The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, March 22, 1915, Page PAGE 2, Image 2

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    PAGE 2.
.MONDAY, MARCH 22, 1913.
No Particular Enthusiasm Was Dis
played, as All Candidates Were
Nominated by Common Consent.
Frnm Pa t n rrla v'a Daily.
ine political hosts of the city last
dght assembled at their chosen places
ir.J proceeded to place in the political
-omo!ete list of candidates for
ihe ditr!cnt fiiees.
The democratic convention met at
the council chamber in the city hall
and eveiy delegate with the exception
of ore who were elected appeared at
the cor.venlion'hali to take their seats
in the body. J. P. Taker, chairman
f the city committee, called the con
vention to order, and on motion D.
O. D.vyer was selected as temporary
thai: man of the convention. Xo time
wast lot in getting down to business
in niacin?: the candidates in nomina
tion. Mayor John I
John P. Sattler was
. - t a U o 1
id, his home, and was selected wiih-
Operation Proves Successful.
From Friday'." aiiy.
Yesterday Mrs. J. E. Mason was
operated on in Omaha for gall stones
from which she had been suffering
for some years past, and the reports
from her bedside are that the opera
tion was entirely successful in every
way and the prospects for her re
covery are excellent. Quite a number
cf stones were secured in the opera
tion and brought relief to the patient
from the affliction which she has been
suffering with. Her friends will be
pleased to learn that the operation
was so successful and trust that she
may continue to improve.
Frank li. Thomas of Chicago Was in
Charge of This Department Here
a Short Time Saturday.
Jt exposition, and responded with a
:l.c: t .-pecch cf thanks, and the same
t,u..--,e resulted -in that of City Treas
urer S:.-er.nichscn ami Clerk Nemetz,
.-elected without a dissent
Frank D. Thomas of Chicago, of the
'Safety First" department of the Bur
lington, was in the city Saturday aft
ernoon for a short time looking after
the interests of his department in
the new ilr.e of work they are pie-
paiing to inaugurate along their lines.
This is the safety lirst idea among the
diivers and owners of automobiles.
v were
i:.g vote. j
, ,. ,, Theie are a great many accidents ea.h
theve was practically r.o question I , , , .
. , ,. . A. , i year from the result ot recklessness
ia..-ci.l as to oui me jmuii
it-pun dunncr the iat few year
ie beard non-partisan, and
I.'r. C. A. Mar-hall, the retiring re
: ui.-ik-an member, and John Lutz, the
lumvxr.'.tic member, going ou
m, but Mr.
v'clir.ed. ar.d the name of Frank E.
j-'ehlater was placed in nomination and
carried without a di
Schlatcr, in a short talk, asked that
Ilr. Lutz leconsidsr Lis decision not
to run again and accept the rcaor.ilr.a-
tion. but this Mr. Lutz declined to do
;.nd the nomination stands.
Fred Patterson, at present city cn
ginver. was sc'ccled for another term
!y the cor.ven'.icn. The different
wai ds when called for responded with
their selections for councilmen as fel
low.:: First ward, Mike Maury; Sec
l .ward.. r.Iik Dajeek; Third ward,
John II- Hallstrom; Fourth ward.
Her.ry Gfe: Fifth ward, William Shea.
J. P. Falter, who so cfdcicntly filled
the p.-ition of chairman of ihe city
central committee during the past
;.v..r. v.u- re-elected, rnd accepted the
nXce after some consideration. The
f iv-.r.tion then adjourned, as there
w:. - r, h:rg furtl or to he earned out,
a: .! the dcle'-ates felt well satL.'ied
with their woik.
Republican Convention.
Tho jcpu5.l;cais of the city as
: emhled at the office cf the county
judge in the court houie to take seme
action on what might be the best
ir it hod of proceedure during the cem
Intr year and whether to place in the
field a full ticket or not this spring.
Quite r. number of the delegates in the
rvertion favored the indorsement of
the democratic candi hits for mayor,
provided that a suitable man was se
lecteJ, but this foil throurrh with early
i.i the game, and the meeting then
proceeded to organize and get busy on
-electing the men to head their ticket.
For the office of mayor. Emmons J.
Rkhcy was finally selected, while for
tr(-.--urer Ir. E. W. Cook was drafted
to ti'l the plare. For tne office of city
c leik Grovernor Dovey was nominated.
