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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (May 24, 1915)
PAGE 4. PLATTSMOUTII SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL. MONDAY, MAY 21, 1915. Cbc plattsmouth journal Publlhd S 9 m l-W k I y at Plittmouth, N t r. Enured at the I'ostoifico at IMatwmouth. Nebraska, as aecoixl-claM mall matter. R. A. BATES, Publisher Bubaorlptlon Prloi S1.50 Per Year In Adranoi I- . THOUGHT FOR TODAY. It is a matter of economy to $ be happy, to view life and all -I its conditions from the bright- . est angle; it enables one to J seize life at its very best. It J expands the soul. II. W. Dies- J ser. ....... I I I-I 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 :u:- The growler (cither kind) greases the track of progress. :o: Gardens arc doing nicely, and vege tables will be plenty. :o: Has Ross Hammond had enough of running for governor? :o: Time to cut the weeds before they get as tall as the fence. :o: To appraise the value of a smile, look up the breach of promise suits. :o: A man never leaves his home town to take a job. It is always a position. :o: The rain came in just the nick of time. The farmers were needing it. :o: There will be no saloon in Cedar Creek this year. That seems de cisive. :o: At least the Germans mustjc given credit for stalling off Italy to the last minute. Some men arc a "friend of the peo ple" because they make their living that way. :o: All the world loves a lover, but the maiden loves him best of all if his cash holds out. :o : An ad in the paper is as convinc ii g as a flea beneath your underskirt. It produces quick action. :o: Of course "he who laughs last laughs best." How about the fellow who never laughs at all? :o: When you hear a man denouncing kissing as vulgar, just write him down as one who has sought and found it not. ::- And now Mexico wants this country to kick Iluerta from her peaceful shores. What a handicap is neutral ity! :o: "Wheat far above the average" is the optimistic headline over news paper accounts of the crop conditions in Nebraska. :o:" This would be a rip-snorting old world if it would be. just as easy to malic a good thing better as it is to make a bad thing worse. :o: The boys are not worrying much about the low marks on their school reports, provided they can keep their error column in the ball .score blank. :o: Torpedoing the Lusitania, it was fcaid, was done for psychological effect on England. That sort of effect on this side of the water may have been effect. :o: The merchant who does not adver tise is like the fellow who throws a kiss to his sweetheart in the dark he knows what he is doing, but no pne else does. :o: A news item from Lincoln says: "Professors of English at the State University are enthusiislic in their praise of President Wilson's note to Germany as a masterpiece of rhetoric." TRUST THE PRESIDENT. "Thrice is he arm'd that hath his quarrel just. ine justice and righteousness of President Wilson's demand upon the German empire is so apparent, and so clearly stated, that every true American stands ready to offer the fullest measure of sacrifice in its support. There is no division of opinion and no thought of receding frcm a single contention. The presi dent spoke as the heart and the con science of the nation would have him speak, and his appeal was in behalf of that which the whole world must admit is right and just. Whatever reply Germany may make to the president's demands, humanity will bless America for raising her voice above the confusion of battle and de manding that there be a limitation placed upon the brutality of war. And feeling confident that their quar rel is just, the American people calm ly await the decision of the great na tion across the sea hoping that Ger many, too, may recognize the justice of cur demands and make amends, but firm in their determination to right the wrongs that have been committed The American people would a thou sand times rather remain on terms of friendship with Germany than break for a single day the good feeling that has always existed, but America must protect her citizens whatever may be the cost. Whenever the American flag ceases to be a protection to American rights and American citizens, on cither land or s;ea, then will America cease to merit the love or devotion of her peo ple or the respect of other nations. The future of America is at stake, and the president, and the people have undertaken to lead the nation in the paths of righteousness, and to lift it to a still