhat Is it. Alari-.-?" Pe ashed, ail
unconscious of the drama that was
tnlihiit place in her cousin's heart.
"Sure, what is it V Ye'io l.r.i oiu" to
di sooiothiii" useful, are ye'''
lie braced hiiuseif s.nd went on: "i
a in so::. to asii a cry chartuiui;
ywii: lady to witts me. Lib?"
"Are jei"
"I am."
"WLat do ye tliir.k o that, low!"
"And who do you th. :iU it is V
lie waited, wondering if she would
pruess correctly. It would be so help
ful if only she could.
Put she was so unexpected.
-I couldn't prra-s-s it in a hundred
years. Aiario rv. !o!y I couldn't-"
"Oh. try! Do try.'" he uref.
"1 couldn't think who'd marry you
Jnaade 1 couldn't. Mebbe the poor
girl's Mind. Is thnt it':"
"Can't you guess? No? noally?"
No. I'm tcllin" ye. Who ir. it':"
Then she lcau-d Lack aniisst the
l.nlustrad'. and lar.Khd Ions and un
restrainedly. She laus'aed i:::tll the
tears enine coursing down In r cheeks.
Al.irie was at Mrst n"i:t.l;iM'd Then
he .c:-aK:"d the situation in i' full si
iiifu ance. It was just a t'uclucf hys
teria. He jvi'jci Ler and laughed heart
ily ns we'.L
"Aha:" he cried between laughs.
"That's a s;k ndid Pisn. Si'li ndid! I've
always Leen Vd that gii U cry w hen
they're proposed to." (
"Sure, that's what I'm doiu'." gasp.J
Per. "I'm cryin' lnuahin. Sure. I
think I'd rat!ir have Mi.hae!. my ter
ner if you d oii't-t;in 1." ... . r-
He started forward. "Ofc, come. I
pay! You don't mean that'. Think
just for one moment of the advan
tages!" "if ye dou't in-iid." replied IVs
To her amazemcLt the ploom lifted
from hr cousin's counfenr-nee. lie
took a deep breath, looked at her in
genuine reiief rnd cried out heartily:
"I say: You're a br'.ck! It's reaby aw
fully jrooj of you. Some '-n'ls in your
position would ha'e juu'pe.1 at me
positively jumped.: Hut jou why.
you're a genuine little hall marked Al
Lrickl I'm estremt'y obliged to you."
He took her little hand and shook it
"You're a plucky little girl, that's
what you are a plucky little uiri.
I'll never forget it never. If there is
anything I can do at any time r.r.y
w hi-re call on me. I'll be there riht
on the spot.
"DU-ss you. coxis'n. You've taken
an awful lal olf n: v mini. 1 was
I had to ask you.
I'romised to. See you before you go:"
On the ::"tli day of June Mr. Mont
pomery Ilawk.-s glaneid at his ap
pointiuents f.r the following day and
found the cr.try. ".Mrs. Chichester,
S -arboro in re Marparet O"jo:ii;ell."
Ha aeeord'.i:,'y se: t a telegram to
Mrs. Chi' hetter. ac-fju:' in'in her with
the pleasant news that : he ex
ict that distinguished iawyer on .ItiIv
1 to render an a'-eouut of her stew
ardship of the Irish agitator's chi.d
lie was shown the mus'c nmni
and was admiring a genuine (Ireu.e
when Mr-.. Chichester came hi.
She greeted him trairia!!y and mo
thmed him to a seat beside her.
"WiUV" he smiled cheerfully. "And
how is our htt'e i rotfree'.'"
"Sit down." replied Mrs. Chichester
som! n rly.
"Thank you."
lie sat besi k her. waited a moment,
then, with S'une sense of niisuiviiii.
ask-d. "Hverytliiny g -an? will. 1 ti 'peV
"Far from it." And Mrs. Chi. hestet
Blicok her head fadiy. "Sh" wants f
leave U.s today. S!ie h;!S orderiHl a ab
She is packim; now."
"Dear, dear:" e.ia -ulated the bewi!
derel solicitor. "Where Is she EcingV"
"Hack to her father.'
"How perfectly ri'Jicukus:"
"Hut don't be uneas." he replied eas
Ily; "she will stay. May I see her?"
Mrs. Chi -hester rose, crested over to
the bell and rans it.
"There is one thins you must know.
Mr. Ilawkes. My son is ic lovt with
Iier." she said, as though in a burst of
confide: ice.
"What? Your son?"
"Yes." she si shed. "Of course she
is hardly a suitable match for Alnrie
as yet. Hut by the time she isofae"
Ilawkes was movjns restlessly idut
the ricnu. He stoj-ped in front of Mrs.
Od'-hettcr as Jarvii di-aojieared to .
notify Is-
"I cm cfrnid. madam, that such a
marriage, would be out of the uuestion.
R 11 T
U f B7
I By J. Hartley. Manners
As one of the executors of the late Mr.
Kingsuortb's will. In my opinion, it
would be defeating the object ot the
dead man's lejracy."
Mrs. Chichester retorted neatedly:
"lie desires her to be trained. What
training is better than marriage?"
"Almost any." replied Mr. Uawkes.
"Marriage should be the union of two
formed characters. Marriage between
the young is one of my pet objections.
