The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, April 15, 1915, Page PAGE 3, Image 3

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    ' 1
fy Me?; i
1 kha:
Be tierccokies, cake
mid 1iscnits. too. All
as liirlit, flufiv. tender
ft and delicious as mother used.
I aLe. And ju-t as whole-
H sere-.:. For jinrtrr Eak.uig i'ovr-
g C.-r than C aluiiict cusaut De lata
at any fri.e.
A;A j car prc-rr.
TTorl! -. Tnre Fooi rissosHion. CL:cstti. 12.
f .ini Epatiucb. trio;!, ikies.
fYot; ifsz'i MT rosry t hz tc fct7 ci p or bif-caa
ft e-t: ri::.1-in: - .. j'-i srr fvei hii r-iiIU.
j al.r i' ir ii. rr:r 1 w t rr, ' ic.
LEAL estate transfers. .
J. Si::!! to C. L. Stull.
I n t i "c-t half NW qur.r-le-.
p-;:f east half rt'
:. '-'.i'-ir.; j ai l
!-.:;::t XW quails". C m-
.t vit '-n
(Mto Kt ' t' r. V. Sny-
I.t- X 1o 12, hick 11.
r.n"U. Co! siv!iTatior. l.r.oO.O'
'a'.!;.'i ::.f ;' -". it aL, to
.!ir, -.!. Am'-;,. n. lets r,
7, '(.c'i: ''. !-y:;n! ad
':'.'.(:) to U:il.--:i. Coii-:;'.a:-.n
.ihi'n'a M. Lynch to M..I
i!e E. I't.:i ;on. ;:a t NIC
i,ua:ttj: quf.rt'.-r, 24-12-1.1.
"; iteration S,(K..O.n:
Mi'! Tf:.-.'a!:an to Mr.ry J.
V"! ( i;'n. ; ait lot !. Ii':
i. Thoinp -v.-n's f. : !iJ." .
: '-. lot Wi.-''.i ii(!::.u,i
( 'i. .lfir''.er -o ii. L.
l-lr-.-por. lr.t r,. i. ..:.
ity. I'ons.iilt? r.'.ioii 1.2o.0f
";.':.!')'. ?il;ivan to Lu
'!? .V. M. Vr.:r..-n, T;;-t
N"V; tt r. XI' .;2.;n-t"r,
I'. M. .7o:-'re!:-.:r. to X. C.
C"h-itv':.. f. ?K i. ;:i-;.er
XV q-;-jrt-". -y I !. C'on-
at it :i l.L"i!.(K
.'. i bi:r II(-f"r'an to it. L.
I b i!r ot. lot -!, lui'i: 4. Hec
tor's :;'L::? I l t'- V.. .r-in:'
Vi:';-. C:t. i!v:':i-''- : ...
'. D. r-'.j'yor to Kciorri D.
Eo''ycr, :art X h:i!f SE
) srter. :M-10-!'. Con-vit'er;-t'oii
''. ''. E; '..rAin to 'Villiam
Pjr-.r., XV-' (".-atcr SW
rrrtr. -12-10. Con.,
:i-X-:r:';n 71 . . 4.000.00
Itching. hieofJinp-, protruding or
1 ' 1 j i!t-:- hive yifi-.IjHl t Doan's
(.t-utja-rit. ".0c at all stores.
Th- L;tt!t- Tots lK-srre Grtat Credit
Icr tlu ManntT in Irch Tht-y
lit-ndcrt-d th:- Operetta.
o.-t!;irr: at the Parmtie thta
the j ujii'.o of the Centra! huildin
.f the I'latti-rnouth eity y.-hooi.-:, undtr
? ... 1 - e
I .rie .-urer i.iion vi uie ieui :ie; s ct
.hat !.uiiuir..LC and .Airs. Mao Aiorjran i
l,s iii"(ctre.;s, present tf'i toe ouvrvtir.,
'Tlie Pixies," r.nd the? event was i.ns
was thorous'lilv e.jdved 1 v
everyone present to witness it. Tha
iriliiri; tf tl. ehildren was a'nior-t
pe. feet a.i.! the .sinjrinir of the little
fc 'ks! a eareful trairin;? that
it a rare treat to witness. The
-tory of the operetta is one that was
well suited to the little fo'.k and in
eluded fairies., sroldins, fiewer cir!.--.
pixies. as vve'l as a company of
Amt-cn archer cadets and
whi: li'v (iiTvi'-hes.