The repul Hears foll&wc l the example
-f the democrats in the matter of the
school board and selected Dr. Marshall
iiw F. E. . Feh'ater as the candidates
in these wards will have r.o opposition.
In taking up the matter of council
rr.en in the different wards the conven
tion placet! in the field from the Fi'-st
ward V". J. Streight, the present coun
cilman; in the Second. George Savles,
an j in the Fourth ward George Lu?h-
kw.y. the presort councilman f re-m
that war '. In the Third and Fifth
yards the convention did not place
ury candidate.: in the field and it is
likely that the democratic candidates
in there wards y:U have no opposition.
There was a goo 1 attendance at this
cr nvention, as well as their demociatic
j. r rents' meeting, and considerable
ir.tere.-t seemed to have been shown in
the result.
in crossing over railroad cros.-ings
ant! this is what the Burlington is
seeking to eliminate as far as possible.
There is always appearing some item
in the press where an automobile has
Veen caught on a crossing ar-d the oc
cupants of the car injured or the ma
chine wrecked, and in many cases this
.-er.ting vote. -dr. : . J .... . ,
care on tne part ot tne drivers ot tne
icars if they would pay ordinary heed
1 in goinr: over the cros.-ings, which are
always more or less clangorous, anu
to recklessly disregard tne danger or
neglect to pay attention to the warn
ing device.; placed there by the dif
ferent railroad companies sdoner or
later results in the death of several
innocent parities. Too often a driver
of a car recklessly dashes on the
crossing when a train is approaching,
and if any accident happens to the
machine and the train crashes into it
there is a case for the coroner, when
r-afety first would prevent all of this
The propaganda against the recK
less disregard of railroad crossing
will be laid before the people of the
tcriitory through which the Purling
ton travel and every effort made to
present it to them in such a light tha
they may realize fully the needs o
the warning of the safety first bureau
Mr. Thomas has spent the past fey
years in looking after this departmcr.
of the railroad and has greatly aided
in the lessening of the many ac
cidents that formerly occurred at th
dirTerent places along the Darlington
in the shop towns, especially, and it i
to be hoped that the same succes
may attend him m the new safety
LeacL-; in Horses Per Capita.
A Most Enjoyable Evt and' Every
Attendant Went Home Feeling
"It Was Good to De There."
rV.-im Saturdays Ta!i.
The banquet given last evening at
the Modern Woodman hail by the
members cf the Loyal Sons class of
the Christian church was a very pleas
ing success in every way and' the
members cf the chrss and their friends
in attendance were well pleaded with
the success of the banquet and the in
terest in the different talks made by
the speakers on the toast list. The
repast was most pleasing and the
ladies of the Helpers class are cer
tainly deserving cf much praise in
having provided the occasion with
cueh an array cf good things to eat,
which we-re thoroughly enjoyed by
the men folks, young and old, gathered
around the banquet board. The ban-
iet was presided over by Judge A. J.
Beeson as toastmastcr, and in his
ual pleasing r.anner the judge pro
ceeded to keep everyone in th best of
humor by his ciever introductory
peeches, as he called on them. The
tables were very handsomely decorat
ed witn bouquets of red carnations
that lent a very pleasing appearance
to the beauty cf the banquet hall.
The toast, -The Cost of It," was re
sponded to by C. E. Whittaker, and in
very well cnosen words pointed out
the cost it demands to make a young
man. lie estimated in moivv 5j.,uou
ana in tne care ot the parents and tne
anxious moments spent an endless
amount of energy, but, as the speaker
stated, ii was well worth all the ef
forts put foith. as unon these young
men lay tne resnonsiuinty ol Lne
uture and of the human race.
D. C. Morgan spoke on the sul.j-ct
of "Stsadfue.tners' and pcir.teJ out
According to the figures of the
'United States department of agri
culture, Nebraska leads in the number
of horses per capita. The states with
more than a million horses and the
number per capita of rural population
arc as follows:
Rural Pop.
Nebraska Iowa
Kansas .
llinois . . .
Missouri .
Texas . . .
Number. Per Cap.
,.1,038.000 $1.1!)
.1, 1.12,000
.. 1,-1(52,000
. .1,005 000
5 V-V
Wild Night Session in Which the Cass
County Gentleman Makes
a Showing.
is the ability to
keep a few steps ahead.
For a merchant to lead he
must give better merchandise
at the same price.
Very Enthusiastic Electing and the
Chb Starts Out Under Very
Flattering Auspices.
