The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, April 08, 1915, Page PAGE 3, Image 3

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Low Piound Trip Fares to
Pacific Coast
CA fAan FrancJCO
DUUU San Diego.
$H A A Portland, Astoria, Tccomo, Seattle, Everett,
OlUU BelSingham, Vittoris, Vancoucer, New West
minster. $f7 f an J71"00800 including trip through Port
J I civ land, Tacoma, or Seattle in one direction.
Correspondingly low fares from other points. Final return
limit three months from date of sale.
These fares remit visiting without additiccal railioad fare
the Panama-Pacific International Exr-tition. San Francisco (ortn
until Dete nber 4) and the Panama Oilifcrria txiosition, San
Di?o (open all Near); also stouuvtr ct Denver, v.'vh free side trip
to Colorado Springs and siopovtr at Suit Lake City when your
.ticket is routed
3 V vlCjTT-'iJ
In u -in ir the telephone, pome of us
overlook the fact that the invisible
young- v-eman whom we address as ;
"Centra!" is just such a young girl as j
our pretty Edith who we -watch so j
rroud'.v a? .she goes off with Fred and
iT . , . ,
Harry to play tennis. "Central, poor
U or-d Ir,-.- r-alf o,lIl
f ully as much as Edith dot s, I
lut the fact that she has no time for
such pictures does not vex her a
tl'-'e. What does annoy her is the
. ....
rmTuiar state ot mma wn icn leaas tr.e .
i-l, r.u.. (V.i11
u; -n il . "I"'-' cuv. ui inc
re to treat
uncivi'lv, to call her
ten her with com-
jjt'd. to threa
plairts to the, because
siie tanr t alwavs and instantly make ;
li'.j de.-ired connection for the partv
. , latui S-li With aii'l X-na Srlnvali
t.'ie second part. To be rude to) Ti at a i.i'rinw v.i.i ii- i ni-.i mini
Centra!" is the
,..-..., i...,.v. ..riiie h lietial urns or sa hi petition ami
I-"-111" in r Jul j
ro'in Tr-anners. recause sne cannot
manners. 1
proter-t herself from insult.
re Yoa Using Foresl
Ross Ficur?
If Not, Try a Sack Today
Every Sack Guaranteed
:U-d V r:-hc
n ?tl!ict,
Vvi'l n.ake the season of 1015 as fol-
lows: On .Mondays, Tuesdays an I
V.'ednesc'ays at tlie George Kraejre
i'u:m. three miles west and one-half
n:i'e south of Myr.ard; and Thursday.
iday and .Saturday of each week at
ih - Earl Wiles fam. five miles south
f Cedar Creek. Jaloux is a beauti-
"ul black Fercheron. weighing 1)50
: c t-n Is, and v. as foaled March 5, 100.:.
by JI. Dur&nd. Department of
O lie. lie is a rood foal-jretter.
-tandins: full seventy per cent breed-
JALOUX (S .ofJ) was imported
Oiioir r, lfill, by E. J. Heisel, Fre-
nrnt. Iowa, and is recorded hv the
I'e -che-en society ot America No.
Sire Bcffon (6G472), by
u.i:ieur la.ujoj, ry ivesuiator jwji
ir.iil). by Jules (379S7J, by Villers
r i.-,f) (80S1), by Briard 5317 (lf30),
1 y Ilrllilant 1271 (,75.r), by Brilliant
Los Angeles, Oakland and
Union Pacific
Standard road of the West
I ". ir i ; I i f i ! ! v i ! 1 11 -1 r : T hml. ,M "i ali fornia :ml the
K ;niii!'in" N". I"- ami furihi-r informal ion teta'ixe t
rate, t" pes. -.r.;)'i t rai;.l vide i r.p pr'n i yv ap li In
W. S. BAS1NGER. G. P. A.,
Omaha. Neb.
FOR SALE Fawn and V"hite Indian
Runner duck egrg-s, white etrg- strain,
1.00 per 13, $5.00 per 100. Inquire
of A. O. Range, Route 1, Piatts
rr.outh, Neb. 4-5-tf-wkly
Paints and Oils, Gering& Co
The K. S. society will pive a danre
en Saturday evening. April 10th. at
their hall on West Locust street. The
public is invited to attend. Good
music will be furnished.
l THK OI TV (111 IIT IIP Til I"
i oi m i of m:hk k .
