The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, May 03, 1915, Page PAGE 3, Image 3

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TTj fj?S CSTT!3&J!V!!. I have in rood road.
W awn .Hfw-Wf
J he t.ntes lamiiy is returning irom
Montana, Lantz Clites having arrived
J in advance. Lantz pays it required
MOXDAY, MAY 3, 1913.
Welch's, Armour's and Red ing
Welch's, Armours and Red Wing Brands are the three best and most
popular brands on the market, and we carry them all in 50c and 25c
bottles. Lay in your supply now, tor you will want some when the
recii hot weather begins.
We specialize on Heinz Goods, and carry near! all of the 57 var
ieties. Oar line of high grade canned and bottle goods is the best in
the city, consisting of Curtice Bros., Califo, Monarch, and Advo
Brands, aside from other standard lines. Try us for Quality.
All kinds of fresh
o Li u Lin
Phone 53 and 54
Local flews
From Saturday's Daily.
W. A. Fight of Mynard was among:
those point: to Omaha today to visit
foi a few hours.
Peter Mei.-dnger and wife of near
Cedar Creek were in the city today at
tending to some of the week-end
: hopping.
W. T. Richardson of Mynard came
in this afternoon from his home and
was amor. ir the passenger? on No. 123
for Omaha.
Jrck Patterson and wife of Union
came up yesterday afternoon and
.pcnt a few hours here with relatives
and friends.
L. A. Meisinger and wife were in
the city for a few hour? yesterday aft
ernoon looking: after some chopping;
with the merchants.
W. F. Gillespie, the Mynard grain
dt-.-ier, was a visitor in Omaha yester
day, stopping off here for a few hours
las evening: en route heme.
William Puis, the substantial farm
er from west of Murray, was in the
city today looking after business mat
ters and visiting: with his fri.-nds.
J'hn Krager came in this
from his farm home, west of Mynard.
to visit for a few hours with friends
in this city and look after some trad
ing:. Adam KafTenberger came in this
mornine from his home near Cedar
Cit-ek to spend a few hours here with
friends and look after some week-end
Adam Fornoff, from the vicinity of
Cedar Creek, was among: the visitor?
:n the city today for a fen- hours
looking1 after pome trading: with the
Henry J. Mei.-ingor, one of the lead
ing residents of Cedar Creek, came in
thi morning: from his home to look
after some shopping-, as well as to
visit with friends.
deorge Lindsay, Morris Poilard and
Mr. Anderson of Nehawka were here
yesterday, driving: up in the auto with
Frank Sheldon, and spending: a few
hour? here looking after some busi
ness matters.
P. I). Stine of Ur.ion. who has been
serving; as a member f the jury panel
at the present term of ;h; district
oiutt, departed th;s afternoon for his
home, having i-cvved 1 is time r n l been
di.- harged from further duty.
James Miller, the boss conciete con
tractor of Xehawka, carni! in last
vening from his home and was a pas
senger this morning for Omaha,
where he will visit for the day look
ing after some matters of business.
Henry Kehne of Weeping Water ar
rived in this city this morning to at
tend to some important business mat
ters and will visit over Sunday with
hi.? brother, Fred Kehne, near this
city. Mr. Kehne was a pleasant call
er at this office.
J. M. Parkhurst and R. I). Stine of
Union were attending to important
business matters in this cily today,
coming up on the early morning train
over the Missouri Pacific. While here
Mr. P.arkhurst took time to call at
this office and have his subscription to
the Daily Journal extended for an
other year.
Mrs. S. E. Donavan of Cheyenne,
Wyoming, and daughter, Mrs. Ida Mc-
Cabe, of Rock Island, Illinois, who
fruits and vegetables, and fresh asparagus every
have been visiting at the home of T.
W. Glenn and family, departed this
mo.ning for Kock Island. Mrs. Dona
van is a sister of Mr. Glenn and ex
pects to make her home at Rock Is
land in the future.
From Kiklay'.s Daily.
Joseph Zimmerer, the Avoca bank
er, was a visitor in the city today,
motoring up from his home to look
after some business matters.
Frank P. Sheldon of Xehawka
rr.oiored up this afternoon fiom his
home to look after some matters at
the court houe for a few hours.
Mrs. Ida Tritsch and Mrs. Ed
Tritsch and daughter, Adelia, were
among those going to Omaha this
morning to look after some matter?
of business.
If. H. Tartsch and wife, who have
been here visiting with relatives and
in attendance at the funeral of the
moiher of Mr. Tartsch, departed this
afternoon for their home.
