The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, May 24, 1915, Page PAGE 5, Image 5

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    PAGE 5.
-MONDAY. MAY 21, 1913.
! i
jf 4'f 1
v. I,, ta - 1
K Comedy of Youtlt Founded Jay lr. Manners on His
1 1 Great Play of the Same Title Illustrations
From Photographs of the Play
CopyrUfat. 1915. by Do04. Mad
! Peg's New Surroundings.
PEC S little heart was crnvins for
some show of kindness. If she
were Roing: to stay there she
: would make tin best of it. Sh
would make some friendly advances tc
them. She held Ler hand out to Mrs
Tin sure I'm very grateful to you
for takin" me to live with ye here
An" me father will Ie too. P.ut. ye se.
It's all so strange to me here, an' I'm
so far away an' I miss me father so
Mrs. Chichester, inortns the out
stretched band. fctop;cd her jereni
"Go with iiim!" And sLe pointed ur
tlie stairs, on the irs-t landing of which
stood the portly Jarvis wait'in? to con
ditct IV? out of the family's sijriit.
IVp droppl a little courtesy to Mrs
Chichester, smiled at Ethel, looked
'IU.v at Alnrie. then ran op the stairs
and. rollowins the footman's index fin
per pointing the way. she disapeared
from Mrs. Chichester's unhappy aze.
The three looked at each other.
"Awful!" sail Alaric.
"Terrihle!" .'isrct'tl Mrs. Chichester.
"One thimr is absolutely necessary."
Mrs. Chichester went on to say "she
must le keit away from every one for
the present.
"I should say sc!' cried Alnric ener
getically. fcu-i:ly he ejaculated:
"Good Lord JetTy be mastut see
Peg Followed Jarvis Up the Stairs.
her. He'd laugh his head of at the
idea of my having: a relation like her.
He'll probably run in to lunch.
"Then she must remain in her room
until he's gone." said Airs. Chichester
determinedly. 'T.l go into town now
and order some things for her and see
about tutors. She must be taught and
at once."
"Why put tip with this annoyance at
all?" asked Kthel.
Mrs. Chichester put her arm around
JJtliel as she sjd:
"One thousand pounds a year, that is
the reason."
"Wait a minute, mater." put In Alar
i "and I'll go with you as far as the
station road and see if 1 can head Jer
ry off. His train U almost due if It's
He was genuinely concerned that his
old c hum should nt meet that impossi
ble little red headed Irish heathen
whom an unkind fate had dropjed
down in their midst.
At the hall door Mrs. Chicbester told
Jnrvis that her liieee was not to leave
her room without permission.
As Mrs. Chichester and Alaric pass
ed out they little dreamed that tbe same
relentless fate wr! planning still fur
ther humiliations for the unfortunate
family and throu.zti the new and un
welcome addition to it.
Teg was shown by the maid. Den
nett, into a charning old world room
overlooking the rose garden. Every
thing about it was in the most ex
rjuUite taste. The furniture was of
white and gold, the vases of Sevres, a
few admirable prints on the walls and
roses everywhere.
Left to her reflections, poor Peg
found herself wtndering . b;w people
with so much that was beautiful
around thn couM live and net jts the
Chichester family apparently did. They
teemed to lorrow uoth'ing from their
once illustrious and prosperous dead.
They were, it wo lid appear, only win
erued with a particularly near pres
ent. The splendor of the boue awed the
narrowness of tbe pe''!'' irritated Lr.
What aiiunequai condition of things
. is '
( f - tj I '
i I ' 4 1 i
er "4 ;ci? l
' '1
0 MY
J. Hartley-Manners
where snch people were endowed" wITL
so much of the world's goods while her
father had to struggle all his life for
the bare necessaries!
Very much comforted by the reflec
tion and having exhausted nil the cu
rious things In the little mauve room,
she determined to see the rest of the
honse. First 6he changed to another
At the top of the stairs she met the
maid Bennett.
"Mrs. Chichester left word that you
were not to leave your room without
lermssion. I was Just going to tell
you." said Bennett.,
All Teg's indoiKMident Irish blood
Cared up. What would she be doing
shut up In a little. wfrTte and gold,
room all day? She answered the maid
"Tell Mrs. Chi-ster Ism not goin to
do anything f the kind. As long as 1
stay in this hone 111 .see every bit of
it!" and she swept past the" maid down
the stairs into the same room "for the
third time.
"You'll only get me into trouble."
cried the maid.
"No. I won't. I wouldn't get you
into trouble for the wurrld. I'll get
all the trouble, an' I'll get it now."
