The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, May 27, 1915, Page PAGE 6, Image 6

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    page e.
Murray Department
Prepared in the Interest of the People of Murray acd Surrounding Vicinity Especially for the Journal Readers
If any of the readers of the
Journal know of any social
event or item of interest in
tills vicinitj. mid will mail
same to t his oftice. it will ai
peur under tins We
want all news Items Editoh
George W. Young Run Down.
EHIED the humor in this drawing we er.n read a little MORAL.
Manv fclks are as SOFT as the snow nan when the SUN of
PR05TT.3UTY beams down on them. They hold up a thin urn
trella cf GOOD INTENTIONS and cry: "fee; Ave are FlayinS safe.
We're net ffcndin? more than we make." But the clond SUDDENLY
lides the fun. They are left a thapelcss, melted mars. Then they are
EORHY they'din't contract a steady, thorough BAI73IING HTT.
Four per cent interest on time deposits.
Our deposits nrc protected by the State Guaranty Law.
James Ilinwn was IT-i i :itr after
some business matters in Omaha last
Mrs. ('has Carroll and Mrs. John
Campbell were Plattsmouth visitors
Tuesday of this week.
Mrs. Dave I. !! was visiting with
friends down in Nehawka and l"n;on
.-everal davs last week.
M. C. Churchill was a Plattsmouth
visitor Tuesday evening.
Mir ford & ("reamer shipped a car
of hoes to the South Omaha market
Tuesday eve!' ing.
Less (Jregory. Jim
I. Mirader arb'd
Tiii'.-td.;y eveiiin
Charles and Wm. Troop shipped
Philpot and J.
to Plattsmouth
Miss Yerr.a Tracey, of Plainview, ja car of cattle to South Omaha Tu
in Murrav th
week vi-
r;en!s. among
Tom Ruby was kitted by a cow,
while milking yesterday, the blow
striking him in the nose and broke :h.
Z. V.. Shrader was in Murray Wednesday-
afternoon with a car of hogs
and a car of cattle that were shipped
t South Omaha.
Mr. r.nd Mrs. I on Trimpie, of Om
aha, were Murray visitors last Sat
urday evening and Sunday. being
guests at tlie home of Mr. and Mrs. I.
W. Kergcr.
Mrs. Pave Poll., of South Omaha,
arrived in .Murray last Saturday
morning, and went from here to Mt.
Pleasant precinct, where she will
spend a few (lays visit hive among rela
tives anr friends.
Tie Library Association will hold
the last of their meetings until next
September, on next Tuesday evening,
at the librarb looms. Mrs. Katherine
C.apen will give a report on the recent
federation at Bethany. The
public is invited to attend.
Mrs. Rose Hennings, mother of Mrs.
S. O. Pitman and Mrs. Albert Schafer
is seriously sick at the hospital in
Kansas City. Mrs. Pitman, Mrs.
Schafer and Mrs. Urish departed on
the midnight train last Saturday eve
ning for her bedside, and will remain
until she improves.
day evening of this week.
(lalen Rhoden went to Plattsmouth
Wednesday evening where he hat!
some business matters to look after.
Miss I.oretta Walker, of Plainview,
has been in Murray for the past few
das visiting v.ith friends at the old
Dwver, (lien r.d Miss Lydia Todd
went to I'lattsmouth Tuesday evening
to attend ike class pay at the Parmele
Tli eater.
The Murray is sporting
a bile new gold lettered sign this week
made by the boss sin painter, Prank
J.obelman, of Platt.-mo .-..
-lames Brown departed Tuesday
evening for Lovi'land. Colo., where he
goes to attend the general assembly
:f die Presbyterian church, this week.
The foundation for the new home of
Wm. Puis, sr., has been completed and
awaiiing the arrival of better weather
and the carpenters to start the wood
Prank Schlichtemeier and James
Brown a u toed to Omaha last Satur
day, and on the return trip they
were accompanied by Mr. and Mrs.
Trimpie to Murray for a Sunday visit.
August Engelkemeier is sporting a
fine new Apperson car this week,
which he purchased through the
agency of Louie Puis. W. If. Puis,
Iouie Pids nd Mr. Engelkemeier went
to Omaha and drove the car home.
