The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, March 22, 1915, Page PAGE 3, Image 3

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    M0"2r-T. TL-rKTK 2i. lilt.
siro eisrvt ijLK'Cy cmrrrja
Farmers' Attention!
Now is the time for the fanner to commence
thinking of that busy season which will soon
be upon him, and in so doing he will natural
ly begin making arrangements for the taking
care of his land and crops, and this will need
the best in the line of implements. This is
our line, and here is where we want to to tell
you that we have the very best which com
prises a complete line ot
Sterling Stalk Cutters
Osborn and Bud Long's Disc Harrows
Hoosier Seeders
Keystone, Hoosier and Dempster Press
Heavy, well-made drag steel lever
harrow, that takes a swath of 19
fcet, that we arc selling for $16.75
Gang Plows we carry the Grand deTour
and J. I. Case
!n riding cultivators we carry the Badger
and New Century
Also a numberof John Deere cultivators
that we willclose out at following prices:
Riding Cultivators at. . .$22.00
Walking Cultivators at. . 12.00
We also have the New Departure, Jenny
Lind and Avery Walking Cultivators.
Meadows and A. B. C. Power
Washing Machines.
Buggies and Carriages one of the best lines
to be found in the rounty to select from; Wagons
and Truck Wagons; International Gasoline Engines.
Also a Full Line Harness and Harness
Harness Oiled for $1.00 per set
AVe carry a good stock of implement repairs, and
amontr them are a lot of John Deere repairs.
john f.
The Implement Man.
Local fkws
From Friday's DaUv.
Charles of near Louisville
was here tolay for a few hours look
ins: after some matters of business.
John Mei?inp;er, jr., drove in yester
day from his farm bene to spend a
few hours here looking: after some
Mrs.-J. P. Cross of Union came up
to this city this morning to attend the
funeral of the late Mis. Charles C.
George P. Meisinjrer, jr.. drove in
this morninp: to spend a few hours
looking after some trading with the
Attorney C. S. Aldrich of Elmwood
came in lust evening to look after
some matters in the county court for
a short time.
Judge Jesse L. Root and Byron
Clark of Omaha came clown this aft
ernoon to he present at the funeral of
Mrs. C. C. Parmele.
Mrs. S. II. Atwood and daughter,
?diss Catherine, came in last evening
on No. 2 to attend the funeral of Mrs.
Charles C. Farmele.
Father William Iliggins cf Manley
came in yesterday afternoon from
Omaha and visited here for a few
hours with Father M. A. Chine.
Miss Ftta Nickels of near Murray
was in il. c;'.; lor a few hours to
tiy visiting with friends and looking
after some matters of h-..lno.;s.
Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Wise arrived
this afternoon from Omaha to be
nresent at the funeral services of Mrs.
Charles C. Farmele this afternoon.
Mrs. W. A. Swearingen arrived this
i.fternxm from Omaha to attend the
funeral of Mrs. Charles C. Parmele,
which was held this afternoon from
the late home.
Mrs. Charles Bates and little daugh
ter Delpha, of Nehawka, came to this
city Wednesday evening for a few
days visit at the home of the form
er's aunt, Mrs. Mason.
Mrs. T. P. Livingston and Mrs. j
Tewksbury were among those going to !
Omaha this morning, where they will 1
attend the convention of the Daugh
ters of the American Revolution. ,
C. J. Meisinger, from south of Cedar
Creek, was here yesterday for a few
hours visiting his parents, Mr. anjj
Mrs. Jacob Meisinger, as well as look-'
Plattsmouth, Neb.
ing after some trading with the mer
chants. Miss Rachel Tanner of Yuma, Colo.
anJ her friends. Miss Preen, of Hous
ton, Texas, who have been here visit
ing at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. A.
Troop, departed this morning for
Omaha, where they will spend the day.
Henry Klinger and wife departed
yesterday afternoon for Wyoming,
where they will make their home in
the future on a ranch in that state, as
Mrs. Klinger's health has been ve.-y
poor of lcte and it was thought ad
visable to remove her to a higher
Miss Hazel Dovey was a passenger
to Lincoln yesterday afternoon, where
she will visit relatives and friends
and attend a number of social affairs
given by the Theta sorority. Tomor
row morning the Thet,a sorority will
hold an initiation antf tomorrow even
ing an elaborate banquet at the Lin
dell hotel. Miss Claire Dovey is also
visiting in Lincoln and will attend the
Theta sorority social affairs. They
will be the guests of their uncle, A. C.