Peg ran across, opened the door con
necting with the hall and called out:
"Aunt! Cousin! Aunt! Come bere; 1
want to tell ye about meself!
"They've all gotie out," Bald the maid
"Then what are ye makin Fucn a
fuss about? You go out too.
She watched the disappointed Ben
nett leave the room and then began a
tour cf inspection. She had never seen
so many strange things outside of a
Fierce men in armor glared at her
out of massive frames; old gentlemen
in powdered wigs smiled pleasantly at
her: hanghty lad'es in breath bereav
iug coiQnres Etarcd u;erciiiou3iy right
through her. She felt most uncom
fortable in such strange company.
On the piano Khe found a ierfectly
carved bronze statuette of Cupid. She
gave a little elfish cry of delight, took
the statuette in Ler arms and kissed it.
"Cupid, me darlin'! Faith, it's you
that causes all the mischief in the
wurrld. ye divil ye!" she cried.
All her depression vanirhed. She
was like a child again. She sat down
at the piano and played the simple re
frain and sang in her little girlish
tremulous voice one of her father's
favorite songs, her eyes on Cupid:
"Oh. the days gone when beauty
My heart's charm wove!
When my dream of life, from mom till
Was love, still love!
New hope may bloom
And days may come
Of milder, calmer beam.
But there's nothing half so sweet in life
As love's youngr dream!
No, there's nothtngr half so sweet in life
As love's young dream."
As she let the last bars die away
and gave Cupid a little caress and was
about to commence the next verse a
vivid flash of lightning played around
the room, followed almost Immediate
ly by a crash of thunder.
Peg cowered down into a deep chair.
All the laughter died from her face
and the joy in her heart. She made
the sign of the cross, knelt down and
Into the room through the window
came a young man. his coat collar turn
ed up. rain pouring from his hat. In
side his coat was a terrified looking
dog. The man came well into the room,
turning down the collar of his coat and
shaking tbe moisture from his clothes
when he suddenly saw the kneeling
figure of Teg. He looked down at her
in surprise. She was intent on her
"nellor cried the young man
"Frightened, eh?"
Teg looked up and saw him staring
down at her with a smile on his hps
Inside his coat was her precious little
dog. trembling with fear. The terrier
barked loudly when he saw his mis
tress. Teg sprang up and clutched Mi
chael away from the -stranger just as
another blinding flash played around
the room, followed by a deafening re
port. Peg ran across to the door, shout
ing: "Shut it out! Shut it out!" She
stood there trembling, covering her
eyes with one band; with the other
she held on to the overjoyed Michael
who was whining with glee at seeing
her again.
The amazed and amused young man
closed the windows and the curtains.
"Don't come near tbe dog. sir! Don't
come near it!" She opened a door and
found It led into a little reception
room. She fastened Michael with a
piece of Btring o a cbair in the room
and came back to look again at the
stranger, who bad evidently rescued
her dog from the storm. He was a
tall, bronzed, athletic looking, broad
shouldered young innn of about twenty-six.
with a pleasant, genial, mag
netic manner and a playful humot
lurkinr in his eves.
As Peg looked" him all over she found
that he was smiling down at her.
"Does the dog belong to you?" be
"What were you doin' with him?"
she asked iu reply.
"I found him barking at a very high
spirited mare."
. "Mare?" cried Pe. "Where?"
"Tied to the stablo door."
"The stable door? Is that where
they put Michael?" Once again the
lightning flashed vividly.
' Peg shivered.
' The stranger reassured her.
"Don't be frightened. It's only a
summer storm."
, "Summer or winter, they shrivel me
np," gasped Teg. She looked at the
young man and said in an awestruck
"They say if ye look at the sky when
the lightnin" comes ye can see the king
dom of heaven. An the sight of it
blinds some and kills others accordin
to the state of grace ye're in."
"You're a Catholic?" said the stran
ger. "What else would I be?" asked Peg
in surprise.
Again the lightning lit tbe room. Peg
closed her eyes agaiu and shivered.
"Doesn't it seem he is angry with
us for our sins?" she cried.
"With me perhaps not with you."
answered the stranger.
"What do ye mane by that?" asked
"You don't know what siu is." re
plied the young man.
'An who may yon be to talk to mt
like tk.Tt?" demanded Peg.
"Sir name is Jerry," he said.
"Jerry'" And Peg looked at kim cu
riously. "Yes. What is yours?"
Teg!" And there was a sullen note
of fixed determination in her tone.
