The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, June 03, 1915, Page PAGE 2, Image 2

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    PAGE 2.
Large Audience Present and theFine
Program 'Was Greatly Enjoyed
by All in Attendance.
From Tuesday's Caiir.
The gold medal declamatory con
test by the pund- cf thi High school
at the Parmele theater last evening
was attended by an audience that fill
ed the theater to its utmost capacity,
and the program carried out by the
different contestants was excellent in
every way and demonstrated the tal
ent possessed by the young people
The musical numbers by the High
School Glee club were exceptionally
line and showed the careful training
they had received at the hands of Mrs.
AT.-i Mortran. the director of the
musical work in the High school, and
who also had charge of the music at
the Memorial services in the after
The gold medal given for the best
number was furnished by the Daugh
tcrs of the American Revolution of
this citv and was awarded to Miss
Marie Coral Baldwin, who gave a
humorous selection. "Sarah Ann';
Flag Party," and the number was not
only given in fine shape, but the se
lection was original and of the com
position of the your.g lady herself,
which certainly speaks well of the
talent possessed by the young people
of the High school.
The second prize, ?l was awarded
to Miss Lorene Chambers of the dra
matic class, who gave "Benedict Ar
nold's Deathbed" a her offering on
the program, and which proved most
impressive and gave the young lady
telle nt essays on the time of the
an ample opportunity to display her
talents along this .line. This contest
was by far the most successful ever
held and the greatest of interest was
demonstrated by the natrons of the
schools of the city.
In the award of iri;:es for the best
papers on the revolutionary period
offered by the Daughters of the
American Revolution. Karl Thomas
received first prize and Helen Roberts,
honorable mention in the eighth
grade, while in the seventh grade
Janet Bajeck received first prize and
Carla Brandt, Margie Chrissinger an
'Joyce Ruhdstrom received second
third and fourth prizes for their ex
cellent es.-avso n the time of the
revolutionary war.
The Amazon Guards, which were
such a pleasing feature of "The
Pixies" given here by the pupils of
the Central building some time ago,
gave a very pleasing repetition of the
drill, and again delighted the audi with their work. They have been
drilled bv Mis Anna Heist 1 of the
Central building and were as fine as
cn the previous occasion.
From "Wednesday's Ually.
Secretary of State Pool has filed hi
semi-annual financial report with the
governor. The new automobile regis
tration law which he is enforcing has
been in force since April . Up to the
present time he expended for the en
forcement of this law, in postage,
clerical help, number plates, express
and telephone, a total of . 1 ," ; J ,2'J
Thirty-five cents out of each .S3
license fee goes into the state treas
ury, and this fund can be drawn by
the secretary of state for the payment
of expenses of administering the law
About $1,800 for this ca.,h fund has
been received by the state treasurer,
and probably a total of $.",.000 will
soon be paid in from the various
counties. Mr. Pool is confident th
35-cent fee will more than pay the
expenses of enforcing the automobile
registration law. Mr. Pool expended
$1,212.31 in May administering the
law. Many number plates contracted
for have not been paid for by the sec
retary of state. In May 4,124 auto
mobile licenses were issued. Fees from
other sources collected by the sec
retary of state in May amounted to
$10,40. State Journal.
Decided to Retain Store.
From Wednesday' Dally.
The proposed change in the owner
ship of the II. Simons store in this
city, whereby C. II. McMangil was to
become the owner, has been called off
through the mutual consent of each
party and Mr. Simons will retain the
ownership of the store. The health
of Mrs. McMangil was such as not to
allow her husband to move to this
city, and it was necessary to call the
deal off, ,
On Friday evening, Junty-
Grand Master Workmanyj-'rank L.
Anderson, ex-Conercfftari Silas R.
Barton. rrtrnri-Recorder Frank L.