higher level than it has been 'wont to travel. Not since the day of Lincoln have the American people evi denced such deep and abiding faith in a president to meet a great crisis, as they now have in the ability of Presi dent Wilson to rightly solve the problems that confront us. And this faith is founded upon the fact that the president is known to be a God fearing Christian man, and that he has the courage to always do what he believes to be right. His acknowledg ed belief in divine guidance in human s flairs inspires confidence in the hearts of the people, and his deep tenm of right and justice is a suf ficient guarantee that he. will deal fairly with all nations. And his love of pace and his abhorrence of war are guarantees that he will preserve peace so long as it may be done with out sacrificing the honor of the nation. What the next week or the next month may bring to the American people, no man can foretell, but this we know, that the near future is fraught with far-reaching possibili ties. Today's worship should be a supplication for divine directions and a preparation for the duties that shall fall upon us. The whole world is ex pecting America to acquit herself as a nation of high-minded, justice-loving, courageous men. :o: A little sunshine now and then is relished by the farmer men. :o : The Germans charge that the re sponsibility for the sinking of the Lusitania should be laid at the door cf Great Britain. And why not? It was owned by Iiritish capital, and the commander knew that his ship would pass through dangerous waters. It was not an American ship, and the passengers who risked their lives to get across the cean knew the danger in an cfTort to do so. England and Germany arc at war, and neither has any light to risk the lives of innocent people on their ships during warfare. "Wh?.t is sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander!' Pep isi great institution, but skill is needed to win a ball game. :o: FARM LABOR AND HIS HIRE. Not so many years ago the ables Remember that it is easier to sltart artist in the farm labor line could be a scandal than it is to stoD it. hired for $20 a month and board dur- :o : ing the busy season, and for less :o:- This is the time of year many men money for the entire year. Now farm are neutral about me institution oii"""iti hucihoi, work. twenty-live, thirty, ana even tnirty- five dollars a month is not considered too much for good men. Of course this includes board and room, the room being considered essential for the short time the farm hand devotes to sleep. Since his hours are so long There is now a breath of warmth occasionally. But it comes from the f jrnace register. o;- Experience proves that umbrellas are more often borrowed when the that he hasn't much time or oppor owner isn t in sight. tunity to waste ms substance in q; I riotous living, me present stanuara or How in the deuce can a man take a wages may make it seem like a pretty philosopical view of life in the pres- J good job, as jobs go, and figured by trice of a lawn mower? the amount of money saved by the ?i; I enu oi tne year s worK. ine quaimed The last legislature spent a half and able farm hand probably is the million less money than its prcdeces-! world's nearest approach to steady sor. lhat is something. employment, not excepting the regis i :o:- I tered pharmacist. lie gets an early The citizen who stands on the street start, and lanterns were made for his corner knocking on everybody and use in doing chores before and after everything is not a very desirable I the regular hours of field labor. And resident, and nobody knows it better J yet it isn't such a bad job as one than he does. might make it appear. Like golf, it :o: I tanes one out in the open air, ami More than fifteen new houses will J keeps him there longer, and those be erected in Plattsmouth this sea- I who like it can turn its humble wage son. More than that number have into success. Examples of this kind r.lready been contracted. Onward, are numerous enough; of young men right onward. who saved enough as farm hands to o : I become renters, and succeeded so well The people of Nebraska seem to be tnat they became owners of valuable slow in wending their way to the farms and automobiles and other Panama exposition. Generally sneak- luxuries. Perhaps the process entail- - i ing, most people have other uses for c1 somc drudgery, and yet it might their surplus. I nt have been that if they liked their Q; . work; and it must have suited them There aro si ibnt m.