The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, April 26, 1915, Page PAGE 3, Image 3

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    MONDAY, APRIL 26, 1915.
Aunt Lietsy Suxner is not reported
: i;y better at thi time of going to
Grandpa Yoho is still in a serious
condition, unu is reported to lie grow
ing weaker each day.
Loth elevators have beer: busy all
veek taking care of the large amount
of shelled corn which the faimers
have been hauling in.
L. M. Mieler.s: tamp down from.
Omaha Monday - to attend to some
matters of business at the Bank of
Eagle between train.
Mrs. Eugene Setz of Plattsmouth
'iited from Saturday until Monday
at the home of her parent?, Mr. and
?Irs. A. II. Yarlandingham.
Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Price went to
'ouricil Bluffs, Iowa. Sunday to visit
the former's sister, Mrs. C. C Mc
Knight. Mr. McKnight is in pretty
poor health. vilh very little hopes for
I ecovery.
Mrs. (). Lafel and son. Harry, de
I nrted Monday afternoon fe r Denton.
Texas, having: been called there by
the death of her mother, Mrs. M. E.
Ball, which occurred that day. They
expect to be pone about two weeks.
Mr. and Mrs. Sanders Vtnlandinjr
ham, who now reside at Davey, Neb.,
are rejoicing over the arrival of an
eight-pound son. which arrived at
their home Sunday, April IS. Mother
and little one are reported to be get alone: nicely.
J. E. Wright and family have moved
in from the farm and Mr. Wright has
rented Parkening's . blacksmith shop
on Main street and is now prepared
to do all kinds of general Llacksmith
ir.g, and repair and wagon work. Mr.
Wright is experienced in this line of
work and solicits your patronage.
Bart Cowles w&s at Plattsmouth
Mrs. M. N. Drake went to Ashland
Tuesday evening: to help take care of
her mother, who is very low.
Mr. and Mrs. E. O. Mayfield and
son, Claude, and Mr. and Mrs. Carl
Poster and little daughter, of Omaha,
visited over Sunday with relatives in
August Stander sold his wheat this
veek and delivered it to the Louisville
i armors' elevator and Thursday re
ceived a check' on the Bank of Com
merce for $4,097.00.
Mrs. Alfred Johnson entertained a
few friends last Sunday in honor of
the fifteenth birthday of her son.
Paul. A pleasant time is reported
and a fine lunch was served.
Mrs. George Butterworth cf Omaha
i. ited her sister, Mrs. A. A. Jackman
rnd family, last week on her way to
Laurie, where she was called on ac
count of the illness of her father.
Mr. and Mrs. James Robertson were
up from Plattsmouth Thursday visit
ing with old-time friends. Mrs. Rob
ertson states that their youngest
daughter, Marie, will graduate from
the state university in May.
T. C. Amick Mas here this week
visiting with his daughters, Mrs. Ray
Beaver and Mrs. Sam Edgerton. His
many Louisville friends were pleased
to see him so well and he says
he is feeling as good as he looks. lie
ltturned to Tekaraah Friday, where
he is making his horre with his son.
L'ncle David Line and Amos Keiser
caught an old mother wolf and eight
young ones in a hole Wednesday.
They set fire to some twigs and
fanned the smoke into the hole until
hey had suffocated the entire lot and
then fished them out. Mr. Line says
wolves have been carrying c,T chick
ens by the wholesale and fe-.-ls that in
the destruction of this nest of invad
ers he will be able to have fried
chicken r.ert fall in-tead of feeding
thorn to this large family of night
wahoo, neb.
Are You Using Forest
Rose Flour?
If Not, Try a Sack Today
Every Sack Guaranteed,
Mrs. F. P. Sheldon is home from
the hospital in Omaha, greatly im
pioved in health.
Mis. Bennet Chriswisser returned
to Plattsmouth Friday evening after
visiting a week here.
Mrs. P. C. Rurfner spent several
days here visiting her sister, Mrs.
Kirkpatrick, returning to her home
in Plattsmouth yesterday.
E. M. Pollard started his spraying
operations the first of the week. He
says the hot weather is bringing
ihings out faster than he likes to see
them come.
Dr. Thomas brought his wife home
Sunday from Omaha, where she was
operated on several weeks ago for ap
pendicitis. She has made a good re
covery. Nick Opp is around with his books
listening to a lot of hard luck stories.
Should the county officials decide to
publish the tax lists, as provided by
law, Nick wants to be in the clear.
