PAGE 2. PLATTSMOUTH SEJII-WEEKLY JOURNAL. Till RSHAY, MAY 1.1, J.01; RATHER II BUSY SESSION WITH THE G1TY DADS Murh Street Work to Be Lone. Claims AI! d and Hock Pile for Tramp May Materialize Later. Then: was a great i-al of bu un-.!.- ; rriandirig the attention of the- city oui.eil at their meeting la .a t-ve.Mfig i.rnl the member:-:, all of whom were p -. i.t, pro'-'i ied to V 't I'U ;y a.; soon a !. gae! of Mayor liiche-y called the meeting to older. The Plaltsrno jth Water cor.) -a:.y, in a ,:.. MUniealion, informed the ,:ii.:1 that they i';l 1 K-j'airoi ike jiIi add tru'.t t on Ncrth v-'ith stM-'t, v.h-;- it f;t'l sunk a - the re-.u!t of t h : fit!;;;;' of the dirt there in th ir t.'f (. -, :.i;'l the work was now ready for th- in pei-tion of the ei'.y. This wa n fern.d lo the tieei.-,, ulkys and bridge i omrniUtr. A c ornmunieation vea.; al-o re c-i'.e 1 from I:. I.. Iop.-:t in which he f-ta-e I thai the hiih-v.alk along th n.rili sidc of Vine stKtt, between Sixth and ,'icv nth. was bi low gradi-, ai. i he !: i rcl lli'- jii i'ioi siou of the council in o (! r to go ah'-ad and remove trie' I.I walk .in. I tut in a permanent sidc!:, he would like lo have tin- ci'y tfia! e the in -evs.-.a ry h!l to f!a e the walk "ii grade. Chairman Uestor of the : ti' t ;, al ley; jumI hiidre:' er.riunit'ee, aieire-s-I.:" the roi.rer! sta-d that h- p'-ti-t on h;.d l.i-cri handed ii'. ; o mm j'i .'. after the adjournment of t he i:;:.t : -ion of the courn il, and a1' Mr. I'i'i;. ha keen very :. a x io;i.- to have the woik (!one at ori'-e, he hail he n al lowed lo go ahead :t:id t!ie ci'y had Tiiai'e the here to ) v. alk in ; ;ul". The matter ' ;:ee the a then made a matte,- of leror'. i--. S. Coding and A. Ki-hlirek pre-:-r.tcd a lutitioii lo the (-omit-il in W hi' h t'l'. irel M, !he g'.ui.e e i.iii i' aiijoif, i.ij.' Ih'-ir pjooeity in Idoi I. )uki-'s addition, whii h would j limit them to ji'jt in :i pevm-ui'-nt ilalk. Ti.i.'. wa-i riaiiti-d hy the ii.ui'i'. i-i! i.-.M of (he l'::-t Tourth w:.!ii a k'-d thn' the ( it v ot.i n th:;t p;;it of Hock h'trcet from tir-t ;-ireet to lh- ll ii l 'tr''(u ivht -of- a v, and lhi a I e riv; lo t!i.' I fret -, al 1 ;,. ;i citv al ii lil i ' I f -s eo!-MJ;it!e and th.i oi ncV for flilther in t-y! tio-i. ity Al'.rnev Tid 1. i:i a :- al -r.i lit to i',f c. ;;;. il, ii ff.: i: d th ill that the pc it i-.n !"'.! the paving of the alleys on ti.- tmrth of Main : t!et he- luifii I'li'itli a;-d S;-venlh :t reels, H:i , not ii '.'at. a tile r :-. :iatt;re: of tw-nty-tuo lo? o.vner.i v. ere not on the ion. Kcvc. al of the pat ties : :m:i: the petition were ni the per-.-on- ii whom the tit!.- to the property w ;i ; Mtti, and it v;i : .ft-.sai y thai the piop. 'ty owai i. i tie m; iKvs si(rn. The application:; of A. M. Andes :.l.d II. liinh:.r Co. foe licen-;e to operate h;!!iard , and pool hails were lci i ived, anil hein ac sn: pi. nied hy the ii: nal f.'o of .".(), tht appiications w ! e ;'i ant d. 'll.e petition of Maitm A. I'e r for a p imit to opt-rati- a ;alooii in the Hotel lliley Id.o. k win I tct i'. ed and i efei red to the lice::-e commit tee, v. here it wiil he looked over and ex amined and reported at th;.- next mectiiur tf the city council. The committee of the coun cil n ported that on the hiil of the Ne 1'ia. l.a I.i'.-htine; company f,,:- ;ci-ice to the city they wo.d 1 recommend that the amount of ::t.SS for li;:ht at the city hall, urn! l.r.D for a load of c'mdeis, he iiltowe'l. h it that the claim f .! 2 for street lit:''-' it'-.'T he reduce d to Jiit, as had heen the i e.olu' ion of the council several weeks jiiyo t ay no mine thati this for .service, and if the resolution was to he lied up to thete should he some action taken. It was tlecided to accept the report of the count il atal only allow the sum tf $1(M for the street li-hline;. which could he accepted or rejected as the company saw fit. Chief of Police Iknchiy pave the council a vet hal leport of the ilitTeront matters that had heen placed in his charge. He repotted that lis he had been instructed not to exceed fifteen rws in the pasture there wore only twelve there at pre.