It is a condition of life essentially for
those who have reached maturity in
nature and in character. I am pre
paring a peper on it for ths Croydon
Hthieal society and"
Whatever else Mr. Fluvrkcs might
have sail in continuation of another
of his iet subjects was cut abruptly
short by the appearance of Peg. She
was still dressed in one of Mrs. Chi
chester's gifts. She had not had an op
portunity to change into her little
traveling suit.
"W il. well: What an improvement!"
he said.
"I'm slad you've come. Mr. Uawkes."
"Why. you're a young lady!" cried
the astonished solicitor.
"Am IV Ask rue aunt about that!"
replied Peg somewhat bitterly.
"Now, my dear Miss Margaret O'Con
nell" began the lawyer.
Will, ye let me have 207' suddenly
asked Peg.
"Couainly. HjrrT' an J he took out
his po'. ketbook.
"This iiiinit." replied Peg positively.
"With pleasure.' said Mr. Uawkes
as he began to count the banknotes.
"And 1 want ye to get a passage on
the first ship to America, this after
noon if there's one!" cried Peg ear
licsily. "Oh. come, come," remonstrated tiie
"The 20 I want to buy some-thin'
for me father jut to remember Eng
land by. If ye think me nncle
wouldn't like m to have it because
I'm lavin'. why, then me father'il pay
ye back. It may taka him a long timu
but he'll pay it."
"Nott, listen" Interrupted llr.
"Mebbe it'll only be a fevr dollars a
week, but father always pays his debts
in time.- That's all to ever needs
time." "What's all this nonsense cbout go
ing away?"'
"It isn't nonsense. I'm goin' to m;
fathet," answered Peg resolutely.
Ilawkes hunted through his mind fcr
the cause of this upheaval in the Chi
chester home. He rememln?red Mrs.
Chichester's statement about AJaric's
affection for Lis young cousin. Could
the trouble have arisen from that? It
gave him a clew to work on. He
grasped it.
"Answer me one question truthfully.
Miss O'ConnelL Is there an affair of
the heart?"
Peg looked down on the ground
mournfully and replied:
"Me heart is In New York with me
"Has any one made love to yon since
yon have been here?"'
Peg looked up at him sadly and
shook her head. A moment later a
mischievous look came into her eyes,
and she said, with a roguish laugh:
"Sure, one man wanted to kiss me.
nn' 1 boxed his ears, an another al
most man asked me to marry turn."
"Oh!" ejaculated the lawyer.
"Me Cousin Alaric."
"And what did yon say?" questioned
"I towld him I'd rather have III-
rie looked at her in open bewilder
ment and repeated:
"Me dog." explained Teg. and her
eyes danced with merriment.
Ilawkes laughed heartily and re-
As Ilawkes looked at her. radiant in
her springlike beauty, her clear,
healthy complexion, her dazzling teeth,
her red-gold hair, he felt a sudden
thrill go through him. ITis life had
been so full, so concentrated on the
development of his career, that he had
never permitted the feminine note to
obtrude itself on his life. His effort
had been rewarded by an unusually
larse circle of influential clients who
yielded him an exceedingly handsome
revenue. He had heard whispers of a
magistracy. His public future was as
sured. Hut his private life was arid. The
handsome villa in Pel ham crescent had
no one to grace the -head of the table,
save on the occasional visits of hi.s
aged mother or the still rarer ones of
a married sister.
And here was he in the full prime
Of life.
Yielding to some uncontrollable im
pulse, he took her little hand in both
of his own.
Ilawkes was not to be denied now.
lie went on in his softest and most
suasn e jiecents:
"I know ontf who would give rou ail
these a im.iu wlio lias reached the
years of discretion, one in whom the
follies of youth have mcrgiil it 'o ;h.
knowledge and reserve t
age. ,i man of position and ia -a..-a
man who can prote t you. rare t
you. admire you -an. I le pr-oai! To
marry you.
"Mis O'Conneil tna.v i say Mit:
garet? 1 was your uii'-ie'- adviser. f:
warm persona! friend We .p--Ue f:ee
ly of you for many w"i refore ! ,
died. It w as his desire to ! serac
thing for you that would ili'n-e .,;n
whole life and make it full at.-: ha-.p
and contented. Were your u:a !e alive
I know of notion;: that would m're
J 4?
"Will ye let rre have S.ZZV udder.!
zsked Peg.
Liza greater pleasure ti.a:. f -r !:is oid
friend to rake you. yov.r oi:nj tile, into
his care. Miss O'Connell, 1 am the
"Stop it.'" she cried. '-Wha'.'s tiir
matther with you men this morifn":
Ye'd think I was some gieat ia.iy lh"
way ye'ie all oderin' me yer ha.nfis an
yer names an yer intlueu'-c ; an yer
dignities. Stop it! Give me mon
cy an' let nie go."
Ilawkes paused.
"Don't give your answer too hastily.
I know it must sc-m abrupt one might
almost s.''.y brutal Hut 1 am ai :ie f:
the world; yn'i are al.n.e. Neither "i
us has contract ei a rem. rd for any or.
else. And. in addition to That. t;.ei
would In no ) iisma to i.iarry nr.
til you are twenty There!"
Peg st:dJ."T:!y !.t:rst into a paro'iy.-n!
of laughter.
