The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, April 29, 1915, Page PAGE 4, Image 4

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Che plattsmouth Journal
Published Sem l-W eekly at Plattsmoutb, N e b r.
Entered at the I'ostofHce at Plattsniouth. Nebraska, as seconJ-class mail matwr.
R. A. BATES, Publisher
Subscription Prloe: S1.50 Per Year In Advanoe
V The endowments of the mind J
form the only illustrious and
lasting possession. Sallust.
:o :
It takes Italy a pood while to de
termine just where the band wagon
People demand justice sometimes,
when about the best they can expect
is a hung jry. 1
Forty automobiles burned the other
right at North Platte, and so many
people want one.
I5c like Lilly Sunday ask no quar
ter from the devil, and accept all
ether contributions.
If IJethleham steel should go to 300,
probably the lambs would think it was
abcut time to buy.
Divorces are becoming so coranwi
that they no longer receive headline i
in the newspapers.
:o: ;
Not a word has been heard from the?
p: acli crop, but the dandelion crop is
coming on in fine shape.
11 -
It may be a good thing to forget
the past, but not for "the merchant
uho does a credit business.
Now is the time to swat the fly, and
m.t wait till he becomes more numo
cus, along about jelly-making time.
. :o:
Repeated horrors apparently have
nl succeeded in properly emphasiz
ing the necessity of building safe
:o :
When a man finds spring weather
; enervating that he can't work, he
is frequently able to walk some dis
tance to a ball game.
A Dodge City, Kansas, husband .re
turned to his wife when he learned
fiom the filing of a divorce suit that
she thought his affections were worth
:o : :
The corruption of Bethleham into
Bedlam was shocking enough, but
l aming a war munition plant after
the village of such tender memory
terns worse.
Many families will clean up by
painting the front porch chairs, and
a few will observe it by painting the
gaibage barrel that is so visible in
the back yard.
The sale of liquor in the English
l ouse of commons is to be barred.
But Washington abolished liquor from
every part of the capital, except in
committee rooms, several years ago.
Some little, one-hor.-e politicians
are still condemning Governor More
hrivl for some little thing that oc
curred during the late session of the
legislature. The governor's shoulders
are broad and such fellows cut
precious little figure in politics. Gov
ernor Morehead has done his duty to
the people, and the people know it.
Cider ceases to become a soft drink
three weeks after it has been madf,
recording to a ruling just made ry
1 red O. Blue, prohibition commis
sioner in West Virginia. lie hold
;hat the sale of cider after that time
is a violation of the state's prohibi
tion laws. Cider, according to Com
missioner Blue, accumulates mors
alcohol weekly and by the time thri.i
months have passed, becomes true ap
plejack. ? x
Germany's latest note to the United
Siates., knocking our policy of selling
1.1ms and ammunition to the allies,
and otherwise finding fault with the
brand of neutrality of this nation,
vas not unexpected. That Germany
is displeased with the attitude of this
government toward the war has been
fairly apparent since it started
Americans, because they speak the
English language, have been subject
to unpleasant treatment in German
cities, even our ambassador to Rex
lm has not escaped such treatment,
and the offender didn't let up when
he learned it was an American in
stead of an Englishman he address
cd, saying the Americans were worse
than the English, which wasn't a
polite thing to say. And German
press and German officials have coir.
plained that our notes of protest to
Great Britain were conciliatory in
tone, while those to Germany are un
fair and unduly iirm. The latest i.-ctt-along
that line is in accord with the
ethers, and doesn't come as a shod:
or-surprise. But fqr those who aie
inclined to favor neutrality, and most
of us are, there is hope and consola
tion in the fact that this country hf 5
i.lso failed to give general satisfac
tion amorg the allied nations. Gieai
Britain has told ns in a nice way that
the couldn't comply with our requests
concerning neutral shipping, and
France has said Great Britain was
ri-rht E.bout it. To the charge of sell
ing arms and ammunition to the al
lies, the only answer is that even th.
