The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, April 12, 1915, Page PAGE 3, Image 3

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    MO'BAY, APRIL li 1313.
22 s .
Desiring to clean up our stock of Dry Goods and
Oueensware, we are offering for the next two weeks a
special discount for cash on every article in the dry
oocis and queensware departments.
A rare opportunity to secure the best muslins on
:he market at a low figure. We will close out our line
af underwear for men, women and children at a sacri
fice price.
We are here to make our home and want you to
come in and see these rare bargains and get acquainted.
South Sixth Street
Tuey s Old Stand.
You get full value when
you buy a Ford
Service and Lasting Qualities
Buy nov and you jlet in on the pro
fit sharing list offered this year's pur-,
CHAS. LEFLER, Resident Salesman
Salesroom and demonstration at the
Plattsmouth Garage.
For Business and Pleasure!
Its Cradle Springs Absorbs all Shocks
Miss Katie Trenholm inhere from
California on a visit to her brother,
Dr. C R. Trenholm and family. Miss
Trenholm came ciiiect from the his
exposition, having enjoyed a fine time
Miss Lottie Lean, who attends the
state university, was obliged to
abstain from her duties there for a
few days on account of an affliction of
the throat. She has been visiting her
parents here.
Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Berger moved
to their farm near Grenwood last Fri
day. They expect to remain there for
the future arid especially while Mr.
Merger is trimming up a line orchard
on the place.
Dr. and Mrs. O. E. Liston expect to
leave next Saturday for Chicago to be
gone for a period of two weeks. The
William Roetger, principal of the
Hooper school, spent last week visiting
the folks at home. Mr. Roetger has
accepted a position this summer with
the Iirytt Lyceum Bureau, and will
spend the summer's vacation attending
to this work. He has made a gerat
success cf hi school work and will
doctor is going to spend the time in
attending clinics and lectures in Chi
cago, while Mrs. Liston will visit with
relatives in South Bend, Indiana.
Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Bird of Stock
ton, Kas., arrived in the city the latter
part cf last week and will spend some
time visiting at the home of their
daughter-in-law, Mrs. Ethel Bird and
family. They had visited most of the
winter in California before coming
R. D. Fentiman, one of our young
progressive farmers and stockmen,
shipped two cars of cattle to the South
Omaha market on Wednesday. These
were a fine lot of 3-year-old cattle and
averaged around l.r.OO pounds per
head. J. I). Fentiman accompanied
the shipment.
make a great success cf the lyceum
v oik this summer.
Last week we in some manner failed
to mention that a fine little baby
daughter arrived at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Harry Waltz last week. The
little daughter will be known as
Hazel Mildred. The proud parents
have much cause for rejoicing and
have the hearty congratulations of the
Leader-Echo and their many many
Miss Ruth Elliott was taken to Lin
coln Friday and was there operated
upon for appendicitis. Word from her;
bedside at. this writing will be en
couraging news to her many friends.
She is getting along nicely and her
early recovery is expected. Miss
Elliott has been troubled for some
time, and she will surely enjoy relief
fiom this troublesome affliction.
Sunday evening for a short visit, re
turning on the morning train Monday.
Mrs. J. F. Stout returned to her
home in Lincoln Friday, after a visit
with her daughter, Mrs. V. P. Sheldon.
Eiii Young, unloaded ids big gas
tractor here Saturday. He will use it
for threshing, grnling or any old thing
he has to do.
Miss Pearl Murdoch is reported very
sick with pneumonia. She was taken
sick the first of the week and as we
go to press is reported no better.
Mrs. John Opp received a telegram
f;om Gleiiwood, Iowa, that her mother
was not expected to live and left on
the early train yesterday for that
Frank Cox came home from Alva,
Oklahoma, the first of the week, bring
ing his father and mo'.iier with him,
and they expect to make their future
home with Frank.
Justin Sturm had a bad upper lip
on him lat week thai came from a
small abraded place becoming infect
ed. It was in pretty bad shape for a
few days, but is all rich: now.
