The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, March 25, 1915, Page PAGE 5, Image 5

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    THURSDAY. M4RCII 25, 1915.
Sring in Your Horses
'yypi'MS- v j jf
Will buy all good chunks from 5 to 10 years old, weighingfrom 1200 to 1600 pounds,
must be in good flesh and well broke. Mules from 5 to 9 years old, 15 to 15-3 high and
weighing from 1000 to 1200 ponnds. Must be fat, have good bone and be well broke.
Will be af Old Sage Barn, Plattsmouth, Saturday, arch 27
V i i i
Grasshopper Days in Nebraska.
The grasshopper pest that visited
Nebraska in 1873-71 caused a great
ileal of hardship to many, and how to
fret rid of the pests was a problem
that was hard to deal with, and
throughout the state in the winter and
spring of 1S7" meetings were held to
take steps to prevent further de
struction from the "hoppers." The
following, taken from the Nebraska
Herald of March, 1S7, gives an in
teresting account of a meeting held
in this city:
At an early ho-ir the farmers be
jran to jrather on the street?, and at 1
o'clock a large crowd had gathered in
front of the court house- The Agri-
cultural society met on the same day
r.nd it was thought best to wait until
they were through, which was done.
Great disappointment was felt be
cause Prof. Aughey failed to appear,
and the Herald particularly felt very
much disappointed. Many came out
almost on purpose to hear him speak.
The meeting was called to order by
Dr. Childs, and MacMurphy was
chosen secretary. MacDonagh having
declined acting, net being able to stay.
Mr. Scurvin sail he had a model of
a machine he would like to exhibit.
MacDonagh calls for information
about grasshoppers hatching out.
Mr- Todd asks, "Has anyone seen
young hoppers of this year?"
Mr. Dorrington had seen young
hoppers, oceans of them, in Richard
son county. Another gentleman has
seen them ten miles south of here.
Dr. Childs stated that his man
brought in a doi:en in a bottle that
day and he had seen some himself.
There was no question about their
hatching out and the eggs being
. Jas. Hall stated that he has a hog
yard where the ground has been root
ed and torn up so that the eggs are
turned up tot he surface, even single
cones and eggs (as you may say)
beinjr seen, and they are all lively,
healthy c jrqrs and are hatching. Has
no doubt but that alarge portion of
them will hatch. Has f5 acres on
which the eggs are as thick as thefy
tan lay, and they all seem healthy.
MacDonagh thinks one-half the
eggs laid will hatch and may then be
counted at f00 eggs (or young hop
pers) for every half-inch square of
T. J. Todd thinks the young hop
pers can be caught and destroyed at
the rate of 20 or 30 acres per 'Jay.
Doesn't think they arc easily killed by
frost, cold or any atmospherical
charges. They hatched in '53 and
froze and thawed out apparently and
there were still enough left.
The secretary was instructed to
read from Prof. Riley's lecture on the
destruction of young winged locusts.
MacDonagh thinks Riley a theorist.
Mr. Thomas suggests a machine
with weights, etc., to mash them in
the egg.
Dr. Childs asks if there are eggs in
the prairie sod or only on plowed or
3C )C
n nyvfw
cultivated lands. Mr. Droste says
that no eggs are found in the Ion
crass or out on the prairie: that ihey
are nearly all laid in culivatei
ground, along the edge of timber, and
where the grass has been herded or is
short- They are unequal on plowed
lands; ha has one field of 40 acres on
which there is not a hat full of eggs,
and others that are full. Locusts al
ways leave the prairie for the timber
en approach of a storm.
Adams quotes Judge Maxwell's ex
perience in 'oD and regards deep plow
ing in the fall or spring very useful.