You Will Appreciate Seeing
and you will appreciate wearing a
Choicy Necktie
from our stock, 50 kinds to pick from
25 to 50c
TVT Utl Suspenders. No buckles to
rjevci -ran
the hack.
bother. They work witli a hook
in front and swivel pull, in
You'll like 'em 50c a pair.
Matt . Tott,
Lee Allison has been numbered with
die -ick for the past few days.
Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Rhoden were
Plattsmouth visitors last Saturday.
George Nickels was looking after
some business matters in Omaha on
Lee Nickels was looking after some
business matters in the county seat
last Sat unlay.
Uncle John Bock, residing out in
Mt. Pleasant precinct, has been num
bered with the sick for the past fw
WANTED A houskteper, middle
aged lady, one that will look after the
general housework on a farm. Apply
at this oatce.
WANTED L'OO men and women to
attend the Christian Church in Mur
ray next Lord's Day morning. Sub
ject: "The Right of the Lord's Day."
Evening subject: "la-There a God?"
Misses Margin and .Marie Shradcr
passed their thirteenth birthday an
niversary this week, and in honor
oi" the occasion Mr-:. Y. A. Kennedy
presented them'i a hand.-omo tup
and saucer each.
This is the week that Uncle Sam
Latta and family expected to be en
joying that fine western auto trip, but
the heavy rains have prevented them
from making the start. He will start
some time later in the season.
Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Creamer were
trading and looking after some busi
ness matters in the county seat last
Saturday. Their daughter, who is
employed i:i Plattsmouth by the
Olson Photo Co.. returned home with
them to spend Sunday.
Mr. M. C. Paker, who has been here
visiting with his son A. L. Paker, de
parted last Friday for E'dora. Iowa,
where lie wi!
daughter. He
as Woodbine by his son, Arthur, for
a short visit with relatives. Arthur
United Presbyterian Church Notes.
1 make a visit with his
was accompanied as far
The Women's Missionary society
were successful in their several un
dertakings of last Saturday. The
Parcel Post sale brought in and
the chicken supper about $lfi. The re
ceipts at the minstrel show were about
$40. There were some very good bar
gains at the sale and none "below
par." We all enjoyed the supper and
had a good laugh at the show. Thanks
are due the ladies of the Christian
church who assisted in the program.
Mr. Latta being detained from his
automobile trip, his alternate, Jas. II.
Biown, left Murray Tuesday evening
on his way to the general assembly.
The following events have been and
are of interest to United Presby
terians: Women's general mission
ary convention, Spokane, beginning
May 11; general assembly, convening
at Loveland. Colo., May 2("; first dis
trict Cass County Sunday School as
sociation, Mynard, June 2; Omaha
Presbytery Y. P. C. U. and S. S., at
Dunbar, June 22-23.
There were about thirty present at
the church Tuesday evening for a
short program in hoonr of the mem
bers who joined the church last March. cu ou
:;irned home Monday.
:. Dave Lloyd received word this
from California announcing the
her brother, Jake Totter,
who nassi-u awav at his Home in :an-
ta Crux, on the sixth of May. This
was the only surviving brother of
Mrs. Lloyd's, and the news was quite
a shock to her.
Mr. anil Mrs. Bert Dawson, resid
ing over in Mt. Pleasant precinct, are
rejoicing this week over the arrival of
a line girl baby at their home on last
Friday. The mother and little one
are doing nicely and Bert is just a
lot happier than ever before in all his
Mrs. Wm. Long received word this
week that her brother John Taylor,
h-id dropped dead on his way home
from town at Anthony, Kansas, a few
lays ago. The word was received
here too late for the relatives to at
tend the funeral.
.Arnold Holmes writes to friends in
Murray this week from Charleston,
Mass., sit which place he has been lo
cated for some time, and has charge
of the r.ew Y. M. C. A. building as
night clerk. He states that'he was
married about one year sgo, and is
in every way enjoying life.
The Murray Schools will close on
next Friday afternoon, with the us
ual annual picnic for everybody.
