The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, March 25, 1915, Page PAGE 3, Image 3

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    THURSDAY, 3LAPCH 23. 1915
1 Farmers'
r --. r t-
I -
Nov is the time for the fanner to commence
thinking of that busy season which will soon
he upon him, and in so doing he nil! natural
ly burfin nuking arrangements for the taking
care of his land and crops, and this will need
the best in the line of implements. This is
our line, and here is where we want to to tell
von th-it we have the very bet which com
prises a complete line ol
Sterling Stalk Cutters
Osborn and Bud Long's Disc Harrows
Hoosier Seeders
Keystone, Hoosier and Dempster Press
Heavy, well-made drag steel lever
harrow, that takes a swath of 19
feet, that we are selling for $16. 75
Gang Plows we carry the Grand de Totr
and J. I. Case
In riding cultivators we carrythe Badger
and flew Century
Also a numberof John Deere cultivators
that we will close cut at following prices:
Riding Cultivators at. . .$22.00
Walking Cultivators at. . 12.00
We also have the flew Departure, Jenny
Lind and Avery Walking Cultivators.
Meadows and A. D. C. Power
Washing Machines.
Buggies and Carriages one of the best lines
to be found in the county to select from; Wagons
and Truck Wagons: International Gasoline Engines.
Also a Full Line Harness and Harness
Harness Oiled for $!. CO per set
AVe carry a irood stock of implement repairs, and
anion;? them are a lot of John Deere repairs.
The implement !7Ian.
(Specinl Correspondence.)
Miss Man,- was'a Lincoln vis-
iter Monday.
A. J. Xeitzel spent a few days with
relatives and friends.
Mi.s Eva Sorick of Lincoln is home
on her two weeks vacation.
Corn To Mr. and Mrs. Charles
Krepp, a boy, Monday, March 22.
Mrs. Will La a and daujrhtsr, Mi
Eda. were Omaha visitors Saturday.
N'ure Am'Tvert left for Lincoln
Tuesday, where :die will continue her
I. G. Hornbeck and Charles SchafVr
are attending the Masonic lodjre this
Pauer Cc Kroft received a carload 1 emit the fir.e provided El would sj-
cf Puritan flour Monday. Buy your j srrccner pastures for his operations li
flour now. ! the future and would f-hake the dust
Mrs. Jsmes LVittian of Columbus or lather mud, c" Fiat?mo'..ih fro a
epent the latter part of the week with , his feet, and this prom i.e. was m "ie o.
t datives and friends. J Ed and he was eseoi ted tu il.c eli
Miss Nellie Ruh of Omaha spent 'limits by Chief of Poh' o ila'iiey
Saturdaj- and 'Sunday with her par-j the last seen of him he was wc-ndir;-cr.ts
and friends here. j his way northward .be :r.'-
Miss Emma Johnson, vho has been jtnppoils of the s'.ae with a o.v nevr
in the Central hospital in Lincoln, was
broueht home Saturday. Fhe is im-
proyinpr gradually.
v.f-cks aco, is improvincr rkrht along.
Tier ('a- 'V'e-. M- . V. J. Melted, ha?
bo-n taking: care of her.
Mr. Ausrust Gakemier bom in
Hanover, Germany, October 13, 191H,
r nd died at his son. Henry's, home on
March 20. He was 98 years, 4 months
i nd 3? days of ape. The remains were
layed to rest in the German-Lutheran
cemetery, two miles north of town.
FOR SALE. Garajre site in Flattsmouth;
122x144 feet, corner Sixth and Pearl
St reets.
Tel. No. 1.
Best thing for constipation, sour'llrie;1 "P i" very good shape, hut the
stomach, lazy liver and sluggist avenues still remain in very bad shap?
bowels. Stops a sick headache nlmo
at ence. Gives a most thorough an ! '
satisfactory flushing no pain, no
nausea. Keeps your system cleansed,
sweet and wholesome. Ask for
Citrolax. Sold everywhere.
- -fr ,
I. T - .n
ir- w...
.3 4.
Im fcSl
Plaitsmouth, fteb.