Adams and family, at ll'SO C street.
From SaturfaVs D.uiv.
Adam Kafferberger, from near
Cedar Creek, was in the city yesterday
afternoon looking after some trading
with the merchants.
Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Phillips of
Sioux Falls, S. D., are here for a short
-;.-it at the home of their cousin, Mrs.
M. A. Street and family.
Miss Clara Janda was among those
going to Omaha this morning on the
early Burlington train, where she will
visit for a few hours with friends.
Charles Poisall, who has been here
for the past week visiting- with rela
tives in this city, departed this morn
ing on No. 15 for Lincoln, where he
is attending school.
Mr. and Mrs. R. E. "Foster and
children of Union came up to this city
last evening for a visit over Sunday
with Mrs. Foster's parents, Mr. and
Mrs. L. G. Larson.
County Treasurer W. K. Fox re
turned home last evening from Lin
coln, where he had been for a few
days looking after some matters in the
office of the state treasurer.
Mrs. George Barr and Mrs. Rhoda
Cotner were among the passengers on
the early Burlington train this morn
ing for Omaha, where they will spend
the day looking after some business
Mrs. W. H. Maun and daughter.
Miss Ada, were among those going to
Omaha this morning on the early Bur
lington train, where they will pe;ul
a fi-iv hours in looking after rcino
business matter.-:.
There is mu h rejoicing in the
homes of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Green
at Gretna, Neb., and Mr. and Mrs.
William Budig of this city, all on ac
count of a rew baby girl which ar
rived at the homo of Mr. and Mr.
Green on March 14. Mrs. Green is a
o;iuchter of Mr. and Mrs Budig.
From Thursday's I"a!ly.
Mrs. F. E. Thackery of La Platte
was here for a short time today look
ing after some trading with the mer
chants. Mr. and Mrs. John True and daugh
ter Miss Lizzie, of Cedar Creek, were
visitors in this city Saturday and were
pleasant callers at this office.
William .Shea, jr., came down this
afternoon from Omaha and will visit
here with his parents for a few days
before returning to the metropolis.
Mont Robb. the genial proprietor of
the Hotel Riley, was among thoe go
ing to Omaha this afternoon to look
after some matters of business for a
few hours.
Miss Hattie Forbes was among
those going to Omaha this morning
where she will spend the day visiting
with friends and looking after some
matters of business.
Rev. Carlson, pastor of the Swedish
Mission church of this city, came down
Saturday from his home at Wahoo and
conducted the usual services at the
church yesterday.
Mrs. Oscar Johnson and Mrs. Ncls
Johnson of Omaha who were here
visiting at the home of Mrs. John
Pwunson, departed this afternoon for
their home in the metropolis.
Mrs. F. W. Tager of Lincoln, who
has been here visiting with her sister,
Mrs. A. L. Tidd, and mother, Mrs.
William Herold. for a short time, re
turned this morning to her home in
the capital city.
Mrs. Frank Goodman and little
daughter were among those going to
Omaha this morning, where they will
visit for a short time looking after
some natters of importance.
Mrs. Earl R. Travis returned Sat-1'ivl-riy
afternoon fiom Nebraska City,
where she had been for the past few
days vi-iting at the hone of her sister,
.Mrs. N. C. Abbott and fardlv.
Ilt-nry J. Sehluntz, and wife depart
ed Saturday afternoon for Cedar
Creek, where they visited over Sun-
dry at the
Chris Gaue:
Mr;-. R. E.
ter arrive"!
home of Mr. and Mr;-,
returning home last
Fhechan r.r.,1 1
this morning
tiJ i. t;ii
from their
home at Galesburg, Illinois, and will
vis'.t here for a short time at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Smith, the par
ents of Mrs. Sheehan.
Miss Mary West and Miss Gems of
Gltnwcod, who were over Sunday
visitors here at the home of Miss
West's mother, Mrs. Adam Wolf and
family, departed this morning for the
Iowa city.
T. W. Evans of St. Joseph, Missouri,
v.ho has been here for the past few
days visiting at the homo of T. E. Par
mele and family, and who was called
here to attend the funeral of Mrs. C.