Germans admit it is permitted by r.'d
international la.v and agreements,
I ut there is still greater reason why
the United States shouldn't violate
a precedent. In case of war, ih-s
country would most certainly 1olk
roward alien and friendly lands for .1
large portion of its supplies, and "r. -ability
to get them would be a handi
cap we shouldn't care to face. Mean
while, the fact that neither sida is
satisfied with the position of America
should be considered the best i
dence that the nation is maintaining
neutrality in a ff.irly successful man
ner as it fhould. We didn't start this
war, and aren't likely to get into it,
and possibly the best method of ke?p
ing out is to keen both sides of ihe
controversy a little sore at us.
Teddy and Barnes one an ex
prcsident of the United States, and
the other the "Great I Am" of the
republican part in New York, are
having a round at Syracuse to de
termine who has lied. Barnes has
sued Teddy for libel and places his
damages at $50,000, and Roscy will
have to prove his assertion or pay the
damages. This is a sort of Kilkeny
affair, and as both are has-beens, the
fcrap is not exciting very much com
ment among cither faction of the
:o :
American slan? and YankeeUms
are rapidly being incorporated into
the speech of the people in England,
owing to the vogue of American
variety actors, ragtime songs and
American books and plays. News
papers have borrowed largely of its
sbng from the states in "story,"
'write-up," '"thrown down," "cub,"
"live paper" and the like. American
business men- have popularized in
Englard such phrases as "make good"
a:d "back to the woods," and "quick
Irnch" restaurants have sprung up.
Even on he underground railways
the conductors say "step lively" in
stead of Ae old "please hurry up."
Other hits! of current slang attribut
1 ble to meriea:i influence, ragtime
i.nd othe fvise, are: "The glad eye,"
"I don't 1
p dale,'
tired." "s
ink," "some peach." "make
"freeze to," "makes one
est thing you know," and
kindred expressions.
No newspaper ever made the farm
ers drag the roads.
;o .
The fruit crop is in splendid condi
tion all over eastern Nebraska.
:n :
This community has been blessed
with several fine showers this week.
Mr. Barnes may experience con
siderable difficulty about proving ac
tual damages.
This time of a year a married man
feels that if he were not married he
would migrate.
:o :
American tourists are going to
spend $250,000,000 at home this year
that formerly went to foreign travel,
and yet many .railroads and hotels are
afraid to advertise.
Why is it that so many parents are
indifferent to the children's garden
movement when after the children
plant the garden all dad has to do is
to keep the weeds out?
Someone asks Vhat has become of
the garden that almost everyone used
to run in the back yard to reduce liv
ing costs? Well, in many homes now
the space is taken up by the new
The building strike in Chicago
doesn't look like good common sense
from ( any point of view anyone may
take. Now is the very time when car
penters and builders should be busy at
work in Chicago.
Philadelphia is announcing a trans
lation of languages found on tablets
-1,915 years old. But it cannot find
anything written prior to the middle
of the last century to support its
liberty bell myth.
We arc pleased to note that the
Commercial club brought up the mat
ter of a Fourth of July celebration in
Plattsmouth at their meeting Thurs
day night. The Commercial club can
aid in this matter wonderfully if they
will only do it.
In Chicago a man has just left a
hospital whose inner works are all
topsy-turvy, and yet the world is ex
ceedingly bright to him and his goo. 3
iturc radiates sunshine wherever he
goes, ins heart is on tne right side;
his liver is on the left, when it should
be on the right side; his spleen is on
the right, when it should be the op
posite, and his stomach is farther over
to the right than it should be. He has
excellent digestion, is happy, 43 years
old, and has never been in love. lie is
If flies were as big as they are
eiangerous they would be larger than
mammoths, the huge beasts that
roamed this earth in prehistoric times,
destroying everything that came
within their path. You would not let
a man-eating tiger have free access
to your home not if you could help
it, you wouldn't. Nor would you let
lions or tigers come charging from
their jungle lairs into your kitchen
or baby's bedroom and then merely
shoo them away, saying: "Oh, they're
such a bother!" Yet the common
house fly is more daVigerous than
these most dreaded wild beasts is,
in fact, the most dangerous animals
on earth. Flies slay more people than
tiie mose ferocious denizens of the
jungles because they carry discare
b; ceding germs from sick people to
well people, from impure and decayed
food to pure food. And when they do
this the well person turns sick, and
in many cases dies, and pure food be
gins to decay ancj then, when eaten
by well people, it makes them sick
i.nd often kills them. The fly is born
in filth and grows up to be nature's
scavenger and a messenger of death.