As the, scene of the play rpens up
it is iur.rire in fairyland rnd the
-tare is f-l!-' with a hyst of hea.:ii
f;J little rai:ies awaiting the ton:!!:'.
"f the d-.nvi!.- while in the rente
-tands the throne of the queer,
t Muriel S:re::hO. and while the
fsj-ie-s sleep the jrohl'-nr. led by their
i tiler (C'jy I.onjr). enter and rar:y ml
little Funs! in e, one of the fa'ry band,
to their letrent in the moui't-ins of
d as the fairies dance and Ptntr their
c: r'jr to the morn. In this Mis
Alice I'ol'.ock appeared as a soloist
nd jr:t''e a vp- y pleasiutr litt'e num
' .&r. v.hi'e lb:- datieiao: by the four
I'u'.terfy CnM-ds vae or:e of the most
r!eai:.:r feature- of the evening n-t I
v. ed a
rare : k'.il on the part of the
z folki
in the dance were
n V.'url,
'Ielen C'lemc: t and Alice Ptak. The
in''- pter.dants to the j.:e"r
cmu-te 1
.y little IIe;en Wescott and Lucille
TE)d;cn. were cm'nr the most tieve
n the enst, a'd their voices were.
'C :
nd As attendants at
Queen Titania, Thflrr.a
Oisrn, BiC'iche Smetara, Liliian Pi
Qce;:, L e- n
Xdde, Helen Klab'iv
l.-abcl Rainey, Fae Cobb. Gladys Cot -
ner. Aileen McCarthy, Emma War-
-tat inxi e aia i ri.ety, eacn in e
haracter of a flower of the jrardc
.vere very plcash-.g and gave a f . ..
verses de-criptive of the flower thty
epr esc nted.
At the court scene the role of An--elica.
the fairy exquisite, vas en
cte i by Alice Pcllock in a charminr
i-aaner. while as 'Sunshine." little
Ma-y Wyrrn was very pleading. The
"airies chor-us was composed of Euth
Xur.dstrom, Dorothy Sat tier, Edith j
Farley, Dor othy Peters, Catherine j
McMaken, Frances Martin. Margaret
Likevise. Urruka Ilerohk Julia Ko- j a revelation to those who have neve
"nende, (Ilaciys Elliott, Esther Olson. had the pleasure of seeing the little
'IeXn Farley, Ecrtha Shubeck. Wilma j
dylnc-y, Ethel Stone, Emma Wohl-'
"arth. Heln Pilney, Vio'a Ar-cher. 1
rn:,K'CS Krecji. e
Ma:ie Hunter. licit
Ko.T.ende. L'ra j
; 't t'M-SOn.
Ine gcli-;r. v e: e a most weird ana
eirci ana .
t range-looking rggregation of thf i
nemses et tne lairses, aia: wan .aeir
ongs and dances proved a very clever j poiiion of the program, has devote:! a
attraction cf the performance. The j great deal of time to the drilling of
ob!ins we"e compos . ed of the follow- ! th 3 children, with the assistance of
ng: Guy Sir-eight, Jack Thompson,! the teachers of the school, and the ce
'Danbd Morrison, Arthur Cotner, Ed-j cult is e ns that thev certainlv are to
d MeEri-le. Harold Co:-cary.
Eugene I lawkenberry, Carl Moffet.
"red Eebal. These lads were very
lever rid carried out fully the woik
-f their characters.
The Pixie 1 and of youngsters, led
y their pr ince, csrme to the rescue
f the fairies and their beautiful
yueen, and by defeating the goblins
-.-to-ed litt'e Sunshine to her friends,
"he t h.i-acter of the prince was taken
ry Clara Mae Morgan, and this little
cdv was most charming in her role.
nd with her sweet voice added n:uf,h j
o the strength of the operetta. She
vas attended by the two little pags,
''orris Cummins and Stuart Egen--erger,
and these two little lads cr
ainly presented a very charming pic
ure as they stood at attention dur
ng the progress of the play. Th?