The term just closed has been a very
successful one, and it is the earnest
desire of all to make the closing pic
nic just as successful as the school
year, so everybody is cordially invited
to attend.
The winter wheat crop in this lo
cality does not look nearly so well as
a few weeks ago, in fact rumor has it
that some of the fields are a com
plete failure owing to the work of
much dreaded hessian fly that has
been working in them. Some of the
fields have been plowed up and plant
ed to corn. The recent rains may
help the fields that have hretofore
been in danger.
Alf. Nickels and sons were Platts
mouth visitors last Saturday, where
they were visiting with county seat
friends and doing some trading. Alf.
still suffers a great deal from his long
ailiiction of rheumatism, and tells us
that he is making preparations to
spend a few months at the Hot Srrings
with a view of gaining relief, lie ex
pects to make the trip in the near
Thi3 is the season when all farmers
are beginning to look out for the har
vesting of their small grain and hay,
and we simply want to remind you all
that we are carrying everything in
this line of machinery. The John
Deere and McCormick binders and
mowers and all kinds of haj'ing tools.
We want to figure with you before
you make your selections for all sorts
of arm machinery.
Baker & Nickels.
Following the program refreshments
were served. The address of welcome
to the new members by Mrs. Eliza
Young is given in part as follows:
Mv Dear Sisters and Brothers: We
welcome you into our church home.
The Lord hath need of you; His work
is incomplete without you. We may
be rart of His jrreat company. He
may be a little in front of us, but He
sets us and communes with us. Come
with us to the house of God; come
with us to the word of truth; come
with us to the living Saviour. You
never will stand in the presence of
another life that will influence you as
blesed!y. lie goes through sorrow
nnd so may lead you. After all its
Toilsomeness the church should be the
happiest place on earth. It has th
be.-t songs, it holds the best thoughts,
it has the best associations, it has the
only hope.
Blest be the tie that binds
Our hearts in Christian love;
The fellowship of kindred mind;
Is liken to that above.
I hope that we can all say from
the heart the golden text for next
Sabbath. "I was glad when they said
unto me. 'Let us eo into the house oi
Saturday afternoon about 2:25
Jack Hannaman, driving his car from
i the depot south on College avenue,
i at a speed not safe, especially on Sat
jurday while the streets are thronged
with people, wagons and carriages,
struck George W. Young, at the cross
ing near the Central State Bank cor
ner, throwing him to the pavement,
crushing the flesh on ihe right side
of his face in a terrible manner, also
mashing his finger on the right hand,
making amputation necessary. Drs.
Gregg. Linney and DeGroat attended
the wounds of Mr. Young. As far
as they could ascertain there were
no internal injuries. Mr. Hanna
mann was driving his car entirely too
fast, and taking into consideration
the fact that the streets were crowd
ed with numerous teams, seems to
the writer to be a gross piece of
carelessness. The pavement show
ed that his emergency brake was set
2S feet from the crossing, the pave
ment showing the slide very plain
ly where he had swung around some
other vehicle. After striking Mr.
Young the car dragged him by the
head about fifteen feet before stop
ping, and it was a miracle that in
stant death was averted. The Record
has repeatedly brought this matter up
with" the public, of the fast driving
of automobiles and jay driving. When
will it stop? When some one is kill
ed outright? The Record only two
days ago stated that a serious ac
cident would occur on this corner if
the speeding and jay driving was not
sow take hee l and quit.
The above artice was taken from
the Ren fro, Oklahoma, Record, pub
lished at Alva, under date of M y
22d. Mr. Young is president of ihe
Automobile Association f.f the state
of Oklahoma, ar.d resides near Alva,
but for years was a resident of this
county. He is an enthusiastic good
roads worker, and has just completed
the painting of the telephone poles
from AI.m to Oklahoma City, which
route has been named "Young's Trail."
He is just recovering from a terrible
seige of pneumonia, which came very
near proving fatal
CO CT Ml rf
Their Interests So Clearly Identified
That There Should Not Be the
Least Disruption.
