The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, March 25, 1915, Page PAGE 2, Image 2

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Judge and Clerks for the City Elec
tion Selected, and Other Business
of Importance Transacted.
From Tuesdays raiiy.
l.ery me;uber cf Plattsmouth
legislative body the city council
was present la.;t evening to take up
the bu.-iness of the city that awaited
their action, and all went well until
;hc matter cf extending the storm
.-ewer one block on Washington ave
nue was brought up, and at once the
rtr-rescntatives from the south side
ru. bed to the rescue and demanded
that the r".r.-t. steps be taken on Chi-
a'. aeruo, and each side drew every
.:aik picture of the conditions of af
fairs there.
Ii .-tailing Coun"i":mr.n Buttery of
xhs Soior.d ward maJc the motion that
as weather conditions we-e getting
rr e favorable the work of extending
the M-wtT be commenced at and
Tie work :tartti'. on the block on
Ya -hiucton avenue, which was get-
in bad shape and should be
c . ir. proper cc
ndition as soon as
!. In which
t-d. a:o.-e
Chicago avenue is ;
and expressed hi.? j
that the work should be done j
- avenue for three reasons:
tV 1 l. Oil
I'.:-. :. it was nun narrower than
v h "'.", n aver.ue and more uanger-.;-
fun tr.'j sharp turn into Pearl
? : i t--t ; i:d. because of the bridge
' er .-trec-t acro-s the creek
;:i J f-or.i which one of the ladies re
ig in the i outh part cf the city ha 1
f aile n and injvr
1 herself quite!
rt-ve:cly n-.e wec!:s a.'-o;
third, that
it WUi
the .
r.i'j - ; :
:e rro.-
tpoitant street in ,
c ere oer which t'le'each
pu:t ot t.n? traei iron; ;
of the trael from
v.-ouM pass, and it therefore, !.
was clearly the
v. ?rk the mo-t.
one , r.:
!'iir.:i Battery disagreed with
:r.;:.ts cf the ger.t'eman from
: w.-.rd in regard to the im-
cT the avtnues, as he drew
imporlance of Wash -
.-. hl.h he stiie.l was
v.-ay to '.he Missouri
".--m which travelers
1 o-hcr point.; in the
;au to
i ahso
r.a.-s ever
that the Zse-
or.c of t'.c
state, war,
i" or emptied
! ma le the
e a:.
.-c vering much more im-
Cc u;
.'zui.ii Bajeck of the Second
ard a. in'o the argument by stat
': t'.at the-e was no doubt that both
.e'.-.e- i.e-t i'' the work quite badly,
t ho ft. It that Washington avenue
v. t ie;.:iy entitled to have the first
tlxk rf leverage placed there, ar;
Cr.:ca,-,, aver.ue had been given con
si.ic a" wf ! k in the past few years
r.. i there had been very little tlone or.
Washington avenue.
M-tyor Sattler then suggested that
if it v.a- decided to do the work that
the e'v:.:y commissioners be inter
viewed with a vie-w of seeing what
they would allow in the doing away
with the bridges in u.-:e now on the
rvenucs. as there are old wooden
1. r i iges c n both avenues that will be
- :ire away with in the event that the
: ew,'ia?:e is put in as suggested. .
C s:r.'.-i:man Johnson thought the
I tst policy would be to wait with the
ciera:ro extension until more fujuls
were iivailable with which to carry on
th werk, as if the funds were not
suT.clr.t it might be necessary to is--"f
warrants o:i other funds, and this
r.Az'ii- cause the city a loss.
Councilman Ilallstrom of the Third
wa ! J avert.! putting me sewerage
icn-icii n Chicago a enue, where it
could be placed much cheaper than
n W'a-hirgten avenue and that the
work on Chicago avenue would cost
-.nlv $!..'-'-;'. v.i:i!c on Washington ave-
rue it would be much higher on ac
count of the conditions there.
Councilman Bestor stated that esti
mates had teen made on the Chicago
avenue sewer several years ago and
the cost would be in the neighborhood
of S1'X.
Councilman Buttery moved that an
t. timate be made of the work on ore
block of .sewer on Washington avenue
and that the commissioners be con
ferred with by the council in regard
to the bridges. . .
