The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, June 10, 1915, Page PAGE 6, Image 6

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    PAGE 6.
Murray Department
Prepared in the Interest of the People of Murray and Surrounding Vicinity Especially for the Journal Readers
If any of the readers of the
Journal know of any social
event or Item of interest in
this vicinity, and will mail
same to this office, it will ap
pear under this heading. We
want all news items Editor
YES; one of the best things "made in America" is the GOOD AMER
ICAN DOLLAR. 7e know a lot about the dollar and how it is
made. That's cur business the business cf SCIENTIFIC, 1I0D
JTLtJ BAUKUSQ. Send your "made in America" dollars cnr way. we
can render good STEWARDSHIP to you under laws laid dosrn by the
United States government. NOW is the time cf year to OPEN aa
ACCOUNT with us.
Four per cent interest on time deposits.
Our deposits are protected by the State Guaranty Law.
Leonard Terry berry has been on
the sick list for the past few days.
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Gapen were
visiting in Plattsmouth Wednesday.
W. S. Smith was looking after
some business matters in Omaha Wed- I
Mrs. Miller, living south of Murray,
has been on the sick list for the past
few days.
WANTED A houskeeper, middle
aged lady, one that will look after the
general housework on a farm. Apply
at this oilice.
W. G. Boedeker was looking after
some business matters in the county
seat Tuesday.
Joe Burton has been laying some
concrete walk at the J. A. Walker
home this week.
John Chalfant, residing: down near
cnion, nas oeen on tne .sick list lor
the past few days.
Uncle Sam Latta has been putting
up a windmill in the town pasture, on
the J. A. Walker place south of the
W. S. Scott, our genial station
agent, is taking his annual vacation
this week. His position at the depot
is being filled by John Opp, of Xc
hawka. P. A. Hall, residing in Old Rock
Bluffs, has been very sick for the past
few days suffering with pneumonia.
His condition has been quite serious,
but the friends and relatives have
hopes for his recovery.
Morris Lloyd was ditched with his
motorcycle last Friday night, by
striking a dog in the road. It is said
that he hit the ground between the
motoicycle and his home, and he just
kept on walking, arriving home in
due time, leaving the motorcycle behind.
Mrs. Leonard has been numbered
with the sick for the past few days.
W. J. Thilpot shipped a car of cat
tle to the South Omaha market this
The children Me very busy prac
ticing for the Children's Hay Exer
cises program.
Mrs. Edgar Mi.rks, of Imperial,
Xeb., was visiting with Murray
friends lust Friday.
Mrs Cui'.za Baker ar.d Mrs. Burt
were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Root.
Xickles last Thursday
Willie, the son of Mr. and Mrs. C.
L Creamer has been on the sick list
fur the past few days.
Mrs. Joe Burl, residing northwest
of town, has been suffering with rheu
matism fr the past few days.
1). O. Dwyer. attorney of Platts
mouth. was looking after some busi-
.c. -s matters in Murray Wednesday.
The Farmers' Elevator has been
pretty busy the past week getting out
all the corn that has been delivered to
Mrs. O A ! it v i s entertained Mes
dames II L. Oldham, J. 1). Pitman,
S O Pitman. A J. Stokes and Misses
Pauline slid Fy Oidliam at dinner
last Wednesday
Miss Selma Cullen. of Onjr, Xeb.,
has been visiting ;.t the home of Mr.
ami Mrs. Lloyd Gapen this week, be
ing a truest of thcir daughter. Miss
Villa. Miss Cullin and Miss Gapen
were roommates at Peru.
It is said that the best wheat fields
in this locality are filled with the
Hessian Fly. Some of our farmers
claim they will injuie the crop while
others say it has too much the start,
and they will not injure it to any
threat extent. We trust the latter gent
lemen have had the greatest exper
ience along this line.
In Olden Days
there was no such things as poor old sore
feet from being crowded into shoes.
Be kind to your feet, and your boy's and
girl's feet, by bringing them to this store
and fitting them with the
Best Sandal
to be bought
50c, 90c, SI, 25 and 51,50
Miatt . Ttttt.
