The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, June 10, 1915, Page PAGE 5, Image 5

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    THURSDAY. JUNK 10. 1913.
Plattsmouth, Xeh., June 1, ll15.
Hoard met pursuant to adjourn
ment. Present. Julius A. Pitz, C. E.
Ilccbner and Henry .Snoke, County
Commissioners, an.l Frank J. Liber
shal. County Clerk.
Minutes of previous session read
and approved when the following
business was transacted in regular
Hoard pioceeded to audit claims
aain.-! the county as follows:
Allowed oil the Ocneral fund:
LJ. C. Marrmardt & Co.. mdse.
to Mrs. Cottintrham $ 10.00
Geo. W. Snyder, assessing
I'lattsmouth Prccirct. UH", 135.00
Henry Snoke, salary Mid milc-
C. E. Heebner
salary and
Julius A. Piiz, salary and
ni ilea ire
Wm. Richards, care
of Wm.
Everett, May. 1!U3 . . .
State Journal Co., jmlse
V. II. Nichols, mdse. to II. M.
Strciirht fc Streiht. burial of
unknown man killed at
Omaha Printing Co.. pencil
Frank J. Libcrshal, salary
arid expense
James Velick. :ssiirned to Ed
Donat, work at court house
James Yelick. assigned to Ed-
Donat. work at cou t house
J. I.':. brushes to
court hou-e
Ir. J. F. IJrcndel, coroner,
inquest John Hoe
C. D. (uinton, sheriir, inquest
John Iue
Ira StuII. witness, inquest Ioe
Kufus Miller, assigned to A.
Cole, witness inque.-t
John Me IJurnic, jury, inquest
John Hoc
Ci '.rtre S.iyle. jury, inque-t
John Doe
Charles Martin, jury, inquest
John Ioe
Carl Kunsmann. jury, inquest
John Ioe
George Farley, jury, inquest
John Ioe
Hans Silvers, jury, inque-t
John Doe
M. E. Man.-peaker, hack for
jury, inquest John Doe
A. W. White, mdse. Mrs. Mc-
A. W. White, md.-c. Mis. Mark
ings D. C. Morjrm, post turds to
treasurer and sheriff
Fred Patterson, work in sur
veyor's office
J. II. Tains, sala'y for May..
Mrs. Stella Persinjrer, care of
live dependent children....
E. (I. Dovey & Son, mdse. to
poor farm
Ceo. Stander, fence posts to
county farm
E. D. Taylor, fe?sesinr Weep
1. 17
12. 1"
n.-,. no
23. 00
39 .97
1 7.50
ing Water City. 1!!5
A. D. De-pain, assessing 1st,
2nd and part of 1th wards,
C. V. Haylor Co., coal to
paupers :.nd farm
Arno II. Kushnell, work in as
sessor's office
Hans Silvers, .-alay and
laundry 78.00
E. P. Pelt-, asessinp- Tipton
John Mefford, assessing falt
Creek Precinct
(ieorjre Smith, assessing '.-lock
I'.luffs Precinct
S. II. .Tame-, assessing Stove
Crff-k Precinct 118.55
M. Mau'.y, assessing Vlatts
mouth City, 3rd, 5t,h and
part -1th wards 180.00
G. P. Mei driver, a ;scssinjr
Kiiriit Mile Grove I'recinct 135.20
Nicholas Opp, as.-es injr Ne
hawka Precinct 110.50
Plattsmouth Water Co.. water
to court house and j.iil 7.00
A. G. Cole, salary and ex
pense 107.50
Dr. J. F. Prendel. 4 coroner, in
quest Fred L'unlick 11.
