PAGE 2. MONDAY, MAY 21, 1915- PLATTSMOUTO SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL. THE COMMERCIAL CLUB HOLD ROUS ING BIO MEETING About One Hundred and Fifty Pres ent, the Largest Meeting for Many Months, Attended by Much Enthusiasm. From Friday's Dally. Despite the threatening weather that made it very difficult for those residents of the outlying resident dis tricts to reach the business section, the meeting of the Flattsmouth 'Com mercial club last evening was the largest in point of numbers that has ever been heid in the history of the club, and in the gathering were rep resentatives from every trade, profes sion and business enterprise, all call ed to the common meeting place by a desire to do something for the city's welfare. The meeting was a most pleasing one, and although the approaching rain storm caused many to leave real ly before the meeting was over, still ic proved most interesting and was full of great promise of a united ef fort being made to advance the work as it should be here in this city where we all live and make our homes. The officials of the club certainly feel most ' grateful to the citizens for their par ticipation in the meeting and every month should see the same en thusiatic response. Preceding the regular business of the meeting Mrs. William Baird gave two very delightful readings that added a very pclasant feature to the program, and this talented lady, one of the finest elocutionists in the cit&; gave selections that were cer tainly enjoyed by the large crowd, and Mrs. Baird was compelled to respond with an encore number to the en thusiastic demands of the auditors. President E. II. Wescott of the club, in calling the meeting to order, ex pressed his appreciation of the large number that had braved the threat ening storm to be present and stated that he was glad to have it so and felt that it showed a better under standing of the desire of the club in its true form, that of the common meeting place of those who were in terested in the advancement of the town. Mr. Wescott stated that the club organization was not confined to one class or profession, or any two or three, but it was the desire to em bate in the ranks all those who call ed Plattsmouth home and who had identified their interests with those of the city in any way. He urged that all citizens come each month to this common form, where they could their ideas of the things de siied or wanted and find in the inter " change of thought much benefit and pleasure. Mr. Wescott then introduc ed ex-Mayor John P. Sattler, who pave a few remarks on "A Backward dance," in taking up questions that . weie vital to the city and which ha:l been carried out in the conduct of the city government. Mr. Sattler gave a very interesting review of many of the measures that had been carried out in the conduct of the affairs of the city in the past few years and which had resulted in great things in both upbuilding the public improvements, as well as in reducing the indebtedness of the city In 189D, Mr. Sattler stated, the bond ed indebtedness was ?lli'J,000, and the interest paid annually on this sum amounted to nearly $12,000. In 1900 $10.3,000 of this had been refunded and a lower rate of interest secured The city had at this time insisted on the privilege of paying tff 32.000 a jcar on the bonds. In 1901 the mat ter of refunding the remaining $1K,- 000 worth of bonds was brought up pnd the same agreement as to paying them off was made, but this was later found illegal through an error, as the bonds could not be retired in this manner, and as a result the city was compelled to pay $45,000 interest on these bonds at the time of maturity Through the efforts of the city council and- mayor the principal of the bonded indebtedness had, in 1914, been scaled down to $168,000, and the city was paying only $8,000 instead of $12,000 in interest on the enormous amount of bonds that had been piled upon the people by their officers years ago. In 1910, Mr. Sattler stated, the council had created a sinking fund by making a 2-mill levy that brought in each year from $2,800 to $3,000 to ap ply on the work of taking up the Londi, and this fund had been invest ed so that it brought in something like $800 interest each year to the city, which was to be applied on the payment of the bonds, and if the sink ing fund, as well as the method of retiring $2,000 worth of bonds each vear was continued that in 1921 the city would have on hand, when the! $90,000 bonds matured, the sum of $77,000 to care for them, and that in 1920, under the present methods of conducting the finances, that the city would be free from the bonded debt If the same effort had been made at the start to care for the indebtedness of the city as was made at the pres cnt time the city would be free from all debt. In 1910, Mr. Sattler explained, the city had issued $5,500 bonds to care for the paving of the intei'sections of Main street when the paving was re