"Peg. eh?" And the stranger smiled.
She nodded and looked at him curi
ously.' What a strange name he bad
Jerry! She had never heard such a
name before associated with such a
distinguished looking man.
'Jerry, did ye say?"
rjust plain Jerry." he answered
cheerfully. "And you're Peg."
She nodded again, with a quick Utile
smile. "Just plain Peg."
"I don't agree with you." said the
young man. "I think you are Tery
After a pause lie went on, "Who art
Tm me aunt's niece," replied Teg.
iaokir? r i'V) fr.rtivt-.'.y.
Jerry lansrhed again.
"And who is your aunt?"
"Mrs. Chi-ster."
Poor Peg tried again at the absurt
tongue tying name.
"My aunt is Mrs. Chi-sister."
"Mrs. Chichester?" asked Jerry In
"That's it," said Peg.
"How extraordinary!"
"Isn't it? Ye wouldn't expect a fine
lady like her to have a niece like me,
would ye?"
"That isn't what I meant, corrected
"Yes. it is what ye meant. Don't
tell untruths with the storm ragin
outside," replied Peg.
"I was thinking that T don't remeiu
lier Alaric ever telling me that he had
such a charming cousin."
"Oh. do you know Alaric?" asked
Peg, with a quick smile.
"Very well." answered Jerry.
Peg's smile developed into a long
"And why that lauh?" queried
"I'd like me father to see Alaric. I'd
like him just to see Alnric for one min-
uit. He's sich a conceited person."
"I admire your delightful accent," re
plied Jerry.
"Accent is it?" And Peg looked at
him in astonishment. "Sure. I've no
accent. I just speak naturally. It's
you have the accent to my way of
"Keallv?" asked the amused Jerrv.
Peg imitated the young man's well
breL- polished tone:
"Wah vp linwn lheah?"
Jerrv lauzhed Immoderately'. . Who
was this extraordinary little person?
was the one thought that was in Dis
(To Be Continued.)
Plattsmouth Readers Can No Longer
Doubt the Evidence.
This Plattsmouth citizen testified
long ago.
Told of quick relief of undoubted
The facts are now confirmed.
Such testimony is complete the
evidence conclusive.
It forms convincing proof of merit
E. M. Buttery, stationary enjrineer,
Tenth and Walnut streets, Platts
mouth, says: "I could hardly lift
anything without pains catching me
across my hips. I also had lameness
across my loins and finally concluded
the trouble arose from disordered
kidneys. Doan's Kidney Pills quickly
relieved me." (Statement given June
11, 1906).
Mr. Buttery said: "I still use Doan's
Kidney Pill3 occasionally and recom
mend them as highly as ever."
Price 50c, at all dealers. Don't
simply ask for a kidney remedy get
Doan's Kidney Pills the same that
Mr. Buttery had. Fostern-Milbum
Co., Props., Buffalo, N. Y.
H"M-I' -I-I-I-I-I' "S-H-H I-H-fr
Mr. Gould, while shoveling corn at
a corncrib on Friday last was partial
ly sunstroke and prostrated for the
A pretty heavy rain and wind
storm occured Tuesday night or early
Wednesday morning, but did no dam-
No train reached Plattsmouth
from the west after the great storm
of Tuesday night until the Friday
morning following.
Mr. Schicketanz is about moving
into the- Boeck building, where Mr.
Rheinhackel's harness shop was, and
Mr. R. goes next door east.
A stroke of lightning struck the
barn of Uncle Thomas Jefferson Todd
last week. Mrs. Todd, who was trying
to put down the window at the time,
felt the shock severely.
Charlev Warren's family are off
visiting friends during this hot weath
er, but Charley is on hand to shave,
shampoo, trim and brush you up in
the most approved and comfortable
style, as usual.
Frank Morrison's new propcllor.
"The City Marshal," is launched, at
last, and lying at the foot of Main
street. Frank says as soon as she
gets her "works" in he will leave for
Now Orleans ind freight her up with
sugar, for the boys.
Ono Dw-inell. of Weeninc Water.
has jumped the country to escape trial
for beating his wife and otherwise
behaving in a most shocking manner.
Trora what we can learn he has been
n Karl ilrac unon the familv. the sons
doing all the work of the farm, and he
reaping the profit.
A young man in the machine shops
got too much "benzine" Monday and
made an outrageous attack on Mr.
Joseph Schlater, bruising and mal
treating him in his own office. lie
was arretted and fine $20 and costs.