-.nv will nnK pretty wen ii tney couiu succeed so 0 even this year, undertake to "See wc" Kn 13 amn ine m SZ 1 America First." If they can't go to I,ortant 3essons of life for farm hands Europe they will stick around little or financie,s; that one doesn't do his old New York. Is America so lug it frightens them? :o: Unless you are close enough to your friend who always gets in the lead ior someining "soit, ioIIowiiil; a 1 .1 : . 4U r..i : T a t Tt- - a t ".auvi is iiit; xuiiiu iumv. ins is i:o case from the highest to the lowest office-holders, including governoi. :o: A Missouri paper offers a prize of $1.85 for some plan for utilinzing the little black studs that laundrymen put into the collar button holes of shirts. It would seem more desirable to give prize to somc manufacturer who would be content to put shirts on the market without 185 pins stuck all over them. :o: The State Journal should bother its head more about republican can didates for United States senator and governor instead of worrying itself! sick figuring out democratic candi dates for these positions. The demo crats are abundantly able to select their. own candidates, without any as sistance from the State Journal gang. :o: There are so many people who would like to know just exactly what a kilowatt is and who would like to read their own electric light meters that a tired editor has spent his odd moments for many years figuring out best work unless he likes the work. and that liking one's work is in itself a large portion of success, there being so much of one kind and another to be done in this somewhat industrious sphere. One's life isn't entirely a suc cess unless there is enjoyment in liv ing it, and that can hardly be the case if the day's work is distasteful. :o : Now is the time for Plattsmouth citizens to "pull together" for Platts mouth and see her go to the front again this season. :o: Prosperity? The old girl is hitting the high places in her eagerness to envelop us in her golden arms. Money is plenty in banks, and you can have all you want if you can furnish the collateral. - :o: There are still a great number of young men who feel it is not worth while to stay at home and acquire a farm when they can go to the city and earn $9.00 a week and see all the pic ture shows. A large number of business men at tended the Commercial club meeting Thursday night, which denoted good for the welfare of the city, and was very encouraging to the new presi dent, E. II. Wescott, who is always alert to that which is best for Platts mouth. Children Cry for Fletcher's A -:o:- The Journal predicts that Senator Hitchcock's address before the High school class in this city will 'prove one of the finest orations ever de livered in this city. Senator Hitch cock is one of the linished scholars of the west and his ability is not out classed by anyone. The patrons of the Plattsmouth public schools can I confidently look forward to one of the finest literary treats of a lifetime. He is a man of the hour. TIio Kind You Have Always Bonght, and -which has been la use. lor over iJO years, has borno the signature of ana lias been made under his per- -A 1 eonai supervision-sineo its fiifancv. Allow Jio one to deecivn von in iliis- All Counterfeits, Imitations and Just-a-good tiro but Experiments that trifle Avitli and endanger tlio health ot Infants and Children Experience against Experiment, 7 ... What Is CASTOR I A Castoria is a. harmless substitute for Castor Oil, gorie. Drops and .Soothing Syrups. It is pleasai :o:- PROSPEROUS NEBRASKA. The experiences of New York bu?iness man in meeting the small town retail trade in Nebraska, and his conclusions at the end of a several weeks stay in the state, form the sub ject of a refreshing news story else where in this paper. There is nothing uncommon in the visit of New York men here. They come and go by the dozens, doubtless, and nothing is said about them while they are here, or by them when they go away. But this particular man came here to scoff at a trade condi tion which he felt sure one of hi: business associates knew notning tbout anil lo, ne remained to pray that conditions might always continue to be as satisfactory as he found them then. The underwear salesman for such ic was learned to his surprise that this section of the country, particu- arly Nebraska, is prosperous. He saw here not the forerunner of pros perity that is to be, but convincing evidence of the wealth that IS. He saw here not dreams of the future, but realizations of the past- fat bank rolls, happy