placed,, but these had not found a ready market, and the council had, by taking $4,000 from the general fund of the city, found it possible to care for this amount. In 1912 the city hav ing no suitable tool house or place to store the fire equipment of the city, had 'decided to buy the Egenberger building at Vine and Fifth streets, at a cost of $3,500, and now, by means of the levy made, all but $800 had been paid off and almost enough was on hand now to look after this. All of these ha dbeen secured gradually without hardship to the taxpayers of the city, and all public improvements were made as it was possible to do so without adding to the bonded in debtedness of the city. In the last three years, the speaker stated, three blocks of good paving had been placed in the city, as well as eighteen blocks of curb and gutter that could be rank ed as among the greatest improve ments jnade. Mr. Sattler alzo touched on the light question and gave an outline of the efforts that the council had made to, get together with the light com pany in getting a contract covering a period from last October to about a month ago. The ordinance providing for a new twenty-year franchise was drawn up . by the city attorney and presented to the Nebraska Lighting company for their approval, and all reemed agreeable to the corporation and at the first meeting in March the city attorney was instructed to draw up the stipulation to have the com pany surrender their old franchise. In the meantime, however, the fight with the McKinley interests had ceased and the city was left holding the sack with a rate that did not give them satisfaction, and the same old franchise in operation as before the negotiations had been ta"ken up by the council- lie !id not favor entering into a contract unless the company would agree to accept a franchise providing the rate to the private consumer, and for this reason had favored a resolution passed by the council not to pay more than $100 r. month for light until the company cculd reach an agreement, and if they wanted to shut off the light, all right, but that by keeping up the levy in c short time the city could wire the town and purchase their own electric curient from Omaha at a very low rate. Mayor Emmons Richey, who was or. the program for an address on tht subject cf "A Forward Glance," was the next speaker, and in prefacing hi.- temarks stated that in the meeting and interchange of ideas much good could be accomplished and all should get together and work up a feeling for the development of the city and beautify ing the surroundings. It was a matter of regret that the city could not do more, but the fact of the con dition imposed in the past had cast burdens upon the present generatior that bad made it impossible to carry out many of the things desired, but progress, as far as possible, had beer made. The board of directors of the Commercial club had in the past year, done a great deal of work at their meetings and through the activity of the committees and the merchants of the city had been most generous in their support and allowed the goo'ii roads committee to carry on much wcrk and they still had a sum of $150 on hand to cs.rry out other work on the roads leading into the city where needed. The mayor stated that the feeling of boosting for home and home industries was necessary, as every dollar sent away to outside con cerns was lost forever and did not contribute in the least to the upbuild ing of the city, and the home mer chant was entitle! to the support of making their homes here. Mr. Richey was particularly strong in urging the citizens to see that the idea of a city beautiful was promoted by improving the surroundings of the homes and residences by tearing down the unsightly fences wherever pos sible and having lawns and grass plots placed around the homes of the citizens. This would result in the increased value of the homes and residence property 200 per cent, as the mayor stated it wa3 now worth 100 cents on the dollar and the prop erty values of the city in the past five or six years had increased until today it was at par, something that had not occurred for years. Ho wa3 very sorry that the Commercial club had not been able to secure a man to pro mots the interests of the city and de vote his entire time to seeing that the things that might be of advantage were secured and: the industries and advantages to the city, as well as its value as a home town, could be laid before the world and the citizens here have pointed out to them things that are needful to be done to promote the welfare of the city, and among these, Mr. Richey took occasion to touch on that of improving the streets, and of the fact that since the policy of nar rowing down the residence streets had been adopted, he believed that it would be of great advantage to the taxpayers where they desired to put in curb and gutters to go a step further and have the streets paved with con create paving, as