6 Nf-lt Slah Historical i?oc VOL. XXXIII. PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA, MONDAY, APRIL 12, 1915. NO. "vX IT LA. a THE ELKS' Mill STREL IS A GREAT SUCCESS The Theater Crowded to Its Utmost Capacity, and All Parts Were Rendered in Fine Style. From Friday's Dally. 'lhe event long looked forward to by the people of Plattsmouth has passed by, and the success scored by the Elks minstrels was all that the most optomistic could possibly hav hoped for under any circumstances, and both in the large a'jidierce pres ent and the splendid work of the pur- formers the production was a sue cess. There was only standing room in the theater when the curtain was rang up on the opening part of the performance. The muscial first part included in its list of soloists and members of the chorus some of the best voices in the city and the songs selected were certainly right up to the minute and were given in a most pleasing manner by the genetlemen in the circle. In the muscial first part the greatest hits of the production, were undoubtedly scored by Mr. Bert:Knorr, who gave as his number, "Wrap Me in a Bundle," one of the late popular hits, and Sam Windham, who was the soloist in the beautiful Hawaiian song, "Aloha Oe." and the sweet, clear voice of the soloist made the song more pleasing than usual. In their numbers the young men were assist ed by the chorus, and in the farewell song a sextet composed of Messrs. T. H. Pollock, B. A. McElwain, Ben Windham, Mr. Howe, Frank Marshall and Bert Knorr, aided in making it a great success. Another of the suc cesses scored in the the minstrel was by Percy Field in his rendition of "He's a Rag Picker," and this wa3 ful ly equaled by "At the Garbage Gentle man's Ball," given by O. Sandin. The feast of melody and mirth was presided over by James K. Pollock as the interlocutor, and his work in this role could not be beat, and with four clever end men, Messrs. Percy Field, Claude Smith, G. E. Weideman and O. Sandin, to carry on the running fire of catchy remarks on the different per sons around town, were certainly very clever and there was a constant roar of applause over the efforts of the gentlemen. Throughout the opening first part was a splendid success and the musical program was assisted by the efforts of an excellent orchestra composed of Messrs. Bruce Rosencrans, W. R. Holly, R. Avard, Harmon and Engert of Glenwood. E. H. Schulof and Anton Bajeck, who were seated in the rear of the circle of vocalists and here render ed a very pleasing accompaniment for the different numbers. In the olio there were a number of very clever specialties that were of a high class and well worthy of profes sionals. The Harmony Four, Messrs. Schulhof, Avard, Harmon and Engert, gave several very pleasing numbers in their brass quartet and were heartily encored for their delightful contribu tion to the evening's entertainment. The stunt of Messrs. Bruce Rosen crans and Ben Windham, the jitney boys, gave them the opportunity of introducing a number of very clever take-offs on the business men of the city and the members of the Elks, and their jokes were all original and ex ceptionally pleasing. They introduced in their act an automobile turn that was very clever, and these two young comedians are to be commended in their offering. Messrs. Avard and Knorr, in their banjo duet, were very pleasing and furnished several delightful selections and were assisted in their turn by Mr. Howe on the guitar. Ben Hawkinson furnished one of the most difficult and clever acts in the olio and one which aroused the great est enthusiasm in his tumbling and slack wire act, which was one of the best that has been seen in this city and was as good as can be found on the vaudeville stage today. In the difficult unicycle act Mr. Hankinson was right on the job and received a hearty encore for his efforts in this line. The announcement of Messrs. Frank McCarthy and Percy Field as th men MM TUC I ATT MIL LHIl nUltl- PHREY LEE OLD HAM LAID AT REST who made comedy famous was certain ly well applied and these gentlemen, in addition to their clever and spark ling comedy, furnished a dancing act that was one of the hits of the per formance and the large audience were more than pleased with their efforts in this line. The closing number on the evening's program was a one-act playlet entitled "A Race for a Million," and was pre sented by Mr. L. D. Hiatt and com pany, consisting of Mr. Byron Arries and Misses Nora Rosencrans and Emma Cummins, and the entire com pany carried out their respective roles in a manner that was worthy of those of long experience on the stage, and Air. Hiatt is deserving of a great deal One by one the old-time residents of credit for the splendid little playlet of the community are called awav to anoraea tne audience. The success of the minstrel reflects great credit upon those taking part and Mr. Hiatt, who has had charge of the work of directing the minstrel, has certainly brought out the talents of those who were in the cast in the best possible manner. The minstrel will be repeated this evening at the Parmele for the benefit of those who were not able to attend last evening. Pioneer Citizen, Highly Respected by His Large Circle of Friends Throughout Cass County. 