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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (March 22, 1915)
VOL XXXIII. PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA, MONDAY, MARCH 22, 1915. NO. :. CONCRETE ID BRICK NDUSTRY 111 PLftTTSMOUTH A Large Factor in the Building Line, j and Our Manufacturers Look for a Season's Good Business. rmm Friday's Pally. The concrete and brick-making in dustry of the county is getting to be the largest factor in the building line md in this respect the firm of Peters S- Richards of this ritv i in th front rank in the making of the finest kind of ornamental brick and concrete wcrk. Thev have iust installed a brick-making machine at their build- mg on lower Main street, and here 1 1 i 7 f f i ' i f i an Kincis oi iancy oricx oi any snaue desired is being turned out. They have not got in full operation as yet, but the specimens on exhibition at their workshop are certainly as fine as can be found anywhere. The bricks that present the finest appear- f-nre to the eye are those of the crav and red granite, which certainly are as fine as can be found in any place in the country. These bricks placed cn the exterior of a building would certainlv make a most beautiful finish and doubtlers much of the new build- ing operations will include these orna- mental bricks during the coming sea- tnr, TTi a firm i tn Cnr,r.iT' th.u . ... - ...... ""- - . 1 bricks in any shade desired and thev will be found one of the most at tractive finishings that could be put into a building. The firm is also contemplating the installing of other machinery that will make their concrete and brick making department one of the largest rnd most complete in this part of the Ftate. All manner of fancy designs in ornamental concrete work will be looked after, as the firm has secured new moulds and designs to cover all liner of this variety of work and will make this one of the leading features of their summer campaign in the line of concrete work. They are getting their office room gradually fitted up, although there is stii; quite a goou aeai oi work in tne decorating of the walls and wood work to be carried Out before the Thi Imilrlino- room is completed. which was forraerlv ono of the most neglected in the city, has been placed in first-class shape by Peters & Rich ard and makes a welcome addition to the manv attractive offices and store rooms on Main street. GREAT IMPROVEMENTS IN THE BOECK BLOCK MODERN APARTMENTS From Friday'. Taily. ' We had the pleasure today of be ing shown through the apartments that Henry Boeck has fitted up on the second floor of his building at Sixtlrl and Mam streets. Mr. Boeck has di vided the second floor of his building into small flats or apartments, which are fitted up in the most up-to-date manner. The apartments on the Main street side of the building are oc cupied by Mr. Boeck and wife, while the two three-room fiats are occupied by other tenants, leaving the four room flat vacant. This fiat is com plete with bath room, gas and elec tric lights, gas range, as well as a iarge coal range and heated with rteam, which makes it very cozy and comfortable in every way and every thing in the rooms is clean, as it has been newly repapered and fitted up. A large tank in the kitchen supplies hot water to the bath room, and a more convenient suite of apartments would be hard to find. The elevator in the rear of the store is used to convey articles . and . fuel from the ground floor to the different rooms on the second floor. On the west side of the building a large porch was put up the past year, which is a most at tractive spot in the summer months, rnd this has been enjoyed thoroughly by tho.e who have lived in the flats. The rental for this flat of four rooms is only $18. Wedding stationery at the Journal office- Purchases a New Farm. The Frank Albin farm, northeast o Union, has been sold by the owner to Charles Spangler of near Murray, and the new owner feels well pleased with his having been able to secure this excellent farm. The deal was con sumated through the efforts of Miss Etta Nickels of Murray, who conduct ed the negotiations for the sale. THE IMPROVING SPIRIT ON LOWER MAIN STREET CONTINUES RAPIDLY From Friday's Dally. The old building on lower Main "re next to tne ax. bmith shirt factolT which for years has presented huite an unsightly appearance, is to De eatiy improved by tne placing of "cw iru"L 111 "ie uuiiaing, ana mis I r . - L -ij- , - i TT1 ATP mo1 th "WrtT-L" J O c frm w rrs4 Kir - " " v"iw"v-"v j lum 1Jner Wl" see inai tne irori " Pul in in Proper snape to make it a credlt 10 that se,tn of the city. This room nas oeen usea more as a store room in the Past few J'ears than for an otner purpose, and later was oc- cuI)ied by the Sochor tailor shop, but I ii -m -a i v bi,lte nnstmas aay it nas Iie,u Part U1 ine SIOCK OI ne iVlonroe 5tore- ine worK on ine lront wlU re" Quire some time' but when completed w511 result in firreatly improving the I . i 1 i i m appearance oi tne Dunuing. me lm- Proving spirit seems to have struck that seion of h? city in great shape and everybody is getting into line . V lth some improvement to their prop erty. FINE NEW THREE-REEL FEATORES ARE NOW BEING SHOWN AT THE GRAND from Friday's Pally. For some time past Messrs. Shlaes and Peterson, managers of the Gem and Grand theaters, have felt the high increase in the cost of securing the best of pictures and showing them at the prices they have. In order to give 11 n: i :A e - 3 I . -f , " . - f 01 tne merits oi ine case it nas oeen uuin.