the cost would be such a small sum over that expended for the curb and putter and cited figures on the proposition that opened ihe eyes of those present to the pos sibilities of getting a permanent pavement at a very low cost, and it would in a short time be repaid in the reducing of the taxes for the main tenance of the roads, as the paving would do away with the necessity of constantly doing over the road work, as was necessary under present con ditions. Mr. Richey stated that the roads might be in the best of condi tion, and a rain come that would re quire the city to have the work of grading the roads all done over again, and that if the pavement was there this would be unnecessary. It was to develop and promote these public im provements that the club should have a paid manager or secretary who could devote his time to the proposi tion of educating the people to the needs of the hour. lie also stated, in speaking of the financial management of the city, that he expected to continue the policy now in vogue of cutting down the indebt edness of the city as far as possible. Mr. Richey also pointed out the streets, alleys and bridges committee of the council had been authorized to secure prices on a traction engine that could be used in the read work and take the place of a great many teams, and in the end be a big saving to the city in operating drags, and the grader and could be run in the hottest weather, when at times it was impos sible to use a team. He closed by urging all to work for a city beautiful and also for the citi zens to get into the work of the Com mercial club and boost for the better ment of the city. President Wescott of the club ex pressed the appreciation of the mem zers to both Mr. Sattler and Mayor Richey, and stated that the counci and Commercial club should both work hand-in-hiiiiJ -in -.developing the city, as the council was the chief legislative body of the city, while club was only a public organization where the ideas of the citizens could be discussed and gotten in i-hape where definite action might be taken on them. City Clerk John Nemetz was th? caled on for a few remarks on the building enterprises cf the city, and in his talk stated that the city had no form of a building permit and for thi:j reason it was out of the question to give the exact figures on the num ber of new buildings erected in the last year, but spoke of his own per sonal experience in the line of im provement which had resulted in greatly improving the property, and the little work he had done had brought him a much better, feeling He also touched cn the matter of pav ing the alleys and added tnat this would bring added value to the prop erty on Main street adjacent to the alleys and stated that he hoped to see the work accomplished the coming year. lie also pointed out that the late of taxation here was iot higher than in other towns of the same size, and this in view of the fact that al most half of the taxes went to pay on the old bonds voted years ago. Mr Nemetz also remarked that during his fourteen years', residence here he had noticed that Decoration Day was observed here in a most appropriate manner each year, but as time had gone on the old soldiers had passed away or become more feeble, and he thought that the younger generation should take up the work and see that the necessary funds were raised to permit the observance of the day in a manner fitting to honor the heroic soldiers of the great conflict, and wa glad to see that the Commercial club had arranged to secure the' theater for the exercises on Monday, May 31. At the close of the address of Mr. Nemetz, President Wescott , stated that he desired to announce his com mittees for the ensuing year as fol lows: Membership) E. A. W'url, chair man; II. F. Goos, G. E. Falter, George Lushinsky, J. E. McDaniel. Publicity A. L. Tidd, chairman; Col. M. A. Eates, Frank Smith, R. A. Bates, R. B. Windham, J. P. Falter, Guj Olron. Railroads T. II. Pollock, chairman; C. C. Parmele, A. L. Tidd, Harry Thomas, R. W. Clement. Roads-7-William Baird, chairman; John Bauer, jr., Mike Lutz. Julius Pitz, Joe McMaken, John Crabill, W. E. Rosencrans, Charles Warner, Ted Wiles, Coon F. Vallery. City Beautiful Mrs. Elizabeth Travis, chairman; Mrs. William Baird, Mrs. D. C. Morgan, Mrs. R. B. Hayes, Mrs. A. L. Tidd. Lookout William Barclay, chair man; J. H. McMaken, H. C. McMaken, I. N. Cummings, E. B. Perry, Charles Lewis, Claus Boetel. Have and Want John Nemetz, chairman; J. P. Falter, John P. Sat tler, Frank ' E. Schlater, Fred G. Egenberger. Council John P. Sattler, chairman; R. F.. Patterson, Frank Bestor. Reception and Social T. II. Pol lock, chairman; Phil Thierolf, L. O. Minor, B. A. Rosencrans. Entertainment William A. Robert son, chairman; C. II. Fuller, John Hatt, Guy McMaken, Fritz Fricke, Nelson Jean, George O. Dovey, Jess Warga, Fred P. Busch, Dr. O. Sandin, Luke L. Wiles, A. G. Cole. Manager R. C. Wood of the Ne braska Lighting company