The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, April 08, 1915, Page PAGE 5, Image 5

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    THURSDAY. APRIL 8. l!J13.
& e
jTfM. t k - , rr.T r T . i . . . i . 1 1 .
fMw-1' i-i ?! iH!ii ;i
j1Ai;:: u!! I HI! i'i
enhance the beauty of
the room a hundredfold.
A new cowering of artis
tically colored and de
signed wall paper will make a wonderful difference. Come and
see our large line of wall paper, burlap, etc. We shall be
pleased to aid you in your selection and quote prices.
Wall Paper and Paint Store
Hotel Riley Block,
Plattsmouth, Neb.
Local News
Mrs. J. E. Johnson and daughter
came down this afternoon from their
home at Cnaha for a short visit here
with relatives.
Attorney W. A. Robertson was
:nnig the visitors in Omaha today for
a few hours, going to that city on
Xo. 23 this afternocn.
Oscar Zaar, one of the prominent
residents of the vicinity of South
Bend, was in the city today looking
after some matters of business.
Inspector Putnam of Washington, in
charge of the maintaince of govern
ment buildings, is in the city today
looking after the government building
in this city.
You get full value when
you buy a Ford
Service and Lasting Qualities
Buy now and you get in on the pro
fit sharing list offered this year's pur
chasers. FLOYD DAVIDSON, Agent
CH&S. LEFLER, Resident Salesman
Salesroom and demonstration at the
Plattsmouth Garage.
Malleable Range!
Copper Oiad f
If f ' If f "J
fl . - .if il , .-. ,-. - .,-.?d:a
g -' ! "tr5: 'r f --
From Tuesday's Daily.
Mrs. J. R. Pierson of Springfield,
Neb., is spending a few days in this
city with her mother, Mrs. Mary B.
Misses Gertrude Currie and Helen
Williams, who have been here visiting
at the home of Mrs. Rhoda Cotner for
the past few days, departed this after
noon for their home in Council Bluffs
Mrs. Harry Neumann and little
niece were passengers this morning
for Omaha, where they will ppend the
Mrs. Annie Helling and little son
of Grand Island, who have been hers
visiting at the home of Mr. and Mr
C. L. Herger, departed this morning
for their home. Mrs. Helling is
niece of Mrs. Herger.
Mrs. E. F. Grybsky came in this
afternoon on No. 24 from her home
at Missouri Valley, Iowa, and will
visit here for a time at the home of
Mrs. Charles Stone rams im from My with their sistcr and ther, Mrs
Fehawka yesterday for a short visit Andrew Kroehler, at the hospital in
at the home of her mother. Mrs. Marv that City.
George Adams was among those go
ing to Omaha this afternoon on No.
23, where he will spend a few hours
with friends.
Miss Etta Nickels came up this
morning from her home near Murray
to look after SQme matters of busi
ness for the day.
Ed Hughes drove up this morning her Darents. Mr. and Mrs. Harrv John
irom nis nome nortneast ot union ana son and with her numerous friends.
. , . b A I Mrs. John R. Pierson of Springfield
John iiusche came m this morning mothe Mrs Mary Allison, was a nas
" .." senger tnis morning ior umana, in
missioners in regard to some road commvnv with her sister, Mrs. Charles
Work work in Jus precinct. s Stone. and the ladies will suend the
County Commission C E. Heebnerjday in the metropolis
came up last evening to attend a meet
which is being held today. I Wall raper. UerlDg CL t,0.
L. A. Meisinger came in yesterday
afternoon from his farm home to I Marshal C. M. Seybert of Louisville
spend a few hours here looking after jcame down this morning to look after
some trading with the merchants. I some matters of business at the court
County Commissioner Henry Snoke I house.
of Eagle arrived last evening from George Adams was among those go
his home to be present this morning at ling to Omaha this morning, where he
the meeting of the commissioners. was called to look after some matters
L. D. Hiatt of Murray was in the of business
city last evening looking after the C. C. Wescott was among the busi
work of arranging for the Elks mins- ness visitors in the metropolis this
trel show, of which he is the director, morning, where he will attend to some
Mrs. Thomas Wiles was a passeng- matters with the wholesalers
er this morning on the early Burling-1 Mrs. John Wiles and daughter, Miss
ton train for Omaha, where she will Bessie, were among the passengers
visit with Mrs. Andrew Kroehler at this morning for Omaha, where they
the Immanuel hospital. will visit for the day with friends
Mr. and Mrs. John Busche of Cedar
Creek were attending to business mat- pajnts an(j Qjls, GeriDg & Co
ters and visiting with county seat '
friends today. Mr. Busche was
Miss Emily Kalina came down last
evening on No. 2 from Omaha for a
short visit here at the home of her sis
ter, Mrs. Joe Wales and family.