"Am 1 to conslk r that a refusal?"
"Ye mny. W hat would I be can'
marr;. in" the likes ot you ? Answer mv
"That is final?" he qiit-rie.-l
"Ah-.o!::;e!y. completely ; r.' i-,.
Unal. T! ank re cry i;.;M'.
adJed. "An' m.-y 1 hue ::-e .''': '
"C-r:::i!;!y IL ieiti- '" A ita t. : nd
d her the mon. y
"i'ill mneti olMed to e. ! a
sorry if I hurt e by I::u j1,:H' ju-t i.'i'.'
Hut I thought ye were j- u.n'. i did
She IstiH-ied ' ros t r ::i ,, i v
staircase. When sr.- v.a- tiadva.v up
the stairs .Tarvis ent re.i and was i:u
mediately folkved tiy derry.
"Peg!" he said gently, i- ..k:nr up at
"I'm go!n' t ack to uif father in hat!
an hour!" And she went on up t:ie
As Jerry moved slowly away from the
staircase he met Montgomery Li aw lies.
(To Be Continued.)
Paints and Oils. tiering & Co.
Farmers who ship cream direct may
leave their cream at our store. We
will deliver your cream to the iie;:ot
and ltluin your empty cans, v.iihout
extra charge.
Paints and Oils. Ocring & Co.
Itching, bleeding, protruding or biind
pile? have yielded to Hoan's Ointment,
f.oc at aU stores.
FOK SALE 1 awn and White Indian
Runner duel: ejrirs, white egg strain,
Sl.OC per in. So.00 per 100. Inquire
of A. O. Ramge, F.oute 1, Platts
mouth, Neb. 4-3-tf-wkly
ron sale or. kext.
Our property i.i Murr.ty fcr s.-de or
j'ent. J. L. Young, Coleridge, Neb.
Wall Paper. Gering iL Co.
the mint makes it i:nd under the
terms of the CONTINENTAL
cure it at G pr cent for any letral
purpose on approved real estate.
Terms easy; toil us your wants and
we will co-operate wi'h you.
513 Denhain Building, Denver, Colo.
.- '' s.-. --:; -Vi.., .-I'
Farm West of City Is Leased
Weather Bureau.
Omaha. June i7. Omaha is shortly
to become the chief station of the
weather bureau service. For many
years Port Weather. Virginia, a short
distance out from Wasifegton. has
hi "a ti e point from whkh tin- import
ant data relative to weather and meie
crologiral information has been sent
Some months ano it v decided tc
abandon the station at Fort Weather,
and iu casting about for a location fcr
a new sta'ion the agrictitural depart
ment officials, alter pening the views
o:' exptits. decided upon a point ir.
I'ovclas county as the one -n'erinp
superior a ivantagt s and -oti vcuience.
for observing the weather of the
I'nited S'.aM'.s.
Ti;e wather department t ;ok a lone
time lease cm forty a' res :' tlip Iirexe
farm, four and one-haif tr.ik-s north
east of UlUhorn. and. at once c o:n
m ri'-ej the ii:s!a!!at io:t of the equip
n;ert for a Trying on oh.-i rva'ions on
a p'iuurdie s"aie.
Charles P. Marvin, chief ofTicer o'
the weather bureau, was here this
wek and ma !',- a persona! cjt:i:ra
t 'on of tie huiidings lieing erected at
th. Iirexel farm.
Gonventioa at Alliance Draws
Fiva Thousand People.
Alliance. Neb., June ;t. Fy e thou
sa i.u visitors ware iu Ailia'ne in at-teuda'.K-e
on the twei-ty-lirst anntia!
con i at ion and celei-r.ition of Lh -Wesieri-
Ni!'ra-I:a Sto -k (power1-' ct.r
s: action. lb ports fioia tie- pr- si.len
ai.d se retary showed the or..;;
vvna in flo'i: ic.hinir conditio::, both in
u.i a.i.ers and tinan iaily.
The old oilPets re reelected:
President. Kobert M. tlrrliatn: vie.
president, C. II. Tully. both of Alli
ance ; secretary and trea-:;t vr. f . C
.!n:iie:(.n of Fiisworth. C. F. A' liOti
cf li anris was e'.e ted on the cx-eu
! the board in nlace of K. M. Seals ol
tgallala. whose term expired.
In tl;e attt moon vi.-itors gathered
i.t ihe lair grounds ar.d. aftt r a shot-,
add: ess Ly S-t.ator O. M. Hitchcock
in whi-h he on uratu luted the j oplo
o: Aiiiaio e and western N hrasha n.
tl.iir sai cess ii diTerent lines, f he
I rc.-ram consisting of ths followir.?
i a -. s- v.s giv tn: Wi'd mule, c haiio
( o'.v not.:", cowgirl and hn'f ti.ile dash.
Charles p. Schal'iVr of Aliianee won
the live-mile ir.o!oroye:e ra. Th
c:to polo '-asne bet ween America and
Ilnglaiid was won by America by a
score of Z to 0.
rv'rs. Jordan and Widow cf Lav-ton
Held as Accomplices.