'ixics gave a most pleasing drill an i
he members of the party, dressed in
haracters of the different nation-,
nd all were excellent in their parts
epreseniing the nations of the earth,
-.nd as each gave a short speech !
ypical of the land they were sup
posed to represent, they were heartily
applauded, and at the close a patriotic
tableau was enacted by the little folks
while they sang "The Star Sprngle.l
Eanner," and as the strains of the r.a-;
xionai air tinea tne tneater tne au.ti-
ence, wnicn pacnea tne 1'armeie irem ;
the parquet to the gallery, rose in
homage as the large American fiag
was draped in the center of the stage. :
I Tliose who participated ki the role of
j i'ixies were: Carl Speck. Harold
Dvvytr, Howard Dwyer, Ceorjre
Srhmi itmann. llaleo'm Howe, John
.Schalhof, Fred Warien, Rudolph Xeu
masin, Harold Smith, Harold Druiiner,
Ceorpe I.amphear, Harry Speck. Cus
laf Drubacker, Francis Roman, Wayne
Rubon, John Sattler, RaymonJ
Eookmeyer, Clyde Ciaus, Hilt Mar
tin,'ore Waintro'ji. Dean I'atton.
Mason Wescott, Harold Fitt, Ulythe
1 ubover.
The il-:!,ces and chilis which were
'.i-ed duTii'jr tlie operetta v.-ere cer
tainly amonjr the most clever that
ceald possibly be expected, and in fart
the vork of the yountr people in this
line wiil compare most favorably with
of stace experience, and the grace arii
ease with which they enjc'eil the
;':aceful daaees: and drills
ft.'th nuh iplu.-e from the deliyhf
ed auiiiio!':. Tiie Aiaa'on (Juard-'
ccrnpo.sed of the laruer girhs from
the departmental looms of the school,
were perh?p:; the rno. t eh '. er i-i their
tntn with theii- marching and sear
drill. They were in charire of
Fdie;: I5e!!e McDnie', as -aptain, and
iheir work was as fine as can be .--!;
(n the stue an"vhe!e. The frirl.
""mr: t'"t,:r the An-.a'.on (i'jarls were:
Estelle Trits'.h. Vcjvoda, Hattie
Eoessier, Katherine Lutz, The! ma
, Myrtle Peter-on, Sophie
Henrietta Waintronb, Eo-t
Katie Kuliovec, Ec--e IVloh-
law. Muriel Smith and
.i? Crook
The Whirling Dervishes, cc-; sis-din jt of
Mis:-es J.-a',ette Weber. Ka'.!:eri!.
LtiU, Nellie Cowles, C!a:a P.alaey
(icrtv'.evc Whelan. Marpie Chrisir.
cr. Etlif! Hawkerdiery, jrrve a tk:.v number that demonstrated tiu
tkil! of these youn? ladies, and the
:' auty of the different move ments r"
the dance were great! y .pp'Vfdated !
the delighted audience. The thre;
furies who. with the fobiins. were ir
the plot acainst the faliies, were ren
itsented by Ma'-ne Chri iner, Nt;;'f.
'c.-?s an'.! Ether Ilav. i.: y, are'
their wor!; was very eiever.
One of the p re'tiert drills ar.t'
musical numbers of the operetta was
given by the Archer Cadet--, who
armed wh.h bows and arrows, cam.
i0 the rescue of the fairies,
f the fairies, and r
their ceT.tnbvtron t the ope ret. a i.
certainly to be congraiulated. Th
v. e"e comjiosd of the foliowr.
net E:
II, 111.
irel Schlater. C:
j ErlTerd.ergcr,
Cludv-- Ka:Tei:b
I Gretehen Pein. IX th II. .11. Ca'h-rhc
C 1.
F!oren-c Trit.-ch. Lath .
i !.; trice eecn, .v.ane l.:ac.:. ;:
I Xemelr.. Virginia ! Jet-son. I-'ern Ti
j .t-r., Knrfiicek. Alycc Joh.
. ., . r.amtiets. . i::; v :o. k.
! ix-
Mil ton D: aimer" end Cecil Cunu'n--hurt,
ns two corns, were also e:
amu dng and pleasing.