'he inatte-r Of till' estate ot DelllUll
Niillw of Kinnl if-ll!-iii-nl.
; interested that .n t i i-'uh i;tv of
rar-j7i! e eVn.orf w7,,
' 'f'sU,n"-'il 'r I'eiiiah Schwab, dee-eased.
! f i : - i Ins petition in this court, tosre-.h-
nb l is tinii aee.iur.t nk'nr the
same he apiinnxl an. I allowed, and
,i .., residue in his l:an.!s lie (listri
I" ,'"' ,'-","s ,f ' .'
l-m;'-il t l.t-r.-t o. urn) allt-vs tPiit 1 1 :
!"niy i ir.- ntni iaiecs ot sai.i ifi :is
smi h ;i
follow s: .loi.n Sdiv.-nl
M. Maso.j. Saiiuo-1 S.l.wai
Scl'Wali, I'iiarlcs I". SliWali,
1 1 , i i
I i-ms ot a liecen simI som. r
v.- s, i wai., KMa Srhwai.. i,is willow
SJlj1 tinal .-Mioni.t at tin- dficp of
1 l,!''0 i ""it ""si,
::i i li; us i ii o li 1 1 1 , - i ass t otiriiy, f riip---k.i.
or: tie ';th. lay of .ntil , I ..
ill.",, at leii o'clock, .A. M.. ami if no
o.jf lions or exceptions thereto is tilcl
liefore sai'l time the orayer of siiiil
petition will Ie rantetl.
I ;r. e.l tins l-Mli ia of Mitrcli, A. .,
1 Hv tie I'onit
aiij:.' .1. i-.kksov.
I'otllltv J ll litre.
I : A V." f .S A: T: 'Hi:i:TSi N, Atlorni-ys.
OTKK OK llltltlG I'lUKII" IF
1. 1..
In tlir 4'iiuiitr Court of the ConatT of
t fiMK. elirnk.a.
In the Matter of the Ktate of Archi
bald M. Holmes. I'eceased:
Notice is liereliv piyen to all per-
I sons interested that on tlie luth dav
i of .-prii. A. I . in the office of the
niinty Jiiilpre. in the Court House,
I'lattsmout li. Cass Count v. Neliraskn,
the followins' matters will lie heard
and considered, to-wit: Tlie application
of Harriet A Smith to admit to pro
late tin- 1-ist will and testament cf
Arcl'ihalil M. Holmes, late of the vil
l.isre of Alurray. in saitl county, de
ceased, and that Letters Testamentary
he issued to C. A. llawls.
Said petition also alP-irinff that ITarv
K. l:als, Harriet A. Smith, .N'vllie 1:.
"i.iirchi II. .lames - W. Holmes. Arthur
I'. Holmes. Troy S. Holmes and Arnold
Holmes, are the only heirs at law of
said deceased.
Hated this J"th (lav of March, A.
I. 1&1"i. r.v the Court.
County Judge.
- "mm
1?t)9 (7oG),by Coco II (774), by Vieux
Chaslin (713), by Coco (712), by Mijer
non (715), by Jean le Blanc (739).
Dam Favorite (47272), by Nectar
219D4 (42505), by Buffalo (34052), by
Iavator 11412 (14574), by Champeaux
C218 (2248), by Iagro 995 (7G8), by
Utopia 780 (731), by Superior 454
(730), by Favor I (711), by Vieux
Chaslin (713), by Coco (712), by Mi-
rion (715), by Jean le Blanc (739).
2d Dam Malice (30208), by Rodrig-
ues 0220 (10C26), by Valliant (404),
by Prosper (803), by Decide (892), by
Vieux Pierre (894), by Coco (712), by
Migmon (715), by Jean le Bianc (739).
od Dam SoDhie (2350G). bv Marnnis
SOS (774), by Superior 454 (730), by
I'avori I (711), by Vieux Chaslin
(713), by Coco (712), by Minon
(715), by Jean le Blanc (739).