Yl'.ilns and Deputy Master Workman
E. C. Phillips of Table Rock, will be
in this city to meet with Trio lodge
No. 84. A. O. U. W. This will be the
first visit of the new grand lodge of
ficers to this city and it is desired to
have all Workmen in the different
lodges of th county who can to be
present at this meeting, as the new
rates will be explained to the mem
bership. Each lodge in Cass county is
requested to send as many as pos
sible to the meeting in order that they
may gain a clear view of the new
-ate.s. Remember the date Friday,
June 2"th.
This Great Picture Play Will He at
the Air Dome Sunday
Night, June 6.
Those who have never had an op
portunity to see the workings of an
enormous picture plant, such as W.
N. Selig operates in Los Angeles and
Chicago, have missed one of the
greatest industrial sights in the
world. To see a plant with seven or
eight stock companies all at work at
once time, building and producing
photoplays for the entertainment of
the amusement-loving world, is not
only interesting, but really remark
able. Truly the public have no idea
of the amount of energy and work
entaled in bringing about succes.-ful
motion picture dramas, nor have they
any idea when they see the picture
on the scree of just what was neces
sary to produce it.
One of the interesting incidents
that occured in the making of ''The
Spoilers" tame in the fight scene be
tween Glenister and McXamara. Mr.
William Farnum, who portrayed the
character of Glenister, said to Mr.
Thomas Santschi, as they were about
to play the fight scene, which occurs
in St rove's office toward the con
clusion of the drama, "You're not
afraid to get a real good whipping,
are you?" Mr. Santschi replied that
he was not, and at the same time ask
ed Mr. Farnum if he was willing to
make this a real fight. Mr. Farnum
replied that he was only too anxious
to. With a battery of five cameras
focused on this fight, they were able
to get every interesting incident, a
we!l as the battle from start to finish,
and those who witness this great pic
ture at the theater and Air Dome will
readily realize that this right is
realistic in all its earnestness.
It may be news to those who love the
motion picture play to know that
there is really one great actor in
every drama that you do not see.
This man is known as the director,
lie is responsible solely for the suc
cess or failure of a production. He-
must conform every situation so that
it will be readily interpreted by his
audience. Mr. Colin Campbell is the
master who produced Rex Beach's
wonderful novel, "The Spoilers," and
this production will stand long as a
monument to Mr. Campbell.
Schedule of Exhibitions Matinee,
2 p. m., theater. Evening, 8 p. rn.,
Rair Dome. If weather is bad even
ing performance will be given in the
From Wednesday's Dallv.
The two horses which disappeared
from the farm of John True, in the
vicinity of Union, and which were
traced west in the direction of Lin
coln by Sheiiff Ouinton. havs born
located near that city, where they
were on a farm there, having been
taken up while wandering along the
roadway. The two horses had evident
ly strayed from the farm of Mr. True,
as they were located within n fo-
miles of where they had been tracked.
For Sale.
One extra fine milk cow, and two
past yearling Galloway steers. In
quire of Oldhams. or telephone lffi.
Tor Iafa-nts aad Children.
Tfia Kind Yen Have Always BgLI
Bears the Sfif
Signature of xt
Professor Pool, the New Acting Head
of Botany Department, Was
Born in This State.
From AVotl nesda v's jally.
The promotion of Dr. Raymond J.
Fool to the position of acting head of
the Department of Botany marks an
other in the long list cf advancements
cf a Nebraska man.
He was born on a farm in Cass
county and graduated from the Weep
ing Water High school in ll'C'i. On
entering the university, he wished to
take up forestry. Along with this he
also registered for botany. After the
first year of the latter science he was
so interested in the work under Dr.
Bessey that, although he continued
the forestry as well, he devoted the
most of his time to botany, specializ
ing in this department. In his sopho
more year Mr. Pool was made an as
sistant in botany, beginning as botan
nical collector for the department.
This he continued through his under
graduate days, graduating in 11)07
with Phi Beta Kappa and Sigma Xi
honor.--. The next year hs was made
an instructor in the department, and
he also received his ?Ia iter's degree.
About till.- time he did some gradu
ate work in the University of Chicago.
