The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, March 22, 1915, Page PAGE 6, Image 6

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    PAG 6.
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The Daylight Store
Hatt is havin;
uourd his place.
a new fence put
The weather nowadays is kind of
rrixed, good, p.-or, bad and indifferent.
Dr. W. E. Ponelan is having his
drug store raised and a brick founda
tion put in.
George Fairfield was surveying the
site for the new Catholic cathedral to
le erected in this 'own, on last Wed
nesday, laying it off for the builders to
commence work.
A horse that was hitched to a
wagon in front of Johnson's drug
.tore last Friday afternoon, got
frightened and kicked its harness to
pieces before he could be quieted.
Our town is filling up rapidly now
and an empty house is hard to find.
Several new frame houses are going
up and as soon as the brick is burnt
there will be a number of fine brick
residences built.
About the first of May M. Schnell
bacher, our blacksmith, will move into
the Henry Boeck building on Fifth
street, between Vine and Main streets.
where he will be happy to see all hisjtion; so that if any of our Jefferson
old customers and hopes for many new
The following letter we clip f rom ,
. 1 CM 1 T T " T :
of April 17. It contains some good
r.dvice from a progressive and shrewd
business man:
A few weeks ago we stated that ex
Mayor Ray of this town had taken a
trip west, following the advice of the
late Horace Greeley, and whilst .
sojourning in the state of Nebraska he
writes us as follows:
Cedar Creek, Cass Co., Neb. Hon.
John H. Zittle: This is a beautiful
morning in this far western country. !
This county (together with Otoe,
Seward. Lancaster and Saline coun
ties) along the south of the Platte
river, comprises the excelsior prairie
the finest country ever man's eye
beheld. It is a wheat and corn grow
ing country wheat grows in abund
ance they raise an average of 20
bushels to the acre, and of a very fine
quality, and it is Avorth 75 cents per
bushel. Corn grows in this country as
Wall Paper and Paint Store
Wall Paper of every quality and pattern, price and quant
ity, can be found here. Bf gin the Easter season right. If you
are thinking about re-decoratirg your house don't fail to pay us
a visit. We have some exclusive designs that will please the
most discriminating.
Also Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Stains, Room
Moulding, Picture Framing, Etc.
Bungalow Aprons
and the newest ideas in Aprons, House Dresses and Kimo
nas, can be found at our store. As soon as it warms up
Spring cleaning will begin and you will want some of
tliem. For your Spring sewing come in and look at our
pretty Ginghams, Percales, etc.
all kinds at all times. Phone us your wants,
heave everything in Fancy and Staple Groceries.
fine as in the Shenandoah valley of
Virginia, and yields much more to the
acre 60 bushels to the acre is con
sidered an average crop, but often a
crop of 80 and 90 bushels is raised.
Raising oats is very profitable here,
they grow to perfection in this cli
mate the finest I ever saw being
here, and they yield GO bushels to the
acre. Potatoes also grow in abund
ance, but our little Shcpherdstown
Colorado bug played havoc with the
crop last year. The climate is much
colder than in Jefferson county, West
Virginia. Fruit is scarce here, but
joung orchards are being set out, and
in a few years, no doubt, fruit will
be plentiful in this state. Game is
amundant. from a quail to a sand hill
crane the air is sometimes darkened
with them and geese and ducks of
the finest kinds. Fish in the Platte
r.d Missouri river consist principally j
of buffalo and cat, and range from the
smaller sizes to over 200 pounds in
weight. Small fruits grow here in
abundance wild plums, grapes and
gooseberries are gathered along the
ravines and creeks. Now, friend Zit
tle, I have given you a' brief descrip
tion of the country, and what do you
think these lands can be bought for
per acre? Raw lands can be purchas
ed for $3 to $10 per acre; improved
land, $10 to $25; school and railroad
land $10 per acre, with ten years'
time. Great inducements are held out
to emigrants to procure homes in this
state. The first crop will pay for
the land and all expenses for cultiva-
folks want to own a fine farm in the
west, without money, we say come
right along. This is the asylum for
the oppressed of all nations. Thou-
sands and millions of acres of the
finest land here are waiting for just
such folks as we have in old Jefferson
county, and who would become
wealthy here, whilst if they remain
there it is impossible for them to be
comeany more than a moderate renter.
