The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, June 03, 1915, Page PAGE 6, Image 6

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    PAGE 6.
t in m imiiiirtni' urn urf nfr i
Murray Department
Prepared in the Interest of tbe People of Muraynd Surrounding Vicinity Especially for the Journal Readers
If any of the readers of the
Journal know of any social
eTent or item of interest in
this vicinity, ami will mail
same to this office, it will ai
tjear under this heading. We
want all news items Editor
Arli I i
- "X J Q
BEHIND the humor in this drawing wc can read a little MORAL.
Many folks are as SOFT as the snow man when the SUN of
PROSPERITY learns dewn on them. They hold up a thin um
brella of COOD INTENTIONS and cry: "See; v.c ere FlayinS safe
We're net spending more than we make." But the cloui SUDDENLY
hides the sun. They are left a shapeless, melted mass. Then they are
SORRY they dW.n't contract a steady, thorough BANKING HATT.
Four per cent interest on time deposits.
Our deposits are protected by the State Guaranty Law.
Miss Clara Young was an Omaha
visitor last Saturday.
Helen Todd is spending the week
with her grandmother, Mrs. Hrown.
Mrs. A. J. Stokes is dressmaking
this week for Mrs. Loughridge and
Mrs. Drown.
C. E. Ellington, of Brunswick. Neb.,
was a guest of I). A. Young and fam
ily a few days last week.
Mrs. Frank Gobelman. of Platts
mouth, was in Murray one day last
week, the truest of Mrs. L. P. Hiatt.
WANTED A houskeeper, middle
aged lady, one that will look after the
general housework on a farm. Apply
at this o!!'ro.
The Library meeting has lieen post
poned for a week or so on account of
other dates which conflicted. The an
nouncement of the next meet in r will
he made later.
Mrs. U. ('. Long and daughter,
Gertrude, entertained Mrs. II. I.. Old
ham ami daughter, and Mrs. Hurt,
of Adair, Iowa, and Mrs. Baker at
dinner Wednesday.
Miss Ogla Min ford came home
from . Lincoln last Saturday evening,
after a year of successful school work
r.nd is now pit-paring to attend the
summer school at Peru.
Word has been received here from
Mrs. Sam Pitman v at Kansas City
that her mother, Mrs. Hennings has
ery much improved in health and that
she would he aide to return home in a
few flays.
Mrs. Edward Hurt, of Adair, la.,
came over last Saturday for a few
days visit with friends at Murray and
Plattsmouth. Mrs. Hurt's mother,
Mrs. Baker, who has been spending
the winter with her brothers and sis
ters. Mrs. Moore and the late Jx-e
Oldham and George Oldham, returned
to Adair with her.
Mrs. George Kay was an Omaha
visitor Tuesday.
George Tiay was looking after some
business matters in the county seat
Tuesday of this week.
The little child of Mr. and Mrs.
George Parks has been numbered with
the sick for the past few days.
J. P. Earhnrt was visiting ami look
ing after some business matters in the
county seat Wednesday afternoon.
Mrs. M. J. Welch and two children,
of Hamburg, Iowa, arrived in Murray
this week for a few days visit with
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Kikendall.
.Mrs. J. W. Holmes and .Mrs. W. S.
Smith went to Omaha Sunday for a
visit with friends and relatives for
the day. Mrs. Holmes remained until
Monday evening.
Misses Isa'oelie Shrader and Ruth
Hamilton walked to Mynard Wednes
day to attend the Sunday School con
vention Wednesday afternoon. This
made a pretty good walk for the
your.g ladies.
Low .Mix fell from the steps at the
.tock yards Tuesday of this week, and
re'-eived numerous bruises and injur
ies about the head and shoulders, but
no bones were broken. He will be laid
up for a few days.
Troy Shrader has purchased the
personal property, crops ami lease on
the Sheldon farm, fiom lien Noel,
and will make his future home on this
place. The farm is owned by Frank
Sheldon, and is located near the home
of Mr. Shrader's parents.