Councilman Bajeck asked that the
bi J of Bruce & Standevert on the pre
paring of the estimates be read, v.hicii
was done by Clerk Nerr.etz, that firm
ofTerirg to do" the work for S10 a
Councilman Ilallstrom amended the
notion of Ir. Buttery and that it be
referred to the streets, alleys andi
bridges committee for action. Coun
cilman Streight of the First ward
then amended the amendment of Hall
strom and asked that the question be
referred to the judiciary committee.
The vote on the Streight amend
ment to refer the matter to the judi
ciary committee was a tie Patterson
Streight, Bajeck, Buttery and Harris
voting for it, and Bestor, Ilallstrom,
Lushinsky, Johnson and Shea against,
and as the vote was tied the mayor
cast the deciding ballot against the
amendment. On the Ilallstrom motion
it was carried, with Streight, Buttery
and Bajeck voting "no."
Further discussion of the sewerage
question was indulged in by the dif
ferent members without much being
gained. Finally the matter was some
what smoothed over by Ilallstrom,
who moved that the estimates be made
on the two pieces of work on the ave
nues and sent to the council at their
rext meeting.
Mayor Sattler, in a short talk to the
council, spoke of the land which the
city had claimed ownership to on the
river bottom east of the city, and ne
suggested that the city place a fence
v round this land and allow it to be
used by the poor people of the city to
pasture their cows in during the sum
mer months, at a very .small fee just
suffifEcient to pay for the trouble of
fencing up the land, and the mayor
thought through this means a great
good could be accomplished that would
otherwise allow the land to go to
waste. This is certainly a suggestion
well worth while.
Councilman Lushinsky desired to
south of the Colum-
t".an school opened up in oruer inai
the residents there could have a legal
roadway, as at present they were
using a road placed on private prop
erty, and steps will be taken to see
that this is opened up.
The council also discussed at some
lencth the condition of Main street
jand the need for action in having it
cleaned, and it was stated that as soon
as the weather grew arryway". settled
the work of attempting to clean up
the street and have it flushed would
be commenced, but as long as it froze
night it was practically impos-
sibie to oo, ai tne water company
lid rot seem to want as much water
is would be necessary u.-ed in the aft
ernoon, and with the dirt frozen in
J the morning there was litt'e use in
(trying to do anything.
Councilman Johnson cf the Fourth
J ward called the attention 'of the coun- to the piles of dirt alcnj the TidJ
building on Third street, which mad?
j that thoroughfare almost impassable,
i md asked that something he done to
clear up this mes.-. The mayor state;!
he had been informed that as seen as
the roadway dried up that the dirt
was to be used in making a fill along
Third street, where it was r.eede 1
quite badly.
The finance committee of the city
council reported the following claims,
which were ordered paid: Mike Lutz,
street commissioner, ?20: Henry Lutz,
street work, 5.40; Lambert Lister,
same, f:8; Charles McBride, same,
$7.10; J. E. Xemctz. city clerk ex
pense, Sl.f-: Klopp ic!ett. elec
tion supplies, $13.50; W. H. Mason.;
foreman fire department, salary, $0.25
Ma:; Pries, same, $0.25; Emil Stenik
same, S0.25; James Kresal:,' same,
?G.25; Henry Lahoda, same, S0.25; G.
H. Ciossen secretary of fire depart
ment. ?0.25: A. r. Braun, chief of fire
department, $12.50.
A communication was received from
the residents of North Maiden Lane
and West Oak street asking that the
water mains be extended west on
Locust street tc Maiden Lane and
thence south to Oak street, in order
to furnish the proper fire protection to
the. residents of that section of the
city. This was referred to the fire and
water committee to take action on.
Councilman Bestor, of the streets,
alleys and bridges committee, reported
that the work of surveying the city
was getting along niceby and that by
the next meeting there would pro!)
ably be some report on the matter.
A petition wa? received from Mrs.
Eva Reece, owner of some lots hear
the McMaken ice house, asking that
the grade be fixed in such a manner
as to not interfere with the useful
ne.-.s of the lots for building purposes.
Councilman Harris of the eemetery
committee reported that he had inter
viewed Father M. A. Shine in regard
to having the trees in the Catholic
cemetery cut down, and he had been
promised that the work would be done
as soon as possible.
Councilman Ilallstrom desired to
have the report made by the light
committee some months ago on the
light matter, and which included the
rates then proposed for the use of the
city offered by the light company,
placed in the records of the city in
order that in the future reference
could be made to them.