A. G. Johnson departed last evening
on No. 2 for Chicago, from where he
expects to go to Wisconsin to spend
a short time looking after some land
You Would Not Want An ExpcnsiuoTilo
Roof on a Temporary Sod House
neither would you want an expensive malleable top on
an unprotected body of a steel range. The copper clad is
lined throughout with copper, and that is the reason that
a Copper Clad Malleable Range will last a lifetime.
pleasant caller at this office.
Henry A. Guthmann, wife and little
son, who have been here ior a tew
days visiting at the home of Mr.
Guthmann's mother, departed this aft
ernoon for their home at Murdock.
Andrew Thomsen, the genial citizen
from our neighboring town of Cedar
Creek, came in this morning on No. 4
to spend a few hours looking after
business matters and visiting with his I yaJJ Paper. Gerin? & Co.
J. E. Jones returned home last even
ing Irom Havelock, where he was ivirs. J-red bpangier was among
called Sunday by the death of William those going to York this morning
Stitzer, a brother-in-law, and remain- where she will be present at the na-
ed for the funeral services, which were tional missionary convention as a rep-
held there vesterdav. resentative of the United Brethren
Jacob Smith of Terry, Montana, who church, south of this city-
has been here visiting for a few days Mrs. B. F. Wiles was among the
with his brother. A. W. Smith and delegates leaving: this moraine: for
amily, departed this morning for his York to attend the convention there
home. A. W. accompanied him as iarioi me nauonai missionary convention
as Omaha on his journey. of the United Brethren church
George Cook of Alvo, who h is been Mrs. J. E. Wiles departed this morn-
visiting his brother, Charles E. Cook ing for York to attend the national
and family, south of this city, for the convention of the Missionary society
past few days, departed this morning I of the United Brethren church, that is
for his home. C. E. Cook accompanied to be held there. Mrs. Wiles is a life
him as far as Omaha on his journey, patron of the society.
Mrs. Mary Allison and brother, J. I Dyspepsia is America's curse. To
Becker, of Oklahoma, who has been restore digestion, normal weight, good
visiting at the Allison home in this health and purify the blood, use Bur
citv. were nasseneers to Union this dock Blood Bitters. Sold at all drug
morninsr. where they will visit for a I stores. Price $1.00,
time with their brother, A. L. Becker,
and family.
From Wednesday's Xsallr.
Joseph Zimmerer, the irenial Avoca
tanker, came up last evening with ajEJASKET STORE
delegation of his fellow townsmen to
attend the meeting of the Elks.
Ben and Gus Mohr of Avoca were in
the city last evening in attendance at
the meeting of the Elks' lodge, driv
ing up from their home in an auto.
P. T. Becker and Charles Peacock
departed this afternoon for Lincoln,
where they will spend a short time
looking after some matters of business.
H. C. Creamer of Murray was in the
city yesterday with the Murray boost- F
ers for a few hours and remained over
night to be inducted into the Elks'
Paints and Oils, Gering &Co
W. F. Gillespie of Mynard was in
the city yesterday for a few hours
looking after some matters of busi
ness, as well as visiting with his
Walter Cummings and wife, who
have been here for a few days visiting
with relatives and friends, departed
this afternoon for their home in South
Peter Jorgensen and George Peters
came up last evening via the auto
route from Avoca to attend the Elks'
lodge, where Mr. Peters was inducted
into membership.
Mrs. Nelson Jean and little daugh
ter returned home last evening from
Piainview, Neb., where they have been
visiting at the home of Fred W.
Ebinger and family.
Pay attention and cash and save
money by taking advantage of our
cut prices on goods advertised and
also on a lot we haven't space to
Hershey's Cocoa, per pound. .20c
Gold Medal Cord Flakes, 2 pks. . 15c
Grape Fruit, per dozen 30c
McLaren's Peanut Butter, per lb 15c
Full line of Candies
Star Peaberry" and "Our Pride,"
both splendid coffee at 25c per lb.
Cottage and Carnation milk
small size 6 for 2oc; large size
3 for 25c
Call or phone 4-34- We deliver
Freh Fruits and Vegetables
Cedar Creek
Miss Henrich spent Friday in Platts
George Forneff was in Plattsmouth
Mrs. Metzger visited in Plattsmouth
Lloyd Schneider was in Omaha
P. H. Roberts was in Plattsmouth
Thursday. -
Henry Thierolf spent Friday in
Ed Heil and wife spent Wednesday
in Omaha.
