MONDAY, MAY 81, 1915. IIS OF II OH God's New Creation Purposed Before tiia Foundation of the World. The Lord Jesus the First Member of the New Creation Steps to' the Glory Plane The Church Called to ' Fellow Him Real and Imitation Christians Preparations For Ap pearipg In the Presence of Jehovah. j Cleansing Our Garments The In fallible Stain-Remover Garments Spotted and Garments Whita. Sun Francisco Cal.. M.iy ::o.-ras tir IIusl is here in at W-ndance upeu. the 1. IS. S. A. t'on vmtioii assciulile at Oakland. Ill spoUe in tur e-itv today, from the toxt. "Ail I li iniz are yours; ami yi are I'hrist's. am! Christ is .oel's." 1 1 Corinthians .:..i Tlio Pastor spoke hi part as fol'nws: . The Aposile raid tells us tint before Coil e-ivaie'd the world, in 1 1 i - infinite Wisdom lie p'lrjMX.-.l in Himself to have a Chun h e lass, ami ananre-d the terms ami emiditions upon which inetn 1ht1i!I in this New Croat ir. was to he olTero'l spe-i if; rally to certain cre ated l.fin-s. As tho Father wished that in all thimrs 1 1 is Son. th mighty I.o-os. should have pive-mim m e, the tirst olTor was made to Him. This new nature was to he the highest of all reati"ii. To train this prize the Ioos mnst demonstrate His love and loyalty to the Fathe-r by ohodii-nee to the Father's will. So He oluntariiy left the Heavenly uloiy and humbled Himself to take a heman form - nt a sinful form, hut perfect hum in nature, "a little lower than the angels." Then the I.o-os imml.led Himself still further, even unto the ignomin ious death of the (.'loss, on the chains' that lie was a blasphemer a-.T'in-l cd. After Ilisde-ath came His resurrect ion. after which He as -ended into the pres ence of the Father, where He did a "Ue.rk for the Church, as the -post!e points out. Then the Father j-avi our I. oid the Holy Spirit to shed fo"t h Up-'U the faithful little hand or disciples who had 1 ecu with Him elurin:j His earthly ministry . This indiat"d that Christ is bed's- that Cod had ilorilh-d Iliin and had empowered and at;thori,:e-d Him'rei:rditiir this Messing of the Ii "vine nature; and flint the be-.rt t t,iitvr to this lirii:e nature woi'.el he i.rtnted to all who would follow in' steps. -Vhilippians "11; IIc1?mvs !.''l; 2 Corinthians r:. For eighteen centuries the ilospol Mess-!u,'e lias "rone forth, the ohject be in: to -all out from amongst mankind those vh wiil follow in Jesus' foot steps and liecoine memhers of the I.ody of Christ a new Creation. These are to he His joint heirs in the Heavenly Inheritance. 1 Feter 1:1. .".) Wo are living in "the last time.' the end of this Cospel Air, when this special sal vation of the Church is to he revealed. Following His Steps. Those wli'i desire to hecome momlers of the New Creation must first turn away from sin and toward Jod. This must he a heart turnin.ij-a change of disiMisition. They must really see that s-in is a most injurious tiling. The pen silty which the IMvine Court of the T'niverse has ntta Iied to sin Is death, luimrine; dei:rahition. sickness, sorrow, j-ain and dyintr; ami those who turn to Cod should fear sin. lest It should con taminate them and jeopardize their fu ture life. I'.ut they were horn wph th disease of death, which they have In herited us memhers ,f the Adamie race. ISy his sfn of dis.hcdici)c l'ather Adam brought upon hit iseif tlie death penalty and has entailed if. upon all hi I I. sf erit y. Hut Cod has made an arrangement hy which they may pet hack Into His family. He has provided that His Only ISosrofren Son. our I.or.l .Testis Christ, should taste d -ath 1 r Adam; r.nd since mankind were cond inned In .dam. our I.onVs death rede med not fnly Father A 'lam. lnt all liis posteri ty. (I ' -I'll 'ii i !is 1 L' ! . 'SJ. Ci'd Ins privided this way hy which those de sirous of tarninir away froi;-, t-': may liave their sins forgiven; hut each must n vail himself of the way. All mankind are criminals he'ore the preat Court of the T'niverse. The only way hy v. hioh ihnt Court can re-eojjnizo I: sinner is through a meat Advocate who is not a sinner. That Ail men te Jesus Christ the Iliuhteous (1 John the only One qualified in the sisht of that Court to represent convicts. V.'hoevor desires His service mnst foTjiply with His tenns: 4,If any man will come after Me ho My disciple, I him deny himself, take tip his cross fnd follow Me.' (M.itthew 10 :!