4th TlpmTtimn hno- T I
Duval. ,
TERMS $15.00 to insure
colt to '
stana ana suck. t,are will be taKen to
prevent accidents, but will not be re-I
sponsible for any that may occur.
Hdjss Ccmmittea of the Who's
Comes Out In lis Favor.
Senator Guinby Achieves Action by
Upper Chamber Upon Resolution In
dorsing Wilron Administration.
Long Term Eill Up to Governor.
Unro'ii. April S. After one of the
warmest debates of the session in the
house, the Hcvell anti-disc r!minatiuri
insurance bill, senate file 46, was rec
icnmiended ffir passage by a decisive
vote, which was even a surprise to the
friends of the liill.
Curiously enough the fisht was -d
mi liolh sides by a minority member,
tad both of them of the I-aneaste"-lounty
delegation. Peterson was in
iharge of the tisht against the hill.
h'if Modiett led the forces defending
the measure.
l.igeett of Reward proposed an
amendment giving the state insurance
department authority to increase or
decrease rates. This was withdrawn
until attr the bill had been read on
request of Mockett. but again intro
duced at the close of the reading and
Anion? those who spoke for the hill
were Trumble and Ianigan, while
Stebens assisted Peterson in the ar
gument aca'nst the bill.
When the vote was taken on indefi
Trte postponement it was soon evident
that the pill would live, and the vote
of "3 for postponement to C3 against
indicated that the bill has a good show
for passage.
Greater Omaha Election Waits.
The fate of the proclamation calling
for a special election on the consoli
dation of the cities to compr:se the
proposed "Greater Omaha" rests on
house roll 137. Governor Morehead
said that No 137. which provides for
the raising of funds to run the greater
city between Jan. 1. when the Omaha
municipal verr expires, and the time
when the other cities' municipal year
expires, must b taken care of or 't
will be useless to Issue the proclama
One More Judge For Lancaster.
Following a conference with leading
members of the Lancaster county bar.
Governor Morehead sent to the house
a bill for the creation of an additional
district judge for the Iincaster coun
ty district. While generally opposing
the creation of new offices, the srov
error stated that as Lancaster county
furnished 15 per cent of the supreme
court cases and was badly behind n
its work, he believed another jad-?
should he appointed for the district. I
Many Changes to Dry Column Made.!
Revised returns of
the municipal !
elections held in Nebraska revealed
an unusual number of changes from
the wet to the dry column by cities of
the state. Out of seventy-one cities
reporting dry. twenty-four changed
from wet to dry. Out of fifty-seven
cities ripening ;n the wet column,
nine had changed from the dry col
umn. Long Term Bill Up to Governor.
The bill extending the terms o!
county officers so that all will have a
four year term and giving certa'n oft
rials a chance to hold until lflS with
out having to run for office again in
3 910. came back from the house on n
conference committee report, and the.
report was accepted. It will be up to
the governor now to give his approval.
Wilson Is Indorsed.
After trying several times to get an
indorsement of the administration of
President Wili-on through ti e leg sla
ture without result. Senator Quinby
finally wes successful. The name of
Vv'illiam Jennings Bryan was stricken
from the indorsement and ail other
reference eliminated except as to the
peace policies of the administration.
Jitney Company Would Issue Eonds.
The state railway commission has
received its nrst application from a
Jitney company for permission to is-
sue stock. Under a recent riiiinr o' I
the attorney genera! "jitneys" are
common carriers. The application is
made by the Grand Island Jitney com
pany and is for $10,000 worth cf stock.
Grain Rate Complaints.
On the request of J. "Vr. Shorthlll.
Fecretary of the Farmers' Co operative
Grain and Live Stock association, the
state railway c-ommirfion's hearings
on the grain rate complaints of the
company have been continued until
June la. They were originally set for
April 20. The cornpla nts ask a reduc
tion in rates and for certain joint rates.
House Acts on Jail Feeding Bill.
Senate file 249. the sheriff's feedinr
fi ll, rassed the house with fifty-seven
Auies ,n us, uiul ine mn gives rnc Lincoln, April SThe advisor
Douglas county sheriff the right to board rf ror,, nr,d ,.9rn lnrt,- ,,r
harge 32 cents per day for feeding'
his prisoners
Sherman-Howard League Schedule.