Thousands of people in this state, who
come any more than a moderate renter
years ago, today are in first-rate cir
cumstances, whilst a large portion of
them are wealthy. Now, young men,
and middle aged men, come west, buy
yourselves homes, and grow up rich
with this beautiful western country.
Fred Ronne of Cedar Creek sends
in his back pay and pays a year in
advance. Good boy, Fred.
Unless another hitch takes place a
through train from Omaha to St.
Louis, via Plattsmouth and Lincoln,
will be put on Sunday morning next.
at the (exclusive)
Phones 53 and 54
Lightning struck the carpenter shop
of Johnson Brothers on Sunday night
and knocked the Martin house galley
west, besides ripping off the boards
and shingles pretty lively.
The champion billiardists of town,
Sam Long and Joe Fairfield, played a
big game the other day at Neville's.
By the way, what has become of the
tournament Billy was going to give
Mr. and Mrs. John Charlton of
Omaha, both of. Plattsmouth once,
have become proprietors of a bran
rew daughter lately. Captain Paine is
said to be awful jealous of his friend,
John, on ''this auspicious occasion."
Mr. Arnold, our well known and re
liable countv commissioner, rallpd nn
the Herad yesterday. We were much
pleased to see him and hope he may
live long to build good bridges and
serve the county faithfully.
Lee Estell of Red Cloud, colonel of
Governor Furnas staff, passed
through Plattsmouth on Saturday
last on his return from the east, where
he has been a gettin' married and
other things.
Phil Harrison met with a very pain
ful accident last Tuesday evening
week. He had caught a large catfish
and was getting it off the hook when
it ran its horn into the side of his
heel, making a wound that you could
put your finger in.
Maj. R. C. Cushing, the well known
and popular superintendent of
Messrs. Fitzgerald, Mallory & Flynn,
southern railroad contracts, when he
returns to his Nebraska home will
have a beautiful reminder of his
southern stay, in a daughter born in
Knoxville early yesterday morning.
Sixteen years from now the Tennessee-born
Miss Cushing will hold
her own in grace and beauty against
all the young ladies of the west.
Knoxville (Tenn.) Press and Herald.
Don't wait the sixteen years, though,
friend Dick, before you show us the
young lady.
Jacob Adams, an old resident of the
county, died this morning (Thursday)
January loth, at hi3 residence, south
west of town, aged 59 years and 4
months. Deceased was an Odd Fellow
and a Granger. His funeral takes
place Saturday, at 1 o'clock p. m.,
from the residence of the family. The
Odd Fellows will take charge of the
Arrival of a New Son.
Last evening there arrived at the
iheme of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Turner
in this city a fine bouncing baby boy,
and the advent of the young man was
the source of much happiness to the
proud parents. The young man is the
first child in the family and con
sequently is the object of great ad
miration from its relatives, who vow
he is the finest young man in the city.
The mother and little one are getting
along nicely. Mrs. Turner was for
merly Miss Annie Morley of this city.
Has a Very Sore Hand.
; This morning Grover Will came in
from his farm home to receive medical
attention for what had apparently
started in as a small pimple or boil on
his left hand, but later became infect
ed and has been giving him a great
deal of trouble and necessitated lan
cing the hand. It had swollen up to
i twice its normal size and was exceed
ingly painful to the young man.
Most disfiguring skin eruptions,
scrofuls, pimples, rashes, etc., are due
to impure blood. Burdock Blood Bit
ters as a cleansing blood tonic, is well
recommended. $1.00 at all stores. .
JU fiit.rft .T-T..T..T..T. .T..?wT.T...
John B. Nichlos arrived Tuesday
evening from Manning, Iowa, to make
a short visit with his friends here.
T. M. Patterson, one of the Platts
mouth bankers, came down yesterday
morning and made a visit with his
son, J. M. Patterson and wife.
Rev. W. A. Taylor went on the
Tuesday forenoon train to Lincoln in
obedience to an order of the court
notifying him that his services were
required as a juror in the U. S. court.
Mrs. Joseph Burr, accompanied by
her daughter, Ruth, and son, Melvin,
came up from Nebraska City last Fri
day and made a few days' visit with
her son, George Burr and wife, at the
Miss Kate Fitchhorn of Platts
mouth, Miss Marian Spellman of
Omaha, and Arthur Hayworth of
Plattsmouth were here last Saturday
and ware the guests of Harry McCar
roll and wife.