-!. To feny himself means to pive up his own Will and accept Instead the w-ill of Je-p-m; In other words, he cease s to be his .iwn. and tiecomes the Jord's. Those who take these steps are then lejrotten nf the Holy Spirit, and count el mem hers of the TSody of Christ Wheat and Tare Christians. There are very many vho seem not Plea rl y to see what It is to he a Chrls This is the reason why we can fook out over Ihirope and see several b'M'dred million so called Christians MtV it I 1 killing ouch other. They neither know what Christianity is nor manifest its spirit. But Ciod knows who are tares and who are wheat. When the wheat class aire changed in the First llesur rect'on. the tares will h' humid tle stroed as, tares, not as human Liolnsrs. In the parahle cur Lord explains that the field is the world neither the wheat nor the tares are the world. The earth represents the world, out of which jrrow the win. 'it and the tares. The seed of Truth enterinjr the world has brought forth the children of the Kingdom. The seed of Error dropped Into the earth has brought forth chil dren of error, children of the levil. the jrroat source of error. They should neither think themselves Christians nor l o imitation Christians. All should know that there ate but two classes, real Christians and the world. Honesty the Fundamental Quality. Accordimr to the Bible Cod desire only Iti.tKi) members in the Body of Christ." He semis forth His Message, and it rea hes only those for whom it is designed. All others will have their opportunity during the Messianic Kinu dom. when for a thousand years The Christ will restore and uplift all the ami obedient of Adam's race to the original perfection lost in Eden and redeemed at Calvary. There are different things which hin der people from umlerstamlinir ami ap preciating the Messa.ce. The onetpm' ity which Cod is seeking seems to be that of honesty. Wherever the Truth oes. it touches those honest hearted ones who are not too much blinded by the Adversary. Cradnally these real ize that our irreat Cinl has generously purposed a New Creation, of which Jesus is to be the Head, and the Church the Body. When we be.uin to see this, our minds irradually open: for Cod beirets us with His Holy Spir it and, as the Apostle explains, we re ceive a spiritual enlightenment en ablinir us to understand the deep things of Cod, which we could not un derstand before we became members of i ;d"s fa miiy. It is one thin to enter into a cove nant, however, and another thins to ktvp it. Some have very fallen flesh, and others very noble flesh. But Cod is not proving the tlesh; He is trying the spirit. I 'eutet onomy 1M:::.I What counts with Him is the real sentiment of the heart, the desire. 1 o your In-st to strive ins t sin, and earnestly seek to put away all the weaknesses of the flesh. Cod does not wish any of the called to fail. Only those who ate not sulhciently loyal and who fail to develop the riuht character will be rejected. Garments Spotted and Garments White Cod has so arranged that if overtak en in a fault we may be helped out of or.r diiiiculiy. From the time whin we were presented to the Father, the merit of Christ's righteousness covers our uuwillini; imperfect ions. We must wear this robe of Christ's righteous ness until we shall have finished our course; fur after our resurrection change we shall have no blemishes. Now, however, we must watch, and keep our garments unspotted from the world. The New Creature must pass through the world, coming in contact with it in all the affairs of life, and yet keep unspotted from evil. Probably every New Creature except our Ford Jesus has gotten spots on his garment at some time. But these mnst be removed; for no one will be admit ted into the presence of Jehovah Cod whose robes are spotted. There is only one cleansing fluid which will remove these spots "The blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanseth us from all sin." il John 1:7.1 These words do not refer to flu original cleansing; they are not addressed to sinners, but to those who are robed In Christ's righteousness. Both in the original Creek and in the English tlie thought of a progressive work is set forth-the blood keeps cleansing. As long as we retain these robes ami have need of cleansing, tlie bhv.d of Jesus Christ is the stain-remover which Cod has provided. When we first ontue to the Lord for forgiveness, all our sins were counted as Adamie pins-those which came through Adam's failure to obey the Lord. If we had an individual respon sibility in the sense that we consented to some of these sins, we no doubt re ceived a measure of punishment. This we may still be bearing in the way of sickness, disease, etc But our share in the ondemnatio;i inherited from Adam is all covered by the merit of Christ's righteousness. After we become the