Mrs. Albert Schafer returned home
from Kansas City Sunday evening
where she was called last week owing
to tlie serious illness of her mother,
Mrs. Hennings. Mrs. Hennings
health has been reported as some bet
ter but Mrs. Pitman remained with
her for a longer time.
There is a Reason
why people buy "Vesper Brand" goods.
Quality of the highest standard found in
every item you purchase from our shelves
where "Vesper" appears.
Save the "Vesper" labels and get an
absolutely free. Sample cooker on display
Miatt . Tutt,
"Exclusive Vesper Dealers"
Minford & Creamer .shipped a car of
hogs to South Omaha Monday evening.
Jeff P.rendel was numbered with
the sick for few days this week.
Elmer Hallstrom spent Sunday and
Monday with his parents in Platts
mouth. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Creamer were
Plattsmouth visitors Wednesday of
this week.
Frank Davis shipped a car of cat
tle from this station to South Omaha
Monday evening.
Minford & Creamer shipped a car
yf hogs to the South Omaha market
Tuesday evening.
Cus Hollenberg shipped a car of
hogs to tlie South Omaha market on
Monday evening.
Wm. Troop shipped a car of hogs
to the South Omaha market last
Thursday evening.
A. P. Poedeker shipped a car of cat
tie to the South Omaha market on
Monday of this week.
John Jenkins departed last Sunday
for the Pacific coast, where he will
make few weeks visit.
Mrs. Z. W. Ihrader was visiting: in
Murray Wednesday at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. J. I . Shrader.
Mrs. Galen Rhoden was in Murray
Wediiesdaw visitinjr at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. .J. P. Shrader.
('has. Chriswisser shipped a car of
cattle to the South Omaha market
from this station Tuesday evening.
Miss Henrietta Creamer was visit
ing in Plattsmouth a couple of days
!his week, the truest of Miss Irene
Margie and Marie Shrader are vis
itinjr a few days this week at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Yardley east
of Murrav.
Col. .
.! the
kins, w.'io
;t week with
been visitinjr
relatives and
Xeb., return-
l ra nds up in t reigaton
n I home Tuesday.
Mrs. J. I. Shrader received word
from Bushnell. III., this week announc
ing the serious illness of her mother
at her home in that city.
The masons arrived in Murray
Wednesday morninjr and started the
work on the foundation for the new
residence of Win. Puis, sr.
Rev. and Mrs. Hutchmann were
visitinjr with county seat friends and
looking after some matters of busi
ness in Plattsmouth Tuesday after
noon. Louie Rheinackle and family were
visitinjr for a few hours Wednesday of
this week with friends and relatives
and doinjr some trading in Platts
mouth. Philip Keil and family were vis
itinjr with county seat friends and rel
atives Monday of this week. While
in the city he paid the Journal office a
brief call.
Mr. and Mrs. George Rhoden have
moved from Plattsmouth to their
farm, west of Mynard, the home of
their son Galen Rhoden, where they
will make their home for the summer.
Mrs. Galen Rhoden and two child
ren have been down at the home of her
sister, Mr. and Mrs. R. II. Chriswisser
near Xehawka, for the past two
weeks, where Mrs. Rhoden has been
numbered with the sick.
Henry Heebner, of Cedar Creek,
was visitinjr with his numerous Mur
ray friends over last Sunday. Hen
ry is well pleased with his new posi
tion in Cedar Creek, but he still has
a warm feelinjr for his many Murray
friends and eniovs a verv freotient
visit with them.
lxuie I ned rich, Mr. and Mrs. Louie
Puis and Mr. and Mrs. Adam Hild,
from west of Murray, were in Platts
mouth Thursday, assisting Mr. and
Mrs. M. Hild in movinjr to their new
home in that city.