-tr me jji.-ca til uic 1 : 1 1 1 .1 .i Gem only, from o and 10 cents to 10 and 15 cents- The Patrons, however, wlH .be Piven a loner and mote ex- tensive program than heretofore at the Gem and the additional charge will enable the proprietors to give their patrons a much better program than is possible at present. At the Grand, however, the prices will remain the same as usual, 5 and 10 cents to all, and the usual program, inter spersed with vaudeville acts, will be given, as has been the custom in the past. The managers of these thea ters are desirous of securing an ex pression from the amusement-loving public as to their opinion on the pro- posed raise. It is expected that the change in prices will be made at the Gem on Sunday next. As has been stated, the firm desires an expression from the public, and will gladly wel cime the opinion of their friends and patrons. These prices will apply to Saturday and Sunday performances only. MRS. EMMA LINDSEY DIES AT THE HOME OF HER SON. NEAR ONION From Friday's Dally. Mrs. Emma Lindsey, widow of the late William Lindsey, died ct 11 o'clock Wednesday night at the home of her son, Joseph Lindsey, two miles southwest of town, at the age of 82 years. Although her health had been failing for some time her death was unexpected, as she was able to be up a part of the time that day. At time of going to press funeral arrange ments had not been definitely made, but it will probably be held today. At this time we have not the data from which lo give an extended report of the life of this estimable pioneer lady, but will endeavor to obtain it for next issue. Union Ledger. Sell your property by an ad in The JoumaL FORMER RES I OF ISF Ralph C. Russell's Dead Body Found I in Straw Stack Near David City, Nebraska. From Friday's Daily. The Ledger received a letter a few days ago from a gentleman at David City stating that he had found a dead man in a straw stack on his farm, and from investigation mads by this re porter we are convinced that the dead man is none other than Ralph C. Rus sell, wno lor several montns was in the employ of Hugh Robb on a farm I - southwest of here. Mr. Russell left I , , here a lew weeks ago and informed us that he was iroimr to Weenine Wa- ter to work in a blacksmith shop, and f jnce that time nothing has been heard from him. The letter we received was written by a Mr. John Janda of David CitJ and stateci that the body was found on satUrdav. March G. and e-ave I " ' i the f0nowing description: Weight 175 pounds, 5 feet 10 inches tall, light hazel blue eves, blue serire suit, little black felt hat marked Union, Neb., patent father button shoes, finger of left hand off at middle joint. Upon receipt of the letter we at once noticed that the description was almost identical with that of Ralph Russell, and further investigation dis closed that Russell wore the shoes and suit as described, that Frans & Son sell the kind of hat mentioned, that Russell's index finger of left hand was off at the middle joint. It de veloped also that Russell has two cousins, Lorenzo Cole and Joseph Cole, residing in Butler county, and it is the natural inference that he had been on his wav to their nlace. and nos- sibly had stopped in the straw stack - ' seeking shelter from the storm, but there is nothing to indicate the man ner or cause of his death. All things taken together it seems almost certain that the dead man is Ralph Russell, ind an effort is being made to locate his nearest relatives, and it is said - - that he has two sisters at Cherokee, Oklahoma, but as yet their names have not been learned. He is a dis tant relatives of the Chalfant fam ilies near here, but they are unable to give any definite information that wilLaid in the matter. Union Ledger. ATTENDS MEETING OF 0. OF A. R. IN OMAHA AT THE AGE OF 84 YEARS From Friday's Dally. At the meeting of the Daughters of the American Revolution being held in Omaha today, the gathering will be graced by a real daughter of the revolution in the persons of Mrs. John Tewksbury of this city, who has the honor of being the daughter of one of the men who in the revolutionary war assisted in securing our country's liberty. Mrs. Tewksbury's father, John Walker, served during the war for liberty in a New Hampshire regi ment and the honor which comes to his daughter is one that is possessed by few in the United States at pres ent. Mrs. Tewksbury is 84 years of age and as bright and keen as a wom an of 50 and takes a great interest