The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, March 11, 1915, Page PAGE 6, Image 6
Prepared h the Interest of the People of Murray and Surrounding Vicinity Especially for the Journal Readers -a "hpoaah - ) Sis J A T the start of 1915 resolve to keep a GOOD EALALCci in car binl:. :i2cn see to it that you do. zs mere CONTESTED at the eni of the yezr than yoa thouglit jcsaV.o. Cct the habit cf PAYING EVEUYTKIKG by CHECK. It's 5LL5IZH azi BEITEH. The vouchers are your receipts. Ark your realtor about it. lie's prohatly miuj chechs. Eogin with a SHALL ACCOUNT czyway. Try it. Four per cent interest on time deposits. Our deposits are protected by the State Guaranty Law. MURRAY STATE BANK t?" Your personal taxes are now due. The same can be paid at this bank What hr.s liar.per.ed to the Farm ers Telephone Co? J. I). Tit man has been ancng those en tie sick list this week. B ; t Young was looking after some buinc-ss matters in Plattsmouth on Tiir-d..y. Mi-s Esther Rice has Ikm n quite f. r the past ft'.v days sufferir.e with a sei;re of tonsilitis. Wm. Wt-liibtin, Harry Creamer j.nd Al. Bart let t took in the horse sale M Su:h Omaha Tuesday cf this wiik. Foster B.ick was taken to the hos pital in Omaha this week, whsre ho vi'.I ur,!;o a surgical operation for r.n attack cf appendicitis. .r Ona Lawton made a business trip t- Si.ux City Monday. j.,:i.ed i;t Mynard by her Ilt- Young, who made the She was brother, trip with her. Dr. C. II. Gilmore was in Platts rr.oith Tue.-day of this week being f.i'itd th.-:e owing to a meeting of the u:.:y irsane boaid of which he is a 1 - ery interesting civic improve ment pi oirruin is being prepared for the Marh meeting of the Library A-soeiation. Murray expects to join the ranks for clean alleys and street-". ur e-vt!k::t old friend J. A. has been numbered with t' e si k for the past few days. We are more than pleased to learn that there i nothing of a serious nature troub ling him and that he will be up and around within a few days. Mrs. Lucile Benedict, who has been s'Jiferintr with diphtheria in Omaha f r the past few weeks, has been re covering very rapidly the past week, and is now able to up and about the house, which will be pood news to her many Murray friends. It's coming the time to make those resses We want you to look over our stock and select some of the newest and best pat terns ever brought to Murray. Flaxons 174 to 25c a yard Lace Cloth 15c a yard Batescrcpc 25c a yard Light and Dark Percals 10 and 12 Bungalo Aprons made from light and dark Percales and Ginghams, 50 and 75c. Hiatt MURRAY mem You'll be HAPPIER and SA-- James Holmes was looking after some business matters in Omaha Tues day. Chas. Chrisweisser shipped a car of cattle from this station to South Omaha Monday. Miss Laura Puis and Miss Isabelle Shrader were Plattsmouth visitors Wednesday evening. W. P. Wheeler and T. W. Vallery shipped a car of cattle to f'e South Omaha market Monday of this week. Mrs. Mary Pall, of South Omaha, was in Murray last week, a guest of Mrs. Cassie L'.oyd at the Hotel Berber. Mrs. W. S. Smith went to Platts mouth Wednesday evening for a brief visit with her sister, Mrs. C. A. Mrs. Henry Ost and Miss Clede Bertrer, passed through Murray last Monday, enroute to Memphis, Xeb., their new home. Mr. and Mrs. Ost h: ve diposed cf all t' eir Cass county interests and have taken up their per mer.cnt home in Memphis. P.vyer and Vance Todd, John i Christ-.irr.en and Prof. Hull, Misses Beulah Sans, Lydia Todd, May I.oujrhrid.Te and Neva Latta composed a sleiirhin; party that took in the home talent play in Union Tuesday evening. There is another good wrestling match booked for Murray on theeve ning of March 17th. This time it will be between Murray's favorite John Jenkins and Young Rosenberger i of Otoe County. Thi3 promises to be a good number, as we all know John is there when it comes to a tussle on the mat, and the visitor has been in the game for several years, and has never met his match jet. Look for a good one. but bet your money on the home boy. ii . Tutt NEBRASKA artment A Grandma Hendricks has been qnite sick for the past few days. Mrs. Beji Dill has been on the sick list for the past few days. Duel, the son of Mr. and Mrs'. O. V. Virgin, has been suffering with the measles for the past few days. W. P. Wheeler has been numbered with the sick for the past few days. J. P. Shrader was looking