1865 they removed to Pottawattamie county, Iowa, where they located. As soon as the parents were comfortably located in their home there Lee de cided to take up the business of freighting across the plains, and sev eral trips were made by him to and from the Missouri river to the great west with supplies for the residents of that part of the country. During one of the trips of Mr. Oldham west his parents removed to Cass county. Nebraska, and settled on a farm southeast of Murraw, where the old homestead, now gray with the storms and sunshine of fifty years, still stands near the Lewiston school and is a spot filled with many fond recollections for the members of the family of the father and mother. 1 LET'S GET CLOSEB TOGETHER AND COUNTRY Farmers Who Believe in Themselves, Who Want a Prosperous Com munity Should Encourage the Town's Enterprises. Minstrels Are Entertained. From Saturdri D II After the close of the minstrel show at the Parmele theater last evening the members of the company, who have scored such a success with the production, were entertained at the Elks' club, where an elaborate seven course luncheon was served that was very much enjoyed by every one of the jolly party present. The luncheon was both dainty and appetizing and was served in the dining room of the club. SUFFERS FROM AN INJURY RECEIVED SOME SEVERAL WEEKS AGO THE QUESTION OF IM PROVING CHICAGO AND WASHINGTON AVENUES From Frlday Daily. Now that the election has passed by and the city is settled down to an other year of progress, the question of doing something with Chicago and Washington avenues is still before the citizens, and if anything is to be done toward improving theae thorough fares it should be started during the coming season. This is really the most vital question of road and street im provement that lays before the city end should be the first to be taken up These avenues should be cared for in some manner and the plan that has been mentioned several times before of placing a strip of concrete paving some eighteen feet wide through the center of the streets seems the cheap est and most logical method of start' ing in on the task of paving these avenues. It will not cause a great out lay to the taxpayers, and with this much of the work started it will be an easy matter to secure the curbing and guttering of them at a later period Each year there are weeks when heir last long rest, but as they go these streets are in almost impassable they leave with those who tarry, as well -r $?y " Wmn I U. -. --s. 9- - ;".. V: . : V' i" " . - - r . ' , . ,. V .... , i W '-;L''.T . A -r " r- ' i I - v. --v . s, . ' - - . . - V. , V "-J ' :'-l . , if W; r v r v-'-" s ". 4. r".( From Saturday's Dailv. Isn't it about time for the people of this community to get a little closer toeether. and work in a little closer harmonv one with the other? A countrv town and the farming com- j- i 4i From Saturdav's Dal'y. munity surrounuing n are uruu.erS, Some six weeks at-o Peter Claus was ana tne one cannot succeea wiuioui h- . walkine around the em i x j : i " me co-operanon ana Live bankir.ent to the north of the house, of the otfter. A larming section wnn- . th ... H(H-, anH out its adjacent railroad and market he fel, gome ei ht feet to the nd and in order to protect himself threw facilities would be a back number a dead one with little future ahead Live farmers would shun it would have nothing to do with it for live men create a surplus, and they must have an outlet for that which they create. A farm adjacent to some live town and shipping facilities is worth out his left arm and it was on this member that the chief weight of the fall came, and for a few minutes Mr. Claus suffered very much pain, but the arm did not seem injured in any way and he continued on as usual working at the store and around home double that of a piece of ground with Lj used the arm thinking it was en tire well. Last Tuesday the arm be gan to pain him quite a good deal and he decided to visit a physician in order to hare it treated, and