-ent and he had received the fee of 1 per month in tohance for ten of these. He also re ported that L. 1. EKenherjcer had an iu rancement w ith th city previously liy which he was allowed to place his ftock in the pasture for the use of his fencinsr wire hy the city. One of the parties had refused to pay the 2:isturcac;o as had hen requested. nni stjtei that h? wiMiI.i not vndef the prer-ent oomiitiens. H al?o reporte-1 that in rrtrard to the si;rns to auto mobile drivers he had secured permis sion from the lijfht company to use their poles to place the h'ur,u, but that the telephone company had not a3 yet paed on the matter, as their fran chise doe not allow the placing of y'Ti on their poi-ts. lie had also contracted fyr a v.Xvw to be placed at thtt dumping ground c-att of the city, which would warn the person where to pli-c-e their refuse. One of the drink it. fountains, Mr. Uarclaj' stated, had bet-. i opened up, bu" was not working in a satisfactory Manner, and when the other were placed would he over hauled. The que.-ition of the parties who had refused to pay the city for p:i.;turafc-e wa ', on motion, referred to the jodic;ary commitee for investiga tion and action at the next meeting. City Cieik Nc-rr.etz reported a vc-ri prosperous month to far, having col lected the i;um of S7,4o0.;0 during the month, which had heen turned over to the city treasurer. This included the fees for K.iloon Ureases. Chairman Uestor of the treits, al leys and bridges committee reported that in regard to buying a dump wagon he had looked over a number a.-id found thai a Stiaub dump wagon could be bought f ( r which was about what wa-i ((. red hy the city, arid on motion the city clerk was ordered to puichs..-:e one of these wagons for use of the city. Council man Kuttcry voted ;;o on this proposi tion. Cou.'.cKman Harris: of the cemetery committee dcrired to have an ordi nance drawn that would cover the rr.isu: e:; of the ceme tery, including the d.ivi;ig over lot;-; and the throwing of iuhii.-h ficm on? lot to another, as had been the practice in the past in the cemU-ry. Councilman I.u.-.hinsky of the light ing committee sta ed that they had met wit h Mr. Wood, superinteraif r.t of the light compat-.y, and dhcu.--ed the r ale pj'vtion, hut nothing .satisfact ory was secured, v.?. the company would not accept the $10 J per m'-.o'di for the; j re.v;-;it !ig;it service, a- they claimed it would bis a lo.-:i;;g proposi tion.,, Mr'. Lusliin -ky n'.so a; ked that the light company be totified to rcrnov-.? ail of thr; old posti which were used for the j'as hirnp several years ago ird lo lnvt! them taken o!T of evt-ry : i ( t of the city. Th" to tra il al.-o tool: up the unite, of the 'idcv,'a!k or th- east side t.f the building of William Holly s'l I'outh : tid Mai.u street-, wh'th has l i f-n ori'efed replaced several times with a pyfrma.ricrit walk, and it wr?.-? ordei'hy the rounci! that the owner he notified that if the work was not rommetK'c 1 in the next thirty day-; that tli city, proceed with th v. or!: and place the walk in and tax the same to the property. Count ilm:; n Harris call- d the a Ui;!;on ( f tile co'T cil to the habit of the re-idei't.t mar the ('. dumhian sclai'd ai.d in that rect ion of the city in dumping rtihbbh of all kind.-; i;i the .'tree's tin ! that. se;ei:;l times this ha I b'-i n called to the attention of the parties tind the Ktreet cleaned up un-i he wanted some steps taken that would st.,p this as soi ii as po ;sii'e. Councilman I.u:, :n ad''re : -ing the council, -pointed out the need of the city having a rock pile for the u. e of the t ramps 'and vagrants who might drift into the city, and while they might not pulverize much rock it would certainly keep them busy and out of trouble and. would discourage the vi.;it:i of these tramps to this city. This was referred to the police com mittee, who will lcol: over the situa tion and endci'vo:- to secure a suitable tock pile .ii which the visitors can exercise their muscle. Mayor I-ichey suited that he had instructed the chief of police to have the tranms or these sent to jail mi small sa-ntences to be used in n. e jii the ruhhi.dr and tti'-h from the dump ing ground over to the river, and till ; would keep them hu-y for a while. Councilman llajeck suggested that the street commissioner he placed in