J. J). Shrader attended the Maxwell
demonstration at Weepinjr Water last
Saturday, afternoon and evenin
Jr. 1.. I-. Lrendel was home from
Avoca Tuesday for a few hours, re
turning to look after his son, Dr.
Will's practice a few days longer. Dr.
Will is getting along nicely and will
this week be able to resume his prac
tice having entirely recovered from
his seige of small pox. The quaran
tine has been lifted but he did not like
to take charge of his business for a
few days.
This is the season when all farmers
are beginning to look out for the har
vesting of their small grain and hay,
and we simply want to remind you all
hat we are carrying everything in
this line of machinery. The John
Deere and McCormick binders and
mowers and all kinds of haying tools.
We want to figure with you before
you make your selections for all sorts
of arm machinery.
Baker & Nickels.
Mark White was transacting some
business matters in the county seat on
Monday of this week .
Wyette Hutchinson was looking af
ter some business matters in Murray
Wednesday of this week.
W. J. Philpot loaded a car of hedge
postst at this station Tuesday of this
week that were shipped to his ranch
out in Logan county.
Alvin Ramge sent one of his fine
Scotch Collie pups to a party down in
Missouri Monday of this week, having
been sold a few days previous.
Wm. Sliohteemier and family made
a trip to Plattsmouth Wednesday of
this week for a few hours visit and to
look after some matters of business.
Alvin Ramge made a shipment of
4( baby chicks this week, which were
sold to a party up in South Dakota.
Mr. Ramge has been selling a great
many eggs all spring, and now the
chick business starts he will have
another rush in business.
A few weeks ago August Engelke
nieier, jr., clostW a deal with Louie
Puis. Cass county agent, for a tine
Alamo Electric Lighting system for
his farm home west of Murray. The
installation process of that plant has
now been completed and is working
tine. August has all the light he
needs and some to spare, as the wire
has been run all over the farm and
lights are placed in every room and
outbuilding where they are needed.
The Alamo system is one of the finest
on the market, and wherever they
have been installed in this locality
they are giving excellent satisfaction
and tile service lias been reported as
Maxwell Fxhibit at Weeping Water.
Pert Philpot gave another one of
those famous celebrations, Maxwell
demonstration and general good time
down at Weeping Water last Satur
day afternoon and evening, which
proven one ot tne biggest successes
pulled off in that city for some time
The band was out, and entertained
the many visitors before the demon
t rat ion of what the powerful little
.Maxwell auto was capable or pe
forming. Mr. Philpot had prepared
quite a program for the occasion, but
the main object was to show the peo
ple of the locality the many good
points in tne .Maxwell car, and irom
those who were present we learn that
he done this to completeness. The
s car was loaded to its luilest ca
pacity of its rating, and was driven
around over the city in the mud, and
then after a test of up and down the
hills, it was placed at the head of a
large water wagon, used for street
sprinkling, with five men on it and
driven up the main street in several
inches of mud. The little car seemed
to handle its load with ease, too. Mr
Philpot s right hand man Gregory
wheeled the little man of the hills over
the city. The pleasant time of the
occasion was pulled on in the opera
house in the evening, at which time
the social dance was given. The mu-
s-ic was furnished by the Jones Or
chest ra, and an excellent time was had
by all present.
From Wednesday's Dally.
If the visitors at the Hotel Riley
have noticed anything amiss with the
genial host of that establishment,
Mont Robb, today, the following will
explain all: A message was received
by Mr. Robb today from his son,
Fleming, at Billings, Montana, an
nouncing the arrival of John Alton
Robb at their home at 8:30 Monday
evening, and that the mother and lit
tle son are getting alone in fine shape.
This is the first boy in the Robb fam
ily, and as a consequence the rejoic
ing with Mr. and Mrs. Robb, the
happy grandparents, is apparent. The
mother of the new representative, of
the Robb family was formerly Miss
Bessie Tyson of Elmwood, daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. I,. A. Tyson, and the
friends of the two families will join
in wishing the your.g man a very long
and prosperous career.