C. Parmele, departed this morning for
his home.
Mrs. N. C. Abbott and children, who
were over Sunday visitors in this city
with Mr. and Mrs. Earl R. Travis, de
parted this mroning for Omaha, in
company with Mrs. Travis, where they
will visit with relatives for a short
time before returning to their home
at Nebraska City.
Miss Knofiicek, the talented
young lady violinist, was a passenger
this morning on the early Burlington
train for Omaha, where she will spend
the day looking after her violin work
in that city. -
We will
liens at . .
Springs at
Stags at .
Cocks at .
i v-i c
Fred Dawson, Local Agent.
L. J. Hal
The Union Auctioneer
Union, Nebraska
All sale matters entrusted to my care
Ml . J '
win receive prompt and care
ful attention.
Farm and Stock Sales
a Specialty!
Rates Reasonable!
Address or phone me at Union
for open dates.
Need Attention in Fthruary
March or Face May Stay
Now is the time to 1
of the complex'on, if
look well the re.-t of
February and Maich
ake special care
you wish it to
the year. Th
ch winds have a
bring out freckles
:uminer unless re-
strong tendency to
that may si-ay all
moved. Now is the time
double strength.
to use othine
This prescription for the removal of
; . l . i . . l .. . . .
1 re
y a
j hysician and is
y so successful
that it is rout by d.uggisis under
guarantee to refund the money if it
fails. G t an ounce of olhine- double
strength and even a few applications
shojld show a wonderful improve
ment, some of the smaller freckles
even vanishing entirely.
S. C. Rhode Island Red.
Eggs for hat.-hing. Farmer
75c for 1" at home, or .S'1.00 for
Duroc-.Tersev swine for sale
!- by
at a:i
times. The very best strains.
See me at Mynard or call Plate
mr.uih 'Phone 2221.
W. E. Porter.
Keep Your Bowels Regular.
As everyone knows, the bowels are
the sewerage system of the body, and
it is of the greatest importance th;vt
they move once each day. If your
bowels become constipated, take a
dore of Chamberlain's Tablets just
after supper and they will correct
the disorder. Obtainable everywhere.
For Sale.
Eggs for hatching
chicks from Single Cor
land Reds. Fcgs, Sl.C'j
and day-old
ib Rhode Is
per !". ?.",06
per 100; chicks, 10c each.
mating prices upon request.
, A. O. Range,
Route 1, Plattsmouth, Neb.
See cars at Platts
mouth garage.
oTit i: iik apim.ic vi i run
it i.ici-::m-:
Notice is hpnl.y nivn to persons
interested mid to tit public that ti.e
umbrsitrned. J. L. Husscl. Las filed
lis petition and a ppih a t h n in t otiii-e
of tl... city iluk of the City of Platts
mouth. County of Cass, and Stat" of
Nebraska, as required by law, signed
by tie required number of resilient
fi ee-lioldei s of toe said city, setting
forth tbat tie applicant is a man of
respectable character and standing and
a resident of the State of Nebraska and
praying that it licence may be issued
to the said .1. 1.. l:us;-eil for ti e s-.- I e of
limit, spirituous and iaous liquors for
tli-? perl d of or;e year from i he iljlf
of the hearintr of said application in
a building situated on lots eleven and
twelve 111 ami ll'i. in blo'-k t.venty
yeven J7. in the First ward of the
said Citv of I 'la t tsmou th. Nebraska.
March 1.", lftlTi. Applicant.
notki: fir tniix i-'on
Miirnit l it i:m;
Notice is hereby iven to all persons
interested and to the public that the
undersicned, .doiph Cliese, lias filed
his petition and application in Hie office
of the city clerk of tiie City of Flatis
moiith. County of Cass, and State of
Nebraska, as re.iiired by Jaw, signed
by the required number of resident
f rce-hoblers of the said city, settinfl
forth that the appiicaru is u man of
respectable character and standing and
a resident of the Stale of Nebraska and
pravinsc that n license may be issued
to the said .dcdpii tSiese for the sale
of malt, spirituous and vinous lmunis
for th period if ore year from the
date of the hearincr of said application
in a tiuildintr situated on the west half
iwU) of lot six ii. in block thirty
four : "At, in the Fourth ward of the
said City of I'lattsmout h, Nebraska.