after some business matters in Omaha last Friday. Walt. Vallery war, a Plattsmouth visitor Tuesday evening and Wednes day mornin.g. Mrs. Nettie Stanton went down to Union Tuesday evening to attend the homo talent play. Uncle Alex Kdminston, residing down rear Union, has been quite sick for the past few days. Mrs. John Doughty, residing down near Nehawka, has been quite sick for the past few days. M in ford & Creamer shipped a car load of hogs to the'South Omaha mar ket Wednesday evening. Frank Vallery, of Plattsmouth, was looking after some business matters in Murray Wednesday of this week. Some of the little folks at the home of M r. and M is. Joe. M rasek have been having a seige of the measles. C. W. Chrisweisser, of Nehawka, was looking after some business mat ters in. Murray Wednesday of this week. The little child of Mr. and Mrs. A. J. McXatt, residing over east of Mur ray, has been numbered with the sick this week. Some of the little folks at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Hamilton have been on the sick list for the past few days. Born to Mr. and Mrs. John Ilob stheidt, jr., on Sunday, March 7th, a fine babv boy. Both the mother and, little one are doing nicely, and John nie is one of the happiest young men in the land. George Nickels, accompanied by Misses Gertrude Long and Leora Brown drove down to Union Tuesday evening to attend the home talent play in-that place. They report a very pleasant trip. 'Tobe" Johnson; who for the past few years has be?n making his home up r or, r Creightcn, arrived in Murray Wednesday moring for a few days visit at the home of his sister, Mrs. J. W. Berger. lie is looking hale and hearty. Mrs. A. V. Kennedy fell on the icey sidewalks about their home Tuesday evening, and was painfully injured. No bones were broken but she was considerably shaken up and bruised, and the many friends hope that no serious results will terminate. Dick Chrisweisser was in Murray a few hours Wednesday, returning home from Plattsmouth, where he had been visiting with his father, Bennett Chrisweisser, who has been sick for the past few days, but at the time he (Dick) departed for home the father was improving. Little Miss May Shrader, the little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Homer Shrader, has been quite sick for the past few days, sutTering with a severe attack of pneumonia. She is report ed some better at this time, with hopes of saving her life, which at one time was very doubtful. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Woodard, who have been in this section of the world for the past few months, will depart jnext week for Elmweed, and after a fVV flnvs! vicif ?n tllnf lrnli xr will rn -"- . a k cv . V' J Kill A turn to their home in Oregon. Mrs Woodard is a daughter of Mr and Mrs. Beil, residing southeast of Mur ray. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Hansell, who had planned upon taking their departure for their new home at Oak, Nebraska, this week, have been compelled to re main in Murray for a few days longer on account of the little folks being confined to their home with the meas les. They expoct to leave some time next week. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Earl Burger, on Saturday, February 27, one of the j finest little babies in the land. The proud parents are rejoicing over the arrival of the little stranger, and their I duties at the telephone exchange are j much lighter, and it is said that the patrons claim they can hear Mr. Bar j ger's whistle from one end of the line to te other. ! Mrs. James Brown, who has been .'in charge of the Hotel Berger in this village for the past five weeks, during the absence and illness of her mother Mrs. Berger, returned to her home, south of town, Tuesday. Mrs. Ber ger with the aid of an assistant, has ! again resumed her duties. Her health has been on the improve for the past week. i If any of the waders of tlie Journal know of any social ev'iu or Iwm of lnterii in this vicinity, find will mail same to i his office, it will Bu lbar undor this hearting. We want all nufa items Eurrou Fred Beil' delivered twenty-eiglat very fine hogs to M in ford & Creamer this week.. Jeff Lewis and family have moved to their new home on the old Dabner Thacker farm that Mr. Lewis pur chased some time ago. There has been a swarm of horse btfyers in and around Murray for the past few days. They have' been