In addition to the fly's two claws, each
' its six feet is supplied with two
sticky pads. Disease germs by the
thousands' stick to these pads, and
when the fly walks over your hands
or face, or the face of your baby, a
trail of deadly disease germs is left
on the skin. That is why you should
swat the fly!
The celebration of one hundred
years of peace between Great Britain
and the United States comes this year.
It would have been a very great affair
indeed, if it had not been for the
European war. It would have given
the younger folks an idea of the dif
ference betwixt the world one hun
dred years ago and now, a world so
far as civilization is concerned, almost
entirely different, says Wallace's Far-
Then it was a great, big world, and
it took a very long time to get around
it. It took six weeks, and often long-
er, to cross from New York to 'Liver-
1 pool, which can now be done in six
1 C;ays and less. So slowly did news
travel that the treaty of Ghent was
signed and sealed, but not knowing
anything about it, the great battle of
New Orleans was fought about two
months afterward. It was a "long
way to Tipperary" those days.
When the older folks tcil the joung-
sters that in their early days the
v.omen made rag carpets, made their
own soap, spun wool from their own
sheep into yam, knit stockings out of
it for young and old, spun the fiax to
make "tow" pants for the boys, which
they thought never would wear out,
and which were worn until they had
outgiown thern, and then handed down
to two or three of their successors,
these young folks think they are
"drawing the long bow." Life was
slow in those days, and there was no
raihoad and no turnpike across the
Alleghenies. Even the salt was
brought over on horseback to a sec
tion of the country that was veined
with salt wells. They had to pay 25
cents postage on a letter, if sent 400
miles, but might get off with 8 cents
lor thirty miles, or 10 for eighty
miles. We can well remember when
we had to pay 25 cents on a letter, if
the postage was not prepaid, 3 cents
if prepaid.
This was a slow-going country a
hundred years ago. It took three days
by stage to go from New York to Al
bany, twenty-four hours by steam
boat. If you went from New York to
Boston, it co3t you sixteen dollars,
which was at least as big as fifty dol
lars now. The farm boy who is ac
customed to automobiles can't sec how
in the world they got along without
them. The farmer's wife and daugh
ter, perhaps the young man, would
think it a mighty slow world without
the telephone. The daily paper seems
row to be an absolute necessity. And
yet people lived and loved, struggled
and overcame or failed then, just as
row. Ilumr.n nature was just as
lovely in the lovely, and just as un
lovely in the unlovely. There were
mighty eaters in those days, because
the life was hard, and lived mostly in
the open. The vigorous exercise made
greater waste in the system, and there
was greater need of food to repair it.
Clothing was expensive, and food took
the place of clothing more than it
does now.
If anyone had told our grandfath
ers that the time would come when
there would be no bars at the taverns,
and a tax on liquors of seven or eight
times the cost of production, or that
churches would refuse to admit
drunkards to their communion or
keep them there, they would have
been incredulous. Do you know that
there was not a temperance society
in the United States until 1808? It
was five years before another was
formed, and twenty years before a
third, and the members of this third
temperance society bound themselves
not to drink more than a pint of ap
plejack a day! Those who imagine
that the world is growing worse
should recall the fact that the grand
fathers of some of them took up
arms against the United States gov
ernment, and even against General
Washington himself, because he put a
small tax on whisky.