Alf. Xickels was an Omaha visitoi
last Saturday.
A. A. 1 mine was in .Mvnard on
business Tuesday afternoon.
Mrs. John Campbell was visiting
with friends in Union this week.
Dr. Gil mo re and Albert Young
were Plattsmouth visitors Tuesday
.li.-s Henrietta Creamer has !.:
r.Ui.iiiered with the sii'k for the pa
few ih.js. .
Mrs. James Loughridge has been
employed as nurse for Mrs. Ale Rho
!ei for the past few days.
Mrs. John Thomason went to Beth
any Monday to make preparations for
their moving to that citv in the ver
near future
Mr. ar.d Mrs. D. A. Young enter
tained Mrs. II. I. Oldham and daugh
ters and Mr and Mrs. Rex loung at
uinner last Minilav.
Mrs. Cuzza Baker ar.d her daughter
Mrs. Burt, departed last Friday for
their home, after a week's visit with
Mrs. Oldham and daughters.
Mrs. Robt. Shrader. of South Oma
ha, was visiting in Murray this week
l.eir.g a guest at tne home ot her par
ents Mr and Mrs. II. C. Long.
Edgar and Golden Wollard and
Martha Russell attended the school
picnic at Keno.-ha Friday, and were
guests of Rov and Lent Klaurens Sat
Miss Anna Rys and the pupils and
parents in district X'o. S had a very
pleasant picnic Friday. Miss Rys
closed her third year of school in that
district. ?
K. II. C nnswisser, liom down near
the Otoe county line, passed through
Murray Wednesday enroute to Platts
mouth for the day's visit with his par
ents. Mr. and Mrs. B. Chriswisser.
A tire baby girl arrived at the home
of Mr. ar.d Mrs. Alex. Rhoden on last
Frit? iy. The mother and little one are
getting along nicely, ar.d the broad
-smile on Alex's face continues to
Walter Hessenllow. who was here
visiting at the home of Mrs. llessen
fiow's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Moore, departer last Friday for Colo
rado. Mr. HessenHow is engaged
in the selling of oils
Mr. and Mrs. Will Carey and Mr.
and Mrs. Will Oliver and Miss Marie
Hutchison were guests of John Hen
dricks and family Sunday.
Miss Lia Good is visiting Mrs.
George Parks this week.
Mi. and Mrs t ha.-. L ng. who have
b' oil visiting wi'.ii friend.; and rhi
t ves over in J-'he' eadoah, Iowa, for
' '- past few v ;v': ;, j turned to Mur
ray Wednesday. They expect to de
part this week for a three months trip
out on the coast.
Mr and Mrs Win. Sporer were
Omaha visitors last Saturday
Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Gansemer were
Plattsmouth visitors last Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. G. S. Ray were guests
of Peter Campbell and family Sun
day. L. II. Puis was looking after some
jusiness matters in Omaha on Wed
nesday of this week.
Mrs. Grace Chambers, of Platts
nouth. has been in Murray this week,
sewing for Mrs. A. L. Baker
Mrs. Ed Lutz, of Plattsmouth, was
n Murray Wednesday visiting at the
home of her sister, Mrs. L. D. Hiatt.
Adam Schafer, of Mt. Pleasant pre
rinct. was looking after some business
natters in Murray Tuesday of this
Mrs. A. L. Baker was a Xebraska
v kv visitor last atuniay, being a
guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
W. II. McDaniel.
Miss Ye ma Tracy returned to her
home in Plainview. Monday morning,
after a couple of weeks visit with
Murray friends.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Oliver, of
Plattsmouth, were here Monday,
spending the day with their son on
the farm east of Murray.
Mark White has been delivering his
hogs to the Murray market this week
They were sold to Minford & V ream
er, the reliable .Murray buyers.
Mrs. Will Adams and daughter
Miss Mabel, of Plattsmouth, were in
Murray last Sunday a guest at the
home of their daughter and sister.
Mrs. Vance Pitman.