Sccttsb-uff. Neb.. Jane 17. Ib-'-ea:
fleveiopiuei.ts in tin- Jo-.- l-a:on :i-:r-u-
: case ate th.e arr.-.of I an Joti'.au
the ;..k'ged father in-law of l.ayto't.
lor the nrtrd- r. and of his wife and
the wile of liyton as aecouij.liees. I'p
to th " tirit- of their arrest, all were
(iiiu!;ii.g heaviiy and mail t a I ii i :: cr ncoJ
ii'.rve, an 1 their stories are so nearly
identical that they are suspicious.
Two revolvers have 1 eon found, and
one. bclievid to b- the one that wa."
used, is an automatic. A number ot
turns- d cartridges were found where
t! ey had just been thrown in Tie
vauit of an oatiioase. Two blotue
hounds ea -h jdr ped oat Jordan as the
mail whos-- tracks were at the win
(low. Powder stains on "the window
sarh indicate that the gun was within
two bet of the murdered man's head
at the time th shot was fired. A dutn
nam bullet was used, aid i rag men's
of it are found, and also an empty
Fewer Delegates In future to Travel
ing Men's Convention.
Omaha. June 17. Proposal to amend
the constitution of the Travelers' Pro
teitive sissociatiot: so to apportion
representation in the national oorvea
tiers at tho ratio of ore delegate for
each "o members, instead of one fot
each li(i, ns at present, was adopted
by a vot? of fllh't to 131. alter a spirited
eoe.fiht for two hours on the floor ol
f.e convention.
Reasons advanced for the amend
rcoT.t were principally liram-inl. Mem
bers trotn Yircinia, Louisiana. T n
ncssie and other states asserted that
their divisions are compelled to gc
in debt every ear to get money tc
send delegations to the national con
Baby Mutilated by Hogs.
Pro'tsbduff. Neb., June 17. A fiva
months-old child o! Mr. and Mrs. Will
iari Stowc 11. livimr nrc.r the sucar fac
tory. had an ear 1 'it ten off by two hall
g;rown hogs that were allowed to mi
nt large. The mother left the bain
lying on the floor while she went c
the garden ar.d. hearing it scream
rushed back in time to save its life
Ihtt it is badly mutilated about the
head and face.
- Former Territorial Official Dead. -
Fremont. Neb , .Tun-1 17. W. U .May
clerk of tl-.e last territorial lcgislautrr
of Nebraska, when the late J. Sterlias
Morton was poverror. and prominent
in the car'y history of the state, die-'
sudden!;.- at this Lome in Denver.
Word was received by his brothers
Prison Flan! Manager Has Sam
ples Tested at Lincoln.
Accident Policy Subject of Conference
In Lincoln Treasurer Reports Big
Sum of Cash on Hand State Beard
Fixing Up Tax Matter.
hinioln. June 17. M. C. McMillan,
ttiperiu'enclerit of the tvvine plant ol
the Minue.-ota. state peniteitnary.
called on Food Commissioner ilurman
to have some sampits of the twine
manufactured at the Minnesota insti
tution tested.
Tiie Minnesota plant manufactitr .-s
lat ge iuantities of tw ine and sells ;t
not only in that state, but in other
stales, about 1.73o.omt pounds being
contracted for in Nebraska this sea
fco:;. The plant was established in 1 ,S b T-,
when the legislature, nppiopriaied
J rr.a.coi) tor its establishment. Since
that time over L'eT.oeO.o a pounds of
twine has been manufactured, at a
prolit of about Jil.SslPU'li. not counting
the If'ir. output.. Of the l.o'.u prison
ers in the institution. "1 i are engaged
in the twine plant. The plant also
mar. ulaepjres farm machinery.
The samples tested by the food
commissioners were up to the stand
ard reqain d by the state c! partment.
It sells in carload lots at (t'j ct-nta a
Insurance Beard Has Problem.
The state insurance board is wrest
ling wi'h a problem caused by a
clause in the accident insurance pol
icies of the Great Eastern Casualty
company of New York, which provides
that in case of accident no claim can
be made lor The first thirty days of
disability, unless the accident is of
so serious a nature that it requires
continued services of a physieian or
hospital care. Ixmis 11. Libel, presi
dent of the1 company, was present and
insisted that this clause was the -ame
as that, in the Nebraska liabi ity law.
Commissioner F.rian bt lieves tLa'. it
(h i ars them from doing business in
the sta'e.
Fixing Up Tax Matter.
The state board of assessment is
having difficulty making 'an adjust
ment cf the state tax on express com
panies, the. Adams company in partic
ular. In lf'13 the Adams company
paui an occupation tax of $s.'.7o. when
no tax was required that year. In 1 ! 1 4
it again paid SS.T.IS. This year a tax
-ill be due and an effort is being
made to transfer the P'lfJ tax paid to
the ji'la assessment. This lacks flat
of being sufficient and the board do. s
not know just how to make the trans
f er.
Ad cntists to Hold School Conference.
Leading educators in the Seventh
Thiv Adven'is: denomination. from
Washington. I . C. and all parts of
the north, mid He and south wt will
rae t iu convention at Union cohere,
at (Vleco View, a suburb of this cir.
July fi to 17. Oftic rs and practically
all of the prominent workers in the
Yoar.g People's Society of Missionary
Yo'tinteers throughout these sections
v il! join in this convention.
Treasurer Reports Big Sum on Hand.
