PAGE 4. 'PLATTSMOUTH SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL. THURSDAY, MARCH 11. 1915. TZbz plattsmouth journal Published Soml-Weekly at Platttmouth, N b r. Entered tit the Postoffice at Plattsmouth. Nebraska, as second-class mail matter. R. A. BATES, Publisher Bubaorlptlon Prloet S1.50 Per Year In Advanoe "Tailors are putting additional money pockets in men's trousers," says an exchange, what for? :o: For heaven's sake, Fashion has decreed that women must reduce in weight in order to wear the latest gowns. What a calamity to those who cannot reduce, and yet refuse to wear an out-of-date CONFISCATING THE PRESS. JUt. T f - THOUGHT FOR TODAY. I think if the Hebrews, the Catholics, and the Protestants J- should get together on the ques J tion, the reading of the Bible in 4 the schools could be brought J about. S. Parkes Cadman. :o: It's easy to quit and just as easy to stay quit. :o: What was it the groundhog predict ed, anyway? :o: Playing the other fellow's game is no way to beat it. :o: Who's got the best of it so far? The lion, of course. :o :- Don't shout for war until you arc ready to go yourself. :o: Every politician is a statesman, if you take his word for it. :o: Man is a worm and woman is the early bird that catcheth him. :o: The robin and redbrrd, harbingers of spring, have been muffled by snow drifts. :o: History says that George Washing ton loved often and deeply. Evidently he was ahead of his time. -:o:- lle is a benefactor of the age who k'arns to make one pound of flour do what two have been wasted on be fore. :o: A new counterfeit $20 gold certifi cate is said to be in circulation. There ought to be twenties of some kind go ing around. :o: We have no complaint to make if the old saying holds good, "March comes in like a lion and goes out like a lamb." :o: Norfolk has just decided to lay five miles of pavement during the coming reason. How much will Plattsmouth lay this summer? :o: Germany accuses the United States of having no army, and if that fact win keep us out of trouble we shouldn't feel a bit sore. :o: If plenty of snow is an oman of a good wheat crop, evidently Cas3 coun ty will be among the leading counties in this cereal this year. :o: Most of those statesmen who are shouting for a larger navy, would neither enlist nor permit their sons to do so. Which reference, of course, is to the army in peace. Most men arc patriotic enough to take a chance when trouble really comes. -:o:- Prohibition in Iowa again? How many times has Iowa tried to enforce prohibition in the past twenty-five years and made a failure in its ef forts? Let some of the politicians of the Hawkeye state, who have gained notoriety for themselves and slid into office on this fale issue, please answer if they can. :o: Mayor Harrison of Chicago made a grand-stand play of not entering the race for renomination until his wife gave her consent. The question was properly and scientifically mooted, and duly advertised and discussed in the daily press, with a weather eye rlways to leeward for the woman vote. And the women did vote and Carter will return to the bosom of his family, the worst defeated candi date who ever jockeyed for feminine favor. i We can look for more snow any time, day or night. :o: Trying to be neutral on the liquor issue places a legislator in a most uncomfortable position. :o: ' Woman's waist line is to be restored by fashion. However, no one is bold enough to predict where it will be, :o: Profesosr Taft says profanity is conducive of low golf scores, and there are equally good reasons for no,t swearing. :o: Ihe trains are running again on time, which is good news to those of our citizens who patronize Omaha merchants. :o : : There don't seem to be very much excitement over the city election. It's pretty near time for candidates to be getting a move on themselves. :o: Here's a bully idea: Let's have a aw requiring every senator and con gressman who votes for war to enlist and ro to the front. Then there'll be no war. :o : - A California grafter has been ordered to confine his reading to the bible for a month. If like punishment is to be given all grafters there wouldn't be enough of bibles to supply the demand. :o clerical positions. In the east, it ap pears, there has been a decided falling cfT of receipts, on account of slower business ellegedly due to the Europ ean war. Whether the decrease has been from this or from other causes, it appears, that the service in the west, showing no material decrease in receipts, is also to come in for the pruning hook. :o: The campaign against the house fly was inaugurade a little earlier last year than ever before and it had its effect in noticeably decreasing the number of pests later on. It is as tonishing how many thousands flies a single pair will breed if let alone dur ing a single season. The time to get in effective work is early in the sea son and with a concerted effort their number can be greatly reduced. Swat the fly and swat early! gown! :o:- The postal authorities at Washing ton are evidently determined to intro duce very decided economies in the management and maintenance of the department. All of the large offices, it seems, are to be subjected to such r,n inspection relative to the efficiency of the force, from the assistant post master to the most recently appointed substitute, as has