Councilman Lushinsky was also of
the op;nion that it woum De a goou
Councilman Bestor called the atten
tion of the gentlemen to the fact that
the Nebraska Lighting company had
never signed the agreement, which i
was purely a verbal understanding
with the committee.
The following were selected as the
judges and clerks of election at the
coming city election for the different
First Wan! W. D. Messersmith,
W. J. Hartwick, J. II. Thrasher,
judges; J. V. Burnie, John Falter,
Second Ward W. B. Rishel. V. M.
Muliis, William Weber, judges;
George, J. J. Svoboda,
Third Ward J. R. Kelley, C. C.
Despain, Gus Johnson, judges; Henry
Jess, Ed Weaver, clerks.
Fourth Ward John WeyrictT, Aug
ust Tartsch, John Kirkharu, judges;
J.: C. Peterson, Anton Nitka, clerks.
Fifth Ward George Schantz, Jas.
Higley B. F. Crook, judges; Kay
Sawyer, Earl M. Geis. clerks.
There being nothing more exciting
developing the council adjourned and
the members wended their way home
From "Vedniv's Pail v.
A real conflict was staged on the
floor of the house Monday morning
over a bill changing the salaries of
county beards. As originally -drawn
the bill provided for a per diem salary
for road oversee.vs, but another meas
ure was substituted. The new bill
made a new alignment in counties un
der certain salaries as follows: In
counties under township organization,
of between 15,000 and 20,000, S700 per
year; in similar counties r.of under
township organization, $1,000 pet
year; in counties of from 0,000 to 15,
000 population under township or
ganization. $430; similar counties not
under township organization. S750; in
counties of less than O.COO population,
under township organization, $300 pc-r
year; in similar counties not under
township organization, 5500 per year.
Some of the counties under one clarsi
fication under the present law would
go into a classification under this
hi!1., but there was little objection to
it as redrafted.
Grcnwalt of Custer started the ball
rolling over an amendment designed
particularly for larger counties like
Cutter and Cherry, to give county
commissioners more pay uccause c.
the size of the county. An amendment
was finally adopted providing that in
counties not under township organiza
tion, having an area of 2,000 or more
square mi:es and a population of from
lo-oCO to 2o.000, the salary of county
commissioners shall not exceed Sl.50,0.
Greenwalt made a strenuous plea for
vhis amendment, which only aifeets
Creely, Custer and Cherry counties.
Taylor of Custer did not support it.
Later Grenwalt charged that'Taylor
had pone back on him on this amend
ment, aftiu giving the Custer county
commissioners the impression that he
would support it. He said he might
bring the matter up again later. The
amendment was adopted, however, and
the bill recommenced. State Journal.
Fr"m 'Wednesday's Daily.
In the county court yesterday Judge
Bccson entered an order in the matter
of the estate of William Lindsay, de
ceased, appointing Frank P. Sheldon
of Nchawka as administrator of the
estate. The Lindsay estate will be
quite large, at; it is estimated that the
deceased was worth some $100,000 in
real ar.d personal property, and some
of this had been deeded to the childrer
of the deceased before the death of
Mr. Lindsay. He leaves some $18,000
in money in addition to the land. The
widow of Mr. Lindsay died just a few
days ago at the old home and her in
terest in the estate will go to the chil
dren. Visits With His Parents.
From Tuosilav's Daily.
Yesterday Tom Allen came in on a
furlough to visit heie with his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Alien, for a
short time. He has just come from
Vcia Cruz, Mexico where he has been
serving on the battleship Delaware.
and his ship is still there looking after
the American interests. ile has a
brother, Herbert, on the same vessel,
serving as a jackie of Uncle Sam's.
Tom is a second-class gun pointer on
the Delaware and' enjoys life in the
navy very much. He departed tins
atteracon lor umana, and leaves
Monday to rejoin his vessel a the
Mexican port. y
Sell your property by an ad ia The
crest an OF
Omaha Coming to thf Front as the
Greatest City in the Great
From Tuesday's Uar.y.
The man who seeks an answer to
the question, "What is the matter
with Nebraska and Omaha?" will find
his answer in the new buildings as
suired for Omaha, the metropolis of
the greatest trade territory in the
world, which includes Iowa, a very im
portant part of this wonderful ter
i itory.