The Minstrel riven at the Puis &
Gnnsemer hall last Saturday evening,
was a very sivces.-ful aiTair in every
wav. i le :auies win v. ex, a near sum
for their treasury, besides giving one
a. 1 1 . i A . , f A
o: tne nign class er.'.eiaii.menis oi me
season. Tie attendance was very
arge ard all were more than pleased
with the numerous m-isical r.umoers
n the program.
Harry Creamer celebrated his 2?d
birthday at his home last Sunday.
The affair was planned for a surprise
for Harry, but in some manner he
was enlightened on the matter, and
tills portion only of the occasion was
.. . mi , 1
a tauure. mere was a large numoer
of relatives and frierus invited in to
asist him in celebrating the day, and
all sure had one of the most pleasant
cf the day, even though they did fail
to surprise their host. I hey were
i most royally entertained and were
treated to most all the delicacies of
the season at eating time.
Mr. and Mrs. J. . 1 homason are
preparing to move to iiethany, .Neb
raska, where they will make their
future heme. 1 hey were given a
farewell reception at the Christian
church on Saturday, May 13, to which
'all the members of the church were in
vited, and most of whom attended. It
is with the deepest regret that the
n with the smallpox for the PePIe of thi.s ,oca,if-v ,ea,,n of the re-
movai oi in is exceueni lamiiy, 101-
they have resided here a great many
years, and were among the first mem
bers of the Christian church of Mur
ray. They have been most highly re
spected by all who have known them.
The very best wishes of all from this
entire neighborhood will attend them
in their home.
Mr. and Mrs. Wyette Hutchison
were visiting and trading with Platts
mouth friends last Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. thus. Creamer were
riattsmouth visitors last Saturday.
Mr. ( reamer has been recovering
from his attack of apoplexy of a few
davs a co. but is still rather weak
from the effects of the same.
Miss Etta Nickels writes from Old
Mexico to friends at home that she
is having a very pleasant trip in the
southwest, one that is proving very
interesting in travels and sightseeing
She does not state just when she ex
pects to return home.
Dr. J. W. Brendel, of Avoca, has
been dow
past week. He is getting along nicely
and expects to recover without se:
iousness. His father, Dr. B. F
Brendel has been looking after his
practice during his illness.
The Dance given at the Puis &
Gansemcr Hall in Murray on last Sat
urday evening, was one of the most
successful of the season. The attend
ance was quite large and all seemed
to have a genuine good time. The
music was furnished by Holly's or-
From Wednesday's Dally.
In theory there is no such thing
as "Jobber vs. Retailer;" in practice
there is a little, a very little.
Because of that very, very little, we
have read and heard some arguments
pro and con lately. The last was a
short editorial on the subject tjuoted
above, in the official publication of
the Nebraska Hardware Dealers.
the writer ot tnat editorial very
clearly and wisely concluded that the
jobber who tries to "play hob" with
his clients by any unfair selling meth
ods or acts, who tries to give them
the "dooble-cioss," is merely using a
two-edged sword that will ultimately
cause his own destruction.
That is true; we certainly and pos
itively agree.
What we object to is the implied
idea, not in this one editorial alone,
but in other such discussions of the
topic, that there is anything like
enough of this sort of a short-sightedness
on the part of jobbers or
manufacturers to make it necessary
for retailers to be on their constant
No such thing. There is so little of
the element of "Jobber vs. Retailer,"
especially in this territory, that it can
1 e ruled out cf the reckoning.
And all this sort of talk seems so
foolish and useless to us. The idea
f wholesalers and retailers ever
thinking they have any quarrel or any
cross-purpose is about as absurd as
for two divisions of an army to begin
lighting each other while facing the
lire of a common enemy.
This is competition enough to
f.ght that needs all the co-operation
nv.d all the power and strategy of both
the wholesaler and retailer without
having these.two opposing each other.
There is eternally bobbing up this
question of obligation. Even in such
matters as this outing that is plan
ned for the retailers of Nebraska in
August. Some retailers say they don't
want to be under obligations for such!
things to the bounty of the whole
salers, and unfortunately, there is oc
casionally a wholesaler who thinks
that every time the retailers want
something of the sort they come to
the wholesaler for a "donation."