in the doings of the great world. She came to Plattsmouth over fifty j'ears ago and has made her home here more or less since that time. The presence of this grand lady at the gathering in Omaha today is certainly worthy of more than a passing men tion, and the members of the society should be proud that they have the distinction of having an original daughter of the revolution with them on this occasion. District Court Meets. From Friday's raliv. This morning Judge Eegley came down from his home at Papillion to hold a short session of the district court and to clean up the remainder of the cases of the November term that remain, preparatory to the start ing of the April term, which com mences here on April 19th- DEI) The Stork Fays Visit. From Saturday's Dally. The stork yesterday afternoon paid a flying visit to this city, and culling at the home of Clyde Martin and wife, I in the west part of the city, left in their care a fine little daughter. .The (mother and little one are doing nicely, while the father is we'd pleased over the addition to his family. OF THE NEBRASKA PENITENTIARY The Rev. Gentleman Delivers an Ex cellent Talk at the Christian Church in Plattsmouth. Last evening the members of the congregation of the Christian church in this city were given a rare treat in having with them Rev. E. M. John son of Lincoln, secretary of the Ne braska I'rison association, and aiso chaplain of the state penitentiary in that citv. The sermon of Rev. John son was one of the best that has been heard in this city and was on a sub- ject that ,rouht to hLs hearers the keenest of interest, as the sneaker, who is a very convincing gentleman. stated a number of facts that were undisputed and pointed out the many causes that lead to the men being in the penitentiary, and pointed out the system that forces many into wrong doing, and to the church whose mem bers refuse to g:ve recognition to their more unfortunate brethren, but allow them to remain in the f utter to go whatever way they may, and hold up their hands at tha suggestion that they be received in ih'thurch. He also spoke feelingly in behalf of r . - .1. "ie um nuMie one In ",e Pn nary wno on coming iortn nau a great struggle to try and resume their place in society from which they had been separated by the prison walls. The address was well received and it is to be regretted that there were not more present to hear the sermon cf Ihis splendid Christian worker, as it would have done them good. Mr. Jphnson has a warm spot in his heart for the men in the state prison and is thought of with the greatest esteem by the men with whom he labors in his field of Christian work, Th wmV- of to nnr.intinn hn done a great deal of good among the men released from the penitentiary in securing them a place where they can start life anew and providing them with protection that has saved many from going back into wrong doing. A short outline of the work shows that fact: The Nebraska Prison association was organized to assist discharged prisoners to get the right kind cf start in life after their imprisonment Recently the parole system was put into action and now there are lew prisoners who stay until the expira tion of their maximum sentence. They receive a parole which enables them to go out while under charge of the state, to show that they are anxious to take their rightful place in society. In making the parole law the state failed to make provision for the parol ed man. He must have employment before he can leave the prison. He needs citizen's clothing and there CHAPLAIN JOHNSON must be some means provided for him gentleman who has the record of the acter, is now one of the leading or to reach the place where he is to work, greatest number of marriages of any ganizations in the city, and the mem The association is giving its attention f Omaha pastors. The young bers are taking a keen interest in the to supplying that which the state has failed to supply for these men. It se cures places of employment, fur nishes clothing and transportation for the paroled prisoners. In the j'ear from July, 1913, to July, 1914, there were 200 men paroled, Some of them had friends who took care of them. Those who were with- out friends to help them were the ones the association assisted. Eighty five per cent 'of those men have done their duty toward society and their employers. Does it pay to save a man from the crime line? It saves the state, it saves business, it saves the man in society, his family and to citizenship. v The association has helped more than 1,000 men in its twelve years' history, and when we know that more than 7C per cent of these men are liv ing honest, upright lives, it is proof that an important work is being done. i ftnnn iifnn 1 1 A UUUU WUM LAID TO REST 111 THE SILENT TOMBi A Large Number of Relatives and Friends Attend the Funeral of Mrs. C. C. Parmele Friday. lesterday afternoon, as the day was drawing to close, in the cemetery ii I. . , , . 