Miss Anna Eeim returned to her
home in Omaha Monday, after visiting
several days with the II. L. Thomas
family. Mrs. Thomas and Miss Vera
Burdick accompanied her to Union on
her way home.
Friday evening, April 2, was the oc
casion of a ni'p.4 enjoyable meeting
of the Booster club, when the mem
bers, with their lady freinds, were
entertained at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Fred Rose. A lovely evening and
;oo J time such
wont to have.
brought nearly forty of the young
reople to the party, where games and
contests of varied sorts composed the
evening's entertainment. At a late
hour refreshments were served. The
guests departed with expressions of
their pleasure in the good time they
had enjoyed.
' j Harvey Koop was taken to the
Met hodist hospital in Omaha YVed
V inesday. where he underwent an opera-
lion for appendicitis. His many'
friends will be pleased to learn that)
be is getting along nicely.
Hank Thiele is the happiest man in
Dr. J. A. Pollard of Salem came in town. The cause for his rejoicing is
the arrival of a fine baby boy at the
home of Mr. arid Mrs. Kittrell at South
Bend, and Grandpa Hank .says he is
a chip off the old block.
Mrs. Chi is Wiith visited her sister,
Mrs. John Schaal, at Springfield last
week. Mr. and Mrs. Schaal expect to
leave June 1st for an extended trip to
the Pacific coast, where they will visit
relatives and take in the exposition.
W. A. C'leghorn went to Council
Bluffs Friday morning to attend the
funeral of Roy Cleghorn, who died at
Roswell, New Mexico, Saturday, April
''. He formerly lived on a farm one
mile sojth of Mar.ley. He was 29
years of nge and leaves a wife and
one son.
the anticipation of a
as the Boosters are
www -f -- w - w
Beacon. -
... . i
Singles SI85
midimi Motocucle
Light Twins $210
l,.'-, - - n2y i wins
lt 2 and 3 speeds ris and electeic equipments
We sell on easy payments, if you establish bankable references. All
good bicycles, tires and accessories.
Plattsmouth Cycle Co.
Poor Paint
for it wastes rime and la
bor without giving re
sults in return. But w e
don't handle poor paint, so when you buy from us you may be
assured it is good. Yes, it is low priced, but don't let that deter
you. Buy it anyway and receive the fullest satisfaction.
Wail Paper and Paint Store
Hotel Riley Block,
Plattsmouth, Neb.
C. A. Buskirk of Wisconsin is visit
ing this week at the home of his sis
ter. Mrs. R. G. Glove
Miss Sadie Rich was down from
Lincoln Friday to attend the funeral
of her little cousin, Kenneth Rich.
The stork visited the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Fred M. Bailey, in the south
part of town, Sunday morning and
left a fine baby girl.
The county commissioners, Pitz.
Heebner and Snoke, were in town this,
week Thursday and went out south
west of town to view the road and
probably to spot some bridges.
Mrs. John Philpot came down from
South Omaha Sunday evening to see
her mother, Mrs. Ellen Mosely, who is
critically ill at the home of her daugh
ter, Mrs. Asa Coatman.
Mrs. F. A. Eaton of Davenport.Ne-
i urasKa. arrived fcaturcay morning
from La Fayette, Indiana, where the
j had been visiting, and will make an
extended visit with her daughter, Mrs.
j r. B. Thomas and family.
I J. E. Johnson, the blacksmith, went
! to Omaha Thursday of this week to
;have a piece of steel removed from
I his eye. John seems to be unlucky, as
this is the second time he has had
.trouble with flying bits of steel.
Ben Sheffier's family arrived Sat
jurday evening and have gone to keep
ing house in the building north of the
Gibbon hotel. Mr. Sheffler is an ex
perienced barber and will have charge
of the barber business in the box
ball alley which belongs to his father,
John Sheffler.
Mrs. William Partridge, who lives
on the Andrew Olsen farm, one mile
south and one mile west of town, met
with the misfortune of having her left
aim broken Tuesday morning. She
was cleaning an upstairs window
when the window fell, striking her
arm with the above result. Dr. Welch
Nick Peterson is building a new
house on his farm. southeast of
George Althouse, sr.. is having a
new front porch buiit onto hi house
this week.