March li, 1915. Applicant.
voriii: of ppi.utio.v
i.ntiou lki:.nii;
Notice is hereby p-iven to all persons
interested and to the public tl.Ht the
u rulers if ned, Peter Coos, has filed
his petition and application In the otiice
of the citv clerk of the City of l'iatts
month. County of Cass, and State of
Nebraska. required bv law, signed
by the required number of resident
f ree-holders of the said city, setting
forth that the applicant is a man of
res m-cta hie character and standin-r and
a resident. of the State of Nebraska and
prayinsr that a license may be issued
to the said Peter Coos for the sale of
malt, spirituous and inous liquors for
the period of one year from the date
of the hearing of said application in a
bundiiiir situated on lot twelve (121, in
block thirty, "', in the First ward of
said City of 1'lattsnmuth. Nebraska.
J'fclTIZK ;cjs,
March 1.". 1015. Applicant.
I.IUI nit i.ici:.nk
Notice Is hereby eiven to all persons
interested and to the public that the
nrolersiirned, J. K. MtTianiel, his filed
bis petition and application in the office
of the city clerk of the Citv of Platts
mouth. County of Cass, and State of
Nebraska, as required- by law, sifrne.1
by the required number of resident
free-holders of the said city, setting
forth that the applicant is man of
respectable character and standing and
a resident of the State of Nebraska end
I'ravini; that a license mav be issued
to the said J M'Canie! for the sab
of malt, spirituous arid vinous liquors
f"' tie period of one ear fi-.m; the
date of the hearini; of said application
in a bulldinsr situated on lot six ;, in
block thirty-three (.":, in the Fourth
vard of the said Citv of Pla t ts.nouth,
NV braska. J. K. McDANIKU
March ID. 1313. Applicant.
Mill ok i. it
Notice is hereby piyen to all persons
iiit-i ested and to the public that the
ii ndersr it- red. Wm. IJenrii hsen. I ns tiled
his petition and application in the office
oi the citv clerk of The City or I'latts
tuoutii. County of Cass, and -"State of
Nebraska, tis required tv Jaw, siirned
bv tie required number of resilient
free-holders uf th
city, settint?
is ;i man of
standimr and
foith that tli- applicant
respectable character and
a re-dd-.-nl of the Stale
of Nebraska and
pi a v i ! tr tout a license may be issued
to tie saol AVm. Henrichsen for the
vale of malt, spirituous anil vinous
liquors for the period of on year from
the date of the hearing of said applica
tion in a hiiildinc; situated pn the west
half (Wio) of Jot one M, in block
I h i ii v-f our C:i. in the Fourth ward
of toe sac! Citv of Flat l s mo nth, Ne
braska. WM. ilFNklCHSKX.
March 1.", 191.".. Applicant.
uiii oii l it i:nm:
Noli'-e is hereby fiiven to all persons
ir.terevjed and to the public that the
a rid. i s i n -d. I'd. I n beruvr, has filed
his Petition and a ppl h a t io:i in the otiice
of the jy i-li-i-K of the City of Flatls
rtioulh, I'onrity of Cass, and State of
Nebraska, as required by law, siirned
by tie required number of resident
fi -c-hobl-rs of the said city, scttinsr
forth that the applicant is a man of
rope ta hi chit racier anil standing and
u leshient of the State of Nebraska anil
Pl-a vir-if that a license mav be issued
to t' e said Kd. Fucn bersjer for the sale
of malt, spirituous ami vinous liquors
for the period of on year from the
cute of the hearinc; of said applica t ion
in a bildin situated on the east half
ichi of lot twelve (!, in block twen
t v-eiLrht. CO, in the First ward of the
siid Citv of I 'la 1 1 smoc t h. Nebraska.
i:jj. ix;i:ni:i:i:i;i:i:
March 1.", 1910. Applicant.
in h i:
i.uti nit i, i
Notice is hereby tiiven to all persons
interested find to the pi.blie that the
nnd-rs iirned. F.d. lonat has filed
his petition and application in the office
r-f the city c i. rk of the City of I'latts
mouth. County of Cass, and State of
Nebraska, as required bv law, siirned
l.v tie required number of resident
free-holders (,f tie said city, setting
foiih that the applicant is a man of
respectable chat
a l esid.-nt of 1 1
praying that a
to the SHid l"d.
malt, spirituous
t he period of on
the hearing of
b-jildin Mti:a'
in'h-r and standing and
State of Nebraska and
license may be issued for the sale of
and vinous liquors for
year from the date of
said application in a
d on the east half
e 'i of lot t wel ve
ty-aine do in th
1 2 . in block twen
l'irst ward of the
- tt i
-ity of Fiato
moot h,
Nc bra ska.