chapge of the work of removing the dirt from the Hig't School Hill curb t-v.d gutter district, as he had heeu very MKce.ssful in .saving money for the city iu other jobs of this kind. Councilman l'cstor was also .strongly in favor of the having charge of the? work, as there wi re a threat many placet, where the dirt could be used with the greatest good nd the; was the bust ;uitlified to look after this. Ct ue.cilmrin Patterson called the r.t t nt ion of the council to the habit of parties of throwii g brush and rub bish into the gutter in the new- cui'u and gutter district.. and this caused the water to block and wash away a great deal of dirt from the edtro of Uio gutter. This was called to the atten tion of the streets, alleys and bridges committee and they will look after the matter. Councilman Patterson was in favor of the city beautifying their giounds around the city hail and placing them in shape where they would he a credit to ihc other handsr-rr.e homs r.esr the city hall. Councilman Hands arose about this time and succeeded in getting through what he has been working for for a long time that of securing a fire house and c-ouipmer.t in the south part of town. lie made the motion that in making the levy for the en.-; a ing year a levy ef 1 mill be made for the purK;e of putting in the im provementH, and trus will res.uit in fccuring the sura of 5000 for the needed f;re equipment. The 'jue.-ition of the paving of the Hut ling ton .subway and the roadwa for seven.l feet was then brought up and the bids opened arid read. The Concrete Construction company pre sented a bid for $:2a0 for the work, with a guaamtte to have it completed in -even working days, while the firm of Peters f: P.ichardj Put in their bid for S1C7 for the work and the stipulated time to be seven daya in which to complete the work. After the committee in the matter hail ex .mined the bids they recommended that the lowest bidder be given the contract and the award was accord ingly made to the fiim of Peters and Richards. The f.e-tr.-:" commit' ee. of the our cil! then recommended the payment of the following claims: M. K. Man- : -peaker, livery fcr police, 2; Q. K 1'a mcle, street wo: k, .vk'.r.O; A. G burying one dog, "') cents: Glaus Hoettl, same, 'i cents; II. M ,'ntrnii .-ht't-n, merchandise to jail, '.", cents; J. V. Nemetz, ca h advanced to Charles Duffy for cVring c ty hail chimney, .?2; Lir.cobj Tcdcplion" an 1 Telegraph Co., ''phon-s i-nt, Ij uce Tr S!;aievt ri, ,dans for f.ic rr. seti- extension, ?2'..VJ; M. Archer, sal-try, 5"0; Peters fc Richards, street crossing--, "H.4'J; Alvin Jor.e:;, street (rk, $20; Fran': Ivaki-ek, Mice1 work, ?20; l Sheldon, stieet work, ?f).gr; Willi n.-:, street work. ?;2I.W)r ,(.;iei!s MclJi-roe, street wo'k, .2:k"n; Walter Spck street vvo;k, ','. '''); Lam'-trt Lister, street wo:!;, .i:k';); Mike Lulz, street co :n m i h a io ner, $.'Jl.o0. TI.e-e being nothk.g el.-e of press- ir.g, jnterest tne iou rne!. meeting was aa- THE ELKS MINSTRELS MET WITH FifiE SUC CESS AT LOUISVILLE Kretn Tii-Mil.iy-. Iiallv. The Klk.-. rnin: treks at Louisville last evening repeated the ti iumph tht.t the entertainment produced when shown here. and a i;:rge and en thu.dastic audience was present to en joy the treat. The tiip to Louinvi'.l? in antomohiics and :11 aft rnoon the ruernber.s of the order and of the company were busy in going out to our neighboring city and get ting all ready for the hig show. Th trir ii-i.l opening was mot de t i I and the various sweet-voiced -ingt rs fin niched the different num i err. in a rnnrmcr that won a great ileal of approval from it 1 1 who were present to witness it. The opening ;-ait wa: presided over by James K. I'llioek, and his clever introduction of the different songsters and end men was exceptie iially clever and in the comedy !' tins how was a large factor with his beautiful recitation. The ends weie handled by Messrs. ('. Smith, Weidman, Fields and San din and their various musical num bers, as well as clover jokes, were an th enjoyed. In the olio the chief feature was the excellent work of L. i. Hiatt, in monologue in which he made a ge i at big hit and war heartily encored for his elfotts. Mr. Ilankin :;ou, with his slack