If ever prosperity was indicated in
a territory, here is the evidence, and
real tangilble evidence of it: Within
the year construction will start cn
nine new buildings in Omaha, the total
cost of which will be well above the
83,000,009 mark. These new build
ings coming right on the heels of tho
new buildings recently completed in
Omaha, show that Omaha is enjoying
a stable development, which cannot
be duplicated in any other city.
This development is only a reflec
tion of the development of Omaha's
trade territory. The same advance
ment is true of every city in Ne
braska and Iowa, and of the states'
wonderful resources.
Among the new buildings assuircd
icr Omaha this year are: The Board
cf Trade building at Sixteenth and
Far nam, which will cost $350,000; the
Omaha Wo! Id-Herald building at
Fifteenth and Farnam, $250,000;
Schlank theater building, Farnam be
tween Sixteenth and Seventeenth
streets, $200,000; First National bank
building. Sixteenth and Harney, a
twelve-story structure, $500,000; r.ew
building southeast corner Sixteenth
and Farnam, $400,000; Grain Ex
change building. Nineteenth and Har
ney, $500 000; Masonic building. Six
teenth and Capitol avenue, $250,000;
Edwards Jtote1. North Sixteenth
:eet, $100,000; Western Newspaper
Union building, $150,000.
Tailing into consideration the new
buildings just completed and those
under construction, such as the Fon-
tenelle hotel, United States National
bank building. Skinner building, Scot
tish Itite temple, German-American
Co.Tee company building, and the Cas-
e hotel, which aggregate more than
2.000.f 00, it is quite evident that
ihere is nothing the matter with this
And all this at a time when less
favored sections are complaining of
lack of business despite the numerous
handicaps under which it labors.
SLtii uuji uuui nun
The BurlingUn has in the past few
months been conducting a great deal
of work at their quarries near Soutn
Dend, in this county, where they are
securing rock for use on the different
places on their lines where it is need
id in construction work and for the
use of rip-rap and other river protec
tion work. There has been some
thirty men employed here in getting
out the rock and fixing it for shipping
to the points where needed. A great
many cars of the crushed rock and
stone have been sent to Folsome,
Iowa, for use in the rip-rapping there,
and there arc only a few more cars to
he delivered to that point to complete
their order. A grealf deal( has also
been sent to Kearney, where it is re
ported the Burlington is planning
much extensive work, and among
these is the strengthening and fixing
of the bii'lge near Kearney, which will
IjO made so that the larger and heavier
trains in use on the road can be run
ever the bridge with perfect safety.
Among the plans rumored as to the
fixing up of the bridge is that the
Burlington plans to put in an ex
tension of their line from Kearney to
Bridgeport in the near future, which
wiil create a great deal of work there,
as the consti uction will cover quite a
great deal of territory.
Parents who know from experience
insist upon Foley's and Tar
Compound when buying a medicine
for coughs, colds, croup and la grippe.
C. T. Lunceford, Washington, Ga.,
writes: "I have used, it for six years
and it never has failed. I think it is
the best remedy made for coughs and
colds." Sold evervwhere.
Letter files at the Journal office.
Taken With the Grippe.
County Superintendent Miss Eda
i Marcuardt this morning decided to
join the great majority of the resi
dents of this city who have the fash
ionable complaint of the grippe, and
was unable to leave her room and will j
be compelled to take an enforced vaca
tion from her duties. There is a
great deal of this malady prevailing
throughout the city and hardly a per
son has escaped a visitation of the an
i oying disease.
C. R. Frans of this city, who has
for the past few months been in the
employ of the Missouri Pacific as a
bridge carpenter, met with quite a
painful accident Tuesday while at
work on a small bridge just north of
Nebraska City. Mr. Frans was on
the bridge doing some work when he
missed his footing and fell a distance
of some twenty-five feet to the ground
and as a result received a very severe
shaking up, and at first it was feared
he had sustained serious injury that
might result in broken bones. He was
placed on the train and hurried to
Omaha, where he was placed in the
Wise Memorial hospital for examina
tion, but no bones were found broken
and the attending physicians are of
the opinion that in the course of two
weeks he will be able to be 'out and
around, but is very sore and bruised
as the result of the fall and has a
severally bruised left side and arm
His family here were notified of the
Tnishap and at once hurried to the
hospital and were much relieved to
find that the acchlent had proven to
be a great deal lighter than was at
first feared.