C. D. Quinton, sheriff, inque-t
Fred Uurdir-k 1.50
Kuben Stine, wr.tnes.;, inquest
Fred Uurdick 1.10
William Mark, t, jury, inquest
Fred HurdicV: 1.10
Gcorjre Hartoji, jury, inquest
Fred Purdi.'k 1.10
Emery Hathaway, jury, in-
miest Fred. P.urdicl 1.10
John Uraml -let, jury, inquest
Fred Kuriiick 1.10
John Hans-fl. jury, inquest
Fred Bui dick 1.10
Sherman Oisborne, jury, in
quest Fred Burdick 1.10
G. P. Eastwood, mdse, to farm
and court house 3.6
The following: claims were allowe ,d
on the Road fund:
J. II. Secat, road work, Road
District No. 14 $ 50 120
Jacob Umland, road work,
Road District No. 16 C 7.45
Fred Schwegrman, road work,
Road District No. 16 38.20
E. T. Tool, lumber, Road Dis- .
trict No. 7 29.91
Tom Smith, pulling stumps,
Road District No. 11 3.00
R. IJ. Leffier, road work ,
Road District No. 9 04.00
I. E. Wrijrht, work on prade r,
Road District No. 16 5.50
Village Clerk of Avoca, pi -o-portion
road fund, Rf jad
District No. 23 150.00
Geo. W. Voss Co., labor for
Road District No. 14 3.35
Wm. Rush, road work, Road
District No. 7 248.70
Treasurer City of Platts mouth
proportion of road fund,
Road District No. 17 900.00
Turley Wall, road wor" k, Road
District No. 16 4.50
Fred Clark, road wo ;k, Road
District No. 11 79.20
G. E. Yountr, jrradi ngr, Road
District No. 12 303.20
J. C. Lomeyer, rc .ad work,
Road District No . 8 39.52
Auirust Krecklow, road work,
Road District N,o. 8 39.52
John II. Busche, road work.
Road District J Co. 2 124.71
Walter J. Clous road work,
Road District No. 4 74.70
John Iverson, sharpening
plow. Road District No. 2.. 7.00
C. F. Yallery, , road work,
Road District No. 1 33.55
G. W. liars mian, jr.. road
work, Iloac'i District No. 13 11.40
Walter By .rs, road work,
Road District No. 27 29.50
J. II. For ;man, road work,
Road Di ftrict No. 6 24.80
The foil owinj? claims were allowed
on the Dr ajrjrinjr fund:
Wm. T. Sjacks, road dragging;.
District No. 16 $ 17.00
Arthur Adams, road dragging,
Distr ict No. 16 5.00
Wm. I mland, road dragging.
Din rict No. 16 7.50
Wm. Wulf, road dragging.
District No. 16 16.00
Wm. Rush, road dragging,
Di ?trict No. 7 1.00
Tl e following claims were allowed
on tiie Commissioners' fund:
Tori Smith, pulling stumps.
District No. 11 (C. E. Heeb-
ner) $170.20
G. P. Eastwood, hardware for
Jristrict No. 1 8.20
T. F. Stroud, scrapers for Dis
trict No. 10 (J. A. Pitz) 13.50)
The following claim was allowed
:n the Bridge fund:
Avoca Lumber Co., bridge
lumber ? 22. 5" 8.
Board adjourned to meet Wednes
day, June 2, 1915.
I'lattsmouth, Neb., June 2, 191f.
Board met pursuant to adjourn
ment with all members present, ,-hen
the following business was trans; xcted
in regular form:
Claims allowed on the Road fund
cf the county:
J. II. Foreman, road work,
Road District No. 6 ? 82.75
II. C. Creamer, road work,
Road District No. 10
J. M. Hoover, road work.
Road District No. 3
Nebraska & Iowa Steel Tank
Co., culverts, Road District
No. 7 .
Nebraska & Iowa Steel Tivnk
Co., culverts, Road District
No. 8
Nebraska & Iowa Steel Tank
Co., culverts, Road District
No. 2
John Iverson, fixing plow,
Road District No. 1
F. W. Nolting, road work.
Road District No. 1
Bryan Snyder, grading, Road
District No. 1
D. Adams & Co., scraper,
Road District No. 3
CO. 00
J. I). Adams & Co., drag, Road
District No. 3
J. D. Adams & Co., repair!;.
Road District No. 12
T. E. Fulton, sharpening gr ad-
ers, Road District No. '12..