wire and uni cycie act, was given a heal ty ovation, and with his cleverness n ided a great deal to the r.uccess of the production. The net of I'osencians and Wind ham, the jitney boys, was cut some what hort when their home-made automobile was blown to pieces by nn infernal machine, and if all reports aie tiue it was certainly some torpedo and the maker of the machine should he secured by one of the warring I.'urop an nations. The how was as a while very pleasing to the people of Louisville and the members of the company feel d; -lighted wiih the man ner in which the people of that city treated them while they were there and fov the generous patronage af forded the minstrel show. Dance Satip-day livening. The Koyal Neighbors will give n public dance at the M. W. A. hall Sat in day evening, May l.". Good music, refi cshments and a general good time. Kveryboily invited. Cents, 50 cents; huues free. Sell your property by an ud in The Journal. " CASTOR I A 3Tor Infants and Children. Ilia KM You Hava Always Boylit Signatory of &&jrf&cMi Entertains Ladies Auxiliary. From V.VfJn ' y's Tlngjr. The Ladies' Auxiliary of the Pres byterian church were entertained in a rr.o't delightful manner at the manse yesterday afternoon, Mrs. Mc Clu.:ky and Miss Lucy Arnold being the hostesses on thi3 occasion. This b-ing their regular meeting, the ladies held their usual business ses sion, -hich was a most interesting one. The curtains for ihe Sunday Kchool rooms were reported finished and will be hung by the ladies at some convenient time. A number Ct the ladies responded with their dollars, which was. most pleasing to all. After the business session the ladies whileel away the remaining moments in social conversation, stitching on dainty fancy work and other amusements, which made the occasion a most en joyable one. Iurin5g the course of the afternoon's entertainment dainty re freshments were served by the hos tesses, which were likewise most thoroughly enjoyed by the large num ber in attendance. At the close of the beautiful spring day the ladies dis persed, greatly indebted to the hos tesses for their most kind hospitality and splendid afternoon's entertain ment afforded them. THE tfOODNUN CIRCLE rrom Wednesday's Dally I-ust evening the ladies of the Woodman Circle drill team entertain ed at a most pleasant social dance at the A. O. U. W. hall, and the oc casion was one filled with the rarest of pleasure to the jolly ciowd of young people present. The ladies had arranged to give their visitors a most pleasant time, and in this were most successful and there was a large crowd present to take part in the dance and to enjoy the music furnish ed by Roy Denson at the piano and Clarence Uurbridge as trap drummer, and these two gentlemen certainly did them, elves credit in the delightful manner in which they conducted the music. During the evening delicious cfre-.hments of ice cream and cake were served by the ladies in the main hall and the table, with its handsome decorations of flowers anel surround ed by the jolly young people, made a very charming scene. The drill team as a result of their efforts, secured a neat sum. r THE DATE OF HEARING CHANGED BY COMMISSION- ECS ON REMONSTRANCE The county commissioners at their meeting yesterday, in taking up the application of Andres Thomsen of Cedar Creek fur a saloon license, reached an agreement with all parties .'.Inch allowed the setting of the date of hearing for Wednesday, May ll'th, instead of June 1st, as was announced yesterday, which will be more fitir to Mr. Thomsen, as it will allow him a fairer proposition on the time, as his license will expire Sunday, and the hearing being Wednesday, will not keep him in the dark as to the action of the board, and he can then make his arrangements whether the license is granted or turned down. Mr. Schneider, representing, the remons- trators, agreed to the change of week and w ill be on' hand to represent his side of the question, together with his attorney. A (itncral Advice. We feel very thankful for letters received from our countrymen regard ing the effect of some of our rem edies. Mr. Jos. Pokorny wrote us the following letter: "Please accept my best thanks for your excellent remedy ea!le'd