look ing for some war horses. Mrs. Henry Creamer and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Wehrbein will depart on Friday cf this week for a few days visit with friends and relatives in and near Falls City. Fred Campbell, son of Mr. nnd Mrs-. Frank Campbell, has been suffering for the past few weeks with rheuma tism, lie lias been in quite a serious condition, and relief comes to him vty slowly. His parents may be compelled to take him to the hospital before he can be given relief. Ralph Kennedy, who recently re turned to Murray from up in the northern part of the state, has de veloped into a genuine bronco buster, and in company with a number of Murray friends went up to Mynard Tuesday afternoon, where he was go ing to tackle a couple of bad horses, and succeeded in riding them. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Spangler and family from the northern part of Iowa, arrived in Murray this week, and will make their future home on the old Silas Grosser farm south of Murray, which was purchased by Ed Spanjrler some time ago. Mr. Spang ler met with the misfortune to loose one of his horses on tl:e way here, by it getting down, or being knocked down in the car and getting its back broken and they were compelled to kill it. Will Seybolt) had one of his horses quite seriously injured at the home of Homer Shrader last Sunday morning. .lr. ana Mrs. fceyuolt had gone over to the Shrader home to spend the night, ami one horse becoming sick in evening, after administering the med icines necessary they left him lose in il e barn, and .some time in the night he became in contact with some of the other horses, in fact his mate in the narness, and one of them was quite seriously injured from the others kicking. Very ugly gashes were in dicted on numerous portions of the inimals body. The injuries necessi ated the attention of Dr. Sanden, of Plattsmouth to close them up. ((Too Late for Last Week.) Trank Dugay is suffering with a severe case of tonsilitis this week. Miss Etta Nickels whs looking after business in Plattsmouth Monday. II. C. Creamer was a passenger to Omaha Monday, where he had a car if stock on the market. John Hendricks and wife were ransacting business in Plattsmouth Saturday. Mrs. Charles Creamer and Miss v'eia Yardly were looking after busi ness in Nebraska City Saturday. Mrs. F. L. Rhoden is listed with the ;ick this week. Miss Bertha Nickels was shopping n Plattsmouth Monday. Wayne Lewis was looking after ome business in Plattsmouth Friday md Saturday. Mrs. Henry Ost visited Mrs. James urown at Murray a few hours be Aveen trains Monday. Mrs. Charles Carroll r.nd Miss Laura Puis were Nebraska City visit ors Tuesday. f rank Albin of Creighton visited vith relatives in Murray a few hours between trains Monday." Mrs. Walter Sans entertained the :adies of the K. N. K. Thursday after noon, r ' Born To Mr. and Mrs. Charles Tigner, Tuesday, March 2, a boy. J. D. Lewis and family are moving o the farm . recently purchased by Mr. Lewis, east of Murray. Arthur Ccpehaver and Guy Stokes have moved from the Cole place to the Todd place, east of Union, this week Lennie Crawford and son were pas- passenger Tuesday evening for Oma ha, from where they will leave for Coleridge to make their future home. Will Rainey was looking after busi ness near Murray Tuesday. Philip and Charles Spangler of Weeping Water were transacting business in Plattsmouth Monday. Hedge Posts for Sale. 580 good hedge posts for sale at a price ot loc each. write or tele phone 305-J. Frank Vallery, Platts mouth. For any itching skin trouble, piles, eczema, salt rheum, nives, itcn, scam head, herpes, scabies, Doan's Ointment is highly recommended. 50c a box at all stores. Mrs. Frank Mrasek is listed among the sick this week. Mrs. John Hendricks visited Mrs. Will Oliver Wednesday. William, the little son of Joseph rasek, has the measles. The condition of Mrs. Alf. Nickel 3 remains about the same. R. R. Nickels was looking after business Plattsmouth Saturday. Mrs. A. J. Stokes is sewing for Miss Jessie Todd at Union this week. Charles Tigner was looking after business in Plattsmouth Wednesday. Born To Mr. and Mrs. John Hob chiedt, a fine boy, Sunday, March '.. Roy Spangler of Mobile, Iowa, moved to the Ed Spangler place this week. The Shrader little daughter of Ilomc-r wit'i pneii- is seriously ill monia. Harry Creamer and Al Bavtlett were looking after business i:i Omaha Tuesday. John Hendricks and fam'ly were transacting business in Platisinouth Saturday. A. D. Crunk and family aic nije ly settued on the Frank Albin farm for the coming year. Roy Bailus and wife of Lincoln ai ? moving to the Nickels' farm, east of town, where Mr. Bailus will wore for Lee Nickels the coming season. I have two splendid models of the Spirella garments for disposal at a reduction if taken at once, s.'