Mrs. M. J. Welch, who has been
here for the past few days visiting
her parents, Mr and Mrs. Kikendall,
went to Mynard today, where she will
make a one! visit before returning
to her home
W. II. Kikendall, the Murray
lumberman, received a car load of ex
tra heavy and fine oak bridge lumber
this week. This lumber is of the
high grade, and the best stuff for the
neavy and substantial bridge work.
At the home of the bride's parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Miles Standish, at Gar
net, Kansas, on last Wednesday even
ing at 8 o'clock occurred the mar
riage of Miss Myrtle Frances Stan
dish and Harvey Greenlee. The cere
mony was performed by Rev. B. D
Gillispie of the Christian church. The
house was beautifully decorated in the
bride's favorite colors, white and blue
After the ceremony an elaborate
three-course luncheon was served. The
bride was very charming in a white
net gown trimmed in point lace and
satin ribbon and carried a beautiful
bouquet of bridal flowers. The groom
wore a suit of dark blue serge. They
were the recipients of many useful
and beautiful presents.
The bride is a popular and accom
plished young lady and is one of An
derson county's successful teachers
Mr. Greenless is a most excellent and
promising young man and is very pop
ular among his teachers and fellow
students. He is a son of Mr. and Mrs
Elmer Greenlee of Emporia, Kansas
These young people are both gradu
ates of the Kansas State Normal and
College. This little romance began
five years ago when these two met
as college friends. Mr. and Mrs
Greenlee left Thursday for Kansas
City to visit for a few days. They will
be at home to their many friends af
ter June 15 at Emporia, Kansas. In
September they will go to Iola, where
the groom has a home ready for his
young bride, and at which place Mr
Greenlee has a splendid position.
Miss Standish is a former Xebraska
girl, having lived near Murray until
the past year. The best wishes of their
many friends go with them in their
new-found happiness.
5." M MI n
IZ3 t2EH!S2S!
Electric Farm
Mrs. T. F. Jameson, of Weeping
Water, accompanied by her daughter,
Miss Grace, came up last Thursday
evening for a short visit with their
daughter and sister, Mrs. Brendel.
Mrs. Jameson returned home Satur
day evening, but Miss Grace remained
for thro present week visiting.
Mis. S. O. Pitman, who has been
in Kansas City for the past few weeks
owing to the serious illness of her
mother, Mrs. Hinnings, returned home
last Saturday evening She reports
her mother getting along nicely with
indication for a permanent and. speedy
recovery to her former health.
Mrs. Flora Sans entertained the
members of the K. X. K. very pleas
antly Thursday afternoon. At the
close of the devotional meeting and
business session Mrs. W. G. Boedeker
and Miss Beulah Sans served a dainty
two-course luncheon. The July meet
ing will be with Mrs. E. R. Queen.
I his is the season when all farmers
are beginning to look out for the har
vesting of their small grain and hay,
and we simply want to remind you all
that we are carrying everything in
this line of machinery. The John
Deere and McCormick binders and
mowers and all kinds of haying tools.
We want to figure with you before
you make your selections for all sorts
of arm machinery.
Baker & Xickels.
The hardware firm of Baker &
Xickles, which has been doing busi
ness in Murray for a few years,
by mutual consent dissolved partner
ship this week, Mr. Xickles, buying
Mr. Baker's interest, and will assume
full charge as soon as the invoicing
is completed, which is under way
at the present time. Mr. Baker has
not fully made up his mind just what
he will do in the future, but thinks
that he will remain in Cass county.
Mr. Xickels is a good business man,
and will conduct the business on the
same excellent business priciples as
in the past, and will no doubt continue
to enjoy the excellent patronage that
has been given the firm in the past.
Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Puis celebrated
their tenth weddintr anniversary at
Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Creamer went their home west Gf Murray, on Mon
ti t to David City last Saturday for d , June 7th- There were a large
a brief visit with their son Joe. They number of relatives and friends pre-
ctuined home Monday, and report a sent to assist them in making Ihe oc-
pleasant journey with the exception Lasion one of ereat pleasure an enioy-
f slight difficulties with train con- Lient also one that will remain fresh
rections owing to the high water in thpir mem0rv for many vears to
Albert Schafer, from west of Mur- come. This excellent young f.amily
rav, has purchased one of those tine have resided in Cass county all their
little Pullman cars of George Xickles lives, and have a great many .friends,
this week. The car will be delivered I only a few of whom were able to at-
to him within a few davs. tend this very enjoyable affair for all
M. G. Churchill was looking after that were fortunate in being present.
some business matters in Plattsmouth There were all the good things to
Wednesday. teat that the inner man could wish for,
i . ...
Ulvsses Reed, of Missouri, but a we" laid program ot social enter-
nineteen years ago a resident of this tainment was carried out, and all cer-
i , i i it i z a i r
section, has been visiting old time Mainiy enjoyed me uay wun -ir.
friends here for a few days. He has and Mrs. Puis. They were presented
been up in Montana looking after a WItn many ver' beautitul ana useiui
number of business matters, and on presents as remembrances of the oc-
the return trip took advantage of the Kas,on- following were tnose pre-
oppoitunity to visit with old Cass sent:
county friends. Messers and Mesdames Wm. Puis
and daughter, Miss Laura; Adam
Hild; August Engelkemeier and fam
ily; Carl Engelkemeier and family; F.
J. Hennings; John Urish and family;
There was one of the most enjoy- Charles Herren and grandchield; Gus
able occasions of the season given at Minnear and family; George Hansen
the pleasant farm home of Mr. and accompanied by their three cousins
Mrs. Urn. Puis, sr. residing west of wno are visiting here from Wiscon
7 hi. Alamo
cue trie
rarm Light Plant
r-s. l.
Here's light for your home, farm buildings and yard. Here's
po ver for your electric carpet sweeper, sewing machine, r hum
am 1 fan; heat for your electric iron and toaster.
Yi m'll be surprised when we tell you how low is ihe i rice of
the complete plant. If you have your own engine it is even
The cost of operation is moderate. The plant is easily in
stalled. Ready for operation when taken out of the crate. The
Alamo is the ideal farm light plant simplest, safest end best
takes up but little space.
Since the perfec'ion of the tungsten lamp, which requires
only one- third the electricity to produce the same light as the
old carbo n lamp, large storage batteries are not necessary.
Thereby tlie cost of a light plant is so reduced that it is within
the means of the average farmer.
The ide al plant for the farm is the Alama Electric Farm
Light Plant. We were the first to introduce the small lijrkt plant
into the cour. try homes, and our present improved product is the
result of eigh years of successful manufacture. The plant is the
simplest, safes t and best, and it takes up but little space. Kery
farmer should have one, not only to liyrht his building, but to
furnish power L r his wife's churning, sewing, etc.
The price of the standard plant is SlTt.J.iM, so you see it is an
attractive propo- i'-ion for the farmer. If you do not already have
an engine of 2 11. P. or more, we can furnish it for o:i for .i'l'i.o i
additional. - .
Let Us T.slk to You About the Work
of the ALAMO
Exclusive Agent for Cass County.
Murray, Neb. j
Christian Church Xotes'
Celebrates Seventieth Birthdav.
There was an attendance oi'. fifty-
five at Sunday school last S unday.
Come and bring your family.
The Children's day exercises will be
held Sunday evening, June tiOth.
Everybody cordially invited to c ome.
Mr. and Mrs. Robb will spend the
week visiting in and about Mu.'ray
the coming week.
Sunday school at 10 a. m. Preach
ing service at 11 a. m. Epworth I En
deavor at 7 p. m. Preaching at 8 p.
jn. Come out to each service Sunda y.
Social Dance.
The Murray Dancing Club will give
another one of those social dances at
the Puis Gansemer hall, on next
Saturday evening, June The mu
sic will be furnished by the Holly or
chestra, of Plattsmouth. Eveiioly
'knowing how to behae
!are invited to attend.