here it was discovered that it had been sprained in a very severe manner and the ex ertion placed upon it by Mr. Claus had aggrevated the injury and caused the arm to become quite sore. The patient has been unable to sleep with any degree of comtort Tor tne past few days, as he suffers the most in tense pain with it day and night. THE LATE HUMPHREY LEE OLDHAM condition, owing to the mud and water, and as long as these two principal en trances to the city are allowed to go in their present shape they will con tinue to stand as a very poor adver tisement of the city. The matter is one of vital importance and the city should get ready and take steps to see that it is looked after. W. D. JONES ABLE TO SIT UP AT TIMES, WHICH DE NOTES MUCH IMPROVMENT as the future generations, an inspira tion that will promote them to higher ideals, and such will be the result of the life of our well loved citizen, Humphrey Lee Oldham, who passed away at his home in Murray on Wed nesday night, April 7, 1915. Mr. Oldham was typical of the gen eration who had assisted in the de veloping of the great west, and in his last days he could look back over the years gone by with a feeling of the utmost satisfaction, as he had taken a great part in the work of forming the government and assisting in the progress of the community in which for so many long years he was a prom inent man and well loved figure. None knew Mr. Oldham that did not esteem him for his many exalted traits of From Friday's Dail-- Yesterday for the first time in sev eral months, our friend, William D. character that endeared him. to all! Jones, was able to sit up after his very with whom he came in touch, and in severe illness, and his improving con- his passing it is safe to say that the dition has been quite marked in the grief of the host of friends was most last week and now the indications are sincere and heartfelt. that he will probably be able in a Mr. Oldham came of a sturdy short time to be up and around, al- ! pioneer family and was born at Bruns- though he is still quite a ways from I wick, Missouri, on December 7, 1845, being entirely well, and his fight where his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. G. against great odds has certainly been Oldham, were among the early set remarkable, and his family and tiers, and in the hard pioneer days of friends are very hopeful that his con- the then young and sparsely settled dition will continue to improve. Mr. state of Missouri, the young man was Jones is one of the old-time residents reared and secured his education as of this city and his illness has aroused good as could be found in the frontier the greatest apprehension among his parts of the country at that early day, old-time friends. Work About Finished. Living there at the time of the out break of the civil war, the Oldham family were given an opportunity of seeing the real bitterness of the strug- From Friday's Dally. gle, as it being a border state, there The plastering on the ceiling in the were iartre factions of both northern lobby of the postoffice has been com- and southern sympathizers residing pleted and the work certainly is very there Near Oldham home the weU done and Mr. Kinser, who has had confederate force under General Ster charge of it, can feel well pleased with linff Price met and engaged in battle his handiwork. The ceiling is now northern forces, and a por- ready for the painters, and Contract- tion of the battlefield was laid on the Gobelman and his force of men will Qldham farm. Under these stirring soon be ready to take up the work, scenes the subiect of our sketch was xmd when completed the lobby will look reared to manhood, and at the close of as good as new. Ithe war the Barents of Mr. Oldham " x decided to leave the old home and go Subscribe for The Journal. to Iowa to make their home, and in On. November 9, 1871, Mr. Oldham was united in marriage with Miss Sarah M. Storey, and located on the place where he had since resided at Murray, although when he and his wife as bride and groom first settled there it was a new farm just opened for cultivation, and later was brought into what is now Murray. As the community progressed Mr. Oldham assisted by his council and assistance in guiding the welfare of his home community and his going will leave a place hard to fill in Murray and vi cinity. The funeral of this grand good man was held Friday afternoon at 1 o'clock from the late home at Murray and a host of friends and relatives were present to pay their last tribute to one who had been so much to them in life. The services were conducted by Rev. H. G. McClusky, pastor of the First