Dr. Gilmore was in Cedar Creek
Henry Meisinger spent Thursday in
Andy Thomsen spent Tuesday in
Philip Stoher spent Saturday in
Irven Meisinger spent Saturday in
Miss Myrtle Hennings spent Thurs
day in Omaha.
John Busche and wife visited G. P.
Meisinger Easter.
Frank Doskey of Louisville was ir
Cedar Creek Sunday.
r.irs. v imam .Meisinger was in
Plattsmouth Thursday.
George Ryhart of Louisville was in
Cedar Creek Wednesday.
Mrs. Harry Meisinger was shopping
in Plattsmouth Thursday.
G. P. Heisinger and wife were shop
ping in Plattsmouth Friday.
Harry Meisinger and wife spent
Easter with G. P. Meisinger.
Jerry Schroder and family spent
Easter with Louis Keil at Cullom.
Lew Myers and wife spent Easter
in Omaha with Jerry Frey and wife.
Mrs. G. P. Meisinger and son
Irven, spent Monday in Plattsmouth.
G. L. Meisinger and sons, Glenn
and Lawrence, were in Plattsmouth
Lloyd Schneider drove to Platts
mouth Monday and took the early
train for Omaha.
Miss Tremain and Miss Hendricks
left Friday evening for their homes
to spend Easter.
It begins to look like summer was
almost here. There was quite a crowd
cf boys down on the ball diamond Sun
day evening.
George Stoher and family, Pete
Schroder and family and Gus Keil and
family spent Easter at the Philip
Stoher home.
James Hessenflow and A. O. Ault
journeyed to Plattsmouth in Jim's
auto Tuesday. They report the roads
in fairly good shape.
Clyde Lyle received a message Mon
day night announcing the death of his
wife's sister at Waco. Mrs. Lyle left
for that place Tuesdaj.
Mrs. R. N. Thomsen received two
carloads of hay Monday, and Adam
Meisinger one and Wolf & Ault one,
making four loads of hay for Monday,
Dave Jourdine and family of Orea-
polis, John Meisinger, sr., and family,
Frank Solsburg and family and Philip
Schafer and family ate Easter dinner
t the John Gauer home.
The Sunday school class, which has
been practicing for some time, will
give an entertainment on Friday,
April 9th, the proceeds to go to the
hurch. Everybody invited. Admis
ion, 10 and 15 cents.
Roy Swartz came down from Omaha
Saturday and preached two fine ser
mons Easter. The roads were in fair
condition and the day was fine and
there was a large crowd out at both
morning and evening services.
"Tom Thumb's Wedding."
(Too Late for Last Week.)
Tom Thumb's Wedding, given at the
Union church Friday night, was a
success. JMiss aum, tne director, not
arriving until late Thursday evening,
the children had only Friday to re
hearse in, but nevertheless they did
their parts well and everyone was
pleased with the entertainment. The
door receipts were $34.20.
Makes 61 Feel Like 16.
If we receive 500 subscriptions to Tin
Ladies Home Journal, The Saturda
Evening Post, Ttie Countrv Gentleman
$1.50 tch, each month till April 30, tc
EQUAL laht year's business, the original
$5,000, earned 3 vear ago, become tlit
ASSN., making $7,000 to pension inva
lid. No salaries. Invalid-, get all.
YOUR ORDER or renewal contribute?
50c or more towards the support ot a scort
tt invalids who have received pnsior
enccks each month iicariy two er.
Alwy address yoc order to
bOfcOOR. I HE HA6AZINE MAN, Oaifti. Ir.
I suffered from kidney ailment for
two years, writes Mrs. M. A. Bridges,
Robinson, Miss. "I commenced tak
ing Foley Kidney Pills about ten
months ago. I am 61 years of age
and feel like a 16-year-old girl." Foley
Kidney Pills invigorate weak and de
ranged kidneys, relieve backache,
rheumatism and bladder trouble. Sold
as new.
For Sale.
incubators for sale. Good
'Phone 362. R. L. Propst.
Sell your property by an ad in The
l'Ul ta Kti
' iU4ii. 1 mill. e
yer known s Best, Safest. Atwys S.hl4e
jnw v rMMii Mr A
llmmoi4 TrndX
nl Crii lliltVW
Special Sale of Fruit Trees
Flowers and Shrubbery
60 Grimes Golden 25 Snowball
150 Jonathan 25 Lilac
60 Stayman Wine Sap 25 Hydrangea
30 Wealthy 50 Spirea Van H. V
50 Gano 10 Honeysuckle
20 Keiffer Pears ROSES
50 Plum, assorted 50 Queen Prairie
100 Concord Grapes 50 Crimson Rambler
50 Red Current 50 Dorothy Perkins
1 WkFTV -
Alvo Notes
spent Saturday in
Henry Clapp
William Casey was a Lincoln visit
or Wednesday.