Lord's, we have the new nature, which does not love sin; but we also have weaknesses of the flesh, against which the new na ture is striving. Nevertheless it is not Mssit)le for any fallen human leing to live without sin. St. John says that v. hoevcr thinks of himself as being sin-l-ss deceives himself. (1 John 1 :S.) He may not know that he Is lying, but the Word of Cod says that not one of man kind can keep himself perfect. St. I'aul says the same tiling; we cannot do tlie things that we would. (Bomans 7:15 21.) The New Creature would do per fectly, but it Is hampered by the flesh Nt one in tlie whole world is right eous, as the Scriptures declare. (Ko mans 3:P.) All Cod's people have these inherited blemishes and Imper fections. Therefore lie has arranged for the cleansing of these things. If It were possible to be without sin. there would be no arrangement for our being cleansed. The blood of Christ, which represents the merit of Christ, is sufficient not only for the sins of the past, but for every sin which is attributable to the weaknesses of the flesh, our inheritance from Father Adam. But the blood of Jesus Christ does not cover one wilful sin. God knows how to provide for sins partly w ilfnl and partly due to in herited weakness. The New Creature cannot sin wilfully. If one delighted in Kin and wished to commit entirely wilful sin. It would be proof that be had lost the Spirit of God completely. Whatever transgression is not wilful is one of weakness of the flesh either Adamie weakness in the person or by reason of temptation from others. How to Apply the Elood. Whoever finds a spot on his robe should go to the Lord in prayer, ex pressing regret ami by faith accepting the offer of cleansing through the blood of Jesus Christ. The spot is removed by the asking of forgiveness and the application of the blood. Some one might say. If people realized that they could be so easily forgiven of their sins, they would become very careless. But the tendency is rather in the opio site direction, we reply. Every New Creature in Christ is very desirous of being an honor to his Heav enly Father. Therefore he is very much disappointed when he finds himself committing sin speaking evil, show ing impatience, acting unjustly, etc. As soon as lie recognizes his conduct as wrong, he takes it to Cod and asks forgiveness. Perhaps in a short time he does something similar, and is more disappointed than before. He thought that be had learned his lesson thor oughly. Then lie goes to the Heavenly Father again, hut finds that it is not so easy to go the second t inie. Yet go he must, cr else the spot remains. Ity and by he does something wrong again. Icrhaps in a little different ) in. and must go again in . lod's appointed w ay. These become 111 most serious times of our lives as New Creatures. But just as sure as he has had such expe rience's, just so sure he has been faith ful to the Lord. Another class cf Christian people, however, are different. The first time they got a spot on their robe, they went in the proper way and had the spot removed. But the second time, they said, "No; 1 cannot go to the Lord. I will not pray tonight." In the morning they brush away all thought of the matter. During thoday they are so busy with the cares of life that they forget It. At night, they think of it again, but retire without praying. And so time goes on. lVr liaps another ditik-ulty comes up, an other bitter word is spoken, another angry word uttered, something done or thought that was wrong. Tiny are getting spots all over their robe. Should their attention be called to the sjxits, they reply, "Everybody has these. 1 have made up my mind not to pay too much attention to these things." Meantime their robes arc be coming so spotted that it is practically an impossibility to cleanse them. They must be washed. This class is pictured in the Scrip tures as a great multitude, who must wash their robes white? in the blood the Lamb. (Kev. 7:1-17.) All those will be washed eventually in the great Time of Trouble Midi as was not since there was u nation. The-y will not be counted worthy to escape those' things coming upeui tin; world the Time' of Trouble just before us. The-y have not be'e-n walking with eur Lorel in white, not walking with Him at all. Bev. i:-l. There is no way to keep ur gar ments white except by e-ont inually be ing in relationship with the Lorel. In this way We shall gain the vjeteiry over sin. But those; who elo mt remove the. .spets as they come, cannot walk with Him in white-, e-amiot go in to Urn we-el-eling, not be ing a part of the