The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, May 03, 1915, Page PAGE 6, Image 6

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    PA OB e.
MONDAY, MAT 2, 1913.
U f
Glenn H. Curtiss, America's Great- o
est Aviator, Chooses BUICK
Valve-in-Head Motor Car
Buffalo, N. Y., April 3rd, 1915.
Buick Motor Car Co.,
1094 Main St.,
Buffalo, n. y., ;"7rV "
Gentlemen: ' y-;.-' c ;
In accordance with your request for my opinion of the
Six Cylinder Buick which I have just purchased, will say that I was ,
first attracted by this machine owing to the valve-in-head construc
tion of the motor, which construction has proven to aeronautical
practice to be unquestionably superior in efficiency to any other valve
I purchased the first car from your Agent, Mr. Naylor, of
San Diego, Cal., last fall. This car gave excellent service and showed
great power and hill-climbing qualities. I found a read sale for it
upon coming East this Spring, and disposed of it to save the cost of
Upon looking about for immediate requirements, I could
find nothing which presented as good value as the Buick with the
valve-in-head motor, and accordingly have purchased the one just
Yours very truly,
C-25 $950.00
C-37 $1,23500
C-55 $1,650.00
F. O. B. Factory
-4 $yUU.UU 7 fg$tK
c-jo i,ier.uuq :v-rsi
C-54 $1,650.00
F. O. B. Factory
LlN H. CURTISS, pioneer
American aviator and
world-famous in the field
of aeronatutics. is a judge
of motors. There isn't an automobile
company in America which wouldn't
rather sell Curtiss one car than to sell
a hundred to almost anybody else that
that could be named.
The money with which Mr. Curtiss
paid for his latest Buick Six is no
mere valuable than the money with
which other buyers pay for their cars.
But the judgment that directed the
Curtiss purchase is so keen that it
could be defined as practically infalli
able. When Glenn II. Curtiss picks
out one car over all the others it
means much to the makers of that
car. Approval of a motor car by
Glenn II. Curtiss is praise from
I'or Mr. Curtiss knows motor car
values. No salesman can tell him
what's what in motor cars. No de
ceptive advertising statement de
ceives him. No suggestion of hint
or advice of any kind whatsoever is
needed by Glenn II. Curtiss when he
goes loking for an automobile. He
Time and time again Curtiss has
staked his life on a motor. But be
fore he took those chances he studied
motors. Curtiss knows that when you
drive a biplane high into the clouds
you must have power continuous and
unfailing power.
And experience has taught him
thai for continuous and unfailing
power no motor compares with the
valve-in-head. That's why the motors
that Curtiss manufactures for his fly
ing machines are valve-in-head
motors. That's why all manufactur
ers of flying machines use valve-in-head
When you are down on the broad,
firm back of old Mother Earth you
car. take chances w ith a motor. Then,
if your motor stops, or fails to deliver
the power you need, you will be incon-
venienced, but the inconvenience won't
take the form of a broken neck. Up
in the clouds, however, you cannot af
foid to have your motor falter. There
must be a flow of power constantly, must be the greatest amount
of power possible to obtain from a
The valve-in-head motor of the kind
used in Buick automobiles supplies
this degree of power, hence when Mr.
Curtiss came to buy a machine for
road flying he chose the Buick.
The Buick Motor Company is very
proud to have sold a car to Mr. Cur
tiss. Prouder still of the fact that
Mr. Curtiss is a regular customer of
the Buick. When this famous aviator
finds a new model Buick on the mar
ket he sells his old car (and always
finds a ready sale for it) and buys a
new car. When his travels take him
so far from home that shipping his
car involves too much time and
trouble he avoids delay by buying a
new Buick. -
Glenn H. Curtiss could have bought
any car in the world. He would not
hesitate a minute to send abroad for
the best car in the foreign market if
he thought he could get a better car
there than the Buick. By the same
token he could have the most ex
pensive the American market affords
if he desired.
But he passes them all for the
sturdy, powerful, dependable Buick
with the valve-in-head motor. And
the reason he does so is because he
knows motor values. He knows from
long study and experience that the
vaUe-in-head motor, as he puts it,
"is unquestionably superior in ef
ficiency." Rest assured Glenn H. Curtis made
no mistake when he selected the
Buick. He knew exactly what he was
doing, and exactly what he wanted.
The fact that he found exactly what
he wanted in the valve-in-head Buick
is proof positive that the Buick is the
best type of motor car and the best
motor car of its type.
Marriage of Former Plattsmouth Boy.
A Brief Outline of the Inauguration
of the State Fisheries at South
Bend, Nebraska.
A CAR that is beautiful and graceful in line and the equal of any
car at any price in finish and appearance.
A car that has every requisite of comfort and convenience.
A car of strength and endurance one that will have your perfect
confidence on the most difficult roads and trying emergencies.