In '09 he went out in the prairie and
found the ground literally covered
with them, way out in the prairie
someone started a fire, he was afraid
it would burn him up, burn his wh-it
field over, but it didn't, only burned
the hoppers up and he sold 1,'J0'J
worth of wheat off that field the nex:
spring thinks plowing deep in the
spring and burning off long grass
good preventatives. He is satisfied, in
the case above, there was not enough
inside the wheat field to eat the
wheat badly and the fire burned those
up outside; and they must have been
hatched there or they wouldn't have
left the wheat to go out in the grass
without eating it first. j
Mr. Ferguson live3 in Stove Creek
precinct. Two years ago at Weeping
Water and around his place they had
hoppers bad. He broke 70 acres half
a mile from any plowed land, right
out in the prairie, and got 20 bushels
to the acre. Don't think eggs hatch
in the long grass. Has lived here
tight year; he noticed that where he
lariated his cows and they had eaten
the grass off and stamped the ground
hard, innumerable quantities of hop
pers were hatched, but not in long
grass away from that; think they lay
less eggs in stubble than plowed land
Mr. Adams asks what they did cr
where they laid their eggs in early
days before there were farms hare,
must have laid somewhere.
Mr. Jeans says in the fall of '56
there was a hoppers' raid about hi3
place as thick as this fall; there was
no cultivated land at all, you may
say, no farms and no roads, all wild
prairie land; next spring not enough
hatched out to hurt the little garden
truck they had; he deduces from this
that. they do not lay in grass, but in
fields and along roads and hard tramp
ed ground. James Hall thinks grass
hoppers are like homesteaders they
take up the best lands first those
most suitable for their business, such
as plowed fields and near grove ,
roads, etc, but they come here londed
with eggs, which they must deposit
somewhere. The shorter the grass
the better, but they must and do lay
somewhere finally. Calls on Mr. Mc
Conkey. McConkcy Doesn't think they lay
in the grass so much, he lives in the
timber, and has a creek running
through it, and he always fancies he
has more hoppers than anybody
once he fired straw and burned them
off the wheat; they went into he tim
ber and along the bank of the creek
and there laid; that is their favorite
f pot for laying.
Mr. Todd says we all know they are
here, they are hatching, no need to
talk about that, three-fourths of them
n o. rn uj rz: xj
will hatch, now we must get rid of
them, and how ? That's what we want
to know suggests a machine that
shall be pushed through the field
causing them to jump up into a long
sheetiron pan (as one may say)
smeared with tar or sticky substance,'
and when full saturate with coal oil
and burn 'em.
Geo. Beck expects the worst, does
not think nature will help us much,
must help ourselves, thinks eggs
enough may hatch to clean us allout
slick. One man can't work alone, all
must help. He can fight his own hop
pers, but cant kill his own and his
neighbors, too. As soon as we really
wake up to the danger we will work,
not waked up yet. Wants to fight
unitedly en masse. Those who are too
far on the outskirts to save their
crops can come in and help others and
get pay for it; that will help them
don't expect to kill them all, but can
enough to save most of the crop,
thinks we must have machinery, neces
sity is the mother of invention, and
knows a machine can be made simple
and effective that will kill them.
Jos. Fairfield calls for Seurvin's
model Mr. B. is to yield the floor un
til Mr. S.'s machine can be exhibited.
While S. is gone for his model Mr.
B. Droste tells of a Colorado machine
which they call a "Grasshopper Hell"
(laughter.) It causes the hoppers to
jump into a trough where a constant
fire is kept burning, after the ma
chine is started, the wind and the oily
bodies of the hoppers feed it and it
burns them all up and destroys them
(good, good, give 'em hell). Scurvin
brings model. It is a machine on two
wheels geared like a header, with a
lever wheel behind, and pushes ahead
a canvas trap with wings somewhat
wider than the swath between the
wheels would cover. It can be run
within less than three inches of the
ground, as the hoppers jump up they
light on an endless apron of canvas,
which carries them to the rear over a
roller, where they are dropped into a
box, where Mr. S. proposes to keep a
slow sulpher fire and bum and kill
them. It looks feasible. After this is
examined sufficiently Beck says his
idea of-a machine was similar as far
as the canvass wings, the principle
of making them hop up, and the end
less apron, only he wants rollers ad
justed by a movable spring (as in
wringers) that will crush them, thinks
Mr. Scurvin would have to stop and
empty his box and the fire or smoke
might scare the horses.