Laying his troubles on McLain, the
painter, he met him Tuesday and
knocked him down. We hope it will
be a warning to the young man; as
for McLain, nothing will cure him.
The National Greenback club No.
."6 of Plattsmouth, Cass county, met
pnd will continue to meet every Satur
day at the court house. The meeting
being called to order by Wm. Bryan,
president pro tern. The platform be
ing read, together with the minutes
of our last meeting. Robert Doom
was called upon to address us, with
which request he complied and gave
us a short but very solid and pointed
r.ddress. G. W. Shrader also made
some very pertinent remarks and read
us some very pood information. The
meeting, everything being considered,
was a success. We added five more
names to our club. Look out, we are
coming! as the saying is, you can
put this in your pipe, we mean busi
nes. Wre will soon have another club
in this city. Come and see and hear
for yourselves and do not depend upon
what others say about us or our
platform, for no sane-minded man can
take any exception to it. We are em
powered to organize every ward into
a club if they wish it. So don't stand
in your own light, but come to the
front, for we tell you it is to your in
terest so to do. John Wayman,
President; G. Kinser, Secretary.
And Robert Ballance looks a foot
taller and a hundred per cent happier,
and all because of that little daughter
that is reigning in their house.
Rev. Mr. Harris of Lincoln exchang
ed pulpit with Mr. Burgess on Sun
day last, and delivered two very excel
lent sermons.
The Rev. Henry St. George L.
Young called on the Herald Tuesday,
He has become quite an Indian de
fender since his residence in the Sioux
Mr. and Mrs. Sherwood lost their
only daughter, little Amelia, aged 6,
last week, Saturday. The funeral took
place on Sunday afternoon, and was
attended by a large number of
Mr. Carr, who has been an invalid
for a year past, died on Saturday last
and was buried Sunday morning, the
funeral services taking placa in the
afternoon at the Christian church. He
leaves a wife and two smali children
Billy Lompkc, our famous tailoi,
shot himself accident-ill y Sunday
morning in the only sou'.i-J leg he has.
Happily for Billy the wo-md is not
deep and he still continues to cross
both legs; for many a day yet, the
Herald sincerely hopes.
A special telegram to the Omaha
Daily Republican from Sidney, Neb.,
announces that two sons of M. H.
Shafer, who formerly lived in Cass
county, were shot by Indians while
only a few rods from their house
hunting cattle. The younger boy,
aged 7, was killed instantly and the
other probably mortally wounded.
Their ranch, called Grenwood ranch,
is twenty-eight miles from Sidney.
Tne Indians were Cheyennes.
On Friday last a man traveling
through was taken with fits; bad
ones. The first one was opposite Pat
terson's row, where Mrs. Pierce and
other ladies gave him coffee and tried
to help him. Later he had another at
the corner of Main and Fifth streets,
collecting a great crowd. He was tak
en to the poor house, and seeming
well was discharged Sunday. He had
cne fit in Wilburn's lane and another
Sunday evening at the bank corner.
He says he wants to go to St. Joseph.
He ought to have been sent there at
once by some authority.
We made mention last week that
the ladies of St. Luke's Guild had
sent out committees in the various
wards to solicit bedding and other
supplies for the yellow fever suffer
ers. Some misundertsanding has
arisen, we believe, in regard to the
work being entirely confined to the
Episcopal church, which is a mistake.
Any help from other church members
will be thankfully received, or from
people belonging to no denomination.
All are asked to contribute, to solicit,
or to help in any way they can. A
box was sent off last Monday contain
ing 20 shirts, 71 pillowslips. 97 mean s
shirts. 18 bovs' shirts, 37 chemises, 28
night dresses and shirts, 1 bed quilt,
1 blanket, 1 spread and quite a
ouantity of children's clothing and
other articles. Nearly enough has
been obtained at the time of writing
for another box, and any articles still
sent in will be forwarded promptly. '
J--J-I W-I-5- w-I-r-I- -M-X-r-
Mrs. Earl ISaum of Greenwood
visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
William Anderson, a couple of days
this week.
Frank Heim of Vienna, S. D., ar
rived Tuesday for a short visit with
his parents and other relatives.
Miss Esther Hart left for her home
in Gresham, Neb., Tuesday, after an
extended visit with her aunt, Mrs. W.
F. Diers and family.
Miss Dorothy Group closed a very
successful year's school near Elm
wood and accepted the same school
for next year. She exjects to leave
soon for a visit with relatives in Okla
homa. Frank Johnson is building an Air
Dome across the street from his pic
ture theater, where he will be able to
entertain his customers in comfort
during the hot weather. It is a stroke
of enterprise on the part of Mr. John
son and deserving of patronage.