1 , . , , . . . r . l i I ia.i ui im,e .,u vere rear and dear to her in life, Mrs. v.nar es rarmeie was laid to ner last long rest, and sorrowing family a.u inenus gatnereu lor me last time 1 f - 1 . l - f , t , , I lu ui, trn,ules oi love ana 1 - 1 1 " A m, l HOm in ner nietime nau oeen i.eioveu oy tnem. ine serMces were neid at tne nome t 3:.f:0 o'clock and a large number -f il. . r i . i i, i . i . me menus gaxnerea to take tneir last iarewen oi tne loving wne, motner and friend, and the many floral re membrances placed on the bier at tested the deep feeling of grief that has been felt by the entire oemmunity over the loss of Mrs. Parmele from their midst. The sermon was deliver ed by Rev. II. G. McCluskv of the irst Presbyterian church and was cne of the most beautiful and touching that has been delivered in this city, I as tne speaker dwelt on the well- j spent life of this worthy lady, just called home. The minister spoke words of comfort and hope to the be reaved family in their loss and held to them the hope of the future meet- ing with their loved one, where part- mg was no more. Mrs. 11. N escott ng during the service the well-loved hymn, "Abide With Me." At the close of the services at the home the body was borne to the last reFting place at Oak Hill cemetery by the members of the Builders' class of the Phesbyterian bunday school, of which she had been the teacher for a number of years, consiting of Carl Schmidtmann, Ben Windham, Sam I Windham, Robert Wills, Marion Dick- son, Dwight Patterson. Edgar Steir.- hauer, Ed McCullough, Leland Briggs and Ralph Larson. The services at the grave were brief and at the close all that was mortal of this worthy lady was laid to its last long rest. There are no I i.i. .11 it tii words tnat can ten oi tne good aeeas and kindly acts of this worthy lady, as they will be remembered for all time in the hearts of those who knew er best. PLATTSMOUTH COOPLE WERE MARRIED IN OMAHA ON LAST SATURDAY Saturday in Omaha occurred the marriage of two Plattsmouth young people, wno, taking tneir irienas by surprise, slipped on to tne me- tropolis on the early Burlington train to have the ceremony performed that was to unite them for life. The con- tracting parties were Mr. Leroy W. Ruehland and Miss Villah Barger, and on reaching Omaha and securing the license they visited the office of Rev. " uictnucxs tunuuis r -Kir ry . 1 T 1 ' l."l.J". 1 and here the words that were to make mem as one were pronounceu uy me people returned home in the atternoon on No. 2, rejoicing in their new-found happiness ,and ready to receive the congratulations and best wishes o their many friends. Both of the young people are well known in this city, where they have made their home for years. The bride is a daughter of Mr. and iirs. J. i. targer ana is a mi rccomplished and charming young lady, whose happiness will be the con- stant wish of her many friends. The groom, who is a eon of Mr. and Mrs. John Ruehland, was born and reared in this city and has here a large num ber of warm friends who will learn of his marriage with much pleasure and extend their heartiest congratulations. Hedge Posts for Sale. 5S0 good hedge posts for sale at a price of lfic each. Wrrite or tele phone S05-J. Frank Vallery, Platts mouth. IAN Dance on April 17th. The T. J. Sokol society has made arrangements to give a social dance at their hall on West Pearl street on Saturday evening, April 17th. The occasion will be one of much pleas ure to the dancing public and all are invited to be present and enjoy a good social time. Remember the date and be on hand. AN INGORRIGABLE LAD SENT TO REFORM SCHOOL This morning in county court Arthur Harness was brought before Judj?e Eeeson to answer to a charge Lf hpin int.nrrimi, nr.rf nf Winer taken property belonging to his mothpp of th. valup n, -orn S10 on th face f th charpes and testi m the court found R b t t d I the lad to the stflte school for boys U-h h v ua iftnU,I aft.r in tK future and be learned some useful L,... that v httr fit h- tn fp I ------ thp hatflp of lifp Th hov ia ., some 12 or 13 years of age, and the instruction and training at the school will probably prove very beneficial to him. J. M. YOUNG CELE- ' BRATES HIS SIXTIETH BIRTHDAY ANNIVERSARY From Friday's raiiy. Today is the sixtieth birthday an niversary of J. M. Young of this city, and he enjoys the distinction of being one of the earlv settlers of this coun i ty, coming here in 1855 with his par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. L. II. Young, who were among the early settlers of Rock Bluffs. He was born in Virginia on J March 19, 1853, and was only 2 years old when he came to Nebraska, but has resided in Cass county since that time and saw the county develop from a frontier of the wild west into a most prosperous agricultural country. He bears his years well and is still in the harness, doing his work each day aB though he was still a young man. He was born on the same day of the month as W. J. Bryan, though ten years before, and feels this honor very much. HONOR FONTENELLE CHAP TER 