Mr. Upton liked the rollers, thought
they could be killed easier than burn
ed, etc., says further that they do noi
need to be mashed, only disabled from
hopping, as . those that are left
greedily feed on the mutilated bodies
of their fellows, and as no machine
could hope to catch all, as some would
hop out of the way, those left would
eat the wounded, j;nd could in turn be.
killed, or would never return to grain
Dr. Child corroborated the fact of
their cannibalism, and said they would
leave the finest vegetation to eat each
other, in case some were crippled or
Scurvin said in regard to his ma
chine if he could catch his hoppers
once, get them in there, he could kill
them somehow, and thought the roll
ers would have to be very close or they
Mo tVar Horses are
Buffalo, fieiv York
would let half-grown hoppers through,
they would soon clog up and wear
rough, be costly and impracticable.
Beck said he didn't want to make
mush of them, just break their necks
and drop them. Dorrington explained
a system of long sheet iron or tin
pans, with handles at the end, which
two men carried through the field.
The bottom was covered about two
inches with coal oil. It had been
found successful in Otoe county. Sage
Brothers were making some now for a
farmer there.
Todd liked the pans, and that was
his idea modified only he didn't want
to walk and carry (the pans put
horses on his pans and tar to make
'em stick till he got ready to kill 'em.
Thomas thought his idea of the ma
chine to mash the eggs, still good, ar.J
then one to follow and catch young
hoppers (both could be combined on
one set of wheels and axles. Ed.)
Dr. Black offered a resolution em
powering the county commissioners
to offer a reward for the best and
simplest machine to kill or destroy
Ceph Metteer has moved up town in
the room formerly occupied by Mushi
zcr as a barber shop.
Thedis Livingsgton broke his
shoulder bone Tuesday. Dropped frcm
a horse and hit the ground too hard.
They have received a new library
at the St. Luke's Sunday school, and
the little folks are very glad and very
proud of their new books.
Messrs. Purdy and Harrison caught
a blue catfish last week which weigh
ed 116 pounds, and they kindly sent
the Herald a steak from the same, for
which we are duly and truly obliged.
The riattsmouth High school will
probably be continued. There has
been talk of closing it for a time, on
account of the hard times, and the
necessity tf removing the indebted
ness from the district, but the people
need the advantages of the High
school, and will without doubt be ac
commodated. Rev. T. F. Wright took the train for
Boston Tuesday afternoon, leaving an
impression most favorable of himself,
as an eloquent and sincere expounder
of the truths of the New church. We
trust he may have a safe journey
home and be welcomed by his people
in Bridgewater. We hope to see him
again in our midst, at some not very
distant day.
We regret to learn from Prof.
Wightman that he has resigned his
position here and will probably go to
Fremont, as he has received an offer
that is satisfactory to take charge of
the schools in that city. Notwith
standing our regrets, we congratulate
him on receiving an offer of a position
ho is so well qualified to fill, and also
congratulate our neighbor city in the
addition of so desirable a family to
their community.
All the following named gentlemen
called on the Herald or sent their re
spects during the last week, and as we i
are short of space we notice the fact '
and thank you all in a lump: John
'Tidball, Crete; W. B. Southwell Elm -
wood; Thomas Feight, Michigan; H
W. B. Stout, Lincoln; William Altaf
i'er, Cass county; John Erickson, Paa
Johnson and Henry Larsen of Cass
county. Call again, gentlemen, all
and many thanks for the little remind
ers of your nrecerce left in our before
empty pccketbook.
Married John M. Bardon to Betsey
Coatman, February 18th, at the house
of the bride's mother, in Weeping
Water, Cass county Nebraska.
A. L. Folden, Pastor of M. E. C.
Married William B. Rice to Alice
Goodheart, February 19th, at the
house of David Dudley, Cass county
A. L. Folden, Pastor of M. E. C.
Married On Thursday, February
2(th, at the residence of the bride's
father, by Rev. H. T. Davis of Lincoln,
Dr. W. D. Gibbons to Miss Julia Jenks,
all of Weeping Water, Cass county,
Success to the happy couples from
the Herald.