T. E. Fulton, sharpening grad
ers, Road District No . 9. . . .
Nebraska & Iowa Ste el Tank
Co., culverts, Road District
No. 8 ......... 78 43
The following claims were allowed
on the Bridge fun j:
J. M. Hoover, br.dge work...$ 10.25
E. T. Tool, bridge lumber 30.10
Fred Clark, bridge work 8.00
Wm. Rush, b.' idge work 20.00
H. A. Funke., bridge lumber.. 13.4"S
C. F. Vallery, bridge work...
August Kr'x-klow, bridge work
Geo. W. Y oss Co., bridge ma
terial 4.90
The f ollowing claims were allowed
on the Dragging fund:
T. E. Tfodd, dragging District
No. 1 $ 18.00
A. W. Fropst, dragging Dis
trict No. 1 8.25
The following claims were allowed
on the General fund:
Alice Tuey, clerk for superin
tendent and attorney $ 35.00
H. M. Soennichsen, mdse. to
Schlieska, Chambers and
Worden 35.00
John Bauer & Son, repairs to
radiator .75
John Bauer & Son, auto hire
to Commissioners 33.00
E. A. Wurl, mdse. to Monroe,
McGee and Hobsons 22.00
Mollie A. Berger, judgment
against County, account
road 541.20
The Plattsmou'.h Journal,
printing and supplies 55.85
Palmer & Drum, meals to jury 3.25
Dr. J. B. Martin, inebriate
case John Henry Tyo 8.00
J. E. Douglass, inebriate case
John Henry Tyo 3.00
James Robertson, inebriate
case John Henry Tyo 5.75
C. D. Quinton, inebriate case
John Henry Tyo 28.28
E. D. Cummins, first quarter
salary county physician,
District No. 1 C5.00
Eda Marouardt. salary and
expenses and institute ex
pense 219.96
Hammon & Stephens, sup
plies to county superintend
ent 52.28
Hammon & Stephens, sup
plies to county superintend
ent 27.15
L. I. Egenbergcr. mdse. to
Mrs. J. Denso'.i 10.00
II. Thrasher, bailiff's certi
ficate 8.00
Northern Assurance Co., 1913
tax paid um'ler protest (Re
fused) 3.30
Clerk of District Court James Rob
ertson certifi id to County Board that
the jury cas'j of Mollie A. Berger vs.
The County of Cass, Nebraska, re
turned a ve rdict in favor of the plain
tiff and ajrainst said defendants in
the sum S541.20. Whereupon the
Board ordered a warrant drawn to
cover said, judgment.
A petition was received from Stove
Creek Precinct, signed by C. S. Aid-
rich an"I 32 other taxpayers of said
Precinct,, requesting the Board to re
fuse to prant a saloon license at Cedar
Creek, Neb. Inasmuch as said pro
position had been previous settled said
petition was ordered placed on file.
The County Board of Equalization
will set for the purpose of equalizing
the assessment of Cass county for
thei year 1915, in the Commissioners'
Cr .amber at the Court House in
P'.attsmouth, Neb., beginning Tues-
d ay, June 15th, at 9 o'clock a. m., and
ontinue from day to day till noon on
Saturday, June 19, 1915.
All claims for equalization must be
filed on or before noon of Friday,
June 18, 1915. Notice to be publish
ed once in each paper in the ttounty.
Moved by Commissioner Snoke and
seconded by Commissioner Ileebner,
that County be divided into Dragging
Districts, as provided by paragraph
2931, Section 78, Revised Statutes of
Nebraska, that each Road District be
designated as a Road' Dragging Dis
trict; that the road overseer of each
district shall be the superintendent of
dragging in his respective district;
that the County Clerk be ordered to
procure the necessary blanks as per
statute provided. That the laws gov
erning road dragging districts, super
intendent, compensation, etc., be
printed on the blanks on which the
superintendent of dragging keeps his
records (2931, Sec. 78, and 2932, Sec.