The v 'erk cf the children in th
'.-pert tta ccrtnln'y dcir.onrtrrrie- th
talent possessed by the little folks a'
itndintr the Plattsnteu'.h schools, a::
the si- ill of the teachers in devel-.pln'
these talents i-
omethiiig th;t th:
a well as the T:arei.ts of the litt'e
folks, can we ll be proud of, and the
per formance la-t evening was really
appear in public
before pne
everyone war
dited with their
It is to be hoped that the chi'drer
of the Central building wiil continue
in their efforts in the mu'deal line, i:
tliev are posse
:!-.ev are nussesse l or unusual talCir
along this line
Mrs. Mae Mo-gan
who has ra-1 e nrage oi the music:
congratulated on. The cperetti
was made a great deal stronger by
the excellent orchestra v.fcich assisted
in the musical numbers, consisting of
Miss Vcrna Cole. -pianist; W. D. Hol
ly, violin, tind E. II. Schulhof, cornet.
The proceeds of the operetta last
evening will be devoted to the pay
ment for the Victrola which, has been
purchased for the Central building,
as well as records, which will prove
a benefit and treat to the young peo
ple in their school work, as through
this ir.edinm they are given a taste
for the high-class music that they
would otherwise be unable to attain.
;.nd the little folks who so ably done
their part have certainly contributed
a feeture of the school through their
cforts that will be much enjoyed in
the future.
If there were no other result to the
operetta it has demonstrated that the
bttle folks have a great talent
these lines, pnd they 'should be en
couraged to the fullest in developing
Return Thanks.
The teachers and pupils of th? Cen
tral school building wish to express
their - appreciation ?nd thanks to
:ho - e having a part in makm
operetta the success that it was. V.e ,
c - p - ers our thanks to Mr. l'ercy
Fields for the valuable service he I
gave in "making up" the boys; to1
Messrs. Iloliy, Schulhof and Avard 1
for their assistarice ir; the inusic; t
all pa?-ents of children in the operetta,
who so kindly arid graciously helped
in providing costumes to the children
who took part; to the Methodist
(hutch for the use of the basement cf
the church for rehearsal and the loan
cf chairs; to the C A. E. for their
flag; to the Elk.-,' low"e for the loan
cf chairs; to Mr. Eaird for the speurs;
to Kroehler brothers and G. P. East
wood, anil those merchants loaning us
floral decorations, and the Jci'jrnal for
thp ecu.'tes.ies extended.
The proceeds of la-t night's enter
tainment, after all expenses are de
ducted, will go to p:!- for the Vic
trola. jim chased last fall, and the pur
chase of a supply of reco-d.-:.
The cred't for the
rperttta belong? to the
- ucces.s cf the
Ce'ilral balhl
. Miss Ilcisel.
it-. MXs WeV
iiemnle. Tdi.s
trig tea-iiei--:, -
Mr.-.. Moi v'liii, Mir':
li'.h. Mi J Cole. Mi-:
I rreyer, M iss Kerr
: nd Miss Mai ten, ar.d the pupils in
the cfteretta and th- ;ia.-e!U s who so
i;i:ni!v as -j -t e h
W. C. Rn.oks,
S .nierlntc-iidf-nt.
Makes fil Feel Eik- If,.
"I F.uiTered from kbb
y.vo years," writes Mrs.
Robinson, Mis--. "I c
ailment for
?T. A. I-rid-e-,
ng Foley Kidne y I 'ills about t?r.
nonths ago. 1 am I' I years of age
snd fee! like a I r.-- ear-old girl." F dcy
Kidney Pills invigora'e weal: and de-
anged kidneys, reTe-ve backache.
ad Lladde-
Irvpr; at Elmuood.
'ri-iTi Tn'-sil.iy'c ik'T.v.
The t'-avelin-r public cf the -runty
.vill be pleased to learn that te dln-
r g j-ooyr. of the E'mwood hotel, which been closed for the past four
-i-ior-th -, nas iu.-t bee:: co-opt r
mupiietor, Charles Hart, an
i -j fut'.ir-e b? open f' r th
y ti
.i:t in
". o-
ition of
hose oe-i"
r good, rirst
. eo that the
he best th-::
!. . ? meals. Mr. Kr.rt "-.i
able is j.-rovided with the
he market cap. tos ;:cy af.ord
hat he lias dcided to oren v-p
!ir.:Tg room is ij-.deed welcome n
s ihe.-e who visit Elm wood
O gC'Ui
ws. Te l
icr. and -
nd William 1 c!e-D-.
l -ased to Jear-n thrc
rrrvinc t.- rriL-h.
c . c
Taken to H-m';al Tcckiv.