1 N AT.
March 1-'
1TO :
In I he llivtrict I oiirl of the Coil illy if
'., Nelirnskn.
W iM Jean and Kdward H. Spaneler,
Francis Savacool, Klizabeth A. Sava
( -hi. the unknown heirs and devisees
of Francis Savacool, deceased, the
unknown h its and devisees of Kliza-bi-:
'u A. Savacool. uei eased, Mrs. Jos
eph MoCune. I rst real name un
known, t.he unknown heirs and de
visees of Mis. Joseph Mi-Curie, first
real iinni" unknown, deceased. John
iMinlap. Mrs. John lmnlap. lirst real
ii.i-uc unknown, the unknown heirs
and devisees of John lmnlap. de
ceased, the unknown heirs and ue-vi.-ces
of Mrs. John lmnlap, first real
name unknown, deceased.
1 'efendants.
T the Above Named 1 lefenda nt :
Vol and each of ynu are lierebv
not. lied that on the first day of Match.
A. I". pl.". plaintiffs tiled their suit
ii the Ih.-trut Court of Cass rnuntv.
Ni hraka. to quiet the title of plaintiff.
Id.'..-. id ii. Spaneler. to the f.dlowiliLr
le-i.-ii.ed land in the County of Cass,
' to-wit:
N-otnwest quarter NV of
Section (.ne il. Township eleven
illi North Fanire thirteen tlo)
lia-t of tl:e P. M..
because ot I: is adverse possession ny
himself and his grantors tor more than
.c?) ears prior to the commencement
. said st:it to require vuu and each of
-"u to set' forth your tit;ht, title
claim, lien or iplere.-t. if an'. in said
property, tit tier li-aal or equitable, and
to have the same adjudged interior to
of said phnnti'l. and to enjoin
1 a;l 'f vim from having or
1 1 m
i:nv rilil. title, claim, lien or
therein ami for general equita
f. nt.
This notice is made pursuant to the
rccr or the court.
Vo-'i are required to answer said
petitiPti on or btfore Monday, the 12th
day if April. A. 1). IHIj. or your de-
fa'.i't will be duly entered.
Wl.h JKAN and
i:lwaki h. spanc.lkr
1 "laint iffs.
Notice of A!:iiiniKrntiii.
-tsc.r.s interested in the estate
lise tlarber are htieby notified
p.tition lias been filed in the
Couri of l ass County, NePras
inr tliat said clf-tascd lied in-
All -of
that a
Count v
k a . alb
testate, and piayinir for auniini
tion upon her estate. A hearins
be had open such petition on the
dav of Match, ll'ir,. at 1 ( o'clock S
t ra -will
. m.
a t 1 1 .
Co u lit v
kp.. All
Court at Plattsmouth,
objections and protests
t o
id petition
ire required to be filed
before tl
1 ia ted
hour of hearing on said' day.
this 11th day of Much. 1!1.".
( s u 1 Co u r. t y -J u d ge.
I O. 1W YEn, Attorney.
i.uti oic i.k i;m:
Notice is hereby niven to all persons
interested and to the public, that the
ndersierned, Andy Thomson, has filed
is petition and application in the of
fice of the County clerk of Cass Coun
ty. Nebraska. as required by law.
isrtied by a majority of the resident
freeholders of Kijrht Mile drove Pre
cinct, setting forth that the applicant
i a man of respectable character and
sjandintr and a resident of the state
Nebraska, and prayins that license
issued to said Andy Thomson for
tie sale of malt. spirituous and
vinous liquors for the period of one
year I rom JVlay ii, jyi.i. ending- May
lillil. in a buildinir on lot 4. in block
in the village of Cedar CreiMv. in
ht Mile Grove Precinct, in Cass
County, Nebraska.