A real estate deal here this week
was the sale by Scott Norris of his
eighty a mile south of town to Carl
Stone. Tins is an excellent piece of
fjrm land, without improvements, and
we understand the purchase price was
150 per acre.
D. C. West. Mrs. West, Charles
Stone and wife and Miss Gladys West
motored to Omaha Saturday, and Mr.
West left that evening for an extend
ed visit to Cincinnati and other Ohio
points. Yerner Lundberg .drove the
party home from Omaha.
Theodore Nelson drove to town
Sunday with his face plastered up and
criss-crossed with bandages until it
looked like one of these old-fashioned,
rpen-faced cranberry pies. We un
utrstand Theodore acquired the
groundwork for his artist;? setting in
arguing with a mule. The mule used
l is feet in place of logic. Fortunately
no bones were broken.
vtv wwrv v;
I- Ledger.
Mrs. Peter Clarence of Coleridge
was visiting relatives and friends here
for a few days, and returned home
Ralph Davis and wife, who were
married Tuesday in Omaha, cam.?
down Wednesday and went out to
their new home east of town.
Joseph Fetzer and wife came in
from Plattsmouth last Sunday and
spent the day at the home of their
daughter, Mrs. J. M. Patterson.
Abe L. Becker has bought from
Alex Edmisten the lot and building
west of the postoffice, and proposes to
remove the old building to make room
for a modern brick building.
Harley Hastings of Lead, S. D., ar
rived Wednesday and is making
visit with his uncles, Dun Lynn and
George Hastings, and o.he relatives
in and near this village.
Moss McCarroll started his car -of
goods Monday to Giiead, Neb., and
Tuesday morning ne and his wife aiv
daughter left by auto f.-r their new
home on the farm neir that town.
Mrs. Mary Davis and Mrs. Mabie
Reynolds went to Omaha Monday
evening to be present ct the weddi'.g
of Ralph Davis and Mis:; Lucille Mil
ler, which occurred i i that city Tues
day morning.
"Hank" Austin, who resided in this
village a dozer. y?;r.-3 ago, wai here
Tuesday for a visic with his brothers.
Gabe and Dean Austin. '"Ilur.V ha
been employed several .oars as foio-
man for a bridge construction com
pany, and says he hau been too husj
to keep in practice for whistling the
rapid-fire tunes that we used to hear
him wrable everv morning -before
Mrs. John Klaurens, who has been
very ill for some time, was taken to
Omaha for consultation with physi
cians Monday morning, the intention
being to have her remain in a hos
pital. The conclusion was reached
that the patient could have as good
treatment antTcare here as in Omaha,
therefore she was brought home that
afternoon, and we are informed that
there is but little change in her con
Vi i i . iT
The little girl of Mr. and Mrs. A.
Roesenkoette was quite "sick this
Many of the farmers have been
hauling wheat and corn this week.
Wheat was up to 1.50.
Cecelia Breckenfeld has resigned
her position with the Lincoln Tele
phone and Telegraph Co., and will
spend several months visiting friend?
before joining her brothers at Spruig-1
field, Mo. j
Mrs. William DtlesDernier visited
Tuesdav and Wednesday at the home
c f her daughter,
Stella Mc-
Namee, at Weeping Water. The lat- j iwr. in ,tne meuo,,,, louuy loi
ter accompanied her mother home ! a fev- hours losing -1 r xonie mat
Wednesday evening. j ttrs of business.
Harry Miller has signed up with Ted Jeary of Elmwood, who has
the Grand Island State Base Ball been here serving on the jury, depart
league and will try out for pitcher. ed this afternoon for tnah.a to visit
Mi. Miller is a good ball player and for a few hours.
made a good record last simmer. We
feel that he will make good on the try
out. Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Ferguson ar
rived 'home Sunday from Seadrift,
Texas, .where they had spent the
winter. They roport that tjjey had a
splendid winter of it, but that they
were glad to get back to Elmwood
Elder W. II. Robb of the Christian
church tendered his resignation to
the members of his congregation last
Sunday and will preach his farewell
sermon next Sunday. He has accepted
a call to preach for the Christian peo
ple at Hopkins. Mo., and he and his
family will leave for that place next
George Bogenrief is suffering from
a broken ankle, the result of an ac
cident that befell him at his home on
Saturday last. Mr. Bogenrief was
walking in the yard when he stepped
in a small hole and fell over to one
side. The hole not being large enough
or shallow enough to allow his foot
release, the consequences were as
r.bove stated.