From Tuflav'K Imiij.
'i h is after neon iiaro!
t i
.car-old sen of Mr. and Mis.
"i.'.nir charr.. was taken 1 o Omr ha saf
"e iug f'-'.u a e sever" at i.sck of
'ppeud i it!-, and will be oi.crated or.
the St. Joseph's hospital tomorrow
nomine:, us the ca-e is a e: y .-eve: e
n e. The lad wa- taken ill r-'r id-iy and
-as grown steadily worse tir.ti! it was
hcugh: that an operation would be
be relief that could be afforded.
Straightens Him Out.
J. P. Jones, Eoothe. Ark., writes: "I
ip.,1 a severe case of kidney tiouuL
nd could do no- work at alb FoVy
viclney Pills straightened me cut at
once." The same story is told by
iiousands of others; weak bind:, rhcu
7:atbm. kidney an 1 bladder troubles
arid quickly. Safe and effective
Mild everywhere.
Louis (Vor-nrouch v : 1 take r,e.t""e
hat on the Hist day of Ma'ch. lf:".
M. Archer, a justice of the peace, of
rictt--mot;th, Cass County, Nebraska, an order of actackment for the
::um of in an actic n .pending
beioie him, wherein Adolph We.-ch. i
iilai'itiiT, md Louis Obonrouch is de
fendant, and that property of the de
fendant, consisting of one-quarter of
beef, one meat rati:, one roll cf pa nor
md one smoke house, bes been at
tached under said order. Said cause
was cuntinued to the 17th day of May.
Ibio, at ti o'clock a. ni.
1-1 '-?, wl::;-wk" v
Cass County, ss.
In County ('oust.
In the Matter of the Estate of Archi
bald M. Holmes. Deceased:
Notice is hereby given to the credit
ors of said deceased that hearings w"I5
be hud upon claims filed agamst sn:d
estate, before me, County Judge oc
Car,?. County, Nebraska, ai the County
Court room in plattsmoulh, in sail
C-unty, on the 10th day of May. l!-lr,
and en the 1 th clay of November.
lUl.V P.t 10 r.ViorV m. pfir-Ti Pmr fir
xaminution, adjurtment i,nd al!o-"-rce.
--vll c'aims must L? filed in raid
coi.-' t rn or before said k-.-t hear cf '
1 ing.
'En en my hard and -cal cf s nld
Cr-.r.;- Court, at'.r.h Nt-;
t.i a:l:a; this IcHh day cf April, IfC S. :
' (S.?al) ALLEN J. EEESON,
County Judge.
um a b w www.
From T;iesiln y's Iiatly.
District Judge Bepley returned this
afternoon to bis home at Pa pillion, af
ter being here for a few hours hold
ing court.
J. F. Svoboua and wife of Lawrence,
Nei., arrived last evening on No. 2,
calle 1 here by the serious iilaess of
; heir s on. Tom.
Mike Tritsch departed thi; after
noon f;.;- Louisville, v. here he will
spend a few hours looking after foiae
nu.-iness matters.
Martin llouk returned to Omaha
h's afternoon, after a sho:t visit here
with old friend.- and in kicking after
some matters of business.
Arthur Troop was among tho-e go
jt.'r 'o Omaha this mos-ning, where he
will spend a few hours look in sr after
,eme matte rs on the .-tuck mar ket.
Attorney Widiarn 1M".-I)ei ni-r of
-llniwciod ci n.e in la-t cerdu" ami
-pc-nt a f w ho !' s liere with friends,
end in ioo!:ing arte-.' Vorne matter of
I US!')"S.';.
(iecrge V.". .-lh::idei- came u; this
rr i l ie' frc:-;-. his home east of Mur
rey and spent a few hours visitinr
with friends and looi.insr after some
tta ding.
J. E. AV
lies return
d home this
beei in attendance at the nat'onal con-
'. ert ,n of the Mirsionarv Socle v of
;:.- Fs.i'c J States.
P.obe-t L. Proi-st wa- among those
e-'!.ig to Omaha this on the
'a. !y i jr'intcr; train to spend a few
hosrs. locking after some matters c !'
husii-es? in that citv.