Bride class. (Matthew :Ti:ln They will miss the promised glory, honor and im mortality. But Goel in His Wisdom has sonie thing even for tlie-m. for in one, se-us they are, re-ally eive-ri-ome-rs. Even when besmirched with sin, they were iiet in sympathy with sin. In their niitiels they were fighting against sin, even though not getting riel of it. The Lorel will put thein to the final test; and if then the-y ele-ny the? Lord, they shall die the Second Iiatli. I'.ut if in that test thi'.v say from the; heart, "Oh. now I see my mistake'! I see w here I should have? eleuie differently. I will now be faithful to the J ml; I will stand ready to ilie tor Jesus insteaei of denying Him," they will receive the palms eif victory. But they will not get the Crowns of Glory; for they did not become "more than compierers," as did the Brih the Lambs Wife. Unmans S:.,7; Bevelatiem liU.-P. Those of this second company, "whose number no man knoweth." the Scrip tures declare will serve Genl i.'i His Temple ami brfc His Throne, while the first company, the Bride class, will be fit the Throne ami living stones of the Temple'. The. second company might just as easily, and with much more satisfaction, have attaineel the glories of the Hivine nature had they kept their robes unspeitteel from the world. The fact that the-y will receive palm branches indicates t hat they final ly come efT victors; but their lack of zeal hindcrcel them from being accept ed as of the "nieire than conquerors." Thus they fail te receive joint-heirship with our Lorel in His Messianic King dom. I'.ut In His infinite mercy the Heavenly Father has another, though inferior blessing for them; for appar ently they will attain a place similar in many respects to that occupied by the angeds. Here is the difToreiie-e between be-ing in the Throne ami before the Thnme. Each spirit begotten child of God de cides the matter for himself. If we walk with Him in white, we shall sit down with Ilim in His Throne of glo ry, honor and immortality. If we do not so walk, we shall have our portion with tlie other class. Dear Brethren, permit nofhins to separate you from the hve of' God in Christ. If we walk with Him in white, all things shall be ours things present and th'ngs to come. No people in the worhl shoulel be so happy as we are; no people are so happj-. It is worth a fortune to re alize that our God is a God of Love and to realize what ITe has in store for us "All things are yours; and ye are Christ's, and Christ Is God's." .;..;.:....4.;..;..Ii..4,4M THE SPIRIT OF . MEMORIAL DAY. vrJ'"j7E Kre apt to live t o much in enough iu the world that ought to he; too much in the world of fact ai.d not enough in tire world of imagination. The facts of life alone a ill in' t satisfy human needs. They may satisfy a dog or a Pee, but they widnot satisfy a man. Man re quiivs more than facts in his life. Ahmg w ith the facts he must have im agination, must see more than is in Sight, must feel more than tlie material things that totieh him. lie cannot live hy bread alone. He must live a good deal by faith and by memories and iu his hopes. The best anil i.obhst and most consoling part of life is the life of the s-pirit. of religion, of the patriot ism that would elie for an idea, of the integrity that cares for right because It is right ami for liberty be-.-uase in lib erty the soul of man grows strong and for onler because? without it liberty cannot omlure. It is this part of life that -Me:uo:i:il day i ordalm-el to fos terthis immaterial, invaluable, indis pensable part of it. Money is useful; wealth is past labor stored up for fu ture use. Men will elo much for money, and they elo well t be regarelful ef the usefulness of wealth. But they will do more fer sentiment, for something that exists only in the imagination, only in their hearts. For that the-y will turn aside from the creation of wealth and will give their substance ami. if need he. their very lives. It is to preserve this trait in men that Memorial day is instituted. It re minds us of eiur fathers, who gave their lives for an idea. Eel warel S. Martin in Youth's Companion. "DEAD" SOLDIER AWOKE. Wounded Union Man Came to Life and Scared His Company. Major Samuel A. Losch of Pennsyl vania once teld the following remark able episode eif the civil war: After the charge in the light at the Wehlon road, in which his regiment participate-d. Aug. 10. 