Yesterday Ed Kane, charged k!
lining chunk and pc-rieral'y rpeakin '
1 a nuisance, wai 'oro-jrrht before Ju:cr
i Archer and was compelled to at
j Knowledge that the thcrjre was tru
ji-nJ that he had accumulated to
i much of the flowing howl and was no
in the best cf shape. The jude, af :e
hvai in.r the statements in the cas:-, ik
;fided that Ed was clearly jra'.Ity o
the charpes preferred cainst him
and should be punished and hId or
jhim a fine of .." and the trimming
; but Ed lacksd the wherewithal to st
tie the amount due to outraged ju-.;
land the j j '.fre decided that he woui
to return to this city hi the future.
The street commissioner's depart
ment grot buy yesterday afternoor.
t.nJ proceeded to try and gret rid oi
seme cf the mud cn Main street, and
it is neadless to say that their action
v as very much appreciated by the
pedestrians, as the condition of the
ftrect the past few days has been very
cLaprrefabie and made it very hard
to jret around. If a few more days of
sunshine come, however, a srreat dea'
cf the mud and dirt can be dried up
and the streets put in the best of ?o.i-
!ution. The streets in the residence
!rart of the city, which are laid out
jover the hills, have most of then.
and the prospects for their improve-;
- - nt in the next few days does not
look good, as it will take a great many
fays of sunshine to put them in shape
The Journal does jod work.
BACK 10 II !
Many Residents in the Large Cities
Rtlieve There Is Rocm on the Earm
for Thoe Who V.'iU V'ork.
From Wednesday's Polly.
In recent years there has been a
feeling quite general, too that there
are too many people in the towns and
citi3?, and too few in the open coun
try; and that there is need for a back-lo-the-Iand
movement. The first move
ment of this sort was mainly on the
part o1" men who had been in the city
a number of years, and were di-satis-fied
with the conditions, and thought
;hat if lacy could fret back to the land,
where they were born and brought up,
they would asrain enjoy the pictures
:f life, which had become but a mem
ory, and would prosper. They believed
that their children could live a more
sane and normal life, and while they
mipht not make as much money, they
would be rid of the dangers and temp
tations of the city, and. cn the whole,
be better off. Again, there were peo
ple who had succeeded in business.
who wan Led to pei back to the land
and take with them ail the comforts
xnd conveniences that they had in
;he city.
This bac-k-to-the-land movement wr s i
.flen a failure. Even the man bo; n
ind raisi'd on the farm, after living !
en or fifteen years in the city ard
Toing back, discovered that farming, j
In many respects, was quite different
'n these later days, and some way he ;
:oukl not get the hang of it, as he
ou'd when younger. He found that
: desirable farm cost a pile of mon?y,
hat he had trouble with the labor
noblem, that after all there was not
nuch poetry abouta ctual farming. i;n
ecs he had an unusually large stock
f poetry in
fci-T own heart. Sooner or
ater, he generally went back to the
The'o is. however, a hack-to-thc-nnd
movement liegirning just now.
rom which we hope to see good re
ults. In this locality it started forn:
reeks ago, as the result of a talk with
r.e of the leading laboring men io.
es Moines
al.ot .nie thwt," or
'orty caiper.U-rs, i-r.r men in other
ine? of business, who were not really
roficient enouc-h in their trade-- to
irke a good living in the city. Thy
ere raised or. the iai m. however, ana
ve weie asked, if there was any v-y
f getti-g them bade to '.he land. Vv'o
new it would be a reli'.-f to the city.
ml a positive heln to the country, if
hese men could get bark to thej I
iot as farm owners, nor as rente
ut as farm helpers. Y.'e are tola by
hose who have the matter in hand
, j , , , f . t ..i i.
rial aDOUl nny mer. o: ui:s i.iu. i;:a
dready left Pes for tha farm.
We presume the same movement is
'oinfr on in other states. It should bo
.,, , ,
""c-. "--v., ..w ...w..
-oinp-back have been farmers in their
,i. .
-oynood, ana are v.-ni.rig 10 learn me
new ways which have been adopted by
rnn,! fni-mers in wpnt. vpnrs. To Ft:"-
eed, they will have to learn how to
handle improved farm machinery, to
are for and feed live stock, to do the j
'rudgery of the farm, and do it in . J-es-gua ( 1PC02), by Erfliiant III 1 lllC
uch a way that it will cease to be ( 2:l P), by Pension 21?2 (.'15.), by Uril
irudgery and become interesting. j lio nt. 1271 (7-"5). by D'illiant
It is lack cf employment in thej(7."G), by Coco II 7ia), by Vie. x
-ities that is forcing these men backChas'in (71'!), by Coco 1 712) , by Mig-
o the farm. Ve have felt for a goo 1 pen 71r ). by Jean Le I -lane 731.
r.any years that sooner or later this j Third Pam: Margot (CC"'), by
-nust come, that this increase in urban ; Samsonnel. (-1"50), by Vioux Decide
opulation could not go on forev?r, j (4o9), belonging to M. Vinault.
nd that the evils that grow out cf it j Fourth Pam: Chalon, belonging to
nil sooner or latar cure themselves, j M. Esr.autt.