Miss Grace Bailey was a Lincoln
visitor Saturday.
Dr. I. D. Jones of Murdock was in
town last Friday.
Charles Pringle went to Omaha on
business Wednesday.
Fred Prouty was in Lincoln on
business Wednesday.
Ed Evans was a passenger io Lin
coln Monday morning.
Mrs. F. M. Grove returned from
Omaha Monday on No. 13.
George Skiles of Murdock was in
town on business Wednesday.
Clarence Bucknell was having dental
work done in Lincoln Monday.
Mrs. Lydia Howe and children spent
Easter Sunday in South Bend.
Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Kirkpatrick re
turned home from Lincoln Monday.
Sam Cashner was transacting busi
ness in Omaha Monday and Tuesday.
Mrs. William Casey visited with
friends in Lincoln Monday and Tuesday.
Mrs. Fred Prouty and Mrs. Walter
Rathbun were Murdock visitors Thurs-
Armenus Foreman, of Raymond is
visiting relatives and friends here this
Alvin Cashner was a passenger to
Lincoln Wednesday, returning home
on No. 14.
William Westfall has purchased a
new "Mandy Lee" incubator from the
Alvo Drug Co.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Stuitheit of
Lincoln are spending the week with
Mr. and Mrs. H. Moore.
Henrietta Underwood of Omaha
spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. G.
P. Foreman, sr., and family.
Charles Pringle has been enjoying
visit from his father, who returned
to his home in Lincoln Tuesday.
FOR SALE Thoroughbred White
Plymouth Rock eggs, per setting 3ic.
Mrs. R. A. Kuehn, Alvo, Neb.
Mrs. Pringle of Red Oak, Iowa, who
has been visiting her daughter, Mrs.
Ed Evans, returned home Saturday.
The Misses Ethel Magee :uid Hazel
Westover of Lincoln cam down Sun
day on No. 18, visiting tt the G. P.
Foreman home until Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Shaffer and son,
Castle, returned Monday morning
from South Bend, where they spent
Easter with Fred Weaver and family.
S. A. Tipton, experienced jeweler, of
Lincoln, was in town last Saturday
and will be here every two weeks on
Saturdays. Leave your work at the
drug store.
Uncle George Cook spent Easier in
Plattsmouth with relatives and
friends. Uncle George remembered
the Alvo Drug Co. when he sliced the
home-cured ham and brought in a
generous package, which was very
Mr. and Mrs. J. II. Stroemer return
ed home Saturday from Barneston.
where they were called on account of
the former's father being .sick. They
left him feeling much better. Miss
Marie spent Saturday with her grandfather.
Sun and Wind Bring Out Ugly Spott
How to Remove Easily.
Here's a chance, Miss Freckle-face,
to try a remedy for freckles with the
guarantee of a reliable dealer that it
will not cost you a penny unless it re
moves the freckles; while if it does
give you a clear complexion the ex
pense is trifling.
Simply get an ounce of othine
double strength from any druggist
and a few applications should show
you how easy it is to rid yourself of
the homely freckles and get a beauti
ful complexion. Rarely is more than
one ounce needed for the worst case.
Be sure to ask the druggist for the
double strength othine, as this is the
prescription sold under guarantee of
money back if it fails to remove
Save One Bushel of Oats
Out of Every Five
Make your horses use every ounce
of nourishment in every pound of
feed to best advantage.
Animal Regulator
Paekagew 2Sc. 50c, St.OOSS Ik. mail S3. 00.
will do this it has been known to save as
much as a bushel of oats out of every five,
by insuring thorough digestion and assimi
lation. This is well worth while at the
present price of feed.
The results health, spirits and fine
appearance make it
highly profitable even
if feed costs nothing.
Try Pratts Animal Reg
ulator this year ani
the other Pratt Reme
dies, everyone the best
of its kind. Refuse
pubstitutes; insist on
Dip mi Disiafectaat
Colic Rtrntif
Wr Pwder
HeaKmf Oia'arat
Healiaf Powder
Heave Reawo
Dnteaper aa4 Fiafe Ey
Eaf Oin'.meat
For tha quick and thomo
cura of all aore, cut. arrairl.
SrrtaFe. etc., nothing equal 1'raua
Healing Ointment.
"Satisfaction Cuaraatccd ar Moary Back"
859 Cet Pratts Almanac.
C Cl L J- V. EGENBERGER, Plattsmouth
For DaieOy WOLFF C AULT. Cedar Crook