Presbyterian church of this city, and the minister spoke to the sorrow ing family and friends words of com fort on the taking away of their dear ly beloved husband, father, brother and friend, with the . promise of a future meeting with their loved one in the realms where the griefs and part ings of this earth shall come no more to chill the heart. A choir from the church at Murray sang several of the old well loved hymns which Mr. Old ham had enjoyed so much when living. At the close of the services the cortage wended its way to the ceme tery east of Murray, where, amid the scenes he had known and loved dur ing his many years' residence, he was laid to sleep. To mourn his passing there remains the widow and two daughters, Misses Pauline and Fay Oldham, who reside at home, and three sister and two brothers, Mrs. Cussie Baker, Mrs. Dora Moore, Plattsmouth; Mrs. LaErma Connelly, Requa, California; George Oldham, Plattsmouth, and Richard C. Oldham, Neopolis, California, and a niece, Mrs. H. E. Snyder of Fairfield, Iowa. equal fertility located in some obscure section of the country. The relative values of the products of the two farms would be about the same the one high, the other low. Therefore, the farming community is dependent upon the town and its ad vantages for much of the rural pros perity, for the high value of land, for the ease with which shipments are made. Farmers who believe in them selves, who want a prosperous com munity, should encourage the town and its industries should buy from the home , dealers, should keep the money in the home community, 'where it adds to the commercial life of every ii f i person. n.very doaar a iarmer Keeps in circulation at home simply adds that much to the riches of his own com munity, to the value of his own hold ings. The town and the town merchant 1 Hntv to the farmer, for From Saturday's Dan. - rrL - . without his co-operation both town and ne commiioner at tnr , . u i m, I session mis weeiv, luuk up ine matter should make the farmer welcome, let of the fi1.lin f he Pos"ion f u: u u fr.;anAc tW overseer in road district No. 10, which ?i j. v4. v- v .0i inciuaes iviurray ana west nocK 11 IS ms WWII, mai lie Iioa a louuai . int.rpct in its welfare. The merchant "'""8 i""'"- auueC.. should make it possible for the farmer Petition presented asking for the ap- to buy his goods as cheaply at home . . , . - v overseer in the district to fill the A a Wr, this fact constant- vacancy, but the board decided to di ly before the farmer. He should en- vide wrk UP and aPPoi,nt four courage the farmer by keeping reliable dePuty road overseers to look after roods and selling them at a reasonable e prov.ng oi e nignways as io. price. Most merchants do this, al FOUR MB OVERSEERS APPOINTED FOR MSI ROCK BLUFFS PBECWC1 PLATTSMOUTH ROASTS NEW ENTERPRISE Fid ward Rynott Establish? a Glovo Factory, and Will No Doubt Make a Success of It. Office supplies at the Jouraal office. though the absence of the merchant's advertisement from the local paper keeps the farmer in ignorance of the fact. He should encourage the farm er in all ways, exhibit a brotherly feel ing and spirit, and give the farmer to understand that he is interested in his welfare as well as in the contents of his pocketbook. It has been demonstrated repeated ly here in Plattsmouth that farm ers can buy as cheaply from the local dealers as they can from a foreign house. But the foreign dealer floods the farmer with advertising matter, lows: Glen Perry, northeast corner; Adam Hraeger, northwest corner; Tom Smith, southwest corner; Henry Creamer, southeast corner. These gentlemen will each have charge of a section of the precinct and by this means it is thought that there can be much better results secured . CASS COUNTY COUPLE MARRIED IN GLENWOOD From Saturday's Ltailr. They came from somewhere in Ne while some local merchants expect to braska on No. 4 Wednesday. All the be taken on faith. And the farmer is way up from the depot they slowly a wise one he takes nothing on faith, wended their way, lovingly holding "Show Me" is his creed. And he goes hands. Ever and anon eyes of love to the man who advertises who looked love to eyes that spake again 'shows him." Now, isn't it about time I They nursed a secret and a desire to for us all to think a little, to get to- surprise some people. Eventually they gether, to push this community right presented themselves to the clerk's of up to the front? fice and made known their desire for a certain document. At this point the Death of Mrs. Beckner. romance received an uniooKea lor joit- Strangers coming to Mills county's rlAytr ff irn t- o m n e Krincv a f rian