and contented people, and business conditions scanti ly perturbed by the outside influences that just now are proving stumbling blocks in other state. He found Paro an. If: contains iicitncr upturn, Jiorpiuno nor other !Narcotia substance. Its a.o is its guarantee. It destroys "Worms nnd allays Fev rishness. For more than thirty years it ll.'ll TwfM it) f'finsf :int. licit ftl Hm n.lSnf stf r Flatulency, Wind Colic, all Tcethingr Troubles and. J;arrlm;a. assimilates riho Children It regulates the Stomach and Dowels, the Food, giving- healthy and natural Sleep, en's Panacea Tho Mother's Friend, GENUINE CASTOR! A ALWAYS Bears tlx; Signature of The Kind Yon Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years JTAUH COMPANY, Nrw VOI 1 k r.iTr, LAST DAY OF SCHOOL AT ROCK BLUFFS APPRO PRIATELY CELEBRATED Friday, May 21st, was the last day of school at the Rock Kluffs school, and in order to celebrate "he event in the proper manner, a picnic was held at the school house" by the pupils of he school and their instructor, Miss Violet Freese, to which the parents and friends of the pupils were invited. There was some 7-5 in attendance, it was an all-day aiTair and one of the most delightful picnics of the season. :o: Another way a farmer has of pre venting his boys from leaving the farm is to acquire enough adjacent land to give them each an eighty when they come of age. But it sometimes near ly puts pa in the grave to do it :o: . There may be good trusts and bad a scientific definition for a kilowatt trusts, and there may be good bosses and it is here given to our readers so anci bad bosses, but some kind of they may forever be informed on the bosses may be imperative. An army subject. If you do not understand it without a boss is a mob. Now which then you are too dense to learn any- js a g00(i boss, Barnes or Roosevelt? way, and further time would be wast ed on your education: First multiply the current by the conscience of the manager of your electric light plant; divide by the meter on the wall and add whatever you cannot multinlv. 1 ml - The answer will come in dollars and certs. Just divide those by the price you pay per kilowatt and multiply agiin to find out what a kilowatt is, :o:- The morning hours were whiled away here a territory ready to turn money very pleasantly with various games into the channels of his business, he and amusements and preparing the found merchants eager to buy-on Icnic dinner- At. th; noon hour aH I (rnihprct, nifut. flip fpsfivp board. highly satisfactory credit-ratings ,., , . , ,n.inn,t ih mv the goods that he knows the public ,ood things to eat. and which was t large docs not buy until a state of most thoroughly relished by all. Dur- pronounced or plainly-evident pros-1 "l"l!UU" . .-F.. ... .. I program, consisting of recitations, rendered by the pupils. A number of this state was to that New York man the older people also took part in this and he told his story, in consequence, program, which was very much ap preeiated by the pupils and instructor of the school. Late in the afternoon the pupils and their parents bade good-bye to their instructor, Miss Freese, and dispersed, feeling that has left a lesson they had celebrated tne close oi scnooi t,M lMrn it nnd 111 u ""i'i'J """'"' with a sincerity and a punch that should bolster up the courage of any Nebraskan who happens to be headed toward the Slough of Despond. The easterner with us. We learn it well. Squints that outsiders take at us are sometimes very pene trating, but their observations after wards are generally so gratifying that we cannot only stand for busi ness dissection, but actually welcome it for the good that it will do us T. W. Vallery was among those go ing to Omaha this morning, where he was called to look after some mat ters of business for the day. Henry Horn departed yesterday morning on the early Burlington train for Lincoln, where he will look after some matters of business for a short time. FORMER PLATTSMOUTH GIRL TO BECOME A HAPPY JUNE BRIDE Adam Kaffenberger of near Cedar Creek was in the city Saturday for a few hours looking after some mat ters of business with the merchants. Elmer Lohnes and two sister, Misses Louise and Carrie, came down from their home near Cedar Creek to- If a New Yorker can believe such ,jav to viit for a few hours. things about Nebraska as are told in ihe news story, what Nebraskan dares dispute? What Nebraskan is not thankful that he is a Nebraskan? Stand up for Nebraska it will do you j good, besides helping you. World-Herald. A