Mr.- T. P. Livingston departed k:-t
c vening rn No. J f.,r the east, and I
w'r. in Now York will b" the ye est I
of Mrs. Eockill. Mrs. L'vmcrsten will
al-o pcy a short visit et Washington, j
'Ted" Jerry, one of th? genial End j
uair re-iuents ot im-yooa, came
merits of L:nryood.
::i last venire and was in the citv to-
day for a few hours looking after some
r::a tiers ai i re coui i. noase an;i vi- ii-
u:g with Ids. friends.
V. V
'. Lecrmi-d
sit ing dtirir
ious Toint
md wife, who have
g he winter months I
; i:i the sty te of j
Florida, returnee home to this city Ir
verentr. feeling wc
he:'- trip, and i-o;.h
n health.
lI.-.. l v. : H- j
1 with
'atlv imnroved
Trorrt Wedr-'-p-la v's I!!tlv
H. C. V:. :.Horn was among the
bv.dne-e visile:-; in Omaha today foi
a few hou's, returning h
c tioon en No. 2 i.
M. f.-rt-r t:
f rem
i a
uior-i-ng a tor , 'i-iress
-Tchn 1 ieht
t7t 1 ' r-.
,!-! Wi-?
on for Or wnere tnsv
hsy W:d
t, . c, i
1C ..1 K.UI-
or a
Mit-s Emma was a pa--se'T-er
th'i afternoon for Omaha,
will visit for a few
with friends in that city.
Mi s. Ida Trit was among therse to Omaha this morning, wheie
will visit for th clay looking af
seme matters of business in that
c : t '
William Nickels of the vicinity o
i, i. . i - ..- j?
;j jr;ay orove up tin..- mo, mug "'.-rn r.ome aria scent a tew iiours nere
lo king after seme trading with the
It. R. Nickels came up this morn
ing from his home near Murray and
was a passenger on the early Burling
ton train for Omaha, where he wiii
visit for the day.
Theodore Starkjohn was among
shore gcing to 0 mrd-M 'his morning.
i- , ... i i.
iie re
he wiii vi- it for a few hour: -
wiih fi-iends and in looking after some
matters of business.
W. C. K. departed this aft
er nc-on for Sheridan. Wyoming.
i!:co he will take up his work for
tke Eurdington in that city, after a
few weeks spent here on company
J. E. Meisinger of near Cedar Creek
came in yesterday afternoon from
(', where he had been spending
a few hours, and visited here with hi
raierts, Mr. and Mis. Conrad alet-
:d p. (;-:', between trains.
Ilceleaned home-grown tested Red
Clover, s'.bu's burke!; Timothy, 5s3.SC;
Blue Grnrs,
Cane, M.dS;
Kaffir. 1.70; Mikct.
n.fO; Eape, pound.
ti .. t - . i, .-,.-' c-;.-
Ol.liei.l i:.os.. - ,t ... i.a.o v.
t -
Take Care of tiie Children.
A lingering cold. dL-rtre.-sir.g cough
. . . . . ,
-loeniess nirrhts, a raw, inflamed
jthri'iaf. Ie-.d to a run-down condition in
j .--hich the child is not a'.)!? to resist
contagious diseases. Foley's Honey
contagious diseases. Folev's Hor
and Tar is truly h?aling an d premm;
in aciien. It relieves couh. colds.
Icrour? and coutrh. Contains
no ooiates. Sold everywhere.
Concrete Work Guaranteed!
We could riot do that if we were not mre e t ry tin o
we do a piece of concrete woik that it is tlune i,a.
We Know How
or we would not take a chance on rebuilding our
work. We know how to mix concrete and how to put
it in, and every job we handle is there to stay.
Silo, Water Tank, WaLer Storage
Tank, Walls
all built by us under an absolute guarantee to be
of first-eJa?s material and workinamhip and v.e stand
back of it.
Come in and See
if you are thinking of building anythirg this year. V.'e
liave a iramUr cf new ideas about bui!idir:g tbat will
interest you.
Jiibt south of Postofliec on Fifth Street.