Farweil. Neb.. April 8. A meeting
of the Sherman-Howard league man
agers was held at St. Paul. Neb. i
' 1" UA ot' r, i
rrpm - lput Tor 1 1 S while Ci 4 n;
Of Farweil was reelected -Secretary-
treasurer. St. Libory was admitted
mto tne league, wnicn wui mane a
??veneam lsague. A schedule of;
iwe;ve games will be piaed and the
season will open on May 2. j
Finance Committee Puts Back What
Was Cut Cut by House.
Lincoln, April 8. -As was expected,
the jsenate did nut sympathize- with
the economy plan as put forth by the
house arid as a result slashes made
by tlie lower body are eliminated by
the finance coniiu tic e of the senate,
which proceeded, to concur in the re
port. This will mean u conference
pommittee unless the house recedes
fiom its former action
The maintenance appropriation bill
for the s'ate offices will probably b?
reported out today. The real sciap of
the sc-ssicn will probably bo waged on
this reasure. with the national gu:.ri
and normal training in high schools
approi-.nat'ons fui nisiiing the storm
centers. It is rumor d mat the uppor
house, in a diametric t.-pposition to the
Vower. will raise the iormer and cut
the latter.
Tho Knife amendments to the sal
ary bill are v ry numerous. Ev ry
cut made by 'he house ;s put back to
the former figure, lu Strife Superin
tendent Thomas office, however, the
senate slashes two .';! on is own
accord. The a!ary of th" assistant.
Miss Elith 1 athrep. - si 'ted frcrn Sl.
Ef'O to ? ! T. r a r.d the s :lar of Tin
deputy. Miss Alice Stanley . is cut In
exactly the same rw.-nr.
The senate p.n th'- rail ' c-om'm's-sion
and it l'te shy d; narttuc-nt. tlie
hitter wholly neglected by the house,
haclc on the old l.ais.
Governor Signs Ivisasars For rievs
Plan of taSsrina Cars.
Lincoln. Apr'l S. Th antoisoM'e
registration bill is now a law, the
governor having s'gnt-.l it. Secretary
of State Pool lias alrr-udy niade hi"
plans to oul'orr.i villi the new lav.
and has let the cortra-ts tor the new
numbers, to be ftirnVueJ eich 5 ear In
difl'erc-nt colors by the state.
The numlje-s for th' year are lair!
blacl; on a white La: hcrrour.d. Next
ye:-r tie color will b- (iiffcrent and
an body vperat'ng a c ar under an ex
pired lit ens? will be easy to appre
hend. The old law rrfjui! ins; two numbers
is repealed. Now tl.eio no'fl 1 e but
fhe one and the M'o. furn's'ies that.
However, the lee is im-reased from ST
to .'! for nrfo-' ar.d !'"
n ?1 to 52 for
mot or"yc!es. Cf this fee. paid tn the
courtv treasurers. 3" rents ?s rem:'te?
to the ifito treasurer, and rnoush o
if rsed by the fecietr.iy of state to
cover th' pxikt.sp of numbers and
reistrat ion.
It wi'l be a matter of a weelr-o- tor. ;
days be' ore tlio new numbers will be
available. Tt;se who hav already
taken cut the ir licen.-i s this year
and they number from A tni to ".mo.
can s ow their receipts in place o'
the new nutnhers.
F.efuse Cerrrnds of Union
Men st Omaha.
Omaha. April . A controre-sy is
in progress between union brfck'ayers
and cither members of tho buildliiF
fades in Omaha an 1 employers.
The union bricklayers want 7 certs
rn hour beginning with Mav 1. while
the contrac tors wnr.t to give th- m 7
cents beginning July 1. They are get
bus 7'i cents an he tr now.
There is also mother issii". Five 1
trades unions in the city ha
lzed the "Allied P.iildirg Trades coi-
ferfnee." They are the brick'nyers,
plasterers. stonecutters. carpenters
and hoisting engineers. They de
mand that r-ontiactors employ only
I union labor in these five crafts.
Tiui!"ers and rontrac1ors object tn
the demrrd that union ho"strn:r on si
nrers must be employed.
Sues Mcther-ln-Law For $15,000.
Madison. Xeb.. April 8. Etta F.