L. A. Tyson is suffering from blood
poisoning in his left leg. Mr. Tyson
does not know the cause, unless from
a small scratch which was of such
minor consequence as to go unnoticed
when it happened. He has had
medical attention since Saturday, and
there is hopes now that nothing more
serious will develop. That he will
speedily recover is the wish of his
many friends.
George Spohn. who had his knee
cap broken some time ago, is getting
; round with only tch now.
The stork visited the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Roy Scott Wednesday, April
21, and left a fine baby girl.
Charles Philpot came in from the
lanch Wednesday. He reports every
thing in fine shape out there now,
since the snow is gone.
Galen Rhoden and Al Beverage of
near Murray were in town Wednesday
evening r.nd each took home one of
Philpot's new Maxwells.
Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Dyer arrived
Wednesday from Lincoln. They will
have the Laurel hotel repair work
completed and be ready to open up
May first.
Mrs. J. M. Ranney and little daugh
ter, Edith, left Friday morning fo
Hlinois, Mrs. Rarrney being called
there on account of the illness of her
Miss Cleo Jameson, who is studying
for a trained nurse at Chicago, will be
home the last of the week to spend
hr vacation with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. A. R. Jameson.
George Yansickle of Wellington
Colorado, passed through town Tues
day evening en route to Eagle to visit
his sister, Mrs. Oscar Keil and hus
band. George had been to Omaha for
medical treatment and was on his way
to Colorado.
Rube Hyers of -Lincoln passed
through here on the Thursday morn
ing train, en route to Leavenworth
Kansas, with a prisoner. Mr. Hyers
was a former citizen of Weeping Wa
ter and has the honor of being one of
Cass county's best and long-time
sheriffs. He is hale and heartv for
a man of 72 years.
Fine Plants.
Pansies, 3c each; Tomatoes, Cab
bage, Peppers and Egg Plants, Jc
each. Sweet Potatoes. 30c per 100
Prices postpaid. C. R. Shall,
College Yiew, Neb.
4-22-4 wks-wkly
Should Not Feel Discouraged.
So many people troubled with in
digestion and constipation have been
benefited by taking Chamberlain's
Tablets that no one should feel dis
couraged who has not given them a
trial. They contain no pepsin or other
digestive ferments, hut strengthen
the stomach and enable it to perform
its functions naturally. Obtainable
MAN OR WOMAN of good character
in each town "to distribute free
goods as advertising;' experience
unnecessary; references required;
$15 a week to start. Address Hud
son King &. Co., Dept. 17 H., 9
South Cliton St., Chicago. 4-24-Ct j
Local Kews
From Friday's Daily.
' - Falter was Em(;
ie business
- :
Mrs. M. Archer tieriartcd this
morning on No. 15 for Omaha, where
she will visit with relatives in that
city for a short time.
Attorney C. S. Aldrich cf Elmwood
fime in this morning a:id was oc
cupied with the Quir.n ca.-e in district
court for several hours.
Jesse Chiiders of Oreapolis came
down this afternocn to spend a few
hours looking after some matteis of
business with the merchant-.
Ben Horning depart'..! th:-- morn
ing on No. 1j for 0:::; h:i, where he
will visit the hospiu.i ;";,) the day
taking treatment for i.i. i!l nes. .
Mrs. J. II. Teegardtr; of Brock, Ne
braska, who has bei-n here visiting
with her parents, Mr. and M'-s. C. H.
Smith, departed this morning for her
Adam Kaffenberger of near Cedar
Creek came down yesterday after
roon and spent a few hours here
looking after some business matters
with the merchants.
Mrs. Luke L. Wiles and Mrs. J. E.
Wiles were among those going to
Omaha this morning, where they will
spend the day looking after some
matters of business.
Carter Albin, wife and little daugh
ter drove up this morning from their
home near Union to spend a few
hours looking after some business af
fairs with the merchants.
Mrs. John K. Opp and daughter,
Miss Bena, were among the passeng
ers this afternoon for Omaha, where
they go to visit for the day, looking
after some matters of business.
From Paturdav's Dal'y.
John Kraeger came in this morning
fiom his farm home to visit for the
day with friends in this city.
Charles Creamer of jiear Murray
was among the visitors from the
country coming in- today to look afte
tho week-end shopping.
Mrs. F. E. Hawkenbery was among
the Omaha passengers this morning
to visit for a few hours there, looking
after some matters of business.