Oonsrefs Oonsirucfion 0o
V PIsttsmouth, -
MlIK i: ;l' M'IM.II l
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j'li Oft 1 1 a "l a tid a ! 'd a -a ' i i ti in t !, oilier
.if t!a- iit- l.-i i l t i-ity of flattp-
:oe"(l'y aft- ; enoui.. Cmnity of '-. atal Sta-n- of
-,, '. , Nt-l.iii-ka. a- ran nr.., 1 .y :lw, signed
i.t iiair tojiv- t!a- re-1 ti ted Titunli-r of na-id-nt
m --e-on . a.-rs oi ita- saai cue, s.-Miav;
f.rth 11..-; fir s. !:!!-.! nt is ;i rami of
't-s;-i-: a ! ,1 c cd ;i t-;i t r uml --t :i lulinir and
a r sj !. nt id tec stale ot rs i.ra.-l-.a iiiid
i:-!i -i ti 1 jut a i a -i t . - - ma .- !..; i--s-a.-.1
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. i.-iuit. s ; a i 1 1 ii" n s ai,.'. e.'aoi.s i i.oiot'.i fm
tne period of em- e-ir fr dii the date
jf Ulf. ,riI,.; ,,r ia-a;ion in
ja !; ild , a--r oa 1 1 v..-t l.alf
; i rt i of n-i !in- if i. in id n-k t --
linn I'Ui. t I-'..i:t t !i '..aid of t!ie
said Citv of J 'it i : .- in a. 1 a, ' '
J. U l:i.-'.si:i.u
A;n-i: S. J'.'i:.. At.;..;, ant.
Cass County, s-s.
In County Court.
In the Matter of the Estate of John
Peter Keil, Deceased :
Notice is hereby gieen to the credit
ors of utid eleeeit.secj. that hearings will
!e had upon claims tiled
. - ,
igai.iSt Stlt
estate before me. County Judge of
e ass t ountv, .ei,rasi.a. at the t ountv
Court room in Plattsn.outh, in said
County, on the f-th day of May, in
::nd on the f ill day of November, 1"T. .
ai 9 o'clock a. m. each cluv for exnm-
i nation, adjustment
"Ali claims must
court o,i cr before ,
md allowanco.
be filed in said
aid last hoar ef
! Hearing.
Witness my hand and seal of snid
County Court, at Plaits-mouth. Mt-li-aska,
this 7th dav of April, If) IS.
( Seal ) A LLE.xf J. EEESON,
County Judge.
4-12-4 v. ks
In the Matter of the Application of
Henry II. Wiedeman for Liquor
This i.s to certify that Henry II.
Wiedeman. of the Village of Green
wood, Cass County, Nebraska, filed a
petition in the office cf the village
clerk en April 13, If IS, as required
by the statutes of the State of Ne
braska and the ordinances of the Vil
lage cf Greenwood, to sell malt,
spirituous and vinous liquors for the
coming municipal year, in the build
ing situated on lot No. 277, fronting
on Second street, iri said village.
Village Clerk.
April 13, I'llo.
FOR SALE Good Early Ohio seed
potatoes, 7Sc a bushel. Inquire of
Ralph Haynie. 4-7-tf-do:w
Sell your property hy an ad in The
- - Fiebrsska
Tin: H!.TiH T c m in or v-x
i-'i:;.. M. 'n.ii-r.iif. J U.i i n t . :! .
-.-i t : .m. T!:-r .sr. i f ni.
'C'l .VyrfV .M. 'I'l in-r' 1 1'. I n-l:i r: t :
Yii'i ii:- (:( !.v n-';'i"'l I i,l in li-"
!M Ii ne if Man . 1 t ".. I! - I 'a. -Mi 'X
!.' ct.-on-e M '": ) !! f. ti'.-.l I i- l- -l
i 1 1 - ri in t!,-- !:-t!iit I '" i: I .f c'.i--;
ICiiii'v, X.. i 1 1 .i I. ri . .'ii .1- -
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en'i.i.i! of '-.-- Mi-.ri i.ri'i ; '.an r-'in at
tor r: i !,! t'.an twit -f-ar- jf. vt '.
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ari.i j i id . tin n ' ntii'..i c -' a;i -j
. : f : in sa : I ; -t it ton.
hMoi t'!- ra;!i oav of ?7. . 1 '.
a:m:i:i: m. ti: i !:i; n.r.
f .a ml ; u.
V. I, TTliD. .Mtnrtu y far 1' Hii,n:T.
1 i mu: cm n i i;i irr -2 1 1 1 :
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ai-' ition ee : : ! l i i, t.-l.