Rautenberg, w fe of Fred W. Rauttn
berg of Norfolk, has brougtht action
in tlie district court to recover $ir,.niP
from her mother-in-law, Mrs. Bertha
V. Rautenberg. She alleges in her
Petition that she was riarr e-d to Fred
w- Rautenberg April 7. f14. at Mad
! ison. Neb.; that she and her htuhnnd
lived happily together. The defend
ant niother-in law succeeded in per
suading her husband last February tc
desert her.
Insurance Case Taken to High Court
Lincoln, April 8. The case of Mary
F. Thomas against the Rankers' Life
Association of Ees Moines, la., has
been appealed to the supreme court
from Douglas county. The p'n-nt'f.
r-ued on an insurance policy for 3f'0
! rn the life of her husband. The de
fense was that the mutual assessment
had not been paid nor the insured re
instated within the proper time.
Maynards Case Up to Pardon Eoard.
the appIiration of Roy Mayr.ard for a
pardon. He was committed in Mav
3907. from Box Butte county. Ue wa
convicted of killing a man namoc
Barnes of Alliance and given a life
ana commitrs.encrs Renom.natsd
umana, Apr b. Revised ncrures o
the nr'm.-.rv p!rt'--i in nm-ln !f.- 0 t,
commissioners thnw th"t Vf- rvh?.l
man's lead over the .-rt're field i?
substantial ra-ir.g'n. his total ben" 7,
9159. a cf th9 p-re'-ert city commis
gloners were reaominated.
Reinforcements Ghssk Kascayife
Invaders in lizck Fass.
Crar's Forces Sweep Down Slopes cf
Eeskid Mountains cn Plains cf Hun
gary Another Big Battle Is Raging
on French Soil.
The Russians, having carried the sum
mits of the principal chain of the
E2skid mountains, are moving down
the slopes on the Hungarian side.
Farther west, beyond Laborcza. the
Austriars apparently are holding
the Slavs in check. This is believed
ricie to German reinfercements.
Desperate fighting continues between
the Mcselie and the Meuse in
France. The result is net decisive
and the er.d cf the battie is still far
cff. The losses are tremendous.
Sulisn rvthmed of Turkey is con
vinced that the allies cannot force
the Dardanelles. Field Marsiial ven
Ze Golti has 1 25O.CC0 trained men
to guard against land invasion.
London. April &. The Russians,
having carried the summits of the
principal chain of the Eeskid moun
tain in Hk western section, are com
ing down the ruggtd slopes to gain
po.--sesson ot the southern spurs, some
of which they have already captured,
areo-dng to the official statement
from Russian headquarters.
Farther to the east, however, be
yond the Laborcza valley, the Austri
ans apparently are holding the' Rus
sian troops in check.
I rr.i-esfionahly heavy reinforce
ments have come to the support of
bo;"n he opposing forces and the Aus
trc Hungarians r.ow have added to
their strength numerous German con-tins-ents.
which are giving them pow
er: ul aid ia checking the Russians' ad
varic e through Uzok pass, the only 1 ne
o:' defense which the Russians have
not succeeded in breaking.
Eoth the French and Germans td!
of the bitter str.vrgle which is going
01 between the rivers Meuse and Mo
selle in France, ai.d the fight is by no
v..' "ins ended, although there are evi
dence s that the losses on both sides
j are great.
The operations around Verdun were
! begun several days ago by the Frenc h,
, I whose offensive was undertaken for
the purpose of fore ng back the Ger-
S mau line at sr. .Miniei. uamis are
made by both of important successes,
wli'ch cr.n be reconciled by the fact
thvt the ofTicial statements issued
hoar respectively on different points
of the line. The one thing certain is
that wherever an advance is made the
pr'ce is paid.
Ice Is Ercken by German Shells and
Russian Soldiers Drown.
Koci. ig-herg. April S. The d'flScul
tles with which the opposing forces
in Fast Prussia have h3d to contend
dtflng the winter months are de
scribed by a Prussian soldier who has
: I boon through the long campaign. His
company was entrenched near one of
the Masurian lakes, when throe Rus
sian companies attempted a surpr'se
jnmclc br creeping over the ice. The
w-.. -i"-".
rna tne tjermans woie ame 10 auniai
Iae every mem' er of the Russian
force without leaving the trenches by
the simple expedient of breaking up
the ice with heavy shells, so that their
opponents drowned.