been made in the Omaha office in which several ma terial reductions have been made in salaries and changes in the more :o: There are always two sides to a genuine poaticial politician before election and after election. Before election he is very conservative in his expressions, but after election, in one instance that we know of, his remarks before election are certainly forgot ten, and his standpatism is as brazen as that of Old Joe Cannon. He re ceived many democratic votes on ac count of his conservative declarations in the campaign, but he has evidently ost sight of his utterances before the election from his utterances at the present time. That man is C. F. Reavis, who was elected to congress ast fall and who condemns himself as a political mincompoop who seems to care but little what his utterances may bring forth. But one thing cer- ain, Mr. Reavis can come to the con- Iusion that he will remain at home after two years' service. :o: A MILLION MEN FOR PEACE. In reference to house roll No. 736 the Fremont Tribune voices the senti ment of the Journal in every utter ance in the following editorial: The instigator of the proposed measure is John O. Yeiser of Omaha. The public could easily have guessed as much. He wants to get into the editorial columns of other people's papers without having to be bothered with buying and successfully running one, which he could not do. The proposed law is not a libel law. Already there is a law on that sub ject that is air-tight and one-sidsd against the newspaper. As a rule the newspapers are now much more careful and considerate than they ever wear. The oldtime policy of "personal journalism' has been very largely abandoned. The old belief in editorial rooms that men must be at tacked merely to get editorial atten tion has well-night passed. It cannot be denied that there are still some violations of a prudent regard for the rights of others. But mainly per sonal attacks are confined nowaday to exploiters of the public, and thi kind of publicity is the public's surest protection against the big malefact ors. The bill proposed, known as house roll No. 736, will make legitimat criticism very difficult. It vi!i be great boon to sharks, charlatans freaks, frauds, mountebanks, who want to put something over on the public. It will be an attack upon the freedom of the press which, say-what you will, is one of the most potent safeguards of our republican govern ment. Mr. Yeiser does not come with good credentials to demand such legisla Secretary Bryan has told bothl v-rrcai, iii uain ana uermany wnere to i head in, so that neither should get osre about it. :o: Courtesy is not confined to the United States senate. In the closing hours of the house all tints of absentees were remitted. :o: Children Cry for Fletcher's tion as he asks. He is a lawyer. 1 i -:o: Mrs. W. F. Cockrell, of Dehay, Vir ginia, jumped into the elevator shaft of the Washington monument at Washington, D. C, near the top, on Tuesday of last week, and fell to the bottom, more than 500 feet below. Her body was crushed by striking the sides of the shaft on the way down, and she was dead before her body reached the bottom. It was the first time that the towering obelisk, which was open ed to the public in 1888 and has been visited by millions of Americans, hall been the scene of a suicide. Ten years ago a painter working in the shaft accidentally fell to his death. -:o:- Again the Journal reminds its farm er readers in case any of them need reminding that all seed corn should be tested. It is not the Journal's opinion it is the testimony of agri cultural experts and practical farmers -that it pays to test the seed corn. It stands to reason that the crop will not be good unless the seed is good that if half or one-fourth or one-tenth of the planted grains fail to germinate, there will be missing hills, or hills v ith fewer stalks than each hill should contain. Planting untested seed is taking chances. It is neglecting a precaution that may make a difference of bushels to the acre in the fall. Men that know more about it than rr.ybody in the office of tKe Journal agres that it pays well to plant the best and make sure that it is the best. Test the seed corn! The Army and Navy Journal favors an army of a million volunteers to augment our present regular force. One can't blame a trade journal for boosting its line of business, and an additional million in the army would mean many more officers who would read the journal mentioned, and be in some measure influenced by its teach ings. Tart of its teachings is that a large army at this time will help us in maintaining peace. Give Germany the once over and see how well that theory works out in fact. Germany also had an army of nearly a million men, with other millions ready to get on the job at a moment's notice. So, for that matter, did France and Rus sia, although far short of the Ger man standard of preparation, and you have observed how it maintained peace for them. There is, however, the other angle to the proposition; the idea that we are inevitably to be drawn into this world war. We don't believe it, and you and the army and navy publica tions are entitled to your guess, but if it must be, the army of a million men should be raised at once, and then augmented with another million, and another, until we are prepared