We have made advancement in an
other direction: In those days the
different denominations regarded each
oiher in the same light that the Jew
did the Samaritan and the Samaritan
the Jew. The Presbyterians looked
down on The Methodists, and the
Methodists regarded the Presby
terians as aristocrats, a sort of mod-j
ern Pharisee. Even the different
schools of Presbyterians and Method
ists looked askance at each other. The
idea of the brotherhood of man was
not really grasped or accepted, not
withstanding the Declaration of In
And this advance that has been
made in most lines, although there
may be retrogression in some, gives
us assurance that a Hundred years
fiom now our descendants will look
back upon us and our times much as
we look back upon our ancestors of
one hundred years ago. It's a great,
big problem the Lord is working out
in this world, bigger than any of us
realize, and it's a great satisfaction to
know that lie is boss of the job.
:o :
Annexation election will be held in
Omaha Tuesday, June 1.
Swat the garbage heap, and save
trouble for yourself and neighbors.
Some people believe in placing the
blame where it will do the most good.
:o :
A mean man says a doctor cut open
his appendix and extracted his bank
Why is it that when a woman gets
a new hat or dress she is so anxious
lo go to church?
:o :
The enthusiasm of Wall street in
dicates that once more the public is
w illing to lose some more money.
Why is it that so many parents are
indifferent to their new spring clothes,
when they can't afford ten minutes to
sweep the kitchen.
Plattsmouth always draws a big
crowd to a Fourth of July celebra
tion. Let's have a whopper this year.
What say you all?
Instead of tipping the Pullman
porter for the services he renders,
many people would be glad to tip him
to keep out of the way.
Sunday, May 9, has been set apart
as '.'.Mothers' Day." All should and
no doubt will remember their dear old
mother, dead or alive, on this day.
American people would feel more
confidence in the ability of General
f'airanza to maintain a stable govern-
ment if he would have his whiskers
When the European war first began,
after a man read the horrible news
about the thousands killed and wound
ed, he would become so nervous he'd
lay awake half the night thinking
idjout it. Now he goes to sleep in his
chair while trying to get interested in
the war news.
Therc seems to be a belief in the
minds of many people who have reaJ
the stories of the Leo Frank trial that
the man is a victim of prejudice and a
"frame up," and that the supreme
court of the United States, while per
haps taking a legal view of the case
hs their basis for a decision, wholly
forgot the psychological effect of 1
fear, which no doubt obscured justice
in the original trial. A great deal has
been written of the Fiank case. The
magazines and papers have been fi;l
of it, and the whole atmosphere of the
stories points to prejudice against the
man of such a nature as would con
stitute a violation of justice such as
bus never before been seen. Suppose
Frank is hanged, as decreed by the
supreme court, and then suppose
again that time would prove Frank's
innocence. The evidence is circum-1
stantial and if he is placed in the
penitentiary, there would be some
show for him in time to prove his in
nocence. The governor of Georgia
:,hould at least commute-his sentence
to " life imprisonment. Then in tjie
future should he prove his innocence,
the governor of Georgia would not
have the blood of an innocent man to
answer for. There have been too many
ir.iiocent men hung throueh prejudice
r.nd circumstantial evidence. If we
were governor ot ueorgia we mom
s:ssurredlr would assume the benefit
of the doubt.
ChiBdren Cry
irj tV JJ
TI10 Kind You Have Always
in uso for over SO years,
yff a it
,- S
1 M W W ear;
All Counterf eits, Imitations and ' Just-as-good " arc but
llxpcrimonts tlmt triflo with and endanger the health of
Infants and Cluldren Experience ugaiust Experiment
at is CASTOR! A
Castoria is a, harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Parcv
goric. Drops nnel soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. It
contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Js'arcotio
substance. Its ago is its gmrantce. Jt destroys "Worms
mid allays Vox -rishness. l-'or more than thirty years it
has been in constant use for the relief of Constipation,
ITiitulency, "Wind Colic, all Teething Troubles and
Diarrheea. It regulates the Stomach and Dowels,
assimilates tha Food, giving healthy and natural fclcep.