. The schools have closed and vaca
tion is on. Trof. A. L. Gash, who has
decided to give up teaching, will move
his family to Elmwood, where he will
go into the garage business. Miss
Marquardt expects to leave next week
for California, accompanied by her
John Gauer, G. P. Meisinger and
Fhilip Fornoff of Cedar Creek were in
town Tuesday evening on their way
home from Omaha with a couple of
1P15 model Mitchell touring cars
which Mr. Gauer had sold to Messrs.
Meisinger and Fornof. They were
beauties and the Courier congrata
lates these gentlemen on their selec
Virjril Haddon has a force of men
at work building the foundation for
his new residence on Second street.
It is to be modern in every respect
nnd Mr. Haddon hopes to have it com
pleted within the next two months.
It is to be 24x36 and is to be modeled
after the style of E. A. Mayfield's
residence and will be a valuable ad
dition to that part of town.
Mrs. Julius Ragoss and her brother,
Henry Ahl, left Tuesday for Cali
fornia, going via Telluride, Colorado,
where they will visit for a short time.
They will be in San Francisco, Santa
Rosa, Los Angeles and other points
of interest in California, and will be
gone several months. Their many
friends in this vicinity wish them a
safe and pleasant journey.
New Daughter Arrives.
Frm Saturday' Oatiy. .
This morning the stork, that kindly
old bird, paid a call atlhe home of
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Messersmith and
left in their care a handsome little
daughter, who, if the testimony of the
proud parents can be taken, is jur.t
tbout the finest little girl that ever
made her advent in Plattsmouth. Both
the mother and little one are doing
nicely and Harry will recover in a
short time from the exhubriance of
his joy.
t IK M l OK -. M0IIHSK.
In Ke-Guai-riUnsliip of Norman K. Lick-
fon. Minor.
Now on this it'nd ilay of May, A. !..
l?ir, this cause came on for hearinir
upon tlie itition of IZ. J. Klchey,
Euaidinn of Norman IZ. Iiirkson. minor,
pravin for B- license to sell the un
riiviilcd one-eiriiteent h of tlie l'ollow
inp described property, beinar tlie inter
est of sai'1 minor in said property, to
wit: l,.ts seven (7 eiplit 8 mul nine 9
in Moek t li irt v-ni x I "6 I: tlie south half
of lot twelve 1 in tiloi-k forty-lwn
H2i; lots four (li and five in Moek
fiftv-five (".r.i; lots one 1 and two i - )
three CM four Ml and five r. I in Muck
fiftv-seven : lot nine (Hi and part
of lot ten (10 in block fifty- seven
5 7 ) : lots three ( :! ) four (4 1 five ( f
and six . in Mocs tifty-eisrht ( TiS i :
north half of lots eleven (111) "rid
twelve (12 1. in Mock one hundred
and fort v-nine (14!u. and lots ten (101
eleven (11) and twelve ( 11'.) in Mock
fiftv- fix ( r.G i ail In the City of I'latts
inouth: also all of lots three ( " ) and
four (4) in Mock thirty-seven CIT).
rind an nndidived one-half interest
in lots five (T.l and six.i'il in Mock
thirtv-einht CIS) in Youiik & Hayes
addition to the City of i '!nl t smout h :
and also lot fifteen (l.i) sixteen ( 1 )
and seventeen (17). in lime's First Ad
dition to the villafre of Mynari', ail in
Cass County, Nehraka.
For tlie purpose of usinjr the funds
derived therefrom for the siiipoit. ed
ucation and maintenance of caid minor,
and allepiiiK that the sale of said land
is necessary and for the liest interest
of said minor.
And it appeal-ins? that an order
should lie entered requiring all per
sons Interested in said estate to appear
and show a iise, if any, why a license
should not issue to said guardian to
fiell the interest of said minor In ?uid
ahove described real eidate.
it is THi:i:i'.rni:i': ui i:ur.! that
all persons interested in said real es
tate appear hefore me at the office of
the Clerk rI the lMsiricl oun ai
1'lattsrnouth, Nebraska, at nine o'clock
a. in., on the ;;ro nay oi .iuiic, -. i '..
19ir, anil snow cause, u an. j u
license should not iuc to said jruar-
dian to sell the interest of said minor
in the ahove descrihed teal estate for
the purpose set forth in said applica
tion. J..1H 1. I . ur. i .
.ludse of the lMstnet I imrt.