House of Msrshall Looted by Burglars.
Indianapol's. April 8. The homo
here of Thomas R. Marshall, vice
president of the United States, has
been entered by burglars. Vice Presi
dent and Mrs. Marshall are visitinf
relatives of Mrs. Marshall in Scotts
dale. Ariz., where they went after Mr.
Marshall bad represented President
Wilson at the dedication of the Pan-inm-Pacifle
exposit cn at San Fran
oo. It has not been learned wheth
er anything of value had been taken.
Var Forces Up Wages In England.
London. April 8. Members of the
house of commons who hare been in
vestigating recent labor troubles 'n
various parts of Great Britain have
received several complaints from man
ufacture's that the extremely high
wages paid by the war office is one of
the great difficulties with which they
have to deal.
Aviators Attack Military Train.
Geneva, April 8. Two French avi
rtors pursued a German military tram
frera Marbach to Yiilingen in the
!Mack forest. They damaged the rail
way and stations along the line. On
tlfieir returned they dropped bombs
z.t Muelheim and Neuborg.
Connecticut House Rejects Suffrage.
Hartford. Cnn., April 8. A pro
posed constitutional amendment giv
ing women the right of suffrage was
rejected by the Connecticut house ot
tp-iiesentat ives. 124 to 10th
Vnn HinHp-hnrn In IM!W Joh
Taris Anr?l R Th Temns Rav H
Is learned from Berlin that Field
Marshal von Hindenburg will leave
tho eastern for the western front this
Concrete Work Guaranteed!
We could not do that if we were not sure every time
we do a piece of concrete work that it is done right.
We Know How
or we would not take a chance on rebuilding our
work. We know how to mix concrete and how to put
it in, and every job we handle is there to stay.
Silo, Water Tank, Water Storage
Tank, Walls
all built by us under an absolute guarantee to be
of first-class material and workmanship and we stand
back of it.
Come in and See Us
if you are thinking of building anything this year. We
have a number of new ideas about building that will
interest you.
Just south of Postoffice on Fifth Street.
Concrete Construction Co.,
In the Iitrl-t four of (wi County,
Doc. X. No.
Farmers & Merchants Bank of Ashland,
Nebraska, a Corporation, .
Henry Bomin, et al.,
Tf the unknown heirs and devisees of
Ktmiia J:oniin. (lecf-aned : Iean Komin
Snider and V.illiani Snider, husband
of Je-tia Komin Snider: tlie- iinkrcMvri
heirs and devisees of Lena Uoiiihj
Snider, deceased, and AfineH Ariel i;i
littlf-. non-resident defendants, im
pleaded Willi other defendants:
You and each of you are her""v
notified that on the 10th day of March.
lSir., the Kurmers A; Merchants Hank of
Ashland, Nebraska, jilaintift herein,
tiled its petition in Die a hove entitled
cause, in the District Court of -Cass
e'ountv, Nebraska, against you and "a-!i
or voii. impleaded with other defen 1
ints. the object and prayer eif which Is
to. foreclose a certain mortsratre ex
ecuted on the li'th elay of April, lieOl'.
bv Frederick Komin and Catharine
Horn in. his wife, upon tlie property de
scribed as follows. situated in the
County of Cass and State of Nebraska.,
The North half fN. i) f the North
east uuarter IN. K. 'j I of Sec tion six
teen llfi. Township twelve
ten C10). Bast eif the Ctli V. M.
Said mortuase was given to secure
the pavme-nt of a note for the sum of
one thousand dollars e $ 1 .imo.f 0 due
and pavable on tlie lL'tli day of April.
lHli', and there is now ilue and pavable
rin said note the sum of five hundred
dollars e with interest thereon
it the rate of six per cent : per cent)
!.er annum from the Bah day of Aprii.
1H14. for which sum, with interest and
; osts I'laintifT prays for a decree,
the defendants be required to pav tlie
same and that in default of such pay
ment said premises may be sold to
satisfy the amount found due on sat-J
You are recti i-ed to answer said pe l
tion on or before the lftii day of April,
; ! i :.
