The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, May 31, 1915, Page PAGE 4, Image 4

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    PAGE 4.
Cbe plattsmoutb journal
Publlthfd 8ml-Wkly at Platttmouth, N b r.
Entered at the Postoffice at ruttsmoutb, Nebraska, as second-class mail matter.
R. A. BATES, Publisher
iubaorlptlon Prloet $t.SO Per Year In Advanoe
s Put away all sarcasm from J
your speech. Never complain. J
Do not prophesy evil. Have a J
good word for everyone or else -J
J. keep silent. Henry Ward 4
..--. .-..tCT.
:o :-
To err is human, but to forgive is a
new brand of diplomacy.
What to do with the boys during
vacation is the question now.
Some married men talk too blamed
much about personal liberty. '
No, there are no gossips in this
town just a few tongues galloping
through life.
However, don't organize merely for
the purpose of providing the organiz
er an easy living.
' :o:
It is going to be a hard job for the
reactionaries to control the republican
party next year.
Conceit may help in running a bluff,
but both amount to about the same
thing when called.
Some men in this town are so lazy
they never work only in fly time, and
then because they have to.
Senator Hitchock took the oppor
tunity to meet many of his friends
while in thi3 city Wednesday evening.
And they are legion.
The asylums are crowded, and oc
casionally one hears a curbstone ora
tor who compels the conclusion that
they should be enlarged.
It is exceedingly comforting to peo
ple who are anxious for war to know
that substitutes can always be hired
for a very moderate cash sum.
Many of the railroads are placing
orders for new freight cars, evidently
feeling that the Wandering Willies
r.eed more comfortable quarters.
:o :
A large increase in the number of
women who are learning to drive
automobiles is noted, but no more
seem to be learning to run sewing
"The progressive leadership in the
republican party has been stirred
recently by the organization here in
Washington of what is known as the
National Republican Publicity as
sociation, founded ostensibly to pro
mote republican thought throughout
the country, but, which, the progres
sives of the party charge, was merely
organized to shield big business con
tributors from the publicity that at
taches to campaign donations through
;iny of the . regularly constituted
party organizations. In other words,
say the republican progressives, this
new publicity organization is mere
ly a machine designed to take charge
of the repdblican tparty and to nomi
nate and elect the candidate of big
business by a campaign predicated on
the old political theory that money
Some of the spring gowns to be
seen in Plattsmouth have "apron
panels," but it can safely be said that
it is not to protect the clothes while
working in the kitchen.
As Mr. Roosevelt is reported to
have been paying out $12,000 a week
for expenses in the Barnes' libel suit,
it would seem as if he were now in a
good position to write a fine article
on the subject of "The High Cost of
Wisconsin has a new law under
which it is illegal to ship poultry in
a crate which is not at least thirteen
inches high and unless the top is
covered with wire or screen mesh not
more than one inch in diameter. The
purpose of the law was to do away
with the possibility of injury to live
fowls while in transit.
Some of our exchanges are conduct
ing interesting "public forums," in
which the editors ask themselves
many interesting questions. ' There
was a time, perhaps, when tITte reader
could be thus fooled, but that day is
past. If an editor has anything to
say let him say it boIdly,but not un
der the pretense of answering an ar
ticle signed "A Reader."