Miss Freeda Reitter, who is attend
ing school at Syracuse, visited over
Sunday with home folks.
W. P. Yoho went to Utica, Neb., the
Yirst of the week to spend a few days
attending to some matters of business.
Mrs. Flora Mar.ker and daughter,
Flossie, of Lincoln, visited from Sat
urday until Sundav evening at the T.
R. Adams home.
William Christopherson has rented
the German Lutheran parsonage in the
southwest part of town, and will move
in from the country the latter part of
the week.
Mrs. Owen Wall returned home last
Saturday afternoon from the Tabitha
Home at Lincoln, where she just re
cently had a goitre removed from her
neck. We are glad to report that she
j is getting along nicely.
Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Betts, Mr. and
Mrs. Henry Snoke and daughter,
Nelda, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Adams and
Mr. and Mrs. Jake Forsythe, of Lin
coln, were entertained at Easter din
ner Sunday at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Arthur Adams, east of town.
"We note, according to Wednesday's
Plattsmouth Journal, that the town of
Eagle went dry at Tuesday's election.
They stated that the dry forces here
got busy cn the quiet and elected their
ticket. It's all a mistake. Someone
gave the Journal man a "bum steer
As far as we know Eagle remains de
cidedly wet this year, unless a few of
the members of the town board have
suddenly flopped prohibitionists.
Mrs. Carrie Bartlett of Glenwood.
Iowa, is here visiting her sister, Mrs.
Priscilla Noyes.
Chris Mockenhaupt and w-ife re
turned home Friday from a visit with
their son, Peter, near Greenwood.
Mr. and Mrs. Riley Watkins of Lin
coln spent Easter with Mrs. Watkins'
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hans Loberg.
Mrs. B. G. Hoover has returned
from the south, where she is obliged
to spend her winters because of her
relicate health.
Jacol; P. Be'ker of Wichita, Kan
sas, was here Tuesday to make a visit
with his mother and other .relatives
and friends in the old home town.
Mrs. Maude Stewart of Walthill has
been visiting the past week with her
paients, Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Childest
ei, and other relatives and friends in
this village.
Mrs. Bert Crawford came down
Tuesday from Murray, where she had
been visiting her parents while Mr.
Crawford was getting their household
goods arranged in their new home
Wesley Chilcott of Havana, Neb..
who has been visiting relatives and
friends heie the past two weeks, de
parted Tuesday for Table Rock tc
make a few days' isit before return
ing home.
The Merchants' hotel has been much
improved in appearance this week by
ibe artistic brushes of Lute Crawford
and Wayne Lewis, the painting in the
dining room and making it look
very neat and attractive.
I). Blair Porter arrived home Wed
nesday evening from Hot Springs
Aikansas. where he spent several
weeks for the benefit of his health
and the trip was not in vain, for he
crme back in a greatly improved con
dition. About twenty-five members of the
Masonic fraternity came down from
Xchawka last Sunday and were the
gu -ts of the local members at din
ner, the spread being served at the
Merchants hotel. The members at
tended services at the Baptist church
in the forenoon and spent several
h-turs visiting their friends.
Another "fire victim" will soon be
in business again. C. H. Dysart will
open soon with a complete stock of
goods in the rooms formerly occupied
by the Bank of Union over the Ledger
office. Joe Bauer is fitting it up with
the necessary shelves and counters,
and Mr. Dysart will probably open for
business the coming week.
Mr. A. L. Harlan, the gentleman
who recently purchased the general
jrerchandise store of Moss McCarroll
on the south side of Main street, was
here yesterday morning and closed a
deal whereby he disposed of the stock
to Hunt S: Morton, one of the firms
that was put out of business by the
recent fire. The inventory of the
stock will be made Monday, and at
that time the firm of Hunt & Morton
will be in business again.
Concrete Work Guaranteed!
We could not do that if we were not sure every time
we do a piece of concrete work that it is done rij'ht.