Triner's American Elixir of Hit ler Wine. I have been troubled very much by constipation and its com plications, but after having used thrs Elixir feel perfectly well again. Jos. Pokorny. Chicago Heights, Ills." I believe that this experience of Mr. Pokorny will be accepted as a general advice to the thousands of sufferers from constipation and such discuses in which constipation is a steady symp tom. It also strengthens the digestive organs. Price $1.00. At drug stores. Jos. Triner, Manufacturer, 13:53-1339 S. A-hiatal Ave., Chicago. Pains in the back or in the neck, whether rheumatic or neuralgic, will buickly yield to Triner's Liniment. Price 2fe or f0c; by mail 3ic or (0c. Heavy, impure blood makes n muddy, pimly complexion, headaches, nausea, indigestion. This blood makes you weak, pale and sickly. For pure blood, sound digest ion, use BurdtTk Blocd Bitters. $1.00 at all stores.. Sell your property by an ad In Th Journal RED SOX !Y GET INTO OMAHA piTv.icmidrrT iii i i i i u n 1 1 1 w The Very Move, If Carried Out, W ill Do Much to Improve the Play ing of the Home Boys. For some time there has been con sidered by the base ball association of this city the proposition of attempting to place the Red Sox team of this city in one of the amateur leagues of Oma ha at the first opportunity, as it was believed that this move would give better opportunity for securing good games and at the same time give the boys on the team a goal to work for. The nearness of Plattsmouth to Oma ha and the excellent railroad facilities afforded would allow of the teams from the metropolis reaching here and ic-turning home with ease. There is a scarcity of base ball parks in Oma ha at the present time and it is neces sary to hold double-headers almost every Sunday and sometimes four games a day have to be placed in the same park in order to handle the dif efrent teams, and with Plattsmouth joined in they could easily use the park here when needed and the team here will be able to travel in the fast company, as it showed up in fine shape last season with this class of teams. I'lair is also anxious to get into the fold of one of the leagues in Omaha :.nd with them and Plattsmouth in it would give two more splendid parks that could be used to the greatest ad vantage by the Greater Omaha as sociation of amateur base ball clubs. Manager Johnson of the Red Sox has been in touch with the officials of the Greater Omaha league, which in cludes such teams as the Luxus, Armours, Alimatos, Bourgoise and other organizations of equal strength, and to have them come here could not fail but attract a great deal of in terest among the fans, as they would be assured of a good game all the time. The team as a whole feels that the securing of a franchise in this league would serve as an inspiration to the boys, as well as furnishing the fans a better article of base ball than they have had heretofore. Sunday the Red Sox will play the DeVoll Victors of Council Bluffs, and a mighty interesting contest may be looked for. High Schtiiol Girls Very Athletic. The girls of the Plattsmouth High school are rapidly becoming more athletic in their nature. For the past two years they have been playing basket ball during the winter months, end not content with remaining idle during "the merry month of May," have organized base ball teams. The first demonstration of the ability of the young ladies in this line was given last evening at the Red Sox park. The work of some of the young ladies in the batting line would make Ty Cobb look like a "four-flusher," and a very heavy score was made by the feminine base ballists. With the gen eral tendency of women to invade the provinces . heretofore dominated by man, the efforts of our girls in the field of athletics should be highly commended. A beautiful lino of Birthday Cards and Greetings at the Journal office. Come in and see them. ftfankattan Shirts I . . -ISIf mm NEW TIES EVERY WEEK. NEW STEEL FILING GASES IN SEVERAL COUNTY OFFIGES One much needed improvement has been made in the equipment of the offices in the court house, and that is the placing of new steel filing cases in the vaults at the county clerk, treasurer and district clerk's offices, which will be used to care for