The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, May 24, 1915, Page PAGE 6, Image 6

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MONDAY, MAY J4, 1915.
5 nzi 1 1 " 1 3
Big Bath Towel for 12c
is how you can get one:
We have a number of large Turkish Towels, with, extra heavy
nap, 21x45, the price of each being 25c. Every purchase of
one of these entitles you to the second one for only
Do You Want an Aluminum Percolator for
You can get one of these $2.25 Aluminum Percolators at this price by
buying one iouih1 of 30c coffee.
This is YOUR Opportunity
d uuun
Phone 53 and 54
-3 rt
(Continued From First rage.)
ncss you will not be waiting for some
thing to move you, but you will be
rdert to move something.
-Now let us ask, what is the spirit
of life? Let us take the inductive
method to find out. Life, we take it,
is truest where we find people living
together under the best relationship
of prosperity, peace and friendliness.
Vhat then are the elements that pro
duce these? Were we to take a trip
around the world we could find a place
where they were best in practice. We
would not find life in very high de
velopment in China, Japan, India,
Murmah, Dorneo, Philippine Islands,
Africa. South America, Mexico or
Alaska. We would find people in bet
ter circumstances in Europe, barring
the present war, England, America.
Why? Because of the church. Why
the church? Because here is the
teaching of Christ, and in searching
that teaching, I believe it would come
down to this one phrase, 'He that
feeketh his life shall love it, but he
that loveth his life for my sake, the
same shall find it.' That is the un
selfish spirit: 'My life not for my
self, but for my brother man.' That
is life, the spirit of life, the secret of
mccess, and he who starts life with
out that idea will finish a failure in
life's race.
"Let me illustrate this principle of
life from 'The King of the Golden
Iliver a legend written so admirably
by that prince of authors, John Rus
kin. The scene is laid in the Alpine
valley; three brothers possessed a
fertile tract of land, two of the broth
ers were evil and malice and selfish
ness ruled .their hearts. The third,
(iluck, was a tender-hearted youth,
but despised by his older brothers.
There they lived in wealth till a
f torm one day demolished their house
and destroyed their land. They moved
over the mountain and lived in a vil
lage there, melting up the gold they
had and spending it for ale. Finally
::!1 was gone but a golden cup, which
was to be melted up. The two older
brother then left little Gluck, who one
night, musing at a waterfall saw it
transformed into a beautiful golden
river by the setting sun. What joy
it would be if such were changed in
to a river of gold. 'No it would not,'
came a voice. He, surprised, turned
to see from whence it came. It was
the gold in the crucible and a little
dwarf whose image he recognized a3
the same on the cup, saying, 'A
master once transformed me to this
tup, but the melting has released me.'
'Listen,' said the dwarf to Gluck, 'He
who follows this stream to the moun
tain top and casts three drops of holy
water into its source, for him, the
river will change to gold.' With that
he jumped into the" hottest flame-and
wa3 gone. As Gluck's two brothers
came in he told them of the dwarf.
Being seized with a selfish desire to
be the first Hans said, 'I will go
first. So not being able to obtain
holy water from a priest he stole
some from the cathedral. Out he
started over weary paths of rock and
thorns. Becoming thirtsy, and think
ing only three drops sufficient for the
liver, he took frequent draughts of
the water. Once a drowning dog look
ed at him piteously, but he passed on,
and a dying child and an old man
begged a drink, but his answer was,
'Thou has had thy share of life. At
last he reached the top and exultingly
threw the remaining drops into the
rushing river, but immediately a dizzi
ness seized him and he turned into a
black stone. The second brother, se
curing holy water from a bad priest,
started with the same result. Finally
Gluck started to find his brothers.
Taking his bottle of holy water,
trudging on over the weary road, he
too meets the old man, and shares a
drink with him and the dying child.