Father .Wi'liam Iliggins of Manley
came over last evening from his
home to visit h?re for a few hours
with Father M. A. Shine, departing
thi-. morning for Omaha to vi.-it for
the day.
Mrs. G. II. Tarns and daughter,
Mr. Tied Rezener, were among the
passengers this morning for Omaha,
wnere tney win visit lor tne iiay in
that city looking after some matters
of business.
James Loughridge of Murray
motored up this morning to spend a
few hours in this city looking after
some matters of business and calling
on his friends.
Mrs. S. O. Pitman came in last
evening on No. 2 from Omaha, where
she had h?en visiting with friends, as
well as locking after some matters of
business, and was met here by her
husband and conveyed to their home
at Murray in the auto.
Mrs. D. O. Hewitt of Greenleaf,
Kansas, and Mrs. Louise Klein of
Omaha, who have been here visiting
their mother, Mrs. B. Hemple, as well
as to attend the funeial of Mrs. Aug
ust Tartsch, departed yesterday aft
ernoon for their home.
Albert Satchell, who is at present
located near Stanton, Neb., is spend
ing a few days in this county with
old friends. Mr. Satchell formerly re
sided near Murray and is well pleased
with his present location, where he
has resided a little over a year. His
friends were pleased to visit with Al
bert and to learn that he is doing so
Miss Vesta Gray, who has been
here visiting at the home of her sister,
Mrs. William A. Robertson, for a few
days, departed this morning for Santa
Ro.-a, California, where she is engag
ed in school work. Miss Gray was
called to this state by the death of
her father, the late Judge E. F. Gray,
of Fremont.
Dr. G. II. Gilmore motored up from
Murray this morning to spend a few
hours looking after some matters of
Iienry J. Meisinger of the vicinity
of Cedar Creek was here Saturday
for a few hours looking after some
matters of business and visiting with
relatives and friends.
Ed Leech and wife and Mrs. Julius
Asch and G. E. Wiley were in the city
today for a few hours attending to
some business matters.
s" News. .
A baby girl is a recent arrival at
the X. Harger home west of town.
John Schwartz returned Monday
afternoon from Cedar Creek, where
lie had been working' last week.
Mrs. Mt-ry Duckworth arrived Sun
day from Chariton, Iowa, to be with
hei son. Charles, whose condition is
not improved.
V.. W. Shrader was a passenger for
St. Joseph Wednesday morning, where
he met his son from Furnas county,
who was there on business.
Warren Mumm. sr., got in Saturday
morning: from an extended visit, to a
daughter in Florida. I12 wiil spend
the summer among his boys here.
John Whiteman is being treated to
a It'XL'O-foot addition to his farm
('veiling. This will give these excel
lent people a lot of room that will hz-
J hn knabe shipned a load of
Chester White hogs of his own rais
ir.g to the South Omaha market last
week tnat topped the market ani
on.'gru "nn a iu:y miie ouncn o:
money. There were !7 in the car.
Faring the thunder shoiXer last
Thursday morning the lightning
.-tri:ck the Will Chappell house, tear
ing quite a bit of plastering upstair?,
fortunately following the cistern pipe
intc the ground. Mrs. Chappell, alone
in the house at the time, was mom
entarily stunned.
The ball team journeyed to Louis
ville Sunday and got skinned to a
fare-you-well, the final score standing
11 to 1 in favor of those denizens of a
soon-to-be dry town. The hoys offer
a number of alibis, none of which
would change the situation much were
they reported.
Dan Rumlin will commence soon the
erection of a fine large house on his
A fine baby girl was born to Mr.
and Mrs. Otto Fleischmann Wednes
day morning.
Gamble Brothers delivered over 1.
200 bushels of wheat to the elevator
here this week.
Jake Fleischman commenced the
cement foundation this week for the
building of a fine country house.
J. L. fling is absent on a visit to his
farm in Holt county, and will also
visit relatives at Minneapolis and look
into a mill proposition on the north
eastern Nebraska border.
Troy Ward was in town a couple of
days last week, coming up from
Avoca with his father, where he was
paying his parents a visit. He and
his father visited here at the home
of his brother, Ollie Ward and family.
Troy has been in the employ of the
Prnnswick-Palke Callendar Co. at
their Kansas City office.
Automobilists have been greatly
pleased with the country roads sur
rounding Elmwood. Despite the fact
that the heavy hauling had made them
"rutty," timeljr work has kept them
in good shape. This is a good word in
favor of our road supervisors and the
farmers in behalf of the interest theytPairitS and Oils, Gering & Co.
iteau in Montana, considering the
probable returns when the country
de eloped, at Lest. Th-- fiard.-h,ip- of
jjio. leering: for ai! there i in d;ht in
that section does not appeal to them.