A N i Y THOMSF.N, Applicant.
notici: OF HCMlf; PHOOF OF
In I be Comity Court nf iUc Cminty of
( n.HM. Nehraxka.
In the Matter of the Kstate of Archi-
I ti'ii M. llfdmes. J er eased:
Notice is hereby priven to all per
sons interested that on the lUtn uay
"f April. A. 1. IDKi, in the office of the
County Judcre. in the Court House,
Plattsmouth, Cass County. Nebraska,
the following matters will be heard
and considered, to-wit: The application
of Harriet A. Smith to admit to pro
hate the last will and testament of
Archibald M. Holmes, late of the vil
i.i ire of Murray, in said county, de
ceased, and that Letters Testauientary
be issued to C. A. Kawls.
Said petition also alleiriner that Mary
F. Kawls, Harriet A. Smith, Nellie B.
Churchill. James W Holmes. Arthur
F. Holmes, Troy S. Holmes and Arnold
Holmes, are the only heirs at law of
saiil deceased.
Frite.l this 33th day of March, A.
1 1 yij. Hv the Court.
County Judge.
Countv of Cass, fs.
In the Matter of the Estate of
Cornelius Land. Deceased.
To A1J Persons Interested:
Von are hereby notified that there
will b" a hearins? upon the report of
the ac'ininistrntor of above estate and
his petition for final settlement there
of before this court, in the Court House
at Plattsmouth, in said County, on the
ll!th day of March, 1915, at ten o'clock
a. m., at which time order of this court
will be entered distributing the re-
Concrete Work Guaranteed!
We could not do that if we were not sure every time
we do a piece of concrete work that it ia done riht.
We Know How
or we would not take a chance on rebuilding our
work. We know how to mix concrete and how to put
it in, and every job we handle is there to stay.
Silo, Water Tank, Water Storage
Tank, Walls
all built by us under an absolute guarantee to be '
of first-class material and workmanship and we stand
back of it.
Come in and See Us
if you are thinking of building anything this year. We
have a number of new ideas about building that will
interest you.
Just south of Postoffice on Fifth Street.
Concrete Construction Go.,
V Plattsmouth, -
sidiie of sail estate to those entitled
thereto and the discharge of the ail
admin ist i a tor.
Hated March 17th. 191D.
County J'ldre.
mti i:.
In tiie IHilrlcl Court of f'nwn County,
Doc. X. No.
Farmers A: Merchants Hank of Ashland,
Nebraska, a Corporation,
Henry llomin. et ah,
To the unknown heirs and devisees of Homin. deceased: Lean Kornin
Snider and William Snider, husband
of l.ena Komin Snider: the o n k n- v. n
heirs and devisees of Lena Komiii
Snider, deceased, and An ties Am-lia
Little, non-resident defendants, i.n
pleaded with other defendants:
You and each of you are ber'.-'iy
notiried that on the Huh day of Mar- h,
lt'ir.. the Farmers & Merchants Hank of
Ashland, Nebraska, plaintiff herein,
riled its petition in the above entitled
ause. in the District Court of Cass
County, Nebraska, apainst you and eaeh
of you. impleaded with other ilefen 1
ints. the object and prayer of which is
to foreclose a certain mortsratre : -ecuted
on the ll'th day of April. 1901',
bv Frederick Horn in and Catharine
Komin, his wife, upon the property de
scribed as follows, situated in the
County of Cass and State of Nebraska,
to-wit :
The North half iN. n) of the North
east quarter N. K. i of Section six-e-n
(liii. Township twelve Mil. KanKe
en (111, Hast of the tith 1. M.
Said rooittraire was iriven to secure
he payment of a note for the sum of
ne thousand dollars $ 1 ,j(."U due
mil payable on the ljth day of April.
191J, and there is now due and payable
n said note the sum of five hundred
dollars ( 5 ."00. On i with interest t hereon
-it the rate of six per f-nt f pel cent)
per annum from the ll'th day of Aprii.
1914. for which stim, with interest and
costs plaintirT prays for a decree,
thedefendants be required to pav the
fame and that in default of such pay
ment said premises may be sold to
satisfy the amount found due on sail
You are required to answer said peti
tion on or before the latii day of April,
Dated at Pla 1 1 smout h. Cass Countv.