Jeff B. Eels, Stove Creek, been
Missouri; likes Nebraska best, etc.
Rock Bluffs has taken $5,000 R. R
stock. They think we'll make it yet.
The death of Steins Cooper, an old
resident of this county, will be found
in this paper.
L. M. Cowles of Elmwood called to
see us yesterday. He is a pleasant,
well informed gentleman.
Godd for ordinance No. 70. If our
council will now keep the stock off
we'll have some handsome trees about
The riaite rose eisrht feet at Fre
mont Sunday, and both bridges across
the Platte to Saunders county were
washed out.
"Simo?i had a son- born," never
thoujrht it was a daughter. Oh, no!
We mean Simon Lewis; 12 pounds;
Tuesday. "All hunk!"
Miss Delia Babbington was married
to Mr. C. I. Cary in Missouri last
week. The happy couple have gone to
New York, Centennializing.
James Hall of Eight Mile Grove
sends some Irish potatoes that aver
age a bushel to every six hills; also
some corn of a new kind, very sweet,
tender and big ears.
Wc acknowledge the receipt of some lima beans from our good friend,
Mrs. John Chalfant, and didn't we
luxuriate on ".succotash?" Verily
she knows what is good for the
palate of man.
We are pained to learn that Mrs.
Schildknecht, wife of Dr. Schild
knecht, met with a severe accident on
Monday by falling on a slippery board
and injuring her spine. It may prove
very serious indeed.
Chancellor Benton preached to a
crowded house on Sunday last. The
occasion was the reopening of the
Congregational church as the Chris
tian church, by which name it will be
hereafter known. Services will be
held there regularly from this time on.
R. T. Maxwell of Plattsmouth, a
former partner of Hon. Samuel Chap
man, and a brother to Judge Maxwell,
of the supreme court, has permanently
located at Papillion. His reputation
throughout the state for reliability
?nd legal lore is already well estab
lished. Papillion Times.
Cal Parmele and our old friend,
Chaplain Wright, took a sail down
Main street Tuesday behind a mighty
fine pair of bay horses.
Died Sunday, April 2, 187G, of
dropsy of the heart, Henry Augustus
Ester, youngest son of Mary and
Fred Elster, aged 1 year, 5 months
and 11 days.
Route Agent Andy McMaken of the
Kansas Pacific R. R., with his wife,
gave us a pleasant call on Tuesday.
As the editor-in-chief was at Lincoln,
we had the call all to ourselves.
In the late pleasantness in this city
Dr. Livingston was etected mayor, 31
majority; Dr. Wintersteen, treasurer.
J majority; Wm. Bennett, clerk, 71
majority; W. F. Morrison, marshal,
11 majority; P. P. Gass, police judge,
and A. Schlege!, city engineer. In
the wards, . Julius Pepperberg was
elected councilman First ward; P. L.
Wise, Second; Wm. L. Wells, Third,
r.nd F. R. Guthmann, Fourth. Dr. Liv
ingston and Mr. Baird were elected
members of the school board.
The meeting to take steps to dec-
crate our streets with, trees on Arbor
day was held at the court house last
evening. Dr. Livingston in the chair.
It was resolved to .fulfill the intent
land meaning of Arbor day and plant
I all the trees we can on the 19th of
April. A committee of two (Mac
Murphy and McDonagh) were ap
pointed to see who would set trees
out, and to collect funds for vacant
iots and public places. A committee
of nine consisting of Dr. John Black,
Wm. L. Hobbs, L. D. Bennett, P. E.
Ruffner, T P. Gass, Sam Chapman,
Ewing S. : harp and Ben Hemple, with
Mayor Livingston as chairman, were
appointed to take charge of the plant-
ing, see that the proper distance
kept, etc. An urgent appeal was also
made to all citizens to decorate their
cemetery lots with evergreens and
shrubbery. So sacred a spot should
not long look as'bare as it is now.
The committee of nine are requested
to meet the members of the council
at the city council chamber on Mon
day evening.
Judge Lynch at Plum Creek.
Hallowell, an Englishman, shoots
at and kills instantly Deputy Sheriff
Mayes, who attempts to arrest him
for disturbing the peace. His wound
ed assistant, resident constable, R. C.