John Kaffenberger was among the
farmer visitors in the city yesterday
for a few hours, looking after some
matters of interest with the mer
chants. P. A. Meisinger and wife drove in
yesterday from their farm home west
of this city to spend a short time here
looking after some trading with the
Lee Nickels, one of the leading
farmers from the vicinity of Murray,
was in the city today for a few hours
looking after some trading and visit
ing with his friends.
"Mrs. Charles Ulrich and daughter.
Miss Sophia, were among those going
to Omaha this morning to visit for a
few hours, looking after some matters
of business in that city.
Sheriff C. D. Qr.inton returned yes
terday afternoon from a trip out in
the county in the vicinity of Elm
wood, where he was called on somo
matters of business for the county.
W. T. Richardson, the Mynard mer
chant, came in from his home this
afternoon and was a passenger on tha
afternoon Burlington train for Oma
ha, where he will visit for a few
hours. Miss Hester Gilmcre came down
from Omaha this afternoon on No. 24
to visit over Sunday here with" her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Gil
more, at their farm home south of
this city..
Mrs. George A. Kaffenberger and
Mrs. E. C. Hill returned yesterday
afternoon from Pawnee City, Neb.,
where they have been for a few days
in attendance at a Sunday school
L. D. Hiatt of Murray was here for
r. few hours last evening visiting
with his friends, as well as looking
after some matters of business, re
turning home on the midnight Mis
souri Pacific.
S. O. Pitman and wife, Mr. and Mrs.
D. J. Pitman and Mrs. O. A. Davis
motored up yesterday afternoon from
their homes at Murray for a few
hours' stay in the county seat, looking
after some business matters.
George Adams, who has been spend
ing a short time at Western, Neb.,
with his parents and ether relatives
and friends, returned this morning, j
lie has been off duty atthe shops fori
some time suffering from a very sore
I edal.
J. W. Titman, one of the prominent
farmers residing west of Union, was
in the city today for a few hours, and
while in the city took the opportunity J
of giving the Journal office a most
pleasant call and renewing his sub
scription to the Semi-Weekly.
J. H. Able, of "The "Winning of
Barbara Worth," was in the city yes
terday making arrangements for the
jippca ranee of his -how here on Mon
day evening, May '. This will be one
of the best attractions to appear here
this season and deserves a good
Alex Campbell drove up this after
noon from his farm home south of
thi city to look after .some matters of
business here for a few hours with
the merchants, and was accompanied
by Mr. and Mrs. Charles Creamer arid
George W. Shrader, who spent the
i fternoon here looking after business
Ed Leach oi" near Union was in the
city Saturday for a few hours looking
i fter -ome matters of business.
Mrs. II. II. Tartsch arrived this aft
ernoon on No. 24 from Sioux City,
called here by the death of Mrs. Aug
ust Tartsch. mother of her husband.
Si;m Schwab and wife droc- in this
i' fternoon from their farm home,
southeast of Murray to atcc-nd to s'.me
trading with the merchants for a few
hours. Chris Parkening was among the
farmer "visitors in the city Saturday
for a few hours attending to some
matters of business with the mer
e hunts.
. Ed Parriott came down from Lin
coln this morning to visit for a few
hours, looking after some matters of
business in the district court as a
Charles G. Eeeson of Minneapolis
arrived here Saturday for a visit at
the home of his mother, Mrs. Allen
Beeson. and other relatives and
ii lends for a few days.
Dorr McBride came down from his
home at South Omaha Saturday and
spent Sunday here at the home of Mr.
Mid Mrs. C. S. Johnson, returning this
morning to the metropolis.
A. II. Engelkemeier and son, Fred,
cf Nehawka, motored to this city Sat
urday and spent the duy attending to
business matters and visiting rela
tives. Mr. Engelkemeier was a pleas
ant caller at this office.
Henry Tiekotter and sister, Miss
Ll.-ie, and Helen Stanley of Holton.
Kansas, who is visiting at the Tiekot
ter home, were among those going to
Omaha this morning, where they will
visit for a few hours.
Mrs. John McNurlin, Mrs. Henry C.
Miiier and Miss Honor Seybert Were
among the passengers this morning
tor Omaha, where they will visit for
a few hours with friends, looking af
ter some matters of business.
Herman and William Hoischuh, who
have just recently disposed of their
interests in Oklahoma, and who have
been here for the past several days
visiting with relatives and friends, de
parted this morning for a trip to the
Pacific northwest for a location there.