.ts 25 and 32. Etta M. Nickel :, Corset Returns to Cass County. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Richter, and family, -who left Cass County a numb er of years ago, removing to Ness County, Kansas, and later to Missouri, returned to this county this week and for the present will make their heme on the Eeci;er farm, miles west of Mynard. The many friends of Mr. and Mrs. Richter are glad to wel come them back to the old home. T' ey are among the best people and best farmers that Cass county ever knew. THE ROCK CREEK BUDGET. I "The Rock Creek Budget" has a weekly publication in District No. G. Articles for this publication are writ ten for the paper in connection with the language work of the school. Each week a new editor has charge of the paper's publication. T' is week the editor is Harrv Ramge. Boost for the Rock Creek Budget. Mrs. Howard Graves has been quite ill for the past week. Fred Ramge had business in Platts mouth last Saturday. Mrs. Leesley was a shopping in P'attsrrouth last Saturday. The recent storm has caused a number of absences from school. Thomas and Opal Reynolds have been absent from school this week. Frank DugAy has just recovered from a severe attack of tonsilitis. Ernest and Susie Bintner were Plattsmouth- visitors last Saturday. Mrs. C. L. Creamer went to Tlatts- mouth on the evening train Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Ramge were visiting at the county seat last Sat urdav. Mr. Lewis Rheinackle bought a fine team of horses from W. S. Shera this week. George Reynolds and W. D. Wheel er shipped their cattle to South Omaha Wednesday. W. D. Wheeler has been under the care of the physician for the past few days. We hope he Avill soon be able to be out again. Joseph Campbell is keeqing up the style set by his neighbors by harbor ing a severe cold. Little May Shrader, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Homer Shrader, has been very ill with pneumonia, but is much better at this writing. Ira Bates moved his household goods to Plattsmouth Tuesday, hav ing rented his farm to Bert Crawford, who will take possession soon. Mrs. I. S. White is very ill at the present writting. Her ailment of long duration with her advanced years, makes her recovery very siow. Mrs. Alf. Nickels, who has . been very ill lor some montns, remains about the same, suffering occasional relapses. A trained nurse from Om aha, is caring for her. As soon as she is able to travel she will be taken to Arizona, as the doctors advise a change of climate. Her many friends hope that the change will be of great benefit to her health. Care of Little Children. The pulse of a little boy is 125 and a little girl is 135; the respiration is from 35 to 40 per minute. An adult is twice that much. An infant takes less oxygen than an adult. V.'orms A child should have plenty of outdoor play: see that he has Y Concrete Work Guaranteed! We could not do that if we were not sure evf:ry time we do a piece of concrete work that it is done ri4ht. We Know How or we would, not take a chance on rebuilding our work. We know how to mix concrete and how to put it in, and every job we handle is there to stay. Silo, Water Tank; Water Storage Tank, Walls all built by us under an absolute guarantee to be of first-class material and workmanship and we r.tand back of it. Come in and See if you are thinking of building anything this year. We have a number of new idea3 about building that will interest you. Just south of Postoffice on Fifth Street. Oonorefi V Plattsmouth, - WHITE FOR BOOK ON PILES AND E DH. E- R. TARRY. plenty of nourishing food, t ut do not give him too much sugar; have his evening meal light; have them sleep from eight to ten hours. Rheumatism or Neuralgia Improve circulation by taking a warm bath, and put a little mustard in the bath water; exercise freely. Poor Circulation in Winter Take a warm bath at night an da sponge bath in the morning; rub with Turkish towel till the skin is