79). Hotion carried.
There being no further business the
Board adjourned to meet in regular
session Monday, June 21, 1915.
County Clerk.
Play Shoes!
The Shoes for the children's vaca
tion wear are our Outing Shoes or
Barefoot Sandals.
They're made from soft leathers
in Black Calf, Tan Calf or Patent
Leathers. They're great savers of
the regular shoes, too!
Come in and see these play shoes.
Every boy and girl likes them
they're so comfortable.
60c to $2.50
according to size
That the city of Plattsmouth has
shown a good .healthy progress along
the line of improvements is shown by
the figures returned by the assessors
on the amount of improvements made
during the last year, which totals
some $30,000, as far as it is able at
this time to ascertain from the re
turns made. This is a very pleasing
showing and certainly shows in no
unmistakable manner the feeling of
confidence possessed by the citizens
in their home town. The spirit of
improvement is spreading constantly,
and in residence and business sections
alike the property has been gotten in
good shape, while a large number of
the property owners are contemplat
ing the starting of new residences
during the next few months that will
add greatly to the appearance of the
city and its value as a home town.
Lots that are anyways suitable for
building purposes are being grabbed
up and utilized to build upon, as the
demand for houses is constantly
growing and the supply is greatly
less than the demand for them. With
the showing made in the year just
closed, since the last assessment, in
the amount of improving there is
every reason to believe that it will
more than equal the ?30,000 mark be
fore the time of the next assessment
rolls around.
The efforts of the live and enter
prising citizens of the community in
carrying on the program of improve
ment is to be commended, and those
who had by their improvements m
their homes and business houses as
sisted in making the splendid showing
have certainly the right spirit.
Last Tuesday Miss Josephine Rys
closed a very successful year of
teaching at school district No. IS, an 1
in honor of it gave a picinc, in which
the pupils, with their parents and
friends, all joined in and helped to
make the day a pleasant one. At
noon a large dinner was spread, to
which all did ample justice. Miss Rys
has been greatly pleased with her
year's teaching and also made a large
circle of warm friends while engaged
in the work at her school. Miss Ella
Lohnes was the lucky one to receive
the prize for being the best speller in
the school. We are informed that
Miss Ella has taken the prize in spell
ing for the past four years, for which
she is certainly to be praised. Miss
vys has the best wishes of the patrons
of the school and they wish for her
years of success in her teaching.
There remains at the postofiice in
Plattsmouth, on Monday, June 7th,
the following unclaimed letters:
The Trailer Co.
George Fiala (post cards).
If the above are not called for be
fore June 21, 1915, they will be sent
to the dead letter office at Washing
ton. D. C. MORGAN,
Miss Helen Gass:, who has been at
tending school at Rockford, Illinois,
for the past term, came in this aft
ernoon to spend her summer vacation
here with her mother, Mrs. A. L.
Gass. and with other relatives and
Blank books
of all kinds at the
Journal office.
Sun and Wind Bring Out Ugly Spots
How to Remove Easily.
Here's a chance, Miss Freckle-face,
to try a remedy for freckles with the
guarantee of a reliable dealer that it
will not cost you a penny unless it re
moves the freckles: while if it does
give you a clear complexion the cx
pense is trifling.
Simply get an ounce of othine
double strength from any druggist
and a few applications should show
you how easy it is to rid .yourself of
the homely- freckles and get a bcauti
ful complexion. Rarely is more than
one ounce needed for the worst case.