Progressive republican newspapers,
such as the Des Moines Register and
Leader and the Sioux City Tribune,
have given a thorough airing to the Vlas and that 'what the people don't
organized movement of the con-1 know won't hurt.' "
fprvativp olpmpnt nf the nartv tn ran. The meeting held in Umaha was
ture the organization and nominate I dominated and controlled by repub
the candidates and write the platform lican leaders like John Lee Webster
in 1916. The recent Nebraska meet- Victor Rosewater, A. W. Jefferis and
ir.g held in Omaha, it appears, was others whose standpat proclivities are
nart of that movement, which is to be notorious. Already a protest has
' . i
pushed persistently but quietly and Sone UP in this state similar to that
in a manner to create as little an- which these republican newspapers
t o crrT cm a tscc Tin fi describe elsewhere. It is rumored
idea of the scheme is to sedtire the that earlv stePs are to be taken to
progressives to contribute to their Uoiet the Progressive suspicion,
own funeral hv associating them - possible, by inducing well known pro
w - -------
selves with a so-called republican re
vival campaign, but which is in fact
a campaign for standard supremacy
The headquarters of this movement
z re at Washington, and its name is
the National Republican Publicity as
sociation. A recent dispatch from
that city to the Des Moines Register
and Leader says:
"An explosion in the republican
camp is about due because of the ac
tivities of an organization with head
quarters here known as the National
Republican Publicity association. The
fact that such an association was
being formed was aired some time
ago. Much
gressive republicans to lend tneir
name to the organization, the con
trol of which, however, will not be al
lowed to pass out of the hands of the
very shrewd and experienced politi
cians who are back of it. World-
A declaration of war seems to be
the current conception of a Roman
Many motorists have made the dis
covery that if they drive right along
in the middle of the road at a high
mystery was existent rate of speed everyone else will get
when it was organized, but later it out in the bushes
has become more and more plain that
it is an organization backed by big
business and standpat elements in the " some newspapers are distribut
republican party and that it is work-I ing unusual'' quantities of hot air at
ing in the effort to bring about in
1916 the nomination not of a
gressive republican but of a
Many progressive republican lead
ers are aroused over it and say that
unless the National Republican Pub
licity association is blown out of the
water or compelled to change its
ways, and unless the movement of the
reactionaries to capture the party is
stopped, there will be a split in the
1916 convention cf the republican
party wnicn wm be even more
this juncture, it must be recalled that
someone has to make up for congress
not being in session.
If arbitration can put a stop to the
inhuman sub-sea warfare it will have
accomplished something of value to
the world. Like the Zepperlins and
the Taubes and the use of poisonous
gasses, warfare conducted along such
lines is on the same level as was prac
serious for the party than the one of ticed in the da's of barbarism and
The president of the association is
former Senator Jonathan Bourne, a
former progressive, who, the Regis
ter and Leader says, has gone over
bag and baggage to the reactionaries.
Senator Gallinger' of New Hampshire
is vice president. To quote further
from the Register and Leader dis
patch :
"Back of the movement and active
in the work of raising funds have
been Representative Martin B. Mad
den of Chicago, former Senator Mur
ray Crane of Massachusetts and form
er Senator "Jim" Ilemenway of In
diana. Huge contributions are said
to have been gathered. Progressive
republicans are talking about an in
vestigation to determine where the
money comes from. Senator Borah
has so far refused to announce him
self for president in order that he
might be free to denounce the scheme,
which he regards as a plan to put
across a "big business" candidate.
Senator Cummins is not identified
with the association, despite the fact
his name was brought into the early
organization of it, and it is expected
he will make it plain when he gets
back from Hawaii that he has noth
ing to do with it."
The essential portions of this story
are corroborated by a Washington
dispatch to the Sioux City Tribune,
from which these excerpts are quoted:
"A breach equal to that which
culminated in the terrible upheaval in
the Chicago convention in June, 1912,
lesulting in the destruction of all
chances of party success in the cam
paign of that year, again endangers
the republican party.
"An explosion is due to occur any
day, and when it comes the dividing
line will be as clearly marked as that
which separated the friends of Taft
t.nd Roosevelt in the prcconvention
campaign of 1912. As viewed at this
stage, however, the next campaign
will not split on the personal issue,
but instead will divide on the question
of methods and purposes. In brief,
it looks like a campaign of big busi
ness and old-fashioned republican
standpatism against progressive
thought and a square deal for all.
hould be relegated to the junk pile.
A man who had heard of several
crooked deals pulled off recently in
this city, came to the writer a few
days ago, and wanted to know if there
were any honest men in Plattsmouth.
Yes, there are, and plenty of them.