aglow. Elsie Creamer, Eighth Grade. Potato Dumplings. Grate into small pieces some cold boiled potatoes; add one egg and some salt; add f.cur enough to make a dough; roll into small balls and drop into salted boiling water. Let bell till they float; lift from water i-nd servo. Grace Lindner, Eighth Grade. Care of Chickens. See that the chickens have grain and warm feed and that they have plenty of water and a good place to roost. When there is snow on the ground keep them in the chicken house so that they cannot freeze their feet. Harry Ramge, Fourth Grade. Billy and I. Billy lives next door. We are great friends. He comes over to play with me. and my automobile. One day Billy played too rough and broke my auto mobile. I told him he was a bad boy. Then he said he would be more care ful. We have it all fixed now; so to morrow we are going to have some fun. I think I will bring my sister along. Billy has to go home now. Robert Creamer, Third Grade. Fun We Have. V.'e have lots of fun at home. In the summertime we play train on the lawn swing. One of us is conductor, another is the engineer, and the rest are passengers. We have stations from Omaha to Murray, and we stop at every station to let someone off and someone on. Earl Lindner, Third Grade. QUICK ACTION WANTED. When one is coughing and spitting with tickling throat, tightness in chest, soreness in throat and lungs when 'head is aching and the whole body racked with a cough that won't permit sleep he wants immediate re lief. Thousands say Foley's Honey and Tar Compound is the surest anl quickest acting medicine for cough?, colds, croup and la grippe. Sold everywhere. Egffs for Hatching. Barred Plymouth Rock eggs for sale. $1.00 for fifteen, or ?5.00 per hundred for incubator eggs. ' Mrs. Wm. Troop ?chawka, Neb. When you are looking for the very best articles in the line of fancy box stationery, call at the Journal office, where you will find an excellent variety to select from. DRS. EV2AGH THE DENTISTS Successor to BAILEY A MACII Tha largest and best equipped dental offices in Omaha. Experts in charge of all work. Lady attendant. Modarat Prices. Porcelain fillings just like tooth. Instruments carefully sterilized after usinc. haTI1inD FLOOR, PAXTON DLOCK, OMAHA r- ' Us Oonsfrusfion Co., Nebraska FISTULA Pay When CURED All KectaJ Diseases cured without a surgical operation. No Chloroform, Ether or other eral aneasthetic used. CURE GUARANTEED H to last a LIFE-TIME, "examination free. RECTAL DISEASES WITH TESTIMONIALS Omtha, Nebraska t3 United Presby terian Church Notes. The evangelistic meetings closed last Sabbath evening. The average lenc nee was good, th.-j audience ip.ngir.g in number from thirty to eighty. The conditions of the roads and sickness prevented ; ome from hearing Mr. Stewart as often as they wished. There were fifteen who v.ert for ward during the meetings. Of these eleven have united with the church. At the Sabbath morning service eight by profession and one by certificate were publicly recognized as members of the congregation. Six were ba;:ti"ed. Sickness prevented others' from being present. There was an urgent request that Mr. Stewart remain longer, but his home pastorate required his attention f.tid he departed for Superior on the Monday morning train south. The expense of the campaign was ; about twenty dollars; this was partial- ly met by a special offering taken at a week evening service. The free-will offering on the last evening given for the benefit of the, amount ed to sixty-fire dollars. The success of the campaign is due in part to the active interest taken by those outside the congregation, as well as bv the members themselves. Librarians for March. Following are the librarians for March: March 11 Mrs. D. C. Rhoden. March 17 Mrs. J. V. Pitman. March 20 Miss Gertrud-j Long. March 21 Mrs. L. D. Hiatt. March 27 Mrs. O. A. Davis. March ,"1 Mrs. Minford. Lee Kniss, President. For Sale. Five pure bred Shorthorn bull calves. Age from 11 to 12 month-'. Also a few pure bred yearling heiferj. Joseph F. Tubbs, Mynard, Neb. Tel. 2312, Platts. Exchange. 3-i-fit v Sell your property by an ad in The Journal. YOU MAY NEED AN and we want to inform you that dates can be made at this office or Murray State Bank for Wm. R. Young THE MURRAY AUCTIONEER Careful attention to Public Sales Kates are Reasonable. Call at my expense TELEPHONE NO. 5-N .' Murray, - - - Nebraska & mACHi