:ed of S:m:itss on the cf
Woodmen Circle Lodge, Notice!
The Woodmen Circle lodge will hold
the-ir regular meeting tomorrow
(Tuesday) evening at 8 o'clock. All
members are requested to be present.
Itching piles provoke profanity, but
profpniy won't, remo" fhem. Doan's
Ointment is recommenced for itching,
deeding or protruding piles. 50c at
any drug store.
It has been announced that the la .
number of the lecture course in thi
city will be given shortly after Easter
at the High school auditorium anc
will consist of a program given by
the Elks qyartet of Council Pluff
lodge of the B. P. O. E. This is one
of the best known and popular musi
cal organizations in the west and it!
leputation is a guaiantee that it vil
he most pleasing to the music levers
cf Plattsmouth. It was thoupht at
f:ist that it would be impossible to re
cure tne quartet, but arrangements
have finally been closed v.herebv the
organization will be with ,us soon
That the Elkr,' quartet stands high is
shewn by the fact that they have been
offered positions on the Orphcum cir
cuit by JJartin Peck of r,ev York,
president of that organization, but as
the members are ail men interested in
business in Omaha and Council Bluff
they were compelled to lefuse the of
fer and merely appear in concert in
the west. This is a treat that will be
much appreciated by everyone in the
city and the quartet should have a
large audience to hear their program
when they appear here.
One way to relieve habitual con
stipation is to take regularly a mild
laxative. Doan's Tvegulets are recom
mended for this purpose. 25c a botf at
all drug stores.
the young men- of today and cf the
false idea that some entertained that
they were too eld to attend and take
pr.:t in the work cf the Sunday
Phiiin F. Khin spoke of the "Mis
sion of the Loyal Sons Class," ho
spoke freely of the need of helpful
ness among the members i.nd if one
strayed frcm the paths laid out be
fore him that the members of tli2
class should exercise every possible
means to bring him back and make
him worthy of the hue mission of the
Loyal Sons class.
Harry A inscott tool: as his si.Djcct
'Ameiica at the Iiat," and pointed
cut the many problems that today
confronted the country and their in
crease in the future, as a result of
great European war. which was bring
ing: to this country many vital ques
tions to .solve in order to keen out of
the great conflict.
On the subject, "The Idle Acre,
Will T. Adams pointed out the waste
fulness of having the higher thingr:
in life neglected, and drew a picture
of the idle plot of land where only the
weeds flourished in profusion and how
the.:e weed seeds were scattered eve
the cultivated lands, and compared
this to the lives of the men and wom
en who let the best things go uncultivated.
M. S. IJriggs spoke on "the subject,
"Covaet Emrtor." and stated that
each poison stood in the light of a
cal?sman offering for sale Ids life,
hordth, opportunity, brains. In mak
ing an exrhar.Jro the speaker stated
the pui chaser shou'd sec that they did
not neglect their eternal life.
At the close cf the banquet the
ladies of the Helpers presented to
their president. Mrs. V. II. Dryan, the
flowers decorating the tables, as a
token of esteem.
Krom Saturday's lailv.
The lie business men and citizens
cf Murray and. vicinity are evidently
determined to see that their town is
fut on the map in the proper shape
Ly getting together last evening and
organizing a (commercial club lor tne
purpose of mutual help to each other
and benelit to the town. The mooting
was held nt the Puis &. (Jansmer hail
and was attended by quite a number
of the citizens of Murray and vicinity,
and ail were most enthusiastic' over
the outlook for the success of the club
?nd its benedts to the town and sur
rounding country. The officers select
ed for the ensuing year were:
President L. D. Iliatt.
Vice President W. II. Puis.
Secretary A. L. Baker.
Treasurer Dr. J. F. Brendcl.
Two committees were appointed
T,V. C. EoQ.'.eeker, Ted Earrows and
George Nickels being placed on the
committee to prepare the by-laws for
Amount cf Judgment Secured.
the now club and outline a plan of ac
lion along the lines that might prove
the most helpful to the community., On
the good roads , and street improve
ment committee E. S. Tutt, Dr. G. II.
Giimcie and Ted Barrows were select
cd, and will at once get busy in outlin
ir.g a plan of action that will result
ir. getting the roads leading into Mur
ray in first-class shape in every w
The plan cf the club is to interest
thoe residing in a radius of several
miles of Murray in the work of th
club, and through social and business
sessions develop the community spirit
There are reailv few livelier littl
towns than this in the state, and th
Murray people, when they see a good
proposition believe in going after it
and securing results. There, is no
doubt but that the club will be a big
success and mean a great deal to that
town in the future. The club will meet
again next Wednesday evening.