We Know How
or we would not take a chance on rebuilding our
work. We know how to mix concrete and how to put
it in. and every job we handle is there to stay.
Silo, Water Tank, Water Storage
Tank, Walls
all built by us under an absolute guarantee to be
of first-class material and workmanship and we ftand
back of it.
Come in and See Us
if you are thinking of building anything this year. We
have a number of new ideas about building that will
interest you.
Just south of Post office on Fifth Street.
Concrete Construction Co.,
Plattsmouth, - - Nebraska
Local Wews
Charles S. Stone and wife were
among those going to Omaha this
morning, where they will visit for a
few hours looking after some matters
of business.
Charles Fetzer of Louisville was an
over Sunday visitor in this city at the
home of his brother, Joseph Fetzer
and family.
Miss Vera Propst returned home
last evening on No. 14 from Lincoln,
where she had been visiting for the
past week.
Mtri( i: or u'l'i.n tio it i.i
ti on i n
Not i'."- li rf-t..v triv-!i t all irsnn
i ri t fvevi -i :ni'l M th- nuMi'1, 1 hat t 1 1
iiii"! -s i (j-?.-!. ' '. S. Trum'iU-. lias film)
lis j.tiitioti uri'l ;i i u! i'ii in the f
iif of th Hi-; k of llif vilkiu- .f Kat' le,
''1. tity of 'iiss. iitnl S!:it- of N'c !.r;i y kii.
is ri'iuir"il lv;ivv. ijrrfl by 1 h- !
(U!i'''l mmibt-r of i iilt-nt f if liohif rs
if sHiil villaur, settirm forth that t hf
;ii h :i nt is : niun of i-si-it a bl-harart-r
ami st n il i n jr. and a ri-sidpnt
if tin- Stall- of Nc!'i:if k:i. ami pravinir
hiit u liceiiM' may hi- iu-i f the sai'l
'. S. Ti'.inihl fur ill.- of mall
-piiiluoiis ami villous liquors for th--iHrinil
of oik- y-ar from th- ilatf of
- Ii- hf-arinir of sa hf .a W! U a l ion. in a
'ui ili! in:-'' situated on lots sf-vt-n and
-iliht i7 and " i. in hbx-k nineteen
if the r-aid village of Kile 1. Nebraska..
t S. TJn'MHl.H.
jril 3 1 1 r . Applicant.
OTI( i: III' rri.n-TII run I.l-
m nit i. ii i:k.
Notice is hiiel.y f-'iven to all 5er oiis
'nt-iest-d and In the public, that the
i rulers in lied. Kihvanl !' els h !a irer.
.as f j !- ' his petition and a ppi i -a t ion
n t ! :e ofTice of he Herk of the villa'-re
f Kaule. ("ouritv of diss, and Slate of
"ebi a ska. as required by law. sinned
v t h reouireil number of resiccnt
K-eliolders of the said village, settlntr
ort h .that the applicant is a man of
esoec't a hie h is ra i t e r and standing and
i resident of the State of Nebraska.
Ian pru virtu: that si license mav be is-
u'd to the said Kdward I'. lelsch la ccr
"or the sale of malt, spirituous and
inoiis liijuors for the period of one
cMr from tie date of the hearinir of
said application, in a bnildinc situated
nt juts five and six i and fit, in block
iinf-tecn 1 :i i of the said village of
;ai;l'-. Nebraska.
i:iV.l:i F. tiKLSCHI-ACKir
piii -. 11.. Applicant.
i. mi on i.ii i:m:
Notice is hereby clvcn to all persons
ntereej A-iid to the public that the
tndersiirned, J. L. Ilussell, lias filed
lis petition and application in the office
if the city clerk of the City of IMatts
nouth. County of Cass, and State of
Vebraska. as required by law, sirned
viy the required number of resident
'ree-holders of the said city, setting"
vorth that the applicant is a man of
"expectable character and standing" and
i resident of the State of Nebraska and
rayinfT that a license may be issued
o the said J. L. Kussell for the sale of
nait, spirituou and vinous liquors for
'.he period of one year from the date
f the hearing" of said application in
building situated on the west half
.w1-.) of lot fixe ". in block thirtv-
fotir ("4. in the Fourth "ward of the
iaid City of 'Mutts-month. Nebraska.