The trouble with our troubled friend
is that he does not hear of the good
done in this city by men who are
above reproach. The good men of
Plattsmouth do not .Vlvertise their
ueeds, but the people take the trouble
to advertise the deeds of bad men, and
probably it is well this is done, even
though it sometimes leads people to
believe that Plattsmouth has few
good men and many bad ones.
Humanity is the same the world over
very community has its good and
bad citizens. Plattsmouth is no exception.
The best time to buy ison the quiet
market, whether you are buying land
or goods or labor. It may be many
years before there comes again a
period so favorable as the spring,
summer and fall of 1915 to the mak
ing of improvements, public or
private, necessary now or presently
io. become necessary. Probably a
house can be built this season 20 per
cent cheaper than next season. Or
a swamp drained. Or a road im
proved. Or a water-supply system
established or extended. Or sewers
constructed. Or any other work ac
complished for betterment of public
property, business property, city
residence property or farm property.
Wherever money is available and
bank vaults are full of money why
not take that profit of 20 per cent?
Why not do it now? Not merely as
a philanthropic plan to help the
neighbors needing work, but as a
proposition cf cold-blooded business.
Why not now?
There are also occasions when en- ARE VETERANS FORGOTTEN?
durance is mistaken for hospitality. I It has long been remarked that the
O : I exercises of the national Memorial
June is nearing; the month of sweet Day, May 30, do not attract anything
June brides and scared June bride-like the interest that used to be
grooms. I manitested in them. lwenty years
o : t ago prominent citizens all through
Liberty bell will be at Omaha and the northern states used to attend
Lincoln Friday, July 9. Omaha se- these functions in large numbers.
cures everything on tap. I ihere was able oratory and the en-
I thusiasm of a big crowd. It is a mat-
Energy and perseverence light the ters of keen rret to the remnant
I - A t A, A 1
path of life with electric rays. But OI veterans leic toctay, mat it is so
I J AV ll. 1 A 1 1 1 1
laziness sticks to the tallow dip. aimcuis to get nan as good a turn-out
today. Various expedients have been
tried to make these observances more
popular. They have been held Sun
days and in the evenings, instead of
on the holiday. Such changes may
draw a crowd for once. But thv
American people are eager for a holi
day. They flock to the ball grounds
and the automobile road. The elo
quence of patriotic speakers resounds
in more or less empty halls. All of
which leaves in the mind of the civil
war veteran the feeling that he is
merely a forgotten relic' of a day that
has gone by. While he has been try
ing to keep alive the memories of the
heroisms of the war, the world cur
rent seems to have slipped by and
left him stranded in a forgotten past.
Of course it would be better if the
American people would give a more
respectful attention to serious observ
ances. Still one must take them as
they are. They may leave the
veterans alone with their memories at
the burial ground. But that the old
soldiers are not forgotten is suggest
ed by the fact that this country has
always maintained a pension system
of a generosity that has been unheard
of in other lands. You can get out a
hundred people to agitate for some
future benefit, where you could not
get ten to celebrate an event of his
tory. This is our American tempera
ment. It is irrevelent to the past.
Children Cry for Fletcher's
v mi I rv s a i v s I iiii
, .,J
m a
Billy Sunday may undertake Chi
cago, but New York, apparently, is to
be left until there's nothing else
to do.
As a girl grows older the month
seems less important, so all the brides
are not of the well known June
It's a confounding problem; if they
admit that Harry Thaw is sane, they
admit the mistake they made in not
sending him the way the law provides
for all murderers.
Tho Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has been
m uso jot over years, lias borne tho signature of
ana has been made under his per
sonal supervision since its infancy.
Allow no ono tnr1rflvA von in tfiio.
All Counterfeits, Imitations and Just-as-good " are but
Hxpcrimeitts that trifle with and endanger the health of
Infants and Children Experience against Experiment.
Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare
porie, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It Is pleasant. It
contains neither Opium, Morphine nor oilier Jfarcotio
substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms
and allays Fev :ri.shness. For more than thirty years it
lias been in constant use for the relief of Constipation.