We guarantee the Buick Valve-inHead Motor to develop and de
liver more power than any other type of automobile motor of equal
size, American or Foreign make.
Come and see the 1915 Buick.
Demonstrations gladly given over routes that Really Proves the Cars. Sub-Agents wanted.
n t
m x m. mm mm
I I Office Telephone Building. Tel. No. 1 . Plattsmouth, Nebraska.
In speaking of the state fisheries a
few days ago brought to our mind
the story of the origin of the state
fisheries, and we take the following
from an old Nebraska Herald, which
shews the starting of what is now the
flourishing fisheries that rank very
high and are under the charge of W.
J. O'Brien:
Last Monday, in company with Hon.
H. F. Dousman, late one of the fish
commissioners of Wisconsin, the Her
ald visited the trout springs of Mr.
Ja's. G. Romine, near South Bend, in
this county.
Telegraphing to Mr. II. J. Streight
early in the morning, on our arrival
at the station we found a pair of
horses and buggy ready for us, and
Mr. Romine himself ready to go along
and show us all the beauties, wonders,
(soft places in the road, etc.) to be
seen in and about the region. Uncle
Jason Streight gathered up the rib
bons, and hoisting our umbrellas we
set out ove'r a winding way towards
the fish pond. Let us say right here
that this is a new industry in the state
and Mr. Romine, so far as we know.
is the first man to take hold of it, and
we certainly wish for him a success
and a bright future, believing as we
do, that our streams can be and should
be stocked with -better and more
abundant food fishes than at present.
One anil a half miles south of the
village of South Bend we arrived at
the place. It is a cool little nook un
der the brow ot a uluir, trees over
hanging the spring giving it quite a
romantic appearance.
The spring itself is a very fine one.
the water being very pure and clear.
It flows about three cubic inches of
water. There are four ponds, the up
per one about four feet deep and the
lower eight feet. The whole is se
cured by a heavy stone dam at the
lower pond, the other partitions, as
one may say, being of plank.
When commenced one year ago last
spring Romine caught the fish fever
so bad he had to go to Wisconsin and
get some spawn and fish. In March
they were put in the water here; 15.
000 young trout and 1,200 or 1,400
young California salmon. Last win
ter he hatched 80,000 trout eggs and
15,000 salmon eggs, of these lots he
thinks he has now over 50,000 young
trout and 9,000 salmon, being a very
large percentage of fish from the eggs
in a new place. The young fish, now
yearlings, are doing well and looking
fine. Mr. Dousman, who should be a
good judge, being himself one of the
proprietors of the Scuppernong trout
pounds in Wisconsin, says they are
doing excellently and have made a
very good growth.
I onnecteu with the spring is a
hatching house of 100,000 capacity.
Mr. Romine expects to hatch 50,000
trout and salmon at least, this winter.
This establishment is in embroy as
yet, but will become no doubt the
neucleus of an extensive business one
of these days; the proprietory is very
enthusiastic, and being an "old batch'
says he has nothing to divide his at
tention with the fishes, and they are
bound to prosper.
Returning to Plattsmouth we had
the pleasure of meeting Governor
Ga:ber, with whom we enjoyed an in
teresting conversation respecting
what might be done for Nebraska in
the fish line, and we hope to see some
steps taken this winter towards en
couraging this branch of industry.
Mr. Dousman, who is one of the
best practical fish-culturists in the
United States, thinks the "carp," a
German fish, when introduced here,
will be one of the best food fishes for
our waters, as they thrive in sluggish
and even muddy waters and are an
excellent fish. Salmon, if successful
at all east of the mountains, ought to
do well here. That is an experiment
From Friday's Dally.
The announcement of the marriage
of Mr. Chester Earl Wagner, a form
er Plattsmouth young man, has just
been received here by his grandfather,
Mr. John Waterman. The wedding
occurred on Thursday, April 22, at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Che-
min-Petit, at Detroit, Michigan, when
their daughter, Miss ?iy.abeth, be
came the bride of Mr. Wagner. The
nowly wedded couple will be at home
after June 1 at IDS Kenihvorth ave
nue, Detroit, in which city the groom
has a very lucerative position as a
civil engineer and draftsman. The
friends of this most estimable young
man will be pleased to learn of his
good fortune and extend to him and
his bride their heartie.-.t congratula
. A 4 4 .
Mr. and Mrs. McLaughlin, Mr:
Danah, Mrs. Livingston, Mr. Ilert
mann and Mr. and Mrs. MacMurphy
went to Omaha on Friday last to hea
Janauschek play "Mary Stuart." "
Rev. Mr. Burgess wiJl continue h:-?
pi ivate school in the First ward
school house during vacation, or until
hot weather makes, it advisable t
c:os3. lie has been very success: ul
i.nd his pupils have made rapid pro
Thomas Hughes, veteran traveling
passenger agent of the Missouri Pa-
cifi-, passed away Saturday morning
at the St. Louis General hospital of
dirbetic gangrence. Mi-. Hughes is
well known throughout Nebraska, as
for the past ten years hj has made
his headquarters in Omaha, and was
a visitor in I'latlsmouin at diiierent
times looking after the interests of
his company. He was a most genial
gentleman and well loved and esteem
ed by those with whom he came in
contact. Nearly two months ago Mr.