Little Cora Williams had the mi.
forture to break both of her
lef forearm Sunday afternoon while
phying with other children at h?r
home. She in some ir.aner stumbled
as the was running .nd fell headlong
aga;nt the house, rai-dng her left
arm to catch herself. The arm was
baaly wrenched and Cora suffered
much pain until relieved by a physi
cian. She is doing icelv now. the
injured member knitt
rapidly. This is a .di
d he
a line
ication of the
same trouoie mat i ora nas under
go: e. i-he having PufTVrcd a fracture
of her right arm some time aco. It
is tTe hope of her ma-.y friend? that
.-he will speedily recover.
i Paints and Oils, Gering &. Co.
Leacon. i
Mrs. M. E. Prar.tinr has just in
stalled a new counter to accom
modate her ice cream customers.
Jack Lyeil went to Alliance, Neb.,
Sunday evening to spend a few days
looking after business.
Max Spahule made a business trip
to South Dakota Monday of last
we -k, returning home Saturday.
Grandpa Yoho is st ill -triou.-iy ill
at the home of his son. W. p. Yoho,
and his condition is growing more
dargerous each day.
J M. Anderson of Seattle, Wash.,
ai lived here Sunday of last week for
an extended visit with his brother, O.
ir.d othe:
:rs. j- lorn .Alar,Ker and iau enter.
Ti'.m..on. nf Lincoln, visited Monday
and Tuesday ai th T. R. Adams
hoi'ie. Tue?(iay, April 27th, being Mrs.' birthday.
J. II. L.arom had the partition in
the rear end of his hardware store
loin out ju-t recently and remodeled
that part of the building. This adds
con.- iderable space in which to d; splay
hi- stock, and by the way. Jim feels
pr-?1ty proud of the change.
Mr. and Mrs. I.. Pittit moved in'o
their property Wednesday which they
iciertly purchased from C. C. Coop
er. Mr. Pettit has remoJeled the
bo -e to ot;ht- an extent, and it i:o-,r
i.e.'.rs a much bettor apper ranee, and make them.
;;n ideal home.
An exeedingly simple ut very
p'tUy wedding took place Thursday
evening. April th, at S:"0, r.t the
home of Mr?. A. P. Headley in this
city, when her oldest daughter. Pearl,
was unite.! in marriage to Joseph E.
Rudolph by the Rev. A. B. Shepa-d
of the Methodist Episcopal church, in
the presence of sixty relatives and
fri- nds.
Wail Paper. Gering &. Co.
0,000 ICES
And Many Are the Voices of Platts
mouth People.
Thirty thousand voices What a
grand chorus! And that's the number
of American men and women who are
publicly praising Doan's Kidney Pills
for reli?f from backache, kidney ana
bladder ills. They say it to friends.
They tell it in the home parers
Plattsmouth people are in this chorus.
Here's a Plattsmouth case:
Benjamin Brooks, Main street.
Plattsmouth, says: "I had a severe
attack of kidney complaint, brought
on uy a bad cold. At times the pain
extended from my back and hips into
my shoulders. I couldn't get about
and was laid up for two weeks. My
head ached for hours at a time. I had
dizzy spells, during which my sight
blurred. After using two boxes of
Pom's Kidney Pills, procured at Ger-
ng & Co.'s Drug Store, I regained my
Price oOc, at all dealers. Don't
simply ask for a kidney remedy get
Doan's Kiclnev Pills the same that
M i. Brooks had. Foster-Miiburn Co..
Vi-or, Buffalo, N. Y.
Lame Back.
Lame, back is usually dtie to rheu
matism of the muscles of the back.
Hard working people are most likely
co suffer from it. Relief may be had
by massaging the back with Cham
berlain's Liniment two or three times
a day. Try it. Obtainable everywhere.
Pn?die Talkington to C. S.
Trnmlde, lot P, block V.t,
E. j. Clements, administrat
or, to M. P. Preston, part
NV quarter. SV (quarter,
1 o-1 0-1 o. Consideration .
4:'.". 00 !tl
215.00 jf
: u
1 a
S h
.hwi O
to Si
S hwab, ex. deed, p:;i t E
h.df. XW quarter. 28-11-
14. Consideration
lie: man Kleitsch, et ah, to
joe Ililger. lots 7 and K.
block r'- Weeping Water.
"cnriilerat ion . . .
Herman Kieitch to Jo?