It is ordered that n copy of this or
der he served upon all person. interes
ted in said estate hy publication of
said" order for throe successive weeks
prior to said late set lor sin'Winc
cacse in the riansiiimiin .mnai,
newspaper published semi-weekly and
f troiiem! circulation in me ioum
of Cass, Nebraska.
JAli;s r. i-.i .i , i.i . .
.Indtre 1'istiict Court.
W. A. K )!U:i:TS( .. Attorney.
(dl M l, m:iui ika.
Joseph Skaluk and William Wynn,
Joseph McCreary, et. al..
J ei e inia in.-.
Votice to Joseph JlcCreary and the
unknown heirs and devisees of Joseph
McCreary. deceased: Oran S. Thomp-
on and Hebeeca H. Thompson, nis wne.
and th' unknown heirs and cle isees ol
ran S. Thompson, deceased: the un
known heirs and devisees of ' L,neHiiia
l:illin.'S. deceased; Anna 'A. Townsend
nd Alfred 11. 1 ownscjiu. Her nusnano.
tnc- unknown heirs mm devisees in
Anna A. Townsend. deceased; the un
known heirs and devisees of Kdmund
A. lioneian. deceased: Crace I . J.uper
nd Y. (Irant J.upcr, her hustiano: r.n
Sampson, and lis. i-.n r-ampson,
wire, lirst name unknown; .lonn i.
Iloesener, and Juliana Henrietta Knese-
ner. his wile, oeienoams.
Volt and each of you are hereby noti
fied that the plaintiffs have commenced
un action against you in tne insirici
Court of Cass County, Nebraska, lor
h miriiose cf nuietinir their title in lee
simple in and to the following hescrib
ed real estate to-wit: Fractional lots (;.",
11 MO. HI. and !.. in the SK. ( ol the
SW't of Section IS, Township li, north
of Kanire 14 Kast of the tith I. M.. be-infc-
more particularly described us fol
lows: Commencing at the southeast
corner of the SW'i of the SW'i of
Section IS, Township 1 north of
Kanire 14 Kast of the 1 . M., and
runninc thence north of said 8th Sec
tion line r.yti feet to the place of be-
irinnins. thence running north 416 feet.
thence east to the west line oi mxi u
.tT-,.(.t in the Citv of Plattsmouth, Cass
Count v, Nebraska. thence fllowiiir
said west-lire of Street hti.1 Itil-
iiriKS Avenue In southerly direction
to a point in said west line of Killings
Avenue due XOnst to the place or b i;in
nin. thence west to the place of be
srinninp, heirs and incltnlincr said frac
tional lots 11, !(, PI and !C.: and
also commencing: at the southeast cor
ner f the SW't of the SW.4 of Section
IK. Township 12. Kanfre 14 I'ast of the
tit li 1'. M.. running thence north "!' feet
to the place of lietiiinintr. thence rini
nitiR west it) feet, thence north ifi
feet, thence east ( feet, thence south
:Mi6 feet to tlie place of befrinnins:, being;
known as fractional lot . In the s 4
or the of said Section IS, Town
ship 12 north Kanfre 14. Kast of the
6th P. M . In Cass County, Nebraska,
nnd also fractional lot Si: in the SlCW
of the SW. of Section IS, Township
12, north of Panne 14 Kast or the .th
P. M., in Cass County, Nebraska beinK
more particularly described as fol
lows: Commencing at the northwest
corner of the S;i of the SYV h4 of said
Section IS, Township 12, north Kanjie
14 Kast. running thence south lS'.i
rod? to the place of bejrlnnfni;, thence
east 13 rods, thence south 112 feet to
lot 16. thence west 1 S rods, thence
north 112 feet to the place of hcs;in
ninc. beinir known as fractional lot h2.
And to forever enjoin you and euch of
you from claiming any rijiht, title,
claim, lien or interest in and to the
above described real estate, and to re
move cevrtain clouds from Plaintiff's
title in and to said real estate and for
equitable relief, i ou and each of you
are required to answer said petition on
or before the 21 st day of June A. J ..
191.1. and in failing so to do imir de
fault will be duly entered therein and
judgment taken us prayed for in
plaintiff's petition.
JOSKt'l! PKAT.AK and
By A. L. TIDI. Plaintiffs.
Their Attorney. 4-w
County of Cass, ss.
In the Matter of the Estate of Alice
JI. Tague, Deceased.
To All Persons Interested: r
You are hereby notified that there
has been filed in this court report of
the administrator of said estate, to
gether with his petition for final set
tlement thereof and his discharge as
such administrator.