Aecording to an old law which ha?
been dug np by State Treasurer Hall
the treasurer of the state is reoe.ircd
to report to the governor whenever
there is more than JlOo.Ofin on hand
in the general fund of the state. Car
ryitpg out the "aw. Treasurer Hall re
ported 'o the governor that lhcr i
$1 7. ""4.02 on hand In the general
Jury P.eturns a Vertt For the De
fendants In Alienation Suit.
Omaha. June 17. A verdict for the
defense was returned by the jury in
Jndire Troup's court which hoard the
evidence in the suit for $ir.,Qu" dam
ages brought by George II. McNeill
against Mr. and Mrs. Arthur C. Jewell
of South Omaha, parents of Ii is wife
Mrs. Lila McNeill, for alleged aliena
tion of her affections.
The plaintiff alleged that Mr. and
Mrs. Jewell had persuaded Mrs. Mc
Neill to leave htm and had prevented
her from returning. Jurors sai 1 -after
the verdict was returned that evidence
relating to Mayor Thomas Hoctor ol
South Omaha had not been consider; d
ly them in reaching a verdict.
Youth Dies From Fall Under Wagon
Eustis. Neb.. June 17 Otto, the af
teen-year-old son of Adam Paiss, Sr.
while handling hay alone in a field
close to home in some unknown wa
slipped beneath the loaded wagon and
sustained injuries from wbi'h he died
three hours later. The team, couonc
to the house alone, caused Mr. Pais?
to search tor the boy, whom he found
partially unconscious.
Jesse Carpenter Falls In First Flight
Nebraska City. Juno 17. In his fir.n
fight here. Jesse Carpen'er, the avi
fit or, was about Jon feet hih when es
pine trouble developed and in tryim
to plane to the earth one of the p'cio
broke, lie fell some distance, wt eel;
iiig'thc machine, but escaoir, r with ?
broken jaw and other injuries.
Sheriffs r.'eet In Secret Sic-!.
Al'liam-e. 'r0., June 17 The sh?r
lis' ? convention met behind closec
doors and finished Us work.
j mitk k i" iu:ri-.iiKK,,i si.i:
iln tin- District oiirl in mill I'or 'ik
I Citunt, rhlHlN.
Anna Amelir. -Mearoe,
John FrecJeriek StuII, ,et. al.
I e fend ants.
Ni'tice is heiet.y t'iven that lltider
and lo virtue of a d- ree f the I
triet c'.iurt in iiti for Cass 'ounty. Nc
Praska. enteitd in the alioe entitled
cause on the l.'tli day of May . 1 '..
li'tr... iiiul an order entered In fatil
-'.ur. is the il-nd day of May, 1 ! J .".
the i 'k!o : iciH'il sole referee will on
lie 7th dav of July, A. 1 .. tl.". at iO
o'eloel. : ni., ii t the south front ooor
of t P-e.e.i it house in t lie City of l'iatts
moiuh dss County, Nihraka. si-ll ;.t
pa'oi e aitti'O to the h'irhest ies(.-.ii-i-I.hhler
for easli the following ie--!-ihit
real estate, to-wit: The east
halt iK'o of tiie northwest quarter
i.V4 i and the east hnlf llfUl of tio;
solid H (yt iii;i!ter iSW'4 ef Seeti '11
i "i, 'J o ns!i: twelve (l-i. Kange ti tr
ie. -n. i 1 :: i : lot four i in .t-vtion
thirty-ix (:;;. TonslOt thirteen ::',
Catitre thirteen iir.i, and all of lot
three CIi, in Sort ion si (Cl. Township
twelve 1, Kange fouiteen (14), lv
ins west of the rimlit of way of tiie H.
.V Al. railroad. i:hd all that Iart oT said
!ol three i .1 I I i n sr d the id
riiiht "f n-ii v, which north of said
i i lice r i-ulv i rt imnieiliately north
of ; i ;iPev J'oint, iill in Cass C null:',
.N. hi k..
Said salt- will he held open for one
Pour.! at rtattsmoiith. this r.rl dav
or Jam. A. 1.. ll'lf.
m . .i:cm:i:. mf.-i.e
A. 1.. T1P!I. Attorn . for F! a i at i f! .
Noli f iit lo Uuit-t Title.
teoia:.- VV. S'lytl.-r, I'laihtiff.
.Mrs. I.ouis U'cusIk nstein, tii-.-t- real
name unknown, et. ah,
I efendants.
To the defendants Mrs. .oui We--sl.eiist
ei n. rtu! nmne unknown:
the ii!iknMli heirs tml devisees of Mrs.