Now the water is almost gone, but
Gluck says better life in poverty than
to refuse 10 help one in need. So he
poured the last of the holy water into
the mouth of the child, when to his
surprise he ran and disappeared as a
star. Then the dog, and Gluck
recognized in him the dwarf. As they
walked on the dwarf spoke angrily of
the brothers, but said Gluck, 'Did they
not fulfill conditions; was the water
not holy and did they not throw it in?'
But said the dwarf, 'Water tho twice
blessed by priests, becomes unholy
when denied God's suffering children.
They have desecrated by river by their
unhbly deeds.' Finally they reached
the mountain top, and Gluck was
mourning the fact that he had no holy
water to throw into the source. But
what is this at his feet? A lily pure
and white, and in its chalice three
drops of dew. They have never been
blessed by the priest, but they are
fresh from the Creator's hands and
will suffice to produce the gold for
him who merits the prize. How he
cast it into the stream and won the
prize is nicely described in the legend.
Suffice it for us to gather the truth
of the legend and realize that we, too,
will miss the prize except we have the
spirit of life's true mission love for
our fellow man.
'The goal of life's success lies at the
mountain top. To acquire such re
quires a long journey of struggle.
Humanity in general are tramping
life's weary road searching, seeking,
hoping for the golden river, but what
disappointment if when we think we
are about to realize our quest and
find we have failed to meet condi
tions. Some see only the future and
heed not the present. Some read suc
cess in a big acquisition, 'somewhere
in the vague advance. But so many
industrious people fail in their quest
because they have overlooked the
need of those about them; they have
knocked down and bruised the suffer
ing child and the aged man. Success
in life can be measured by only the
good work we do for others.'
"People there are many who are
eager to build up their business. Dr.
McApr of Brooklyn has some wealthy
business men in his church, and he
tried to induce them to give to bene
volence, but they stated that when
they had established their business
they would give. 'But', in the mean
time, Dr. McApr stated, 'people are
toddle itself to God.' But we stiffle
the spirit, we quench it.
in wnatever walk you cnoose in
life you will be called up to serve
humanity. He .that would be the
greatest among you let him be your
To the class:
The world is calling you to its aid
It needs you. These are strenuous
times. The mania for wealth, for
pleasure, for personal power, was
never more intense than today. This
is a destructive force. There needs
to be the constructive force of people
willing to put their shoulders under
humanity's burdens and help to bear
them. Will you take the responsibility
as yours and be willing to sacrifice
yourself for the good of others?
Education is power, but it is a
power that can be for good or bad
It is for good only when tempered by
the love of God. Anicent Greece was
a mighty power because of its intel
lectual ability. We feel its force to
day, but Greece declined and lost its
identity because this power was not
tempered with the love of God. Paul
tried to infuse into it. Your High
school course is one part of your
equipment for life's success. It is a
talent given. Let us urge that you
oo not wrap it up and put it away.
Use and with use it will grow.
If your education has not aught
you to know yourselves better, it has
been in vain. You have studied in
your lessons on history, science and
languages, achievement. And that by
men and women, such as yourselves.
Have you not learned that they had
first to conquer themselves? I pray
that you have learned this.
Finally, let me urge that you put
yourselves in the spirit'for humanity
Christ gave himself for others; was
He not great? Strive to give yourself
for others. The groans of the wound
ed in life's battle can be heard and
seen. The workers are few. Will
you not offer your services? Study
to show thyself approved unto God,
a workman that needeth not to be
ashamed rightly dividing the world
of truth."
The benediction at the close of the
starving, dying for want of help.' Let service was pronounced by Rev. J. M.
us be in the spirit of life as we are
in the progressive road of success,
and when we reach the summit we
will be prepared to take the crown
Napoleon, when in a city of his cap
ture saw silver statutes of the
apostles on a certain cathedral and
commanded that they be taken down
and melted into money that they
might go about doing good, as the
apostles did. Remember that only
into worthy hands will be placed the
crown of life. On your way to suc
cess let me urge you to be in the
ppirit of happiness, or perhaps bet
ter, in the spirit of sympathy. Says
the scriptures, 'Rejoice with them
that do rejoice and weep with them
that weep. Says Emerson, 'We may
travel the world over in search of the
beautiful, but we must carry it with
us or we find it not.'