Fhilip C. Engell, who has been
spending the winter with his daugh
ter, Mrs. John Johnson, at Baldwin,
Kas., returned home last week, and
Mrs. Johnson came with him to
make a visit with relatives and
friends here.
William Metz of Nebraska City was
here Tuesday meeting many of his
friends and looking after business af
fairs. Mr. Metz was a teacher in the
Union schools a number of years ago,
and he certainly enjoyed spending a
few hours among his old-time as
Foster Buck returned home Mon
day from Omaha, where he had been
in a hospital the past few weeks re
covering from an operation for ap
pendicitis. He shows the effects of the
ordeal, but appears to be regaining
his health as rapidly as is usual in
such cases.
Ben P. Davis departed Wednesday
evening for Neola, Iowa, having re
ceived a message informing him that
his brother, Frank Davis, died Tues
day night in a hospital in Council
Bluffs, his death resulting from a
surgical operation. Frank Davis was
quite well known to many of the old
settlers here, as he resided in this vi
cinity a number of years ego and in
his young days he was a student in
the old Naomi institute at Rock Bluffs.
He and his wife made a visit here
last October.
,"V . .
Miss Mattie Peterson went to Louis
ville Thursday.
Charles Campbell went to Platts
mouth Monday.
, Miss Stirl Sellers spent last Sunday
at the Fosberg home. .
II. P. Long shipped a car of hogs
to South Omaha Monday.
Albert Fiddline and family moved
to the Lansing farm last week.
Clyde Berge came in from DeWitt
to spend a few days with his parents.
Mrs. H. P. Long went to Lincoln
Thursday to spend several days with
Mrs. Rose Davis left for her home
in Jansen to visit her parents and
other relatives.
Walter Towle came over from Wa
bash to attend the Workmen dance
and visit with friends.
Mr. Lansing went to Melia Monday
with his grandson, Clarence Graham,
to visit for a few days.
Mrs. William Calder and children
are spending the week in Ashland
with her sister, Mrs. Henry.
Mrs. Roy Clifton and babe of Rich
field visited with her parents,' Mr. and
Mrs. Sawyer, several days.
The Richards and Sweeny families
moved to town last week and are liv
ing in the Fiddline property.
The new cottage Axel Zaar is build
ing is nearly ; completion and the
plastering is being done this week.
Mrs. M. A. Streight returned home,
after spending several months with
her daughter, Mrs. William O'Brien.
Mrs. Charles Campbell and Mrs.
Charles Hill were visitors at the Mc
Hugh home in Murdock last Thursday.
W. O. Hill celebrated his eighty
second birthday, March 17th, and a
supper was given in his honor by his
Mrs. J. C. Kline and daughter,
Hazel, of Fairbury, are visiting with
Mrs. Kline's parents Mr. and Mrs. W.
O. Hills..
The dance given by the Workmen
and Degree of Honor lodges was well
attended Wednesday night and all re
port a fine time.
Dressmaking by the day. Reasonable.
Mrs. A. B. Warner, Thone 181.
Subscribe for The JournaL
F. B. Thomas is on duty again at
the cream station after a wrestle with
the measles, which had him down for
several days.
George Hess of Texas, who has been
visiting his father at Wabash, was
shaking hands with old friends in
town Thursday of this week.
Jack Hitchman is home on a vaca
tion from the island of San Domingo.
He and his brother, Charles, of Oma
ha, have been spending the week here.
Drs. Reed and Butler report a very
mild case of smallpox at the John
Fitzpatrick, sr., home on the person
of their little granddaughter, Ruth
Mrs. Eva Hadley of Glenwood,
Iowa, was in town Tuesday and Wed
nesday visiting her daughter, who is
going to school here, and also look
ing after some business matters.
Mrs. Ray Kreider was at the hos
pital in Omaha Monday to see her
little son, who has been there so long,
being treated for the burns received in
the fire at their home several months
Mrs. Torrence Fleming went to Ne
hawka Saturday to help care for the
sick at the C. E. Heebner home. Mrs.
Heebner and her mother, Mrs. Flem
ing, are sick and other members of
the family have the measles.
Charley Lodge of Leetonia, Ohio,
who is on his wa yto aClifornia, stop
ped off here Tuesday to visit his boy
hood friends, E. F. Marshall and L. D.