The wages that farmers pay for capa- In witness wheret f we have here
de men are better than can be sc- junto r.fli::od the seal of the Society,
ured in the city by the average la-j Dated at Chicago, Ililrois. this
oring man, that is, if the farm help-J twenty-third day of October, nineteen
r can have employment the yoar ;
'round. This can be provided only on
he stock farm.
William B. Wilson, United States ! ownership, reivice foe becomes due at
Secretary of Labor, states that, ac- once. Care will be taken to avoid ac
ording to the last available statistic? cldents. but will not b? responsible
'1900), 22.3 per cent cf those over 10
vears of age engaged in gainful oc
cupations were idle at some time dur-
ng the year, from one day to twelve)
months; and that under present concu-:
tions, probably one-third of the work
ers are idle part of the year.
What is needed now, both in city
and country, is employment the year J
around; and we know of nothing that
provides this mce easily than tha
tock farm. If all our farmers on a
ouarter section and over were stock
armers, and employed labor the year
around, and if, in addition, they fur
nished a separate house and emrdoyed
married men, men who were really fit
ted for farm work, or wro wor.ld fit
themselves for it, the numbers of the
vncmployed in the cities would vesfy
cecreas". The ru'-al part of the corn
belt wculd then no longer decrease in
population, as it has done, lo. there
many years, but would increase. This j
: increase would increa. the hurines-.
'.f every country town, arid in the end.
j increase the business of the citirs. and
jiidd nritrhtily t ar pto. perity. Wa!
Ilrce's Farmer.
When one is coughing and spitting
with tickling throat, tightness in
chest, soreness in throat and lung?
when head is aching and the wholo
I ody racked with a cough that won't
permit sleep he wants immediate re
lief. Thousands say Foley's IIon'jy
and Tar Compound is the surest and
ruickest acting medicine f-.r cough
colds, croup
an.! la grinne.
ore Motor
See cars at Platts-
mo'-iiii carage.
KOFKIN will mak-j me s?r
::.'o as follcws: Or. Thurt h
anu I
r'riday of each wee k at ;he Jolm Kaf- j
ft r bcrger farm, known as the old John ,
Bauer r'.rce. or.e-haif mj:e we t an t I
enc mile rnrth of the German LuLhe
. n church, ar.d on Wed.tiesday, Satu
d: y rr.J Sunday of ea- h work at ho:.
n ih? John Ur ish fa. m.
Koprin i; a black imported IV
.h .'ro'i Sta'dior.. weighing i
an !
p-, noi.nced soun .'.
o- t e- ft:- li.'.
i:;--J, bv II.
. i t i.- :. i
d bv -.he P
. to --a. low., 13
j -l:eu,r. SoMrty o" Arr.rrii i. ait.l tiiat
: n;s "occrc?-; r.-;rr.oci
j Ct.lor and i'r.r;)
j IVdig; ee: I-'-.-ale-.'
! -:d by M. Jou-nc
; '-lai tV e.
i s : i .
Aniil Ii;i0:
.. D:vn:.i 'nr. nt i i
Sire: Neptune foT-lST) by Duches-
; ay (371117). !-y Voltaire (Gr,d-1T). by
JY.urcuvi I "a -3 (''J."'), by D--n Espolr
j (21"). by Brilliant, 1S;!.' (T."(l. I y
- t . it -1 . i , . . , . t . -: . . . i . t
i v u u''(. '. c.-u.v tii.t-iiii .xi,
: by Coco (712, by Migncn (71o, by
- Jcnn Le Klanc (7T:.