That is all nonsense, and doesn't
represent even one per cent of either
wholesalers or retailers.
When a customer comes in and buys
something in your store, are you un
der obligation to him, or he to you?
If he is a good customer, comes
rft trt Ki,-c? lai'a-4llr otifl no,.
promptly in full, you appreciate his
trade, of course, but don't you give
value received?
When you have a Fourth of July
celebration or other entertainment,
financed largely by your and other re
tailers of your town, are the farmers
who come to town to enjoy it under
obligations to you?
In short, are the people of your
community to thank you for being
there to serve them, or are you the
debtor because the community gives
you enough patronage ts afford you
a living?
Is there, or should there be, any
quarrel between you and the farmers
of your community? Don't you think
you are so much real help to the
farmers as the farmers are to you?
Do you "live off the farmers" with
out giving them full value for what
they pay?
The relation between the whole
salers and the retailers is largely the
same as that between the retailers
i nd the farmers.
Only there should be a still closer
i elation between wholesaler and re
tailer, because they are both in the
business of distributing merchandise
and have no other interests, while the
farmers have, since they are also pro
ducers. When such an event as this outing
for merchants is planned and when
the wholesalers and manufacturers
of a city like Omaha help to finance
Ihe affair, it shows nothing nuns than
their willingness to co-operate, to do
their share, and it shows nothing else.
The wholesalers know they will
ultimately profit if their customers
are better retailers, so they are wil
ling to help towards that end. Jt is
purely a business proposition and
they want the retailers to look at it
that way.
There is, and should be, no such
thing as "Jobbers vsl Retailers."
Omaha Trade Exhibit.
Our property in Murray for sale or
rent. J. L. Young, Coleridge, Nob.
Notice !
All paries knowing themselves in
debted to the firm of W. E. Jenkins &
Co., are requested to call and settle
same by the last of the present month.
Settlements can be made at the store
of Puis & Gansemer.
W. E. Jenkins & Co.
A Seventy-Year-Old Couple.
Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Carpenter, Har
risburg, Pa., suffered from kidney
trouble for many years, but have been
entirely cured by Foley Kidney Pi'!--.
He says: "Although we are both in
the seventies we are as vigorous as
we were thirty years ago." Foley
Kidney Pii's stop sleep disturbing
bladder weakness, backache, rheuma
tism and aching joints. Sold every-
A big SOc show for only
10 and 20c
I wish to dispose of my blacksmith
chestra, of Plattsmouth, and was the! shop, both the building and all tools.
The Place to Buy Lumber.
There never was a season so favor
able for building and making im
provements around your farm home
as this one has been, and the activity
around the Murray lumber yard is an
evidence of this fact. More of all
grades of lumber is being sold this
spring than for many seasons. The
demand for good goods and the fact
that it can always be found at this
lumber yard at the right prices are
the causes for the increased business.
Mr. Kikendall is after the lumber
business of this locality, not only from
the fact that it is due him, but be
cause he is ready and willing to meet
all competition on the numerous
grades of lumber.
This is one of best openings in Cass
county for a good man. it you are
interested in a good business let me
hear from you at once.
James Lough ridge,
Murray, Neb.
and we want to inform you
that dates can be made
at this office or Murray
State Bank for
Wm. H. Young
Plants for Sale.
I now have a good supply of all
kind of plants for sale, such as to
mato, sweet potato and cabbage
Place your orders now, and have them
at the time of planting.
Careful attention to Public Sales
Kates are Reasonable. .
Call at my expense
Murray, - Nebraska
m Aim in Business!
lf we were to give you a little better goods than any
other store?
If we were to give you a little better service than any
other store?
If we were to give you a little better value for your
money than any other store?
If we were to be a little more appreciative than any
other store?
If we were to make this store indispensable to your
ideas of service and economy?
Would in then be a store that you could call your store?
These are the points upon which we are striving to build
our business. We carry an up-to-date line of Dry
Goods, Groceries and Hardware, and we are exerting
every effort to merit your confidence, for we want your
patronage, and it will be appreciated at all times.
Puis & Gansemer,
W. A. Scott.