"Someone has given us a new
beautiful 'Blessed are the joymakers
for they shall be joyful.' Or another,
'If life seems dull and dreary start
a sunshine factory, for your neighbors
and see how quick its brightness wilr
be flooding your own life.' The best
definition of an optimist I have heard
is about the one who is said to make
lemonade out of the lemons thrown
him. In life let us be in the spirit
of its work or its play; remember it is
the unselfish spirit. It is not sport in
a game to be stubborn unless all
things are favorable to your side and
unfavorable to another. Be fair, be
gentle, be manly, be unselfish.
"In your business, in your profes
sion, consider the rights of the other
one. He has a right to live. An
American traveling in London, walk
ing through the zoo, watched the
octopus as it extended its long slimy
tendrill arms in every direction,
sweeping in everything in reach, and
on nothing that all found a common
center in its mouth, said, 'Why, we
have these animals in America, only
over there they walk on two feet.'
"In Washington one of our famous
senators, Depew, was riding down in
Virginia, and in turning a curve in
the road ran too near a tree and the
rear wheel became fast with the tree.
The senator tried many ways to be
released to no effect. Finally a negro
appeared with an ax, and the senator
said, 'I will give you a dollar if you
cut this tree down.' 'You wish to be
released, sah?' asked the darkey. He
took hold of the bridle, turned the
buggy, drew up and by a skillful
maneuver the buggy was freed from
the tree. 'How much?' 'One dollar.'
'What, for that? It's not worth it.'
'Not for that, sah, but it's worth a
dollar to learn some people some
thing.' Do not begrudge money for
value received.
"Then in life be careful you 'quench
not this spirit.' The spirit of God in
you will make you the bes possible
man or woman, but you must be care
ful not to quench that spirit. If you
and I would give our hearts free play
they would carry us right to God. As
Dr. John McNeil said, 'Oh, men, if you
would let your heart- go, it would
Eades, pastor of the Liberty church, j
south of this city.
From Saturday's Pallv.
Word was received here this week
announcing the death of Oswald
Baier in Tuttlingen, Germany, he hav
ing been there since last spri !g. Mr
Baier was born in the province of
Wuremberg, in the same town in
which he died, seventy-seven years
ago. He came to New York in 1808,
coming to Nebraska two years later.
Cass county had been his home since
18S3, and on the farm a few miles
south of here his splendid family of
four girls, Mrs. Henry Werrel, Mrs.
John Murdock, Mrs. Will Sehlichte-
meir of Nehawka, and Mrs. John
Mulick of Omaha, and two sons, John
and William, who live on the old home
place were reared. Mrs. Baier was
accidentally killed, it will be remem
bered, in Weeping Water in 1892,.
while alighting from the train.
Mr. Baier was at one time in busi
ness and has a host of friends who
will mourn his death in that far-off
land. Nehawka News.
Wedding stationery at the Journal
I mm
Every young lady and young
gentleman graduate will want
a new pair of shot's for com
mencement exercises.
We have a fine line of Foot
wear for you to select from for
this very important occasion.
we've shoes, oxfords. pumps
and sandals; patent leather,
dull calf or kid or satins, in
up-to-the-minute models.
Beautiful footwear, indeed
$2.50, $3.00 to $3.75
we've choice shoes and ox
fords: dull or bright leathers.
Smart models just the sort of
'"classy" shoes that a young
man will enjoy wearing
$3.00, $3.50 to $5.00
The outing held here by the mem
bers of the Sigma Chi fraternity of J
the state university Saturday even
ing and yesterday was one of the most
delightful gatherings held by the
younger social set of the city for
some time, and the occasion was one
that will be most pleasantly remem
bered by those who were present to
take part. The members of the party,
some forty-five in number, arrived
Saturday afternoon, a great many of
the boys driving over from the uni
versity in automobiles and joining the
other members of the party here.