Switzer. He was very much grieved
on his arrival to learn of the recent
death of Mr. Switzer.
At the home of the bride's father,
Peter Miller, just west of town, Wed
nesday evening at 8 o'clock occurred
the marriage of Miss Bertha Miller to
Mr. Martin H. Johnson. Rev. W. M.
Elledge spoke the words that made
them man and wife. After con
gratulations were givgen, light
freshments were served.
Mrs. William Willcockson was able
to be down town on W e;inesuay
morning after about five weeks of
At the time of going to press
Grandma DelesDernier is reported to
be very low at the home of her son,
William DelesDernier.
Grandma Buckley Is improving
rapidly at the hospital in Lincoln and
it is thought that she will soon be
i'ble to return home.
Mr. and Mrs. Bert McNamee of
Weeping Water are spending the
week at the home of the latter's par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. William Deles
Dernier. The little grandchild being reared
by Mr. and Mrs. M. R. Beck died very
suddenly Saturday night, funeral serv
ices being held Sunday afternoon.
Pneumonia was the cause of death.
Noel Tyson, who is principal of the
schools at Stanton, spent Saturday
and Sunday visiting with his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Tyson. He had
attended the tournament at Lincoln
with his basket ball boys.
Joseph Cammarn and Mrs. Rachel
Krider of Akron. Ohio, and Mrs. John
Morgan of Shreve, Ohio, have been
making an extended visit through
the west. This week they are visit
ing at the home of Mr. and Mrs. G.
B. Morgan. I
G. L. Berger has been keeping count
of the sunny days since the 13th day
of December, 1914, up to the present
time. He says that during all this
time there has only been nine days
that could be considered sunny days.
This has surely been a record-breaker
for cloudy days.
On Monday morning C. Schneider,
who had been very sick with a very
severe case of la grippe, came to his
harness shop and. started in repairing
harness. While he felt quite w-ell he
was weak. While endeavoring to take
some harness out of the oiling vat he
overdid himself and fell in a faint.
Frank Lorenz happened in about this
time and noting his condition called
several to help him and he was taken
to his home. At the present time he
is much improved. j-
J. There
will be a dance at -I-hall
Saturday night,
J. March 27th, given by the Cos- .J-
mopolitan club, lou are cor-
dially invited to attend. The J
J best of order. Music by Holly's
J orchestra. .
The New Spring Petticoates
in all the newest colors are styles are now in stock, which
every well dressed women will want. These are the ones
that recently took New York by storm. We want you to
see the real latest ones which we have placed .on sale. Our
styles are all Sprind models so different and exclusive.
These are easily worth from $2 to but we are offering
them to you for from
1.50 Up to $4.00
uekweofler -r- Lute
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Stone came
In from Plattsmouth Sunday and visit
ed here the first of the week.
Alfred Anderson did not have the
measles last week, as reported in this
paper. We gladly make the correc
tion. Howard Voline of Park Rapids,
Minnesota, has been here several days
visiting his cousins, the Andersons.
Frank Cox went to Alva, Oklohoma,
Wednesday in response to a telegram
that announced the serious illness ot
his mother.
L. C. Todd dragged the snow from
in front ff his place just after it fell,
and has had good roaJs past his house
for several days.
The Woodman Circle friends of Mrs.
De Ville will be pleased to learn that
.she was elected delegate to the su
preme lodge at the Columbus meeting
Charles Chriswisser spent several
days in Plattsmouth last week on ac
count of the serious illness of his
father. The old gentleman was re
ported better the first of the week.
Mrs. Charles Heebner, who went to
Peru recently to help take care of a
t'aughter who was sick with the meas
les, came home Monday. She was so
worn out with the trip idle could hard
ly get around.
Nehawka shipped nearly l,.r00 cars
of crushed rock during the past year,
and to prove that this was not all of
the outbound traffic we give some
other figures: 78 head of cattle, 0.
104 hogs, 7,200 dozen eggs, 8,835
pounds of butter, 43,3G.j pounds of
flour, 1)2,93 bushels of wheat, 1G,493
bushels of corn, 42 cars of apples, 14
cars ot ciler. o cars ot woou, pr
pounds of hides and 730 of tallow. The
entire outfit in one train would reach
almost from h'ere to Lincoln.