As an instructor, he took up the
classes left by Dr. Clements, who went
to the University of .Minnesota that
year. In ll'K' he was assistant pro
fessor and director of botanical in
struction and research in the Univer-
sity of
chigan Biological station.
iditioji to his o'her work Profes
sor Pool has, during these years,
acted a-; curator of the University
Ilei barium.
Mr. Pool has held the position of
adjutant professor, assistant profes
sor arid associate professor here, an 1
in 111.1 he received his doctor'- degree.
La;t year lie was made p-f.ft.-w.r of
'notary. Alo'i' with these recogni
tions of ability have comr- r.urr.erou-:
honors from
fcar.izanons a-
state and
national or
Ft-1 1 tt w A in e r i ca n
the Advancement of Science.
Fellow Botanical Society of
Mcmb-r Torre y But aide al club;
American Microscopical society;
American Forestry association; Botanist-:
of the Central Suites; Ne
braska Academy of Science. The
Daily Nelwaskan.
This advancement of Pi of. I' il. a
native Cass county bo v. certainly has
proven most pleasing to the friends in
this county with whom he has kept in
(oast ant touch since taking up his
work at the university, and h
career is destined for even
advancement in the future.
a tor
From Wednesday's I 'ally.
Yesterday afternoon shortly after
o'clock Mrs. J. H. Becker met with
very paint ul accident while returning
to her home at Tenth and Pearl
streets. .irs. necKer was coming
down Tenth .street from the home of
her daughter, Mrs. Frank A. Cloidt,
and as she was about to enter the
yard of her home stumbled and fell to
the ground with quite a force and in
so doing had the misfortune to frac
ture the little finger of her right arm,
as well as to bruise the arm in quite
a painlul manner. Medical assistance
was summoned at once and the un
fortunate lady made as comfortable
as possible under the circumstances,
but she will be laid up for a few days
with the injured member. The news
of the accident will be greatly regret
ted by the many friends of this
worthy lady, as Mrs. Becker has been
in poor health for the past few months
and the fall comes as quite a shock
to her.
The following letters remain at the
Plattsmouth postoflice Saturday, May
29th, and unless called for will be
pent to the dead letter office June 14,
Mr. William E. Kennedy (2).
Mrs. John Porter.
Mont P.obb (2).
Mr. Kenneth Shultz (postcard).
Subscribe for The Journal.
For three nights, Thursday, Friday
and Saturday, Manager Peterson of
the Air Dome has secured the Gray
Sisters, a first-class team of three of
the cleverest dancers and singers on
the Empress circuit last season, ami
these ladies will be featured, together
with the regular program of first
class pictures. While the vaudeville
is being shown at the Air Dome on
Friday evening "The Black Box will
be presented at the Gem theater, and
the shows so arranged that all who
desire may attend both shows.
From Wednesday's1 Daily.
The Woman's Relief Corps of this
city have just completed the task of
placing in the Sunday schools of the
Presbyterian. Christian and Episcopal
church here of handsome silk flags
which will be used to plant in the
minds of the children attending what
the flag really means to the true
American citizen. Last year the
Methodist Sunday school was present
ed with a handsome silk flag similar
to those given this year, and. with the
placing of the flags in the schools the
ladies of the Corps will take up the
woik of providing a flag for every
school room in the city under the pub
lic school system. This v.iil necessitate
'jiiite an outlay, but the ladies feel
that whatever the expense may be the
result in inspiring the mind of young
America to a higher conception of
their country's flag will more than
repay ther.. This is certainly a very
commendable act on the part of the
members of the W. R. C.
From Wednesday's Iiallv
Plattsmouth is to have a new busi
r.ess houje in a very short time, a
Mr. Roy W. Knorr of Hastings. Neb
has i ended the building foimerly oc
cupied by the J. E. Tuey .-tore, an
will install a stock of goods raiigin
ir. price from 5 cents to ,u cents, an
will take possession as soon as the
stock of g.ods arrives in this citv
and can be placed in the store build
ii.g. Mr. Knorr is a clever voun
business man and his advent in
business life of the city will re
in securing an active and wide-awake
gentleman who will receive a hearty
welcome to our citv. He is a brother
of Mr. Bert Knorr of this citv
Fr'Tn Wednesda v's Dally.