You are further notified that a
hearing will be had thereon before
this court at Plattsmouth, in said
county, on the 1st day of June, 1915,
at ten o'clock a. m., at which time
this court will receive evidence in said
matter and enter a final decree in ac
cordance therewith, and discharge the
All objections, if any, must be filed
with said court on or before fcaid day
and hour of hearing.
Witness my hand and the seal of
the County Court of said County this
20th day of May, 1015.
County Judge.
tflank books of til kinds at the
Journal oCics.
sotich ! uroHPon tio.
fc-l.... I., t. ....... .,. it-;.M II :i t the l'e-
.uin ' i iiTi...., e......
stone l'ipe Company was on the iut
dav of May, !iir., incorporated for the
purpose of manufacturing and sell
inn cement pipes and all other cement
products of every kind and tli,e ma
nhfnerv whereby tlie same are molded
and marte: also the snle of restricted
territories of the risihts to manu
facture such products and articles un
,iar l'nited States Patents o ! d
and controlled by said company, in
all slates of the i nin-'i .-iaies ...
merica. with its principal omce hi
l-tiion. Nebraska. The amount of
capital stock beinx 1 1 0.mitl im fullv
paid up when issueo alio i-nsr'-ir-
Hhle Said corporation to commoiu-e.
.1... i-.iii .l.v ., Mav. !!.-..
and continue until the l.dli dav of MV.
1)10, unless sooner uismuwh !....
tion of 'law or by consent of stock
holders. The lifhe.-t amount or
indebtedness or liability to wnnii
,.,.!-, 1 1 , in is at a ri v time to sub
ject itself shall not exceed two-thiids
of the paid up capnai mock. j o"
affairs of said corporation are In !
conducted bv a Hoard of I n --i s of
not less than three nor more than nine
stockholders. as,wi;i ne iim.i ny i to-bv-laws.
and the Hoard of Iiin--t"i
..i .. l .- ti t Vic. l'rcsl-
sr.uii ,iii i , ( , .... .....
dent. Secretary and Trcasuicr, and a
(Jenerai .Manager.
Dated at I'niorv. Nebraska. 1 1-is kill
day of May, i !'".
I 'resident.
Attest: . .
JOHN McCAIITI i Y, S.crclan-.
(Seal I J-K)-4wkK
(III All, - 1 ,IH -IX .
The Hunk of Cass County.
1 li: I li 1 1 li ,
William II. S'hafer arcl the titiKiiown
heirs and devisees ot nii;im Mnai
er, deceased: Joseph Throckmorton
and the unknown heirs and devisees
of Joseph Throckmorton. b-c-ast-d :
the unknown heirs and b-1-ees of
Anna I:th. deceased; Kdw;nd Week
itfieh: Kueno k bach ; Joseph
"Wcckbach. Asnes Weekhai h and Ma
thilda Castc llo, et. a I..
I ief enda nt s.
You and each of you are hereby noti
fied that tlie plaintiff has commence. i
in nction atrainst you in me mimiiii
Court oT ass oiiiitv. .-v e i.iii s Ka. i'r
I he purpose of iiietniir its title in ie-
simple in ami to uns no aim m
and in block twenty-one 2 1 in ihe
Citv of Plattsmouth, Cass county.
brnska. except that part ol mm lois
oc c upied by Washington A venue ill
aid City. And to forever 111.10111 you
and each of you from claiiniiitr any
riirht. title, claim or lien or interest in
ind to the ahove Oeseri Pen real emaie
111H to remove certain c bonis from
Plaintiff's title in and to said mil estate-
and for equitable relief And you
and each of you are reo 11 1 re-l to iniovir
said iM-tition on or lietore tin jtsi mv
of June A. 1 ., l!l."i, and in failing so !
in vimr il.fMnlt will nnv in' entereo
therein and iinlirment taken as ptliyed
for in plaintiff's petition.
Till-. HANK III' Ci Lin .mi 1.
By A. 1.. TI1I. Clainlin.