' Pam: F.auvage (C7S47), by Rivavol
n -fi s-n-m t . t- - . 1 t
. , '
I. Iliiant III 11110 (2. 10). by r te'on
. . t, k i
ij. oy i.irnrr.. in i. t, oj
j D.-illir.nt lJ") (Tm). by Coc o II (714).
bv ViniT Crn?1;n 'T11. hv Coco iTl'.iMun tif...n l or eslatr. a l.onrinrr wi!
by Mi.gnon (71"), !y J cr.n Lo Diane
(723). Pom: Margot ("o'.'o), byh
hundred and twelve
TERMS: To insure colt to stand
and ruck, 15.00. If mares change
should anv occur.
The Union Auctioneer
Union, Nebraska
All snle matters entrutf d to my cart
wi!l receive prompt and care
ful attention.
Farm ar.d Stock Sale.
a Specialty!
Rates Reasonable!
ftST Address or phone me at Uaioc
fj. QpgjQ dates
Another of the old-time residents of
Cass- county has pas;x'd to the Great
Foyond, according to a dispatch re
reived by relatives in this county an
? ouncing the death at' his home at
Waukeeney, Kansas, of Mr. Henry
Hayf.icker, who died Sunday a? the
i result of a stroke of paralysis that in
Soldi11 hoit time proved to be fatal. Mr.
Ilayfiifktr had leen in the best of
Ihoal'.h as far as was known bv the
relatives here until the messaee an
nouncing the d-ath was received, and
'.he news came as a jr: eat shock to
then!, as well as to the many old
fj lends in this county, where he was
for a number of years a prominent
ciiien, being engaged in farming in
Eitht Mi'e Grove preci:;ct. Some
ci-iht rears ago Mr. Havflicker and
j family removed to Kansas, where they
I have i-inc? made their home and have
!boen very successful in their work
ithe.o. He was a man of some C2
j years of age, and leavse, besides his
I v if:', a number of children. Two
'iaii httrs. Tdrs. Charles Ahl and Mrs.
'J -hn 11. Albert, reside in the vicinity
1 cf Louisville, and have gone to Kan
sas to be present at the funeral of
ji their father. During the years of his
I ; residence in Cass county Mr. Hay
!j flicker made a great many friends
Mv ho will share with the family theii
ijfc.mmon grief at the loss of a kind
!- band, father and friend, and extend
ii ih-.-ni th- ir deepest feeling of sym-
i i
dxin'ici: :r vx it t n ikt titi.i:
i I ii i li IKmirli-t i.-.irl f the t'ounly f
I f!!s. fliri!skn.
i Win .If-ari anl KtiwarU H. Him nt'lT,
t vs.
! I-'rnr:f ftiva"il. Kiiabetli A. Sava
i i t'.'' unhii" n l.i:s ;ir:.l lf-visc-
of Km S;'. !. :e.': s.-il. tlit
','.;-n v.-: ) irs ;itk! (lev i st-f'S 'if K'iza
! t ii vjK-jul. ? -c;! y d. Mrs. 3a
. ::('.!,. ;i'M v. ;.l iiam rn-
K tie unknown 1 ns !;1 ne-
vi-..- .r .Mrs. .lo--.--;.!! Mi-Cun", I'.rsi
r-:il ivitu- riik:i"Ti. ;e-c:i.'.l. John
I i;ri!:i !. Mi. .I'-l.n I'miiai.. first T-a:
ii.i-ie ii ; k r w u. tin"-- i; n U n .- w n lit-iri-iii-i.-t--s
nf Joi.n I'iiula!). !-;-.
t ! uniinown I. f irs nri.l !e-
l' Mrs. .lo: ii iitinliiii. first real
' it., im- tiiikiKUn. (K-i-'ast--i.
j 1 f ernlant."
; Tt tl-.c .!..ivt Nnmc.l I f onda nls:
I y..: ,-iTi.l .-a'-ii f !.crf-li-'
! i-.. i1. tint on t ! c first ii.y of Mure I:
it i .. . 1 ! -, :.. !! a i i, t i f".l tiie:r Kii-.t
1 : -1 1 . t ! -in ri ot a - s I i-iinlv
;a. to Hi- t II, t- tit!- of j, ! a i n : i f;'
t i Hi- f ol "W mi:
County of I'ass
i il 1 :-!!:;l in t:.i-
N i ' sjt :, . t o- wi t :
::,,: :l,i- t . uartcr N'W J ) of
! i- a "r-,t- ( 1 . Tuv-ttsliiti -i(-v'Ti
I til' N-t!i lair.sre t :. irt-.-on 13
!-.- -t of th- f,rh P. M.