1SC-4, Company F I-al but two men left, tiameel Mc Manus and Kull. These men. under command of (then) Sergeant Losch, were amei:g those- on picke-t eluty elur ing the night. Me-M afTus hael gone be yond the line and was behind a tree when a flash of lightning revealed his whereabouts to Kull, who. mistaking him for a Con feel crate, lire-d and shot McManus in the heael. Kull's mistake was dise-ovt re-d. and his e-omrade's body was carrie-d to tlie re-ar. ceve-red with a blanket and place-d on the greiunel. a sui pose'd elead Fnion sol lie-r. Next morning, while a party ef the regiment w'ere seate-d around the camp fire discussing harltark and coffe-e in lese? proximity to Me-Manus' body, the blanket was se en to move, anil" direct ly. to the great consternation of the party. McManus rose? up. walked to the 1'ro and asked feir a cup f e-oiTe-e After his comrades had reco e-re-d them selves they ivturneel to the lire and ac commodated the ivsurrecte-d McManus Vic was badly woumled. however, and was si'tit to a hospital. The' operation of trepa lining was performed, and the soldier recovered. The Flag on Memorial Day. The? following epn-stiou is asked fre quently: What is the correct way to put out a I'.vz on Memorial day. May "0? Here is the answer, taken from the Fniii-il States army regulations: "On Mome'rial day at all army posts anil ;'.!ati-ns the national flag will be elis played at half stall' fivm sunrise until midday, r.nd before noon the band will play a elirre e-.r pome appropriate air. At the conclusion ef this memorial trib ute, at noon, tin flag will be hoisted to tlie fop of the staff mil will remain the-re until sunset." On Memorial day or other occasion when the flag is displayed at half staff. on raising the flag it shoulel go te the peak and then be dropped one width of the flag. In striking the flag it should he always returned to the peak before retiring AT THE "BLOODY' ANGLE." rtaoaueci ry tivii war Survivors as a Very Hot Place. One of the most desperate fights of the civil war was that which took place at the "Bloody Angle" on May 12. isc,i. it Is still remembered by the survivors as probably the hottest place they ever were iu. General I A. Grant, commander of the Vermont brigade, described the fight at the "dead line" as follows: "It was uot only a desperate struggle, hut it was literally a hand to hand fight. Nothing but the piled up logs or breastworks separated the c jmbatants. Our men would reach over the bigs and lire into the faces oT the enemy, who would stab over with their bayonets Many wore slmt and stubbed through V V the crevices and holes between the logs. Men mounted the works uud with muskets rapidly hauled theiu kept up a continuous Are until they were shot down, when others would take their places and continue the deailly work. "Several times during the day the Confederates would show a white flag about the works and when our fire slackened jump over anil surrender, and others were crowded down to fill their places. It was there that the somewhat celebrated tree was cut off by bullets there that the brush "and logs were cut to pieces and whipped into basket stuff." i General McGowan. who was on the other side of the trenches leaeling the South Carolina brigade, stated in his report: "Our men lay on one side of the breastwork, the enemy on the other, and i:i many instances men were rallied over. The trenches on the right had to be cleareel of the deael more than once. An oak tree twenty-two inches in diameter in rear of the bri gade was cut elowu hy musket balls, and it fell about 12 o'clock Thursday night, the 12th. injuring several men in the First South Carolina regiment." IN THE WAR AND AFTER. Battle Incident Which Led Later to Restoration of a Sword. General Keifer. later in congress from the Springfield 0.) district, was one of the last men wouudeil in the civil war. He entereel the volunteer army in April. lSHl. and served until after Lee's surrender in lSir. In all that time lie received three scratches, but shortly after the surrender fie w-as scemtiuK at the head of a small force of cavalry aiid came suddenly upon a large force of Confederate cavalry. There was a skirmish, in which. Keifer was wounded and in which he would have been killed had it ne-t been for the intervention if the Confederate eemimaiieieT. who. under the circum stances, simply wanted to be let alone. Keifer returneel to carup. had his wound elresseel, reported to headquar-te-rs ami received special orders and with re-enforcements started to find the derelict Confederates. He found them, and Colonel Tucker, the Confed erate comma nelor. surren Jereel. Keifer carried Tucker's sword home with him. and it was kept in his library at Spring field as a trophy of the war. In lSTtf Keifer was elected to con