Ililger, lot 4'.i, lot 4,
i ock 'N, Weeping Water.
C '"isidera'tion
Ii;n;an Kk-it-ch to Joe
linger, part lots 1 to 4,
r'eck sJ. Weeping Water.
W. W. Jame.,on to W
'niter, SV ouarter.
or arte
t r Fitzpatricli to Mar
tha J. !'it::patriek, lot '.
block 10, Wteping Water,
G rover Fitzpatrick to Mar
tha J. Fitzpatrick, lots 7,,
1 and. 8, block 10, Carter's
addition to Weeping Wa-
t--r. Consideration
T. E. Kowen to H. II. Shrad-
1 1
If), block
South Park additions
to city. Consideration...
J.d n Rdey to J. W. Falter,
I. is 1 to h block 2,
O'XeiH's addition to city.
r.o . 00
W. S. Xo.'-ris to C. W. Stone,
part west half, NW quar
ter, "0-10-13. Considera
fon 10,r'X).OO
A. E. Jameson to Lucinda
11 itchn-.a"..
1 to
0 1, Walnut Hill addi
tion. Weeping Water.
! C. A. Lamnhere to II. D.
Newton, lots 00 and
Vi.e; Outlots, city. Con
sideration rno.00
I-jt.h Stanley
to Ado!:,h
Cei.-'.e. lots f to S. block 1,
Ycur.g & Hayes addition
to city. Consideration... Sr,0.00
John Frolich to Charles Fro
lich. southwest quarter li-;-.
Consideration 18,400. Co
Jacob Ilursh to Charles Fro quit claim deed, west
half. NE quarter; E half,
NW quarter, 10-10-0. Con
sideration 1.00
C. D. Quirton to Mark
White, sheriff's deed block
2 . Duke's edition to city.
Consideration 1,700.00
A. C. Tulene to Frank Wern
er -a. lot 21, block 2,
Fichey Place addition to
city. Consideration .... S."0.00
Fror.k WonJra to John Bu
l acek, lots 21 and 22.
Itichey Place addition to
c ty. Consideration 400.00
G: ' rge Iloman to W. M.
Sheldon, lot (i, block 22,
outh J'arK audition to
city. Consideration 300.00
M-ithilde Teterson to Wil
liam Wegener, lots 71 and
72, Louisville. Considera
tion l,SO0.O0
Olive Gass to Mary J. Tuey,
part lots 1 and 2, block 45,
Young Mayes' addition
to citv. Consideration... l-"0.00
Wall Paoer. Gering &. Co.
Sold at Sheriff's Sale.
1 his morning Sheriff Quirton sold
at auction at the south door of the
court house the residence property
belonging to Frank Tague, which is
located in South Park addition to thi?
city. It was sold for ?30C to A. J.
Wall Paper. Gerinu &. Co.
.Mrs. Harrcd Got Rid of Her
Stomach Trouble.
''1 suffered with stomach trouble
for years and tried everything I heard
of, but the only relief I got was tem
porary until last spring I saw Cham
berlain's Tablets advertised and pro
cured a bottle of thm at our drug
ftore. I got immediate relief from
that dreadful heaviness aftr eating
and from pain in the stomach," writes
Mr. Linda Harrod, Foit Wayne, Ind.
Obtainable everywhere.
Per Infants and Children.
Tha Kind Yea Have Always Bougfet
Bears the
Signature of
Genuine Axminisfer Rugs
Zizes 27x54
Worth $2.50 Now Only $1.98
y oh wealer & Lute
Mr. -and Mrs. Justus Lillie went to
the farm of their son, Frank, near
Murray, Saturday afternoon for a
week's visit with the family.
P A. Meisinger was among those
vis ting in the city Saturday from
out, in the county, attending to some
tracing with the merchants.
I en Dill of the vicinity of Murray
wa.-. in the city Saturday looking af
ter a few matters of business with
the merchants for a few hours.
I'li M. Smith, one of the promin
ent farmers of eastern Liberty
cinct, was in the city this morning for
a few hours attending to some trad
ing with the merchants.
George Parks, wife and little son
were among the passengers this
mo-ning for Omaha, where they will
visit for a few hours and then con
tinue on to Lincoln to visit with
friends and relatives.
Cass County, ss.
In County Court.
In the Matter of the Estate of John
Peter Keil, Deceased:
Notice is hereby given to the credit
ors of said deceased that hearings will
be had upon claims tiled against said
estate, before me, County Judge of
Cass County, Nebraska, at the County
Court room in Plattsmouth, in said
County, on the 8th day of May, liJ'o,
f.nd on the 0th daj- of November, 19K,
at 9 o'clock a. m. each day for exam
ination, adjustment and allowance.