leslerday afternoon m county
court a complaint was filed by County
Attorney A. G. Cole against one Wil
liam Crawford, charging him with
having committed an assault on the
person of one Herman Stoll, a resi
dent of Nehawka, and a brother-in-law
of Crawford. It seems from what
can be learned of the affair that the
two men Saturday became engaged in
a quarrel or altercation on the streets
of Nehawka, and it was then that
Crawford is alleged to have struck
Stoll and knocked him down. The
man later went to Nebraska City and
at last reports was there, where the
authorities have been notified to look
him up and see that he returns to this
city to face the charge. It is reported
that family troubles were at the bot
torn of the difficulty.
From Wednesday's Da!'y.
The Athletic base bull team of this
city have made arrangements to visit
our neighboring town of Eagle on
Sunday next to give an exhibition of
the great national sport with the team
in that city. The boys have been
showing good form of late anil their
visit to Eagle should give the resi
dents there an opportunity of wit
nessing a red-hot game of base ball.
The trip to Eagle will be made over
land by automobile if the weather
permits, and should be an enjoyable
outing for the boys, as well as a chance
for them to difplay their skdl as base
ball artists. Quite a number of root
ers expect to accompany the team.
An Effort Should Be Made to Place
Care of Oak Hill in the Hands of
a Committee of Ladies.
From Wednesday's Ially.
There has been a great deal of
sentiment expressed in the city among
the citizens over the fact that there
should be greater care taken of Oak
Hill cemetery, where sleeps so many
of those who were near and dear to
our people, and it is clear that the
best possible methods in caring for
the cemetery have not been secured,
although the committee of the city
council, as well as the sexton, have
done as much as possible, but it
seems as though the best solution of
the question would be to take it up, as
numerous cities in our neighboring
state of Iowa have, that of creating a
commission or board composed of the
ladies of the community who should
have the absolute regulation and man
agement of the cemetery and its care.
This plan is in force in both Glen
wood and Red Oak, Iowa, and there
it has been found to be most success
ful in every way and a person can
visit the silent city in either of these
places at any time during the sum
mer months and its smoothness ami
cleanliness is something that Jit once
strikes the eye, as everything is kept
up in first-class shape under the di
lection of the ladies, and the result
has been in every way satisfactory.
There is hardly a lot owner in the
cemetery that would not be willing to
contribute a small sum each year and
know that their lots there, as well as
the cemetery in genera', was kept up
in proper shape. The grass through
the cemetery now is quite long, with
the exception of a few lots, and the
street between the different lots filled
with grass that has not been cut and
which presents an unkent and ragged
appearance and, as in the case on
Decoration day. in the early morning
was wet and damp anil a person was
forced to wade through it to reach
their lots.
Now if the work of caring for the
cemetery was turned over to a com
mission similar to that of the park
commission, much bettei results could
be secured, as they could elevote their
time to this alone and bring out re
sults. The excellent work that the
different church societies of the wom
en of Plattsmouth have done shows
that they generally accomplish what
they start out after, and if they were
placed in charge of seeing that Oak
Hill cemetery was kept up in good
shape you can rest assm red that this
would be done and the expense would
not be any greater than at present,;
with the help of those who own lots in
the cemetery.
The plan is one that should be
seriously considered. Tne matter
should be looked over by the com
. . . .". .
mittee ot tne citv beautitul ot tne
Commercial club.
Pleasant Callers on the Journal.
From Wednepdav'a Unllv.
.Mr. and Mrs. YV. T. .Schlichtemeier
and two daughters, of Nchakwa,
motored to this city today in their tine
Carter touring car, to attend to busi
ness matters and visit friends. Mr
Schilchtemeier was a pleasant caller
at this office and said he could not
keep house without the Plattsmouth
Journal. He also stated that the roads
were very rough on the other side of
Murray and that they had begun to
drag them on this side of Murray and
they were in much better condition.
Now Showing Improvement.
From Wednesday's iJaily.