I . ;.uv of i ir a'ivoi i-e j.i;; t-s. i on t
' :. i:ti l' ii till i is i:,:nto!-s for mure tlta
j -si - t:.:s j. !;! tn !'p co;iiirio;ic(-lMor
. f :x t-i ii in.irf von : n.' -a-h f
I v.-; t sot fortii un:r risrht. titl
j oi- irtpn'M. if u ii v. i' sai
i ::! ' . fit!;--r l."al or f ; . t a : !, ilia
in ; . t!o- sa'tio !j.:il-'t! inferior 1
t t ! : e titio of sail pl.tiiitit. atoi to (-njoir
'.i- -', a,,.l st 1 1 of --o'i fioii ! a. in
t vi. an rilif . tit!--, tiair-i. litn 01
! 1: : -vt-t- ? tiioi.iii aa-f for fst itt-i'al f juita
' .e N
j ,i .i- r "of ' 'iuJ .'o
made pursuant to tlie
V"'.: fire ro.nired to answer pair
I'.-! it jorj on or before JTnda:-. t!ie ll'th
o.-iv tf A;. til. A. !. 1 !!:". or your ue
fult will !' dulv ftit'Tcd.
WIl.T. .11: N and
i:iVAiu ji. sjpANr.T.KP.
A 1 1 tirneys.
I ot Ice- f dmifiistrnt ion
All .rty.r.s irtovrcio.t jrf the estate
; of . i:;s- cnri.t'i- ai-o i.t-i-'y n -tiiiot
..hi j M'tlta.n l.Hoti filed ir- lh-
ir,.,,;,.v o.urt of .'a-s Cour.o-. N-i.,-a-
j 'fi'wvn ' for " vi'ut 1 "
j ,uy ',,t ;.;ait : .' ivir.. nt in oviock a', m
l;:t t!;o Ci.HIitV I ourl at ri:itt.-mnnt h
i N. :.' :'.'-kn. All ol .ic t ions and protost
Fa id oi'tition ato iftiiin-fi! to t nici
,.:o ti;.. hour of l:t-aiiTi:-T on sai1 t'ay
J:;it-d this lllli da- of Jlarrli. lPir,.
Aia.KX a. i:f:i-:so.
isriil i t'oumy Jiulpe.
I. O. KV.'VKR. Attorney.
i;TI(t: !' AIM'I.IC TION rim
. (lit i.k i:sk
Notice is hereby Riven to all persons
interested cr.d to the puMic, that the
v. riders i-' nod. Andy'ii. lias filed
hi;- p"titi,-.n nrnl a up! iea t ion in the of
fhe of th - County Clerk of Cass Coun
ty. o,e ji iiska. as rei'inrt'il lv law
sianeti hv a maiuity of the resident
f l -ee holders of Kitriit Mile drove 1're-
t i:u-t. setting fort'.i that ihe apldicant
is a man of rvspeitalde character and
.t T.nditisr t.d a tesitltnt of the state
of Nehraska, antt prayi:tsr tiiat license
he issued to ;aid Andy Thomsen for
the mli- (f malt. spirituous and
vinous iitpior-s fir the period of one
vfar front May ii. 1S1.. entlinur Jlav
iT. 1 :i 1 . in a huildintr on lot 4. in block
t".. iri t'e villare of Cedar Creek, in
Kiirl t Vile Grove Precinct, in Cass
Countv. Nebraska.
A N I Y TUOXISK.V. Applicant.
n;ti n r nritiN. iMtoot-' of
Iii the uny Court of the ouuty of
1 mm, plirnskn.
In the Matter of the Instate of Arclii-
laiil M. liol;nes. ieceased:
Notice is h"iehv piven to all per
jevs interested that on the 10th day
of A"ril. A. I. lfir. in t.'ie office of the
Coimry Jndo. in the Court House,
I'lattsriiout h. Cuss Coiitit'-. Nebraska.
t!:e follow ins; matters will he heard
rnd eon. idert d. to-wit: The application
of Hai-'irt A. Sittith to admit to lro-
!.:rto th.- hist will and testament of
Arcl ihahl M. Holmes, late of the vil
la re of Murrnv, in said county, de
(asch and thtit letters Testamentary
he iss'.ieil t- c. A. Kawls.