"A rough house" is what spectators
at the house night session were
treated to Friday night. The osteo
paths and chiropractic regulation bills
were before tha house and all the
trouble was stirred up when op
ponents, few in number, tried to ad
journ to prevent consideration of the
bill. The house refused, and Peterson
of Lancaster started a filbuster which
raised a commotion, says the Lincom
Members received an illustration of
what chiropractic can do for a person
when Kime of Cass made a speech,
his maiden effort, in which he explain
ed that, he had been on his back, the
chiropractors had come to him and
nelped him. In fact Mr. Kime made
several speeches which few could
hear, and had never tried to do be
fore he had been sick, and the chiro-
prators had treated him.
Kime Marten HKe a fcnot lrom a
gun when Hoffmeister jumped on
Frank Edgerton, attorney-lobbyist for
the chiropractors, declaring that this
gentleman could well afford to stay on
the job another day for his pay, and
pointing out that he was at the mo
ment on the floor. Mr. Kime took
exception to the remni-ks and made
a long speech to Hoffmeister, the
tones of his voice reaching only those
nearest-him, but the gestures being
very loud. Occasional remarks drift
ed out far enough to be caught. lie
considered that gratitude was the
finest thing in the world, and that Mr.
Edgerton and those who waited cn
him had been extremely fair. Mr.
Kime made other speeches, each short
and almost inaudible.
good merchandise at a lower price.
class by themselves because the makers
specialize on this one suit, otherwise
the price would be much higher.
We are the only STYLEPLUS store
in town, which is good proof of our
Young men especially appreciate the
leading style element of these fine
clothes at a medium price.
Big assortment come in
Wescott's Sons
Everybody's Store
"The sams price the world over."
R Am m
rsv':wrv '- W.-'-Cf if'- " '
The Court of Last Kesort.
Ve have leceived a number of in-
q'drics from out in the country as to
the amount of judgment recovered by
the county against Sheriff Quinton,
mention of which was previously made
in these columns when the two repor-
ate suits were decided. In the first
Cms the sum of S412i; was awarded
n the mattcrof the disputed fees, and
a the second $01.53. making a total
of ?.0 L-12. These involve the fees
which were in disnute Ix!Lwr-n Iho
heii.T and commissioners as to the
possession of. and were decided
favor of the county.
Ki-r-m Satur.iav's Uarty.
The district court yesterday at its
c:;sion passed on a number of mat
ters, and in the case of Cass County
s. Carroll D. Quinton, case No. 6427,
die court found for the plaintiff in the
um of ?i.'l.G3, with interest from
late at 7 per cent. A motion of de-
'endant for a new trial was overruled,
as well as a motion of plaintiff to in-
rease amount of judgment. The costs
of the case will be divided equally,
each one paying their share.
In the case of William Dunn, et al.
vs. Eva Elliott, et al., on motion of
defendant, the court ordered the ten
ant on the farm under question, Dixie
Kirkpaif ick, to pay into the court all
rents due and owing within ten days,
and the clerk of the court was in
structed to notify the tenant.
Proper Treatment for biliousness.
For a long time Miss Lula Skclton,
Churchville, N. Y., Was bilious and
had sick headaches and dizzy ppclls.
Chamberlain's Tablets were the only
thing that gave her permanent relief.
Obtainable everywhere.
Wallace Hunter Down Town.
This morning Wallace Hunter was
down town for the first time since his
illness with pneumonia, and his many
friends were more than pleased to see
nis genial lace among tnem again.
Wallace has had a very severe sick
ness, and that he is able to be around
again is certainly most pleasing to
his familj- and friends.
Around the stove of the cross roads
grocery is the real court of last resort,
for it finally over-rules all others.
The osteopathy bill came up first, Chamberlain's Cough Remedy has
a bill to extend the requirements for been brought before this court in al-
practice hereafter. In some way a most every cross roads grocery in this
substitute bill appeared, proposing to country, and has always received a
put all adjustment healers under a favorable verdict. It is in the coun
composite board of six members and try where' man expects to receive full
requiring them to meet identical re- value for his money that this remedy
ouirements before being licensed. It is most appreciated. Obtainable
was a long bill and took much time everywhere.
to, read.