April S. l!ir.. Applicant.
i Tin-: iiiTitii'T ciii iit in' r
i oi xii. : 1 1 IC tK .
Ceorpe M. Thieroir, JMaintifl,
Mvrtle M. Tbierolf. TV-fendant.
To Myrtle M. Thieroir. 1 ief end.i nt :
You ure hereby notified that on tie
!th day of March, 1!1.".. th- FlaintifT
herein, fleorce M Thieroir. tiled his pe
tition in the list r iff. Court or Cusn
'ourity. Nebraska, against you as cle
feridaiit, the object and prayer of
which is to ohiain a n absolute di
vorce, and the custody of the minor
children,, namely, L,eaha Thieroir,
Menton Tliierolf, and Hazel Thieroir.
issue of said marriage upon the
irmuiiil of desertion and abandonment
for more than two years last past,
and for such other and further relif
as equity may require.
You are required to answer said
petition on or before the :;rd day of
-May, A. 1 . ISIS, if you fail so to chi
your default will be dulv entered
herein and judgment entered as pray
ed for in said petition.
Iated this 2'th day of March, A. 1 1.
191a. CKOUGi: M. THli:i:o.F.
IMalnt Iff.
V. L. TIDI). Attorney for IMamtiff.
in tiii: i in mi i m ii t in Tin:
I III Mt III' I -. M:il4K4.
In the matter of the estate of I'elil.ili
Schwab, deceased:
N filler if I 'inn I Srltlrinnil.
Notice Is hereby given to all persons
interested that on the .!th iav of
March. A. 1 .. I S 1 Charles I!. Schwab,
as the executor of the lat will and
testament of lielihth Schwab, deceased,
tiled his petition in this court, togeth
er with his final account, asking that
I In- same be a pproved and allowed, am!
that the residue in his hand be distri
buted to such persons as are hv law
entitled thereto, and alleges that I he
only heirs and legatees of said deceas
ed are as follows: .lohn Schwab,
Sarah M. Mason, Samuel Schw.iii,
.lames Schwab, ("harles I-:. Schwab,
and the heirs of a deceased son, An
drew Si li wah. Klla Schwab, I is wi.l.iw,
and Nellie Schwab and X.ena Schwab.
That a hearing" will be l"'iiril upon
the allegations, of said petition and
upon said final account at the office of
the County Judge, in the Court House,
at 1 Ma 1 1 srnou t h. Cass Count". NebrnsJ
ka. on the 2'ith. day or April, A I .,
1!" la, at ten o'clock. A. M.. and iT no
objections or exceptions thereto is tiled
before said time the prayer of said
petition will be granted.
Hated this :.".ith ilav of Man?,, A. ..
l'.'l.'i. Hv the Court.
Count V Judge.
R.AWLS cSL- noHF:i:TSO.V, Attorneys.
Cass County, ss.
In County Court.
In the Matter of the Estate of John
Peter Keil, Deceased:
Notice is hereby jriven to the credit
ors of said deceased that hearings will
be had upon claims liled against snid
2state, before me, County Judge of
Cass County, Nebraska, at the County
Court room in Plattsmouth, in said
bounty, on the 8th day of May, IS1;!,
and on the 9th day of November, 191
at 9 o'clock a. m. each day for exam
ination, adjustment and allowance.
All claims must be filed in iicid
?ourt on or before said last hour if
Witness my hand and seal of said
County Court, at Plattsmouth, Ne
braska, this Tth day of April, 1915.
County Judge.
R. L. Propst has commenced the
excavating of dirt for the foundation
of his new building at the corner of
Seventh and Vine streets. A force of
eicht men are at work.
John Bergman was among the
farmer visitors in the city over Sun
day, driving up from his home near
Mynard to spend a few hours.