Mrs. Fred Kaffenberger is reported
as showing the greatest of improve
ment at .St. Joseph's hospital in Oma
ha, and her condition has given her
family and friends the greatest of
hopes for her speedy recovery and
restoration to her former health and
they are hopeful for her being soon
able to return hbhG.
District Court Holds Session.
From Wednesday's Pally. .
District couit was convened this
morning by Judge Be-gley and a short
ession held, at which matters de
manding the attention of the court
ere taken up. The morning was
taken up by the arguing ol motions
in several cases, as wen s me ain"-
, 11 , u
inir of a number of orders by the
A lazy liver leads to chronic dys
pepsia and constipation weakens the
whole system. Doan's Regulets (2oc
rer box) act mildly on the liver and
bowels. At all drug stores.
Subscribe for the Journal.
'The National Boys
C. E. Wescott's Sons
A very charming kensington was
given yesterday at the home of Mrs.
R. V. Patterson on North Sixth street
in honor of Miss Catherine Dovey,
one of the June brides-to-be, and th
event was most delightful to the
ladies present to enjoy the pleasures
of the event. The ladies spent the
morning hours on the large, hand
some porch of the Patterson home in
sewing and enjoying a general ood
time, and at the noon hour were in
vited to the dining room, which had
been arranged in a beautiful manner
for the occasion in a color scheme of
I ellow and green. The table at which
the guests were seated was artistical
ly arranged in the color scheme by
use of Mrs. Ward roses and stream
ers of yellow ribbon, while each guest
found at their places dainty cards
placed in a large rose. The lunchern,
which was most tlelicious. was served
in three courses. After the luncheon
hour the time was spent p'easantly hi
music until the hour for home-going.
Those present were: Missas Barbara
Gering. Emma Falter, Edith Dovey,
Marie Donnelly, Kathryn Windham,
Lucille Gass, Elizabeth Falter, Cath
erine Dovey, Mesdames G. O. Dovey,
Jack Patterson, G. E. Dovey, Lynn
Minor, W. S. Leete and G. II. Falter.
ution lays Grin
i 1 1
We're prepared with a full line of suit cases and
bags, ranging in price from $1 to $15.
Hatting Cases, $1.35, $2.50 and $3.75
Genuine Cane Cases, $5.00
Fiber Cases, $1.00 up to $2.50
Leather Cases, $5.00 to $12.50
Black Valrus Grain
Heavy Cowhide Bags.
. .
ft-&"We can special order a wardrobe trunk for you
and have same here three days later. Trices lower
than regular. Sold from illustrations.
Manhattan Shirts
Clever Wash Suits
Avoid the trouble and
annoyance of making.
Here they are ready
made in all the latest
novelties and ideas
direct from New York
City. Peter Pans, Ol
iver Twist, Middy and
Prices 50c to
Children's Wash Hats
25 and 50c
Boy's Sport Waists
Miss Alice Pollock very pleasantly
entertained the members of the U. S.
A. club yesterday afternoon at her
home. This was a farewell for one of
the members, Clara Mae Morgan, who
departed for Eskdale, Colorado, this
morning, where she will spend the
summer with her grandmother, Mrs.
V. L. Street, who is living on a home
stead near that point. The little
guests derived much pleasure from
the various games played on the
pretty lawn at the Pollock home and
made the afternoon's entertainment a
most happy one. The members tf the
club are very sorry at having to lose
Cjara Mae from their midst for the
summer, but wish her much happiness
and lots of fun while spending the
summer with her grandmother in
Colorado. The members of the U. S.
A. club who enjoyed Miss Pollock's
hospitality on this occasion were:
Emma YVohlfarth, Virginia I'eeson,
Theodosia Kroehler, Clara Mae Mor
gan. Miss Helen Roberts was a guest
of the club.
For any itching of the skin, for
skin rashes, chap, pimples, etc., try
Doan's Liniment. 50c at all drug
Wall Paper, Paints, Glass, Picture
Framing. Frank Gobelman.
Leather lined bag
all sizes
leather lined.
Stetson Hats