Louis 'eu iK-tiM n. first real name
ut. known. .lti-e:-..-ed : the unknown de
visees ar.d legatees of Thi'"hn!d Vali-oy.
deceased, a f so known as Toeohold Yal-lel-v,
deceased: the uiiktiown devisees
and legatees of .'ane-s J Wil.-s le-ceas.-d:
ti:e unknown devisees ami leg
atees of Catharine . !aius, nee :i:P-ry
i.-ceased; Minnie Adams and Jlirani
Vim are each hereby notified that on
Mav Hth, A. 1 .. 1'.!.".. plaintiff tiled his
suit in the le-tiict Court of the Countv
I' Ca.-s. Net. i. .ska. to iuiet title to the
following ilescrihed lands to-wil:
The icithist oaaiter i.MI1, i of sc
ti.Oi t wi n I --e it; ! t i'Si .-ini the south
east fourtn i: s'K '4 1 of the northwest
ouarter 1 N W 1 , 1 of said section twen-ti-'-ignt
il, all in town.-1. in twelve
1IJ1 Xoi th, ratife thirteen ( 1 :i ) t a.-t of
the 1. tii I". -M , 111 the C.iunt of Cuss,
Nehi aska
Hecause of his adverse jwwsessiort hv
hitnself and his grantors for more than
ten years prio- to tie commencement
ef said, suit and to enjoin each and all
of you I101.1 havirg or ('aitniiiir a n v
rirht. title, leiu ..r interest either iil
or equitaldo, jn or to sail! lands or any
part theieol. and to r . 1 1 i : . you to set
forth your riirl l titl-. i -i n or intetest
therein, if aii, either P-nnl or eiuit
ahlc. and to have same ad.cidged
inferior to the title of .ia ir. t i If , and
I ..r 1.'' :ii-ail e.iaitahle re'.u-f. This t:o
toe in Ti.aii- nursuaiit to the order of
the Court.
You arc teoiiiied to ansivtr said pe
tition on o- h.foie Monday. July 1!,
A. I'., I. l.". or 'our default will he duly
11 1 red tee re- i n.
eji:it:';i: v. snyi k!:.
. a i: d'.i:;:TS' .", .tio! ,,t.y.
N(TI( i: OK M IT.
Nellie Wilev and Kernnrd C. Wilev.
dl.iidnnts. wi!i take notice that on
the dav of June. itM.I. William
I.. Ni.-kies. .hiintit herein, tiled lis
Aivo-ndcd fetitieii in the lostrii-t Court
of Cass County. N hra.-ka. auainst said
iit-fi ii.iiinls. and Alma I 1. Asch et. ah.
the eiijeit and pi. aver of whie'u are to
set aside upon the trrounds of ahsence
: 1 ns 1 .hi a t ion and fraud, h eertiiin
deed rjioi t i lie to he made on Mhiiii
I'Tid. I'.'l, I'V one Claries irdward
Wiley to SHid Nellie Wiiev, and the
iju'etinc of the- titie- to a 11 undivided
one-silh of the lands involved jn said
action: in ;!aintil'f against said d-el
and all othe-r claims if any of said
Ne'lie Wile;.- and ll.tnatd ',. Wiley.
You and e-acli ed' vmi are re'iuired to
answe-r said amended petition en n.-he'-S'ofe
ti). ::nd da v cf .usrtist. 1 !::..
l'at'-d II I- 17C. ih'v of June. I'M'..
Wihi.l.i.Vi 1.. NJCi PK.-C
1 'la i tit iff.
I'.v l 11. liWYKK, His Attorney.
In County Court.
Cass County, -ss.
In the Matter of the Estate of John
M. Meisinger, Sr., Deceased:
Notice is hereby given to the credit
ors of said deceased that hearings will
be had upon claims filed against said
estate, before me, County Judge of
Cass County, Nebraska, at the County
Court room in Plattsmouth, in said
County, on the 29th day of June. 1515,
and on the 2fth day of December,
l.15, at 1 o'clock p. m., each day for
examination, adjustment and allow
ance. All claims must he filed in said
court on or before said last hour of
Witness my hand and seal of said
County Court, at Plattsmouth, Ne
braska, this 22nd day of May, 11)15.
County Judge.
"Billy" Sunday, the Man, and His
Message at the Journal office for
51.00. This work contains the heart
of Mr. Sunday's gospel message. Come
in and pet yours while they last, as
we only have a few.
The Journal does 30D work.
Are You Using Forest
Rose Flour?
If Not, Try a Sack Today
Every Sack Guaranteed
it iK Lt:s nroniHin viuiv ok
mi: miii-t mi:Mi:T
tcno v alt. mux I'.v Tiuisi: iim:-
s KNTS: the we, l:. M. Shine s and J C.
I'e'erseti, Jr., do associate ourselves
together for the purpose of iortninn
nnd heconiiiip a eorpora t km in tie
state of Nehraska. for the- lOirpose .f
1 1 a t: vaet intr within the state' of Ne-hr.-iska.
and within any i ,. ed' tie
states of the t'nlted Stat s of Ame-tiia,
the l.usiness hereinafter en-si lil.ed.
j.-jict. The name of the- co-norat'on
is ami shall he. Till: M 1 1 V I iST
A M t ' S K M 1 ON T ) M I ' A N Y
Se-cond. The principal otlice atid
jdaee. of l.usiness id the Companv
shall he locate-. I in the Cit ol
l'lattsmouth. in the Cnunu of
Cass, and State of N.-l .! a s k .1. Put the
companv may create and locate snh
ordiriiite fiffices for the- t ra 1 s a 1 1 ion of
its husine-ss anv where- within the- lim
its of the' states where- it is a u tied i.e-J
to tiansact husiiK-ss.