The ladies who were guests at the
different functions, were most agree
ably entertained at the dance given
in the evening at Coates' hall and sev
eral hours were spent most pleasant
ly in dancing to the delightful music
furnished by the orchestra of Claude
Crandall of Nebraska City. After the
ball the jolly party were entertained
iit the beautiful home of Charles C.
I'armele, as the guests of Mr. and
Mrs. George O. Dovey and Pollock
Parmele, Mr. Dovey and Mr. Parmele
being members of this fraternity. Yes
terday noon the members of the fra
ternity and their ladies were enter
tained at a beefsteak dinner at the
'Forty" on Chicago avenue, as the
rain had interferred to some extent
with the plans of bedding a more ex
tensive picnic, but the event was one
that proved of the rarest enjoyment
to the party. All were delighted with
the beauties of the city and the splen-
Silk Petticoats!
We ofFer our full stock of silk petticoats that
sold at $3.50 and $4.00 for a few days at
Zuck weBDeir & Lyte
did view of the great Missouri valley
from the high hills upon which our
city is built, and were lavish in their
expressions of the wonderful natural
beauty of the city. The members of
the party departed last evening for
Lincoln, well pleased with the picnic
at Plattsmouth and the good time af
forded them by the Plattsmouth mem
bers of the fraternity.
Subscribes for t lie Daily.
Mr. and Mrs. L. II. Ueil of Mynard
motored to this city Saturday to at
tend to some important business mat
ters and do some shopping. While
here Mr. Ileil took time to call at this
office and subscribed for the Daily
Journal, as he wants to keep posted
on the happenings throughout the
county every day. We are very much
pleased to place Mr. Heil on our Daily
list that he may continue to
be one of our daily readers for some
years to come.
Subscribe for The Journal.
The most pleasing reports are re
ceived from the bedside of Mrs. C. A.
Iiawls at the hospital in Omaha, 'and
the brightest prospects are now enter
tained for her speedy recovery from
the operation which she underwent
last week. The operation was quite a
serious one and for several days the
condition of the patient was quite
critical, but she now seems to be im
proving rapidly. This will be most
pleasing news to the host of friends
of this estimable lady and she will
have their heartiest best wishes for
her continued improvement.
Call at the Journal office and see
the 75c Initial Stationery that you
an now buy for 50c.
33 7trtr''M "iT CI
"Made in America" Bontex Wash Fabrics
TheMost Helpful European Fashion Hints
You get beautiful Bontex Wash Fabrics here
at t lie prices quoted below, and you get dress
making and sewing ideas of the greatest value
all during BONTEX SEWING WEEK which
we have arranged exclusively for this commun
ity. All of the millions of dollars of capital
necessary to operate great 'mills; all of the
splendid genius of European fashion experts;
all of our own capital and experience have
been hard at work to create for YOIT Bontex
Wasli Fabrics and Bontex Sewing Week. You
can't possibly realize what it this means unless
you come to the store and see the beautiful
line of Bontex Wash Goods and the rich har
vest of ideas brought out in BONTEX SEW
ING WEEK for YOUll advantage:
Zephyr, absolutely
Vara Chiffon at . . .
36-inch Printed Splash Voile
36-inch Tango Chiffon 25c
36-inch Ribbon Crepe 25c
30-inch Balsta Tissue 1 5c
Lovuna Fancy .." 18c
Iras Voile 20c
Dechine Mulls 1 5c
Brentmore Crepe 10c
Belvoir Chiffon 1 5c
. Chattillon Lace Cloth 1 0c
Wir.dcor Costume Crepe .... 20c
36 and 40 inch White Voil
at 15c, 20c, 25c, 35c and 50c
40-inch Seed Voiles, 25c, 35c, 50c
45-inch Organdie and Voiles
at 60c, 75c, and $1.00