Freeman, of Platte precinct, with the
help of Wein (a German) whom Hal
lowell also slightly wounded, hand
cuffed the desperado and carried him
to jail. After which Freeman had his
wound dressed. Good legal opinion
being to the eflect tnat owing to a
flaw in the warrant, the prisoner could
not be held, and so would escape, a
vigilance committee was formed, who
to the number of about forty, be
tween 9 and 10:30 p. m., broke into
the jail, bound the jailer hand and
foot, and taking Hallowell from his
cell, hanged him.
The cause of the warrant of arrest
is as follows: Hallowell had leased
a homestead of Trackett (a German),
who had first to "prove up" upon his
place before the papers could be maae
cut. Hailowell entered immediately
upon possession. In the meantime
Trackett finding out what Hallowell's
character was, did not "prove up," net
desiring Hallowell for a tenant. Hal-
owell, however, declared his intention
of holding the claim anyway, et armis.
if necessary. Several lawsuits follow
ed, Trackett winning; still Hallowell
held possession and threatened to
hoot Trackett. the owner, should he
come on the premises; he also said he
would kill any officer of the law who
attempted to arrest him.
Hallowell formerly resided here,
and built the Bonner stables. lie re
moved to Lincoln and built the first
penitentiary building in the state
the sandstone building now used as a
workshop. He is described to us, by
those who were well acquainted with
him, as having been a man of a very
quarrelsome disposition, and that be
never made a contract with anybody,
or had any dealings with them, but
he made soms trouble about it.
mm -
Mrs. Copsey was shopping in Louis
ville Saturday.
Archie Towle was m Louisville Sat
urday on business.
Mrs. Roy Chapin has been quite
sick for the past week.
Professor Heffner was in Platts
mouth Saturday on business.
Charley Atkinson went to Ilavelock
to spend Sunday with friends.
Emil Sturzenegger was a business
visitor in Louisville Saturday.
Jake Schaffer and son of Alvo spent
the day Monday at the Weaver home.
Mrs. Nannie St-eight and son, Jar
in, were shopping in Louisville Satur
day. Columbus Robinson spent the day
in Ashland Wednesday with ihs par
ents. There will be a box social and dance
at the M. W. A. hall next Saturday
night. Everybody cordially invited.
Mr. and Mrs. Wergess left for Chi
cago Saturday evening, where they
intend to make a short visit with
The St. Patrick's dance, which was
given by the Degree of Honor lodge,
was largely attended and everyone
reports a fine time.
Horses for Sale.
Good, well broke horses and mares
that will do the work; reasonable
prices and public sale terms. Thone
305-J, Plattsmouth. Frank Vallery.
It we receive 500 subscriptions to 'flu
Ladies Home Journal, The Sati:ri!
Evening Post, The Country Gentleman
$1.50 each, each month till April 30, tc
EQUAL, last year's business, the original
5.15,000, earned 3 vtars ago, becomes the
piopertj- of THE INVALIDS' 1'ENbION
ASbN., making to pension inva
lids. No salaries. Invalids get ail.
YOUR OKIltR or renewal contributes
500 or more towards 1 lie uport of a
ut invalids who havr teccivtil rxrr.eior
c.e( ks each month t.rartv ! ;in.
i.iay address jour order lo
b'JhOOS. 1!l lUEAZltt Vn. exit. l:sr.
Cedar Creel?
Pete Core went to Louisville at.'--day.
John Gauc-r went to Crauha Mon
day. Ed Gobelman went i OnuJ.u Sat
urday. Walter Solsberg was in Piaitsnvjut!i
is i Friday,
Mrs. Thilip Stoher i
still on the
sick list.
Mrs. Albert Schafer frpent Tao !.!
in Omaha.
William Lohnes va.s i:i Orc.uh.i
Mrs. William Keil went to Ouu!.:i
Mrs. Earl Kline spci.t Saturday i.i
Adam Meisinger spent. Saturday i i
August Keil and wife were in t:.u
ha Tuesday.