was called for and stated that his company had desired to furnish light as low as possible, but on the street lighting proposition the small number of street lamps used made it hard to jfiva a low rate, as the lights wew scattered over a wide stretch cf territory and the cost of maintenance and service was as great as if a large number were used, when it might be possible to give them at lower rate. Mr. Wood stated that his company was still willing to enter into a twenty-year franchise with the city if the proper sort was prepared, and was glad 'at all timej to work with the city or Commercial club in any way. At this time the rain had began to fall heavily outside, and many being desirous of hastening home, President Wescott closed the meeting by thank ing the citizens for then attendance and inviting them to be present on the third Thursday in June, as well as to announce that Mr. Wurl of the membership committee would remain to take the names of those desiring to enlist in the army of boosters, and quite a number took advantage of the occasion to do so. This certainly was a splendid meet ing and its success fills the workers for the betterment of the city with an inspiration for greater efforts and a united front in the battle for a big ger and better Plattsmouth. TOM WiLLS AND WIFE, OF HEIMESEUHMJI. HERE ON A SHORT VISI From Saturday's Hal'y. lorn win, wile and uttie son, o near Hennessay, Oklahoma, are here enjoying a ten days' visit at the hom of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. S Will, in this city, as well as with othe relatives throughout the county. Mr, and Mrs. Will are returning hom from an extensive trip to the west in which they visited the exposition at San Francisco, as well as the citie of the coast. Leaving their hom they proceeded west by way of E Paso, Texas, and touched at San Diego and Los Angeles, California, as well as at Long Beach, where so many of the former residents of this city rue located. While there they were the guests of ex-Senator S. L. Thomas and family and report having been given loyal treatment while there and the senator drove them some 500 miles in his fine touring car through the principal points of interest along the southern coast country. Mr. Wil reports that the Thomas family, as well as the other former residents of Plattsmouth living at Long Beach and Los Angeles, are getting along fine and the visit there with them will never be forgotten. The Senator is reported as being hale and hearty, which will be good news to his friends here. On the trip east from San Fran cisco Mr. Will and family visited at Salt Lake City, Denver, Colorado Springs and Akron, Colorado, where they were the guests of a brother of Mr. Will for a few days. They will remain here in Cas3 county for a short time before returning to Okla roma. Hayracks. Haymukins and harvest will scch be upon us. I low are you fixed, Mr. Farmer, for a hayrack? -If you are going to be in need of one, I shall .be pleased to have your order. Do not wait until the last day, as I carry only one stock. My racks are home built, well bolted and painted. Hayrakes and sweeps in stock. W. T. Richardson, Mynard, Neb. 5-20-2td-2tw CASTOR I A For Infants and Children, Tha Kind You Have Always Bcugfit 3isnatur of jLffr&cZ See the new "Hot Spot ties for this week 97 50c Style plus The'sameTpnce the world PAID THE PENALTY FOR OFFENDING THE PEACE AND DIGNITY OF THE CITY From Saturday's raily. This morning E. S. Hesscnflow ap peared before Judge Archer in the police court to have justice meted out to him for having offended against the peace and dignity of the city of Plattsmouth. It seems that this gen tk'man arrived yesterday and pro ceeded to take on large quantities o fermented liquor, with the result that he decided to start out to celebrate in what he considered a porper form and little dreamed that the cold, damp walls of the city prison were to chec nis eninusiasm. lie nrst started in on 'his round of trouble by making Jfi onslaught on William Schuldice, who was passing along the streat, and h was grabbed by Hessenflow in such a manner as to tear off the buttons on the new vest of William, and follow ing this outbreak he continued his way up street and sought refuge back of the Wescott store, where his ae tions were reported to the police and Chief of Police Barclay placed him under restraint by throwing him in the "lockup" for his conduct. This morn ing when brought into court he "loaned" Judge Archer $8 for the benefit of the city and was allowed to go on his way, a sadder and wiser man. EDWARD MAUER INJURED WHILE WORKING AT THE BURLINGTON SHOPS From Saturday's Lmilv. Yesterday Edward Maurcr, while at work at the Burlington shops, met with a rather servere .accident that necessitated his being 'compelled to have several stitches taken in a wound on the right side of his face just be low the eye. He, together with a fel low workman, was engaged in work ing on a small hand