From Wpflnopday'a PalTy.
This afternoon at the county court
room occurred the marriage of Mr.
Arthur W. Reatl of Alden, Kansas,
and Miss Ida M. Richter of Mynard,
this county. The young people, ac
companied by the mother and sister
of the bride, arrived in the city short
ly after dinner and at once came to
the court houe and secured the neces
sary papers that entitled them to be
comea s one. Judge Beeson, who has
become quite an expert in the per
forming of these ceremonies, spoke
the words that joined the lives and
Lhearts of-these two happy young peo
ple. The bride is the daughter of
Ernest Richter, a prominent farmer,
who formerly resided near Murray,
and has just returned to this county
from Kansas, where he was engaged
in farming for the past few years.
Subscribe for The Journal.
r ill m' -rrfirH f i-Mfifii irfrfiT
Clothes .
New ties
Every weel$
Matthew Wilkins, for many years a
resident of this city, died at his home
at Boehres, South Dakota, on Thurs
day, March 11th, after a short illness
with lung fever. Mr. Wilkins left this
city eight or ten years ago with his
family, locating first near Creighton
and later moving to his present loca
tion in South Dakota. Mr. Wilkins
was a gentleman well known and
highly respected in this city, where
his death will be learned of with the
deepest regret by the many old
friends. Since moving from this city
the shadow of misfortune has hovered
over this family and two of the sons
have been taken by death and the
daughter lives very low with lung
trouble, which has just taken the hus
band and father, and this disease
seems to spread through the family,
taking them off very fast. Besides
the wife, two sons and daughter are
left to mourn his death. Mr. Wilkins
was first taken sick on March 5th, and
rapidly grew worse until his death a
few days later. The funeral services
were held at Uoehres irorn the late
For Sale.
Eggs for hatching and day-old
chicks from Single CombRhode Is
land Reds. Eggs, $1.00 per 15, $5.00
per 100; chicks, 10c each. Special
mating prices upon request.
A. O. Ramge,
Route 1, Plattsmouth, Neb.
"lTEN who appreci-
-L distinctive styles,
exclusive patterns, perfect
fitting garments, such as
we show, are making this the high-class suit
store of the town. Right now before Easter
is a good time for you. to settle the Spring
clothes question. This store where you can
see the best Society Brand and Kuirpen
heimer models is a good xlace for you to set
tle the Spring clothes question. Being given
the time and ilace, all that is left for you to
do is to act. We'll expect you soon. Suits
from $15 to $35.
New furnishings for Easter
wear are here
frf ' M .".n ' iiin wxy
Afajihattqn Shirts
Just notice
the. clever styling in the
model illustrated graceful
sloping shoulders; trim nar
row sleeves and trousers; wide
lajjel sof t roll -front; artistic
patch pockets; narrow culE
bottoms on pants and neat
sleeve finish on coat not an
extreme "duclish" suit, but a
modern lyi& s.tyle that will
distinguish you from the ordi
nary. It's just one of the
classy models we show in our
Quality Line $20 to $35.
Some very smart checks and
overplaids at $25. Such suits
as these will cost you $35 to
$40 made to order.
E. Wescott's Sons
Everybody's. Store
Goes to He Operated On.
Yesterday afternoon Mrs. Andrew
Kroehler was taken to Omaha, where
she will enter the hospital there to
take treatment, and may perhaps be
compelled to undergo an operation.
She has not been in the best of health
for some time and her condition has
proven the source of much worry to
the members of her family, and it was
finally decided to take her to Omaha,
where she can be treated with more
success and if necessary the operation
performed. Her friends here trust
that she may receive the benefit from
the operation that will restore her to
her former health.
From Tuesday's Daily.
Ernest Richter, who has been re
siding near Marceline Missouri, for
tKe past four years, and who has just
recently removed from Missouri to
this vicinity and is residing on one of
the farms near Mynard, belonging to
John Becker of this city, was attend
ing tob usiness matters and visiting
his former county seat friends in this
city today. Mr. Richter was a pleas
ant caller at this office and says that
Cass county is the only place to live.
We are glad to know that Mr. Richter
has returned and will make his home
in our midst again.
Tom Martin, the Pacific Junction
barber, came over this afternoon t
visit for a few hours.
Stetson.. Hats
l 3
g --4j
, 4 i
r f