nirs. iviary n.. cecsner, wiuuw wi . the late James Beckner, former resi- known to him, who will vouch for the dents of this vicinity, died March 29 tfce claimed,.but they were both total strangers. There was at Wayne, Neb., where she had been taken for treatment. The family re sided in this vicinity for about twenty years, and ten years ago moved to Knox county, where Mr. Beckner's no help for them. The law must be obeyed. In Nebraska no such require ment was needed. They thought the law was just the same in Iowa. Two j 4.1. J a,,, it; 1Q11 . j u.u. i-i. e:: hearts that beat as one departed on Mrs. Beckner was born in 18o8 in x, , , , ... . niif o, oauucucu uut w iser. Later They (William Oldenberg and Mrs. Dora Rottman, of Avoca, Neb.) returned Saturday morning and were accompanied by the bride's fath er, who vouched for them, and on re ceiving the needful paper, went at once to the Baptist parsonage, where Rev. Sneath united them in marriage. Glenwood Tribune. West Virginia and was a daughter of Elija and Jane Adams. She leaves seven sons and three daughters to mourn her death, also two sisters Mrs. B. F. Hoback and Mrs. John Rey nolds. Union Ledger. Edward Rynott of this city, who by reason ot his health has leen com pelled to abandon his work on the road as a traveling representative of one of the large wholesale houses of Omaha, has established at his home in this city one of the neatest and mor.t up-to-date glove factories that can be found in the small towns of the state. This establishment will look after the manufacture of all kinds of Canton flannel gloves and mittens, which will be supplied to the wholesale trade of this sectino of the state. The machines which have been secured by Mr. Rynott are of the most improved pattern and all operated with' electric motors that allows of very fast work in turning out the gloves, and those which have been turned out by the actory are as good as any that can be found on the market today. Mr. Rynott has placed the factory in his home as it is more convenient to handle in this manner, and when the trade is established in good f-hapi will secure a location in the business section of the city. The gloves manu factured will be offered to the whole sale trade exclusively and the Platts mouth dealers will be enabled to handle Plattsmouth-made gloves as good as any of their kind on the mar- et. There is quite a demand for these gloves and mittens at all sea sons of the year and Mr. Rynott ex pects in a short time to be in a posi tion to supply all the demand that may be made on him for these high- class gloves. He has several persons employed now in the manufacture of the gloves and mittens, and as the de mand grows will place more at work n turning out the gloves and mittens. This is certainly an industry that cught to make good here, as it is a good point for the distribution of the products of the factory and the Platts mouth merchants and citizens should see that they do all in their power to encourage by their patronage this factory and see that its products are placed on the market as rapidly as possible. Those who have visited the work room of the factory are well pleased with the manner in which Mr. Rynott has started out in his industry and all trust that it will grow and expand and become one of the best in dustries in this section of the state. THE OLD MISSOURI STILL ON THE BOOM Forest Rose Flour. Every sack guaranteed. Try a sack today. From Saturdays Daiir. The booming condition of the Mis souri river continues at this point, as well as farther north, and as a result of the melting snow and ice near the headwaters of that stream there will probably be more continued high wa ter for some time to come. The river rose some eight feet at Pierre, S. I)., yesterday, and this rise, if it is only a few feet, will add materially to the volume of water at this point. The Burlington has in the past few days been engaged in dumping large quan tities of rock and brush into the river at Gibson, where the river has been cutting at the rip-rap there quite strongly, and it is still hammering away at the bank, apparently un daunted by the efforts of the railroad to stop its progress, and more material will be expended in an effort to check the stream in its washing. There are many who think that if the water continues high for any length of time that it may force the channel of the river over to the Nebraska side by cutting a channel on this side of the river just above the mouth of the Platte, where it has in the past few years been swung over, to the Iowa side. For Sale. Three as new. incubators 'Phone 362. for sale. Good R. L. Prop st.