Dated at Plattsmouth. Cnss County,
Vebraska. this 10th (lav of March. 1 1 5.
Cornora t ion.
tlv AKTlin: C. PANCDAST.
Its Attorney.
State of Nebraska,
Cass Count v.
In the matter of the estate of Agatha
Stull. deceased:
Notice is hereby piven that the credi
tors of said deceased will meet the ad
ministrator of said estate liefore the
County Judee of Cass county. Nebras
ka, at the county court room in the
citv of Plattsmouth. in said county on
the 2nd dav of Anril, 115 and the 3rd
of September. 1!15. at 10 o'clock a. m..
ach day, for the purpose of presenting
their claims lor examination, sujum
munt Mm! nllnwnnpf.
Six months are allowed for the cred
itors of the said deceased to present
their claims, and one year for tlie ad
ministrator to settle saul estate irom
iIid n,1 dm- of Mnreh.
Witness my hand and the seal of said
County Court at Plattsmouth, Nehras
ka. tiiis 24th dav of February. 1H15.
County Jhdge.
D. O. DWTEB. Attorney.
utoii i,i'i:sk.
Notice is hereby rlven to a.11 persons
interested and to the public, that the
undersigned, C. S. Trumble, has hied
his petition and application in the of
ice of the clerk of the village of Harle,
Countv of Cass, and State of Nebraska,
as reiiuired by-law. siirned by the re
liiired number eif resident freeholders
f said village, settinyr forth that the
itipiicnnt is a man of resepctable
haracter anel standi tir. ami a resilient
f the State of Nebraska, rynd praying
'hat a license may lie issued to tlie said
S. Trumble for ttu sale of malt
-pirituous and vinous liquors for the
leriod eif one year from the date of
the hearina: of said application, in a
'uildinsr situated on lots seven and
-is-ht (7 and M, in bloe-k nineteen (IS)
of tlie said village of Eagle. Nebraska.
April 5. 1915. Applicant.
o.ioit i.iciasi:.
Notice is hereby driven to all persons
interested and to the public, that the
undersig-ned. Edward F. Oedschla prer.
as filed his petition and application
in tlie office of the clerk of the village
f Eagle. County of Cass, and State of
Vebraska, as reiuired by law, siKneel
by the reeiuireel number of resident
freeholders of the saiel village, setting
forth that the applicant is a man of
respectable character and stanelinR aid
I resident of the State of Nebraska,
lan praying that a license may lie is
sued to the said Edward F. Oelschlager
for the sale of malt, spirituous and
v-inous liquors for the period of one
v-eo- from the elate of the hearing- of
said application, in a builelinsr situated
011 itits live and six (5 and 6), In block
nineteen C19i of the said village of
Eagle-. Nebraska.
April 2. 1913. Applicant.
tt WTV OF CSS, M:itltKA.
In the matter of 'the estate of Harvey
D. Travis, deceased:
Notice Is hereby piven to all persons
interesteel in the estate of Harvey D.
Travis, deceased, that on the 29th" dav
of March. A. D., 15. Earl B. Travis,
aelministrator of said estate filed his pe
tition asking for the approval of his di
al account and assignment of the residue
of said estate to such persons as are
by law entitled thereto, and alleciner
that he had no funds in his hands, or
no property subject to the payment of
the debts with which to pay the claims
allowed apainst said estate.
1 ou are rurener notined that a hear
ing: will be had on said petition on tlie
2Cth day or April. A. v., 1915, at ten
o'clock A. M., and if no objections or
exceptions thereto he filed before said
time, the prayer of said petition will
be n rant eel.
Dated this 31st day of March. A. D.,
Hilii. liv the "ouit.
ALLEN .1. I:KI;s .
Count v J udue.
SENTS, Thnt We, Joseph Fetzer, Mary
cetzer a Jul Henry F. llims do associate
ourselves together for t b pui pose eif
huminsr and ht-comint; a Corporation In
the State of Nebraska, for the trans
action of tlie business hereinafter de
scribed. AitTiti.i: 1.
M Ill-.
The name of this Corporation shall be
tinid.i: II.