Be sure to ask the druggist for the
double strength othine, as this is the
prescription sold under guarantee of
monev back if it fails to remove
Fred Hesse, who for the past year
has been a sufferer from a very severe
attack of paralysis, is reported as
being in a very serious condition at
his home in the south part of the city
and his family have been greatly wor
ried for the past few days over the
outcome. Mr. Hesse has been help
less since suffering the stroke some
thing over a year ago, and it has only
been possible for him to get around
a little with the use of an invalid
chair, but in the last few days his con
dition has grown very much worse
and it is necessary to constantly have
someone in attendance on him at all
Last evening there was quite a dis
turbance at a residence on Lincoln
avenue, where a husband and wife
and mother-in-law of the wife became
engaged in a general controversy,
and the wife was "picked'' on by the
husband and mother, while the tones
in which the conversation was carried
on was such as to greatly disturb the
peace of the neighborhood. This noon
another affray between the wife and
mother-in-law was staged and the
police called to the scene of the
trouble to quiet the affair. As soon
as Chief Barclay arrived on the scene
a rapid fire of statements from both
sides were fired, but as far as can be
learned the wife has been made the
victim of the abuse of the rest of the
family, and unjustly so, as she is a
hard-working woman whose life is
spent in a continuous drudge and the
earnings po to apply on the keep of
the family. This matter has been
continuing for some time, and the
chief informed them that this was the
last time, as a repetition of the peace
disturbing rows would result in their
being lodged in jail. These affairs are
most disagreeable to handle, and in
this case the parties have several
times in the past made calls on the
police, but the next time will be the
Last evening the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Julius M. Hall, near the Mis
souri Pacific station, was the scene of
merriment when some twenty of their
friends gathered there to spend the
evening in the enjoyment of th rare
hospitality of the Hall family. The
evening was spent in music, as well
as the playing of games of all kinds,
and these aided in making the hours
pass very pleasantly for those who
were fortunate enough to be present.
At a suitable hour a very delicious
luncheon was served, which aided in
making the occasion one of the rarest
enjoyment. The Hall home was filled
with the jolly young people until a
late hour, and the event will be very
pleasantly remembered by all, as the
hospitality afforded them was most
gracious. It was a late hour when
the party wended their way home
Notice to Tresspassers.
We desire to warn all persons to
keep out of the pasture and fields on
our farm, as considerable damage has
been done by tearing down fences,
chasing cattle and tramping over the
wheat in the field, and in the future
anyone tresspassing will be prosecut
ed to the fullest extent of the law.
Mrs. Anna Goos.
James Mrasek.
Are You Using Forest
Rose Flour?
If Not, Try a Sack Today
Every Sack Guaranteed
r - ;
i i
h!': : ' WHITE GOODS j
In the Spring Time, Summer Time,
Party Time and AH The Time
The Guaranteed White Goods
For Women
Misses and
, Striking Patterns Novel Weaves
PHONES 53 and 54.
Rev. Eades of Liberty church and
ev. G. A. Randall of Mynard are ex
pecting to exchange pulpits next Sun
day morning, June 14th, in order to
have a Communion service for the
Mynard people. Everybody welcome.
There will be preaching services at
the Eight Mile Grove church Sunday
afternoon at 3 o'clock. Come.
Wanted Horses and Mules.
We will be in Plattsmouth Satur
day, June 12th, at Parmele's barn to
buy horses and mules of all classes.
Bring in your good ones.
Lester & Wineland.
Palm Beach Suiting
This Cloth is in great demand ju.t uow
incheri wide, at per yard, 5Uc.
Brown Linen Suiting!
36-inches wide, at jer yard, 15, L'f, .'5."i and i'K'
Plain and Embroidered Voile!
36-inch plain Voile, per yard, .".0 and 3.rt'
30- 44 embroidered Voile, per yard. 50c
36-incli Flowered Chiffon, 50c yd.
42-hich Flowered Silk Chill on, $1.00 yd.
New Middy
Another shipment of 3Iiddies
A. K. Proctor of South Omaha, whu
was here for several days looking af
ter the purchase of some line stock,
departed this afternoon, having pur
chased four thorouu-hbred Shorthorn
bulls from the herd of Joseph Tubb.,
near Mynard.
the mint makes' it and under the
terms of the CONTINENTAL
cure it at ( per cent for any legal
purpose on approved real estate.
Terms easy; tell us your wants and
we will co-operate with you.
513 Denham Ruilding, Dcrntr, Colo.
Blouses Here!
just in, mostly plain white ;