Its Attorney. -w rort nctttixc;
In the County Court of I'limi County
In the matter of the estate of Perry
P. Cass, deceased:
Now on this ItOtli day of April. 1 !!",
comes (Mive 1 aim nies a peinioii in
this court allcK'infr that Perry P. (.ass.
late a resident and inhabitant or ass
County. Nebraska, departed this life.
intestate, on July 1-th. i:m:i. at his
home in the citv of Plattsmouth. sei.- d
and possessed of the fee simple title.
to lots oip ill a tm two i;i 111 ihoik
fortv-live (4T.) in Vounir - Hays' ad
dition to Plattsmouth. Nebraska, of t b
value of about JiimiiKl. which was the
homestead of said deceased, winch at.
the date of his death, and is now
wholly exempt from a 1 1 a eh me 11 i . exe
cution or other mesne process and not
liable for the payment of debts of said
deceased, but that there were no dilils
left owinK by said deceased, and that
said deceased left survivnic; I im. as his
sole and only heirs at law. mini the
only persons interested in said estate,
Alvin 11. (lass, n son. and (Hive Cass, h
daughter, both of whom at date of t li
death of said decedent were more than
21 years of a-. ami pravtnp for 11
hearing on said petition, and that upon
such hear'titr that an order be entered
dispensing with a rcjrular administra
tion of said es5::te, and for linclinirs of
fact upon the allegations ol said tr
illion and a decree ussisrnitiir said real
c-state to the heirs at law of said d"
ceased as provide. 1 bv law.
it is ti 1 i:i:i;p( ki: ti;ii:i:i:i. that
said cause be heard bs- the court on t he
IM t h day of May. P'K.. at ln:(M) o do. k
p. tn., at the County Court room. In the
Citv of 1 'la 1 1 smout ii, ('ass County. Neb
raska, anil that all persons intereste.l
In said estate, including creditors, if
any. be notified of such hearim; by the
publication of this order lor three suc
cessive weeks frior to said day of
hearing In the Plattsmouth Journal t
Icsal newspaper, pi.biished in sahl
County of Cass, and that if they fail
to appear and contest said petition, tbe
court may enter the decree us prayed
for in naid iietltlon.
Date; April COth. 19 If..
Hv the Court.
(Seal) County Jude.
Attorney for Petitioner.
i Tin: on tv roi 11T en.- thi;
In the matter of the estute of John,
Fitzpatrick, deceased:
OTIC i :.
All persons interested In tbe etntn
of John Fitzpatrick, late of Cass Coun
ty Nebraska, deceased, will hereby
tak" notice that on the 'Kth dav of
April, A. 1., lUir., Aiii.'iit ;. Itwcli.
made triplication to the County I'nurf
to probate the last -will and testament
cf said John l"i t zpa t r ick, deceased, and
for letter" testamentary to Issue to said
Autrust ti. liach. Hearing ri said pe
tition will be had on the 2-'nd day of
May, 1 IU r,. at 1(:00 o'clock a. m. Pu
les objections or exceptions ! said
petition are filed on or before said tnm
of hearing, an order will be entered
hrcin a-llowinK the prayer of said pe
tition, and receiving said will to pro
bate. Iatcd this 2Sth dav of April. A. !..
19K'. f'.v the Court,
(Seal) . County JudKe.
TO ,. TO wiiiiu TIII'M: I'HKS'.C'VT
MV (41111,:
Notice l.s hereby piven that The Cass
Iind Company, a corporation with its
place for transacting business being1 at
PJat t.vmouth. Cass County. Ncbinska.
with h capital stock of ore hundred
t housand ( J 1 00.000 1 dollars. all of
which has been paid in. commence-d
business on the -1th day e.f Mi.ri'li, A. 1 ..
1911, to continue for twenty year.-., witli
the hieiiost amount of Iridchtednem
allowed be in 2: not mores thin one-half
of the apete-pate of Its capital stock,
and the affairs of said cm poi t ion le'ei
conducted by a. hoard of fM rectors, com
posed of riot lesK than five or mor
than seven members On the Kith of
March, A. D., 1S1. It am-ncied its ori
ginal articles of incorporation by In
cluding in the nature of tie business
to be transacted, the buvinK. Kellitirr
and leaiinsr of real estate for lcinrli
purposes, lai mint and all other pur
poses, and further amended by frrant
ine to said corporation thf rlcht to
tiHtisact i.usiness in t lie stale of Mis
souri, Texas, Oklahoma. Illirols, Moh
ican, Minnesota. Wisconrin Iowa ami
Arkansas, in addition to the tutes in
which said Coin pan v was by its origi
nal articles authorized to tra.rart bus
iness, j
Charles C Parmcle. President.
C. A. Pawls, rt;cretary.
l or Sale.
Good Durham Shorthorn bull, 2
years old. Inquire of J. J. Lohnes,
Mynard, Neb. 4-l!9-4wks-w
For Sale.
On extra fine milk cow, and two
past yearling Galloway steers. In
quire of Oldhams, or telephone ICG.
- I.:..