to fight a regular power, which no one con tends for a moment that we are to day.' But militarism is as distaste ful to the men of this administration as War is, and the chances are we won't have the marching legions nov any occasion for marching them forth to slaughter. Which would be the better way, if it can be worked out accordingly. No man can lift the veil and view the future with any degree of accuracy, but if this war is to be cf real worth to the world, it will be in proving the folly of powerful armament, and lead to some system where other nations will decrease their forces to something like the American standard, which is low enough for police purposes. But, if it i is to be our war .which it isn't now, all haste should be made to prepare, unless we would cut a sorry figure ! when the time comes. Our military strength is pitifully weak when com pared to bther countries, but it has its commendable features for all that; 1 it makes us hesitate, and bear some insults which are " fighting words be tween nations which are ready to fight. his profession none ever hesitate in framing a petition in a suit at law to make any and all kinds of charges against the person sued. Every crime in the calendar may be freely and recklessly charged with the idea that so much as can be proved will be proved. Failure to prove the more flagrant allegations is merely to weak en the suit. It never sends a lawyer to prison, as it does a newspaper editor when he makes any kind of a charge that he cannot prove, always with the legal presumption of malice against him. And the lawyers in their forensic pyrotechnics in court may freely bespatter a man without be coming liable. - "Physician, heal thy self." If Mr. Yeiser wishes to pro ceed logically and with proper se quence let him use some legislative carbolic acid on his own business. Not one time in a hundred is a person bar led by a newspaper from offerinj: such defense as the personal honor and standing demand. Not much oft ener than that do the lawyers fail to take advantage of their legalized im munity from the penalty of attack others. :o: Gossip is a great evil, even when, as often happens, there is some truth in it. 1 J -:o: Remember: "Boost and the city boosts with you; knock and you knock alone." :o: The groundhog is a pretty fair prophet. His six weeks of winter closed Monday. :o: '" The main purpose of the allies in reducing the Turkish forts is to re duce the price of wheat. :o : The blizzard predicted for Sunday night has failed to materialize, and we hope it will keep on failing. ( :o :- The kaiser is said to be looking for . i it. fi. I peace, but one can narcuy see n in Europe, even with the aid of a telescope. :o: Another argument against making two states out of Texas is that it would increase the visible suppply of Texas senators. :n: The legislature has properly killed the bill designed to prevent com munities from engaging in their own ownership and operation of such pub lic utilities as water, electricity, gas, eac. . President Wilson warns Carranza that he must protect foreigners in Mexico or the United States will. That's the way to talk, and we be lieve President Wilson means what he says. :o: . Colonel Goethals has been made a major general. That is what he gets for building the canal. On the other hand the average citizen gets only wet feet and a lame back for digging a tunnel through the snow. :o : Soil conditions and all present pros pects indicate another bumper wheat crop for Kansas, but so much may happen between now and harvest that spare time should be devoted to knock ing wood and other preventive meas ures. :o : Ii the members of the legislature were drawing ten dollars a day, with no limit as to time, we know of some members who would want to continue in session the entire year. As it is, they get paid for only sixty days, and after that they get nothing. :o : Senator Mattes' taxation measure lost out in the senate by a vote of 1-1 to 10. This bill was to change the revenue system of the state so as to make the value of property for pur poses of taxation equivalent to the value as given for insurance. :o: Congress has been adjourned sev eral clays, ana sun no appointments of the big offices due to Nebraska has been announced. Maguire has not even mentioned an appointment for the Nebraska City postofrice, and sev eral applicants are lined up for the position. :o: We reprint in another column of this issue an editorial from the Fre mont Tribune in relation to a bill now being considered in the legislature that newspapers shall be made com mon carriers and that whenever one has anything to say about anybody that person shall have the right to an equal space in the paper to defend, explain, fulmanat and promulgate. When the public understands that the instigator of this bill is John O. Yeiser of Omaha, it is not to be won dered at. He has run for office so often and never was successful, on ac count of newspapers telling the truth about him, that he has hit upon this plan to counteract the opinion of the nress in regard to such fellows. If a man wants to run for office and is possessed of a clean cnaracter and his record is a good one, he need not fear the criticisms of newspapers. But it is not clean, able and upright men who are demanding such a law. :o: With the Sick Folks. kit The Kind You Have Always Bong-ht and which has been in use lor over ISO years, lias bornotho signature of ana has been made- under his per - sonal supervision since its infam y. 