Ai claims must be filed in f.aid
court on or before said last hour of
Witness my hand and seal of said
County Court, at Plattsmouth, Ne
braska, this 7th day of April, 1015.
County Judge.
Cass County, ss.
In County Court.
In the Matter of the Estate of Archi
bald M. Holmes, Deceased:
Notice is hereby given to the credit
ors of said deceased that hearings will
be had upon claims filed against said
estate, before me, County Judge of
Cass County, Nebraska, at the County
Court 100m in Plattsmouth, in said
Countj, on the 10th day of May, 1915,
and on the 10th day of November,
1015, at 10 o'clock a. m., each day for
examination, adjustment and allow
ance. All claims must be filed in said
court on or before said last hour of
Witness my hand and seal of said
County Court, at Plattsmouth, Ne
braska, this 10th day of April, 1915.
County Judge.
Louis Obenrouch will take notice
that on the 31st day of March, 1915,
M. Archer, a justice of the peace, of
Plattsmouth, Cass Counts, Nebraska,
issued an order of attachment for the
sum of $40.00, in an action pending
before him, wherein Adolph Wesch is
plaintiff, and Louis Obenrouch is de
fendant, and that property of the de
fendant, consisting of one-quarter of
beef, one meat rack, one roll of paper
and one smoke house, has been at
tached under said order. Said cause
was continued to the 17th day of May,
1915, at 9 o'clock a. m.
I II i l. MTK T.
In Ihe District Court of (' County.
In ihf Matter of the Application of
William F. Moore, Ouardian of the
T'erson anil Estate of John K. Moore,
iTirornpU'nt, lor Leave to Sell Ileal
Xotii-e is lierf-nv Riven that, in pur
suance of ar. order of tiie Honorable
.In mcs T. llt-ivlev, judge of tlie district
MUrt of Cass Count y, Nebraska, made
-n ti.e I'f.tli (Uv of April. A. I . lfllTi, for
tl o sale of the real estate hereinafter
Uscr; Led. there will le fold at public
Xiiidue to the liitrhest bidder for cash
.-it the front door of the court house In
the city of l'lattsmouth. in paid count v,
on the ISth day of May, A. 1 . J91n,
orr.rneni infr at the hour of 1 p. m.. said
ss'le will tie cpen for one hour, the fol
lowing desi-ribed real estate: The NE
.j of the SW , , a'nd lot No. 3. in the
sV 'i of the f"E '4 of section twenty
five 25. in township eleven (11), of
lane-e thirteen (IS), in Cass County.
Pated this 26th dav of April. A. D.
i:n w. p. mcoi:e,
("uardian of the Estate of John E.
Moore. Incompetent.
.1. E. DOUGLASS, Attorney,
Your Instructions
Are Law With Us!
When you tell us to clean,
press or repair your clothes
paying particular attention
to certain things we follow
your instructions.
That's Service
May we have the opportun
ity of convincing you that
our general line of work is
Hotel Riley Building,
Plattsmouth, Neb.
Or. 9. 1. Reynolds
Osteopathic Physician
Graduate of the American School of
Osteopathy, Kirksville, Missouri.
Office (Temporary) the Riley Hotel.
Office Hours 10:00 to 12:00 A. M.
2:00 to 4:00 P. M.
Other Hours by Appointment.
Sealed proposals will be received by
the City Clerk of the City of Platts
mouth, Nebraska, until 5 o'clock p.
m., on the 8th day of May, 1915, for
furnishing all material and labor
necessary to grade and pave an area
under the Burlington tracks in Platts
mouth, Nebraska.
All of the material and labor to be
furnished and done in accordance with
ihe plans and specifications on file in
the office of the City Clerk, Platts
mouth, Nebraska, and at the office cf
'Me Engineers, Omaha, Nebraska.
Each proposal to be accompanied by
a certified check on a Plattsmoatn
bank, payable to the City of Platts
mouth, Nebraska, in an amount of
twenty-five ($25) dollars, whicti
amount will be considered liquidated
damages and be forfeited to said City
Ehould successful bidder fail to enter
into contract for work set out in the
The Mayor and City Council re
serves the right to reject any or all
J. E. NEMETZ, City Clerk.
New Effects in
Women's Pumps!
We illustrate one of our
new styles now very popu
lar with fashionable women, trj
r 1
Those who have seen and
tried on this pump have
been thoroughly delighted
with its refining style and
comfortable fit. Your ex-
i perience would be the same.
Dull kid and patent leathers