Principal Place of IIuliieM.
The principal place 01 business of
this Corporation shall be in the City eif
Plattsmouth, County of Cass, State of
Nntnre of the ltiisiiieK.
The buyinir and selling eif footwear
and rubb-r tr'iods and repair work eif a
"-eneral retail sheie business, and the
leasing anel erection and maintenance
of such buileliniis and structures us
may be deemed ne-cessary, and the pur
chase of such real estate as may be
necessary in the cotid net i iijj- of such
business and to hf-ilil title thereto and
to transfer the sam-.
A It'll I.I". IV.
H pit it I Mek..
The authori.-d e-apital stock of said
Corporation shall be the sum eif
Twenty Thousand 1 $ jO.lino Dollars,
divided into two hundred shares of
vne Hundred e$100) Dollars each, to be
subscribed and paid as required by law
and the Board of Directors.
The existence of this Corpora Ion
shall commence on the 1st day of Feb
ruary. 191.V and shall terminate on the
31st day of December. Bet I, anel it shall
lf authorized to tiunsaet its corporate
affairs when these Articles eif In
corporation have bee-n tiled as required
by law.
Ilonrit of I llre-ir.
The business of this Corporation
shall be condue-ted by a Board eif three
Directors to be eleeteil bv the Stock
holders, such election to take place at
such time anel to be conducted in such
manner as shall be prcse-ribed by the
By-Laws of said Corporation.
ahtici.i: VII.
Ili rem.
The officers of said Corporation fhall
be a President, Vice President, Sec
retary, Treasurer and Manate-r. who
shall be cheisen by the Board of
Directors, and who shall hold their
offices for a period of one year and
until their successors shall be elected
and qualified.
ahtici.i: vi 11.
I nilelilr-il u run.
The hicrhest amemnt of indebtedness
to which said Corporation shall at iiriV
time subject itself shall lied exe-eed 11 u
amemnt eiual to one-third of its paid
up capital stuck.
ahtici.i: ix.
Planner of Holding; Meetlnu.
The manner of holding meetings of
stockholders for the election eif th
officers, and the methods of conducting
the business of tlie Corporat ien shall
be as provided In the By-Laws and
adopted by the Board of Directors.
A mruilmeo tn.
These Articles of Incorporation mav
be amended at any regular annual
meetintr of the stockholders culled for
that purpose, provided that sue-h pro
posed amendment be first upproveei hv
two-thirels vote of the entire Board
eif Directeirs. and if se approved to lie
entered at lar:e upon the records tf
said Board, and as provided bv law.
In witness whereof the undersigned
have hereunto set their hands this 9th
day of February, 1915.
Cass County, ss.
On this 9th dav of February, 1915, be
fore A. L. Tidd. a Neiti ry Public
duly commissioned and Qualified and
residinsr in said County. personally
came the above named, Jeiseph Fetzer.
Mary Fetzer and Henry F. Goos. who
are personally known to me to be the
identical persons whose names are
affixed to the above Articles of In
corporation as parties thereto, and th-y
each separately acknowledged the in
strument to be his and her voluntary
act and deed.
Witness my hand and neitarlal seal
the day and year last above written.
(Seal) A. L. TIDD.
Notary Public.
My Com. Exp. Oct. E, 191a.
V xss
Georg-e M. Thierolf, Plaintiff,
Myrtle M. Thierolf, Defendant.
To Myrtle M. Thierolf, Deiendant:
Yoti are hereby notified that ein the
9th day of March. 1915. the Plaintiff
herein, George M Thierolf. filed bis pe
tition in the District Court of Cuss
County. Nebraska, against you as de
fendant, the object and prayer e-f
which is to obtain an almolute di
vorce, and the custody of the minor
children,, namely, Leaha Thierolf,
Benton Thierolf. and Hazel Thierolf.
issue of said marriage upon the
trround of desertion and abandonment
for more than two years last past,
and for such other and further relief
as equity may require.
You are required to answer said
petition on or before the ':rd day of
May, A. D. 191fi. if you fall so to do
your default will be duly entered
herein and Judgment entered as prav
ed for in said petition.
Dated this 20th day of March. A. I.
A. I TIDD. Attorney tor Plaintiff.
S !