Huches suffered an abrasion of his
right foot, due to a tight shoe. In
fection set in and the Missouri Pacific
chief surgeon asked that he be sent
to the St. Louis hospital for treat
ment. He had been sinking steadily
up to the time of his death. The fun
eral was held this afternoon at Pdoem
ington, Illinois, ami the bdy laid at
rest beside that of his wife and son.
A great many of the Missouri Pacific
railroad officials were in attendance
at the funeral.
Mr. Hughes had been with the Mis
souri Pacific lines for the past thirty
years, corning from Kansas City to
Omaha, and was a very prominent
member of the Elks lodge in that city.
He leaves a number of sisters, among
them being Miss Nellie Hughes of
Emerson. Nebraska, who was at his
bedside. He was some 05 years of
age and his death removes one of the
most popular and inllucntial of the of
ficials of that road.
Our well known townsman J. C
Cummins, and J. ). Richc-y, from
Iowa, will open a brand new lumber
5 ard about the last of next week at
J. V. Weckbac-h's old stand. They
wiil put in an unlimited and selected
: lock, and will sell low dow n for ca-h.
The well known responsibility of Mr.
Crmmins, alone will insure them a
good ps.tronage. Don't fail to call
round and examine their stock and
:mprove your chances oi making a
good bargain.
Thos. Moran, the young man ar
rested here some ten days ago on sus
picion of being a horse thief, was
brought before Judge Sullivan Tues-
y, Geo. S. Smith conducting the
case i or the state anil J. f. .Morrison
;icting as counsel for the prisoner.
After a careful and patient hearing,
and a lengthy examination and cross
examination of the prisoner, by coun
sel, the judge bound him over for a
hei ring at the district court. There
s no positive evidence of his guilt,
rnd generally suspicious conduct was
(lie principal grounds on which he is
Money in
Farm Land
today, and there is going to be more
money made in the near future than
ever before.
The farmer's profit has been so
gre-at that he will want to purchase
more land.
Here are some of my bargains:
1 GO acres, 5 miles from postoffk-e,
good house, several barns, graneiies,
corn cribs and outbuildings, two good
springs arid never failing running
v.ater. Not a foot of waste land,
and all land gently rolling. Not an
acre of land adjoining this quarter
can be bought for $150 per acre, an 1
200 per acre would not buy the ma
jority of it.
170 acres, 5 miles from Platts-
itiouth, 2yz miles from Murray, 50
acres in fall wheat, 14 acres alfalfa,
splendid house, good barn, graneries,
corn cribs and outbuildings, running
water, school on land near dwelling.
Price, 140 per acre; terms to suit
Salt Lake, May 20. The Indian,
Tatnhago. convicted of the murder of
Alexander Rhoden. at Fort Hill, was
today fc-ntenced to be hung at Boise
( ity, Idaho, on the 2Sth day of Jun,
by the- district court, at Malado,
Idaho, today. This was the young
man buried here laut spring, a son of
cue of the oldest residents in Cass
county, and we most heartily rejoice
that the government for once, exacted
justice and proposes to mete out
punishment to the cowardly redskin
v ho shot young Rhodon.
1C) acres, 0 miles from Platts
mouth, 2 miles from Murray, splendid
new land, 45 acres in fall wheat, good-
j buildings of all descriptions, all in
j first-class repair; entire 1(10 acres in
closed with new woven wire hog-tight
fencing. A bargain. Price, $125 per
sere; terms to suit purchaser.
100 acres near Murray, splendid
land, fair buildings, cheap at $!,000.
Terms to suit purchaser.
The Theodore Boedeker homestead
cf l-0 acres, a splendid farm, l!a
miles south of Louisville. Price,
f 130 per acre.
120-acre splendid farm, highly im
proved, close to Union. Price. $175
per acre.
Mrs. Joseph Tighe of Havelock
came in this morning for a short visit
with her brother, F. E. Schlater and
family. She is en route home from
Chicago, where she has been visiting
her son, Eugene Tighe and family.
John Urish and wife and Mrs.
Philip Schafer, Lucy, Geneva and
John Urish, jr., were, in the city Sat
urday for a few hours attending to
some matters of business, and while
here Mr. Urish paid the Journal a
very pleasant call and renewed his
subscription to this paper.