Third. The- nature- of the 1 u-iTa-s;
to he transacted hy said . or . o ii I i 'ii
shnil he- to t.urchhase-. le-a-e. own. se'l,
oiet ute-. manage- and cornui. t I-iet 11 1 e
show e-nti rpris.-s 1 i ncl lid 1 mc the- pi.'
ci.ase, le-asing or sf-llitig of atn and all
nece-ssary leal estate and huiidings l-i'
the -a i-ryitifr n and i.e-ra t mar smh
en 1 e-i se and a m u seine-u I s. in anv
state when- the- oomiany has a Iigl t
to transact its l-usine-ss.
Fourth. 'I he- i-lit liot ixe-d
stoi k eif the- Compare shall l-e- twentv
thousaii'l $r.'i."i"li ih'iiais i'iid-d in
to two huiidie.1 shales of the pal value
of one- hand re-el ilto.i .P.ih.'s ea.!'. an-l
shall he non-asse-ssii hi. . The- i-e-r.-o-is
whose names are- heieal'ter suhseiihi-d
an- s h a re-1 1 e 1 le e is and the nnmt.ei of
shares re-spe i I i e l own'-d h e a' h hs
set e..;ieis it e- to his n; no-.
Filth. The- A In vise tie nt
Company shai; omia.-ni e- it- n-l. n
from the- first !.i e.l M.m Ii. V I'..
Jtiir., ainl cont in lie- .1 iiniin a pe need e.f
ten years.
Sixth. T!o 1'iisine'Hs aftaifs. sto-k.
.roiii-rty anil e-on-ei ns of 1 1 eomianv
shall he nianaizi-d le. a Ileal d e-f Ion -
com pose-el of not ess II ...11 two not
mot-.- than live memhers, a 1 of whom
shall respee tiVelv he sloe k aolde-l s.
Seventh. The- s t ' k ho ! d.-i s shall
from time- to time-. t- mak- iie
dential hy-laws not i tii-ons 1 t e-n t with
thi-se- atticU-s, or the- laws of the state
of NeliasUa.
Hi? th The first Iha-d of I i (
tors shall consist of two me mi. e is, and
shall hold their ollie-es until t!- ir sio
1 essors are- e-le-i te-el and iiial:ti' d ill the!
manner provide'l P- the- h -iaws.
Ninth. A majoiitv eif ail lute-ilots
shall e-onstitiite a 11 lorum
Tenth. The- F.oatel of lPi.-clors may
he- im n-ase-d or ele-cre-a se-d in unmix r to
not le-ss- than twe, nor e,,,,, than live
m i' m ' -e- rs hv a vote eif the- .- 101 khold. is
of the Coiui-iny at such trio- and in
saoh maniii-r as the fj -lav..- 111. i p re-si-
ri he.
I Pevetlt h. The- P.-. aril e.f I'll. -iters
have- ie 1 r to lease-, se ll. Iniii-I. r and
e-e.nvev an" e.f the lights. pi i Vi te-ne-s.
frani-iiises en- iiroi.e-riv liili-'iiatiu- I e , the
Comjianv . for such i onnli 1 ;ii imi and
on sucli terms and 1 ' onl it ions as 1 1 e
Hoard of liiee-tors may ! I e-i 111 me to he
for the- In st intere sts of th.- c..iti..,n..
Slll.lect. iioW.-Ver. f I lo- r s 1 1 i 1 1 o n s
ol the- statute s of the- Hate- of Ne hraska.
and the statutes of anv state- where- the
Com-iany may he- 11 11 1 liori.e -1 lo tran
sact husiness
The Hoard of Jiireclors mav from
time- I 1 tinn- Imi reew tnone-v ami elvi
notes and other e-viil'-nces e.f mdel.ted-ne-ss
the-re-for, and from time- lee time
provide- lor pi vinn: se-e--it it for sin h
ind.-htedni-ss if ele-sn, .! and eh-.-m. .1 e-m-.hi
11I l.y the Hoaril t- eh. so. hul in
tie eve-nt shall said I'einpaii-.- incur iu-.Iflitciln-ss
in 11 in gri'aler am-enit than
two-thirds of the- nu-fi - iih1 of its eap
tal stock. I'l-m iile-ii, how eve-'-, that lie.
power e-onfi-rre-d hy llose- aitn h-.s shall
net. ti f shall anv of tint', he- ee 1 -cise-el
hy the- Hoaril of I 'H ectors. e -ee-pt
l.y a vote- of twei-thirds of the
whole' numher of eli'eeteers.
Twe irth. The ollh e-i s of said e or-
j-Miratieen shall he' a pi e-1. 1 .-nt : vi
pre-siele-nt ; ami s-e-c re-t a r v-1 re-as u re--.
The ollie-' is in re in named 1:1 -v he.ld any
twei of the- edl'ice s lo le iu e te at. d at I he-same-
time , and shall he- e lios. ii hy t I e
lt.ianl of I irei tens anil kIihII hold their
oflice- for a perioil of .ar en until
th-ir suei t-ssors sliall he e lei te d and
ijh.'i I ifie-d.
Thirteenth. The Hoard of IHtf-e.
tors shall he- e-l.-e te-d hy t he- s ... k hold, i
of the- i-om pa 11 y at the-ir legiilar annual
mee-tintr. and 1 1 1 manner of I hIiCi,
the meeting of the sd 01 1; he . 1 .1 e i s leu
tile oi'-etion e.f its Hoard e.f eit-co.
and the- tiielhod of e-ointue-t ing the Imsi-ne-ss
of the e-orpoi at i"ii shall he- as pn-
id-el hv the hv-laws adopted h On
st kholelers.