S-id jet it ton also allecrins that Mary
K. i:; v.-ls, Harriet A. Srnitii, Nellie H.
Cl i-;-( iiill. .lanif s W. Holmes. Arthur
Hoinics. Troy tJ. Holmes and Arnold
l!e'ni-s. are the only heirs at law of
said deceased,
l-it.d thio 1.1 th dav of March, A.
I. i!ir. Cv the Court.
ALLKX 3. IiKKf!l)X,
County Judge.
IV rctATV COl ItT.
ttk or nkmi:aska,
t'otttst v of Cass, ss.
j In the Mattrr of the Kstate of
j Cornelius Land. Deceased.
I Ti All 1'ersons Interested:
! Von are herf hv notified that there
I will he n hearing ujon the report of
it!"' ad !rtinit m tor of above estate and
his petition for final settlement there
of 1h fore this court, in the Court House
at I'la t tFtnout'i, in said County, on the
:.'sth dav of Jfarcti, ltir, at ten o'clock
a. in., at which time order of this court
will be entered distributing the re-
Concrete Work Guaranteed!
We could not do that if we were not sure every time
we do a piece of concrete work that it is done riht.
We Know How
or we would not take a chance on rebuilding our
work. We know how to mix concrete and how to put
it in, and every job we handle is there to stay.
Silo, Water Tank, Water Storage
Tank, Walls
all built by us under an absolute guarantee to be
of first-class material and workmanship and we stand
back of it.
Come in and See Us
if you are thinking of building anything this year. We
have a numb r of new ideas about building that will
interest you.
Just south of Postoffice on Fifth Street.
Ooncrefe Construction Co.,
ids:e of said est.ilf to fhose entitled
thereto ami the diseharKe of the .-aid
adm in ist rfitor.
JiuLod Mar li 17th. 191T,.
ALl.KX .1. r.KKSO.V.
County .f '.i dire.
In the Diotrict Court of f'nun 'onnt,
Ioc. X. No. C.-OO.
Farmt-is- & Merchants Hunk of Ashland.
Nebraska, a 'oi -pora t ion,
Iei,rv Tiomiti, -t ah,
J lefcrida at.
To the unknown heirs and devisees of
F.mrna I. '.ruin. de-e:sed: Lean J:-min
.Snider and William Snider, husbi.nd
of Lena Ucrrun Siii.ler: tlu- unknown
i,t irs and le isees f.f Lena Koiiim
;-'r, hb.-r, lec .-ased. and Atriies Ain-iia
Little, tiuti-resident defendants, i,n
Tdead.ed with other defendants:
You and each of you are ber"bv
-i liii. fl that on the luth dav of March.
'!Jjr,. the Farmers A: Merc hants hunk of
Vshlimd, Nebraska, idaintiff le rein.
:!cu its petition in the above entitled
ause. in the 1'istrict Court of Cass
"ourty. Netna.-ka. against you and ":o-'i
'f you. impleaded with other cicf.-n 1
rits. the object si tnl prayer of which if
o foreclose a certain mortsraue x--cutc-.l
f.n t!:e lltli day of April. 1 !!.
y l-'rederic k Itomin and Catharine
':omin, his wife, upon the projierty de
scribed as follows, situated in th"
""niTty of Cass :ind State of Nebraska,
o-wit :
The North half (N. 'a of the North
ast !iiarte- ( N. n. :4 f.f Section six--eti
(r;t, T'.iwiiship twelve (ll'l. j;aiii;e
ep nui. Last of the Ctli IV M.
said n! t uatre was liiven to secure
he pavtTient of a note for the sum of
ne thousand dollars f 1. ((. 00 i due
nd payable on the ".'th day of April.
Nil!, and i! it? is row due and payable
n said note the sum of live hr.'idred
'o'lars i J.'.eO.Ou r with interest thereon
t the rate f si: cent '0 per cent I
er annum from the day of Ajr:i.
'Tilt, for w! sum, with interest and
osts jdaintil'C prays for a decree, thr.t
'e def'-n.'a r.ts he required to pa v the
,;tre ai"1 that in defamt of such pav
tient said premises may be sold to
ntKfy the amount foi:nd due on sail
Von are t'"-virf-il to arswer said pe' i
i"i on or before the I'. th tlav if Aril,
l-ated at Tlattsniouth. Cass Cnun'v,
Nebraska, this l"tii dav of March. 1 ii I j.
Corpora ion.
Its Attorney.