I wish to dispose of my blacksmitli
shop, both the building and all tools.
Time to Pay I 'p.
as soi.n
book ac
counts settled i;i iust as s.ioli as tios-
This is one of best openings in Cass j., ,f Vou .m irK,t.lU,(1 t(J t)u. tinil
county for a good man. If you are , , . ... J!R(! S(.tlle s;sm,. I;.,
Owing to the fact that we have- di
solved partnership, all our
matters must be settled up
as possible, and in order to
matters we must have our
interested in a good business let me j from you at once.
James Loughridge,
Murray, Xeb.
Baker v Xickles
Murray last Sunday. The occasion
sin; Gus Hansen and family; W. J
The Place to Buy Lumber.
was jiiven in honor of Mr. Puis Sev- philpot and family; August Enge
entieth birthday anniversary, and kemeier and family; Julius Engelke
there were a large number of rela- mejer and daughter Miss Verna; Jake
tivcs and friends present to assist Krueger and family; Nick Friedrich
this excellent old gentlemen in proper- Philip Schafer; George Engelkemeier
ly celebrating the day. Mr. and Mrs. jake Hjld and family: Philip Hild and
Puis have resided in this county for a family; Fred Hild and family; W. H
great many years, and have a large pujs ant family; Otto Puis and fam
circle of friends who congratulate jjy; Fred Lutz and family; Louie
them upon their success in life and Friedrich and family; Alfred Ganse-
upon reaching this ripe old age, that mer and family; Emi! and Sophia
they are able in health and otherwise Hild, Miss Glen, Carl Cunningham
to enjoy all that there is in this life Rosa Engelkemeier, Rosa Schafer,
at this time. May they live to enjoy Helen Horn, Lizzie Castle, Otto Lutz
many more such happy ceremonies is Herman Engelkemeier, Guy McGill
the wish of the Journal. Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Puis and family.
Ted Barrows was in Omaha Sun
day spending the day with his brothe-,
Remember the .social dance at the
Puis & Gansemer li.dl, cn next Sat- There never was a season so favor
uniay evening, June 12th, given by I able for building and making im-
the Murray Dancing Club. Music by I provements around your farm home
the Holly Orchest ra, of Plattsmouth. j as this one has been, and the activity
Wm. Puis, sr., was a Plattsrroth I around the Murray lumber yard is an
viilor last Saturd.iv. evidence of this fact. More of all
W. J. Philpot shipped a car of cat- grades of lumber is being sold this
tie to South Omahi Tuesday ever;n-' sDriner than for many seasons. The
Chas. Engelkemeier, f em south wtJ.t demand for good goods and the fact
oi Murray, was looking after some I that, it can always be found at this
hie iness matters in the county real lumber yard at the right prices are
Inst Saturday. I the causes for the increased business.
Mr. Kikendall is after the lumber
For Sale. business of this locality, not only irom
the fact that it is due him, but be-
An improved new power washing cause he is ready and willing to meet
n,nA;n .n nno.h.jr hnr nnwor in. a comDetition on tne numerous
gine. This machine has never been grades of lumber,
used and will be sold at a discount,
J. W. Holmes, Murray. I Subscribe for The Journal.
Our property in Murray for sale or
rent. J. L. Young, Coleridge, Xeb.
Letter files at the Journal ofTice.
Farmers who ship cream direct may
li?:ive their cream at our store. We
wi '1 deliver your cream to the depot
anu'. return your empty cans, without
extra charge.
Our Aim in Business!
If we were to give you a litlle belter goods than any
other store?
If we were to give you a little better service than any
other store?
If we were to give you a little better value for your
money than any other store?
If we were to be a little more appreciative than any
other store?
If we were to make this store indispensable to your
ideas of service and economy?
Would in then be a store that you could call your store?
These are the points upon which we are striving to build
our business. We carry an up-to-date line of Dry
Goods, Groceries and Hardware, and we are exerting
every effort fo merit your confidence, for we want your
patronage, and it will be appreciated at all times.
Puis & Gamsemer,