Gol's to Consult Specilaist.
Julius Bock of New Castle, Wyom
ing, arrived here Friday last for a
visit in this city at the home of his
sister, Mrs. William Hunter, as well
as with other relatives and friends,
pnd to consult a specialist in regard
to his health. Mr. Bock has not been
in the best of health and this morning
was a visitor in Omaha, where he will
consult a specialist in regard to a
threatened attack cf appendicitis
frem which he has suffered for some
The above cut shows you an out
in; style shoe that is a cracker-jack
for field wear. Made in brown mule
skin bellows tongue, (to keep the
dirt out) low heel, single sole. Ab
solutely solid leather. Sizes G to 1 1
$2.00 per pair
Fetzer Shoe Company
Parcel Post Paid
Concrete' Work Guaranteed!
We could not do that if we were not eure every time
we do a piece of concrete work that it is done iij?ht.
We Know How
or we would Dot take a chance on rebuilding our
work. We know how to mix concrete and how to put
it in, and every job we handle is there to stay.
Silo, Water Tank, Waler Storage
Tank, Walls
all built by us under an absolute guarantee to te
of first-class material and workrnauj-hip and we stand
back of it.
Come in and See Us
if you are thinking of building anything this year. We
have a number of new ideas about building that will
interest you.
Just south of Postoffice on Fifth Street.
Goncrefe Construction Co.,
Cass County, ss.
In County Court.
In the Matter of the Estate of John
Peter Keil, Dee-eased:
Notice is hereby given to the credit
ors of said deceased that hearings will
be had upon claims filed against said
estate, before me, County Judge of
Cass County, Nebraska, at the County
Court room in Plattsmouth, in said
County, on the 8th day of May, 191;".,
and on the 9th elay of November, 191",
at 9 o'clock a. m. each day forexam
ination, adjustment and allowance.
All claims must be filed in i;aid
court on or before said last hour ef
Witness my hand and seal of said
County Court, at Plattsmouth, Ne
braska, this 7th day of April, 1915.
County Judge.
Cass County, ss.
In County Court.
In the Matter of the Estate of Archi
bald M. Holmes, Deceased:
Notice is hereby given to the credit
ors of said deceased that hearings will
be had upon claims filed against said
estate, before me. County Judge of
Cass County, Nebraska, at the County
Court room in Plattsmouth, in said
County, on the 10th day of May, 1915
and on the 10th day of November
1915. at 10 o'clock a. m., each day for
examination, adjustment and allow
All claims must be filed in said
court on or before said last hour of
Witness my hand and seal of said
County Court, at Plattsmouth, Ne
braska, this 10th day of April, 1915.
County Judge.
In the Matter of the Application of
Henry II. Wiedeman for Liquor
This is to certify that Henry IL
Wiedeman, ef the Village of Green
wood, Cass County, Nebraska, filed a
petition in the office of the village
clerk on April 13, 1915, as required
by the statutes of the State of Ne
braska and the ordinances of the Vil
iage of Greenwood, to sell malt,
spirituous and -inous liquors for the
coming municipal year, in the build
ing situated on lot No. 277, fronting
on Second street, in said village.
Village Clerk.
April 13, 1915.
Jacob Tritsch and wife were among
those going to Omaha this morning to
visit for the day and look after some
matters of business.
Now Open
And Ready for You.
and See Us.
Bring the Babies
111 TV OK ii, M:lllt tMi.
In the matter of the estate of l'eliluh
Sell wal, l-ceasel :
Nolicr of I Inn I St t l-ni-til.
Notif in lierehv jriv-:i in all jn-rsnn'
itit-rt-sl etl that on the UHt h (lav of
Man-li, .A. !., ll.i, t"hnrlen I-:. Sciiwali,
as the executor of the lat-t will aii'l
testament or Iielilali Si-hwnli, ei-eHseil,
tileii iti-i jx-titiori in thin pourt. togeth
er witl liis tiiuil a-i-onnt, nkini; th;-t
the same l.e aiirovet1 ami nllowel. anil
that tii- residue in his le distri
hiitel to such persons as are In law
entitled thereto, and alleges that the
only heirs ami legatees of said deceas
ed are as followa: John Schwa !,
Sarah M. Alason. Samuel Schwah,
James Schwab, "harles K. Schwab,
and the heirs of a dec-eased Ron, An
drew Schwab, Klla Schwab, iiis widow,
and Ne;lie Schwab and Zeria Schwnb.