number of social alTairs have been planned for Miss Maurinc F. LehnofT, whose marriage to E. Lynne Kilprore takes place June 2. On Saturday afternoon Miss Mary Chase and Miss Goldie Vawter enter tained for Miss LenhofT and Miss Henrietta Frintz, another June bride. Tuesday evening Mrs. H. G. Powell will give a dinner for Miss Lehnhoff and Mr. Kilgorc. Mrs R. A. Dodge entertains for the bridesmaids attending Miss Lehnhoff and Miss Printz on Thursday. Next Saturday afternoon Miss Madeline Metz, one of the brides maids at the Kilgore-LehnhofT wed ding, entertains for Miss lehnhoff. On Monday, May 31, Miss Flodell lliggins, Miss Pearl Higgins and Miss Maude Pierce entertain at a bun-'' galow kitchen apron shower for Miss Lehnhoff at the home of the Misses Higgins. Omaha News. 'Miss Lehnhoff, the bride-to-be, is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Lehnhoff, formerly of this city, and a granddaughter of Mrs. F. I). Lehn hoff, one of the old residents here. Words Don't Describe Glacier National Park! Good words for Plattsmouth arc very common nowadays. Traveling men who come here once or twice a year speak in glowing terms of the prosperity of the town and the many improvements being made in our fair city. ' . :o: When you meet a man who doesn't something you can feel, but can't see. smoke, swear or flirt, you have to ad- It is something you pay for according mire him, but you don't have to marry to what someone tells you, who don't him until you have discovered what know any more than you do, and worse habits he has in place of these," proves it by the meter that runs by J remarks Helen Rowland. Perhaps it's guess and by thunder and is attached backbiting. to the wall by the hired man with ma- . :o: chiiic grease on his noso. Yon knnw I tk "cr.f trmdnate" and the AAaV JV.l C ust how many kilowatts you've had, brown boy athlete are much in evi u s;. .what they cost apiece, but you e'ence in this mommunity this, week. don't know what they are, what they The days arc crowded with events in look like, who made them, or what which both are taking active part. It shape they are. Now you know. Edi- is the happiest moments of their lives son could do no more. if thev onlv knew it. Whooping Cough. "When my daughter had whooping cough she coughed so hard at one time that she had hemorrhage of the lungs. If your tour the Pacific Coast this summer, this is your chance to visit Glacier National Park, on the Great Northern Railway, and if you I was terribly alarmed about her con- are planning a vacation in me ivucivy muunimua juu w. ucvtri m.uw dition. Seeing Chamberlain's (Jougn tneir magmiicence until you iiavu spent iwu ui uncc uas iu uidtirt, Remedy so highly recommended, I got this region is the. indescrible climax of the grandeur of the Rockies, her a bottle and it relieved the cough eTC you penetrate into localities of mountain lakes and forests; you see at once. Before she had finished two soupces of cascades and waterfalls from melting glaciers; ycu zig- !,0 well' za- over mountain shoulders along finely built goverement trails that Crodtsville, Ohio Obtainable every- yield to the beholder from viewpoints one or two miles high, such a wliCre. scenic and bizarre prospeciives, fciiiuruuiiiy uunyuiis uuu iiiuuinuiii siucs of multicolored walls, broad expanses of weird topography in countless Two Very Pleasant Dances. " hmes that word-painting or any kind of painting seems cheap and futile. , 1 rr! r : n nr.ffoilir slolirltitfnl vapatlnn rrtinn w!l h tnriftarn tirttela c.ji.tIjv- (.vMinc saw another busy mis is iiiuccuairaui.ii u.m.. - "" nieht for the lovers of dancing in this and fascinating, chalets, trout streams, horseback trails, a fifty inilegav- city, with two social dances on the ernment automobile road that takes you right into the very heart of this bills at the German Home and the K. . , , .. t erichantment. Tours one to five days. Everything moderate in S. Hall, and both of the gatherings were well patronizod. At the German Home the Svoboda orchestra furnish ed their usual pleasing brand of music, and at the K. S. hall the Bo hemian brass, band was the music makers of th occar-iors. The jolly crowd at both places were well pleas ed with the evening's enjoyment. WW mmm& price and everybody attentiva to your comfort and en tertainment. Send for printed matter, beautifully illustrated, study it and decide if you can plan a liner vacation trip. R. W CLEMENT, Ticket Agent. L. W. WAKELLR, General Passenger Agent, 1004 Faraam Street, OMAHA, Neb.