I ssia
3 r.-iaMg.'i'vinroTgfra
Electric Farm
Tho Alamo
El ce trio
Farm Light Plant
.5. T ;;
Marriage of Miss Loretta Walker.
Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Tutt went to
Omaha Wednesday morning, where
they will attend the wedding of Miss
Loretta Walker, who was married in
that city to a gentlemen named Mr.
Hailey, who for sonic time has been
living near Plainview. The oungi
people wiil make their future home in
Oakdale, Xebra.-'.;'. where they expect
to engage in the restaurant business, j
Miss Walker, who of late oais has j
been makirir her home in Plainvh v.-.
will be re.nemLc-red by ti e
of this localiiv as having m;
Here's liht for your home, farm buildings and yard. Here's
power for your f lectric carpet sweeper, sewing mac liine, rhtirn
and fan; heat for your electric iron and toaster.
You'll he surprised when we tell you how low is the priee of
the complete plant. If you have your own engine it is even
The cost of operation is moderate. The plant is easily in
stalled. Ready for operation when taken out of the crate. The
Alamo is the ideal farm light plant simplest, safest and best
takes up but little space.
Since the perfection of the tungsten lamp, which requires
only one-third the electricity to produce the same light as the
old carbon lamp, large storage batteries are not necessary.
Thereby the cost of a light plant is so reduced that it is within
the means of the average farmer.
.! her!
The ideal p!
Light Plant. We
into the country homes, an
r.t fur the farm i the Alama Elect! ic Farm
were the fir.-t to introduce the small light plar.t
o:.i.- present improved product is the
home in Murray a fw years
the home of Mr.
led. She has a
here who extend
'ations and trust that the vol;:'
people may be ever happy a:;d pio.-nerous.
ago, at :
r.d Mrs. ('has
great many friends j
h.eartv congrata-
resj.t o
fa i mer
fui :i.'-h
at? ract i-
an ongir.o
f eight years
, nfcst and
.-houlil have
pi.-.vor for hi
price of the
c j ! ' pi. :?;on for the
e of 'I 11. P. or more
sful m.inufacturt. The idant is the
i r.d it takes up but little space. L'cry
Ci si
'.ne, i.''t only to
wife's churning,
standard ? la r.t i-;
farmer. If you do not aire
v. e i. .ij iiui.i.'-fi ;i. joy t.u Itn
se W
ill his building,
ing, etc.
'J.liO, so vou s e i
but to
is an
IM no
The Place to IJuy Lumber.
There never was a season so favor
able for building and making im
provements around your farm home
as this one has been, and the activity
around the Murray lumber yard is an
evidence of this fact. More of all
grades of lumber is being sold th
spring than for many seasons.
demand for good goods and the fact
that it can always be found at this
lumber yard at the right prices are
the causes for the increased business.
Mr. Kikendall is after the lumber
business of this locality, not only from
the fact that it is due him, but be
cause he is ready and willing to meet
all competition on the numerous
grades of lumber.
Let Us Talk to You About the Work
of the ALAWO
1 3
! 3
The I 8
Exclusive Agent fcr Cass County.
Murray, Neb.
I wish to dispose of my blacksmith
shop, both tlie building and all tools.
This is one of best openings in Cass
countv for a good man. If you are
interested in a good business let me
hear from you at once.
James Lough ridge,
Murray, Xeb.
av with
All paries knowing themselves in
debted to the firm of W.E.Jenkins &
Co., are requested to call and settle
same by the last of the present month.
Settlements can be made at the store
of Puis & Gansemer.
W. E. Jenkins & Co.
Good Roads in Cass County.
"Slowed Up" at .Middle Age.