NOTirn to CKimiToits.
tate of Nebraska,
Cass Countv.
fn the matter of the estate of Ajzatlia
St nl I. deceased:
Notice is hereby (riven that the credi
ors of said deceased will meet the d
ninistrator of said estate before the
"ounty .Itidire of Cass county, Nebras
ka, at the county court room in the
itv of "lattsmouth. in said countv on
'he 2nd dav of April, lSI.'i and the Trd
f September. i:l.", at 10 o'clock a. m.,
ach day. for the purpose of presenting
heir claims for examination, adjust
oent atnl allowance.
Six montlis are allowed for the ored
tois of the said deceased to jresent
heir claims, and one year for the ad
ninistrator to settle said estate from
lie 2nd day of March. 1H15.
Witness mv band and the seal of said
County Court at I 'la 1 1 smouth, Nebras
ka, this 2-ltli dav of Februarv. 1M5.
County Jhdge.
D. O. DWYEU, Attorney.
v tiif: msTHirT nn kt of css
nn tv. M:itnK.
fn the Matter of the iluardianship f
Clara liver and Charles liver. Minov.-.,
for License to Sell Ken 1 Estate.
Notice is hereby civpri that in roir--uance
of an order of the 'strict Cou't
:n and for Cass County, Nenraska, made
n the ith dav of Jiarch, 1 i 1 5 . for the
:ale of the real estate hereinafter de
scribed, there will be sold at jml.lic
endue to tie r.icrhest bidder fir cash,
t I'lattsmouth. Cass Countv, Nebraska
't the South front door of the oC'irt
-louse, on the fcth day of April. 191.". nt
' o'clock p. m. of pail day. the foll-jw-
n tr described real estate to-wit:
The undivided 4-2" of E of SW 1
'f Section -1. and the NW 4 of the
'W Ji of Section 22, Township 12,
.ansre t. bust, m t ass County. Ne
raska. and the undivided 4-27 of the
of the NE ' of Section "3. and
individed 4-27 of lot S. in NE of
E It. Section .".'!. containinc: ::o acres,
rnd the undivided 4-27 of lot C. in
4 of SI-. Section 33. containing-
'0 acres. in Township 12. liansre 9
t-ast. Cass County, Nebraska.
Said sale will remain open one hour.
Hated March 9, 191.".
Guardian of Clara Dyer and Charles
Dyer, Minors.
5corpe M. Thierolf, Plaintiff,
Myrtle M. Thierolf. Defendant.
To Myrtle M. Thierolf, Defendant:
Yoir are hereby notified that on the
mi day of March. 1915. the Plaintiff
irein, (eorg:e M Thierolf, filed his pe
lt ion in me I ostrict Court of Cass
"outitv. Nebraska, acainst vou as de
fendant, the object and praver of
which is to obtain an absolute di
vorce, and the custody of the minor
children., namely. Lea ha Thierolf.
Benton Thierolf. and Hazel Thierolf.
issue of said marriatre upon the
Ground of desertion and abandonment
for more than two vears last oast.
and for such other and further relief
as equity may require.
lou are required to answer said
etition on or before the Hrd dav of
May. A. T. 1915. if you fail so to do
our default will be dulv entered
herein and indement entered as crav
ed for in said petition.
Dated this 20th day of March. A. r.
A. L. TIDD, Attorney for PlaintiO. i
AHTK I.l OP IX t oft (MH (T!o
SENTS, e. .Joeph I Vter. Maiv and Henry F. eos. ,Jc a"iMinl
urse!ves together for tie jut pos- of
torniinir and b-coriiiri a Corporation m
lie State of Nebraska, for tti trans
action of the bUltiev- her ei tl.l f t er t.e
scr i lej.
AitiK i.i: i.
The name of 1 1. 1 - C'.r ;.nra t ion st.all h
n 1 1 i.i : ii.
I'rinciiml I 'I !- of llHolneoa.
The Jiiiuital piaee ,f .uvi,i-a f
this Corporation si.aii be in the t'i'y of
I 'la 1 1 sriHoit ,;, Countv of Cas, Slate if
Netu a-ku.
A It Tit lb III.
Aalnrr of the llualania.
The hu.ijriir atnl sellint: of luutwrir
and rat her too. Is ami repair work ! a
-e::rral retail fl:r bismess. and XI.
leasing and erection and nuinP-iiaiu
of such huildinps ar. l Mtui tu-es
may be deemed necesary. and tpe f.ur
el.ase of sm-li real siate as may !
necessary in the conduct inic of nn Ii
business I' nd to hobl title thirete atil
to transfr the same.
timi i.i: iv.