P.. II. Shlaes returned home Satur
day evening from Missouri Valley,
Iowa, where he has been for the past
few days looking after his interests
thee. Mr. Shlaes is erecting a new
first-class Air Dome in that city that
will provide amusement for the pub
lic, and is well pleased over the out
look there for this season. He has
also just purchased a half interest in
the Palm theater in that city from
Mr Guy Mahoncy, the present owner,
and in partnership with Mr. Mahoney
will operate the theater, dividing his
time between this city and Missouri
Valley. Mr. Shlaes, however, will
continue to make his home here in
Plattsmouth, where the greater part
of his property interests are located.
Plattsmouth State Bank
of Plattsmouth, Nebraska
ClKirter No. Tsil
Incorporated In 1 lie stair of NelirasKa. at llie
close of I'llsiuess. April !!.'.
Loans and discounts
Bonds, securities, jud'enients. claims
Itank tntr hoiise.furnit urc and ti x Mi res
Ueal estate olher than banking
liouse .
Current expenses. laes and interest
Casli Items
I ue f roni nut ional and st ate lianUs. .
('Iie"ks iind other items of exchange
(old coin
silver, nickels and cents
IP4.4.'N si
1.47U IH
Fiom Rck I Muffs I believe I h?vo
seen nothing from Rock IMurTs for
..ome time, so I will try to gvie a few
ideas of our city, hoping they will be
Joseph Shera keeps a store at his
' Id stand, he also keeps the postoffic?.
He has a sovere pain in one of his
eyes at present.
James Walstow may be found on
the south side of the street, where he
keeps a full line of groceries.
Further west, on the north side, is
the blacksmith shop of Howard Allen,
lie understands Ins business well, and
has plenty of muscle to use in swing
ing the hammer.
John Farthing is the shoemaker of
cur town. :nd does good work..
Messrs. I'oldon and Royall are run
ning the mill here.
I). A. Campbell is our school
teacher and proves to be a competent
man for the position of teacher.
Mr. Michael Archer is around as
sessing our precinct, and many are
asking him how he sedls pumps.
Mr. Eaton is the manufacturer of
"Green Mountain Salve," which is
The Horn faun, one mile west of
Oreapolis; good improvements, 25S
acres, mostly bottom land, good hay
land, good pasture, good farm land.
Ask for our price.
SO acres, 7 mies south of Platts
mouth, 3 miles from Murray, good
land, usual improvements.
Price, $125 per acre.
4i0-acre farm near Murray, will
bear closest inspection. Further par
ticulars and terms furnished on re-ouest.
40 acres adjoining Plattsmouth, 12
acres in alfalfa. 20 acres cultivation,
S acres pasture. Terms to suit.
Price, $0,000.
Small tracts adjoining Plattsmouth,
2 acres, S acres, 10 acres, 11 acres, 20
s cres, all well improved and prices
Capital stK-k paid in .VUtn 00
Surplus fund 4.'(H i0
Ciiiliv-idetl profits . i
Individual il-ioits subject to check 4:i
Ivinund certificates of d rsit .s.isi ihi
Time certificates of deMsit !'..Ts, 2:1
ot,! nml t.flls re -discounted .None
Hills nay al ile None J cLi-,
I ..ilt CJ t
r..i-2 TfT
. 4." cj
Mmm fifties I
$.-.'4:1.710 so
Paints end Oils, Gering & Co.
DeiHwiiui-'s guaranty fund
Total :
Static of Nfhrask a. '
ciishU-r of thf u!mvp named bank, do
hereby swear that, the aUive statement Is a
correct ami true copy of the lemu t made to
the State Banking Hoard. .1. M Kohkmts.
; Cashier
. I W. 11. Nk Kir.. Director.
Attest. ( , (1 K(JKEh, 1 i recti r.
Suliscrihed and sworn to lieforc me, this 2!th
day of April. ISM... K. I! Winpimv.
XiMhi-.v l'uhlie.
' Seall My commission expires ect. l;. I!!3.
Paints and Oils, Gering & Co. J
The above cut shows you an out
ing style shoe that is a cracker-jack
for field wear. Made hi brown mule
. t .i '
skin -bellows tongue, uo Keep ine
dirt- nut") low heel, single sole. Ab
solutely solid leather. Sizes 6 to 1 1
S2.00 per pair
Fsfzer Shcs Company
Parcel Post Paid
Fine 320-acre well improved farm
near Kearney. New buildings, land
second bottom in Platte valley, never
overflows; "0 acres alfalfa, all level,
good water. Will trade for a smaller
farm in Cass county.
40 acres good hay land, close to Pa
eific Junction, Iowa.
Several good residences in Platts
mouth at prices much less than re
placement value, most of them strict
ly modern. Farmers expecting to re
tire and move to Plattsmouth should
investigate these bargains in city
many others on our list for
Tel. No. 1.
Office in Telephone Building.
Plattsmouth, Neb.