I-'ourte e-nt h. The- 1 igh'-st amoniit e.f
inde-ht ed less te whi -!: saiel e-orporaCoi
siiail at any time- suhje . t itse lf shall
tied he III oil- t Iu. tl tlo-tl lids of the- Ii K -mi'iiate-
of its eapital stm-k.
We-, the u rule-1 s i isn -el. hen ly airtee- to
take- nnd I'll i' f"f if,. i,i. in l.e r of shales
of the- capita! slock eif The-
Amiisiine-nt Companv wlhh an- klmi
set opposile oii;- n.imi-s I espe-i-i i e -, ,
sui.i.-cl to the provisions of these- Ar-tie-U-s
"f i ni'orpo! a t i on.
IN WITNKSS II i:i;i:e K. We have-hi-ri
i: m o set our I anus this Slh da of
F.-hrnarv, A. I. It.,.
Xmne-. 1 :e-s ide-ne-e No. of Share-;;
K M. Shhi. s, I'lattsmoiil h, Ne-l.r :.n
J. C. I'e-terse-ii.Jr.. I 'In 1 1 smou t Ii, XcIt. OH
e in this- sth elav of Fe hriiarv. A. 1 ..
lt'ir.. hefore ine the u inle-rs a triicl. a Ne
tiiry I'uhlic. ejuiy i-e'in m i ss iimeel t..iil
iiualili'-d for anel res ii! i nir within said
countv, personally appe-aie-d tin- ahove
named U. Xt. Shlaes. and J. C. I'e i.-rs. i..
Jr.. each, "f whom are- personally ktiowil
to me to .e the- ide-ntii al pe-rsons h-.s,-name-s
are athe-d to the- ahove- Arti
cles of Ine-erporatiori as pa-tie s I he-re t",
and e-acli for himse if ae know le-dtre s t pel
instrument ami the' e-xe-e-ui ion ihe ri-of
to he his voluntary ml and ,- I
In witness- whe-reof I have- here-tjnf
se-t my hand anil Nolarial s-al thee tlay
and year last above wrnte n
isi-hII Notry I'uhln;.
My commission i-xjdres AutMd
I"!"- 6-i-lw"'
State eif Xeln-nska,
County eif Cass, ss.
In Hie matler of the- Fsiate- of IaPl
Slettler. Ie-ce-aved.
All iiersons ititeiistcd in said e-tat"
I'll- he-rihy iiotifieel that on Me- "n i el., v
of June-, A. I i., l!'i:., S. C. Hov l.-s filed
a petition in sal. I Countv e, pr.-,-in-
that liis tinul adm i n ; i a 1 1. in ,,. -('end
tiled herein he- se-ttle,! and allow
ed, that lie l.e el ischa ryr. d from I ,
trust as aeiministrator, and that lie
real estate- nnd re-sidm- of tie' per-
propr-rtv l.r ass is-rn-el I" the. p. rson--entitled
thereto l.y Ihw. That a I. earn, it
will l.e hael upon sin. I lepoil anil .li
tion hefore sa id i emit in the court Imu e
at Plat tsmniit Ii, (n said innniv. en 1 1 .
-Mb elay of J n HO.',, ami that if von
fail to appeer hefore- said court mi .eai.l
:''lii elay eif June-, nt 1 'I o e lock A M
and i-ont.-st sa.d ie-Iilion. the ee.uit"
mav j-aant the. prav.r .f saiel petition
and make- sue li other and fnrthe-r oi -el'-is.
allowance's anil ei.e-i ce-s, as In tliii
eeiurt may s.-em prope-r, an-l lo the- en. I
that all matters perl a i n( ri u to saiel es
tate may he finally settli'd and le-te-r-inine-fl.
Witness my Pnnd nrol the se-al e.f t l--County
I'mitt of said County this 'rul
day of June, A. I .. 1!el3.
County Jinu-i-.
In ( eiuut) eeurl, (
.-'tae of Ne-hraska,
'ass 'ounty, ss.
In t He- matter of (he estate e.f Jr,hn
Fit zpii trick, ele-ee-ase-el : ;
Notice- in hereby uiven to the rie. II
" ' f SHhl eleeeased that l.e-aiines
will he had upon claims tie-e apamsi
sii'l e-.'tfllc, hefore' me-, Onunlv .ludce
e.f Cass ("ounty, Nebraska, at the e'ouii
ty Court room in 1 'la t Lsnmul h. iu saot
''"Hit", on the ;th .lay e.f Jul v. li...
a 1 1 el em the 7th elay Januurv. I : 1 1. ,t l.ii
ee'i-l'Hk A., each dav for t... e-xjiimrmU
tion. ailjust mint ami alloWHiie-e.
All claims tllUSt he fll.el In vaM
County Court on or before mid hour of
nea rinjr
Wiini-s-s my Panel ami seal e.f Kahl
County Court, at Fiat tsmemt h Ne-bi ai
ka, this 1st eh-iv e.f Jupe, 1 ! 1 :,
ai-u.n j. hp:fson.
fi-3-4w County Judge.
Subscribe for The Journal.