Capital Mock..
The authorized uj.ral sto k of said
Corr.or-i.tion shall be the sum of
Twent y Thousand I $'. Dollar-.
divided into two hur.dtcd share of
.ne Hundred ItlHin i .liars i-ai-li, to !
j-ubseribed and paid a ie'.'ired by Ijk'
and the Hoard of Director.
Altrn l.h .
The existence ot this Corporation
shall commence on the 1st day ..f K-l
it ii iv. 1!J."". and shall terminate ,n the
"1st day of December. l!0t. wri.l It shall
be authorized to trato-aet t p, t
affairs when the,. ,rtoles ot ln--orj..
ration have been 11. ed as P"unrJ
by law.
AHTK i.i: VI.
Ilonrri of lllre-iwr.
The business of :,m Corpora t ion
shall le conducted bv a lhiard of three
Directors t o le elei t-.l by the ,-toik-lioldeis.
such elcctioij to take piaie kt
such time arid to - - nd 10 r e.l in fix fi
manrier as shall be prci.oril.ed Ly the
I!-1jivs of sail C'lriiiiriillnn.
Alt i it i.i: ii.
The officers of said Corporation l.i!l
be a President, Vice President, Sec
retary, Tret-surer anj Manacer. who
shall be chosen by the Hoard of
D't-eetors. and who fhall bold their
offices for a period of one e r tnl
until their successor!) tdiall be elet tJ
and tualiSod.
aktici.i: VIII.
I Nilrlif elnti.
The tiiphest amount of indebted ne
to which said Corporation shall at anv
time subject itself shall not exceed an
amount eip.ial to one-third of its paid
up capital stock.
Manner f lloltlliie Meetiaca.
The manuer of hoidine meetinjr of
stockholders for the election of ttje
officers, and the methods of conducting
the business of the Corporation fhall
be as provided in the Itv-La a and
adopted l y the Honrd of Directors.
AltTlfl.K. X.
A meMtmeut.
These Articles of Incorporation mav
be amended at -any regular onn-.ial
meet in of the stockholders nlle,l for
that purpose. proided that such pro
posed amendment le brst approved bv
two-thirds vote of the entire Hoard
of Directors, and ,f so approved to le
entered at laree upon ttie records of
said Hoard, and us provided bv law.
In witness whereof the undersiirrd
have hereunto set their hands this sth
day of February, 11 :..
HENRY F. iiv S.
Cass Countv. ss.
n this '.Uh'dav of Februarv. 1S1", t--fore
A. L. Tidl. a Notarv Public
duly commissioned and oualifleii unl
resprinsr In said Count. t-r sona 1 1 v
came the above named. Joseph Fefzer.
Mary Ki Izt and Hem v F. Imn, who
are personally known to nie to be tt,e
identical lersons whose names are
affixed to the above Articles of In
corporation as parties thereto, and thev
each separately acknowledged the in
strument to be bis and her voluntary
act and deed.
Witness my band and notarial 1
the day and year last above written.
Seal A. L TIDD.
Notarv Putbic.
My Com. Exp. Oct. '.. Isll.
State of Nebraska.
County of Cass, ss.
In the matter of the estate of John
Peter Keil. deceased:
To all persons interested:
You are hereby notified that there
has been filed in this court an in
strument purporting to be the lt
will and testament of the snol
Peter Keil., deceased, together with
the petition of Elial-th Katherine
Keil. widow of said deceased, allecr'n
therein that the said John Peter Keil
has depar ted this life in said count
and possessed with an estate riitrrtn.
and praying that said instrument I
allowed and probated as the last will
and testament of said deceased, and
that administration of said estate t
granted to the said Elizateth Kath-
erire Keil.
Vou are further notified that a hear
ing will be had upon said petition
and proposed will before th. court at
the court bouse In the citv of Platts-
mouth, in said countv, on the 29th
day of March, 1S15, at ten o'clock a.
m.. of said day.
I hat anv and a'l objections thereto
if any, must be filed on or before said
day and hour of hearing.
Witness my band and aeal of the
countv court of the anil county this
is i oay ox xnarcn, inij.
(eal County Ju3r
Sell your property by an ad in The