Flatulency, "Wind Colic, all Teething- Troubles and
The Children
fBears the Signature of
It regulates tno Htomacb and Iiowcl.
s tho Food, giving healthy and natural sleen
s Panacea The Mother's Friend.
He was a very practical philosopher
who said, "Laugh and the world
laughs with you; weep and you can
go to thunder, for all we care." And
this same philosopher tells us that
most of our troubles are only imagin
ary, not real; that we have sufficient
courage to fight and to overcome our
real troubles, while our imaginary
troubles give us endless worry and
anxiety; that most of our troubles are
those that never come, but are just a
little way ahead and we are expecting
to bump into them at every turn of
the road; that it is imaginary troubles
that breed the blues and that paint
lrowns and scowls where there ought
to be smiles and sunshine. And he
then contrasts the man who frowns
and scowls, with the man who always
wears a smile. One counts the clouds
and sorrows and the gloomy things;
the other counts the stars and bless
ings and the bright things. One eats
the worst apple in the sack and keeps
the best ones, and thus always has
the worst until the last apple is gone.
The other eats the best one first, and
so on until the sack is empty. The
apples are the same, but one is al
ways eating the worst, while the other
is always eating the best. And this
nhilosopher then reminds us that
misery loves company, and that the
man who wears frowns and scowls is
always looking for others of his kind.
The Kind Yoa Have Always Bought
Use For Over oO Years
931,500 words of the Barnes-Roose
velt trial bound in plush and with
tooled leather and gilt edges will
make a very handsome book for Teddy
to place on his parlor table.
Germany swears by everything holy
that she will never sue for peace, and
the allies swear a little harder and
But it is a part of the restless energy I louder that they will never take the
of our land, always forging ahead, I initiative in favor of suspension of
giving perhaps too little thought to I hostilities and that the kaiser must
the deeds and struggles of the past.
Wheat prices have taken an 8-cent
tumble at Chicago.
crook his knee.
And there you are.
At the present stage of the Europ
ean war it is probably a good thing
congress is not in session. There are
Possibly Dante isn't read a great always a good many hot-headed fel
lows in congress that the uniform
coolness of President Wilson might
not be able to cool off.
Dance on Jane 5th.
The T. J. Sokol society will give a
social dance at their hall on West
Pearl street on Saturday evening,
June 5th, to which the public is in
vited to be present, and a good time
assurred to all.
When you are looking for the very
best articles in the line of fanry box
stationery, -call at the Journal office,
where yoa will find an excellent
variety to select from.
deal because most people get hell I
enough without resorting to it in
book form.
It is the private opinion of a pes-
imistic crusader that there isn t
much chance of exterminating whisk
ers and dandelions.
It has been several years since Sen
ator Hitchcock visited Plattsmouth,
and we are delighted to know that his
visit was a most pleasant one. Those
who heard him at the commencement
exercises Wednesday night had the
It is often noticed that the men find
iie is looking lor tne joy-killer and j the demands of their business very satisfaction of listening to one of the
the world-hater that he may mingle exacting at the time the carpet beat- brainiest men that ever sat as a mem-
his tears with theirs and scold the ing season comes on. ber of the United States senate. He
Almighty for bringing him into such :0: is a gentleman of whom any state
a rakish old world as this. And when Now that the girls are playing base should feel proud. He possesses the
a company of these discontented souls ball so much this season, the notion couraire Qf his convictions and will
i i ' ' '
get together they look at their that women are unfit for the higher awavs he found defending that which
education seems completely demolished.
troubles all in a bunch, and the road
in front of them seems entirely block
ed. They can see no way around, and
they have not the courage to cut their
way through. The man who wears a
he thinks is right. We are proud of
Senator Hitchcock. He is a Nebras
kan born and bred, and we are pleased
to know that his oration Wednesday
night gave. unanimous satisfaction.
Want Column
WANTED Good 5-passenger auto
for good 7-room house and 3 lots,
near Burlington shops; rented for
v $10.00 per month.