'CCCCu4Cl Allow no one to deceive you in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and Just-as-jrood " aro but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children Experience against Experiment What is CASTOR1A Castoria is a harmless snbstltnte for Castor Oil, Pare Boric, Drops and Soothing- Syrups. It is pleasant. Jt contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other .Narcotic substance. Its agt5 is its guarantee. It tlestrojs "Worms mid allays Fcv :rishness. For more than thirty years it lias been in constant use for the relief ol Constipation Flatulency, AViiid Colic, all Teething- Troubles and Diarrhtea. It regulates the Stomach and Bowels, assimilates the Food, giving- healthy and natural Bleep. The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS i Bears the Signature of V5 The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years Inland Briarcs was amonir '.hose placed on the retired list yesterday by- sickness and was reported as suffer ing from the common malady of the grippe at his home, but it is thought that he will be able to conquer the disease in a fev days, but it kept hnn onfined to the house yesterday J. II. Becker was down town yes terday for the first time in several weeks, since he was stricken oo'.vn with the grippe, and does not yet feel as v.cll as he might. His appearance as micrhty pleasing to his many friends, who have greatly missed him during his illness. Paints and Oils, hone 36. Gcring & Co. i Si7.000.GO TO PENSION INVALIDS 11 wc receive soo subscription-, to -ii.-s Hon.e " louri.;.!. TIil- Siitiird-v Post, The Counltj Gcntk-maf each month Hi Apm i" LQL'AL, last vwr's business, the original is ,ouo, earned 3 ears af;o. betomes I h property otTHK INVALIDS PKNSION ASSN., making 7.tXJ to pension iiivji liils No salaries. Invalids gel n- YOUK, OKOKK renewal r.or.triuuies 50c 01 more UiwurrU 1 lie suppon 01 a ?-- ot invalids wl.o t.avi- muivu. I.eCk.s rich 11 . fill. .-arlv two ;taf. -.ljny nldir-sr. JO .i older lo rj'JMOOH. IHE tuetiM.'; KAN. Onur.a. MJr. IE CCNTAUH CO IU m HPMW IPANV, MEW VOUK CITV. 11 inBiMiinpiumiiuiMi This is the time of year for two im portant works to make Plattsmouth more beautiful. It is the time for planting trees, and also the time for preserving what have been planted in the past. It is the season when, many people believe, the trees do best after being planted. It is also the season when men go to and fro in the land professing to know how to trim trees, and instead of trimming them, the men commit the crime of tree butch ery. Forest trees are not made for man's hand to maim and ruin. The forest tree does not yield to man's ef forts at making them conform to his style of beauty. Fruit trees require heavy trimming, but forest trees such as are commonly used for shade j trees, should be trimmed carefully, if at all. It is a time for sober thought. If you can get along'without cutting any live branches out of your forest shade trees, do it. They are wild things and Nature takes care of them. What man has propagated he may. trim, but what God has made to be natural beauty, let alone. :o: Talk about impeaching Governor Morehead! What for? Come on with your charges, or forever hold your peace. We are anxious to see what port of charge can be trumped up against such an efficient and faithful official as Governor Morehead. BlufT is cheap, and a blufFer never could "show down" when "called." Money -Saving Facts About Your Exposition Trip You need not spend a fortune to visit California and its Expositions in 1915. Anyone in moderate circum stances can o and it's a wise investment in pleasure and education. Panama-Pacific Exposition San Francisco Panama-California Exposition San Diego FROM PLATTSMOUTH . $!f ilffe Round Trip to San Francisco with free San JviVV Diego aide trip. Round Trip to San Francisco, free San Diego $C 7 CO s"e '"p anc one"way v'a Portland, Tocoma j I mt3J and Seattle. Choice of steamer or rail trip between Portland and San Francisco. Tickets on Saje to November 30 Simply sign and mail coupon below, or if you pre . fer, drop a postal asking for Book Number 155 and you will receive free a profusely illustrated 64 page booklet containing valuable information about hotel and res taurant rates. Exposition admission fees, railroad and pullman fares. Outlines how to vary your trip by go ing over one line and returning over another, thereby gaining a more comprehensive idea of the great west; describing many fiee side trips en route as well as stop over points of particular interest; tells how to see both Expositions and practically the whole state of Califor nia for a single Exposition fare; in fact it is a guide book giving just the information you rcqure to form complete plans for your W'estefn tour and at a vast saving in cost. You knew before starting just what the trip will cost. Begin laying your plans now. GET THIS BOOK TODAY IT'S FREE! fteturn this Coupon CARRIT FORT, P. f. M. VftldN PACIFIC RAILROAD COMPANY Omaha. NabraiUa 1 would Ii' rlarl ti receive FIIEK your illustrated "California Exposition RuoW" No. 10 3 and other information of assistance in pliinirg a California trly. NAME.