I'd tils rUM!, liav of el . r 1 1. '
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aAtVLS A- 1 :'!:! y ITS' i., eia.n,, i
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n t I niint.-t- of ti .-tal- ..; Ilaiii ,
J . T : a -. i -. ii..'.. a - i ,i :
N" 'Tie'!-:
No!;.- is t.-i.-l..,- ;;i,n to r'l ..i..ns
it'l-r-'Si-.t in 1 ! .-iat-- of ilata.v l
Travis. -!, i-.-a s.-i, l! a oa 1 la .'O!' .'.n
of ;ia. ich. A. I v. I;. Trae i.
a ' a . i si ra t or . ' .- a i I t . i i , ' .' ! . is r
i ' i " . i a - 1: i :" for t I a ; . -, a ' of I , : - a -;M
a - .- a 1 1 1 a a -. . a :a at ol i t - . ia .-
I' si id . la?.- to .-a. i .-rs..,. a- a :
i.v law -'?itl--..l t'-'cto. a.., i.i. ,-o
? i.i.l Ii" la d ia. fin, ,1-: in I...- I a ml -. . r
no r.i-. ;.,-! t - ' I to t i- .-."tii. i f of
I : !! t .v it !i e I to lav I ! a i :a : ai
a': , .-,! a-eain-i s.-iul stall-.
Vim a.-.- fan-)., r tint n la-T-Mia
ill l.a l ad on sin! i'l;i on , n ii ,
t!i "a .'' "f .' !'?:!. A I .. 1 ! 1 ... a I t . ,t
'"-1 -i Ii .. M , ."in! If : o o-'.! ioti - ,a-
I ' I I aais tl-f.-to I..- I.l.-d I.t ... I
j i t I ... ..ra..i- ol l v. ill
j !", !y (,f JTi.(.,: ,
' " 'a in.- c. n
.M.l.KX .1. i : i ; i :.- .v.
I ' 1 1 1 1 . J .a.j
AWl.s & !;(H:i:i;tsi in-, ii.
Mnin: to ici:iiitii:s.
S:nt- of Nebraska,
Cass Ciiiititv.
IN' TlilO CfiTW'TV coritT.
In t!n- matter i f li e estate of Aunt
:-t '111. dv.-as-.-d ;
No'i.-e is l.eltbv civt-n 11, lit tl oitldl
tnrs of snbi d.( i-.i-j.-d Will ! i. . f tl..- ad
mi ;i is 1 1 a ; or of said estate !..(,,!.. t 1 .
I'otitity .lmiire cf Cass ooi.t;? . n In..- -ka.
at tt.e eoiiniy (,,ait to, in in tl
ty of tismnutli in said i-.n;nt . n
t'tid i!j-.' of V.rlt. IM". atai tie : d
f S-ptf ai l!il.i. at Tl ov.oiii ,,
"al v. for ti.e part fa. e f ,.,-.. niim
tl.e-ir I'laims for v.i ni i aa l io :, adai'l
m ? arid n Mou'iinc.
Six m-mlliM are nllowt il for U,e ( r d
ifors of (),,. said il-n eas. d to s.-t-.t
tla-ir .'niins. imil on.. -..-,r for I 1,.- a e -tiiintsltator
to s ttle t-aid estate from
tiie 1' ii d dav of Maridi. 1! Ki.
Witness- rn v ia.nd at.. I t',.- "at of sa'.l
Count v Court nt I "la 1 1 snam 1 1.. N, I.t ,s
ka. fids -ita da v ,.f i'( 'n-ii.-n v.
Oseal) ALLRX .1. l'.K : "SON.
IX O. nWTKl:, Attorney.
Notice is hereby given to all person -S
interested and to the public, that th?
undersigned, Gus F., has file 1
his petition and application with the
'ullage clerk of the village of Avor-a,
County of Cass, and State of Ne
braska, as required by law, sieried by
the required number of resident free
holders cf the srid village, setting
forth that the applieart is a man of
resectable character and standing
and a resident of the Stnte of Ne
braska, and praying that a license may
be issued to the said Gus I. Mohr for
the sale of malt, spirituous and vinous
liquors for the mrnicipal year ending
May 2. HUG. at hi? place of business,
muaicd on the west two-thirds of IM
five IS), in block thirteen (13), in said
village of Avoca, Nebraska.
April 12, 1915.
GUS MOHR, Applicant.