Dance Is Much Enjoyed.
I knew a man who thinks that he
could write a book or tame a bee,
The dance Saturday evening at the
German Home was quite successful in
every way and was attended by quite
a large number of the young people of
the city, who for several hours trip
ped the light fantastic to the pleasant
music of the Plattsmouth orchestra,
led by Tom Svoboda, and was very
could run the earth in every way much enjoyed by all those who were in
much better than its run today; could attendance.
tail a boat or ride a mule, or teach the
teacher in the school: could beat the
band at every squeak were he to prac
tice about a week; could do ail these
were he to try. He doesn't though-
I wonder why? I know him like a
printed book, as well as though I were
his cook. I know he thinks that he
could start, the universe and call it
fun. If he could only get a start, that
he would play wondcrous part. But I
still he sets around and waits, and on j
his merits cogitates. Perform in
every line? ' Great Scott! He knows
he could but he does not. Now, how
can 1 such insight show, and say of
him that is so? The man's myself I
I ought to know.
Still Have Calendars.
You will still find a large number
of those handsome sample calendars
and wall pockets at th' Journal office.
While we have sold a large number
the line is almost unbroken, all of
which is being sold at about one-hulf
what the original cost would be in
ouaintity lots. Call and see them.
Office supplies at the Journal of
Bcwcrc of Ohtmezts lor Catarrh
That Contain Mercury
3 mercury will F-ir Ir iVrf-r.r f! s- .f fti-:
iiii. I -.ii, i.t.!..' lrajic t'.u- itlml.- fvi-Iiiii In n
filtering it iir.m,:U t :. i.iiumn fHiiuc... 4
trtii i;-n r - u -nl .t mi in-. ri..
Ji'ns fnijii r'tit;ib I h v-ii iai.. r li.mi.ij;
l'.'i-y wiil u Is t -1 1 r ilil l. I 1 l.x iI y.m i-..u
f-ibly derive ir'iin Hum. ll;i:is t '1 t:irrli Cur.-.
maniifai tun-d l.v I". J. ( hi y 1.1., T'lr.l'.
co:ituii:s no mi rMiry. : 1 1 I i tal.i'M J ; 1 rn;i Ii
H'lln fllre-t:- upm til tl ni'i-..ii Mir
fates of tln vstcrJi. In ! i'ur Hall' jitnrr.1
Cure l' RU.-- j-nt; ci't tlip ranui::-. It I I.t Wen
Internally 11ml ir';u! In T..J-.1.'. iiIiIl, l- I . J.
C'houiT C'. Te;i:iiinlaU f..-e. -
SjH by rr!Tpi-!. IYS -e. T.".r. r'-r !('!.
Take IIU'J I'ai:-i!y I;:! f . r otiu tl;.ati..n.
m m w W m I
Tor Infants and Children.
Tha Kind You Have Always Bought
Til-? T C tViJ
3igu&cure of
. A. Wallinger to John
Mueller, west half, NE
quarter, 30-10-11. Con
sideration $;,soo.oo
Henry Gross to C. W. Camp
bell, part SW quarter,
part NW quarter NW
quarter, 20-12-11. Consideration
Minnie E. Anderson to J.
Lidgett, part NE quarter,
NW quarter, 23-10-13.
C. C. Cooper to Luoy A. Fet
tit, part SW quarter, 20-10-9.
Gertrude Girardet to J. T.
Crozier, lots 9 to 11 and
part lot 12, block 74,
Weeping Water. Con
sideration 2,500.00
W. A. Webster, et ah, to J.
A. Joyce, part lots 1, 2
and 3, block 83, Weeping
Water. Consideration 1,700.00
W. A. Webster, et al.. to D.
M. Johnson, part lots 1
and 2, block S3, Weeping
Water. Consideration.... 500.00
,100. UU
WITH Easter less than two weeks
make i)iej)aration. IIost men like to look well dressed ou
Easter Sunday the biggest dress event of the year.
Our stocks are full now, awaitino
the selection of the early buyers. In suit fabiics wo'io
featuring the Glen Urquhart plaids in Greys lirowns
Greens and Hronzes. Kupj)enlieimer or Society lirand la
bels in all our best clothes first in style and yuality.
Prices $20 to $35
( New hats, new ties, new shirts f
Manhattan Shirts
Sletscn Hats