Nebraska, this loth dav of March. I ! 1 r.
Its Attorney.
NoTici: to itr.iiiroits.
State of Nebraska,
Cass Countv.
In the matter of the estate of Afratha
Stull, deceased:
Noticti is hereby piven that the credi
tors of said deceased will meet the ad
mimstrator of said estate before the
County Judfre of Cass county, Nebras
ka,- at the county court room in the
-itv of I'lattsmout h. in said countv on
the 2nd dav of April. 1915 and the "rd
-f September, 1915, at 10 o'clock a. m
ach day. for the purpose of presenting
their claims for examination, adjust
ment and allowance.
Six months are allowed for the cred
itors of the said deceased to present
their claims, and one year for the ad
ministrator to settle said estate from
.he t'nd day of March. IJU.i.
Witness my hand and the sea! of said
County Court at Plattsmouth, Nebras
ka, this 24th dav of Februnrv, 115.
County Jhdge.
D. O. DWYER, Attorney.
In the Matter of the lua id ia nsh i p f
Clara Dyer and Charles I n er, Jlinori.,
for License to Sell Keal I-.state.
Notice Is hereby Riven that in pur
suance of an order of the District Court
in and for Cass County, Nebraska, made
in the 9th day of March, 191". for the
ale of the real estate hereinafter de
scribed, there will be sold at public
vendue to the blchest bidder for cash,
it Plattsmouth. Cass Countv, Nebraska.
the South front door of the oCu-t
Hou.--e, on th fith day of April, ISIS, at
1 o'clock p. m. of said day, the follow
ing described real estate to-wit:
The undivided 4-l'7 of F 'i of SW 'i
of Section 21'. and the NYV ' of the
iYV" 'i of Section 22. Township 12.
P.anse 9, East, in Cuss County, Ne
braska, and the undivided 4-27 of the
of the NE !4 of Section "Z. and
tndivided 4-27 of lot f., in NE i of
SH xn. Section 33, containing :;0 acres.
tiuI the undivided 4-27 of lot fi. in
'YS" t of SH . . Section 3". containing
10 acres. in Township 12. lianjre 9
East. Cass County. Nebraska.
Said sale will remain open one hour.
Dated March 9, 1915.
Guardian rT Clara Dyer and Charles
Dyer, Minors.
f UlATV, MllllHSKA.
George M. Thierolf, I'laintiff,
Mvrtle M. Thierolf, Defendant.
To Myrtle M. Thierolf. Defendant:
You are hereby notified that on the
9th 'day of March. 1915. the Plaintiff
herein, Georee M Thierolf. tiled his pe
tition in the District Court of Cass
County, Nebraska, against you as de
fendant, the object and prnver of
which is to obtain an absolute di
vorce, and the custody of the minor
children,, namely, Leaha Thierolf,
Benton Thierolf, and Hazel ' Thierolf,
issue of paid marriage upon the
ground of desertion and abandonment
for more than two years last nast.
and for such other and further relief
as equity may require.
You are required to answer said
'etition on or before the 3rd dav of
May, A. D. 1915, if you fail so to do
your derault will be duly entered
herein and Judgment entered as crav
ed for in said petition.
Dated this 20th dav of March. A. T.
i. L. TIDD, Attorney for Plaintiff, i
AIITII Mi OF l( oltl'olt TIO
riiTznn mum: mimimm.
SHNTS, That We, Joseph K-tz-r. M.irv
retzer and Henry F. ibn.s, do iissout
ourselves together for the pulpo of
forminj; und becom i nir a Corpoi at ion lo
'.he State of N'ebtaska. for the t'ar
actlon of the bu. iness hereit.a f ter tie
scribed. It TIC I.F. I.
The name of this Coipfiratlon fl ail be
FETXEl: soi: Cii.MPANV.
I'rlnrlpnl i'imrr nt llualani.
The luiniipul plee of i-imih-k of
this ( orporHlioii tshall be in the Citv of
I'la 1 1 smou t b. County of Cass, ftjte of
AltTP 1 11 III.
Nallirr f Ihp 1 1 u m -n .