0. A. R. AT STATE MEETING IN OMAHA From Saturday Dallr. The members of Fontenelle chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution had a very high honor paid them at the meeting of the state so ciety held in Omaha this week in hav- hng presented to them a large silk flag in recognition of the fact that their chapter had made the largest gam in membership of any in the rtate. Fontenelle chapter is one of the youngest in the state and its membership has grown greatly in the past few months and has won for them the honor of holding the flag for the coming year, and if for three succes sive years the local society can main- . . , , r j. l tain tne largest per cent oi gam tney wiH have the flag given to them. This chapter, purely patriotic in us cnar- Work cf creating an interest in the early history of the United States and the preservation of the ideal and in- titutions of American patriotism. Fontenelle chapter was represented at the meeting in Omaha by Miss Kathryn Windham, who represented the local regent, Mrs. L. O. Minor, wno was unable to attend, and Airs. m. A. Street, as delegate, and a large number of the members of the chapter attended the meetings. The gain in membership here reached 100 per cent jn the past year. For Sale. Five pure bred Shorthorn bull calves. Age from 11 to 12 rronths. Also a few pure bred yearling heifers. Joseph F. Tubbs, Mynard, Neb. Tel. 2312, Platts. Exchange. 3-4-61-?; ANOTHER DSAS TROUS GO FLAGRA TION VISITS UNION The Loss on Buildings and Stocks of Goods Will Amount to About $30,000. Shortly before 2 o'clock this morn ing the village of Union was visited t y a most destructive fire that laid waue a greater part of one of the busine-s blocks and inflicted a loss estimated at some $30,000. The fire was firi-t discovered in the large general Ftore cf Charles II. Dysart, and had gained Euch headway that it was impo.-ible to check it, and in a very few mir.utes the entire store was wrapped in flames that swept through the struct ure, which was only a frame building, and from the Dysart store swept the adjoining building on the east -cupied by Hunt & Morton with a gen eral store and meat market, while an ice house in the rear of the burni?:g building was also struck by the fire fiend and swept away, and a few hours after the discovery of the fire only a mass of smouldering ruins marked what had been one of the leading busi ness establishments of our thriving little neighboring city. The cause of the fire is unknown at present. The loss to Mr. Dysart on his stock will be some $8,000, and that of the firm of Hunt & Morton between $3.0i0 and $4,000, with only a partial in surance to cover the loss, while the losses on the buildings will bring the total loss up to between S2."0'u tml $30,000. The blaze, with its good start, and the fact that there were r.o adequate means of fighting the fire, made it al most impossible to do ariythinjr wiih the spread of the flames, and for a time it was feared the buildings on the west of the Dysart store would be consumed by the flames in their course, but the fact that the small building occupied by the postoffice is separated from the Dysart building saved the rest of the buildings on the west from the path of the flames. The citizens made a gallant fight to save what was possible, but it was almost out of question to do anything with the fire. This is the third large fire that has visited Union in recent years and laid waste the business section of the town, as some four years ago the block just south of the one burned last night was wiped out in a fire, the origin of which was quite mysterious. This is almost the last of the old frame buildings that for years housed the business in terests of Union, and the new struct ures that have been built have all leen of brick, and if the burned buildings are rebuilt they will be made mote fire-proof. SHERIFF QUINTON HAS A PLEASANT SURPRISE ON HIS BIRTHDAY Saturday last was the birthday an niversary of Sheriff Quinton. and in order to give him a most pleasant re minder of that fact a number of the friends and neighbors stole a march on him and Friday evening invaded the Quinton home and took the KherifT completely by surprise. The sheriff has declined to state the anniversary celebrated, but it is something over sixteen years since he made his first appearance, we will wager. After the guests had properly surprised the guest of honor and they had received the usual cordial welcome from Mr. and Mrs. Quinton they proceeded to enjoy the evening to the utmost in delightful conversation, and at a suit able hour very tempting refreshments were served which added greatly to the pleasures of the evening and it was a late hour when the jolly party departed homeward. wishing the fcheriff many more such enjoyable oc casions. Those who were present were: Messrs. and Mesdames John F. Gorder, J. II. Hallr.trom, J. V. Ilatt. Fred Majors, John Bauer, Mrs. Olga Croscary, George South and wife of iLncoln, Henry Larson and Miss EIa Marquardt.