Tels. No. 1 and 215.
40, 20, 11, 8, 5 and 3 acres, all im
proved, for sale at attractive prices.
Office in Telephone Bldg.
400-ACRE splendid farm, near Platts
mouth, $125.00 per acre. Big bar
gain. For particulars see
Office in Telephone Bldg.
FOR BARGAINS in Plattsmouth
residence property see
Real Estate, Insurance and Loans.
Paints and Oils, Gering & Co.
31. Tritsch, refracting optician, at
Gering & Co.'s Wednesday and Sat
urday evenings. Examination free.
Where are you going this summer?
Don't know, but it seems as if it
smile looks at his troubles as he would would be discretion to go where the
ook at a distant range of mountains. I steam heat can be turned on at a
While at a distance the mountain moment's notice.
ange would seem impassable, he :o:
would know that there are hills and Harvest hands by the thousand are
valleys between the . mountains and wanted in Oklahoma, where they will
that he would find a trail leading over be passed on to Kansas, then to Ne-
to the other side. By exercising pati- braska and on to South and North
ence and picking his way step by step, Dakota; two months' work. Better
he could find a way across. The man harvest handling than panhandling,
who wears a smile has faith in him- :o:
self and in his God, and he is willing Farmers in the corn belt whistle
to wait until he reaches the mountain merrily these days, as they follow
ange before he attempts to climb it. their plows up and down their fields.
And this philosopher counsels us to 1 Prosperity is in the air. It rises
keep before us the fact that it is the from the freshly turned soil. It
stones in our paths, the problems and bristles in the leafy branches of the I g oyer mountain shoulders along finely built goverement trails that
perplexities that threaten us that trees. And it isn t p0y cnoiogicai yjj t0 the beholder from viewpoints one or two miles high, such a
make us strong. The battle with dif- prosperity, either. It's the good, old scenjc an(j bizarre prospectives, embracing canyons and mountain sides
Acuities is a gymnasium in which genuine Nebraska sort. ine Kina Qf multicplored walls, broad expanses of weird topogTaphy in Countless
brain and muscle and patience are de- that can be measured out by the jiues that word-painting or any kind of painting seems cheap and futile.
veloped. It is the storms that bushel and sold lor hard douars. r.e- j3 indeed a perfsctly delightful vacation region with modern hotels
trengthen the sinews of the oak. It ports from various sections of the Ljj fascinating chalets, trout streams, horseback trails, a fifty mile gov-
I - .... I '.- ...... .. M .
s the hard blows of the mallet and 1 state show that crop conditions are ernment automobile road tnat taKes you rignt lto tne very Dcart oi mis
V.. slntxr MitMr.c f flip r-bispl that excellent. The wheat is growing, the land of silent enchantment. V
Words Don't Describe Glacier
National Park!
If your tour the Pacific Coast this summer, this is your chance to
visit Glacier National Park, on the Great Northern Railway, and if you
are planning a vacation in the Rocky Mountains you will never know
their magnificence until you have spent two or three days io Glacier;
this region is the indescrible climax of the grandeur of the Rockies.
Here you penetrate into localities of mountain lakes and forests; you see
actual sources of cascades and waterfalls from melting glaciers; you zig-
hring out the angel face from the oats are doing nne ana me corn i
block of granite. The man who has being planted. With famine in China
patience and courage and faith in and Asia and war and pestilence in
himself, will find a way across the Europe, America will nave to De tne
v.;rrV.o onA of mmintflin mnorp I prnnrv of the world this season. The
that the world, the flesh or the devil indications are that it will rise to the
ran throw across his way. occasion.
Tours one to five days. Everything moderate in
price and everybody attentira Uv jour comfort and en
tertainment. Send for printed matter, beautifully
illustrated, study it and decide if you can plan a finer
vacation trip.
R. W CL EMENT, Ticket Aent.
L. W. WAKELtR, General Passenger Agent,
1004 Far a am Street, OMAHA, Neb.