Born to Mr. and Mrs. August
Stohlman, March 13th, a nine and one-half-pound
Mrs. J. A. Nelson left Tuesday for
Norman, Oklahoma, having been call
ed to the bedside of her aunt.
Mrs. F. A. Matzke returned home
from the hospital Monday, after hav
ing undergone a very critical opera
tion for the removal of a tumor sev
eral weeks ago.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Blackwell of
East Akron, Ohio, who were called
here several weeks ago on account of
the death of the latter's brother,
Louis Boedeker, left for home Tues
day. Mrs. L. F. Polk was the guesl of
Mrs. John Group over night last Fri
day, coming in from the country to be
present at the Woman's club farewell
party to Mrs. W. C. Dorsey.
Charles Heim arrived home Wed
nesday from New Mexico, where he
has been for several months for the
benefit of his health. He is much im
proved, and his i py friends are glad
to welcome hipj jack.
John Group' received a telegram
Wednesday J' a louncing the death of
Mrs. Adam " oup. his brother's wife,
at their hor ; in Hastings, Minnesota,
which occr red that day. The funeral j
occurred Friday. Deceased leaves,
besides her husband, a son and a
daugh e.
Th' 8-day-old baby boy of Mr. and
Mr? Alexen died Wednesday. The
luneral occurred from the house on
Thursday, conducted by Rev. C. L.
Norman. The parents have the sym
pathy of the community in their be
reavement. The little 3-year-old daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Sinnard is very
ill with pneumonia at their home west
of town. The little girl had been suf
fering from whooping cough and was
not in good condition to stand an at
tack of pneumonia, but it is to be
hoped that with excellent care she
may pull through.
I- Beacon.
, A. E. Vanlandingham shiped a cur-'
load of hogs to Nebraska City Satur
day. '
Sam Westlake shipped a carload of
hogs and cattle to South Omaha Wed
nesday. William Lee is not improving in
health and the family expect to re
move him to a hospital in Lincoln as
soon as the roads permit.
Mayor Betts is a busy man these
days inspecting the water mains pipe,
looking intently for the white mark
designating the weight and inspection.
Russ Mick is again confined to the
house with an attack of rheumatism.
Russ is sure having his share of bad
luck, but we trust that he may be able
to be out again soon.
George Williams returned home
from the St. Elizabeth hospital at Lin
coln the first of the week, where he
was just recently operated on for
swollen glands of the neck. We are
glad to report that he is getting along
Owen Wall was in Lincoln between
trains Wednesday evening, having
gone up to see his wife, who is at the
Tabitha Home, where she is recover
ing from a recent operation. We are
glad to report that she is getting
along nicely.
A man with a less robust constitu
tion than our popular barber would
undoubtedly have succumbed to the
onslaughts of the practical jokers.
The latest was a large rock painted to
represent a hunk of coal. After
Remaly got the stone in the stove he
pronounced it "nigger-head."
A deal was consumated Wednes
day whereby Charles Frohlich be
came owner of the 100-acie farm be
longing to his brother, John, one mile
north and one and one-quarter miles
east of Eagle. John will hold a pub
lic sale March 2Gth and he and his
family will then depart for Winifred,
Montana, to make their future home.
A Specific Against Colds.
"If there is such a thing as a
specific against colds, it is to be found
in the sleeping porch or the open bed
room. Next to that comes the cold
sponge bath in the morning," says the
Youth's Companion. Be as careful as
you can you will occasionally take
cold and when you do you will find
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy a great
help in enabling you to get rid of it.
Try it. Obtainable everywhere.
Why not get a Farm Loan, pav oT
all your small loans, get a low ran cf
interest and a long time to pay?
Office in Telephone BIdg.
Real Estate Loans and Insurance.
Subscribe for The JournaL
Specials for this Week
Blue Star Matches, r
2 boxes for OC
Sunkist Oranges, larg- or
est size tfrown, a doz .OuC
Cocoanuts, each 5c
Table Salt, 3 sacks for. .10c
Potatoes, per bushel. . .75c
Onions per peck 30c
Gold Medal Corn Flakes r
2 large packages for. luC
Call-and get our prices and
see our goods. We are here
to save you money.
Fresh Vegetables and Fruits
of all Kinds.
Call or phone 434 We deliver