the keeping of the records of the county. For a long time these additional means of perserving the records and documents of these offices have been badly needed, as those on hand were far too few to properly care for the large number ef documents that have accumulated during the years gone by. With the new cases on hand the officials will be able to have the rec ords and valuable papers in a place where they will be safe and can be secured when desired. These filing cases have been especially needed in the office of the county clerk, where for the past two years they have been handicapped by the tremendous number of documents and the very poor facilities for caring for them and keeping them in proper shape. CITROLAX CITUOLAX CITROLAX Best thing for constipation, sour stomach, lazy liver and sluggish bowels. Stops a sick headache almost at once. . Gives a most thorough and satisfactory flushing no pain, no nausea. Keeps your system cleaned, sweet and wholesome. Ask for Citrolax. Sold everywhere. Has Finger Cut Badly. From Tuesday'? :ily. This morning William Ilcinrich, one of the employe's, cf the Burlington tin shop, received a rather painful injury while at his work that will necessitate his taking a few days' vacation. Will was engaged in cutting some sheet zinc, when it curled up and cut the middle finger of the right hand in a very annoying manner, lie nau tnc injured member dressed rnd made as comfortable as possible, although it will be several days before it is well. a(U HP HE well dressed young men wearing the real good looking suits', made of the new Glen Urquhart plaid patterns, in form fitting soft roll front coats; narrow trousers with ll2 inch culFs, are the customers of this store. These fellows buy the Kuppen heimer and Society Brand models for young men because they know they're right. Prices $20, $25, $;30 and $35. Clothcraft all wool guaran teed suits $L5 and $17. 1 See our windows now for the very latest things in neckwear and hcadwear. Saturday, May 15th IS StrawHAT Day Kverylrexly in iw procc.-- sioiuiiid weara straw hut Sat urday. You're liable to et sunstroke in that old cap or felt hat and besides it isn't jror.d form to wear anything but a straw hat after Saturday, (wo refer to your head of course.) O.i.Wescolf'sSosis Everybody's Store TEACIIEOS ENTERTAINED AT THE HOME OF SUPER INTENDENT W. G. SHOOK Last evening the teachers of the Plattsmouth public schools weie entertained in a mot ilclightfu! man n at the himie of Superintendent end Mrs. W. G. Brooks at a garden party, and the occasion was tine in which all enteied heartily and enjoy ed to the utmost the pleasures of the event. The beautiful lawn of the Broqks home was maie the scene of the happy event, and here the guests spent the hours most pleasantly in visiting and enjoying the opportunity of meeting with each other. One of the principal features of the evenings was the delightful picnic luncheon served on the lawn and which was added to hy the fact thr.t a large camp fire was built and here the company spent some time in roastirg wenies and potatoes and brewing delicious coffee. A large table had been ar ranged aid here was spread the dainty and delicious airay of good things to eat that was to add to the pleasures of the occasion, and the luncheon was served in cafeteria style, which was much enjoyed and the many tempting articles were disposed of by the jolly company without tie lay. The occasion throughout was one j of rare pleasure and the teachers en . joyed it to the utmost and the event I will long be pleasantly remembered as one of the most delightful social gatherings marking the closing weeks of the school year. Danger to Children. Serious illness often results from lingering coughs and colds. The hack ing and coughing and disturbed sleep rack a child's body and the poisons weaken the system, so that disease cannot be thrown off. Foley's Honey arid Tar Compound has eased coughs, colds and croup for three generations; saf ? to use and quick to act. There is no better medicine for croup, cougho and colds. Sold everywhere. "Billy" Sunday, the Man, and II is Message at the Journal office for $1.00. See the book in our window. This is a very popular book. is i ) Stetson Hats