Lex Olson, the genial traveling
salesman representing the Sargent &
Rice Co., of Nebraska City, was in
..ui ray Wednesday, calling on the
business men in the interests of his
firm. He was making the rounds of
the county in in his auto. Rex says
that he covers a number of counties
in making his territory, all of which
in good weather is made via the auto
route, and he is of course a good roads
enthusiast, and in conversation with
him he tells us that the farmers of
Cass county are keeping the roads up
in better condition than in any county
that he covers. He comnliments the
The hard working kidneys seem to
require aid sooner than other internal
organs. At middle age many men anu
women feal twings of rheumatism,
have swollen or aching joints and are
distressed with sleep disturbing blad
der ailments. Foley Kidney Pills are
safe, prompt and can be depended on
to give relief. Sold everywhere.
John S. Hal! came in this morninjr
from his tour through his Iowa ter
litory and will visit here with his
family and friends.
Mrs. Russell Todd was among tlie 1 '
p:..-.-enters this morning fur
where she will visit for the
relatives and friends.
J. L. Smith of near Xehawka de
parted this morning on the early
Burlington train for LJIoomfield, Xe
braska, where he will visit for a few
days with a brother.
Frank L. Rhoden and wife were in
the city for a few hours today, driv
ing up from their home, south of
Mrs. M. E., who is here
visiting at the home of her son, Rev.
F. M. Druliner. departed this morn
ing for Emerson, Xeb., to visit with
ciatign4er tnere for a short time.
khv. i ru!inpr accompanied nis moth
er as far as Omaha, where he goes to
meet his wife, who is returning from
a visit at Oakland, Iowa, for the past
two weeks.
Mrs. Virginia Allen, who has been
here for a short time visiting with
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Mc
Daniel, departed yesterday afternoon
for Kansas City, where she will visit
for a few days and will be joined by
Murray, and looking after some trad- j her mother and they will visit at
ing with the merchants.
Frank E. Schiater departed yes
terday afternoon at 3:30 for Bridge
port and other points in the western
part of the state, where he will look
after his business interests for the
next two weeks.
S. Ramsey came in last
Xo. 2 from Chadron and
Lincoln, where she has been visiting
with her sisters, as well as stopping
at Omaha with her son. Will and
Salina, Kansas, for a short time with
old friends before Mrs. Allen re
turns to Los Angeles.
Mrs. Fi.
evening on
Miss Margaret Wohlfarth has re
turned home from Scotland, South
Dakota, where she has just closed
another very successful season as a
teacher in the schools of'Honhomme
county. She may be a teacher in this
city during the coming season if ar
rangements can be closed.
'Letter files at the Journal office.
Miss Eda Marquardt departed yes
terday aftarnoon for Peru, Nebraska,
where she will attend the graduation
exercises of the state normal at that
nlace. Miss Selma is among those
road workers on the present condition K'aduating
of the roads so soon after heavy rains
Let the good work move along, and we
can soon head the list in the state.
New Principal of the School.
Miss Thorpe, of Lincoln, has been
employe! by the Murray School Board
in the capacity as principal of the
schools for the coming year.. Mis
Thorpe comes to Murray most highly
recommended as an educator, one who
is capable in every way to fill the
position to which she has been elected.
The Murray schools will be at the top
of the ladder next term when it comes
to the grading the ability of their
teachers, they certainly have as good
as can be found.
and we want to inform you
that dates can be made
at this office or Murray
State Bank for
Wm. R. Young
Our property in Murray for sale or
rent. J. L. Young. Coleridge, Neb.
Careful attention to Public Sales
Kates are Ileasonable.
Call at my expense
Murray, - Nebraska
Our Aim in Business !
lf we were to give you a little better goods than any
other store?
If we were to give you a little better service than any
other store?
If we were to give you a little better value for your
money than any other store?
If we were to be a little more appreciative than any
other store?
If we were to make this, store indispensable to your
ideas of service and economy?
Would in then be a store that you could call your store?
These are the points upon which we are striving to build
our business. We carry an up-to-date line of Dry
Goods, Groceries and Hardware, and we are exerting
every effort to merit your confidence, for we want your
patronage, and it will be appreciated at all limes.
Puis & Gansemer,