Billy" Sunday, the Man, and His
Message at . the Journal office for
SI. 00. This book contains the heart
Earl Goos of Plainview, Neb., came! of Mr. Sunday's gospel message ar
in Monday for a two days' visit with ranged by subjects. It is a book that
was called and found both bones of his cousins, Mrs. Charles Rathbun and j is very much in demand, so you had
For Sale.
Eggs for hatching and day-old
hicks from Single Comb Rhode Is
and F.eds. Eggs, $1.00 per 15, $5.00
ner 100; chicks, 10c each. Special
nating prices upon request.
A. O. Ramge,
Route 1, Plattsmouth, Neb.
FOR SALE Fawn and "White Indian
Runner duck eggs, white egg strain,
$1.00 per 13, $5.00 per 100. Inquire
cf A. O. Ramge, Route 1, Platts
mouth, Neb. 4-5-tf-wkly
Stark Brothers Trees.
ti e arm to be broken.
1 Miss Mabel Krecklow.
better get your copy at once.
P. E. Ruffner is making his first de
livery today. The largest ever made
in this city. He will have a few of
the fine stock to sell at Sam Smith's
garage. 4-9-2td-ltw
i tiii: cm tv roi'iiT ui' Tin:
cm r in-' i"4si. m:ii4k 4.
In the matter of the estate of llarvev
I . Travis, deceased:
Notice is hereby given to ii 1 1 person
interested in the estate of Harvey 1 1.
Travis, deceased, that on the nth ilav
or March. A. 1 ., lUla, Karl 11. Travis,
administ rator of said estate tiled bis pe
tition asking for the approval of his "n
al account and assignment of the residue
of said estate to such persons as are
by law entitled thereto, and alleging
that lie had no funds in his hands, or
no property subject to the pavment of
the debts with which to pay the claims
allowed against said estate.
You are furclier notified that a hear
ing will l.e had on said petition on the
llth day or April. A.. I., 1 1 ", at ten
o'clock A. St., and ir no objections or
exceptions thereto be liled before said
time, the prayer or said petition will
be granted.
Mated tliis Hist day of March, A. lb.
l!(li. Hv the Court.
allex J. t:i:i:sin.
Count v Judge.
IIAWLS & TlOHnnTSON. Attorneys.
State of Nebraska,
uass vountv.
In tlie matter of the estate of Apatba
;siuii, ueceasea :
Notice is herebv clven that the rrcll.
tors of said deceased will meet the ad
ministrator Of said estate before the
County Judg-e of Cass rountv, Nebras
ka, at the county court room in the
city of I'lattsmouth. in said countv on
the 2nd dav of April, 3 1 5 and the Srd
or SpntomKnr Id 1 ' . 1 l l
- w ' , . . li, ol X J ir I ji'l Ii tX. Ill,
each day, for the purpose of presenting
their claims for examination, adjust.
mi-iii M.riu allowance.
Six montlm are allowed for the cred
itors of the said deceased to precent
their claims, and one vear for the ad
ministrator to settle said estate frmn
the ;!nd day of Slarch, lsl.
Witness tny hand and the seal of said
County Court at I'lattsmouth, Nebris
ka. this 24th dav or I'ebrtia rv. ims
eau A bl.I'.. .1. UKKSON,
rminlv II., I fro
D. O. DWVKn, Attorney. '
FOR SALE Good young fresh cow.
Inquire of Carl R. Cole, Mynard,
Nebraska. 4-5-lwk-d&w
Notice is hereby given to all persons
interested and to the public, that the
undersigned, Gus F. Mohr, has filed
his petition and application with the
village clerk of the village of Avoca,
County of Cass, and State of Ne
braska, as required by law, signed by
the required number of resident free
holders of the said village, setting
forth that the applicant is a man of
respectable character and standing
and a resident of the State of Ne
braska, and praying that a license may
e issued to the said Gus . Mohr for
the sale of malt, spirituous and vinou
liquors for the municipal year ending
May 2, 1916. at his place of business,
situated on the west two-thirds of lot
five (5), in block thirteen (13), in said
village of AToca, Nebraska.
April 12, 3915.
GUS MOHR, Applicant.