truck that had been sent in for repairs, and while doing this was tightening up some bolts with a wrench, when it sudden- y slipped and flew backward, strik ing Ed in the face and inflicting a very ugly gash that required a num ber cf stitches before it could be closed, and it will be several day:; be fore he is over the effects of the in jury. The Journal office has seme paper cups of various sizes, just tnc tning for ycur nut and candy favors at your luncheon. We also have some 'that p.ts larger for vour ices. Come in and ee them when in need of anything in that line. ML h i-i n k i I m mm ' "Seventeen dollars" We have the clothes that have made this price famous. Lots of merchants throughout the country now advertise clothes at popular Seventeen Why popular? Because the makers of STYLEPLUS CLOTHES $17, fl7 efforts of their big plant upon one quality, have been able to turn out all-wool fabrics, skilfully styled, thoroughly well made. The quality that appeals to men of good taste and sound judgment. We have the genuine STYLEPLUS CLOTHES that sell the world over for $17. And more, we are the ex overj clusive headquarters here. C. E. CHARLEY SULLIVAN CAP-' TORES A FORGER LAST SATURDAY IN CHICAGO Charles Sullivan, or "Sub" as he is better known here in his old home, has gotten into the limelight in Chi cago by his securing a man who was wanted in Lincoln for passing a bogus check on Mr. Sullivan at the Lindell hotel in Lincoln several months ago. Mr. Sullivan has been the head clerk at the Lindell for a number of years, and is among the leading hotel clerks of the state. In speaking of the mat ter the State Journal has the follow ing: "C. S. Sullivan of the Lindell hotel, Mho turned detective in Chicago Sat urday afternoon and caused the ar rest of a young man on the charge of passing a bogus check, caught a man wanted on three separate charges in as many cities. The man gave Chicago police the name of Hugh S, Fernhardt. The hotelman was stand' ing with several other men at the corner of Madison and Clark streets when a strikingly dressed young man md woman crossed the street. Mr. Sullivan looked at the couple and im mediately recognized Bernhardt. He seized him as the man who had passed a bogus check for $50 on him March 19 in Lincoln. Chief Antles received a telegram irom cniei oi uetecuves P. D. O'Brien of Chicago yesterday morning stating that there was a charge against Bernhardt in Chicago and that he would be held there. He said that the man was also wanted at Mobcrly ,Mo., on a similar charge.' Bound Over to Court. From Saturday's Ually. This morning shortly before 11 o'clock Walter Speck was arraigned before County ' Judge Beeson and charged by the State of Nebraska with assault with intent to commit pc. The young man entered a plea . of not guilty and waived his prelimin ary hearing and va bound over to the district court,-and has not as yet been admitted to bond. Attorney A. L. Tidd appears for the defendant, while the state i.3 represented by County Attorney Cole. Letter files at the Journal office. . $100 Reward, $100 TTip Traders of this pnprr will bp pleased to am that there In at Ieuf one dreaded ft i thut scienop baft been abU; to cure in all lta (!:. and tint la lotarrh. Hall s Catarrh Cure Is ihp onlv iMtoitivp rur nrw known to thf med- l'-iil fraternity. Catarrh belnir a constitutional f1i-Mst rentiires a const itutinnal treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cur la taken internally, acting linvtly uiwn the lilnod and niucoua purfar-ea of tin- system, thereby destroying th foundation or the disease, and clvinic the patient strength. it nuiiaing up tne constitution and agisting na ture in doing its work. The proprlptora bare so much faith In It curatlre powers that they oner oap Hundred Dollars tor any case that U I falls to cure. Send for list of testimonials. .. Address F. J. CHENEY ft CO., Toledo, O. Sold by all Druggist. 75c. Take Hall't Familj puia tot constipation 1 by centering the Guaranteed wear, style approved by a fashion ex- . pert. Why not dress styl ishly at small cost? You ' can do it here. Wescott's Sons Everybody's Store How Mrs. Ilarrod Kid of Stomach Trouble. Her "I suffered with stomach trouble for years and tried everything I heard of, but the only relief I got was tem porary until last spring I saw Cham berlain's Tablets advertised and pro cured a bottle of them at our drug store. I got immediate relief from that dreadful heaviness after eating and from pain in the stomach," writes Mrs. Linda Ilarrod, Fort Wayne, Ind. Obtainable everywhere. 0rirti Srana Ctathrd YOU can "go" with the satisfaction of know ing that your appear ance will count "for" you instead of against you, if you're dressed in one of the new Al fred Decker fc Colin or KuppenJieimer models created by the de signing geniuses of the clothing industry. Price $20 to S.'i5. Cloth craft suits, all wool fabrics, guaran teed tailoring $15 and $17. Manhattan Shirts Stetson Hats