The buyinir and se'linir of foo'-vear
and lubber Knmh and lepair work of u
fenernl retail shoe business, and lh
leasing arid erectii-n arid maintenance
of smh lniilditiKS and structure a
may be deemed necessary, and the pur
chase of such leal estate an may if
necessary in the cor. d uc t i n 'f Mtiii
business and to ho hi titie thereto mil
to transfer the same.
AII'IK l.i: IV.
(uphill Mnrk.
The authorized atital ftoik of nab!
Corporation shall be th j',im of
Twenty Thousand $ J0.oi0 Dollar",
divided into two hundred shale of
.ne Hundred ($J0' Dollars each, to be
subscrilied and paid us renuired by law
and tlie IPiard of Directors.
.mi i m l.i : v.
The existence ot this I "orfora t iori
shall i-ommence on the 1st dav of Feb
ruary. 191.".. and si. all terminate on
:u.t dav if Decern Int. i:oi4. and it sh.ill
be authorized to transact its torpoiate
affaiis when these Articles of In
corporation Lave been tiled as re-iuire.1
by law.
AHTir i.i: vi.
Tlonnl uf Illr-or.
The I'usiness of this I nrpcratinn
shall le conducted by n Hoard of t-ree
Directors to lie -lecUd by the Stock
holders, such elec tion to take plai ,t
such time and to be conducted in i'h
manner as shall l-e prescribed by thn
liv-ljiws of said Corporation.
The officers of said Corporation shall
be a President, Vice President, Sec
retary, Treasurer and Manager, who
shall be chosen by the Hoard of
Directors, and who hall Lold their
offices for a period of one
ear und
until their successors hall
le eleit-1
and iju.-il iflod.
I ol-llr-d .
The biphest amount of indebtedness
to whiili said Corporation shall at any
time subject itself sh.ill not -xceed an
amount equnl to one-third of its paid
up capital stock.
Mnnnrr of HoIiIIbk le-tlBKs.
Tlie manner of Lohtintr meetinp of
stockholders for the election of tie
officers, and the methods of conducting
the business of the Corporation, shall
be as provided in the Hy-l-aw and
adopted bv the Hoard of Directors.
A II TIC l.i: .
These Articles of Incorporation mar
be amended at any regular
meetinir of the stockholders called for
that purpose, provided that such pro
posed amendment le lirst approved bv
two-thirds vote of the entire Hoard
of Directors, and If tii approved to lie
entered at laree upon the records of
said Hoard, and as provided by law.
In witness whereof the un.1ernlnr.eit
have hereunto set their Lands this Mli
day of February, 1915.
Mai: y FFTzr.i:
H H x I : y F. tli m is.
Cass County, ss.
On this 9th dav of February. 15H5. be.
fore A. L. Tidd. a Notary Public
duly commissioned and qualified and
residinir In said Countv. tx-r'nrnlly
came the above named. Fetrcr.
Mary Fotser and Henrv F. iioo, who
are personally known to me to be the
identical persons whom names urn
atllxed to the love Articles of In
corporation as parties thereto, and llcv
each separately m kn'm ledjred the in
strument to be bis and her voluntary
act and deed.
Witness my Land and notarial unl
the day and year last above written.
(Seal) A. K TIDD.
Notarv Public.
My Com. Ksp. Oct. 5. 1915.
IS ( OIATV ( ill HT.
State of Nebraska.
Countv of Cass, ph.
In the rratter of the estate of John
Peter Kei!. deceased:
To all persons interested:
You are herebr notified tbat there
has been filed In this court an in
strument purporting to be the lat
will and testament of the said Join
Peter Kell.. deceased. toKetber wl'i
the petition of Elizabeth Kathenne
Keil, wiilor of said deceased, alleifina:
therein that the said John Peter Keil
has departed this life in said countv.
and possessed with an estate ihctiin,
and prayintr that said instrument le
allowed and probated as the last will
and testament of said deceased, and
that administration of said estate t-e
granted to the said Elizabeth Kath-
erlne Keil.
You are further notified that a hear
ing will be had upon said petition
and proposed will before this court at
the court house in the city of Platts
mouth. in -said countv. on the 29th
day of March. 1915. at ten o'clock a,
m., of said day.
That any and all objections thereto,
if any. must be filed on or before kald
day and hour of hearintr.
Witness my band and seal of thn
county court of tlie aid county this
1st day of March, 1915.
(seal) County Judge
Sell your property by an ad in The