The Children's Danacea The Mother's Friend
(Bears the
The Kind You lave Always Bought
In Use For
Ves, the people of Tlattsmou-h
favor a Fourth of July celebration.
Weil informed people say a tree
will grow whether planted on Arbor
day or not. Try it.
The motions of many of the Platts
mouth girls indicates an intention to
intern at seme of the ice cream and
scda stands.
:o: I
It is surprising how much money
can be cleared when you make an old-
fashioned church supper sound wicked
by calling it a "cabaret."
Having solved all other problems
the Carnegie institute is trying to
find out why men eat from 5 to G
per cent mere than women.
These alienation suits are dis
couraging to the time-honored prac-
I ticc of rural beaux, whose chief joy is
to "cut the other fellow out."
The president evidently feels that
his recent experiences in diplomacy
have fitted him to address the D. A. K.
convention without violating neutral-
A man smokes cigarettes, while a
woman's corset interferes with her
deen-breathing exercise. Still we
talk a good deal for a short-winded
After tipping a Pullman porter so
he can earn $1 a day, many wealthy
men return home and hand out to a
bright salesgirl a pay envelope con
taining $G.OO per week.
:o : '
There is a growing feeling all over
the country that when a motorist runs
down and kills a child or an elderly
person he should be punished at least
by a fine of 5.00 and costs.
The question is asked what's becoma
cf the Plattsmouth boy who used-to
be awfully pleased by the gift of a
wheelbarrow? Well, he has grown
up and his boy might possibly be con
tented with the latest coaster brake
bicycle, but nothing but a motorcycle
will make him truly happy.
DR. E- R- TARRY - 240
Succeasor to BAILEY Jk MACH
The largest snd best equipped dental oSces In Omaha. Experts in
charge of all work. Lady attendant. ' Moderate, Price. Porcelain
fillings just like tooth. Instruments carefully sterilized after using.
for Fletcher's
Bonjrht, and "which has been
has born the signature oC
lias been made under his per-
1 . f
supervision since lis in iany.
.1 1 . 1.. 4t.:.,
Signature of
Over 30 Years
A N Y ,
When a cub reporter sees his
stories of quiet home weddings in
print you can't persuade him that he
is not going to become another Wil
liam R. Nelson of the Kansas City
i Star.
One thousand dollars is pretty ex
pensive for a kiss. But that's just
what it cost Albert Clark of Council
Bluffs to kiss Mrs. Hicks. Maybe he
won't want any more at that price.
We know we wouldn't.
President Wilson has now been in
office over two years, and still the
best federal appointments in Nebras
ka are in the hands of republicans,
who still draw good fat salaries that
rightfully belong to democrats. For
instance, the former republican col
lector of revenue, "who resigned some
time ago, is still under bond for ?.'5,
000,000, and who is in effect, three
million miles away from the office, is
ready for the powers that be to come
to some kind of an agreement to re
lieve him, and ease the insane and
absurd situation. It is an outrage
and shame that the democratic party
of Nebraska is compelled to answer
for the bullheadedness of their leaders
ct Washington.
The Indianapolis :ews, in com
menting upon conviction of the
Terre Haute corruptionists, says:
"There is no wider folly than merely
to go througn the form of elections.
For that is to deny the fundamental
principle on which democratic gov
ernment must rest, if it is to continue
to be democratic. If a filthy gang is
to control the political action of the
people, and to manage their affairs,
without regard to the showing at the
ballot box, the people might as well
quit voting altogether and enthrone a
despot. In other words, the man or
the gang that resorts to violence and
corruption at elections strikes at the
very heart of the state and its 1a
flitutions. It does not matter which
party carries an election, but it is im
portant that whichever party carries
it shall carry it honestly. We have
trifled with this thing quite long
m w "i--
Money Til I Cured
FUtula anil All Rectal Dlaaaaaa eurad with
out tha half a. Par manant cura sMcrantaad.
Wrlta tor Fraa Illustrated baok on Rectal
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Bee Bids-. Omaha. Neb.
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