George Fornoff Mci:t Satunk.v in
Adam Kallenoerger !.. it 1-1
Nelson Wir.n
Mrs. William
1 1. a: .-:;'
day in Omaha.
S. J. Frames
Monday niht.
Sam Hackerbu
in Plattsmouth.
ileuy Utter!. ad; wcr.t
Bluffs Saturday.
Clarence Meisingtr wc :
mouth Tuosdav.
to (
to P
George Lohnes w;
Omaha Monday.
Mrs. Thomscn's tlti! Irci a
sick list this week.
Ed Mcisinger ir. 1
Plattsmouth Tuesday.
Mrs. Harrv Mt M
V.'C I c
riattsmouth Thursday.
Mr. Whi -tier, fn rn n
in this vicinity Friday.
Henry Ahl of die v. is ii
Cedar Creek Wednesday.
George Lohnes and wife wcic s 1 1 j
pin;; in Om;hn Thursd iy.
Geor Ftohcr and family : nt
Saturday in P'attsr.-M'Utii.
G. P. Mcisingcr and wile nc slu m
ping 1:1 llattsmouth llursday.
Walter Schneider a" ! wii'v- f-pcr.1
Sunday at the J. W. Wo':T v.:v.
Dave Jourdine of O-r; , i ' i was i i
Cedar Crock Sunday, lit report.-. !:. I
Mrs. Elmer Mci.-i.-t-.r i.ul -V.
Dora Gauer visited
Rev. Sv.aitz of Orr
i.i P'.i
urday evening t 1; 1 1
here Sunday.
Miss Homer and I'rr.i.cvs
of Cuilum came in Friday c
visit their grand rr.oiY f r. Mr.
and attend the cyrur sup'-e
Tru Oyst.-r Supcr.
The bad roads r.nd ui : ' it
weather kept mar.;., who wind I f : - 1
attending the oyste- sup;. r last i 1 1
day evening. IIcwe.r. M-'Silanv-William
and Jake S.'hn:n'or ar ) Mi
Veila had the hotel dir'.ijr room in
perfect order and the oysters srri'd.
ir.g hot at 6 p. r:., vh n people in
town came to supper. At S p. m. the
second supper was served and a p "
gram rendered. Proceeds now i: the
nan 's of the church treasurer. .-'I'M".
,?f) of which will finish p.iyirg f.-r th
papering of the church. Iv-r-cclr-.i
thanks are due Mrs. Ku.h Tho.-n.-vn,
who furnished the ceffee, napkins a: i
oysters. She spoke cf it a; r
And also to Mis. Jake and Mrs. Wil
liam Schneider and f'is Yc!.i. v.!...
saw to it that nothing in de tail of ar
rangement was lacking. Next day
Glad surprise! Those pdes of di-h
all washed the work of Mrs. Vi!iia:n
Dasher, Mrs. Weill- and Mrs. Jake
Schneider. Why not have ar.othc
the disapopinted are aI ing. A:: i
why not, about April K:h?
Against Nature.
Considering our mode of life, wc.
no doubt, will arrive at th-.' cov.cki -Ion
that we are living aga:r.-'t r.aturi-, be
cause we eat more th. n the body
needs, we drink more tha-i we bou!d,
we do not sleep enough, we take t.' t
enough exercise, ve breathe not
enough fresh air. The rcults of a'!
this will soon appear pi"r upj-tit
indigestion, constipation with all it
complications, yellowi.-h complexion,
anemia, general weakness. In i;. h
cases Triner's American Liixir of Lit
ter Wine can be recommended a a
good tonic and laxative. It will ex
pel waste matter which is poi,',t,ir,g
the body and ill strengthen the di
gestive organs. Price At drug
ctores. Jos. Triner, Manufacturer,
l.T3-l:l3f. S. Ashland Ave., Chicago.
A tired body needs a good ru'.
rjewn with's Lirdm-nt. A hot
bath, followed by this lir.imer.t, wdl
keep the muscles strong. Pri-e -f
Triner's Liniment, or ."Oc, by iril
3",c'or C"c.
Sell your rropcity by an ad in The