gress and in ISM was elected speaker. Among his ae-epiaintanccs in 1S70 was John Bandolph Tucker of Virginia. In conversation one day Keifer tolel Tuck r the story of the sword, and Tucker said the officer who surrendered the elay etf the skirmish was undoubtedly his brother. This fact be-ing establish od. Keife-r took the sword to Washing ton and placed it in the hands of J. Bandolph Tucker, who res to reel it to its original owner. In after years Gen err; 1 Keifer became again a member of congress r.d founel the son of J. Ran dolph Tucker in the father's seat. Lame Back. Lame back is usually due to rheu matism of the muscles of the back. Hard working people are most likely to suffer from it. Relief may be had by massaging the back with Chamber lain's Liniment two or three times a Jay. Try it. Obtainable everywhere. pas j. j 9, AwaMgj Have you For 35 years the Deering Binder has done perfect work for the farmers in this county. Today, it is better than ever before. Drop in any time and see our new Deering samples. Like every successful farm implement the Deering. Binder lias imitators. There are Binders and Mowers made very much like the Deering, but a wise buyer will not pay out good money for an untried "experiment" when we can get the "old reliable" Deering for the same money. Deering Harvesting and Haying Machinery is built by men who have made a life study of such implements. The Deering Binder you buy today, ia the result of 35 years experience in building good harvesting machines. When you put a Deering Binder or Mower into your field at the beginning of harvest you have the satisfaction of knowing that no man in the world has a better ma chine than you have. We are exclusive agents for Deering Standard Twine in this territory. In view of the pre dicted twine shortage, we suggest that you give us your order now to avoid disappointment. JOMMF, Plattsmouth, Even a ika r. Of FRANK GOBEUAN Hotel Riley Block, Plattsmouth, Neb. REMEMBERED IN SCOTLAND Soldiers of Our Civil War Have Memorial In Edin burgh Cemetery. MW"i4v X one of the oldest burying grounds of Edinburgh, the Old Caltou. which lies on a spur of the Cal- ton crags, there stands close to the mausoleum that marks the grave of David Ilunn philosopher and his torian, a striking memorial, which, through the exertions of Wallace Bruce, formerly American consul in Edinburgh, was erecteel in 1S93 to the memory of Se-otsmen who fell in the American civil war. Tlie memorial is visited by most of the American tour ists who go to Edinburgh. It cem sists ef a statue of Abraham Lincoln anel. below it. kneeling with uplifted ha nils, a life sie figure ef one ef the negro race whose freedom from slav ery Line-eiln secured. The memorial on a recent Memorial day was draped with the Hags of the United States anel Seotlanil. and over 3B seen the 1915 1 . j . ,':.'iiinf-'iat------'-''lT-0 (BORDER Woman can apply our paints, varnishes, enamels, etc. They come all ready for use. Require no mixing w liate ver. A nd t hey How so freely from the brush that to apply them is as easy as can be. Tell us your brightening up wants and we will sup ply them. When need ing anything call at the up-to-iiiiiiute store the feihls of the stars ami stripes ami St. Andrew's cross were !all a number of beautiful wreaths, while loose flow ers were strewn arounel the granite base upon which the figures rest. A magnificent wreath of arum lilies, lillea of the valley and evergreens was placed on the monument by the Unit ed States consul at Eelinburgh, and nn otheT tribute was sent by the Unlteel States consul at Dunfermline. Miss Margaret Taylor, n woman over eighty years of age. visited the grouml and placed on the ine-moria! a small sheaf of flowers in memory of her brother. John Taylor, who. on Manh 7. bC5. fell in a skirmish at Uappa hanno; k. When he left Scotland Tay lor received a presentation watch from his employer. The watch was founej en him after his death and was sent home to his people in Scotland, with a letter which he hail written to his siste-r the elay lefire he fell. Call at the Journal office and see the 75c Initial Stationery that you can now buy for 5Cc. CHICHESTER S PiLLS l.llll Ai. nr DrncrUl (it A C, it lUy- r l-e fariMer it lmmnti ,J l.Vuf: J Y 5ii4SA I'lIN in l.J n. C.olJ KTealliAV r.Jl l"-s, srali-l itli l;lua lal loit. S wtt ulheft l,nr en ffl-t- Ask Iff l.4 UI,H.Tr II "lINfl I II I f... tf-k : - n as Kir t.fcafest. Always kelitt r SOLD Clf DRlififilSTS FVtRYlMIERE SB 'isndfsr? 1 The Binder is the most im portant Machine on the Farm. GET THE BEST While You're at It! P Nebraska