That a hearing will be beard upon
the allegations of said petition a rid
upon final account at the office of
the foi'tity .lucle, in the Court llont-e,
at riattsmonth. e'ass Count v, Nebras
ka, on the I' day r April. A I ..
H1.-.. at ten o'clock. A. M.. and if no
objections nr exceptions thereto Is fifed
before sahr time the praver of said
petition will be granted.
I'ateu tliis g a 1 1 1 dac of Marcb,A. .,
1 : J T. l:v the Court.
ali.i.w j. i!i:i;so.v.
Count v Judge.
I:AVLS & nOISKFITSO.V. Attorney.
lUlTlfK TO tlli:i)I7'OUS.
State of Nebraska,
Cass Conntv.
In the matter of the estate of Agatha
rwuii, ueceaweo:
Notice is hereby elven that the credi
tors of said deceased will meet the ad
ministrator of said estate before the
County Judfre of t'ucn c-ountv, Nebras
ka, at the county court room In the
city of riattsmouth. in nai.l county on
the friil day of A)ril. llu and the .Ird
of September. 191;., at 10 o'clock a. hi.,
each tiay, for the purpose of present lot?
their claims for examination, adjust
ment and allowance.
Six months are allowed for the cred
itors id' the said deceased to present
their claims, and cue vear for the ad
ministrator to settle aid e.-tate from
the L'nd day of March. 1M5.
Witness my hand and the eal of said
County Court at J'lattsmouth, Nehran
ka. this 24th (lav of Kebruarv, j 1 ."
County Jhdire.
D. O. PWVER, Attorney.
1. 1: iitki'.
In the ItUirict Court of C'unul),
In the Matter of the Application of
William K. Moore. f!uardian of the
I'erson and Kstate of John K. Moore,
Incompetent, for Leave to Sell Heal
Notice Is hereby Kiven that. In pur
suance of an order of the Honorable:
Jetties T. lies-lev. Judpe nf the district
court of e'ass Count v, Nebraska, made
on the L'Cth day of April. A. 1 . l!lf., lor
the sale of the real estate hereinafter
described, there will be sold at public
vendue to the bihest bidder for cash
ef the front door of the court house In
the city of riattsmouth. in said countv,
on the 1Mb (lav of Ma v. A. I . 1 1 :,,
ommer.-cinp at the hour of 1 !. m., said
sr. Ie will be open for one hour, the following-
described real estate: The NIC
l.i of the SW "4. and lot No. 2. in the
J-'W 4 of the SK 4 of section twentv
f;ve :.'.-. in township eleven till. ..f
lanere thirteen 113), in Cuss Cuunlv,
Nebrash a.
I'ated this 26tli dav of April. A. I.
J HI.-.. W. V. M(K.iliK.
eiuardian of the Kstate of John K.
Moore. Incompetent.
.T. K. lMlfGLASS, Attorney.
Coi.ntv of Cass, ss.
In the Matter of the Estate of John M.
Meisinerer. Sr., leeeaseL
To All l'ersons Interested:
You are hereby notiled that there
has been filed in thiH court the petition
f Henry J. MeisinKer. nllepirur therein
that the said John M. Meisinper. sr.,
has departed this life, leaving an In
strument purporting- to be his last
will arid testament, and praying- that
said instrument be allowed and probat
ed as the last will and testament of the
raid deceased, and that Henrv J. Mei
sintrer, J. G. MeisinKer and John M.
Aleisiritrer. jr.. be appointed executors
of said estate.
That a hearing- will lie had upon said
petition and purported will before this
court at the Court House In the City of
riattsmouth. in said County, on the':r:M
Cav of May, 191.1, at one o'clock p. m.
That all objections. If uny, must t.e
tiled on or before said day and hour of
Witness my hand and the seal of the
Countv Court of said County this 3rd
day of April, 1915.
Countv Judsre.
Louis Obenrouch will take notice
that on the 31st day of March, 1915,
M. Archer, a justice of the peace, of
Plattsmouth, Cass County, Nebraska,
issued an order of attachment for the
sum of $40.00, in an action pending
before him, wherein Adolph Wesch is
plaintiff, and Louis Obenrouch is de
fendant, and that property of the de
fendant, consisting: of one-quarter of
beef, one meat rack, one roll of paper
and one emoke house, has been at
tached under said order. Said cause
was continued to the 17th day of May,
1915, at 9 o'clock a. m.
ADOLPH WESCH, Plaintiff.